Guide to Alchemical Items


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Hi folks,

I've been working on a Guide to the different Alchemical Items out there. I've finished Bombs & Elixers, and I thought I'd solicit some feedback on how things are going so far.

I reserve the right to give up in despair when Treasure Vault hits. :-P

Alchemist's Guide to Alchemical Items.

Paizo Employee Design Manager

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ottdmk wrote:

I reserve the right to give up in despair when Treasure Vault hits. :-P

It shouldn't be too bad, I'm pretty sure we kept the alchemy section just below 250 items with only a couple entirely new categories.

250?! Wow. Looking forward to it lol.

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So am I, really, as Alchemist is my favourite class. However, my new Guide may get updated *very* slowly at that point... :-D

Good to see a new guide pick up, the only other one I knew of stopped updating a while ago :) I like having multiple points of view out there.

Might be difficult to update in a pdf format, however.

as for TV... join me and a few others in our collective fear :P the entire item guide subcommunity is torn between hype and horror.

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This looks like a really useful guide. I don't know if you'll find them helpful in your endeavor, but I have alchemical item advancement tables for Alchemists, Investigators, and various archetypes.

Alchemist Class

Alchemist Multiclass Archetype

Alchemical Sciences (Investigator Methodology)

Herbalist Archetype

Poisoner Archetype

ottdmk wrote:
some feedback

I'm sorry, but they are elixIrs. And it's everywhere in your guide. Search - replace all would be great :)

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Ediwir wrote:

Good to see a new guide pick up, the only other one I knew of stopped updating a while ago :) I like having multiple points of view out there.

Might be difficult to update in a pdf format, however.

First, thanks for the kind words.

I'm writing the Guide in LibreOffice, which can export to PDF. I'm using their hybrid PDF format... it has a copy of the original .odt embedded, so you can open the PDF in LibreOffice and edit it there. I don't like Google Docs as much as LibreOffice and when I uploaded the .odt file Google made some formatting changes that looked not-great, so I just went PDF when I found out that all the hyperlinking I did still worked great in that format.

Gisher, thanks for those links. It's nice to be able to picture the various tiers of items.

Errenor wrote:
I'm sorry, but they are elixIrs. And it's everywhere in your guide. Search - replace all would be great :)

Yeah, sorry about that. Someone on Discord pointed that out to me as well. It's been fixed and updated on Drive; here's the link again for convenience (old link should still work.)

An Alchemist's Guide to Alchemical Items

A valuable resource for an underappreciated class. I approve!

One thing though, blur is a 2nd-level spell and would come online at level 3 for arcane and occult casters.

Nintendogeek01 wrote:
A valuable resource for an underappreciated class. I approve!


Nintendogeek01 wrote:
One thing though, blur is a 2nd-level spell and would come online at level 3 for arcane and occult casters.

Huh! Oops! I remember looking it up on Nethys while I wrote the Mistform entry; could've sworn it said Level 3. I'll fix that.

ottdmk wrote:


Gisher, thanks for those links. It's nice to be able to picture the various tiers of items.

I'm glad you are finding them useful. I made them because I also find a graphical breakdown much easier to use than just a text version.

ottdmk wrote:
I'm writing the Guide in LibreOffice, which can export to PDF. I'm using their hybrid PDF format... it has a copy of the original .odt embedded, so you can open the PDF in LibreOffice and edit it there. I don't like Google Docs as much as LibreOffice and when I uploaded the .odt file Google made some formatting changes that looked not-great, so I just went PDF when I found out that all the hyperlinking I did still worked great in that format.

Oh sure the formatting is fine (could use some way to delimit a new item, as the paragraphs "if you're an alchemist" and such look almost like a new item at times), what I mean is if someone wants to get the updated version they have to go find the new link. Maybe you could ensure that the link always directs people to the updated version, and leave a history of older versions in the drive?

