Which core deity will we lose?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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The Raven Black wrote:

Just thinking that a War of the gods would be extremely likely to weaken the Iron Gaol that imprisons Rovagug.

So, let's say the forces of Good and Evil finally start fighting for good this time and, as a gloating Asmodeus stands ready to finally smite Sarenrae, the Cage opens just enough for Rovagug's maw to crunch on the Lord of lies.

And then the battered survivors of all sides have to unite again to push the Great Beast back to its prison.

After that, all Hell breaks loose, until an ascended Razmir, who took advantage of the chaos to reach the Starstone, finally conquers the Hellfire Throne of the Pit.

Only to find that Xin-Shalast has already beaten him to it. :P

Morhek wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
<snip> After that, all Hell breaks loose, until an ascended Razmir, who took advantage of the chaos to reach the Starstone, finally conquers the Hellfire Throne of the Pit.
Only to find that Xin-Shalast has already beaten him to it. :P


Did you perhaps mean Xanderghul, the Runelord of Pride??

<edit> Xin-Shalast is the name of the former capital of Karzoug's (the now-dead Runelord of Greed) domain and now the name of the capital of New Thassilon (under Sorshen, the former Runelord of Lust)...

Ah, yes, sorry, I meant Xanderghul who I've seen people floating as somehow survived and has aims at divinity.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Has aims at? But Xanderghul is/was divine already ;p

CorvusMask wrote:
Has aims at? But Xanderghul is/was divine already ;p

Maybe, but Lord of the Hells is a hell of a promotion anyway.

Liberty's Edge

Morhek wrote:
Ah, yes, sorry, I meant Xanderghul who I've seen people floating as somehow survived and has aims at divinity.

The tale of Xanderghul will come later than originally planned because of the Remaster. Hence I believe it is not part of the War of Immortals.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

My only question is this; Razmir already was too cowardly to take the Test of the Starstone before. That's why he set up the whole scam with Razmiran and his church in the first place. That's why he's been desperately trying to get his hands on the Sun Orchid Elixer to keep himself going. What about the gods infighting would actually make the actual Test any easier? The gods dont administer the Test or anything, it's essentially something Aroden set and seems to tailot istelf to whover makes it to the Starstone itself. And Razmir was at the peak of his power when he STARTED Razmiran, there's no indication he's done anything but stagnate. So what reason would Razmir have to actually try this time? Especially since it'd expose his lie for what it is? Even if he DID now have actual divine power his reputation would be ruined.

Grand Lodge

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
My only question is this; Razmir already was too cowardly to take the Test of the Starstone before. That's why he set up the whole scam with Razmiran and his church in the first place. That's why he's been desperately trying to get his hands on the Sun Orchid Elixer to keep himself going. What about the gods infighting would actually make the actual Test any easier? The gods dont administer the Test or anything, it's essentially something Aroden set and seems to tailot istelf to whover makes it to the Starstone itself. And Razmir was at the peak of his power when he STARTED Razmiran, there's no indication he's done anything but stagnate. So what reason would Razmir have to actually try this time? Especially since it'd expose his lie for what it is? Even if he DID now have actual divine power his reputation would be ruined.

Possibly desperation. If he's having no luck getting his hands on Sun Orchid Elixir and at an age where he's likely to run out the clock soon, he's got nothing to lose.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Arutema wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
My only question is this; Razmir already was too cowardly to take the Test of the Starstone before. That's why he set up the whole scam with Razmiran and his church in the first place. That's why he's been desperately trying to get his hands on the Sun Orchid Elixer to keep himself going. What about the gods infighting would actually make the actual Test any easier? The gods dont administer the Test or anything, it's essentially something Aroden set and seems to tailot istelf to whover makes it to the Starstone itself. And Razmir was at the peak of his power when he STARTED Razmiran, there's no indication he's done anything but stagnate. So what reason would Razmir have to actually try this time? Especially since it'd expose his lie for what it is? Even if he DID now have actual divine power his reputation would be ruined.
Possibly desperation. If he's having no luck getting his hands on Sun Orchid Elixir and at an age where he's likely to run out the clock soon, he's got nothing to lose.

True, but that feels like it'd be a disappointing payoff to the implied plotline of Razmir developing a vendetta against Artokus Kirran for seemingly snubbing his (allegedly) winning bid at the most recent Sun Orchid auction, complicating Artokus' possible plans to help Thuvia stand on its own without Sun Orchid Elixer as the sole support of its economic stability since the initial agreement he had with Pharasma on when he'd end his immortality is now up in the air with the death of prophecy, and he (at least from my interpretation of Lost Omens: Legends) seems to want to finally pass away, and it's overdue.

