Najamamba |
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If you just can't wait to show them off or if you're proud of some combination you found or you just love some new feature, it doesn't matter. I don't suppose I should limit you to one per post but I'm at least going to start off the thread with just one.
Najamamba, the Jungle Detective.
NG Human (Mwangi, Zenj) Barbarian.
Solves mysteries - and turns into a snake!
stat block:
Female human barbarian 1
Common, NG, Medium, Human, Humanoid
Perception +5
Languages Common, Mwangi
Skills Acrobatics +4, Athletics +7, Deception +5, Intimidation +5, Nature +3, Society +4 (+4es, penalties, or modifiers).), Stealth +4, Survival +3, Underworld Lore +4
Str 18 (+4), Dex 12 (+1), Con 12 (+1), Int 12 (+1), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 14 (+2)
Other Items javelins (4), belt pouch, belt pouch, chalks (10), flint and steel, grappling hook, [i]handwraps of mighty blows[/i], rations (1 week)s (2), rope (foot)s (50), sack, torchs (5), waterskin, purse (11 gp; 17.8 sp; 9 cp)
AC 14; Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +5
HP 21 Hero Points 1
Speed 25 feet
Ranged [1] javelin +4 (thrown 30 ft.), Damage 1d6+4 piercing
Feats Assurance, Natural Skilled, Raging Intimidation
Other Abilities anathema, bestial rage (instinct ability), rage
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For the comic heroes, is it Con-gorilla and Detective Chimp? Also, I don't see how your barbarian turns into a snake? And why does she have an Anathema? Is she supposed to be a Druid instead of a Barbarian? Even a Druid can't become anything larger than a pest at 1st level, but then is she really supposed to be first level if she already has Hand wraps of Mighty Blows?

Cole Deschain |
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Also, I don't see how your barbarian turns into a snake? And why does she have an Anathema?
All but one of the current barbarian totems have anathema.
Well, without getting into too much number crunching and with four characters in one post-
Hek, Rek, and Zek, goblin triplet brothers (recent "graduates" of a Sarenite orphanage, with Zek as the runt of the three, despite having the sharpest teeth), and "Mouse," their human adoptive little sister.
Not a balanced party by any means, but I think I'm gonna keep in my pocket as either handy friendly NPCs or pregens for comedic urban adventure one-offs.
CN Unbreakable Goblin Barbarian, Warrior Background
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 14
Totem: Fury
Feats: Goblin Lore, Intimidating Glare, Raging Intimidation, Sudden Charge
Trained Skills: Acrobatics +5, Athletics +7, Intimidation +5, Warfare Lore +3, Goblin Lore +3, Nature +2, Performance +5, Stealth: +5, Survival +2
Basic Schtick: Grab Horsechopper, hit things
CG Unbreakable Goblin Rogue, Criminal Background
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 10
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 12
Racket: Thief
Feats: Goblin Weapon Familiarity, Experienced Smuggler, Pickpocket, You're Next
Trained Skills: Acrobatics +7, Athletics +4, Crafting +4, Deception +4, Diplomacy +4, Intimidation +4, Underworld Lore +4, Performance +4, Society +4, Stealth: +7, Survival +4, Thievery +7
Basic Schtick: Sneak around and dex-to-damage backstab with a dogslicer
NG Razortooth Goblin Ranger, Tinker Background
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 12
Hunter's Edge: Outwit
Feats: Junk Tinker, Animal Companion (A badger he calls "Chompy"), Specialty Crafting
Trained Skills: Acrobatics +7, Athletics +3, Crafting +5, Deception +4, Intimidation +4, Engineering Lore +5, Nature +4, Stealth: +7, Survival +4, Thievery +7
Basic Schtick: Wait for level 2 so he can take Snare Crafting, at which point, he and Chompy will take over field control prep work
CG Versatile Human (Ancestry not known for sure, but she seems part-Garundi, part-Ulfen, maybe a bit of Vudrani or Varisian in there, who can tell? Since she's from Absalom and doesn't remember her parents, literally anyone is possible) Bard, Street Urchin background
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 18
Muse: Polymath:
Feats: Adopted Ancestry: Goblin, Goblin Lore, Versatile Performance, Pickpocket
Trained Skills: Acrobatics +5, Athletics +3, Absalom Lore +4, Goblin Lore +4, Nature +4, Occultism +4, Performance +7, Stealth: +5, Survival +4, Thievery +5
Basic Schtick: Vouch for the three goblins, handle literally all spellcasting duties,

Najamamba |

Perhaps I was reading too much into my rage action gaining the morph, primal, and transmutation effects and the implied connection to a werecreature in my ancestry, but I figured a barbarian turning into a snake was cool enough to be the correct interpretation. Otherwise it's just me making a scary face and grabbing someone and biting them, like a snake? Oh and the handwraps don't have any enchants on them, they cost nothing without those. They're just handwraps.
I'm going to avoid the bait here and just say, you saw a black lady that turns into a snake and immediately jumped to gorilla and chimp? Try Mystery Woman of the Jungle and see if that jogs your memory.
Anyways, to stay on topic, here's another awesome character.
Drusilla Alebane, tavernkeeper and defender of the dwarven crypts. Necromancer by trade, because the defender of the dead should know the enemy's secrets. Quite fond of Gorum and his teachings, committed to direct warfare, none of this roundabout silly strategizing. Nobody cares about plans when they get punched in the face.
Drusilla Alebane
Female dwarf necromancer 1
Common, CN, Medium, Dwarf, Humanoid
Perception +4 (+6 to notice unusual stonework, discover mechanical traps made of stone or hidden inside of stone.); darkvision
Languages Common, Dwarven, Gnomish, Jotun, Orcish, Terran
Skills Alcohol Lore +7, Arcana +7, Crafting +7, Deception +3, Diplomacy +3, Occultism +7, Religion +4, Society +7, Stealth +4
Str 10 (+0), Dex 12 (+1), Con 16 (+3), Int 18 (+4), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 10 (+0)
Other Items club, spellbook (blank), purse (14 gp; 8.5 sp)
AC 14; Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +6; If you roll a success on a saving throw against a necromancy effect, you get a critical success instead.
HP 19 Focus Points 1 Hero Points 1
Speed 20 feet
Melee [1] club +3 (thrown 10 ft.), Damage 1d6 bludgeoning
Ranged [1] club +4 (thrown 10 ft.), Damage 1d6 bludgeoning
Arcane Wizard Spells DC 14, attack +0; 1st magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, spider sting Cantrips (1st) chill touch, electric arc, message, produce flame, shield, sigil
Feats Reach Spell, Stonecunning
Other Abilities death warden dwarf, drain bonded item, spell substitution
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at https://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.
Hmm, her spellbook's not blank, that looks like a site error.