I just use Docs for PubAlchem because it's easier to edit when I bounce between computers :P

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Google Drive has versioning control. It'll keep the last 100 versions if I recall correctly. Instead of deleting the old file I instead use "Upload a new version." If you use the first link I posted you'll find the current file.

It's easy to tell it's the current version because it has the correct spelling of "Elixer." 😁

Michael Sayre wrote:
ottdmk wrote:

I reserve the right to give up in despair when Treasure Vault hits. :-P
It shouldn't be too bad, I'm pretty sure we kept the alchemy section just below 250 items with only a couple entirely new categories.

My Grippli Alchemist [Acrobat/Wizard] in SoT will be waiting for it!

Might be worth putting the level of the item into the document so that people can easily see when they are able to make them.

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Good to have the various free Alchemy Guide stuff and Class Archetype stuff out there respectively for PF2e, ottdmk and Gisher. ;)

Thalaine wrote:
Might be worth putting the level of the item into the document so that people can easily see when they are able to make them.

I've thought about it, but I don't want to get *too* detailed. There's a fine line between commentary/analysis and copyright infringement. :D It's one reason I link to Nethys for everything; they're entitled to all the details.

I've updated the doc (link in first post). Not a lot of new content, but I made a major formatting change to get rid of some headers that proved to be distracting in a Table of Contents framework.

ottdmk wrote:
Thalaine wrote:
Might be worth putting the level of the item into the document so that people can easily see when they are able to make them.

I've thought about it, but I don't want to get *too* detailed. There's a fine line between commentary/analysis and copyright infringement. :D It's one reason I link to Nethys for everything; they're entitled to all the details.

I've updated the doc (link in first post). Not a lot of new content, but I made a major formatting change to get rid of some headers that proved to be distracting in a Table of Contents framework.

There's no infringement there, thanks to the OGL - you can get pretty heavily detailed as long as you're not charging money, and even if you do you can still use most of it.

I'd recommend a read of the licensing if you are interested in knowing the exact limits.

So, I finished Mutagens and decided to upload the new version. Link in the first post. Let me know what you think! :-D

For cognitive mutagen, it's worth noting that it's the only common method available to get an item bonus to lore. While you'll probably only see the level 1 version used, it's rather convenient for non-combat uses of Thaumaturge's esoteric/diverse lore skill.

Good point. So noted, and updated.

In addition to Swashbucklers, the Silvertongue Mutagen is a nice buff for Bards, since some of their focus spells require a Performance Check.

I've never played a Bard in this system, and I haven't played with many, so I didn't think of that. I will definitely make a note of it.

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So, I've uploaded a new draft with the Treasure Vault Bombs. I've also started reorganizing the Elixirs so that Healing ones have their own section to make it easier on Chirurgeons.

I hope to work steadily at this over the next few weeks to finish it off.

Please look at the latest draft (link in first post) and let me know what you think.

ottdmk wrote:

So, I've uploaded a new draft with the Treasure Vault Bombs. I've also started reorganizing the Elixirs so that Healing ones have their own section to make it easier on Chirurgeons.

I hope to work steadily at this over the next few weeks to finish it off.

Please look at the latest draft (link in first post) and let me know what you think.

Link still takes me to the non updated draft.

I just tried it, and it's definitely the new one. Check the Table of Contents; it should have the Treasure Vault Bombs in there.

Yup, now it works. Beforehand I tried with two different options to open and both got me the old list.

Who knows...

Radiant Oath

Working my way through this. On the water bomb, note that even the 1st level version can help end persistent fire damage. For 3 gp, at any level, you can give an ally a 55% chance of ending persistent fire immediately at a cost of one non-lethal. Could be worth packing a handful of you know you'll be fighting fire enemies.

AceofMoxen wrote:
Working my way through this. On the water bomb, note that even the 1st level version can help end persistent fire damage. For 3 gp, at any level, you can give an ally a 55% chance of ending persistent fire immediately at a cost of one non-lethal. Could be worth packing a handful of you know you'll be fighting fire enemies.

