Wizard Tricks


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Temperans wrote:
Well floating disk is a surfboard, all you need is the magic trick feat. Then you can get 50ft fly 1 rd/lv/casting with no height limit.

kind of... (!PFS)Magic Trick says Disk Rider - 30ft and you need to be astral for unlimited height. Spurn Gravity (more requirements & CL6) allows your claim but duration suffers greatly. And it cost a feat to do this... hmmm...

When making claims it's best to put a link to the ability so people can check it out themselves.

Well there is only one magic trick so I didnt think it important to link it. Also, its one feat to get all the trick you qualify for, and everyone that uses fly will max it out so you will automatically get Spur Gravity at lv 6 (only req is 6 ranks in fly). Finally, nowhere (that I noticed) was it stated that things needed to be allowed in PFS.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Azothath wrote:

buy dull gray ioun stones and paint them to resemble active stones.

Paint some glyphs on it them and add an Explosive rune.
Then cast heightened Continual Flame on it.
It'll be rare when activated but you can be pretty sure it'll blast someone you wanted to blast that is examining the stone.

there are lists of these kind of things going back 20 years...

If you have an explosive rune floating near your head, don't you get blown up when someone reads it? Last I checked, explosive rune was an area of effect.

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Place an Illusory Wall in front of a Prismatic Wall. You get a glowing wall (light from the Prismatic Wall, coming through the Illusion) that someone will eventually poke a hand or head through ... and find the Symbol of your choice on the real Wall behind it all. A Symbol of Fear is always fun (Prismatic times 2 the second being at -2 on saves, skills etc. do to panicked condition). Or maybe they simply curl up into a ball since they can't flee. Of course then it looks like they disappeared and stop responding to those on the other side of the Walls, win either way your GM goes.

Ravingdork wrote:
Azothath wrote:

buy dull gray ioun stones and paint them to resemble active stones.

Paint some glyphs on it them and add an Explosive rune.
Then cast heightened Continual Flame on it.
It'll be rare when activated but you can be pretty sure it'll blast someone you wanted to blast that is examining the stone.

there are lists of these kind of things going back 20 years...

If you have an explosive rune floating near your head, don't you get blown up when someone reads it? Last I checked, explosive rune was an area of effect.

Even better, I know there’s a PFS scenario where there are orcs with Explosive Runes tattooed on themselves as suicide bombs that players can try to safely read them from a distance to make them go off prematurely with a moderately high perception to make them out through gaps in their armor.

It’s PFS, so the rules are played fast and loose but...

That said, Explosive Runes on a dominated creature’s undershirt is a valid way to recreate this with a smaller premature explosion risk.

Ravingdork wrote:
Azothath wrote:

buy dull gray ioun stones and paint them to resemble active stones.

Paint some glyphs on it them and add an Explosive rune.
Then cast heightened Continual Flame on it.
It'll be rare when activated but you can be pretty sure it'll blast someone you wanted to blast that is examining the stone.

there are lists of these kind of things going back 20 years...

If you have an explosive rune floating near your head, don't you get blown up when someone reads it? Last I checked, explosive rune was an area of effect.

Yep 10ft radius blast of Force damage.

Or use Spell Immunity to make yourself immune to Explosive Runes.
Spell Immunity/Greater Spell Immunity are underutilized in my experience ... walk right through my Walls above unharmed via Greater Spell Immunity-Prismatic Wall or startle the caster who thought himself safe. Granted that's a divine spell combo/trick not arcane :D

lol... if someone is examining your ioun stone it's probably after they've stolen it and just cast Identify to figure out exactly what it is. Same with the glyphed platinum rings. Of course you can always give them to someone and walk away...

again, threads on this topic go back many years.
They kinda fall into cheap low level tricks usable at 1-5th level and then others. Of course high level magic lends itself to these games.
What would be interesting is tricks based on new spells that have come out within the last 2 years or so.

Slight tangent:

What happens to an Ioun Stone that was circling around an owners head if the owner becomes deceased? Are they still the owner till someone else grasps the stone, holds and then releases it? Could they be found still circling the corpse of the owner? Is that how you usually find them? Could they be circling the skeletal remnants/skull of Demi-Lich (and trapped to heck and back like noted above)? Been gaming 40 years and can count on one hand the number of Ioun Stones I've run across on one hand with fingers to spare.

Kayerloth wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

that's why implanting them is a good idea, until you look like you have skittles pox.