pixierose |

I would assume that you become snake like, like grow scales maybe your head becomes snake like thats how I flavor the morph aspects of animal totem but I think their is a later barbarian feat that literally turns you into your animal when you rage. I could be wrong.
As for the two comic book characters, I have a few Idea but I am not certain.

Ravingdork |

Love these kinds of threads!
So far, I've made the following:
- Breadcrumbs, trapsmith and chef (CN irongut goblin tinker rogue 2)
“Who’s hungry?” - Hama, the Wandering Witch (NE skilled human herbalist sorcerer 12)
“I am the Body Snatcher. The Mind Bender. The Master of Curses. Know my power!” - Pollivar "Caltrop" Mormont, giant slayer (LG gutsy halfling hunter fighter 7)
“I am so named for all those who dare tread upon me and find only pain.” - Revin Bitter, alien king in exile (LN versatile near-human noble rogue 5)
“My methods are a means to an end, no different than pruning weeds in order to let an orchid flourish. Those who stand in the way of my vision oppose me because they fear me, but more than that they fear what I represent: change.” - Shisio Dafoe, White Reaper of the North (NG ancient arctic elf nomad champion 16)
“Be calm. It will all be over soon.”

Ravingdork |
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Here's a new one! She's a deceptively tough old broad who knows a thing or two about brawling.
Mammo “Old Wooly” Higgins, retired hero (CG rock dwarf laborer barbarian 10)
“Aye, one day my life’s fire will be snuffed out. Sure, sure. So it must be with all living things. Until that day though, I shall not wither or weaken. Now come, let Old Wooly show you how it’s done!”

LuniasM |
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Here's Krusch, a character who sits somewhere between the conceptual space of a Bloodrager and a Dragon Disciple. He initially started as a gladiator desiring fame and admiration, but as his draconic bloodline grows in power he has started thinking and acting more like a dragon as well.
Krusch was a star gladiator in the Arena of Aroden, a famous gladiatorial arena located in the River Kingdoms city-state of Tymon, and was known for drawing the admiration and ire of the crowd with his showboating style. However, Krusch could never become the sole object of the crowd's eye, and was forced to share in his glory with other successful gladiators. One day, after another gladiator showed him up during an engagement with an owlbear, Krusch vowed to leave the arena and go out into the world in search of the glory he so desperately craved.
It was not long before he discovered the untapped reserves of power which lay dormant within his bloodline, and while he was no trained mage Krusch soon learned how to bend the will of others almost as easily as he bent their morale. This power has not come without a cost, however, as Krusch has recently found himself desiring more than just admiration and glory. After all, for all the trouble he's went through, wouldn't subservience be a much more befitting reward?
Krusch, Draconic Rager
Male versatile human barbarian 10
Common, CN, Medium, Human, Humanoid
Perception +16
Languages Common, Skald
Skills Acrobatics +14, Athletics +17, Deception +4, Intimidation +21, Gladiatorial Lore +12, Performance +20, Religion +14, Society +12
Str 20 (+5), Dex 14 (+2), Con 16 (+3), Int 10 (+0), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 18 (+4)
Other Items demon mask, +1 resilient hide
AC 28; Fort +20; Ref +17; Will +17
HP 168 Hero Points 1
Speed 30 feet
Melee +1 striking thundering greatsword, Damage 2d12+7 slashing, +1d6 sonic
Background Gladiator
Ancestry Feats Natural Ambition, Cooperative Nature, Multitalented
Class Feats Raging Intimidation, Moment of Clarity, Sorcerer Dedication, Basic Sorcerer Spellcasting, Dragon's Rage Breath, Bloodline Breadth, Monk Dedication, Terrifying Howl
General Feats Toughness, Diehard, Fleet
Skill Feats Impressive Performance, Virtuosic Performance (Acting), Lasting Coercion, Quick Coercion, Battle Cry,Terrified Retreat
Anathema You respect the might of red dragons, and defying a red dragon is anathema to you.
Other Abilities brutality, deny advantage, dragon instinct, instinct specialization, juggernaut, lightning reflexes, rage, raging resistance, weapon specialization
Tradition Arcane
Spell Attack Roll +16; Spell DC 26
Cantrips produce flame, ghost sound
3rd (1/day) - enthrall
2nd (1/day) - longstrider
1st (2/day) - command, true strike

