Share your Awakened Animal PC concepts!

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Awakened Owlbear Animal Instinct Barbarian.

Silver Crusade

I'm having a great time with my Awakened Leopard Rogue/Clawdancer worshipper of Sekhmet.

He leaps. He pounces. He worships the Lady of Slaughter and drinks the blood of his enemies (at least, the ones polite enough to ACTUALLY have blood).

Reasonably effective and just a blast to play.

Briefly considered the idea of Pet Shop as a kineticist but it's kinda hard to be specifically ice themed.

An idea I saw from someone made me laughed: a barbarian hamster or mouse, and it still makes me smile.

An hamster alchemist bomber sounds interesting to me too, and also, instead of making a bigger version of a small animal as an awakened, making and adorable pigmy bear(maybe a rogue scoundrel?)

Liberty's Edge

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We can now have awakened animals and their plushy versions adventuring side by side.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Has to work on their 'awakened' Wombat Miner who is incredibly practical. Kholo friends optional.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Conscious Meat wrote:
On the utterly silly side, a zoophonia muse parrot bard with a saloon entertainer background and whose performance speciality is comedy. Think "bar mascot who got awakened after some druids partied really, really hard".

Bonus points of they're a real macaw! ;)

The Raven Black wrote:
We can now have awakened animals and their plushy versions adventuring side by side.

We can have the whole Hundred-Acre Wood in a party!

Bigfoot/Yeti, some sort of "Wildman"
Bestial in nature,furryness and perhaps size.

Shaped like a man,raised as a beast.

Little Fuzzy: Cute, small, furry,ferocious.

Everything from TMNT:After the Bomb-I miss that game-verse!

Scarab Sages

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Sorry if it's been said already, but I want to attend the Magaambya with a parrot sorcerer sitting on the shoulder of his human «familiar».

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keftiu wrote:
I'm bummed this is for Awakened Animals and not all of the Howl options! Surely including some Merfolk and Minotaurs wouldn't spoil the fun?

I don’t think they’d spoil the fun, and would definitely add to it!

My awakened animal character would be a wolverine monk who travels with his well-armored minotaur friend. Their favorite opening tactic, if his friend gets a higher initiative, is for the minotaur to use the Friendly Fling feat to get my character into melee range for a claw strike.

Liberty's Edge

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steelhead wrote:
keftiu wrote:
I'm bummed this is for Awakened Animals and not all of the Howl options! Surely including some Merfolk and Minotaurs wouldn't spoil the fun?

I don’t think they’d spoil the fun, and would definitely add to it!

My awakened animal character would be a wolverine monk who travels with his well-armored minotaur friend. Their favorite opening tactic, if his friend gets a higher initiative, is for the minotaur to use the Friendly Fling feat to get my character into melee range for a claw strike.

The minotaur might be interested in the Talos versatile heritage.

Any domestic pet species as an Awakened Animal Psychic with Silent Whisper is very fun, lots of roleplay opportunities to convince people to give a treat to the nice doggy (any Pratchett fans out there can build themselves Gaspode the Wonder Dog.) You can also throw it on a frog for THE HYPNO-TOAD

Other things I like in no particular order

-Songbird bards, of course, but also any other animals with a complex mating display becoming bards of dance
-any fully aquatic species as a water kineticist that makes their own breathing supply
-real animals with mythological counterparts, like a salamander focused on fire magic, a tanuki wizard, or a monkey monk with a staff doing their best Sun Wukong impression
-once pc2 is out, awakened Dog Champion following the cause of Obedience
-any version of build-your-own-Pokemon
-Sponge. They're animals, and some druid out theres gotta be crazy enough to want to talk to them.

Liberty's Edge

Building awakened dogs such as Cosmo and Doug does sound fun.

The whole cast of JLA and Avengers' pet companions is suddenly possible too. From Krypto to Throg.

Throg as an awakened frog Exalted sounds fitting.

Dancing in the Godsrain.

Envoy's Alliance

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Monkey Joe and Tippy Toe
Lock Jaw
Lucky the Pizza Dog

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Grog, the gorilla psychic inventor.

