Seisho |
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My first party will probably consist of the following:
A Monk mc Sorcerer with additional versatility and blasting capability (The guy wanted a dragonball character and this is as close as it gets I think :P)
A Fighter mc Sorcerer - Sorcerer probably for versatility, a swordmaster, possibly wielding katana, curve blade or something along the lines
A wildshape druid, possible mc paladin - have to look at the final rules how that would work out

Aiden2018 |
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Name: Oz the Helmsplitter (or Helms for short)
ABC: Lizardfolk (Swamp People) Fisherman Fighter (possible Ranger multiclass)
Weapons of choice: Any pole-arm, particularly halberds but sometimes fishing rods, spears, and javalins.
Catchphrase: "If you can cook it, you can eat it." --loosely translated from swamp-speak

Lanathar |

One thing I always recommend to eternal GMs is to find a PFS group, just dont accidentally become their GM too lol
This is potentially relatively easy in large US cities
In the U.K. not so much :-( . I had a look the other day and the only PFS groups in the U.K. on warhorn are Manchester and Birmingham which is no good when you live on the south coast !I find Roll20 lfg rubbish as the search function is terrible and they don’t have sub forums for game systems so it is full of 5E.
I am determined to look because i realised the other day that I would feel really out of sorts actually playing. I am also buying the 2E rules even though we might not be able to convert due to an on running AP

Edge93 |
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One thing I always recommend to eternal GMs is to find a PFS group, just dont accidentally become their GM too lol
You say that, BUT...
I once went to play a Pathfinder session at a convention and I STILL ended up GMing because the guy running it had way too many show up and needed to split into three groups and needed GMs for the other two to run a quick oneshot demo.
I don't know that I could be trusted with a PFS group... XD

lordcirth |
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9: Captain Golarion
Human Fighter with shield spikes/boss + empty hand (or spiked gauntlet)
Natural Ambition -> Combat Grab
Reactive Shield
grabs his opponent and smashes them with his shield.
10: Muscle Wizard
Human Wizard, Fighter Dedication.
twin spiked gauntlets, leaving hands free for casting.

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Name: Mardroc
ABC: Half-Orc/Society Something Or Other/Druid w/MC Barbarian
Weapon of Choice: Tooth and claw
Name: Krel Giomnar
ABC: Elf/Religious Choice of some sort/Cleric of Norgorber w/MC Rogue
Weapon of Choice: Dagger

Lanathar |
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9: Captain Golarion
Human Fighter with shield spikes/boss + empty hand (or spiked gauntlet)
Natural Ambition -> Combat Grab
Reactive Shield
grabs his opponent and smashes them with his shield.10: Muscle Wizard
Human Wizard, Fighter Dedication.
twin spiked gauntlets, leaving hands free for casting.
Do gauntlets actually leave hands free for casting? They didn't technically in 1E from what I recall. Has this changed?

Jesikah Morning's Dew |
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Jesikah, Elven Monk out in search of wisdom and growth, trying to make the world a better place by her journeys.
Alyssah, her sister, a Druid who seeks a true connection with the primal wilds (and has a love for dinosaurs!).
Seryna, an Elven Champion who adventures with bright steel and a brighter heart and smile.
And a few others, mostly Elves, like a Sorcerer, maybe a Rogue or two!

lordcirth |
Do gauntlets actually leave hands free for casting? They didn't technically in 1E from what I recall. Has this changed?
They do indeed, in the playtest:
You can use the hand covered by your free-hand
weapon to wield other items, perform manipulate actions, and
so forth. ... When you’re not wielding anything and not using the
hand, you can use abilities that require you to have a hand free
as well as those that require you to be wielding a weapon in
that hand.
(page 182, weapon traits)
Somatic and Material casting components are Manipulate actions.

Seisho |

Whoops! I misunderstood the game, as it were. But I don't know all the deets on the ABCs. Is there a document anywhere with all the spoiled info?
welcome to the club, I misunderstood it first :P
And can't even correct myself good enough...well, lets try anyway2.
Name: Yet to be decided
ABC: probably human/adventurer/monk mc sorcerer
Catchphrase: *Incoherent powerup screaming*
Weapon of choice: kamehameha
Name: Thianna Lunaria te Miriell Diannley
ABC: Elf/Entertainer/Fighter possible Multiclass into sorcerer
Random Fact: was her own biggest fan until the met Liria
Weapon of choice: Katana/Curveblade - something among the lines
Name: Lissandra Rialana 'Liria' Cloudfox
ABC: Elf/Scholar/Druid (possible mc into martial)
Random fact: perfected 'being lovestruck'
Favored weapon: Kaiju form

Zamrok |

# 18
Name: Kamvex Zamfi XVIII
ABC: Human/Entrtainer/Bard-Fighter
Weapon of Choice: Quick wit, a rapier, and a backup plan.
Kinda by the numbers here, but it's a surprisingly traditional family of bards stretching back hundreds if not thousands of years and a few possible dimensions.