MaxAstro |

I couldn't resist; this build is too surprisingly viable to pass up.
Ancestry Rock Dwarf
Background Warrior
Class Fighter
Starting attributes:
Str 18 Dex 10 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 12 Cha 14
Level 20 attributes (including apex item):
Str 24 Dex 10 Con 20 Int 12 Wis 18 Cha 20
Level 20 skills:
Legendary: Athletics, Crafting, Intimidation
Trained: Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Warfare Lore, Medicine, Religion, Survival
Ancestry feats:
1 Unburdened Iron
5 Natural Ambition: Reactive Shield
9 Multitalented: Champion
13 Mountain's Stoutness
17 Boulder Roll
General feats:
B Shield Block
3 Adopted Ancestry (Human)
7 Toughness
11 Diehard
17 Wall Jump
Skill feats:
B Intimidating Glare
2 Hefty Hauler
4 Intimidating Prowess
6 Titan Wrestler
8 Magical Crafting
10 Terrified Retreat
12 Quick Repair
14 Battle Cry
16 Scare to Death
18 Cloud Jump
20 Craft Anything
Class feats:
1 Double Slice
2 Aggressive Block
4 Powerful Shove
6 Reflexive Shield
8 Quick Shield Block
9 (Flex.) Shield Warden
10 Twin Riposte
12 Paragon's Guard
14 Basic Devotion: Domain Initiate (Earth)
15 (Imp. Flex.) Two-Weapon Flurry
16 Improved Twin Riposte
18 Advanced Devotion: Quick Block
20 Weapon Supremacy
How to Play
IMPORTANT: Check with your GM whether they count tower shields as "armor" for the purposes of Unburdened Iron. It seems like a reasonable interpretation to me, but if they disagree you will want to take Fleet as your 13th level General Feat instead of Mountain's Stoutness.
Your starting weapons are a shield boss and your clan dagger, in that order. Acquire a tower shield and full plate as soon as possible. For the early levels, do standard front-line shield fighter stuff, with the added benefit of Double Slice->Raise Shield being a pretty awesome turn. Make sure to get or craft doubling rings when you have the chance. All runes go on your shield boss. At 9th level, devote yourself to Torag; it will be long before you reap the true benefits of devotion, but the forge master will guide you well.
12th level is where the build comes together. Mithril full plate saves you a critical point of Bulk and Paragon's Guard allows you to finally wield your true off-hand weapon: Another tower shield. So as to retain the agile property, do not install a boss on the second shield. You can't inscribe a non-bossed shield with runes, but as long as you are using it as a melee weapon it can benefit from your doubling rings. Thanks to Paragon's Guard, you can keep both of your shields constantly raised. The defensive bonuses obviously don't stack, but you can alternate between them when Shield Blocking. Quick Repair also comes on line this level - in an emergency, remember that you can drop both shields as a free action and one tower shield is a perfectly suitable flat surface upon which to repair another. If your GM disagrees, quote the scriptures of Torag at him until he relents.
From there, your power only grows as your faith in Torag finally starts to pay off. 14th-16th levels see you gain the ability to hurl boulders in Torag's name (I suggest flavoring this as using shield slams to fling the rocks) as well as mastering the art of dual shield combat. Finally at 18th level you reach your peak: You now have two free Shield Blocks and a free Twin Riposte every round (remember, it only takes you one action now to bring a tower shield up to +4 AC, which makes crit failures on attacks a lot more likely). And if your foes think they can escape by taking advantage of your below-average speed, Cloud Jump and/or Wall Jump will let you reposition yourself anywhere in the battlefield.
Note that depending on your priorities, the 14th, 15th, 16th, and 18th level class feats can be shuffled around in whichever order you prefer to receive them, save that Advanced Devotion must be taken at 16th or 18th.
Now go forth and engage in jolly cooperation, my child.

Ashanderai |
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This is a thematic concept that is all about a dragon barbarian/sorcerer and works well with the Intimidation mechanics, I think. I just wanted to make something that combined the draconic themes and politics with the character caught in the midst of a centuries long Hatfields vs. McCoys/Romeo & Juliet -style draconic feud. So, here is
Ancestry: Human (Half-Elf Heritage)
Background: Emissary
Class: Barbarian (Brass Dragon Instinct: Fire)/Multiclass Sorcerer (Blue Dragon Bloodline: Electricity)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Cayden Cailean
Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan
Great grandson of Zaerkariss, the blue dragon, Noirox was the forsaken child of an elven servant and Zaerkariss’ grandson; himself a valued agent in the blue dragon’s criminal information network. Despite her deplorable treatment at the hands of the rest of the “family”, Noirvox’s forlorn, elven mother cared for him deeply and raised him as best she could while still under the controlling influence of Zaerkariss, who saw great potential in the child. Noirvox was tutored in the ways of the family’s agents and his baser instincts were encouraged and his blue dragon blood indulged, much to the horror and despair of an elven mother with fading health.
When Noirox was 10, his mother was assigned to undermine the efforts of another dragon’s spy network; a brass dragon by the name of Aeryxulvox. She was supposed to do this by either quietly assassinating her target, an agent of Aeryxulvox, or by seducing him into eventually betraying his master. Instead, his mother, encouraged by the new love she found in the eyes of her target, chose not to assassinate him. Rather, she turned on the family and fled with the man, taking Noirox with them. Only after she fled with the man she loved, did she discover that he was really Aeryxulvox, himself. Surprised, but undeterred, she lived the rest of her days with him and raised Noirox. Even though she had already endured too much hardship and despair in her life – so much so that her soul never quite seemed to recover from the abuses of the past – she was happy for many years before she died after watching her son grow under the benevolent, though eccentric, influence of his new step-father, Aeryxulvox.
Noirox, too impatient for his own good, has learned from two dragons in his lifetime. He can be temperamental to an extreme, even though he means well, and often has difficulty controlling his blueblooded, draconian urges. He has been the emissary of both chromatic and metallic dragons. But, after serving draconic interests all his life, he is now ready to step out on his own and make his own mark in the world. His step-father, Aeryxulvox, loathe to let his step-child out of sight so soon, recognizes that he needs this journey of self-discovery before he can realize the true potential of his birthright and his true calling. So, Noirox pursues adventure where he can find it and hopes to accumulate his own hoard someday. Meanwhile, Zaerkariss schemes towards the recovery of her great grandchild, Noirox, and put him back in his rightful place as an integral part of her hoard.
STR 16
DEX 16
CON 12
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 14
1st LEVEL – Trained in Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Lore: City, Medicine, and Society; Ancestry Feat: Otherworldly Magic (Shield Cantrip), Background Feat: Multilingual, Barbarian Feat: Raging Intimidation, Free Feat: Intimidating Glare
2nd LEVEL - Barbarian Feat: Sorcerer Dedication (Trained in Arcana & Lore: Dragons), Skill Feat: Battle Medicine
3rd LEVEL - General Feat: Ancestral Paragon (Natural Ambition: Moment of Clarity), Skill Increase: Intimidation (Expert)
4th LEVEL - Barbarian Feat: Basic Bloodline Spell (Dragon Claws: Electricity), Skill Feat: Arcane Sense
5th LEVEL - Ability Boosts: STR 18, DEX 18, CON 14, CHA 16; Ancestry Feat: Clever Improviser, Free Feat: Untrained Improvisation, Skill Increase: Athletics (Expert)
6th LEVEL - Barbarian Feat: Basic Sorcerer Spellcasting, Skill Feat: Trick Magic Item
7th LEVEL - General Feat: Fleet, Skill Increase: Intimidation (Master)
8th LEVEL - Barbarian Feat: Dragon’s Rage Breath (Fire), Skill Feat: Battle Cry
9th LEVEL - Ancestry Feat: Nimble Elf, Skill Increase: Arcana (Expert)
10th LEVEL - Ability Boosts: STR 19, DEX 19, CON 16, CHA 18; Barbarian Feat: Terrifying Howl (OR Bloodline Breadth), Skill Feat: Titan Wrestler
11th LEVEL - General Feat: Terrified Retreat, Skill Increase: Medicine (Expert) OR Athletics (Master
12th LEVEL - Barbarian Feat: Dragon’s Rage Wings, Skill Feat: Assurance (Medicine)
13th LEVEL - Ancestry Feat: Elf Step, Skill Increase: Arcana (Master)
14th LEVEL - Barbarian Feat: Continual Recovery, Skill Feat: Expert Sorcerer Spellcasting
15th LEVEL - Ability Boosts: STR 20, DEX 20, CON 18, CHA 19; General Feat: Incredible Initiative, Free Feat: Scare to Death, Skill Increase: Intimidation (Legendary)
16th LEVEL - Barbarian Feat: Dragon Transformation, Skill Feat: Ward Medic
17th LEVEL - Ancestry Feat: Incredible Improvisation, Skill Increase: Arcana (Legendary)
18th LEVEL - Barbarian Feat: Master Sorcerer Spellcasting, Skill Feat: Unified Theory
19th LEVEL - General Feat: ?, Skill Increase: Athletics (Master) OR Athletics (Legendary)
20th LEVEL - Ability Boosts: DEX 21, INT 12, WIS 12, CHA 20; Barbarian Feat: ?, Skill Feat: ?
I haven't quite made every choice for everything just yet and some of the ones I have made are up for deliberation still, as I remain uncertain of some decisions in this build. For example, I hated leaving out Sudden Charge, but Raging Intimidation is too essential for this build, Moment of Clarity was needed to facilitate the spellcasting, and so many other Barbarian or Sorcerer feats seemed more essential to the concept than Sudden Charge. But, I think I like it so far, though I would love to hear any ideas, if there is something I can do to make this more fun.

