Which core deity will we lose?

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Can someone post about the news/hints somewhere (Like here maybe) when they are located?

PossibleCabbage wrote:
Can someone post about the news/hints somewhere (Like here maybe) when they are located?

We've been told it'll be a blog post today.

Double posting to say: I'd be really nervous if I were Walkena right about now...

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Wow that blog post was some MAJOR trolling xD

I thought they would reveal it but nah they just confirmed who is tease, part 1, said more info on april 16 and upcoming novel(by awesome author ;D)

I'm going to be driven insane if they are going to confirm all gods one by one who is safe x'D

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The post is up, and all we know is that Pharasma is safe...

It seems we'll be getting the Godsrain Prophecies, about all of their deaths, but only 1 will come to pass.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Glory to the Lady of Graves.

The real question is if they will all be marked "safe" one after the other until only the future dead god remain, or if some will be marked "unsure", in which case there will still be a (smaller) pool of possible dead gods at the end of the blogposts.

Whatever they chose, having 20 scenario for each dead god will give us lots of possible campaign fuel, even if the canon lore will only follow one.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I think they confirmed that only one core 20 dies, that rest of gods who die aren't core ones?

Either way if we go by week to april 16, there would be only ten weeks, so I'm confused of how they are going to pace this (reveal half of gods that are safe until the final reveal or something else?)

Perhaps there will be 2 blog post per week intead of 1? Or maybe as you said, they only do the profecies for 10 of the gods, and the remainning 10 aren't confirmed safe so that the mystery will still be here when the book is released.

Or maybe it's one of those "teaser of a trailer" kind of deal, and they'll just announce the date the book is released as well as it's name on april 16, rather than release it then.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well they did confirm the book is released on november, but implication seems to be that reveal of the book reveals who is gonna die if they aren't tricking us again x'D

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Blog Post
Mark Moreland comment

Mark Moreland wrote:
From the office of expectation management: yes, this series will run weekly until April. As the teaser mentions, we'll have a stream on April 16 that will answer (most of) the remaining questions, and reveal covers and release dates and product titles and iconic artwork and all sorts of other things related to War of Immortals, the death of ** spoiler omitted ** and maybe even some other announcements that are even farther off folks' radars. So tune in weekly, and make sure to mark your calendars for April 16 (exact stream time TBD).

Edit to add

More Mark Moreland

Mark Moreland wrote:
Project: J-ko wrote:

Oh my God...all 20 of 'em. So week by week is how we're gonna find o-WAIT NO!!

There's only 10 weeks until April 16th. They're only gonna clear half the names by the time that stream goes live, if I'm doing my math right (which is questionable).

Correct. There's enough teasing in this thread and campaign in general that I do feel a certain level of transparency and expectation management is warranted. This is a 10-part series, during which we will reveal 10 of the core twenty "safe" from the pending demise set to fall upon one of their number. This means that when we do our big stream on April 16—in which we'll reveal not only who dies, but a bunch of info on tie-in products and more—there will be 10 potential victims. We didn't want to narrow it down too much and ruin the fun of speculation!

And now back to being a cagey instigator!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Out of the 20 Gods of the Inner Sea, I doubt Abadar, Asmodeus, Desna, Gozreh, Irori, Lamashtu, Pharasma, Rovagug, Sarenrae, Shelyn, Torag, or Zon-Kuthon will be killed. They are either too powerful, have portfolios that are unique, or stories that will be completely disrupted if they are gone.

Cayden Cailean, Erastil, and Gorum are slightly less safe (IMO), but I don't see why Arazni would want to take their place. Arazni might have a beef with Urgathoa, but that would mostly remove the "evil necromantic priest BBEG" from many adventures.

I could possibly see Arazni taking over for Calistra (new god of vengeance), Iomedae (not killed, but gives up divinity to Aroden's first herald), Nethys (new god of magic), or Norgorber (new god of conspiracies, plots, and trickery?).