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0th Level: Prestidigitation

Also known as "Wish, Lesser" this cantrip has a myriad of uses. Create a crude spider and slip it inside the paladin's bedroll before they go to sleep. Change their armour fluorescent pink for an hour. Make their rations taste like dog poop. Soil their undergarments. The delight of gnomish pranksters everywhere!

1st Level: Silent Image

Planning to siege a castle? Create a 3D image of the structure, complete with miniature figurines of your party members that you can rotate, zoom in, and colour code different sections. A thief just stole your coin purse? Create a full image of his appearance to show the city guards. Spreading your group's fame in the local tavern? Give the crowd a big-screen TV show of your latest adventure that would rival any action blockbuster. Or create a porn video starring the paladin in every role.

2nd Level: Tears to Wine

A great excuse to piss in the Paladin's waterskin.

3rd Level: Explosive Runes

Interesting fact: hiring a messenger to deliver someone a note only costs 2 copper pieces if they're within a mile.

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Selling items: remember RAW presumes its -used- equipment found in a dungeon; often broken and/or rusty. Using Mending, Prestidigitation to restore New/Mint condition clearly warrants selling for comparable pricing. Most stores desire a 10% profit margin so your GM should be willing to accept a 90% base sale price before applying Diplomacy(negotiation).

Learn Craft Wondrous Items.
- Spellbook: add Presidigition, Mending to keep it pristine. Add elemental resistances as can.

- Rag of Mending: Start a repair service whenever in town.

- Spoon of Prestidigitation: never have a bland meal/drink again, at your preferred temperature. Add Create Food-n-Water when can to avoid relying on rations, water. Hole it for a necklace/caliber until can have it Cursed to avoid losing.

- Crafting allows others help so hire a cleric to cast CLW and create an auto-resetting magical rug of healing.

Learn Bestow Curse and read the chapter on Cursed Items.
- Use the limitations to lower your manufacturing costs.
- ALWAYS Curse your spellbook to automatically return per Loadstone
- ALWAYS Curse your spoon to automatically return per Loadstone.

Doing some dark magic to Necro this thread, I've liked reading these and would like to offer forth my one stop combo that's the ultimate time out for just about anything troubling you.
Feeblemind + maze, almost no chance they'll stumble out before the 10 minute duration.

Eloc wrote:

Selling items: remember RAW presumes its -used- equipment found in a dungeon; often broken and/or rusty. Using Mending, Prestidigitation to restore New/Mint condition clearly warrants selling for comparable pricing. Most stores desire a 10% profit margin so your GM should be willing to accept a 90% base sale price before applying Diplomacy(negotiation).

Learn Craft Wondrous Items.
- Spellbook: add Presidigition, Mending to keep it pristine. Add elemental resistances as can.

- Rag of Mending: Start a repair service whenever in town.

- Spoon of Prestidigitation: never have a bland meal/drink again, at your preferred temperature. Add Create Food-n-Water when can to avoid relying on rations, water. Hole it for a necklace/caliber until can have it Cursed to avoid losing.

- Crafting allows others help so hire a cleric to cast CLW and create an auto-resetting magical rug of healing.

Learn Bestow Curse and read the chapter on Cursed Items.
- Use the limitations to lower your manufacturing costs.
- ALWAYS Curse your spellbook to automatically return per Loadstone
- ALWAYS Curse your spoon to automatically return per Loadstone.

Not to be a noodge but...

GMG wrote:

Selling Treasure

In general, a character can sell something for half its listed price, including weapons, armor, gear, and magic items. This also includes character-created items.

Trade goods are the exception to the half-price rule. A trade good, in this sense, is a valuable good that can be easily exchanged almost as if it were cash itself.

So shining up and mending found items doesn't restore FULL value to them by RAW. If however your GM is willing to work with you, perhaps a Diplomacy or Bluff versus a buyer's Appraise check would be appropriate, or a Diplomacy check made with a participant who is at least Indifferent and asking for either Complicated or Dangerous Aid, depending on how much more than half-price you're trying to get for your item.

That being said, the core point of using Mending and Prestidigitation for profit is 100% valid. I have players who routinely ignore the combat gear of fallen foes or "set dressing" in the environment around them. They focus on video-game tropes like chests, barrels, vases etc for treasure. Then when they hit next level and realize they're 1000 GP short they get upset with me for not keeping them at WBL.

