The Journey of a Thousand Miles: Less a Couple Hundred - (Jade Regent AP) Rerecruitment


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Trevor86 wrote:
All right, the other Ilverani submission had me rethinking my submission for a different character, one I might have more inspiration for as well. I wanted to ask, for those of us not familiar with the AP past the information presented in the player's guide (as in, have never played even part of it), are all caravan members aware of what their eventual destination is? Do they know they're heading for Tian Xia?

Currently, no. Their only destination thus far has been Brinewall, which is home to the thing that will drive the journey over the Crown of the World and onwards into Tian Xia.

Trevor86 wrote:

If so, my altered concept would be a physician apprentice, who in the process of styduying different kinds of healing makes joins the caravan in hopes of learning more on medicine in Tian Xia. Of course, only to learn he has more ties to the country (and probably Ameiko, mostly) than he originally thought. I'd obviously have to fleshen this out a lot still, but it's the start of what comes to me now :)

Mechanically, it would be an alchemist of sorts focussing on a combination of healing, buffing, and a mix of melee and/or ranged combat. I've never played one and it seems he might fit the group well, able to help out on both the 'arcane' department and the martial one. If refluffing the 'evil' fluff components is allowed, he'd might be a vivisectionist alchemist roleplayed as a chirurgeon. Alternatively, a Grenadier/Chirurgeon who fights with a Nodachi (or Fauchard - as a giant scalpel) up close and bombs at range.

That being said, it could be that the character has been heading northwards towards the Lands of the Linnorm Kings and beyond to the Path of Aganhei with the caravan, the idea being that they'll make the rest of the journey with another group when the the PCs' caravan (theoretically) turns back. I don't have a huge issue with the vivisectionist being reflavored, but I would ask you about the whole Torturous Transformation feature, and how you'd handle that. The rest of it doesn't seem especially evil to me, honestly.

I'm seeing a lot of great character applications in the chat, and I don't think I can bring the same energy as everyone else, especially the ones who were passed over from the initial recruitment. Best of luck to everyone, and I will gracefully bow out!

Silver Crusade

Aganhei GM wrote:
Good stuff!

All right, thanks for the answers! I can definitely work with that. I've given it some thought and will probably abstain from Vivisectionist to make a Grenadier/Surgeon instead. Fits better with the idea of a switch hitter and no refulffing required. Though, for the forced animal alteration parts, If I had played vivisectionist I wouldn't have used that particular feature at all, I think. It's a bit... ah, beyond what I'm comfortable with writing.

I'll develop it somewhere in the next few days.

Vivisectionist has always been a bit of a conventional archetype, it's a better rogue than the rogue (and banned in PFS because of that) and then there's the ick factor.

FWIW with 5' step and precise bombs the base alchemist is good in melee and at range.

Kazmanaught wrote:
I'm seeing a lot of great character applications in the chat, and I don't think I can bring the same energy as everyone else, especially the ones who were passed over from the initial recruitment. Best of luck to everyone, and I will gracefully bow out!

Sorry to see you go, Kazmanaught, but thanks for the initial interest anyways!

With that said, there are a lot of great submissions; are you interested in any more, or not so much?

I'm open to more, Evindyl.

Okay, I have a mechanical question. I'm debating between the Glory domain with Heroism subdomain or the Valor inquisition. Do I actually have to touch someone to use Valor's Touch of Resolve?

Valor Inquisition wrote:
Touch of Resolve (Sp): You may use remove fear on a single creature a number of times per day equal to your 3 + your Wisdom bonus.

As written, it looks like remove fear as a class ability, and remove fear is a close range spell, not a touch spell.

Also, can I take the Blade of Mercy trait? It seems very thematic for an inquisitor, since part of their theme is to get information out of enemies. Kind of hard to do that when they're dead.

Huh. Well, that's incongruous. The name implies you use it as a touch spell, but the effect just says that you can use it... Though the spell can be used on multiple targets, which makes me lean towards the thought that it's probably intended to be a touch range equivalent?

EDIT: The Blade of Valor thing... hm. Shizuru isn't quite as thematically aligned with that sort of thing as Sarenrae, but I guess I could see it, sure.

I would like to resubmit Riftun for your consideration.

I've updated his backstory to the point where he left before the expedition set out now so perhaps they could run across him traveling on his own?

GM Only:
I don't know how you feel about it but he could have been running from some Ulfen mercenaries sent to recover him by his pursuers and thus has gotten himself quite lost in the confusion of running away from these jerks >.>'

Welcome back, Rackal - glad to see you're still interested! Oh, I like the change in Riftun's portrait too, very nice.

It's possible, yeah. Hmm... maybe he arrived in Brinewall because he had an old friend on the raider-adventurers' boat who said s/he'd help him get someplace safer than Sandpoint? Like, maybe they were planning a stopover at Brinewall, and would bring him to Absalom thereafter? I dunno.

It would be especially appropriate if he saw or heard about some group that he recognized as being associated with his family's affairs lurking around on the Lost Coast/in Magnimar.

Scarab Sages

Wait, is this poor, sweet Riftun who fed Signy coffee and snacks in Brevoy? What has he gotten himself into?

The very same rdknight! I've missed you by the way! I hope you're doing well.~

Should Riftun get in this game there will be more coffee and awkward shenanigans to be had I assure you!

GM Only:
Awww thank you Sensen! I'm just happy I caught it. Would have been kicking myself if I had found out about the recruitment too late.

Oh yeah that plot thread could definitely work! Hmmm the friend could possibly be Jix from Riftun's backstory. Joined up with the adventure/raiders. She was always the rough sort! Or if you had someone else in mind I'm open to suggestions. Also would this friend be dead/alive/or missing?

Well, his eldest sister does have knights under her command that could be looking for him. Or just a mercinary group would be fine if you think that's more appropriate.

Whatever the case, all Riftun knows is that he needs to get the heck out of Dodge! XD

I'd like to throw Caerwyn Callandriil's hat into the ring. Caerwyn's a Rogue(unchained, Scout archetype) with a more martial bent than your typical Rogue.
Rescued by Shalelu from a goblin attack when he was younger he developed a severe case of hero worship which only intensified after she took him under her wing and began teaching him woodcraft.

I believe that these are the submissions and interests so far. If I've missed you, let me know. I'm using this list (or my constantly updating version thereof) to know who's doing what.

