A Place to be Happy

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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I like the fact that some of the more off-the-wall character concepts, like full-plate wizard, cantrip-only rogue, or a bard who intimidates their foes by posing menacingly at them appear to be pretty viable.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Oh- Barbarian (which could have done with a renaming), is no longer shackled to a cultural background.

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cole Deschain wrote:
Oh- Barbarian (which could have done with a renaming), is no longer shackled to a cultural background.

This reminds me of another thing I'm really happy about: alignment restrictions seem to largely be a thing of the past.

LG barbarians? CE champions? CN monks? Yes please!
Also, I can finally make that barbarian monk, or monk barbarian without everyone rolling their eyes at me and the GM asking for my "sure-to-be-interesting" backstory behind it.

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I picked up a pdf of the main book and a character creator for my tablet and tried to make a character, two minutes later I had a character and was like "no, it can't that easy!" It really really was.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

No more rounds per day rage limitations! :D

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Cole Deschain wrote:
Oh- Barbarian (which could have done with a renaming), is no longer shackled to a cultural background.

I saw the anethema and saw it as more tightly bound to a culture (doesn’t necessarily need to be a tribal one though) which I liked.

Paizo’s splatbooks and adventures always did a really good job of making monsters feel like part of the world. They weren’t just cooked up to have an interesting special ability without any forethought as to how it fits into the ecology. They are a part of the world and their abilities tell you what the world is like.

And the thing that makes me happy is Paizo have taken this philosophy and applied it to their bestiary.

Roll20 Community Manager

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rat_ bastard wrote:
I picked up a pdf of the main book and a character creator for my tablet and tried to make a character, two minutes later I had a character and was like "no, it can't that easy!" It really really was.

HA! I had the same exact thought XD

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It still takes me hours and hours. What character creator are you using?

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
rainzax wrote:
Helped my friend create a functional character in like 45 minutes.

Last night we played our first PF2 game (here in west central France). We spent about an hour on character creation, with me as a DM explaining each step to my two French-speaking pals. Sure, they're old enough to remember playing AD&D in English when they were kids, but it still would've taken ages for them to create characters trying to suss out what sorts of feats they got and which ones to choose.

ABCD character creation went really smoothly.

And I must say I love the new highly deadly side of poisons in PF2. In PF1 they were hardly a speed bump. Now... watch out! Dying 4 is just around the corner!

If you're interested, you can read my 1st session writeup here.

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Ravingdork wrote:
No more rounds per day rage limitations! :D

By extension, there is SO MUCH LESS to track than in PF1.

I am running a Level 20 party through PF1 right now, and here are one typical character's abilities/items that we no longer have to track in PF2:
smite evil 7/day
ring of spell turning 3/day
boots of speed 10/day
lay on hands 19/day
summon mount 4/day
wand of magic missile 32 charges

There is MUCH less bookkeeping in PF2. Also, PF2 discourages 15 minute adventuring days because you can't just nova one battle and then retreat to replenish your daily resources.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Ravingdork wrote:
It still takes me hours and hours. What character creator are you using?

I've been using notepad and my copy of the book as my character creator and it's never taken me more than an hour, though some spellcasters have gotten close.

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When we talk about "making a character" is this "ready to play at level 1" or "planned to level 20". Since making a character that is ready to play at level 1 takes less than 10 minutes in my experience, and I don't feel pressured to plan out my character for the next dozen levels like I was in PF1.

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Ravingdork wrote:
It still takes me hours and hours. What character creator are you using?

In the Google store I recomend pathbuilder 2, obviously every new sourcebook will add time and consideration but it's a great tool set.

Roll20 Community Manager

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Squiggit wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
It still takes me hours and hours. What character creator are you using?
I've been using notepad and my copy of the book as my character creator and it's never taken me more than an hour, though some spellcasters have gotten close.

I used the Roll20 sheet & the PDF. I think what took me longest was double and triple checking I didn't miss anything, and then going through spells.

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Yeah. I just built a wizard last night for fun, and I think the thing that took me the longest amount of time was double-checking my math because I kept thinking I was missing some hidden, extra step. It's almost eerie how easy it is to calculate things now.