Tiene |
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Teine is a human wizard specializing in evocation magic. Assisted by her rabbit familiar, her dream is to become the greatest stage magician. She also adventures because it pays the bills, helps her hone her magic, and often earns her the adoration and fame she desires. It's only a level one build, but I just love how magician-y she can get at just level 1, between her rabbit familiar, the ability to hold her breath, use her performance skills mid-combat, and her equipment (including manacles to use underwater along with her ability to hold her breath for 150 rounds!). I made her for 5e, but she feels like even more of a stage magician in PF2.

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Teine is a human wizard specializing in evocation magic. Assisted by her rabbit familiar, her dream is to become the greatest stage magician. She also adventures because it pays the bills, helps her hone her magic, and often earns her the adoration and fame she desires. It's only a level one build, but I just love how magician-y she can get at just level 1, between her rabbit familiar, the ability to hold her breath, use her performance skills mid-combat, and her equipment (including manacles to use underwater along with her ability to hold her breath for 150 rounds!). I made her for 5e, but she feels like even more of a stage magician in PF2.
On your character sheet page 1, What is TEML?
I see it under each ability score with little boxes, can't figure out what it's for
Tiene |
Tiene wrote:Teine is a human wizard specializing in evocation magic. Assisted by her rabbit familiar, her dream is to become the greatest stage magician. She also adventures because it pays the bills, helps her hone her magic, and often earns her the adoration and fame she desires. It's only a level one build, but I just love how magician-y she can get at just level 1, between her rabbit familiar, the ability to hold her breath, use her performance skills mid-combat, and her equipment (including manacles to use underwater along with her ability to hold her breath for 150 rounds!). I made her for 5e, but she feels like even more of a stage magician in PF2.On your character sheet page 1, What is TEML?
I see it under each ability score with little boxes, can't figure out what it's for
"Trained, Expert, Master, Legendary." Instead of writing the proficiency bonus next to each skill and having to update them individually, I just update the proficiency bonus once for each rank at level up and write the rank's first letter next to each skill. (exceptions being made for perception and saves for no reason other than they feel special.) If untrained ever becomes different from the raw modifier, there's enough room in the box for the modifier for both. I designed the sheet this way because I prefer handwritten sheets, but I made this one electronic just for practice.

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Samurai wrote:Also, I don't see how your barbarian turns into a snake? And why does she have an Anathema?All but one of the current barbarian totems have anathema.
Well, without getting into too much number crunching and with four characters in one post-
Hek, Rek, and Zek, goblin triplet brothers (recent "graduates" of a Sarenite orphanage, with Zek as the runt of the three, despite having the sharpest teeth), and "Mouse," their human adoptive little sister.
Not a balanced party by any means, but I think I'm gonna keep in my pocket as either handy friendly NPCs or pregens for comedic urban adventure one-offs.
CN Unbreakable Goblin Barbarian, Warrior Background
** spoiler omitted **Rek
CG Unbreakable Goblin Rogue, Criminal Background
** spoiler omitted **Zek
NG Razortooth Goblin Ranger, Tinker Background
** spoiler omitted **...
Rek seems to be missing one ability boost.