Razmir seems to be exactly the kind of petty that'd fall into the sunk cost fallacy and go after the Elixer even harder on principle, possibly even sending agents to sabotage Thuvia out of spite, maybe get desperate enough to come out of hiding to travel to Thuvia and attempt to bully Kirran in person, but him instead growing a spine and abandoning that goal AND that slight would make that plotline feel like a red herring. Chekhov's Gun and all that, you know?

Liberty's Edge

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Arutema wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
My only question is this; Razmir already was too cowardly to take the Test of the Starstone before. That's why he set up the whole scam with Razmiran and his church in the first place. That's why he's been desperately trying to get his hands on the Sun Orchid Elixer to keep himself going. What about the gods infighting would actually make the actual Test any easier? The gods dont administer the Test or anything, it's essentially something Aroden set and seems to tailot istelf to whover makes it to the Starstone itself. And Razmir was at the peak of his power when he STARTED Razmiran, there's no indication he's done anything but stagnate. So what reason would Razmir have to actually try this time? Especially since it'd expose his lie for what it is? Even if he DID now have actual divine power his reputation would be ruined.
Possibly desperation. If he's having no luck getting his hands on Sun Orchid Elixir and at an age where he's likely to run out the clock soon, he's got nothing to lose.

True, but that feels like it'd be a disappointing payoff to the implied plotline of Razmir developing a vendetta against Artokus Kirran for seemingly snubbing his (allegedly) winning bid at the most recent Sun Orchid auction, complicating Artokus' possible plans to help Thuvia stand on its own without Sun Orchid Elixer as the sole support of its economic stability since the initial agreement he had with Pharasma on when he'd end his immortality is now up in the air with the death of prophecy, and he (at least from my interpretation of Lost Omens: Legends) seems to want to finally pass away, and it's overdue.

Razmir seems to be exactly the kind of petty that'd fall into the sunk cost fallacy and go after the Elixer even harder on principle, possibly even sending agents to sabotage Thuvia out of spite, maybe get desperate enough to come out of hiding to travel to Thuvia and attempt to bully Kirran in person, but him instead growing a...

We know Razmir is in Absalom. He has been doing a morning stroll to the Starstone Cathedral every day. And then he says "Soon".

He is waiting for something (the appropriate moment ?) to make his attempt.

I guess that the War of Immortals might be the appropriate timing if he somehow knows that it is bound to happen.

And now I am wondering if Razmir not getting the Elixir was part of a divine plot to force him to take the Test, with the result starting the War of Immortals.

Cause or Consequence ?

Razmir having been the unwitting pawn of a deity all along would absolutely make my day.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
The Raven Black wrote:

We know Razmir is in Absalom. He has been doing a morning stroll to the Starstone Cathedral every day. And then he says "Soon".

He is waiting for something (the appropriate moment ?) to make his attempt.

I guess that the War of Immortals might be the appropriate timing if he somehow knows that it is bound to happen.

And now I am wondering if Razmir not getting the Elixir was part of a divine plot to force him to take the Test, with the result starting the War of Immortals.

Cause or Consequence ?

Razmir having been the unwitting pawn of a deity all along would absolutely make my day.


He's in Absalom?! SINCE WHEN?! What book is that in? Why would he be showing up in public implying he's going for it when his whole scam is predicated on a claim that he already completed the Test? Wouldn't that make people suspicious?!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:

We know Razmir is in Absalom. He has been doing a morning stroll to the Starstone Cathedral every day. And then he says "Soon".

He is waiting for something (the appropriate moment ?) to make his attempt.

I guess that the War of Immortals might be the appropriate timing if he somehow knows that it is bound to happen.

And now I am wondering if Razmir not getting the Elixir was part of a divine plot to force him to take the Test, with the result starting the War of Immortals.

Cause or Consequence ?

Razmir having been the unwitting pawn of a deity all along would absolutely make my day.


He's in Absalom?! SINCE WHEN?! What book is that in? Why would he be showing up in public implying he's going for it when his whole scam is predicated on a claim that he already completed the Test? Wouldn't that make people suspicious?!