Not sure if it’s possible but I would LOVE to play an awakened dinosaur. Bear with me that I have little knowledge on how 2E works so these are just concepts that I have no idea if I can flesh out or not.

Either an awakened allosaurus (scaled down to be the size of Fang from Primal) as either a Barbarian or Fighter. rugged, stoic, cold warrior who feels like little has changed in his life from gaining sentience

alternatively, a Compsognathus who is some kind of Intelligence based caster (alchemist, investigator, wizard) who is incredibly smart but has an ego and one hell of a Napoleon complex.

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KoolKobold wrote:

Not sure if it’s possible but I would LOVE to play an awakened dinosaur. Bear with me that I have little knowledge on how 2E works so these are just concepts that I have no idea if I can flesh out or not.

Either an awakened allosaurus (scaled down to be the size of Fang from Primal) as either a Barbarian or Fighter. rugged, stoic, cold warrior who feels like little has changed in his life from gaining sentience

alternatively, a Compsognathus who is some kind of Intelligence based caster (alchemist, investigator, wizard) who is incredibly smart but has an ego and one hell of a Napoleon complex.

Hmm... provided you were willing to accept the limitations of only getting up to Large size, you absolutely could play an allosaurus with no meaningful difficulties beyond any other awakened animal would naturally face. Ditto the compsognathus, except without the size caveat because that dino is definitely either a Tiny or Small either way.

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Two Ton Tessie, an elephant ballerina (maestro bard/celebrity archetype) :P

Sibelius Eos Owm wrote:
KoolKobold wrote:

Not sure if it’s possible but I would LOVE to play an awakened dinosaur. Bear with me that I have little knowledge on how 2E works so these are just concepts that I have no idea if I can flesh out or not.

Either an awakened allosaurus (scaled down to be the size of Fang from Primal) as either a Barbarian or Fighter. rugged, stoic, cold warrior who feels like little has changed in his life from gaining sentience

alternatively, a Compsognathus who is some kind of Intelligence based caster (alchemist, investigator, wizard) who is incredibly smart but has an ego and one hell of a Napoleon complex.

Hmm... provided you were willing to accept the limitations of only getting up to Large size, you absolutely could play an allosaurus with no meaningful difficulties beyond any other awakened animal would naturally face. Ditto the compsognathus, except without the size caveat because that dino is definitely either a Tiny or Small either way.

Yes, hence why I said I wouldn’t mind the allosaurus being scaled down to Fang’s size in Primal. idk if you’ve seen the show (would recommend), but despite being based on a T rex, the character of Fang is about the size of a large horse, which fits for the Large size.

My biggest problem after finding out how to get their crunch down would be finding a campaign where I can actually play them

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...somewhere, there is probably a group where the party is composed entirely of awakened dinosaurs and they're running through the "Extinction Curse" AP.

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Conscious Meat wrote:
...somewhere, there is probably a group where the party is composed entirely of awakened dinosaurs and they're running through the "Extinction Curse" AP.

Haha! Now that we are free of our bonds, we shall get revenge upon our former masters, the filthy xulgath who maimed us!

Conscious Meat wrote:
...somewhere, there is probably a group where the party is composed entirely of awakened dinosaurs and they're running through the "Extinction Curse" AP.

Yeah I definitely need to learn how to play PF2 just to do Extinction’s Curse with a warrior Allosaurus, that’s just thematically perfect

Silver Crusade

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KoolKobold wrote:

My biggest problem after finding out how to get their crunch down would be finding a campaign where I can actually play them

It takes some ACP so it can't be your first character but they're legal in PFS. I'm playing my awakened Leopard in PFS with no issues whatsoever

Envoy's Alliance

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What you need is:

A ballerina troop of Awakened Ostriches...

Who rouse the Awakened Hippopotamus Princess...

Who is then courted by the Awakened Alligator Acrobat.

pauljathome wrote:
KoolKobold wrote:

My biggest problem after finding out how to get their crunch down would be finding a campaign where I can actually play them

It takes some ACP so it can't be your first character but they're legal in PFS. I'm playing my awakened Leopard in PFS with no issues whatsoever

ACP? Armor Class Penalty?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
KoolKobold wrote:
pauljathome wrote:
KoolKobold wrote:

My biggest problem after finding out how to get their crunch down would be finding a campaign where I can actually play them

It takes some ACP so it can't be your first character but they're legal in PFS. I'm playing my awakened Leopard in PFS with no issues whatsoever
ACP? Armor Class Penalty?