Submissions wrote:

Completed Submissions

Oshiron, Kitsune Magus (Kensai)
Elvina Naieath, Elf Witch
Scera, Human Wizard (Void School) into Lunar Oracle and Mystic Theurge
Ting Ting Ting, Tengu Slayer
Naumys Sariandi, Ilverani Elf Skald (Twilight Speaker)
Sara, Human Paladin (Chosen One)
Akio Ryuu Katsu, Catfolk Ninja
Emili Vhaddruddr, Human fighter (free hand fighter), Swashbuckler (Mysterious Avenger)
Caerwyn Callandriil, Half-Elf Unchained Rogue (Scout)
Riftun, Human Bard (Archivist)

Interest Expressed:
Linnea the Diviner with a samsaran inquisitor of Shizuru
KingHotTrash with an Ulfen barbarian
Cuàn, with a ratfolk?

Scarab Sages

@Rackal: I'm good, thanks! How about you?

Well, should Naumys get into the game as well, she will take care of the dear boy. Signy wanted to just pick him up and give him a big squeezy hug, but he might have fainted.

I was like totally going to submit, but now I need to go re-think.

LOL At this point, Shalelu is like the hardest workin' woman in Sandpoint; if I made a backstory, it would be as her love interest telling her to maybe ease off the adopting any more kids for a couple years ...

I will go re-read the player's guide :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Here's the fluff for Pranati! I'm still working on the crunch, but I'd like to know your thoughts on what I have so far.

Paizo, why aren't there more avatar options for samsarans?! This one will work for Pranati, but damn, what about the unarmored and lightly armored classes? I know they have more samsaran art than this.

Like most samsarans, Pranati grew up in the mountains of Zi Ha. In her case, the trade city of Babschu-Jong. Her adoptive parents, Amrita and Tenzin, gave her a loving and peaceful childhood, expecting that Pranati would follow in their footsteps and live a quiet life of contemplation and crafting. But as she grew, Pranati began to recall more of her past lives. Many of them were unusually active and even violent for a samsaran. But all of them fought for the sake of the samsaran people and/or their deity. When the hobgoblins of Kaoling attempted to invade Zi Ha, she had an epiphany. Someone had to sacrifice their own enlightenment in order to protect Zi Ha, or else all of them would fall before hostile forces and their peaceful way of life would come to an end. The mountains and their spellcasters' illusions wouldn't save the samsarans forever.

So it was that Pranati joined the church of Shizuru and asked to become one of the goddess' holy warriors. Several of her past incarnations had served the Empress of Heaven; a paladin, two clerics, and a magistrate. The priests welcomed her with open arms and tested the young woman to see which path would suit her best. Her insight, agility, and conviction marked her for the smallest and most difficult sect, that of the inquisitor. Although the inquisitors warned Pranati in detail about the physical, emotional, and spiritual rigors of their work, she decided to accept. This was what the church needed from her, so she would do it. Her parents were appalled at first. But after an elder inquisitor explained the necessity of covert operations, especially for a nation outnumbered by their enemies, they gradually came to accept their daughter's calling.

Pranati has been an active inquisitor for five years now, undertaking missions not just in Zi Ha but in surrounding countries as well. She has cultivated the skill of intimidation in order to make enemies surrender and give up information without unnecessary violence. Given Shizuru's domain over honor and justice, she prefers to take her enemies alive so that a court can judge and sentence them according to the law. For the past few years, unsettling rumors have been coming out of Minkai about the Jade Regent and the unknown fate of the young Emperor. So far, though, the Minkaian church of Shizuru has been unable or unwilling to confirm them.

A few weeks ago the high priestess of Shizuru in Babschu-Jong had an unusually clear vision; a ruined keep in the Avistani style, overlooking the ocean, with a strong feeling of urgency. She chose to send Pranati over the Crown of the World to investigate. An inquisitor's skill at investigation and tracking would be better for this task than a cleric's mystic power or a paladin's sword arm. The samsaran has been working her way down the coast since she reached Kalsgard, searching for the ruined keep described by High Priestess Sabita. A merchant in Jol suggested that she investigate Brinewall Keep when she asked about ruins on the coast. Now Pranati is headed for Brinewall, hoping that this is where she's supposed to be.

An inquisitor of Shizuru must undertake less than honorable tasks for the greater good of their church and country, despite the Empress of Heaven's emphasis on honor and chivalry. They stain their hands so that others' may remain clean. Pranati takes her duty seriously. She knows that she won't reach enlightenment in this life with her often violent lifestyle, and accepts that fact. It's more important to protect her people so that they can focus on achieving harmony and peace. The inquisitor has developed a forbidding, eerily calm mien in order to terrify enemies into surrendering and giving her the information she needs with minimal violence. It's particularly effective on non-samsarans, given most races' reaction to her blank white eyes. Pranati prefers to subdue rather than kill so that she can drag her quarry before a magistrate to face justice for their deeds. She does not shy away from killing if the situation demands it, though.

Only trusted friends get to see beyond Pranati's serene mask. The samsaran has a dry, often morbid sense of humor. She loves animals and children, seeing to her mount and pack mule's needs before her own. The grim necessities of her work take their toll at times. Has she truly done all she can to avoid unnecessary death? Was a particular shady deed really necessary, or is she falling to corruption? Pranati takes solace in meditation and reading Shizuru's holy book, but sometimes it isn't quite enough to allay her fears of not being good enough for her goddess.

Pranati is a tall, slender samsaran woman with black hair pinned up in a high bun. Despite her naturally thin build, her muscles are strong and defined. Most of the time she wears a fine set of mountain pattern armor over a sturdy wool tunic and trousers, with a bandolier over the armor. Her dark brown riding boots reach to her knees and match her sword belt. An enameled brass holy symbol of Shizuru is proudly displayed on her chest, and a matching device is painted on her steel buckler. She carries a katana and morningstar on her belt, with a longbow and quiver on her back.

When not expecting combat, Pranati prefers simple, comfortable clothing in shades of red, orange, and yellow to honor her patron goddess and contrast with her blue skin.

Scarab Sages

@Pranati: If I squint it looks like quilted clothing? That's on the mark for cold weather...

@rdknight: Oh noooo! Poor little Riftun would definitely have fainted! Either from embarrassment or from Signy crushing the air out of him with that hug. He is just sof boi >.>'

Here is my Ulfen barbarian. He is a pretty simple build, nothing crazy, but I never really had much a chance to enjoy a simple barbarian. There are many like him and this one is mine.