A good point, and I'll make a note of that. I think I prefer Soothing Powder, as it doesn't do any damage (even non-lethal) but if you need to help at range...

Grand Lodge

This is a really nice guide. Thank you for all your hard work!

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Hmm wrote:
This is a really nice guide. Thank you for all your hard work!

Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate them.

I've uploaded the latest version; I've finished putting Healing Elixirs into their own section and added in the Treasure Vault Healing Elixirs (plus Assassin Vine Wine of all things.) Link in first post as always.

Any opinion on alchemical ammunition?

Also, one amusing note on the Trueshape Bomb - it can be used as a way to break something like Baleful Polymorph, and it doesn't (RAW) require a counteract check to do so. Whether this is the way you want to be dealing with that or not is up to you.

Elemental ammo is good to trigger weaknesses, even for non munition gunslingers.

Freeze ammo would most likely be used to bypass phys resistance, the effect is pretty good too but static dc though.

Ooze is same but it's two steps above freeze since it does offer both utility and damage, especially at 6+, -10 feet(or immobilize on crit) that needs escape? oh yeah baby.

Blister is good against mages. Like 'really' good, especially if you already decrease the action in some ways.

Dubious Scholar wrote:

Any opinion on alchemical ammunition?

Also, one amusing note on the Trueshape Bomb - it can be used as a way to break something like Baleful Polymorph, and it doesn't (RAW) require a counteract check to do so. Whether this is the way you want to be dealing with that or not is up to you.

They also break all mutagens as well as most of the stuff that give claws and such with a duration.

Even being able to at will break your own mutagen without having to invest in revivifying has some value.

...I do wish Life Shot had any merit at all, but having to spend an action to activate it, plus roll to hit, and then it barely heals at all seems really bad. It seems like the only real use is to stabilize someone from a distance (not a bad use, but like... 1d4 HP for a level 2 item is bad, and the flat bonus is just over half of what an actual elixir gives at each tier). For actual healing, a giant pile of regular elixirs out of combat seems better.

Dubious Scholar wrote:
Any opinion on alchemical ammunition?
I think there are some fun options in there. I think it's good that Munitions Crafter Gunslingers have more options now. I'll get to the ammo section eventually.
Dubious Scholar wrote:
Also, one amusing note on the Trueshape Bomb - it can be used as a way to break something like Baleful Polymorph, and it doesn't (RAW) require a counteract check to do so. Whether this is the way you want to be dealing with that or not is up to you.
This is true but the damage dealt may be an issue to the individual you're trying to de-polymorph.
Gobhaggo wrote:
Elemental ammo is good to trigger weaknesses, even for non munition gunslingers.
Elemental Ammunition compares quite well to an at-tier Bomb given that the Persistent and Splash are on top of the normal damage. The Action economy is pretty tight though.
Gobhaggo wrote:
Freeze ammo would most likely be used to bypass phys resistance, the effect is pretty good too but static dc though.
I mostly like the ice field effect on Freeze. It's fun.
Gobhaggo wrote:
Ooze is same but it's two steps above freeze since it does offer both utility and damage, especially at 6+, -10 feet(or immobilize on crit) that needs escape? oh yeah baby.
It's pretty decent. Not sure why they made the Escape DCs tougher than Tanglefoot Bags though. Tanglefoot does have a higher Speed penalty.
Gobhaggo wrote:
Blister is good against mages. Like 'really' good, especially if you already decrease the action in some ways.
Anything that makes a spellcaster spend Actions is definitely worth considering.
shroud wrote:

They also break all mutagens as well as most of the stuff that give claws and such with a duration.

Even being able to at will break your own mutagen without having to invest in revivifying has some value.