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Rugglesby: Unbreakable Goblin Scholar Bard
Feats:Assurance-Arcana, Goblin Lore, Lingering Composition
Skills: Acrobatics +5, Arcana +4, Diplomacy +7, Academia Lore +4, Goblin Lore +4, Medicine +3, Nature +3, Occultism +4, Performance +7, Society +4, Stealth +5, Survival +3.
Languages: Taldane, Goblin, Draconic
Rescued as an infant, by a Sarenraen Paladin, from slaughter, and left in a Shelyn orphanage. Showed unusual gentleness and precociousness, and so was warded to a Taldan Linguistics professor and his family.
His first language was Taldane. He learned Goblin as a second language, and so speaks it with a Taldan accent.
He currently makes his living on the "lecture circuit" giving talks about Goblinoids.

luy |

This are some of my favs:
Ancestry: Human (Tiefling, a homebrew human heritage that I made)
Background: Criminal
Class: Cleric (Warpriest, with the rogue multiclass archetype)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Sarenrae
Grimberth Grildivud
Ancestry: Gnome (Wellspring Gnome)
Background: Martial Disciple
Class: Fighter (with the duelist sample fighter build)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: Agnostic
Ancestry: Elf (Woodland Elf)
Background: Animal Whisperer
Class: Druid (Wild Order)
Alignment: True Neutral
Khair al-Waajida
Ancestry: Human (Versatile Heritage)
Background: Nomad
Class: Bard (with the dancer sample bard build, something like a dervish dancer)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Sarenrae

Zero the Nothing |

I've got two that I'm pretty proud of.
Name: Ioan Belmont, LN Male Taldan Ranger
Homeland: Ustalav
Wields a Gnome flickmace(which sounds so much like the combat cross from Lords of Shadow). I plan on getting a silver returning starknife(looks like a blue "cross").
Name: Zhōu Zhūquè, CG Female Tian Fire Sorcerer
Homeland: Tianjing
Fire, Healing, and Buffs. Red hair, red flames. Named after the Zhū Què constellation, Vermilion Bird of the South. Worships Desna.
(Basically my own version of the Ruby Phoenix, Hao Jin)
Waiting for a Ninja dedication feat for now.

Cole Deschain |

Rek seems to be missing one ability boost.
Huh, so he is!
This is what I get for doing stuff by hand- guess I'll stick the random floating boost into Charisma to boost his Intimidation and feinting options...

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I have not yet had the chance to play 2nd edition, but I'm rather pleased with this character.
The story of the name:
"My great-great-grandfather heard the word 'patronymic', liked the sound of it, and thinking it was a name, named his son (my great-grandfather) Patronymic. My great-grandfather learned that the word means 'father's name' and thought it would be hilarious to name his son (my grandfather) Patronymic. His name would be his father's name, and literally mean 'father's name'. And the joke has continued down the line."

Zwordsman |
Half human half goblin (using the half-races notation in the half elf. if a gm says no then just half elf).
Alchemist, Ranger dedication.
combat is via bombs, and shuriken (item bonus via mutagen).He also prepoisons a set amount of shuriken for specific cases.
Skills stealth, theivery, medicine.
Is fairly support/debuff based as shuriken are lousy damage. He will likely switch to Starknife later on when he can get a returning-wounding one. Sort of depends on how his mutgen item bonus +poisoned shuriken method works out. (as starknife wouldn't be able to prepoison)
He's also apt to take snare specialist. but I haven't gotten a chance to decide that yet.
Background is basically his goblin mother rescued his father (an obsessive and kind of dumb researcher) from her tribe, and went back to his temple/library. Its a religious temple library sort of place, but it was meant for education and research so religion wasn't requirement of it. He researche and she became part of the cooking staff-run by a dwarf who used to be a blacksmith until half of his hand was taken.
He grew up in that enviroment, reading books, he read about alchemy, and weapons and unusual tools like an alchemist xbow design from an old book. He played with other children, many of whom had relations in the monestary staff. As a result he learned some unarmed combat, and thoroughly enjoyed shuriken toys. He grew up learning how to fight dirty to keep up with the other more formally trained kids.
but several years previous to the start of the story, the library was attacked by a necromancer, a vampire, and a hoarde. During the defense a large portion of the library staff died. During the siege he grew up fast, learned triage, and learned to do more with alchemy, with less and less supplies as time went on.
They were rescued when the Kingdom's army arrived and eraddicated majority of the enemy hoarde. After that he worked in the kitchen with his mother and his uncle(the dwarf), while attending to learning how to protect and how to heal.
At the age of 22, he was told by his family to try and experience the world at large--the uncle fearing he was afraid of the outside world due to the attack,--the mother wanting him to experience the greater world like she did.
Thus he set out to learn more about the world, and come back with gift and a story to his family.

HedwickTheWorldly |

I'm currently working on my character for Age of Ashes, and have decided on:
Ol' Buford (last name TBD)
Human Rogue
Rogue's Racket: Scoundrel or Thief (again, TBD)
Background: Hermit (for the Dubious Knowledge Skill Feat)
Ancestry: Human - Versatile Heritage
General Feat: Adopted Ancestry (Goblin)
Ancestry Feat: Junk Tinker
Rogue Class Feat: Twin Feint if Thief, Nimble Dodge or You're Next if Soundrel
Level 1 Skill Feat: I'm torn between Specialty Crafting (Blacksmithing), Bargain Hunter, or Charming Liar.
Ol' Buford has lived in the hills outside of Breechill for years, scavenging for scraps, clanging together bits of old metal to fashion weapons, tools, and other bric-a-brac to sell to the occasional traveler who bothers to venture near his hovel.
He developed an eye for useful trinkets and baubles by observing the Bumblebrasher goblins, who have lived nearby for a couple years now.
In fact, it's those little goblins that got Buford to stick to one spot for awhile, instead of wandering like he had been for years and years before.
Lately, though, times have been hard. Trade is fading, with the rumors of a haunting up at Hellknight Hill. So, not one to turn down a job what needs doin', ol' Buford figured he may as well roll up his sleeves, head into town - despite hating the idea of being that close to that many folk - and offer to handle business himself.

krazmuze |
This is a random ancestry, background, and class!
Poshmet the Scoundrel Rogue 1 Artist Chameleon Gnome
Artist trained in Crafting, general and artistry
Rogue trained in Stealth also Acrobatics, Intimidation, Performance, Society, Thievery, Arcana, Occultism, Religion
Scoundrel trained in Deception and Diplomacy
Chameleon lets him shift color appearance to blend in background or appear as another gnome. Really useful when replacing societies finest art with his forgeries.
He convinces people he knows everything which is probably not the wisest con, but he has never been caught.