Rycke |
Name: Undy Termind
ABC: Gnome/Worked in the back room of a mage shop for 30 years/Wizard
Catchphrase: Did I tell you about my kids?
Weapon of Choice: Magic
(Worked in the back room of a mage shop for 30 years is a custom background. Skill Feat: Quick Identify, Skill: Diplomacy, Stat increase: INT or CHA, Lore: Merchant Lore)

gwynfrid |
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Name: Gurgarmuskh
ABC: Goblin, Acolyte, Cleric of Irori
Weapon of Choice: Dogslicer
Mount: A goblin dog named Zen
Catchphrase - a mantra he recites to maintain his self-control:
"Impassive, my face
Respectful, my language
Orderly, my thought
Relaxed, my breath
Impervious, my mind."
Personality: Gurgarmuskh renounced his native tribe's disorderly, dirty, loud, destructive mindset. He found faith in the deity most in opposition to that: Irori. He received a great monastery education where he learnt the way of rigorous order, cleanliness, silence, and discipline. Always impeccably dressed, polite, calm and polished, his only concessions to his ancestry are his traditional goblin weapon and mount.
Weakness: He completely loses his well-rehearsed self-control in the presence of fire. This is anathema, so, when that happens he needs to discipline himself in a variety of ways to atone for the lapse.

shadram |

Name: Alastair Renard
ABC: Human Acolyte Monk, with Cleric MC archetype
Attack: Punching to the face
^ My PC for Age of Ashes. His parents were killed in the Goblinblood Wars, so he was raised by the church of Desna in (starter town of AP). He doesn't know how his parents died, there's conflicting stories, ranging from goblins through to a dragon. Either way, he wants to get out and help the people of the town, do some exploring, and hopefully one day will get to punch a dragon in the face.

TheGoofyGE3K |

Few more ideas
Name: Horatio Payngore Smith
ABC: Half Orc Entertainer/Comedian Bard, Fighter MC Archetype
Attack: A sword or an insult
Catchphrase: "Who wants to hear something funny? Something Funny!"
That's my primary PFS1 character, looking forward to seeing how he does in the new edition
Name: Allister Archimedes
ABC: Elven Scholar Wizard with Alchemist MC
Attack: Either a spell, a concoction, or bruising intellect
Concept: While no catchphrase, he's very much supposed to be the smartest man in the room and isnt shy about it, having been around long enough to figure out both the arcane arts and sciences.

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Name: Barloc Assal
ABC: Halfling/Thassilonian Delver/Ranger
Attack/Weapon: Bow (Cross or Long, undecided :P)
Name: Raul Dejann
ABC: Human/Ruby Phoenix Enthusiast/Wizard
Attack/Weapon: Temple Sword/Spells

Kyrone |

Name: Lyska Raldy
ABC: halfling / warrior / giant instinct barbarian
Weapon: obscenely oversized greatswordDetermined to prove her fighting abilities. Gets angry anytime someone calls her short.
Damn, must be awesome play a small race with giant instinct, where is the Kobold ancestry to use with this awesome barbarian subclass?

Fobok |
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Name: Torik
ABC: Goblin Warrior (unless there is a bandit background) Redeemer Champion of Apsu
Catchphrase: "Dahak's coming, that's too much fire!"
Weapon of Choice: Dogslicer
One of my 1e characters is Half-orc Redeemer Paladin of Apsu, who has tried a few times to convert goblins away from evil to help build the Army of Light for the 'final battle,' which he thinks is imminent. I thought it would be funny to imagine if at one off-camera point between editions that he succeeds. :-)

Feros |

FaerieLore wrote:Damn, must be awesome play a small race with giant instinct, where is the Kobold ancestry to use with this awesome barbarian subclass?32
Name: Lyska Raldy
ABC: halfling / warrior / giant instinct barbarian
Weapon: obscenely oversized greatswordDetermined to prove her fighting abilities. Gets angry anytime someone calls her short.
Well, there is this experimental one I came up with, but it still needs a little work.