I don't think ending a Mutagen is worth the pain of using Trueshape to do it, but I suppose anything is possible. Great Bomb against an enemy Alchemist, but Fortitude Saves are generally a strong point of Alchemists who don't use Quicksilver. (And even the ones who use Quicksilver have a decent Fortitude Save.)
Dubious Scholar wrote:
...I do wish Life Shot had any merit at all, but having to spend an action to activate it, plus roll to hit, and then it barely heals at all seems really bad. It seems like the only real use is to stabilize someone from a distance (not a bad use, but like... 1d4 HP for a level 2 item is bad, and the flat bonus is just over half of what an actual elixir gives at each tier). For actual healing, a giant pile of regular elixirs out of combat seems better.

Yeah, it's really situational. But given how rare Ranged Healing is outside of spells, it's still got value there.

I wish I had an update to share, but I'm still working on integrating all the Treasure Vault Elixirs, including the foods that are Elixirs. Soon, I hope.

Work continues. I've completed Bombs, Elixirs & Mutagens (including all Treasure Vault items in those categories.) Work is now progressing on Poisons; I've finished Injury Poisons to Level 7.

Link in 1st Post; comments are welcome as always.

Been away from this for awhile, but a bit of progress. Finished Injury Poisons today. Link in 1st post, and comments are always welcome.

Bumping again because ye gads, I've finished Poisons. Hope I haven't lost everyone due to the slow pace, but hey, it's moving...

Link is in the first post. All comments welcomed.

Will you be adding the academical tools to the guide?

I know most of them aren't useful all the time but a new alchemist understanding how to good it is to use smokesticks, camouflage dye, bloodhound mask, Healing Vapor, and silversheen at the right time would be good to have in the guide.

DJtoad wrote:

Will you be adding the academical tools to the guide?

I know most of them aren't useful all the time but a new alchemist understanding how to good it is to use smokesticks, camouflage dye, bloodhound mask, Healing Vapor, and silversheen at the right time would be good to have in the guide.

Thanks for the interest! I'm working on the Tools section right now, actually. I've just been going fairly slowly. After Tools will come Foods, then Ammo, Bottled Monstrosities and finally the Permanent Alchemical Items.

Speaking of Silversheen (one of my favourites) I think the odds are quite good that it will get a bit nerfed in the Remaster. My money (500 quatloos on the newcomer!) is on it being revamped to work like Cold Iron Blanch.

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Bumping this because I finally finished the tools section, and felt like uploading the new version to Drive. Link in the first post.

I have not updated the poisons to GM Core yet. I think that'll be next before I start on Alchemical Foods.

This is a good resource.

I think one area in which it could be improved is with discussions of things in their generic categories, but in relation to the game's specific systems. It seems that the focus on being item-complete has detracted somewhat from teaching readers how the item's details interact with play / the game's systems.

For example, the blurb on Inhaled poisons is tiny, with the only non-book nugget of info being the potential trouble with where the 2x2 cube is placed.

IMO, mentioning things like the ability to hold one in a free hand before combat, pop for a no MAP, 1-action save-or-suck effect, and are rare examples of lingering battlefield control makes them quite good in more circumstances than one might expect.

That's the sort of discussion / key insights that are exclusively found in player resources like this, and would really elevate your living document.


Correction flag: Inhaled poisons make a 1 minute cloud by default, not 10.

First of all, I'm glad you think the Guide is a good resource. That's the goal, so thanks! Also, thanks for pointing out the 10 minutes mistake; I probably had the number 10 on the brain due to the default area.

Poisons are probably my weakest area. I'm not a fan, basically. I will definitely keep your suggestions in mind; I need to go back into the Poisons sections anyway to update them to GM Core.

After that, Alchemical Foods! I'm looking forward to that section; the foods are fun, IMHO.

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All right! Updated the poisons to match GM Core (meaning all GM Core alchemical items are now in place.) Also cleaned up the Goo Grenade entry (it made a lot of references to Tanglefoot Bags instead of Glue Bombs) and incorporated Trip.H's errata & feedback. Link in the first post as always.

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