Tim Emrick |

My first concept for a PFS 2E character first started coming together when I read the new Factions' descriptions and saw Valais Durant as one of the leaders. My first 1E Silver Crusade character played all three Valais scenarios, and she's easily one of my favorite recurring NPCs from PFS, so Radiant Oath was a shoe-in for my -2001. My other Silver Crusader has one played one of the scenarios that introduces one of the "rehabilitated" goblin tribes that provide some of the justification for goblin Pathfinders in 2E. One boon from that Chronicle is essentially a limited-use goblin follower, and I've been considering buying the Squire vanity and flavoring it as being that same goblin "trainee" in a continuing role. I don't know if that's strictly legal, but it does give me some history to latch onto for this first 2E PC.
Thibdab is a goblin champion who, like Valais, knows what it's like to be seen as nothing but a monster. He strives to emulate Momoru, the Pathfinder crusader who trained him to ride and fight. That knight's principal concern was aiding and protecting the common folk, and she accepted the goblins of his tribe on their own terms. He soon learned about Sarenrae from other crusaders. As a goblin who desperately wants his people to be accepted in the wider world, he found the goddess' command of fire and Her message of redemption to be irresistible. Thibdab hopes to prove himself worthy as both a champion and a Pathfinder, and thus serve as a role model for other goblins.
Thibdab's stats are not set in stone yet, but for now, he is an unbreakable goblin, martial disciple, and redeemer champion of Sarenrae. His teacher was a cavalry soldier, so he has the Rough Rider ancestry feat.

Xethik |

I couldn't resist; this build is too surprisingly viable to pass up.
** spoiler omitted **...
Late reply, but I'm confused on how you get an agile off-hand shield. Based on the context, you seem to be saying a Shield Bash in an agile attack, but I'm not seeing anything that gives it that? Is this a dev comment I've missed?
Otherwise, neat build!

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I've only got 1 so far, but I thought he was a pretty fun idea.
He is an albino Goblin named Glumbor, who died during birth, but was sent back by Pharasma because it wasn't his time. This brush with death changed him in many ways, which also left him a bit of an outcast among his own kind.
He is an Undead bloodline Sorcerer (his brush with death gave him a connection to the energies of life and death) who focuses on heal and harm, and worships Pharasma. He has a very subdued personality compared to other Goblins, and generally acts as a medic to keep those around him alive.

worg64 |

Myxih "Femme Fatale" Gnome(Umbral) Rogue(Thief) CN alignment
She is a innocent looking but beautifull female gnome that uses her charms to get her way in life, She acts the weak, whimsical lady in dire need of salvation but under the lovely mask she is a ruthless, uncaring, egoistic b~+!+ that do whatever neccessary to get her goals fullfilled.She has a background as a field medic where she learned the medicine and acted much as the lovely sweet nurse while at the same time she gladly plundered the poor wounded or dead soldiers she come across. Here she also learned the basic of fighting where she also saw the need to take care of her own wounds from bad encounters and hence she wanted to learn the healing craft, not for care of others but because of her own selfish care.
Now she has heard of the goblins very sneak way to sneak around more easily and that is her next goal to learn from any willing goblin to teach her. (at level 3 obtain adopted ancestry goblin)
Her strength is a minus but she uses her dex to deadly effect in battle and her sweet deamenor to make other carry her things in her travels with a carefull eye nothing disappear.
Str 8 -1
Con 14 +2
Dex 18 +4
Int 10 +2
Wis 14 +2
Cha 14 +2
She is to learn society
She will then go expert in thievery and Stealth as well as diplomacy, deception and performance.
She has excellent saves all expert as well as expert perception.
Deadly in combat and a jack of all trade when it comes to skills.
At start she will be using shield, where later on she might instead get the shield cantrip or fighter dual to obtain +2 ac with 1h weapon.

Mellored |
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LongShot LongLegs Go fast, shoot far.
Cave Elf Monk
Str 14+, Con 12+, Wis 12+, Dex 18+, Int 12, Cha 10
Feats: Elven Weapon Familiarity (composite longbow), Ki Rush, Ranger Dedication, Fleet, Hunted Shot, Nimble Elf, Abundant Step, Feather Step, Far Shot, Wind Jump, Elf Step, Incredible Initiative, Skimish Strike, Elven Weapon Expertise, Ironblood Stance (Maybe Wall Run?), Toughness, Master Spotter, Swift River, Canny Acumen (Fortitude) Enduring Quickness.
Skills: Athletics, Acrobatics, Stealth. With the movement feats.
Strategy: Sneak in and Hunt a target, shoot them with the bow, Move so far away they can't catch you. If they chase you, shoot again and keep moving. If not, sneak back for another attack. (Maybe save some action for your allies).
Personality: Thinks everyone else is slow and can't stop moving.
Final Result
Move/Climb/Swim speed of 70'
3 focus to fly 70' and/or teleport 70'.
Attack range of 200'.
Several ways to get bonus Strides.
Great AC, Saves, Initiative, and a little resist.
Low damage, though you can also punch people for a different damage type.

Ravingdork |

I've only got 1 so far, but I thought he was a pretty fun idea.
He is an albino Goblin named Glumbor, who died during birth, but was sent back by Pharasma because it wasn't his time. This brush with death changed him in many ways, which also left him a bit of an outcast among his own kind.
He is an Undead bloodline Sorcerer (his brush with death gave him a connection to the energies of life and death) who focuses on heal and harm, and worships Pharasma. He has a very subdued personality compared to other Goblins, and generally acts as a medic to keep those around him alive.
Seems odd to me that a deity whose anathema is undead would bestow/curse someone with the undead bloodline.
A goblin being chosen by a deity to return from death to do great things for goblin kind in an ever changing world is quite a cool concept though!