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Dragonchess Player wrote:

Out of the 20 Gods of the Inner Sea, I doubt Abadar, Asmodeus, Desna, Gozreh, Irori, Lamashtu, Pharasma, Rovagug, Sarenrae, Shelyn, Torag, or Zon-Kuthon will be killed. They are either too powerful, have portfolios that are unique, or stories that will be completely disrupted if they are gone.

Cayden Cailean, Erastil, and Gorum are slightly less safe (IMO), but I don't see why Arazni would want to take their place. Arazni might have a beef with Urgathoa, but that would mostly remove the "evil necromantic priest BBEG" from many adventures.

I could possibly see Arazni taking over for Calistra (new god of vengeance), Iomedae (not killed, but gives up divinity to Aroden's first herald), Nethys (new god of magic), or Norgorber (new god of conspiracies, plots, and trickery?).

One thing I'll note, Arazni isn't actually replacing the slain deity in-universe. The "Core 20" is only really a thing out of game, and I believe the developments have stated Arazni isn't taking over the portfolio of whoever dies.

BookBird wrote:
One thing I'll note, Arazni isn't actually replacing the slain deity in-universe. The "Core 20" is only really a thing out of game, and I believe the developments have stated Arazni isn't taking over the portfolio of whoever dies.

This is doubly interesting because we know from Lamashtu's story and Aroden death that portfolio grabbing is a thing in this universe. Which mean that even if Arazni won't do it, someone will. and depending on how sought after the portfolio is, it might be the thing that start the war of immortal, rather than the death of the deity itself.

This make the death of Nethys much more plausible because while he's not particularly connected or close to any other deity (and thus his death alone won't really provoke them into war), acquiring the "god of magic" title however is something that would make quite a few of them willing to fight. Be it for the power itself or to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.

The Inner Sea's Core Deities could change without one dying, and one dying could still bring more changes as well.

There is also that Inner Sea's Core aren't Core everywhere.

Dragonchess Player wrote:
Out of the 20 Gods of the Inner Sea, I doubt Abadar, Asmodeus, Desna, Gozreh, Irori, Lamashtu, Pharasma, Rovagug, Sarenrae, Shelyn, Torag, or Zon-Kuthon will be killed. They are either too powerful, have portfolios that are unique, or stories that will be completely disrupted if they are gone.

Abadar and Asmodeus got quite a bit of overlaps, so even without dying, one might get kicked out of Core.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Random speculation but… there was that one comment about a God being torn apart. Well, what if a god dies, but the constituent parts of that god survives. There are two gods in the Core 20 that have very strong constituent parts.

Gozreh - Torn apart but the Winds and the Waves survive as separate entities. Ioz’om/Hyjarth as a sky deity and Tourithia as a sea deity. But for whatever reason I don’t feel like this is likely.

Norgorber - Torn apart but Reaper of Reputation, Father Skinsaw, Gray Master, and Blackfingers survive as separate entities. For whatever reason, I feel it is more likely that Norgorber is killed but his four personas survive as minor deities. And honestly, I think that would be kind of awesome.
Now, I do recognize that those who have theorized that Norgorber is really four halflings in a trenchcoat would have too much fun with this…

Scarablob wrote:

This is doubly interesting because we know from Lamashtu's story and Aroden death that portfolio grabbing is a thing in this universe. Which mean that even if Arazni won't do it, someone will. and depending on how sought after the portfolio is, it might be the thing that start the war of immortal, rather than the death of the deity itself.

This make the death of Nethys much more plausible because while he's not particularly connected or close to any other deity (and thus his death alone won't really provoke them into war), acquiring the "god of magic" title however is something that would make quite a few of them willing to fight. Be it for the power itself or to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.

Nice to see you coming over to the "Nethys will be ripped apart & die" side!


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Archive of Nethys will be in shambles.

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Archives of Nethys? More like Archives of Nethisn't.
ok sorry i'll leave

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I am going to plant my flag on the hill that Pharasma should die, even if she's been declared safe for the upcoming AP. The flag says "Pharasma Delenda Est" and this is the hill I've chosen to die on.