Massive spoilers


The Easter Egg sentence of AbsalomL City of Lost Omens is "Lord Synarr is not who he says he is!"
The entry for Lord Synarr indicates he's an aging 19th level wizard who's frequently seen around the Startsone Plaza muttering "Soon" to the Cathedral of the Starstone.
People have made some logical deductions and gone with "Lord Synarr is obviously Razimir". Who knows if they're right.

Link to Reddit post laying this all out

To my knowledge this has not been confirmed in world or by any Paizo staff member, but you know how gamers are with lore theories.

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I’m pretty sure the Synarr thing was outright confirmed by a dev somewhere.

Liberty's Edge

Based on this old comment of mine on the blog post story, I think we did have confirmation at the time, though I really do not remember how.

Grand Lodge

The Raven Black wrote:
The tale of Xanderghul will come later than originally planned because of the Remaster. Hence I believe it is not part of the War of Immortals.


Do you think we'll see Xanderghul in the hardback AP #200 in taking place in Sandpoint (and perhaps other spots in Varisia)?

I'd like that, I think.

Liberty's Edge

W E Ray wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
The tale of Xanderghul will come later than originally planned because of the Remaster. Hence I believe it is not part of the War of Immortals.


Do you think we'll see Xanderghul in the hardback AP #200 in taking place in Sandpoint (and perhaps other spots in Varisia)?

I'd like that, I think.

I believe not. IIRC 200 was already designed before the OGL event. Whereas the new chilling adventures of Xanderghul are postponed a little bit because of the Remaster that followed it.

Dark Archive

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The Raven Black wrote:
Razmir having been the unwitting pawn of a deity all along would absolutely make my day.

Seeds were sown as far back as Gods & Magic that Sivanah may have been covertly sponsoring Razmir, for, reasons. (Her illusionists could use shadow conjuration to fake healing spells, and the magic item for 'Razmir' did that exact thing, healing via shadow conjuration.)

As goddess of deception, she's got to find the notion of a mortal *faking his way into divinity* to be utterly delicious.

Being non-good, she'll likely find him spectacularly failing every bit as yummy.

Either way, a new god owes her a solid, and is too clueless to recognize who holds his strings, or an entire country used to being ruled by masked folk falls into her hands. And even if she doesn't come out with shiny toys, it's been a fun game.

Sivanah's greatest trick was convincing Razmir that he existed.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I mean... Razmir very much likely has to be a fake name.

Because would you believe that there was high level powerful wizard with Razmir's ego who never flaunted his power before he appeared out of nowhere one day?

Liberty's Edge

CorvusMask wrote:

I mean... Razmir very much likely has to be a fake name.

Because would you believe that there was high level powerful wizard with Razmir's ego who never flaunted his power before he appeared out of nowhere one day?

Maybe he originally came from Earth.

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The Raven Black wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:

I mean... Razmir very much likely has to be a fake name.

Because would you believe that there was high level powerful wizard with Razmir's ego who never flaunted his power before he appeared out of nowhere one day?

Maybe he originally came from Earth.

Now we just need a kid, a dog, a mean witch, and an entourage of wacky moral lessons.


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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Gozreh. It just makes sense with the elemental planes getting their own book.

Yakman wrote:
Gozreh. It just makes sense with the elemental planes getting their own book.

I would love if, like the pre-Acavna version of Nergal, Gozreh got split in half into two separate gods, who both inherit aspects of the original. Especially if one of them became Shimye-Magala, who's already worshipped in the Mwangi Expanse, rather than it being a mini-pantheon of Gozreh and Desna - the new god shaped by the preexisting beliefs.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Kinda hope Gozreh doesn't bite the bullet, they're the only nb rep out of the core 20 so would be a shame to lose them.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Eldritch Yodel wrote:
Kinda hope Gozreh doesn't bite the bullet, they're the only nb rep out of the core 20 so would be a shame to lose them.

nb rep?

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Yakman wrote:
Eldritch Yodel wrote:
Kinda hope Gozreh doesn't bite the bullet, they're the only nb rep out of the core 20 so would be a shame to lose them.
nb rep?

Non-binary representation.

Dark Archive

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Eldritch Yodel wrote:
Kinda hope Gozreh doesn't bite the bullet, they're the only nb rep out of the core 20 so would be a shame to lose them.

Ditto. Gozreh's the go-to for a god/dess with male and female aspects, and I like that.

But I'd rather they die, than be 'split into male and female gods' because that just feels icky.

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Set wrote:
But I'd rather they die, than be 'split into male and female gods' because that just feels icky.

