Interest Check: Which of Oxnard's Crazy Games to Write & Run?


Inspired my Marik's "What AP to Run Next" poll, but with a twist--

I have several ideas I'm (slowly) working on writing for various purposes, so the question boils down to-- which of these ideas would you like to see me develop out, recruit for on here, and run?

Options are:

Crown of Oceana:
Founded in the Second Age, the Empire of Oceana sat on an island midway between the the major trading routes. The legends say a cataclysm sank the city beneath the waves near the very end of the Second Age. Since then, the City has thrived beneath the ocean- ruled by a Gilman Emperor, peopled with Gilmen, Merfolk, and stranger creatures of the sea, Oceana has lived up to its name.

But, ten years ago, a mysterious group of spellcasters known as the Absolute Order rose up, killing the Emperor and Empress. Allied with dark powers, the Absolute Orders now rule the land beneath the waves. . .

But there is hope- the 8 year old son, now the rightful Emperor of Oceana was smuggled outside the city, escaping to the surface world. Now, surrounded by a small group of loyalists and mercenaries, the Prince sets out to gather resources, forge alliances, raise a navy, and reclaim his birthright.

Will you answer the call for the Crown of Oceana?

This campaign features fleet building, trade routes, and diplomatic alliances subsystems.

The village of Hargrove seems like a fairly unimportant location- an agricultural village in the middle of an agricultural region with just one temple, one inn, and a library, but mystery abounds in the forests around Hargrove. . .

This campaign is a set of several smaller modular adventures set in and around Hargrove:

The Dark Temple: Rumors of a Dark Temple have circulated for years, but when a small halfling girl goes missing, the heroes on hand in Hargrove must search the forest and finally confront the Dark Temple!

Satyr's Dance: In Sleepy Hargrove the Harvest Festival is the most important time of year. But this year, when a group of aggressive Satyr's have taken up residence near town and are causing problems. Can the heroes on hand in Hargrove broker a peace, or otherwise deal with the Satyr's, or will the fey folk ruin the Harvest Festival?

The Boy in the Well: When Chinon, an apprentice to the resident Wizard falls into a well, the heroes on hand in Hargrove set out to rescue him, and find themselves being led further and further into the Between Lands that lie beneath the surface!

The Ogre God's Tomb: At the dawn of the Third Age, a bastard god of Ogre's and Magic named Cuth briefly ruled much of the earth before he was slain and his followers over thrown. Since then, no Ogre has set foot in Kesperex. But when the Tomb of Cuth is discovered, a race is on to explore it and find out the answer to a mystery stretching back a thousand years. . .

Cessport, the City of Guilds is known for being a city full of intrigue, double crossing, thievery, and murder. The sanctioned Corporations officially rule, but the illegal Guilds have carved out their places as well. Will you join a guild and make a name for yourself in the mean streets of Cessport?

This campaign features a set of modular smaller adventures leading set in Cessport, with a more intrigue focus-- the open secret is that whatever the Guild's name, it's ALSO a thieves guild.

Guild Business: When Giannis, Guildmaster of the Crofter's Guild needs agents not connected with any guild for an errand, he gathers together the rabble of the Cessport streets and offers them a substantial payday to embark on a little bit of Guild Business.

Initiation Dues: Having impressed Giannis, you've been offered the chance to join the Crofter's Guild, assuming that you can pay the initiation dues-- don't worry, Giannis has just the way for you to earn your keep!

Journeyman's Journey: Now full members of the Crofter's Guild, life is good in Cessport. But when an old acquaintance of Giannis comes to town, you find yourselves embroiled in an affair for ages!

The Ogre God's Tomb: At the dawn of the Third Age, a bastard god of Ogre's and Magic named Cuth briefly ruled much of the earth before he was slain and his followers over thrown. Since then, no Ogre has set foot in Kesperex. But when the Tomb of Cuth is discovered, a race is on to explore it and find out the answer to a mystery stretching back a thousand years. . .

Path(s) of the Hellknight(s):
The Hellknights of Golarian uphold law and order in the areas they operate in, organized into fearsome orders.

This campaign is written in the style of PFS Scenarios, with the twist that ALL of the characters are members in some capacity of the Hell Knights, called together from various Orders to embark on a series of ever escalating adventures.

The Burned Lands Artifact Hunt:
The Burned Lands featured an Empire ruled by Halflings some thousand years ago. But in the time since, they have degenerated into a land of barren desert, nomadic tribes, roaming Gnolls, and a very few trade cities on the coast.

When the Tower Univeristy of Riverport gets their hands on some maps they think will lead to import archaeological discoveries in the area, they charter an expedition, bringing together guards, archeologists, Tower Mages, and halfling inheritors to set out for the Burned Lands.

This campaign features a system of major artifacts keyed to character's class abilities which they search for, find, and attune with gaining greater power as they go, and a hex crawling discovery/sandbox exploration mechanic


Any questions, ask them, and please vote! Trying to get an idea which of these to spend my effort developing.

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Voted on the Hellknights one! Very cool, especially with the different prestige classes and possible classes that qualify for it. But I like a couple other ideas too (since I can only pick one...) :)

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I can't lie, ocean stuff just makes me happy on the inside.

Hey. Two things:

1. I played in a very cool Hellknight PbP campaign here that I've linked for reference. Recruitment was actually the initiation to defeat a Bearded Devil in single combat. Some submissions didn't make it.

2. Before I vote (and potentially muck up your results), would you run this game in Pathfinder or 5e? I've unsuccessfully attempted Pathfinder after switching to 5e. Now, the complexity of Pathfinder blows my mind right now, and not in a good way.