Shadow Lodge

Dragonchess Player wrote:
I could possibly see Arazni taking over for Calistra (new god of vengeance)

I don't buy it. Whatever else Calistria is, she doubles as "the one among the Core 20 that the elves like," and Paizo high-ups like elves too much to kick their god out of the big god-marketing lineup.

If anything, Calistria having overlap with Arazni makes her less likely to die, when we know that Arazni won't be taking over the dead god portfolio.

But I believe that Desna is as or even more popular than Calistria amongst elves. Which make me think that elves like their bugs, and who am I to blame them? Bugs are cool.

Calistria always stuck out like a sore thumb in the core 20 from where I sit. She's one of two "specific to one people" deities and at least Torag can be spun in a sort of prosocial direction (build things, work dilligently, protect your loved ones, etc.) whereas Calistria's whole deal seems more suited for adventurers than "actual people in the diagesis."

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Honestly, I feel the opposite way. While Torag can be worshipped by non dwarves, it feel like a completely dwarven deity, that almost no character that aren't dwarf care about. Meanwhile Calistria feel like a deity that started as elf-specific, but have since branched out into the mainstream for most ancestry of the world.

I expect to see a Torag temple in any settlement with a sizable dwarf population, and no Torag temple when there is too few dwarfs around. Meanwhile, I can see a Calistria temple in any city that doesn't shun sex work, regardless of what proportion of the population is elvish. Hell, I can even see one in settlement where sex work is outlawed, just hidden away instead of in the open.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I mean Torag does have craftsmen worship. Also Ekundayo from crpg xD

Nethys will probably blow themselves up doing some magic stunt.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Morhek wrote:
I am going to plant my flag on the hill that Pharasma should die, even if she's been declared safe for the upcoming AP. The flag says "Pharasma Delenda Est" and this is the hill I've chosen to die on.

Pharasma will die... at the end of the current existence.

I've been thinking about it, and it'd be pretty perfect if Zyphus accidentally himself in his largest, most potentially destructive trap.

Sovereign Court

I can’t remember which book it was… but I could have sworn I saw it mention Calistria is one of the most popular religions in the inner sea. Since you don’t have to be devoted to her for her favors. I know in her bio it says she’s pretty much worshiped by anyone since her domains are so appealing to a lot of groups regardless of ancestry.

Torag however always felt like a dwarf specific god. Or at-least just more limited in appeal to those hyper specific areas.

I guess my whole thing is. There are a lot of NPCs and such that are worshipers of Calistria and are not elves. I don’t know if I’ve seen the same for Torag.

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Kind of by definition of the Core 20 being "The 20 most notable/prominent gods in the Inner Sea" she's one of the most prominent.

CorvusMask wrote:
I mean Torag does have craftsmen worship. Also Ekundayo from crpg xD

it's true that in the core 20, I don't see any other craftsmen god, which is a pretty important things to have in a pantheon. But it doesn't change the fact that Torag seems like an overwhelmingly racial deity, that care for and is worshipped by "his people" before all else. Meanwhile Calistria may have been an elven godess at first, but she doesn't seems to focus on elves, and her worshippers don't seems to be so overwhelmingly elves in the current setting.

And if kingmaker has anything to say in that discussion, then Regongar the half orc that worship Calistria should also be considered.

Sovereign Court

Though since I’ve been reading this, my vote would be… Rovagug.

There’s a lot of interesting things that could be done if he goes. Power gets spread out. New threats would be able to rise. Old threats could get more powerful. Razmir could take over the River Kingdons, or at least a settlement or two. The gods would have something that was keeping them at a tentative peace removed.

Really don’t want any of them to go because there are qualities about them all that I like. Especially my favorite Calistria. But I just think Rovagug would open up a lot of interesting options.

Liberty's Edge

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Torag is the war deity for Protecting your people.

Whoever your people are.