To clarify, this absolutely wasn't what I intended to suggest and apologise if that's how I came across. As far as I know, Shimye-Magalla is as genderless as Gozreh. I just think they're a more interesting idea than Gozreh is, connected to the human and natural worlds in an interesting way/

Dark Archive

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Morhek wrote:
Set wrote:
But I'd rather they die, than be 'split into male and female gods' because that just feels icky.
To clarify, this absolutely wasn't what I intended to suggest and apologise if that's how I came across. As far as I know, Shimye-Magalla is as genderless as Gozreh. I just think they're a more interesting idea than Gozreh is, connected to the human and natural worlds in an interesting way/

I suspected as much, just wanted to throw that out there, since someone could get that impression, and Gozreh's identity is a cool feature.

But yeah, Shimye-Magalla is also a neat concept (kind of a goofy name, tho, IMO), and the idea of a goddess like Desna, associated with the moon and tides, stars and the night sky, and travel / journeys, among other things, being connected to a god/dess of sea and sky, is neat and ties together nicely, for a nautical culture like the Bonuwat.

Shimye-Magalla developing into a 'lesser god' instead of a conglomeration of Desna and Gozreh could be neat, even if this thread is more about gods dying and not new gods being born. :)

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A few interesting pieces of the puzzle from
today’s stream: Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries is a 2024 book with a psychopomp narrator, aimed at bringing Gods & Magic into the Remaster and expanding on it. The cover shows a suspiciously alive-looking Arazni (stated to be joining the Core 20!) standing in front of stained glass depictions of Asmodeus (right), Pharasma (center), and Sarenrae battling Rovagug (left).

Whoever dies, Arazni’s filling in their slot - and maybe getting to be less corpse-y. Pharasma giving her the Boneyard job? Urgathoa kicking the bucket as a middle finger to necromancers everywhere? Gozreh gifting a big burst of vitality as they beef it? I truly have no idea.

...or becoming the new deity of magic?
Bye bye Nethys...

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keftiu wrote:

A few interesting pieces of the puzzle from

today’s stream: Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries is a 2024 book with a psychopomp narrator, aimed at bringing Gods & Magic into the Remaster and expanding on it. The cover shows a suspiciously alive-looking Arazni (stated to be joining the Core 20!) standing in front of stained glass depictions of Asmodeus (right), Pharasma (center), and Sarenrae battling Rovagug (left).

Whoever dies, Arazni’s filling in their slot - and maybe getting to be less corpse-y. Pharasma giving her the Boneyard job? Urgathoa kicking the bucket as a middle finger to necromancers everywhere? Gozreh gifting a big burst of vitality as they beef it? I truly have no idea.

The closer we get, the more convinced I am that it has to be Pharasma. Losing Sarenrae or Asmodeus might be a juicy storym of throwing Heaven or Hell into disarray by a sudden loss, but if Arazni is explicitly replacing them then the only one I can see it being is Pharasma. For one thing, Arazni brings a breadth of experience to the role of afterlife judge that damn few others can - she was a mortal, an angel, undead, good and evil, she's served and ruled. If anyone's qualified to judge the dead, she is. And secondly, Pharasma being a goddess of fate has been an anachronism since the very start of the Age of Lost Omens and the death of true prophecy, and Arazni's overriding ethos since breaking away from Geb has been to fiercely claw back every scrap of self-agency she can, so she stands as a contrast to the aloof Pharasma.

And lastly, Pharasma is the lynchpin of the entire cosmos, and losing her would be the biggest shock to the cosmos I could imagine - losing Sarenrae or Asmodeus might provoke a war between the Heavens and Hell. But losing Pharasma is the kind of thing EVERY plane (barring Abaddon) would be horrified by, and force unlikely allies to band together to solve the murder and punish the perpetrator. And if that ends with Arazni finally finding peace, granting the dead a level of peace and mercy she was denied, then so much the better.

And so in conclusion, Pharasma Delenda Est!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Uh, okay. Given how Arazni deals with being worshipped now, that would have to be a hell of a turnaround, making her one of the core deities.

