Verzen |
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You can talk about rules elements, but shouldn't paste text, answer in summary form. Probably also shouldn't do too much.
What are the benefits for single element? (E.g. like the air for movement and fire die boost we already know about.)
Metal had a dmg shield. You can pick acid or electricity or piercing
Earth gives a AC bonus.
Fire increases dmg dice to d8 instead of d6.
Water gives shove but in any direction
Wood is temp HP.
AdrasteiaLea |
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Are Impulses Concentrate?
Does the Elemental Instinct Barbarian have a built-in elemental ranged attack?
No, but if you are have the Kineticist archetype you can use impulses of the same element as your selected elemental instinct while raging.
Verzen |
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Are Impulses Concentrate?
Does the Elemental Instinct Barbarian have a built-in elemental ranged attack?
Yes. They are concentrate.
Huh... depends, actually. They have a really cool concept that allows for a ranged option and makes me really want to play one...
Verzen |
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Sanityfaerie wrote:No, but if you are have the Kineticist archetype you can use impulses of the same element as your selected elemental instinct while raging.Are Impulses Concentrate?
Does the Elemental Instinct Barbarian have a built-in elemental ranged attack?
Well, all impulses gain the rage trait and so if you pick up dps impulses, you can rage while you use them.
So it has a range option through that.
Verzen |
What are the aura junctions for each element? Can you stack them?
Is there any way to increase the area of your elemental aura?
Is there any way to have more than one aura stance at a time?
Air gives movement speed. Status bonus
Earth, difficult terrain
Metal is like reverse Bard song.
Water gives fire resist
Wood gives 1 temp hp that comes back.
Sanityfaerie |
TheGentlemanDM wrote:Very nice. Plus it gets item bonuses to hitI thought I saw that the Kineticist accuracy item was just +2, does it come in +1, +2, and +3 varieties?
Pretty sure it doesn't come in +3. That would be stepping on the fighter's toes a little too hard. Even so, "legendary with up to +2 from items" is pretty darned snazzy.
Versatile blasts, level 1 feat:
Air -Cold
Earth - Poison
Fire - Cold
Metal - Electricity
Water - Acid
Wood - Poison
Does that just affect your blasts or does it apply to other impulses as well?
Does Fire have any early workhorse damage impulses that deal non-fire damage? "I can do cold damage with my blast" is already a decent answer for "I'm a pure fire kineticist who is fighting something fire immune" but I'm wondering if it goes further than that.
Verzen |
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Very nice. Plus it gets item bonuses to hit.
Two more pertinent questions, then I need sleep.
1. When do those item bonuses come online?
2. And, in your opinion, what is the most interesting dual-element impulse feat?
I.... I don't know which one my favorite one is.
They all look amazing!
And item bonuses.. 3 and 11. The level 17 one is your apex and doesn't give an additional plus 1. Instead it increases con and each one casts a 1st, 5th, 8th rank spell
Verzen |
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PossibleCabbage wrote:TheGentlemanDM wrote:Very nice. Plus it gets item bonuses to hitI thought I saw that the Kineticist accuracy item was just +2, does it come in +1, +2, and +3 varieties?Pretty sure it doesn't come in +3. That would be stepping on the fighter's toes a little too hard. Even so, "legendary with up to +2 from items" is pretty darned snazzy.
Xenocrat wrote:Versatile blasts, level 1 feat:
Air -Cold
Earth - Poison
Fire - Cold
Metal - Electricity
Water - Acid
Wood - PoisonDoes that just affect your blasts or does it apply to other impulses as well?
Does Fire have any early workhorse damage impulses that deal non-fire damage? "I can do cold damage with my blast" is already a decent answer for "I'm a pure fire kineticist who is fighting something fire immune" but I'm wondering if it goes further than that.
Fire can get a lvl 1 impulse that can change their blasts to bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing.
siegfriedliner |
TheGentlemanDM wrote:What levels do the Kineticist's proficiencies for their Class DC go up?
Is it standard caster progression (1/7/15/19), or a martial variant (1/5/13/19), or something else entirely?
Caster progression
Do kineticists still get master in armour and two good saves ?
Red Griffyn |
Some Questions:
1.) What level does the item bonus to class DC come online for the Kineticist.
2.) What is the hit dice (D8?)
3.) What is the armour proficiency scaling levels?
4.) Are there any damage rider feats (like adding static damage to ranged blasts, making damage persistent damage, etc.)
5.) What is the coolest feat that you've read
6.) What kind of fly options are there for Air and other elements?
shroudb |
Can you pick the same junction type twice, once for each element? Or you can only pick a type once regardless of the amount of your elements?
As an example, can you pick aura junction for both fire and water if you have those elements? Or once you pick, as an example, fire aura junction, you can no longer pick any other one aura one?