My PFS Champion of Torag's motto is "my people get out of here alive".

I'm still betting on Asmodeus for the chop. Too much D&D.

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Mudfoot wrote:
I'm still betting on Asmodeus for the chop. Too much D&D.

Looks like it's not D&D enough to kill him. Asmodeus has been confirmed to survive as of the Godsrain Prophecies Part 2.

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This was a very good prophecy, but I do hope Asmodeus is due for a relooking, maybe by showing off his fabled "true form". I just find the whole "shirtless buff red dude" look silly when juxtaposed to his lore.

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I confess, I've long had a weak spot for "The strongest of these horrible giant monsters is actually the one who prefers to present themselves as being about human stature." Something about choosing a more comfortable, personable form adds layers to the unspoken threat that flexing out a bigger and badder form simply couldn't - or at least that's how I felt about it when reading the archdevils of 3.5e. That aside, I rather like that it seems like Sarenrae, Desna, and Asmodeus all have other forms but intentionally chose to represent themselves in a more humanoid manner after their creations.

It's not really about him being humanoid, most gods and outsiders are humanoid, that's fine (even if I prefer the more monstruous/strange ones). It's about him looking like a wrestler painted in red wearing the biggest heel grin he can possibly muster.

I find his usual look far too cartoony compared to what he is. Having a cartoon devil in one of the 8 archdevil spot would be fine by me (mephisto is cool, altho he's far less cartoony than Asmodeus), but a cartoon devil as the top most ancient evil deity that rule over all Hells just feel weird.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

My top guess is marked safe. So, I am going to go with Gorum as my next choice. I don't have a good reason for it though.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Scarablob wrote:

It's not really about him being humanoid, most gods and outsiders are humanoid, that's fine (even if I prefer the more monstruous/strange ones). It's about him looking like a wrestler painted in red wearing the biggest heel grin he can possibly muster.

I find his usual look far too cartoony compared to what he is. Having a cartoon devil in one of the 8 archdevil spot would be fine by me (mephisto is cool, altho he's far less cartoony than Asmodeus), but a cartoon devil as the top most ancient evil deity that rule over all Hells just feel weird.

His art featured in blog is this one though?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

...Ya know, I think there is legit chance of it being Iomedae now that I think about it.

Because devs did hint long time ago that Iomedae's divine intervention of sorts in Wrath could have consequences, but it never really did?

CorvusMask wrote:
His art featured in blog is this one though?

Actually this one is fine. Nothing special, but fine. I think I still had his mind his art from faith of golarion and I think a few other 1e product, where he even have a wrestler belt. I didn't remember that they put a cloak on him in his 2e appearance.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This whole saga is centered around a god dying in the sky and raining down on Golarion. I think that this is a much bigger clue than I see anyone considering. Torag dying in the sky? That doesn't narratively feel like it makes any sense at all. Rovagug would minimally have to break lose before he could die in the sky and that feels like it would certainly kill off more core deities than just himself. Urgathoa, Erastil, even Gorum feel too grounded to be up in the sky when they might be killed.

Sarenrae, Desna, and Shelyn and possibly Gozreh all feel like top contenders to me, just from what we know about the narrative of this death. If we had a top 20 moon goddess, they would be on the list as well, but I think gods with deep connections to the sky, stars or celestial bodies have to be considered strong front runners. Desna and Sarenrae really strike me as the top two front runners because their unfinished business in Golarion largely feels too big to ever see played out. For Sarenrae, it would definitely have to involve Rovogug escaping and if that is the plot line of the Godsrain AP/rulebook, the advertising about this really feels like it is putting the cart before the horse. Rovugug escaping feels bigger than a rulebook change, and it is hard to imagine any of the Lost Omen books surviving such a change, because it would 100% be a new age in Golarion.