Well, milk's spilled (and I am somewhat astonished they would give out that spoiler on a poorly watched stream), so no use making a plea to elevate Nocticula instead.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It... Would explain why they chose "immortals" as keyword instead of something like "war of the gods/planes/divine/holy/etc". Like sure gods and outsider are "immortal" as opposed to mortals, but if its started by goddess of death dying, then it does lead to thematic chosen term


Is it Iomedae? Arazni inheriting the role of Inheritor, trying to do more good in the world with Aroden’s old spot… losing Miss Crusader would be the kind of thing to spark a war between the heavens and hells, and a lot of her clergy might be swayed to a redeemed Arazni’s cult.

This thought brought to you by wondering if this cover is set inside the Starstone Cathedral, wondering why Arazni might visit a place with such an Arodenite legacy, thinking the gods in the glass are probably safe, and guessing at what hole in the Core 20 she might fill.

Dark Archive

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Huh Arazni becoming one of the core 20 seems a bit odd to me (and I say this as someone who likes her character.) Since as Magnuskn said she dosent seem to be the want to be worshiped type (and I especially dont see her as wanting to take Iomedae's place if she were the deity that kicks it.)

Oddly only one I could see working would be Urgathoa (Either Arazni or The tyrant killing her to get his phylactery) and Arazni getting given the position (Would also be a possible step towards having more none evil undead in the setting.)

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

But yeah having watched stream I do find possibility of Pharasma dying bit less likely with context of divine mysteries being written as essay for Pharasma to read and judge.

Liberty's Edge

Pharasma being replaced by a once-undead deity might make the caretakers of the cycle of souls more tolerant of undead (as in not so much Destroy at first sight as they currently are).

If Tar-Barphon becomes a deity, there might be irony in it since he would end up losing his kingdom he set up. Sure they would still worship him but he doesn't get to rule on Golorian as a god-king.

Liberty's Edge

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If Arazni replaces Pharasma, I wonder if she might be able to recreate the heroes of Tyrant's grasp.

If so, they might end up with places of honor in the halls of the judges of the dead.

That would be far more satisfying than their current fate.

Liberty's Edge

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Let's see which core 20 deity would make sense to replace with Arazni.

Abadar : Arazni as the goddess of banks ? Zero sense.

Asmodeus : Arazni as the new boss of Hell ? Why on earth would she go for such a tedious role ? NO.

Calistria : would not make that much difference IMO : no.

Cayden Cailean : edgy goddess of adventurers could have made sense a long time ago but not these days. Would likely feel too close to Calistria too : no.

Desna : Arazni as the happy goddess of night and dreams ? Nope.

Erastil : Arazni as goddess of family and rural life ? Zero sense.

Gorum : could make sense in an Arazni berserker way.

Gozreh : not much in common between Nature and Arazni AFAICT : No.

Iomedae : Edgy goddess of Paladins would make some people happy, but the time for this kind of teen-angst edginess is past IMO : no.

Irori : Arazni is on some kind of journey to perfection, but I feel she lacks the aloofness required : no.

Lamashtu : Arazni as the new mother of monsters could be a thing, but I feel it would be to monodimensional for her character. And it would feel a bit like some steps back to evil queen : no.

Nethys : Arazni as the new goddess of magic for its own sake ? I think her obsessions lie elsewhere : another no.

Norgorber : Arazni as the goddess of murderers and evildoers ? Also sounds like taking steps back to a rather uninteresting evil role.

Pharasma : this I can totally see for a new goddess of death and life, enlightened by her many existences.

Rovagug : Arazni as the unthinking destroyer of everything ? No. Completely uninteresting.

Sarenrae : Arazni as the new goddess of sun and redemption. Could be in some ways, but I do not feel it. Especially with Walkena around.

Shelyn : Arazni as the goddess of love and art ? No way.

Torag : Arazni as the goddess of dwarves and crafting ? Definitely No.

Urgathoa : Arazni as the new mistress of undeath ? Could be fun, but I feel it's too easy. Especially compared to a rivalry between the Pallid Princess and another core 20 deity interested in undead.

Zon-kuthon : Arazni as the new mistress of the dungeons of pain and darkness and evil ? Too much of a caricature and back to evil ways IMO : no.

So, Gorum, Pharasma and maybe Urgathoa.

My bet is still on Pharasma to get us the best stories in the future.

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I don’t think Arazni is getting a personality transplant from whoever she’s replacing. Given that she was previously Aroden’s herald and seems slated to complete a redemption arc, I think she could fill the role of Inheritor without it being “edgy[…] teen-angst edginess.”

Like, her beliefs are “don’t ever disrespect me or any other abuse survivor.” That’s not an unreasonable foundation for a moral outlook, and not very far from being a Paladin already.