If you enter a room in a dungeon I've taken the time to detail with wrought-iron candle stands, a torn tapestry hanging faded from the ceiling, and x3 goblins, don't JUST take the small coffer they were guarding. You've also got x3 Small Leather armor, x3 dogslicers, x3 shortspears, a tapestry and x2 candle stands. Sure, they're bulky and unwieldy but taking them back to camp, casting Mending and Prestidigitation as needed, and getting them all back to town, while difficult, yields an extra 100 GP on top of the 260 you found.

Heck... take the coffer itself! Use a cantrip to make an image of the crypt you raided, then sell an illumination, carving or other portrait of said crypt. Using Enhanced Diplomacy to aid your skills, negotiate a fee for being a guide or providing a map for other adventurers.

If your low-to-mid level adventurer is hurting for coin, there are LOADS of ways a bit of magic could help change your fortunes!

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Ravingdork wrote:
I'm looking to brainstorm a few "wizard tricks"--preplanned combos, strategies, and ideas that really make the wizard seem deserving of their genius level intellect.

so i did this years ago in Forgotten Realms - Undermountain. now i'm going to add a little more to it based off of inspiration from the opening post.

so we're walking down the corridor and come to a door. rogue checks for traps and finds none, but he can hear several someones on the other side of the door. after some quite discussion, we make a plan. the rest of the party hides down the corridor around the corner. Leaving me, the lowly psychic standing in front of the door.
I UMD the wand of invisibility in my hand and turn the door invisible.
i can now see the orcs in the room, squabbling over loot. they don't notice me through the invisible door. So i knock loudly on the door. they see me and charge at me, while try my best to look scared; its not hard. i slowly move away, stepping carefully around the marbles i placed along the hallway. the first orcs slam into the invisible door, as i make my way slowly past the marbles away. After some cursing, the now visible door, do to the impact and dealing damage to the first 2 orcs, opens.
Now i start to run, they shout and charge after me, hitting patches of marbles i've strewn across the floor.marbles i've carefully charged with node of blasting.
after many dull thuds, the rogue archer in my group leans around the corner to shoot the survivors with his arrows whose arrowheads are also charged with node of blasting.

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For those wanna-be wizards (cleric) that want to debuf many enemies:
Chastising Baton + Bane = -1 attacks 1 minute per level or 1d6 nonlethal and sickened (-2 attack and damage and saves) 1 round.
Affects enemies in a 50' burst around you.


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Cevah wrote:

For those wanna-be wizards (cleric) that want to debuf many enemies:

Chastising Baton + Bane = -1 attacks 1 minute per level or 1d6 nonlethal and sickened (-2 attack and damage and saves) 1 round.
Affects enemies in a 50' burst around you.


Oh, that is wicked.

It also works with lullaby as a Silly Bard Trick (10' radius, medium range, cantrip).

Here are some others:

Wizard 1
Burning Hands 15' cone
Color Spray 15' cone

Wizard 2
Burst Of Radiance 10' radius burst
Detect Thoughts 60' cone
Flurry Of Snowballs 30' cone

Bard 1
Chord Of Shards 15' cone

Ranger 1
Hunter's Howl 20' radius burst

Druid 1
Entangle 40' radius spread


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I don't know how much of a trick it is, but I've gotten a fantastic amount of mileage with Magic Missile metamagic'd up with Toppling Spell.

Kayerloth wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Per Facts About Ioun Stones, it states:

Ioun stones only float when sent spinning around the head of an intelligent (Int 3+) creature; otherwise they are as inert as common stone. They have no effect on animals, mindless constructs, and other non-sentient creatures; comatose intelligent creatures and those with significant Intelligence damage or drain cannot use ioun stones.

Basically, when you go to sleep, they settle to the ground.


Cevah wrote:
Kayerloth wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Per Facts About Ioun Stones, it states:

Ioun stones only float when sent spinning around the head of an intelligent (Int 3+) creature; otherwise they are as inert as common stone. They have no effect on animals, mindless constructs, and other non-sentient creatures; comatose intelligent creatures and those with significant Intelligence damage or drain cannot use ioun stones.
Basically, when you go to sleep, they settle to the ground.

And this means that they are also deactivated (which in turn means you need to waste time re-activating them again upon regaining consciousness).

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


IMO being unconscious is not the same as being comatose. The unconscious condition does not say that you are comatose when unconscious. Unfortunately comatose is not really defined anywhere.