Archpaladin Zousha |
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Anything resembling the old Kinetic Knight in there where you could conjure a sword or something made of your element of choice instead of just shooting projectiles?
Xenocrat |
Xenocrat wrote:Does the metal resistance junction mean, for instance, you'd resist all damage dealt with metal weapons?Resistance junctions (lifted from Discord):
Air - Air, Electric
Earth - Earth, Poison
Fire - Cold, Fire
Metal - Electric, metal
Water - Fire, Water
Wood - Wood, Poison
No, things like creatures or spells with the metal trait.
Basically only half of this is good for everyone except fire. They get fire/cold traits and fire/cold damage. Everything is one trait and one damage type, it just so happens that fire/cold are both traits and damage types.
Sanityfaerie |
Thinking about it.. I'm going to ask the question that I meant to ask.
Let's say that someone decides they want to build a dedicated elemental blaster - that their ability to apply damage to enemies at range with elemental power is the thing that they really care about, and they don't want to have to worry about running out. Are there reasons why this person might want to build an elemental barbarian, or are they better off just going with kineticist?
Verzen |
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Do they get medium armor and/or are there any earth/wood/metal impulses that let you pretend you're wearing medium (or heavy) armor?
Earth gives 4 Ac 1 dex.
Metal and wood each give 3 AC and 2 dex but metal gives a steel shield and wood gives a wood shield with block reaction.
Dubious Scholar |
Dubious Scholar wrote:Xenocrat wrote:Does the metal resistance junction mean, for instance, you'd resist all damage dealt with metal weapons?Resistance junctions (lifted from Discord):
Air - Air, Electric
Earth - Earth, Poison
Fire - Cold, Fire
Metal - Electric, metal
Water - Fire, Water
Wood - Wood, PoisonNo, things like creatures or spells with the metal trait.
Basically only half of this is good for everyone except fire. They get fire/cold traits and fire/cold damage. Everything is one trait and one damage type, it just so happens that fire/cold are both traits and damage types.
So does the book go back and add that trait to existing metal based spells (e.g. Magnetic Acceleration) and such?
Verzen |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Anything resembling the old Kinetic Knight in there where you could conjure a sword or something made of your element of choice instead of just shooting projectiles?
Kinetic Knight is built in.
You just have to be wood or metal, at least partially.
So if I am a fire, metal kineticist, I can use 1 action to summon my armor and 1 action to summon my weapon.
Xenocrat |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Anything resembling the old Kinetic Knight in there where you could conjure a sword or something made of your element of choice instead of just shooting projectiles?
There's an elemental weapon feat (not the name I think) that lets you give one weapon trait to your blast (e.g. reach, agile, thrown, ranged 100 w/30 volley, ranged 50 with propulsive) and on choice of B/P/S as your damage type. It still uses Con to attack because it's still a blast for all other purposes, including the two action version to add Con to damage.
Verzen |
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Thinking about it.. I'm going to ask the question that I meant to ask.
Let's say that someone decides they want to build a dedicated elemental blaster - that their ability to apply damage to enemies at range with elemental power is the thing that they really care about, and they don't want to have to worry about running out. Are there reasons why this person might want to build an elemental barbarian, or are they better off just going with kineticist?
I think elemental Barbarian will be higher martial damage.
But what's kinda cool is that you can be an earth elemental Barbarian, create a weapon infusion and summon a suit of stone armor.
I'd have to look at the over all damage the class can deal, but it looks nifty.
gesalt |
Sanityfaerie wrote:Do they get medium armor and/or are there any earth/wood/metal impulses that let you pretend you're wearing medium (or heavy) armor?Earth gives 4 Ac 1 dex.
Metal and wood each give 3 AC and 2 dex but metal gives a steel shield and wood gives a wood shield with block reaction.
At the end of the day they still tax your stats huh? Guess it's sentinel as usual then.
Sanityfaerie |
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Do all of the Blasts scale better than Electric Arc, or nah?
We actually know the blasts.
1d6 range 60 (fire, air) or 1d8 range 30 (everything else), +str when in melee, attack, single action. You can crank it up to 2 actions to give it +con damage as an early-game patch to last you until you get a real two-action damaging impulse, and everything other than Fire is versatile. They gain dice once every 4 levels or so. It also looks like you can buff them up a bit with feats, which is nice.
So... they're really much more of a competitor for martial attacks than they are for Earc. The things that compare to Earc are going to be your level 1 damaging impulses. There it gets a bit messy... but I think that Tide Hands (the one we've seen thus far) manages to handle itself pretty well. Going from "up to two targets within 30" to "every target inside of either two fifteen-foot cones or one thirty-foot cone" is a nice step up for clearing the chaff, and 1d8 per 2 levels scales a lot better than statmod plus 1d4 per 2 levels, even before you start counting in the extra pushiness. Overflow means that you have to channel again, but channeling comes with a free blast, so that's really not so bad.