Also, they said the narrator of Divine Mysteries is a nosoi writing a report for Pharasma, so she’s probably not dead.

Liberty's Edge

The bird-like creature with a mask/skull on the hand of quite alive-looking Arazni is a psychopomp. So one more point for the Pharasma dies theory IMO.

keftiu wrote:

I don’t think Arazni is getting a personality transplant from whoever she’s replacing. Given that she was previously Aroden’s herald and seems slated to complete a redemption arc, I think she could fill the role of Inheritor without it being “edgy[…] teen-angst edginess.”

Like, her beliefs are “don’t ever disrespect me or any other abuse survivor.” That’s not an unreasonable foundation for a moral outlook, and not very far from being a Paladin already.

Also, they said the narrator of Divine Mysteries is a nosoi writing a report for Pharasma, so she’s probably not dead.

The Nosoi will get it done right after it's coffee break. :)

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The Raven Black wrote:
The bird-like creature with a mask/skull on the hand of quite alive-looking Arazni is a psychopomp. So one more point for the Pharasma dies theory IMO.

When they announced the book, they said the framing narrative is this nosoi filing a report for Pharasma. It’s tough to imagine that being the case if she’s recently exploded.

Gotta wonder if Iomedae will be the one to kick the bucket. Both Iomedae and Arazni have a history so Arazni taking over Iomedae spot would be fitting. Still hope it's not Sarenrae though.

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Based on the information that "Arazni is in the forefront here" that makes me even sure it's Urgathoa who gets got (as the inciting incident).

Like what is Azarni's major deal? She's been wronged, very badly. Who, specifically, would she like revenge on? Geb, and also Tar-Baphon. What would be the best kind of revenge against those two? Ending the Goddess of Undeath (Which would give Geb *a lot* to think about) and taking possession of Tar-Baphon's soul cage (which should be concerning to the Lich.)

Like the major meta-plot of PF2 is "Tar-Baphon poses a threat to all mortal life" and that's a plot that can't get resolved as long as Urgathoa holds TB's soul cage.

Other deities might die in the course of events (they said "at least one") but for the inciting incident I'm even more confident it's Urgathoa. Arazni can take over as the Goddess of Undeath, not as a figure who is an advocate for necromancers, but as a figure who is sympathetic to those who find themselves undead.

Arazni speaking for the dignity of the undead is a more interesting counterpoint to Pharasma than Ugathoa's sneering "nuh-uḧ".

Liberty's Edge

keftiu wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
The bird-like creature with a mask/skull on the hand of quite alive-looking Arazni is a psychopomp. So one more point for the Pharasma dies theory IMO.
When they announced the book, they said the framing narrative is this nosoi filing a report for Pharasma. It’s tough to imagine that being the case if she’s recently exploded.

Isn't this book coming before War of Immortals ?

And the book might have been written before Pharasma meets her fate anyway.

Why would the nosoi be on Arazni's hand otherwise ? While I feel it would be only normal if she has taken over the late Pharasma's role.

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The Raven Black wrote:
keftiu wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
The bird-like creature with a mask/skull on the hand of quite alive-looking Arazni is a psychopomp. So one more point for the Pharasma dies theory IMO.
When they announced the book, they said the framing narrative is this nosoi filing a report for Pharasma. It’s tough to imagine that being the case if she’s recently exploded.

Isn't this book coming before War of Immortals ?

And the book might have been written before Pharasma meets her fate anyway.

Why would the nosoi be on Arazni's hand otherwise ? While I feel it would be only normal if she has taken over the late Pharasma's role.

Reporting back on Arazni’s divine promotion/resurrection to its master, presumably - its stated motivation is getting a promotion from Pharasma in the Boneyard’s hierarchy.

Whatever god dies to open up the vacancy for Arazni, it’s happening before this book, because she’s stepping up into the core 20 with it.

Iomedae getting kicked around by Paizo until she dies wouldn't be that surprising, I guess.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'd be surprised if it was Iomedae, given that she's Seelah's patron. That feels like an end-of-an-edition change. That said, replacing her with Arazni makes a sort of narrative sense given their history and their ties. If Iomedae sacrificed herself, I can see Arazni being moved to take up her cause. Sacrifice has moved her before.

ETA: And there are the changes to Champion to consider. Iomedae is the Champion goddess, but she represents one very particular type of Champion. Arazni is potentially much more flexible, which could fit how they'll soon be handled.

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