Bjorn "The Lucky" Steinson
Male Human Unchained Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 1
CN Medium Humanoid (Human [Ulfen])
Init: +4 Perception: +9
AC 19 TAC 13 FF: 16 (+2 AC & FF with shield)
HP 32/32 Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +4
Special Defenses:
Invulnerability - DR 1/ -
Extreme Endurance - Cold Resistance 1
Raging - +2 to Will Save, -2 to AC, and 2 Temp HP per Hit Die
. . mwk greatsword +7 (2d6+4/19-20x2)
. . mwk longsword +7 (1d8+3/19-20/x2)
. . dagger +6 (1d4+3/19-20/x2)
. . longbow +6 (1d8/x3/100ft)
. . dagger +6 (1d4+3/19-20/x2/10ft)
Special Offenses:
Power Attack: -1 to Hit/+2 to Damage. 50% more if two-handed
Raging: +2 to melee attack, melee damage, and thrown weapon damage.
Speed 30 ft. (40ft.)
Str 16 (+3) Dex 16 (+3) Con 14 (+2) Int 12 (+1) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 8 (-1)
Base Atk: +3 CMB: +3 CMD 15
Feats Power Attack, Intimidating Prowess, Furious Focus
Skills Intimidate +7 (3), Climb +8 (2), Acrobatics +8 (3), Swim +8 (2), Stealth +8 (2), Perception +9 (3), Survival +7 (2), Kn: Nature +5 (1), Prof: Sailing +8 (3), Prof: Soldier +8 (3)
SQ: Bonus Feat, Skilled
Traits: Gruff Watcher, Slippery
Favored Class: Barbarian - +3 Skills
Combat Gear: mwk greatsword, mwk longsword, dagger, longbow w/ 20 arrows, mwk agile breastplate, mwk heavy wooden shield
Mundane Gear: mwk backpack, belt pouch, blanket, flint and steel, iron pot, silk rope 50ft, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), waterskin, winter blanket, compass
Magical Gear: cloak of resistance +1, 2 oil of magic weapon, potion of bull's strength, potion of cure light wounds
Special Abilities
Fast Movement (Ex): A barbarian’s base speed is faster than the norm for her race by 10 feet. This benefit applies only when she is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor, and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the barbarian’s speed because of any load carried or armor worn. This bonus stacks with any other bonuses to the barbarian’s base speed.

Rage (Ex): A barbarian can call upon inner reserves of strength and ferocity, granting her additional combat prowess. At 1st level, a barbarian can rage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Constitution modifier. For each level after 1st she possesses, the barbarian can rage for 2 additional rounds per day. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as that gained from bear’s endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that a barbarian can rage per day. A barbarian can enter a rage as a free action. The total number of rounds of rage per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours need not be consecutive.

While in a rage, a barbarian gains a +2 bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls, and Will saving throws. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. She also gains 2 temporary hit points per Hit Die. These temporary hit points are lost first when a character takes damage, disappear when the rage ends, and are not replenished if the barbarian enters a rage again within 1 minute of her previous rage. While in a rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skill (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration (such as spellcasting).

A barbarian can end her rage as a free action, and is fatigued for 1 minute after a rage ends. A barbarian can’t enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted, but can otherwise enter a rage multiple times per day. If a barbarian falls unconscious, her rage immediately ends.

Rage Powers: As a barbarian gains levels, she learns to use her rage in new ways. At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the barbarian gains a rage power. A barbarian gains the benefits of rage powers only while raging. Some of these powers are always active during a rage, and others require the barbarian to take an action to use them. Unless otherwise noted, a barbarian cannot select an individual power more than once.
-Regenerative Stance (Ex): The barbarian can continually replenish her health. At the start of her turn, she regains 1 temporary hit point for every 4 levels she has (up to 5 hit points per round), but this cannot give her more than her maximum temporary hit points from rage. This is a stance rage power. A barbarian must be at least 4th level to select this rage power.

Invulnerability (Ex): At 2nd level, the invulnerable rager gains DR/— equal to half her barbarian level. This damage reduction is doubled against nonlethal damage.

Extreme Endurance: Cold (Ex): At 3rd level, the invulnerable rager is inured to either hot or cold climate effects (choose one) as if using endure elements. In addition, the barbarian gains 1 point of fire or cold resistance for every three levels beyond 3rd.

Background -GM ONLY PLEASE-:
Bjorn Steinson was born in the snowy Lands of the Linnorm King at night under a most auspicious moon. The midwife that oversaw his birth proclaimed with great joy that the newlyborn son would have prodigious luck to his name and deeds. It was this luck that would bring shame and ruin to his life ane name. It was this luck that would leave Bjorn bleeding and exhausted in the ruined town of Brinewall.

Bjorn's luck never came when he needed to impress, when he needed to show off to others, or when it could save him face. Bjorn's luck only kept him alive. A plague would run through the village, Bjorn survived while his siblings fell sick and feeble. The fey would come and attack his patrol, he alone would survive. A skilled warrior, Bjorn could not stop the fact that he imagined his life was accumulating debts that the gods would soon collect. Bjorn presented himself as a brave Ulfen man but inside, a coward lingered inside of him. His father died suddenly of illness and his mother's mind slowly went, leaving his family's land in his hands. Such great fortune earned him a beautiful wife who loved another and realized the kind of man she had wedded. His life, as glorious as it seemed, was a trap around him and the noose was slowly closing in further. His luck was bound to run out and all would be revealed, that "The Lucky" was just a benefactor of ill fate.

Bjorn's luck would almost seem to run out when he was selected for a raid to the city of Brinewall. Reports said it was poorly defended and a number of riches were ready to be taken. With swords, bow, and weapons in hand, they sailed off into Brinewall for glory. A bad wind blew as they left port and Bjorn couldn't help but wish he could jump off of the boat and into the water.

Brinewall appeared to be abandoned but before they could truly begin to plunder, strange assailants came for them. His fellows died in droves, unprepared and unable to effectively fight. When his chieftain called for his aid, Bjorn did the only thing he could think of; he ran. The sound of battle quickly disappeared and he seemed to have successfully hide himself amid the ruined place. Shame burned through him brighter than any fire and, with tears in his eyes, he readied himself to try and charge out and accept death honorably. His suicidal quest for redemption disappeared as he heard the sounds of others nearby, slowly approaching. It appeared that fate was not quite done with him.

GM Stuff:
My idea for Bjorn is to have a redemption story coupled with a tale of vengeance. He wishes to slay the man/monster that led the assault upon his men. Too ashamed to dare return home, he is going to offer an oath towards whichever party member he connects with the most or the one who heals him if there are no immediate choices. He will go from this self-loathing person to discovering and celebrating his Ulfen ways amid strange people in a strange land.