The Rot Grub wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
No more rounds per day rage limitations! :D

By extension, there is SO MUCH LESS to track than in PF1.

I am running a Level 20 party through PF1 right now, and here are one typical character's abilities/items that we no longer have to track in PF2:
smite evil 7/day
ring of spell turning 3/day
boots of speed 10/day
lay on hands 19/day
summon mount 4/day
wand of magic missile 32 charges

There is MUCH less bookkeeping in PF2. Also, PF2 discourages 15 minute adventuring days because you can't just nova one battle and then retreat to replenish your daily resources.

This, this so much! It's also great for those other classes limited by rounds per day, like bards. Now you can do your little dance, give a little buff, and get down tonight all night long if you wanna.

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Ran a game of PF2e earlier this evening at the local store. We had five players in total - party consisted of an Elven Sorcerer, and then all humans: Fighter, Rogue, Wizard, Bard.

Super fun time. I was using Planescape, and so D&D cosmology, etc., although the PF2e Bestiary.

Been a while since I ran Pathfinder or similar crunch level; had a blast. I expect it would be more of a trial for the new rules and so one-off, especially with Planescape .. all five players were interested in more adventures with the same PCs and setting, and so I'll be looking to schedule more sessions of it.

Very pleased with the new edition of Pathfinder so far. .

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Yesterday I have the real first session with my players and they quite liked the system. ^^

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I am happy that Perception is no longer a skill (that everyone takes/wants).

I am also very happy with some monster Actions (the marilith, Grim Reaper, great stuff).

I most happy with the use and refinement of the Unchained' Revised Action Economy.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm two sessions in to GMing Fall of Plaguestone, and it continues to be fantastic. All of the players are feeling the improvement from their end to, both in the combat and in the skill checks.

It's a great feeling to be like "Eh, I'd accept an argument for either a Nature, Survival, Perception, or specific Lore check for this particular thing. Choose whichever one is higher or makes the most sense to you", and I feel like I'm doing it not because I need to make an on-the-fly ruling to keep the game going rather than look up the specific rule somewhere, but because the system expressly encourages me and my players to have that quick conversation.

Also, for character creation, I had a friend ask if they could make a pirate in 2E, and I loved the result. My response was they had two choices I could think of immediately off the top of my head:

1. Wait a few months for the Swashbuckler class.
2. Make a Rogue with a Sailor background, the Scoundrel racket, and flavor the rest. Looks like there are plenty of Rogue class feats that would work with that character idea too.

What a great example of how easy bringing a character concept to life feels in this system, and with just the core rulebook so far! Like, I barely had to open the book to think of that.

VestOfHolding wrote:
It's a great feeling to be like "Eh, I'd accept an argument for either a Nature, Survival, Perception, or specific Lore check for this particular thing. Choose whichever one is higher or makes the most sense to you", and I feel like I'm doing it not because I need to make an on-the-fly ruling to keep the game going rather than look up the specific rule somewhere, but because the system expressly encourages me and my players to have that quick conversation.

Yeah, very like 5th Ed, the DM calls for an ability check, and the PC may be able to add their proficiency bonus if they have a skill that they can apply.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I’m loving my first pre-baked roll20 module for PF2. So much great setup done for me, at a great price.

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Colonel Kurtz wrote:

I am happy that Perception is no longer a skill (that everyone takes/wants).

I absolutely LOVE this. Now if there’s something significant enough to warrant a perception roll I can skip the middleman and just say “roll initiative”!

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I just noticed that that one feat everyone in 1e hated for being an example of gating off totally normal actions behind a feat is now... a totally normal action!

CRB page 474 wrote:
Sometimes part of a creature extends beyond its space, such as if a giant octopus is grabbing you with its tentacles. In that case, the GM will usually allow attacking the extended portion, even if you can’t reach the main creature.

Cool to see Paizo listening to people's feedback like this.

21 people marked this as a favorite.

It feels whole.

Top to bottom, flank to front. It’s got a foundation as rock solid as any fundamentally great gaming system. It’s got teeth, it’s got wit, it’s got adaptability.