xNellynelx |
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So I don't have the AB, but I do have the C and concept. Essentially a "Reaction" Master Fighter. I'd have multiple fighting "styles" that would have different reactions based on the weapon combinations. (1 handed and hand free, 1 handed and shield, dual 1 handed). Then at 20, the Reaction Capstone will let me use all the extra Reactions I've built up for anything.
Reactive Shield, LVL 1
Dueling Parry LVL2
Twin Parry LVL4
??? - LVL 6
Quick Shield Block, LVL 8
Combat Reflexes, LVL 10
Dueling Riposte LVL12
Improved Dueling Riposte LVL14
Twin Riposte LVL16
Improved Twin Riposte, LVL 18
Reactionary, LVL 20
So I'd have
1 Reaction as normal
1 extra reaction specifically for AoO (Combat Expertise)
1 extra reaction specifically for Duelinjg Riposte (1 haded weapon, and 1 hand free)
1 extra reaction specifically for Quick Shield Block (1 handed weapon and shield)
1 extra reaction specifically for Twin Riposte (two 1 handed weapons)
And then my capstone Reactionary would let me use all 5 of my reactions for anything

luy |
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Name: Khair al-Waajida
ABC: Human/Nomad/Bard (with Fighter or Cleric MC archetype)
Catchphrase: "The Dawnflower makes her light shine on the just and on the unjust"
Weapon of Choice: Twin scimitars
Spell of Choice: True Strike
Muse: Sarenrae, The Everlight (Maestro)
A dawnflower dervish from the badawi people of Katapesh. In Search of his kidnapped sister, Naadhira.

The Unfortunate Pumpkin |
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Name: Mack Mountain
ABC: Human/Merchant/LG Champion of Sarenrae with MC Alchemist archetype
Catchphrases: "I sell Alchemist Fire, and Alchemist Fire accessories."
"I tell you h'what that bard ain't right"
Weapon: Longsword and Alchemists Fire
As you can probably tell by now he's based off of Hank Hill. I think he'd be a really fun to play paladin and of course he would constantly be trying to get people to use Alchemist Fire as a clean burning alternative fuel source so you can taste the meat not the heat.

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Name: Argon Sindacollo
ABC: Elf/Scout/Rogue w/ eventual Wizard Dedication
Weapon: Elven Curve Blade
Name: Tharadin Stoneboot
ABC: Dwarf/Criminal/Rogue w/ eventual Monk dedication
Weapon: Lots of kicking

Aiden2018 |
Name: Kurt
ABC: Human woodsman monk
Weapon: Man-hands, dual axes
So I noticed (after a quick scan so I could be off) that there are roughly 14 human PCs out of the 40 that were presented here. I'm not counting half-humans and hobbits. I'm guessing that most people prefer to play exotic races, or that the spread is pretty much even. Either way makes sense, as I don't see the point in ethnocentrism in a world of visually/culturally distinct races. But for me it gets rather hard to explain why there's a party full of demihumans in a nation dominated by humans.
Is there anyone who would prefer a setting where humans aren't the dominant race? Maybe, in keeping with the typical party demographics, they could be the minority instead? Maybe the world could be dominated by hobbits.

nick1wasd |
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Name:Johnny (?)
ABC: Goblin; Entertainer; Bard
Weapon: A violin bow that doubles as a rapier, Electric Arc
Catchphrase: *when using Goblin Song* "JOHNNY SING GOOD, JOHNNY SING GOOD, YAAAYYYYY!" in as off key as possible; *when using Electric Arc* "SHOCKY SHOCKY! hehe"
Name: Joseph Joestar
ABC: Human; Laborer; Monk
Weapon: Fists, legs, and HAMON! (ki)
Catchphrase: "AND YOU'RE NEXT LINE IS-" *proceeds to have the GM walk into it to fuel the gag*
Name: Tzeentch (is what he says)
ABC: Halfling; Criminal; Sorcerer (infernal)
Weapon: Summoned monsters; Halfling slingstaff
Catchphrase: doesn't have one, little silver tongued SoB keep his manner of speech EXTREMELY varied, something about "most said word having some power over you"

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Name: Nero Hyrus
ABC: Elf/Martial Disciple/ Monk with Ranger Didcation
Weapon: Fists, Legs, and Ki!
Phrase: "Pathetic! You're open!)
He's gonna be a Neji Hyuuga expy from Naruto, focusing on pummeling people with different stances and stunning along with the occasional Ki power.
Name: Undy Cided
ABC: Elf/Criminal/ Rogue with Wizard or Sorcerer Dedication
Weapon: Daggers and cantrips
Phrase: Specifically when he's captured - "See, what had happened was..."
I'm going full on arcane trickster with this one.

Seisho |
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Name: Tzeentch (is what he says)
ABC: Halfling; Criminal; Sorcerer (infernal)
Weapon: Summoned monsters; Halfling slingstaff
Catchphrase: doesn't have one, little silver tongued SoB keep his manner of speech EXTREMELY varied, something about "most said word having some power over you"
You should consider demon bloodline if availible, much closer to the chaos gods
If at any point availible maybe even go qulippoth