My thoughts lean towards Sarenrae, as that would necessitate and invite the lore team to deep dive into a part of the world that is begging to be brought back into attention. The lore around Sarenrae has been complicated and argumentitive for a while in the fandom and the opportunity to approach Northern Garund and Western Casmeron with an event as meaningful for that region as the death of Aroden was to the innersea feels like a smart move for the company.

Liberty's Edge

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I feel even an underground deity might be pulled into the sky and ripped apart.

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I don't think the god behind the Quest for Sky dying in the heavens is that unbelievable.

It could also be metaphorical, or whatever event that transpires could be broadcast across the sky, or there could be a portal up there.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I mean, anything is possible, sure. And we all have our own desires for the setting’s future and such so every guess is worth making if it brings you joy. Personally, I think the god will be a moving forward with the setting god and not so much of a where we’ve been god.

Desna, for example, could be interesting, but her death would mean having to go back to Varisia pretty hard to clean up what changes there. It feels less likely to me. Same with Torag.

Sarenrae’s deathon the other hand has “Golden Road needs massive revisiting” written all over it, which is good, because we don’t have those books in PF2 lost omen lore. Maybe Gorum would be appropriate if we were headed to Numeria or Zon Kuthon if we are headed to Nidal, or Shelyn if Taldor, but all of that feels less probable to me than an event really shaking things up in a way to create a need to go to a place that feels like it could be next on the docket. The Golden Road is innersea after all, and then Qadira will likely become a place where adventures are likely to be a foot.

Unicore wrote:

I mean, anything is possible, sure. And we all have our own desires for the setting’s future and such so every guess is worth making if it brings you joy. Personally, I think the god will be a moving forward with the setting god and not so much of a where we’ve been god.

Desna, for example, could be interesting, but her death would mean having to go back to Varisia pretty hard to clean up what changes there. It feels less likely to me. Same with Torag.

Sarenrae’s deathon the other hand has “Golden Road needs massive revisiting” written all over it, which is good, because we don’t have those books in PF2 lost omen lore. Maybe Gorum would be appropriate if we were headed to Numeria or Zon Kuthon if we are headed to Nidal, or Shelyn if Taldor, but all of that feels less probable to me than an event really shaking things up in a way to create a need to go to a place that feels like it could be next on the docket. The Golden Road is innersea after all, and then Qadira will likely become a place where adventures are likely to be a foot.

I agree that Sarenrae is more likely than Desna (altho I don't think either will be the one), but do note that we don't have a Varisia or "saga lands" lorebook for 2e either. And that with the massive impact of the rise of New Thallisson (and of Tar Baphon to the west) this region is due for a revisit no matter which god die anyway as the old lore isn't really up to date anymore. So this argument for why Sarenrae is more likely than Desna don't really work.

And I could see them wanting the expand on the golden road as a rather underdevelloped region lore wise, which was the case for the mwangi expanse/impossible land/absalom/tian Xia regions which received big lore book in 2e (none of these receiving half as much focus and campaign book as the western avistan region in 1e). However the golden road did receive significantly more lore and campaign book in 1e than those regions. It's just that it's book are mostly outdated now, in more way then one (lore wise and topic wise). I do think it'll get one eventually (which I'm not so sure for regions like the shinning kingdoms or old cheliax), but I'm not sure that it'll come before the saga lands or the eye of dread, as Paizo seems to be starting to pick back up the meta plot of these regions.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

That is fair. I still have Desna on my short list.

All this talk of a God dying is great but what can kill a greater god? Gods get a portion of their power from devotional power from their Flocks so are there going to be a mass wipe out of the gods followers to weaken a God?

In golarion is there going to be a war between the mortal followers of the dying god seeking revenge on the followers of the god killers flock?

If the Tyrant comes close to godhood I could see Ioamadae coming down and destroying him prior to him becoming a god while he is still a Lich It would not matter that Rovagug Has his Soul cage if a God herself used divine power to destroy him. Not Divine power the gods pass out to their flock but divine power from the source.

I Think both Shelyn and Desna are Safe The same for Zon-Kuthon unless someone was attacking his sister and he died saving her.

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