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Yah, I am not very likely to run 5E- it's just too simple for my tastes.

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KingHotTrash wrote:
I can't lie, ocean stuff just makes me happy on the inside.

I have the entire line of Cerulean Seas stuff -- I've wanted to do an underwater campaign for a long time. I am not sure I would actually submit something, but I would be interested in your setting ideas. I am slowly developing my own underwater setting.

My first attempt to run a campaign on these boards was an underwater setting based on Warlords of the Accordlands.

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The Archlich wrote:
Voted on the Hellknights one! Very cool, especially with the different prestige classes and possible classes that qualify for it.


I would love to play one of my hellknight ideas.

Burned Lands sounds a lot like Dark Sun and/or fantasy Australia (the idea of the tortured waste in the inland sector, with the verdant areas on the coast reminds me of the Australian outback). I would be interested to at least hear some more about this as well.

Ah- yes, Burned Lands is more "fantasy North Africa and the Sahara" in my world it's just south of the central sea with "the old Empire" (aka fantasy Italy) across from it.

So it's supposed to be a region with a few Morocco style coastal settlements and then gnoll and other tribes in the interior, but with the ruins of the Halfling Empire (fantasy Carthage) scattered throughout.

That sounds pretty interesting.

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These all sound great. Oceana‘s got my vote.

Voted Hellknight

Update: 18 responses in as follows-

Ocean's Throne 8 votes
Paths of the Hellknights 4 votes
Hargrove 3 votes
Cessport 3 votes
Burned Lands 1 vote

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Man, really? I mean, artifacts which unlock abilities tied to class features got voted only once (now you know who did)?

You know, I just took a dictionary (old ones like me still know what a dictionary is) and opened it by the definition of "cool". Burned Lands was there.

Scarab Sages

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I voted for Hargrove due to it's nice and simple, lower stakes, old-timey feel. It reminds me of some of the early stuff like Hommlet or Saltmarsh.

It was a hard choice though, Burned Lands also sounds really good.

Nothing with Pirates and/or Privateers?

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I love the hook for Cessport but not (as much) the way I imagine it's intended to be played.

To me, lawless vagabonds beginning a career in a decentralized thieves' guild located in a city built upon and penetrated by bureaucracy SCREAMS for a group of anti establishment types using the opportunity to execute their own agenda, disrupting and destabilizing the system and economy, sending the city to its knees

Like fantasy Watchdogs but less edgy

Souls At War wrote:
Nothing with Pirates and/or Privateers?

The Ocean's Throne starts on the surface privateering ships and building naval power before transitioning fully beneath the waves.

You had me at pirates!

Oxnard Kettlebeak wrote:
Souls At War wrote:
Nothing with Pirates and/or Privateers?
The Ocean's Throne starts on the surface privateering ships and building naval power before transitioning fully beneath the waves.

Can we vote for more than one, I think both Oceana and Burning Lands sound like great ideas.

Don't go crazy double voting, but it isn't restricted so if you want to vote for two go ahead.

Just out of curiosity, do you have a map and any more setting info on the campaign setting for Burning Lands. Is it the same one as these other games (except, I suppose the Hellknight one?).

I'll PM you some stuff in a bit.

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I'm a huge world builder, so I find this kind of stuff totally fascinating.

These are all really cool ideas!

Oxnard just sent me some additional info -- most of these ideas are actually all in the same campaign setting, which I find additionally intriguing.

Thanks so much to everyone whose responded; still leaving the poll open for continuing information gathering, but after two days we have:

Crown of Oceana 10 votes
Paths of the Hellknights 5 votes
Burned Lands Artifact Hunt & Hargrove at 4 votes each
and Cessport at 3 votes

So, I am definitely going to be running the Crown of Oceana game next- I have a big idea to make the game even bigger and better so when my current PFS tables wrap and after I've written enough of the Adventure & finished the player's guide be on the look out for the recruitment thread.

Yes- all but the Hellknights idea are in my Kesperex campaign setting that my current Dwarves of Gold Peak game and most of my home IRL games are in that I've been developing/playing in for going on 25 years now.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm heavily interested in Path of the Hellknights, that sounds really good.

I do like the Oceana idea, too, but I really need to vote for Paths of Hellknights!

Edit: Looks like Oceana already won?! Nevermind then :)
I'm eager to know, why you'd need a navy to conquer a beneath-the-ocean city, unless it's a navy full of submarines :)

Grand Lodge

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Voted HellKnight.

If, in the future, you Recruit for a HellKnight Campaign not too unlike a Pathfinder Society-like series of Adventures, I hope I see it in time to put forth an application.

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I'll make sure everyone on this thread gets a heads up when I recruit any of these games, and feel free to keep voting- let's me know continued interest level.

The beauty of what I'm trying to do (especially with the Hell Knights one) is to write them to be repeatable and potentially able to be run by others as well-- Hell Knights obviously I'd release for free under Community License eventually.

I voted for Hargrove, since it was my favorite of the ideas with a lot of mini adventures that fit together, but all of them are interesting, and I like the Oceana idea, could be interesting to make an underwater campaign work. :)

Liberty's Edge

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I just sent a vote at burned lands, I love those types of games

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I actually wish that I had known about your All Scarab Sages game!
My Fighter/Student of War just became a Jeweled Sage for PFS!
My favorite campaign settings; Osirian, Minkia and Taldor!
Although, I am a Pirates fan too...arrr!

Everyone who voted/shared interest here, I've just opened recruitment for The Crown of Oceana!

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