Wow, looks like I have a fair amount to catch up on.


The expedition is basically entirely dead at this point - there's maybe a single NPC survivor and possibly a PC survivor if I choose one. So, in all likelihood, the friend's dead or missing. I wouldn't mind you using one of your backstory NPCs for that hook, but if you would rather take one from the AP, I have one available. Heck, if I choose an appropriate PC, it could be them!

Pranati: I noticed that myself when I was making my own samsarans. There're at least three or four illustrations that I can think of them, and none of them are that one, so... I dunno. Maybe there's just not enough support for them to be put online or something.

On a more relevant note to the submission... I'd ask that you consider alternatives to going over the Crown of the World. It's not a big deal if you keep it the way you had it, but it does remove some of the wonder and terror of the arctic crown for your PC if she's already been there. But no pressure, it's just something to consider. On the other hand, a ship would've had to either circle north of Arcadia or south around Tian Xia, Vudra, and Garund to get to Varisia/the Land of the Linnorm Kings, which may be just a tad impractical, even for backstory purposes.

KingHotTrash: Quick mechanical tidbit before I get a chance to read your backstory in more detail - your rage power notes that it can only be taken at level 4 or higher, which the party is not at the moment. So, uh, you'll have to change that out.


It's a neat backstory, definitely. To add a little detail, the creature that slew his fellow shipmates was a sea drake, though most of them fought it and died, he may have seen one who survived. Certainly, afterwards, he might've seen the dead sea drake's corpse - assuming he dared to explore Brinewall on his own.

He'll probably have been in Brinewall for about a week, tops, and would know that there's something terrible that haunts the settlement at night, though he wouldn't have caught much of a glimpse of it - out of the corner of his eyes, perhaps. Sometimes he might wake up to find his surroundings carved into with sharp claws, or even someplace other than where he fell asleep. Once he might've been attacked, but not seen the assailant himself.

In short, I think this gives you a chance to lean into the cowardice angle before gradually gaining confidence and courage.

GM Only:
Okay that sounds great! Probably don't want Jix dead from the start that would be killing off a potential story thread XP But yeah if you have an NPC or PC in mind I think that could work brilliantly!

After some more thought I decided to not go with a Ratfolk and instead also go for a Samsaran. An Occultist to be precise as I figured a character tied to relics of the past would fit quite well.

Ban-Lu Variani is still very much under construction. The image is for a Veela but it makes for a decent stand in for a Samsaran.

As far as background goes, the idea is that he is the reincarnation of one of the Kajitsu retainers that got killed years ago before arrival in Brinewall. Back then he was still human, though the child of two Samsarans. His first reincarnation landed him in the Mierani forest, in the town of Crying Leaf. There he was taken in by local Elves only to later die in a dragon attack (the same attack that cost Shalelu's mother her life).
He was reborn in the same town again some time later but actually left Crying Leaf to travel with a Varisian clan. Recently he has come into possession of his own old weapon, handed to him by the descendants of other retainers that had actually fled Brinewall many years after his own death.
Having the same home town, Ban-Lu, who uses the last name from his adopted Elven family, knows Shalelu but they aren't close.

I must've just missed that then when I was making the character. I'll take Swift Foot instead and increase my movement speed by 10ft instead then.

That sounds perfect. I'll update his background accordingly with the sea drake and then being haunted and hunted by the unknown assailant. It sounds positively spooky.

I did think of that, but I can’t come up with a logical reason why she would have taken the long way around if the Path of Aganhei is so much shorter. :/ I mean, Zi Ha is practically right there. Maybe someone teleported her to Kalsgard, but if so, why wouldn’t they teleport her back?

Cuàn: Oh, neat. I've not actually seen many occultists in the past, so it's cool to see one here. I like the backstory - it's really a neat idea.

KingHotTrash: Sounds good. I'm glad you think so, with regards to the spoiler bit.

Pranati: Yeah, pretty much. Though there will be a reason that teleportation is out of the question once the party heads to Kalsgard. It'd be a pretty different AP if it wasn't! That said, it does make the most sense for her to have come over the Crown of the World... though she probably made the journey in spring-summer, which is a whole lot nicer than the time the party will be passing by.

Alright, Bjorn is all updated and the fluff is filled out.

Bjorn "The Lucky" Steinson
Male Human Unchained Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 1
CN Medium Humanoid (Human [Ulfen])

Init: +4 Perception: +9
AC 19 TAC 13 FF 16 (+2 AC & FF with shield)
HP 32/32 Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +4
Special Defenses:
Invulnerability - DR 1/ -
Extreme Endurance - Cold Resistance 1
Raging - +2 to Will Save, -2 to AC, and 2 Temp HP per Hit Die
. . mwk greatsword +7 (2d6+4/19-20x2)
. . mwk longsword +7 (1d8+3/19-20/x2)
. . dagger +6 (1d4+3/19-20/x2)
. . longbow +6 (1d8/x3/100ft)
. . dagger +6 (1d4+3/19-20/x2/10ft)
Special Offenses:
Power Attack: -1 to Hit/+2 to Damage. 50% more if two-handed
Raging: +2 to melee attack, melee damage, and thrown weapon damage.
Speed 40 ft. (50ft.)
Str 16 (+3) Dex 16 (+3) Con 14 (+2) Int 12 (+1) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 8 (-1)
Base Atk: +3 CMB: +3 CMD 15
Feats: Power Attack, Intimidating Prowess, Furious Focus
Skills: Intimidate +7 (3), Climb +8 (2), Acrobatics +8 (3), Swim +8 (2), Stealth +8 (2), Perception +9 (3), Survival +7 (2), Kn: Nature +5 (1), Prof: Sailing +8 (3), Prof: Soldier +8 (3)
SQ: Bonus Feat, Skilled
Traits: Gruff Watcher, Slippery
Favored Class: Barbarian - +3 Skills
Combat Gear: mwk greatsword, mwk longsword, dagger, longbow w/ 20 arrows, mwk agile breastplate, mwk heavy wooden shield
Mundane Gear: mwk backpack, belt pouch, blanket, flint and steel, iron pot, silk rope 50ft, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), waterskin, winter blanket, compass
Magical Gear: cloak of resistance +1, 2 oil of magic weapon, potion of bull's strength, potion of cure light wounds
Special Abilities
Fast Movement (Ex): A barbarian’s base speed is faster than the norm for her race by 10 feet. This benefit applies only when she is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor, and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the barbarian’s speed because of any load carried or armor worn. This bonus stacks with any other bonuses to the barbarian’s base speed.