Each system is important. Skills, Ancestry, Class, Weapons, Armor, Magic, Conditions, Success Tiers, Treasure, Monsters. Tailored like a custom suit for efficiency and dripping in style.

You stroll through character creation like Julia Roberts from Pretty Woman where every option is a rack on the shelf and Paizo is the Richard Gere of character creation.

I’ve only made a handful of NPCs so far, but all of them are so distinct it adds a depth to the game that’s evident from the second a dice hits a table.

I mean they actually did it. Like, what an undertaking. When you really step back and think about the time and thought, it’s nuts. Like sure, it’s easy to sit back and iterate on already presented ideas, but to forge them? Its a living breathing beast of an edition.

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Happy thought of the day:Dwarven pick or axe fighter with shield is back in a huge way.

Any ideas for lifestyles with Wild Shape order, whose anathema is getting too cozy with civilization?

Would a cottage in a forest count against it?
What about traveling with a merchant's wagon?

Would it be anathema to build a small place to live and craft away in downtime, visiting civilization here and there for trading and resupplying, the occasional tavern raid?

Thinking of going wildshape with a ruffian rogue, since my dex is just 12, I figured using cat/raven forms would be awesome way to deal with sneaking and scouting. No one cares about a seagull in a sea-town.

Liberty's Edge

Uh...the Wild Order is pretty clear about that, IMO. To quote:

Becoming fully domesticated by the temptations of civilization is anathema to your order. (This doesn’t prevent you from buying and using processed goods or staying in a city for an adventure, but you can never come to rely on these conveniences or truly call such a place your permanent home.)

Bolding mine. So yes, living in a cottage and visiting civilization as necessary seems fine.

Deadmanwalking wrote:

Uh...the Wild Order is pretty clear about that, IMO. To quote:

Becoming fully domesticated by the temptations of civilization is anathema to your order. (This doesn’t prevent you from buying and using processed goods or staying in a city for an adventure, but you can never come to rely on these conveniences or truly call such a place your permanent home.)
Bolding mine. So yes, living in a cottage and visiting civilization as necessary seems fine.

I wasn't sure if a small housing and a crafting nook would count as processed good or temptation of civilization.

One idea was also getting a merchant's wagon for the adventuring and living out of it for most part.

Liberty's Edge

The only place it says you're not allowed to live long term is a city, if they meant you are obligated to be homeless or live in a cave, I rather think it would say so.

But really, you should just ask your GM, this is the sort of area that they're the one who's gonna decide the specific interpretation of.

Deadmanwalking wrote:

The only place it says you're not allowed to live long term is a city, if they meant you are obligated to be homeless or live in a cave, I rather think it would say so.

But really, you should just ask your GM, this is the sort of area that they're the one who's gonna decide the specific interpretation of.

The true endgame now is settling down and also having a wagon that can survive dragon attacks. Not quite the same as having your original body on the moon while adventuring on Golarion, but I'll take it.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
MaxAstro wrote:

I just noticed that that one feat everyone in 1e hated for being an example of gating off totally normal actions behind a feat is now... a totally normal action!

CRB page 474 wrote:
Sometimes part of a creature extends beyond its space, such as if a giant octopus is grabbing you with its tentacles. In that case, the GM will usually allow attacking the extended portion, even if you can’t reach the main creature.
Cool to see Paizo listening to people's feedback like this.

Love it! I made such a stink about that back in the day.

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Reckless wrote:

Welcome to this thread, intended to be a happy place to come when all the negativity in other threads has got you down.

Please only post happy thoughts about 2E here. You have the rest of these boards to air your complaints/suggestions/contrary positions.

My happy thought of the day.

My wife has said and I quote "This is the first time in over 20 years of gaming that I have enjoyed making a character."

I'm happy that I can still play Pathfinder First Edition ...

Liberty's Edge

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
GRuzom wrote:
Reckless wrote:

Welcome to this thread, intended to be a happy place to come when all the negativity in other threads has got you down.

Please only post happy thoughts about 2E here. You have the rest of these boards to air your complaints/suggestions/contrary positions.

