Separating products

Customer Service

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hello there!

I've a question about combining products for shipment. Or rather, not combining them :) First, some context.

I live in the Netherlands and there are customs rules here that are 'applied' by a postal service that handles the delivery from the border to my door. They can charge a fixed amount to process a package for clearing customs, and do this from packages worth 22 euro's or more. Unfortunately, I have no say in whether or not they do this and the option of doing it myself is not provided. The only thing that I can tweak, is whether my package is under or over the 22 euro threshold.

When I apply that to my Pathfinder Adventure Card Game subscription, a class deck or a adventure deck, worth 15ish dollar (thus less than 22 euro including shipping) will be delivered without extra clearance costs. A package containing two of these decks have a value more than the 22 euro threshold, and will (often) be charged.

Now, that basically means that for a package that cost me 30-ish euro, I'm charged 20 euro extra. Since I find that a bit excessive, I would like to avoid this. Now that I am aware of this, I'll certainly try to split packages when I notice they get bumped over the clearance threshold value. The additional shipping costs are still way less than this extra clearance charge.

It would save me a lot of micromanagement if there's a setting that I can apply, that will prevent multiple decks to be added to the same order. I did find one that sets whether products will 'wait and be added to the next order/shipment', or 'spawn their own order', but I don't think that's what I need exactly? (Might be wrong there).

It's a block of text, but I hope I've managed to explain what I am looking for :) So, is there an automatic setting that would help me manage my order size? If not, I'll just manually check my orders every now and then and ask for a separation when I notice two decks in one order.

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hello Yerdiss,

Thank you for your question! Unfortunately, we are unable to alter our shipments with the intent of circumventing local customs. This includes splitting up packages or altering labels. You can find more information about international shipping and customs on our FAQ here and here.

We don't have a setting in our system to split up orders in any certain way, just preferences for which shipping method you would like as your default. Our system then calculates the most efficient way to split things based on a lot of different variables including weight, number of boxes, and price. You can see if there are shipping methods which may be more cost effective for you, but prices will vary based on the weight and amount of items.

Since we have so many orders that go out at the same time during subscriptions, we wouldn't have a feasible way to track your orders specifically. However, we are always happy to assist with problems on orders if you let us know.

I hope this was helpful! I'm sorry it's not quite as easy as you'd like, but please don't hesitate to let me know if there are any questions or concerns that I may assist you with in the meantime.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hey there Katina,

Thank you for your swift reply!

Just to clarify: I wouldn't want any label information altered, which is what the first FAQ entry describes. That info should all be correct and in order. It's just that combining packages to save on shipping will actually cost me more in these cases, thus I'd prefer having different packages shipped apart from each other, rather than in a single shipment :)

I'll manually check my orders and should there be a case where separation is preferable, I'll post a topic with a specific separation request; like I foresee will be the case with the July shipment of two Goblin's class decks for PACG (Which, completely off topic, I am SOOO giddy about already!)

Anyway, thanks for your answer, now I know for sure I'm not overlooking a setting ^_^


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