Martialmasters |
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A 8 int animal shark barbarian that raises wisdom and multiclass into monk at 9. Half elf.
Idea is he's cursed to transform in this way. But he spends his time/levels learning up better hone and control it. By level 9 he takes to meditation and monk ideologies to better control it further.
By level 16 he can fob+furious grab+whirling throw as his 3 action turn it he wants.
70 feet sudden charge land cliff or water with raging athlete.
Animal skin at 6 so he can be shirtless

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Seems odd to me that a deity whose anathema is undead would bestow/curse someone with the undead bloodline.
A goblin being chosen by a deity to return from death to do great things for goblin kind in an ever changing world is quite a cool concept though!
I look at it more as a side effect of having died and come back, rather than something Pharasma did directly. His blood was tainted by his soul spending time on another plane while he was still in the womb/being born, etc. Celestial bloodline could work as well, Undead just seemed like a fun and flavorful choice :)

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Myxih "Femme Fatale" Gnome(Umbral) Rogue(Thief) CN alignment
She is a innocent looking but beautifull female gnome that uses her charms to get her way in life, She acts the weak, whimsical lady in dire need of salvation but under the lovely mask she is a ruthless, uncaring, egoistic b!!@~ that do whatever neccessary to get her goals fullfilled.She has a background as a field medic where she learned the medicine and acted much as the lovely sweet nurse while at the same time she gladly plundered the poor wounded or dead soldiers she come across. Here she also learned the basic of fighting where she also saw the need to take care of her own wounds from bad encounters and hence she wanted to learn the healing craft, not for care of others but because of her own selfish care.
Now she has heard of the goblins very sneak way to sneak around more easily and that is her next goal to learn from any willing goblin to teach her. (at level 3 obtain adopted ancestry goblin)
Her strength is a minus but she uses her dex to deadly effect in battle and her sweet deamenor to make other carry her things in her travels with a carefull eye nothing disappear.Stats
Str 8 -1
Con 14 +2
Dex 18 +4
Int 10 +2
Wis 14 +2
Cha 14 +2
She is to learn society
She will then go expert in thievery and Stealth as well as diplomacy, deception and performance.
She has excellent saves all expert as well as expert perception.
Deadly in combat and a jack of all trade when it comes to skills.
At start she will be using shield, where later on she might instead get the shield cantrip or fighter dual to obtain +2 ac with 1h weapon.
Very cool character!
One thing though. If the above stats are for 1st level, she has 2 too many bonuses. They add up to +11, but should be +9.Edit: NVM the Int was accidentally given a +2.

NobodySpecial |
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Just started a new session with my group after spending a few days going over my new acquisition, I have 5 players and all of them have a sense of humor most of you would find appealing. No stats listed except the 18, the rest are reasonable.
The Captain: Dwarven Fighter / Unburdened Iron - Field Medic - 18 Con
Primary weapon Shield (Shield Boss) with Spiked Gauntlet. Needs his hand free for medical work, looks to Archetype into Cleric for the Divine Lance cantrip and Emblazon Shield to beef up shield hardness. Backstory is a bridge battler and room sweeper, that reactive shield feat is really handy.
Frikk : Goblin Champion Liberator (Cayden Cailean) / Unbreakable - Prisoner - 16 Wis
Rapier and Shield, his backstory was fun to hear him tell, drinking in the common area cave under the thumb of orc masters, a captured human (Cailean) told him he didn't have to take this crap anymore, freed all the goblins and seeks to do it again.
Smudge Greenhand : Gnome Alchemist Bomber / Fey-Touched - Herbalist - 18 Int
She is constantly torturing the party with "What does this smell like to you?" but makes up for it by being the best cook ever. Was kicked out of several mage schools for blowing stuff up.
Caderyn Smokeleaf : Elf Sorcerer / Seer - Fortuneteller - 18 Cha
Draconic bloodline but her aggressive sexual overtones would put an old school bard to shame. Most of her family is incredibly embarrassed about her, "Are you sure she isn't Drow?"
Morag Moonclaw : Half-Orc Ranger / Gladiator (that Orc Ferocity paid off) - 16 Str and Dex
Double Hatchet and Crossbow Ace, signature move is walking into the room with both axes raised and yelling "Caaannnn youuu dig iiittt!!!" Is currently trying to con the sorcerer into learning Ghost Sound for crowd cheering noises.
I have my work cut out for me...

The.Vortex |
I am pretty satisfied with my first PFS character for the second Edition:
Amelia Sorenti
Human (Half Elf)
Champion (Paladin) of Sarenrae
Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
She is a stout defender of the weak and healer of her companions, and her protection, in conjunction with using a halberd as a weapon, has shown many enemies that it is a bad idea to attack the people she cares for.
For her own defense, a Full Plate and some help from her shield spell (Angelic Bloodline Sorcerer dedication) have so far been enough to keep her alive. Especially if she has someone with a heal spell ready in case she is hit too many times.
Due to a decent charisma, she can also hold her own in most conversations.
Overall a very interesting and good character, who can, given enough time, heal all wounds. But even if time is limited, the damage mitigation, together with Lay of Hands (which is refreshed if she uses treat wounds, since that is usually an act of faith for a follower of Sarenrae), and decent damage output work pretty well to keep fights short and the group alive.

Ed Reppert |

… Lay of Hands (which is refreshed if she uses treat wounds, since that is usually an act of faith for a follower of Sarenrae)…
Hm. Don't see this in the CRB. What am I missing?