My happy thought of the day.

My wife has said and I quote "This is the first time in over 20 years of gaming that I have enjoyed making a character."

I'm happy that I can still play Pathfinder First Edition ...

Me too! I love both editions!

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Monster design is super cool and thematic, and seems like it'll be a lot easier to run. I can't count the number of times I've looked at a monster stat block after an encounter and gone "whoops, that thing had Power Attack, didn't it?"

The three-action system plays smoothly and nicely.

While I don't think multiclassing is (or should be) the answer to every character concept, it's awesome that I can now do something like a cleric of Gozreh with a few druid abilities, much better than I could have in 1E.

The weapon traits are also pretty cool, and hopefully will help the weapons feel distinct from one another.

The degrees of success system for spells makes it less likely that a spell will end an encounter in a round--or, conversely, the spell will do absolutely nothing and feel like a waste of a turn.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

I love the flickmace so much. It is the weapon I have always wanted.

Sovereign Court

13 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I had a new PFS player show up a week ago who had never played a role playing game before. One week and 3 scenarios later and it dawned on me that she was playing the game just as competently as my table of experienced players. The game just made sense to her and she was able to contribute meaningfully to completing the mission. Everyone had a great time.

That to me, is the highest praise for this awesome system. Absolutely sold, and I started out as a huge skeptic about the need for a 2nd edition.

Sovereign Court

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I love that the tactical part of the game feels a lot more action filled and fun. It is less about mechanically shifting around one square at a time the same way every time to get flanks and more run and gun with lots of room for strategy. One of the things that helps is allowing reach weapons to hit at either distance, but the 3 action economy gives each turn a lot of variety.

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I'm really stoked that it appears that non-casters are still viable and in fact vital at high levels.

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I'm happy to have awesome players and GMs to play with, regardless of the edition.

Liberty's Edge

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Just adding this here, where it belongs.

My wife recently asked that we make the game three weeks in a row instead of two before each break, so we're moving into a three weeks on one week off routine.

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I am so pumped up to start the Age of Ashes with my players,that i do not remember being ever since going from AD&D to 3rd Edition.

And after i ended Emerald Spire final fights i got even more pumped!

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I'm happy to have ma Hellknights back again. They are and will probably always be my favorite Golarion-specific helpful-ish organization.

Perpdepog wrote:
I'm happy to have ma Hellknights back again. They are and will probably always be my favorite Golarion-specific helpful-ish organization.

I was reading the three hellknight archetypes today and I love how they work together and how extensively you can hellknightify a character (you could probably spend most or all of your class just on hellknight optionals)

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I love that the special barbarian instinct features apply to unarmed attacks. Fists of flaming fury, here I come!

Shadow Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

What am I happy about? So much, so, so, very much. PF2 has re-energised our group.

I’m desperately waiting to try out a leshy. Just can’t decide between monk and champion.

Names another issue too - Caesar or Waldorf?

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Of corse I’m totally mesmerised by character creation. Leaves me in a quandary really as I also just want to get stuck into higher level play.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cat-thulhu wrote:

What am I happy about? So much, so, so, very much. PF2 has re-energised our group.

I’m desperately waiting to try out a leshy. Just can’t decide between monk and champion.

Names another issue too - Caesar or Waldorf?

Leshy, so Caesar :3

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Omg I love this Thread.
I love the fact that I dont have to baby-seat some of my players, they can build whatever and it always works
The difficulty is so easy to measure
I love the MC and archetype feature, and that there is an optional rule to give them for free
Monster design is wonderful and its easy to home-brew new ones
New players are getting the system in no time, and making their own weird builds.

Verdant Wheel

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The recent errata to Worn, Held, and Stowed items.

It solves all the problems of mechanics ("How many actions to Draw?" etc) while at the same time opening up the narrative with just enough abstraction to make thematic / cosmetic character choices.

I have a character who "wears" their Holy Symbol as Earrings, which is now supported by the ruleset, for example.

Anyhow, combined with the Bulk system, I find the "Equipment Rules" to be easy, intuitive, even enjoyable.

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