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Everyone knows that when a wizard goes to sleep, their ioun stones hide socks, place Legos on the ground, rearrange drawers, and other acts of minor mischief.

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Andostre wrote:
Everyone knows that when a wizard goes to sleep, their ioun stones hide socks, place Legos on the ground, rearrange drawers, and other acts of minor mischief.

Best. Cursed. Item. Ever.

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blahpers wrote:
Andostre wrote:
Everyone knows that when a wizard goes to sleep, their ioun stones hide socks, place Legos on the ground, rearrange drawers, and other acts of minor mischief.
Best. Cursed. Item. Ever.

I'm so making this a thing it's not even funny. That's awesome.

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So, don't think I've seen this one...but I wasn't reading too closely...

Use a Heightened and Extended Mount spell to fire off a really high level version of the spell for your horse.

Then cast Alter Summoned Monster and flip said horse (and it's very long duration) for something from the appropriate Summon Monster level.

Day long+ summoned monster to do your bidding. The higher you can Heighten the Mount spell, the crazier the options for Alter Summoned Monster...

EDIT: adding a couple of links:

Alter Summoned Monster


The problem with Alter Summoned Monster and Mount is that the creature is under no specific compulsion to do what you want, other than functioning as a mount. So, you're limited to creatures that would want to help you of their own accord.

You summon a light horse or a pony (your choice) to serve you as a mount. The steed serves willingly and well. The mount comes with a bit and bridle and a riding saddle.

Does 'serves willingly and well' not mean that it does what you say to the best of its ability?

So altering the horse to... whatever, a fire elemental, provided you can communicate with it, it will serve you willingly. And well!

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The "steed" serves willingly and well. Is your elemental a steed? But more importantly, that text obviously means the steed serves willingly and well as a steed. It doesn't mean you can get the horse to cook you dinner.

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You summon a light horse or a pony (your choice) to serve you as a mount. The steed serves willingly and well.

It serves you willingly and well . . . as a mount.

This actually is pretty handy if you swap in a flying or other alternate mobility creature, but it won't necessarily get you a combatant.

Well, this is nowhere near optimized, but I have always had a soft spot for the False Focus feat:

There are various forum posts about using this to generate free Alchemical Power Components to boost your offensive spells, but the consesus seems to be that it is not allowed to be used in this way.

However, I always thought it would be fun to use for Stronghold construction... Start with a few castings of Wall of Stone and Fabricate to build you castle, then litter the place with magical traps to your hearts content. You could put together a pretty wacky funhouse given enough time...

Some examples:
Magic Mouth,
Symbol of Mirroring
Continual Flame
Cursed Treasure
Phantom Trap
Illusory Script
Lesser Animate Dead (if you can stomach it)

Usually by the point in the game where you would start using this, the material costs are probably too small to matter though. This might best performed by a cohort so you can save your own feats for Spell Perfection and such... Your cohort can just keep casting more warding spells on your stronghold while you go out adventuring (bonus points if your cohort is a crafting wizard too... Mastersork Transformation might come in handy too!)

I am sure I missed a few (like Create Treasure Map)... you can find more False focus targets by searching for "GP" under the spell description here:

blahpers wrote:


You summon a light horse or a pony (your choice) to serve you as a mount. The steed serves willingly and well.

It serves you willingly and well . . . as a mount.

This actually is pretty handy if you swap in a flying or other alternate mobility creature, but it won't necessarily get you a combatant.

My apologies, I didn't read the Alter Summoned Monsters spell close enough before posting. I had assumed it... well, altered the mount you summoned, but on closer inspection, it's actually a complete replacement. While I'm still of the opinion that 'serves you willingly' means the thing does what you say, it's no longer a point of argument since it doesn't seem like it would apply to the whatever you replaced the mount with.

Back on the wizard tricks topic, last night our GM manged to kill the party fighter with a pit trap full of poisoned spikes. Good GM trick, that. I responded by using Aqueous Orb to sweep 4 crossbow toting NPCs into that same trap.

After some debate between myself and the GM, we agreed that the NPCs wouldn't necessarily be in contact with the poisoned spikes (like the GM wanted), however, they were not swimming on top of the water and free to try and climb out (like I wanted.) So I drowned some people in the GM's own trap. It felt pretty good.

But, it's not all gloom and doom. You just need to summon things that would already want to do what you want them to do. For instance, angels should always be willing to service the cause of good. And there is always diplomacy, intimidation and enchantment to get others to do what you want.

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