More properly abbreviated as AcP, it stands for "Achievement Points". You start with 80 AcP when first joining the Pathfinder Society organized play. You accumulate more AcP for playing (~4-7 per session) and can spend them for in-game benefits (such as hiring an NPC or getting a character resurrected) or to unlock Uncommon or Rare items, spells, ancestries, and other character options that have been sanctioned for Society play. To play an awakened animal in Pathfinder Society, you must spend 160 AcP to acquire that ancestry for a single character.

I hope that helps.

ooh. honestly I’d go with a different character if I play Pathfinder Society…which I haven’t done since high school. Might consider doing that again.

Community and Social Media Specialist

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I just found this thread and wanted to add that young Jon is super psyched that I can now make a Badger Lord style fighter and make a full on Redwall game.

The Exchange

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Conscious Meat wrote:
...somewhere, there is probably a group where the party is composed entirely of awakened dinosaurs and they're running through the "Extinction Curse" AP.

My Triceratops Kineticist would love to chat about this intriguing topic.

I've also got waiting in the wings the mighty Moosemus Maximus, the Awakened Animal Exemplar. BEHOLD THE MIGHTY MOOSE OF DESTINY!

Community and Social Media Specialist

I must hear of the exploits of ALL these characters.

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I just watched the action packed end of Disney's Robin Hood for the nth time.
Still a classic adventure romp!
I would love to see someone stat out the fox and the bear.
What kind of rogues are they?
Robin is so damn good with the bow,maybe he's a fighter with rogue archetype?

Envoy's Alliance

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Actually, I would think of Robinhood as a Swashbuckler.

Little John is a Rogue with that Ruffian Racket

Grand Lodge

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Rat who trains cats.

Silver Crusade

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Super Zero wrote:
Rat who trains cats.

Ok. now you're just getting silly :-)

NOBODY trains cats. NOBODY

Grand Lodge

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Lion tamer.

Super Zero wrote:
Lion tamer.

Is that a Summoner archetype? So you are a Lion, what do you tame? ;)

Envoy's Alliance

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

OH! Lion Tamer Summoner with a Rage Phantom.

You, the Lion are haunted by the Tamer you killed as you escaped an abusive circus. But you have learned to use his rage and direct him to your benefit.

Grand Lodge

I did actually consider "lion who is a tamer" after I wrote that.
But I was thinking Ranger with a Cat animal companion.

Of course, he was always afraid of cats of all kinds--even cute little house cats! But awakening equipped him with so many more tools to deal with them. Literally sometimes, once he learned to use weapons.

Rats have trouble with cats, but people usually don't. Now he's people. Problem solved. And for a while dealing with cats by using sharp things felt really good. They clearly had it coming. Vengeance!

But... cats are just animals, and he's really not any more. It started to feel cruel. How do people deal with dangerous animals, anyway? They do what?
...okay. That actually sounds awesome. He can learn to do that.

Community and Social Media Specialist

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If someone decides to make a one rat monk, four turtle fighters party... PLEASE let me know...

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Jonathan Morgantini wrote:
If someone decides to make a one rat monk, four turtle fighters party... PLEASE let me know...

Clearly it's a Rat Monk, and a Turtle Commander (... leads), Turtle Inventor (... does machines), Turtle Barbarian (... cool but rude), and a Turtle Swashbuckler (a party dude).

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Awakened beaver wizard, out to dam the Sellen and enforce order on the River Kingdoms

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shepsquared wrote:
Awakened beaver wizard, out to dam the Sellen and enforce order on the River Kingdoms

Wood kineticist might also work... if that position isn't taken by a woodchuck. :D

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Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I would love to share my concept for Prey for Death of an Awakened Mantis Warpreist of Achaekek who worked in a garden assassinating pests and other unworthy pretenders while upholding the divine right of queen bees, ants, and other insects destined to rule.

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