Rage (Ex): A barbarian can call upon inner reserves of strength and ferocity, granting her additional combat prowess. At 1st level, a barbarian can rage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Constitution modifier. For each level after 1st she possesses, the barbarian can rage for 2 additional rounds per day. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as that gained from bear’s endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that a barbarian can rage per day. A barbarian can enter a rage as a free action. The total number of rounds of rage per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours need not be consecutive.

While in a rage, a barbarian gains a +2 bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls, and Will saving throws. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. She also gains 2 temporary hit points per Hit Die. These temporary hit points are lost first when a character takes damage, disappear when the rage ends, and are not replenished if the barbarian enters a rage again within 1 minute of her previous rage. While in a rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skill (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration (such as spellcasting).

A barbarian can end her rage as a free action, and is fatigued for 1 minute after a rage ends. A barbarian can’t enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted, but can otherwise enter a rage multiple times per day. If a barbarian falls unconscious, her rage immediately ends.

Rage Powers: As a barbarian gains levels, she learns to use her rage in new ways. At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the barbarian gains a rage power. A barbarian gains the benefits of rage powers only while raging. Some of these powers are always active during a rage, and others require the barbarian to take an action to use them. Unless otherwise noted, a barbarian cannot select an individual power more than once.
-Swift Foot (Ex): The barbarian gains a 10-foot enhancement bonus to her base speed.

Invulnerability (Ex): At 2nd level, the invulnerable rager gains DR/— equal to half her barbarian level. This damage reduction is doubled against nonlethal damage.

Extreme Endurance: Cold (Ex): At 3rd level, the invulnerable rager is inured to either hot or cold climate effects (choose one) as if using endure elements. In addition, the barbarian gains 1 point of fire or cold resistance for every three levels beyond 3rd.

The Fluff:
History: Bjorn Steinson was born in the snowy Lands of the Linnorm King at night under a most auspicious moon. The midwife that oversaw his birth proclaimed with great joy that the newlyborn son would have prodigious luck to his name and deeds. It was this luck that would bring shame and ruin to his life ane name. It was this luck that would leave Bjorn bleeding and exhausted in the ruined town of Brinewall.
Bjorn's luck never came when he needed to impress, when he needed to show off to others, or when it could save him face. Bjorn's luck only kept him alive. A plague would run through the village, Bjorn survived while his siblings fell sick and feeble. The fey would come and attack his patrol, he alone would survive. A skilled warrior, Bjorn could not stop the fact that he imagined his life was accumulating debts that the gods would soon collect. Bjorn presented himself as a brave Ulfen man but inside, a coward lingered inside of him. His father died suddenly of illness and his mother's mind slowly went, leaving his family's land in his hands. Such great fortune earned him a beautiful wife who loved another and realized the kind of man she had wedded. His life, as glorious as it seemed, was a trap around him and the noose was slowly closing in further. His luck was bound to run out and all would be revealed, that "The Lucky" was just a benefactor of the ill fate that others suffered.

His chance for redemption came when he was selected to join the raiding party into Brinewall itself, an opportunity for glory and to prove that he was a worthy Ulfen nonetheless. Yet as they left his homeland behind, an ill wind began to blow behind him. Clear skies gave way to untimely and fierce storms that rocked the ship violently. Rising from the depths came a terrible beast of green scales, vicious claws, and breath that crackled like lightning. With javelins and bows in hand, they fought the beast in the midst of the storm as it picked off man after man. With his chieftain's strike, an eye was sundered and the massive drake crashed into the ship. The hull cracked and water began to flood inwards.

Given a choice of how they would die, Bjorn watched his fellows leap into the water with blades and spears drawn to try and slay the beast in its domain. Paralyzed with fear, he couldn't bring himself to charge in and earn Gorum's approval before death. Bjorn crumbled as he ran to the other side of the ship in that dark night and dove into the dark, bloodied waters. He swam away from the sound of the drake's roars, the shrill cries of dying and drowning men, and the thunderous cracks of their ship being torn asunder. He swam as hard as he could for as long as he could, finding a piece of debris to drape himself over as exhaustion pulled him into its dark embrace.

Awakening on the coast, bones still numb from the chilled waters, Bjorn made his way down the coastline until he discovered the first the corpse of the sea drake. Footprints of his fellows went further down the coast, towards a town that he could barely see in the distance. It was here where Bjorn would find himself in Brinewall, hunted by some strange thing. For a week, he had searched for his fellow raiders and have not found one. All the while, the sensation of being watched lingered. He awoke to strange claw marks all around where he slept, sometimes waking up in a different building or out in the road alone. Only a night ago was he attacked by some unknown creature that played with him much like a cat did with a cornered mouse.

Bjorn knows that his luck is starting to run out and as soon as whatever he is struggling against becomes bored, he will be dealt with. He searches with increased fervor for anyone capable of fighting, anyone who gives him a chance of simply not dying alone. A new twist of fate was on its way though, as a caravan of travelers were making their way to Brinewall for their own reasons. Their meeting would forever change Bjorn's life, whether for the better or worse was yet to be seen.

Physical Description: Bjorn Steinson stands around 6'5 and weighs between 260lb and 280lb. With dark long hair and beard, Bjorn is a striking example of an Ulfen man. Muscular yet incredibly dexterous, he wears armor stylized of his homeland as well as blades of high quality. Tattoos decorate the right side of his face, along his neck, and over his chest showing the rites of passage he has gone through and the trials and tribulations.

Personality: Bjorn is a gruff individual, watching others and keeping an observant eye on the world around him. Bjorn realizes that most of the good in his life has come through sheer luck and being in the right place and the right time. Bjorn presents himself as a proper Ulfen warrior; proud and strong to the point of arrogance. However, deep in his core is a terrible fear that he doesn't deserve any of this and he will have to pay the price soon enough. Awakening in him is a whole new rage at his own failings and, if directed right and encouraged by the right party, he could become a true model for what the fearsome Ulfen represent.

Okay, hopefully the crossing is different enough in summer to preserve some of the “oh my gods, we’re crazy to even consider this” factor. :)

Dotting for interest. Will have to do some looking to see what i come up with. Thinking sorcerer or possible ninja. Looking at ratfolk as I've never played one.
Hoping to have time to create but due to moving in RL may not. WIll see and definitely interested.

so I had amoment. Looking at mongrel mage ratfolk sorcerer with rakshash bloodline. MOst of spells are not combat focused directly. I got a few ideas about that though. :) MUwahahah. Hope to get some crunch up later this week and a story.