Pumpkinhead11 |

The.Vortex wrote:… Lay of Hands (which is refreshed if she uses treat wounds, since that is usually an act of faith for a follower of Sarenrae)…Hm. Don't see this in the CRB. What am I missing?
You spend 10 minutes performing deeds to restore your magical connection. This restores 1 Focus Point to your focus pool. The deeds you need to perform are specified in the class or ability that gives you your focus spells. These deeds can usually overlap with other tasks that relate to the source of your focus spells. For instance, a cleric with focus spells from a good deity can usually Refocus while tending the wounds of their allies, and a wizard of the illusionist school might be able to Refocus while attempting to Identify Magic
of the illusion school.
You refill your focus pool during your daily preparations, and you regain 1 Focus Point by spending 10 minutes using the Refocus activity to pray to your deity or do service toward their causes.
The Dawnflower is goddess of healing, honesty, redemption, and the sun. Once a powerful angel and empyreal lord, Sarenrae led the charge to imprison Rovagug. She seeks to redeem evil
where possible, or else destroy it swiftly.
Edicts destroy the Spawn of Rovagug, protect allies, provide
aid to the sick and wounded
*bold for emphasis*

Ed Reppert |

Ah. One could, I think, read it as not automatic to refocus when treating wounds, but a choice that must be made to "use the Refocus Activity" while treating wounds*. One could instead, I suppose, read it the other way.
* can one perform two activities simultaneously?

BellyBeard |

Ah. One could, I think, read it as not automatic to refocus when treating wounds, but a choice that must be made to "use the Refocus Activity" while treating wounds*. One could instead, I suppose, read it the other way.
* can one perform two activities simultaneously?
But then you aren't treating wounds, in a literal sense that your actions are not making their wounds any more treated. If you read it the other way, you are actually treating their wounds, so that action qualifies to refocus you. I definitely think the intention is you refocus "for free" if you do something which qualifies as a refocus activity.

Porphyrogenitus |
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Not sure about other activities but RAW you can perform the Refocus activity while doing something else appropriate to your spell source.
Sorcerers get the best deal on this since they don't have to do anything in particular to regain focus.
That's good because I do not want to know what sorcerers are doing while refocusing. It's usually something inappropriate!

Ed Reppert |

Don't know how awesome he is, but meet
Tonoto "Tony" MacRory
Halfling ranger 5
Common, NG, Small, Halfling, Humanoid
Perception +10 (+12 when using the Seek action to sense unseen creatures within 30ft., +12 to Seek your target.)
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling
Skills Acrobatics +11 (If you succeed at a Balance check you get a critical success instead of a success. In addition you are not flat-footed when you attempt to Balance.), Athletics +9 (If you succeed at a Climb check you get a critical success instead of a success. In addition you are not flat-footed when you attempt to Climb.), Deception +9, Diplomacy +9, Forest Lore +8, Medicine +10, Nature +8, Society +8, Stealth +11, Survival +10 (+12 to Track your target., +10es, penalties, or modifiers).), Thievery +11
Str 14 (+2), Dex 18 (+4), Con 16 (+3), Int 12 (+1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 14 (+2)
Other Items unarmored defense, elsewhere, purse (270 gp)
AC 21; Fort +12; Ref +13; Will +10
HP 76 Hero Points 1
Speed 25 feet
Feats Assurance, Cat Fall, Distracting Shadows, Experienced Tracker, Forager, Rogue Dedication, Sneak Attacker, Sure Feet, Toughness, Twin Takedown
Other Abilities hunt prey, keen eyes, outwit, sneak attack, surprise attack, trackless step
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at https://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.
I suppose I should find a picture for him somewhere. :-)

Ed Reppert |

Okay, here he is with gear. Haven't figured out how to get him rune-etched weapons yet.
[Tonoto "Tony" MacRory
Halfling ranger 5
Common, NG, Small, Halfling, Humanoid
Perception +10 (+12 when using the Seek action to sense unseen creatures within 30ft., +12 to Seek your target.)
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling
Skills Acrobatics +11 (If you succeed at a Balance check you get a critical success instead of a success. In addition you are not flat-footed when you attempt to Balance.), Athletics +9 (If you succeed at a Climb check you get a critical success instead of a success. In addition you are not flat-footed when you attempt to Climb.), Deception +9, Diplomacy +9, Forest Lore +8, Medicine +10, Nature +8, Society +8, Stealth +11, Survival +10 (+12 to Track your target., +10es, penalties, or modifiers).), Thievery +11
Str 14 (+2), Dex 18 (+4), Con 16 (+3), Int 12 (+1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 14 (+2)
Other Items hide armor, unarmored defense, daggers (4), shortsword, shortsword, sling, tanglefoot bag, lesser, thunderstone, moderates (2), backpack, bandolier, bedroll, belt pouch, belt pouch, chalks (10), climbing kit, elsewhere, flint and steel, healer's tools, rations (1 week)s (2), repair kit, rope (foot)s (50), sheath, sheath, sheath, sheath, sheath, sheath, shining sling bullets (4), sling bullets (20), soap, thieves' tools, thieves' tools, replacement pickss (2), torchs (5), waterskin, purse (218 gp; 4 sp; 2 cp)
AC 22; Fort +12; Ref +13; Will +10
HP 76 Hero Points 1
Speed 25 feet
Melee [1] dagger +13 (agile, finesse, thrown 10 ft., versatile S), Damage 1d4+2 piercing/slashing
Melee [1] shortsword +13 (agile, finesse, versatile S), Damage 1d6+2 piercing/slashing
Melee [1] shortsword +13 (agile, finesse, versatile S), Damage 1d6+2 piercing/slashing
Ranged [1] dagger +13 (agile, finesse, thrown 10 ft., versatile S), Damage 1d4+2 piercing/slashing
Ranged [1] sling +13 (propulsive, range increment 50 feet, reload 1), Damage 1d6+1 bludgeoning
Ranged [1] tanglefoot bag, lesser +13 (thrown 20 ft., alchemical, bomb,consumable), Damage 0d0 plus -10 to Speeds
Ranged [1] thunderstone, moderate +14 (thrown 20 ft., alchemical, bomb,consumable,sonic,splash), Damage 2d4 sonic plus deafened (DC 20) plus 2 sonic splash damage
Feats Assurance, Cat Fall, Distracting Shadows, Experienced Tracker, Forager, Rogue Dedication, Sneak Attacker, Sure Feet, Toughness, Twin Takedown
Other Abilities hunt prey, keen eyes, outwit, sneak attack, surprise attack, trackless step
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at https://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.