Looking good to me, KingHotTrash.

Welcome aboard, Herkymr!

Nischest - ratfolk sorcerer:

Male ratfolk sorcerer (mongrel mage) 3 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 122, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 231)
N Small humanoid (ratfolk)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+1 deflection, +2 Dex, +1 size)
hp 23 (3d6+9)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3
Speed 20 ft.
Melee quarterstaff +1 (1d4-1) or
. . shortspear +1 (1d4-1)
Special Attacks swarming
Sorcerer (Mongrel Mage) Spells Known (CL 3rd; concentration +7)
. . 1st (6/day)—ear-piercing scream[UM] (DC 15), infernal healing[ISWG], memory lapse[APG] (DC 15), ray of enfeeblement (DC 15), touch of gracelessness[APG] (DC 15)
. . 0 (at will)—acid splash, arcane mark, penumbra[UM], prestidigitation, touch of fatigue (DC 14)
. . Bloodline Rakshasa
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +1; CMB -1; CMD 12
Feats Eschew Materials, Expanded Arcana[APG], Expanded Arcana[APG]
Traits best friend, volatile conduit
Skills Acrobatics +2 (-2 to jump), Bluff +14 (+10 to affect animals), Craft (poison) +7, Diplomacy +4 (+0 to affect animals), Disguise +4 (+0 to affect animals), Intimidate +10 (+6 to affect animals), Sense Motive +2, Sleight of Hand +7, Spellcraft +6, Use Magic Device +8 (+4 to affect animals); Racial Modifiers +2 Bluff, +2 Sense Motive, +2 Sleight of Hand
Languages Common, Gnome
SQ mind reader, mongrel reservoir (4 rounds), silver tongue, unnatural[ARG]
Combat Gear wand of cure light wounds, vampire's kiss (2); Other Gear quarterstaff, shortspear, ring of protection +1, bedroll, belt pouch, flask, flint and steel, marbles[APG], masterwork backpack[APG], measuring cord (10 ft.), mirror, sack, silk rope (50 ft.), thread (50 ft.), waist pouch[UW], waterproof bag[UE], waterskin, 23 gp, 6 sp, 6 cp
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Mind Reader (1/day, DC 15) (Sp) At 3rd level, you can read minds as a spell-like ability. This ability acts like detect thoughts, except it lasts only 1 round, you use it on a single target as a standard action, and if the target fails its Will save, you gain information as
Mongrel Reservoir (6/day) (Su) New weak bloodline each day. As a swift action, use points to empower.
Rakshasa At some point in your family's history, one of your ancestors was tainted by the influence of a rakshasa. Though most of your family seem entirely normal, you have always felt your own skin is a prison from which magic allows you to escape. Your birt
Silver Tongue (7/day) (Su) At 1st level, you can draw upon your outsider heritage to spin amazingly convincing lies. Activating this ability is a swift action. You gain a +5 bonus on one Bluff check made to convince another of the truth of your words (similar to using glibn
Swarming (Ex) Can share a square with another with swarming, if both att the same foe, he is flanked.
Unnatural -4 to CHA skills vs. animals, +2 Dodge AC against animals. Animal starting attitude one step worse.

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important links for mongrel mage

Mongrel mage info


backstory to come

Nischest background:
Nischest (knee shest) was always a runt. He was small for his litter. Small in the community. Small in his stature. But oh the magic!
Bloodlines meant lots of things when it comes to magic, but it was the mesh that made this magic user! He quickly discovered that while many drew upon specific powers, he could draw on a huge variety of powers but to a much lesser degree than most others. He still had his primary source of magic, that of the ancient bargain with a rakshasa made by his first ancestors. This however was just icing on the top of his mixed bloodlines. Others called him mongrel, he called himself kindred.
He realized early on that it was only the magic that would get him anywhere. So he kept practicing and learning until he was old enough to escape the nest. So he fled to adventure and the larger cities.
It is still uncertain what brought him to sandpoint originally but it was on the heels of Sandru. It soon became apparent that they knew each other since before Nischest’s arrival but little was said. After several years of living, Sandru bought a caravan and after its first trip, he asked the sorcerer to join the next journey. Nichest was quick to agree.

Its not much but its atleast t he basics. I haven't and won't have much time to put together something else before my move so it will have to suffice.

Hi everyone! I'm still new to these forums. I've been lurking for a long time though and I've been playing PF1 & 2 since their debuts. Before Pathfinder I played D&D 3.5 for a few years. I've been playing TTRPGs for almost 20 years now.
I haven't had an IRL group for almost a decade now with my games pretty much all being through roll 20 or recently foundry.

I have some stats for a Samsaran Arcanist here. Looked like the party was missing some arcane. I also grabbed the Vagabond Child trait to pick up disable device.

I have a basic idea for his backstory but I had a question about the Ulfen angle. Where exactly did they come from? And did they caravan, trek, sail?


CN Male Samsaran
Init +6; Senses Low-light vision, Perception +3;


AC 13, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 11 (+1 armor, +2 dex)
HP 17 (3d6+3)
Fort +3; Ref +4, Will +5; +2 vs death effects, saves against negative energy effects, Fortitude saves to remove negative levels, Constitution checks to stabilize


Speed 30 ft.
Melee cold iron dagger +0 1d4-1 (19-20/x2)
Ranged cold iron dagger +3 1d4-1 (19-20/x2)
Special Attacks Arcane Reservoir (6/6); Diviner’s Fortune +1 (7/7); Inspiring Prediction (7/7);
Samsaran Magic Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3)
1/day – comprehend languages, deathwatch, stabilize
Arcanist Spells Prepared (CL 3; concentration +8, +11 if grappled, pinned, in violent weather, or entangled)
0 (DC 14) – mending, open/close, read magic, acid splash
1st (DC 15) – burning hands, grease, mudball, shield, anticipate perilB, breakB
Arcanist Spells Known
0 – all
1 – anticipate peril, break, burning hands, cure light woundsW, grease, ray of sickening, shield

Str 8, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Improved Initiative, Extra Exploit (Familiar)
Skills Arcana [3] +9; Disable Device [3] +9; Dungeoneering [2] +9; Local [1] +8; Planes [2] +9; Religion [1] +8; Perception [2] +3; Spellcraft [3] +10; Stealth [0] +5; Use Magic Device [3] +8
Background Skills Appraise [2] +9; Geography [1] +8; History [2] +9; Linguistics [1] +8; Nobility [2] +9;
Languages Celestial, Common, Abyssal, Nagaji, Samsaran, Tengu, Tien
Traits Magic: Desperate Resolve; Region: Vagabond Child
SQ Specialized School: Prophecy; Opposition Schools: Enchantment, Illusion; Exploits (Potent Magic); Consume Spells; Lifebound; Samsaran Magic; Mystic Past Life (witch)
Favored Class +3 Skill Points
Combat Gear cold iron dagger, cloak of resistance +1, haramaki, wand of magic missile (50 charges), acid flask (2), potion CLW (2), spellbook
Other Gear masterwork backpack, thieves tools (common), traveler's outfit, blanket, flint and steel, ink, ink pen, mess kit, canteen, trail rations (5), spell component pouch, belt pouch containing 8 gp, 1 sp

Familiar Statblock:

N Tiny animal (Cat)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5


AC 16, Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14 ( +2 Dex, +2 natural armor, +2 size)
HP 8 (3HD)
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +4;
Defensive Abilities


Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +4 (1d2–4), bite +4 (1d3–4)
Space 2-1/2 ft., Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks

Str 3, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 7 (11 vs trip)
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Climb [1] +6; Perception [2] +6; Stealth [1] +14; Racial Modifiers +4 Climb, +4 Stealth
SQ Alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link, deliver touch spells

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I don't believe the Ulfen came from any specific Linnorm Kingdom, but they sailed from the Lands of Linnorm Kings.

I hope the format is okay. I just tried to emulate the way paizo does their npc statblocks.

Silver Crusade

Could I ask a couple of questions in between? I've been slowly working on my character in the background and wanted to ask whether the updated setup would offer enough hooks for the GM to be workable in this campaign. I'd also like to ask if anyone had some advice for how to make him more compelling in general.

The concept of my toon would be an elf alchemist searching for a cure to the corruption of the tanglebriar, spending a large part of his adult life thusfar travelling the world and researching different kinds of medicine practice/magical healing. He'd have gone through the Mwangi expanse and Osirian before setting his sights on ancient Thassilon and ending up in the region of Varisia, and then joining the caravan later in hopes of eventually making it to Tian Xia to study there next. He'd probably have offered his services as a doctor mostly, though he has some martial prowess too and might pass as a guard.

Would him having been there as a healer all along have broken anything narritively? Is joining them at this new city a logical move/is Sandru actively hiring or looking for more people?

That aside, the above paragraph is also where i draw a blank atm for deeper links to the ap. I can't immediately think of more direct ties to the caravan's major npc's or Tian Xia as a whole. Is that a major problem or is this reason compelling enough? He could have been rescued by Shalelu I suppose and have a life debt towards her next to this, I suppose?

Kind regards and thanks for any feedback in advance!

Responses to all the various posts will be forthcoming soon. Still half-asleep.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Herkymr: I was looking at the mongrel mage, and I couldn't tell if it replaced a bloodline entirely, or just significantly altered some aspects of it. I'd guess the latter, because it doesn't offer an alternative to the bloodline skill, but it did confuse me for awhile. That said, I'm pretty sure you don't get the bloodline powers of your bloodline - instead you get the ability to shift between them with the Mongrel Reservoir ability. So the read minds and the silver tongue abilities wouldn't be accessible to Nischest - at least consistently.

Other than that, I assume you intend to have had Nischest with the caravan the whole time? Just clarifying, because I wanted to be sure.

JenkinsMyMan: The formatting looks fine to me.

Trevor: I don't think it'd break much to have him having been there all along. There were a few diseases early on, but Koya and one of our other PCs handled those fairly well. The no connections to the NPCs or Tian Xia isn't a huge issue, necessarily, but you could have him be interested in pursuing knowledge of the healing methods practiced in Jinin or Tianjing. The former being a group of elves who passed through the Darklands to make a Minkaian-inspired society, and the latter being a nation of aasimar and humans who have been sealing the Abyss for centuries (albeit against the qlippoth rather than demons).

Reminder that there are two days and two hours remaining before submissions close.

I'm also going to warn everyone that I may be delayed compared to my previous recruitment in how long it takes me to assess the submissions - this is in part because I want to consult with my current players, some of whom aren't available at the time, but also because I was a bit foolish and forgot that the 7th and 8th are holidays, so I may be busy. Oops.

yep and thats ok if I miss understood. I was using herolab and just followed what it directed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've updated Riftun to fill some party gaps, mainly disable device as (oddly enough) archivists are actually good at it since they can disarm magical traps.

Other than that mostly changed up some spells so we didn't have too much overlap annnnddddd...

Made Riftun a cook >.>'

Just cause I think that the idea of little Riftun making warm meals for the party back at base camp is cute af

So sue me!

Rackal28 wrote:

I've updated Riftun to fill some party gaps, mainly disable device as (oddly enough) archivists are actually good at it since they can disarm magical traps.

Other than that mostly changed up some spells so we didn't have too much overlap annnnddddd...

Made Riftun a cook >.>'

Just cause I think that the idea of little Riftun making warm meals for the party back at base camp is cute af

So sue me!

LOLOLOLOL i heart this post.

The is the reason I almost always take the Trait that let's you cast a 0-level spell: so that my character can cook using Prestidigitation ;)

Okay, I have Pranati's sheet complete on Myth Weavers if you want to take a look. Currently working on formatting it for her forum profile.

Herkymr the Silly wrote:
yep and thats ok if I miss understood. I was using herolab and just followed what it directed.

So, i found the issue that looks confusing....the rakshasa bloodline is currently the one i have selected thus it is what herolab printed as my bloodline.

Yeah this weekend is a little wonky with the holiday. Take your time :)

Submissions wrote:

Mostly Completed Submissions

Oshiron, Kitsune Magus (Kensai)
Elvina Naieath, Elf Witch
Scera, Human Wizard (Void School) into Lunar Oracle and Mystic Theurge
Ting Ting Ting, Tengu Slayer
Naumys Sariandi, Ilverani Elf Skald (Twilight Speaker)
Sara, Human Paladin (Chosen One)
Akio Ryuu Katsu, Catfolk Ninja
Emili Vhaddruddr, Human fighter (free hand fighter), Swashbuckler (Mysterious Avenger)
Caerwyn Callandriil, Half-Elf Unchained Rogue (Scout)
Riftun, Human Bard (Archivist)
Bjorn “the Lucky” Steinson, Human Unchained Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
Pranati, Samsaran Inquisitor of Shizuru
Ban-Lu Variani Samsaran Occultist (Haunt Collector)
Nischest, Ratfolk Sorcerer (Mongrel Mage)
Rimeso, Samsaran Arcanist

Interest Expressed:
Trevor86, with an elf alchemist

Putting this here for everyone to see and so I can begin looking into it more closely.

ty - I will have Zephyr submitted shortly, along with an example of what I believe you called a 'novella' in your original post ;)
There a bunch of Sandpoint stuff, lots of Golarion's gods are prayed to, and an overtone of self-worth issues.

Zephyr is a Half-Elf Elementalist Shifter: he has a fair Disable skill which will help this party, cooking skill, AND can cast prestidigitation

Herkymr the silly here.
I am going to pull my previous submission and introduce this fellow.

In short he's a crossblooded sorcerer (unicorn/Scorpion) gnome
He has some use as a healer due to his unicorn bloodline
is proficient and has access to poisoning people's weapons as well.

I'll have a story up shortly.


Zephyr (3)
Male Half-Elf Shifter (Elementalist Shifter) 3
NG Medium Humanoid (Elf, Human)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 11 (+1 defensive instinct, +4 Dex)
HP 25 (3d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +2; +2 racial bonus vs. transmutation spells and spell-like effects
Defensive Abilities defensive instinct +1/+0
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks elemental aspect (air[UW]), elemental strike (1d6)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +6)
. . 3/day—prestidigitation
. . 1/day—lter self alter self (specific human, drow, or elf form)
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 17
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 19
Feats Psychic Adept[OA], Psychic Sensitivity[OA]
Traits hero worship, omen
Skills Appraise +2, Bluff +3 (+4 vs. humanoids), Diplomacy +4 (+5 vs. humanoids), Disable Device +5, Fly +10, Handle Animal +7, Heal +2, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (nature) +6, Perception +5, Profession (cook) +7, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand +5, Use Magic Device +6; Racial Modifiers +1 Diplomacy, +1 Knowledge (nature)
Languages Common, Druidic, Dwarven, Elven; elemental speech
SQ elemental aspect (minor: 6 min./day), elf blood, faith healing (heal), gatefinder (perception), perfect[HA], prognostication (sense motive), psychometry (appraise), read aura (perception), track +1, woodland stride
Special Abilities
Defensive Instinct +1/+0 (Ex) +1 AC & CMD unarmored and unshielded or +0 with nonmetal armor or shield
Elemental Aspect (6 minutes/day) (Su) Gain abilities of selected elemental aspects.
Elemental Speech (Su) When in elemental aspect, gain tongues with creatures of same elemental subtype that matches your aspect.
Elemental Strike (1d6) (Su) Charge melee attack with elemental energy.
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Faith Healing (Heal, 1/day) Temporarily suspend or remove curses, diseases, and ability damage.
Gatefinder (Perception) DC 20 Perception to find soulgates whose alignment is compatable with your own.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Perfect +1 to bluff and diplomacy vs. humanoids and +2 vs. transmutation spells.
Prognostication (Sense Motive, 1/day) You are skilled in means of folk divination.
Psychometry (Appraise, 1/day) Read the psychic impressions left on objects or in places.
Read Aura (Perception, 1/day) Read the psychic impressions left on objects or in places.
Shifter Aspect (Air, +2 Dex) (Su) Minor Form: +2 enhancement bonus to Dex. Major Form: medium air elemental.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.
Woodland Stride (Ex) Move through undergrowth at normal speed.


Sometimes it eluded even elves where a trait, or divergence, or … taint, might stem from in a bloodline. Why young Zephyr embraced the winds, no one could, or would, really say. Harder still that he chose to venerate a goddess who likely turned away from his prayers; most elves knew that Findeladlara was disinclined to acknowledge half-elves in any manner. Undeterred, Zeph prayed to her every day, and often in gratitude when he looked up into the sky.

Surely sects of druids existed who aligned themselves with wind, weather and sky; for Zephyr that wasn’t enough. His studies showed him that he could make his fastest path to the sky by shifting, by learning just enough of the druidic arts to alter himself into the air around him.

Support came from the oddest of places, and yet, maybe less odd the more he thought on it. The Varisians & Shoanti smiled on those who longed to soar, those who looked farther and farther afield in their travels, and Madame Niska Mvashti brought the message of her people to Zephyr when he was very young. She encouraged him to reach and never yield in his desire to touch the sky, and the seer told him that she knew Varisia itself watched him with favor and would continue while Findeladlara’s attention was … elsewhere.

It meant everything to the boy. Here he was, no one, yet the most respected visionary in Sandpoint encouraged him. She told him he would succeed. She made him part of her family, even though her own daughter had heard the song of the Spheres long long ago and chose to serve the church of Desna. He loved them both. He loved Koya like a sister or an aunt that one got to see frequently. They created family together, and as he grew stronger, he gave to them as much as he could; they were Varisia to him, and he thanked Desna as often as his goddess of the sky.

Losing Niska pained him like no fall, like no setback, like no loss ever had; to find a parent in life, who loved him, only to have her called to rest so very soon, without him understanding … tore every shred of his esteem away. How could this happen? Even in passing, she consoled him, and in the weeks before her death, Niska must have known that her days were numbered, because she called Zeph to her house one day. She made him swear an oath to her: if her daughter ever went on a long trip, Zephyr would go with her to ensure Koya's safety.

Yet, when the time came, Zeph was unprepared. He was not even in town. He returned from a long job, thrilled to see his ‘sister’ so he could share his stories with her. She was gone. He frantically asked her whereabouts and came to understand she left with a caravan Sandru Vhiski was leading to Brinewall. He had missed more than a week of their travel and he bent his will to come up with a way to reach them.

He prayed …
… and was answered.


What was there to do? Just as Gorvi the dung-sweeper rounded the turn in the road, Zephyr lept off Junker’s Edge. [see visual]

His fall towards Junk Beach, and the startled goblin below, slowed.
Zeph heard, “Fly child! Fly as though all of elvendom depends on it. It does. You shook the gods of Castroval, know they will be watching. I will return to you before you reach her.”

Zephyr was now a wisp of cloud-like mist; he was an elemental! He ascended into the sky.
It was a very long way to Brinewall.


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