So any interest in Casmaron?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Thanks Erik! It was a lot of fun and I still have some obscure sources from the list to highlight. I hope to highlight more after the holidays.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

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It would, at the present moment, be particularly helpful to find more obscure tidbits about Iblydos.

Erik Mona wrote:
It would, at the present moment, be particularly helpful to find more obscure tidbits about Iblydos.

Tyrant's Grasp #6 details a number of hero-gods and their home poleis, with Iapholi and Chinostes being especially cool!

In addition to Tyrant's Grasp, Absalom: City of Lost Omens includes a couple of fish species native to Iblydos and Dark Archive details a cult based on the cyclops hero-goddess Ludovica.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:
It would, at the present moment, be particularly helpful to find more obscure tidbits about Iblydos.

Everything I could find on Iblydos


Absalom, City of Lost Omens p. 20 - Key Information
By the Year 23 AR the Minotaur Warlord named Voradni Voon had enacted the first siege of Absalon
Prior to the first siege of Absalom Voradni Voon had conquered a large portion of central Casmaron. This included conquering older and better established kingdoms. These kingdoms are not identified.
During Voradni Voon’s conquests, he directed his centaur forces to perform a highly destructive ritual. This ritual is responsible for leveling 3 cities. These cities are not identified. Presumably, this centaur ritual was performed at 3 different times, with each time destroying a city that was especially problematic.
Voradni Voon brought his forces to Absalom via the Brazen Gate. Where did the Brazen Gate come from? Why did it connect to Iblydos?
Voradni Voon’s forces included a large number of Minotaurs, Centaurs, and Harpies. This suggests that these peoples have large populations in central Casmaron.
Was Voradni Voon a Hero-God?
Absalom, City of Lost Omens p. 119 - Summary
The Taurean Embassy was built in a similar architectural style that is often seen in Iblydos.

Distant Shores p. 2 - Key Information
The city states of Iblydos are a stopping point for ships traveling from Qadira to Vudra.
Aelyosos is the first major port available for eastbound ships, and is famous for its beauty.
Iblydos is home to Cyclopean seers, and is thought to be the birthplace of many types of creatures.
Distant Shores p. 4 - Key Information
Although many ships sail through the Iblydos Archipelago, few ships ever reach the archipelago’s interior.
Iblydos is home to one of the oldest living civilizations and was formed from a partnership between cyclopes and humans.
Merfolk conduct trade in Aelyosos at night when it’s lowest districts flood.
Distant Shores p. 5-13 - Key Information
All of this information is relevant, but I will attempt to call out some specifics below.
Aelyosos is the westernmost noteworthy port of the archipelago.
Aelyosos once had a sister city. This city was destroyed approximately a century ago by a thalassic behemoth. This lost city is now used by Sahuagin to conduct raids against Aelyosos. This sister city was named Liachora.
Two Hero-Gods help to oversee Aelyosos, Kelksiomides and Psomeira.
Aelyosos is located on the Island Lalisri.
Liachora and Aelyosos were the two principle cities of the nation Pol-Liachora.
Pol-Liachora is considered one of the nine great historical city states of Iblydos.
10 Hero-Gods died in battle with the thalassic behemoth the destroyed Liachora.
Diaphorea and Aelyake, early/founding Hero-Gods of Pol-Liachora
Presumably Diaphorea was the patron of Liachora and Aelyake was the patron of Aelyosos.
Pol-Ptirmeios and Pol-Sylirica are two city states, Pol-Liachora is allied with the former and defensive against the latter.
Hoimpeia is a Iblyadan city that Aelyosos competes with for ship trade.
Dhuraxilis is an Iblyadan city known for its beast-blooded citizens.
There are ruins of interest on the border between Pol-Liachora and Pol-Sylirica.
Yxinche was Cyclops town near Aelyosos that fell into the ocean. It is now occupied by merfolk.
Thonis is another of the lost Hero-Gods.
Zdokirae was one of the 10 Hero-Gods lost in the battle with the thalassic behemoth.
Pol-Ptirmeios is the city state where the Hero-God Kelksiomides was born. And his hometown was destroyed by raiders. This town is unnamed.
Kelksiomides came to Aelyosos after the loss of its sister city Liachora.
Spalkis is a Hero-God that died of old age, and was a rival to Psomeira.

Heroes of Golarion p. 2 - Key Information
Iblydos is on Casmaron.
Heroes of Golarion p. 14-17 - Key Information
All of this is relevant, but I have called out a few specifics below.
Iblydan witches learn hexes that are not well known elsewhere.
Some Iblydans may have a touch of medusa lineage in their bloodline, either from direct inheritance or from exposure to medusa magic.
For some Iblydans who are attuned to the spirits of fallen Hero-Gods, they may become conduits for the spirits of fallen Hero-Gods.

190. The Choosing p. 2 - Summary
Mythspeaking was deeply affected around the same time Aroden died.

Merchants Manifest p. 6 - Summary
This entire page is relevant and discuss some of the local fauna and trade goods found in and around Aelyosos.
Giant bee honey is harvested in the foothills of Pol-Ptirmeios.

Impossible Lands p. 14 - Summary
Iblydos trades with Quantium.

Lost Omens World Guide p. 7 - Summary
Iblydos is know for trading, legends, and cyclopes.
Lost Omens World Guide p. 9 - Summary
Iblydos is a major stopping point for travel and trade between Vudra and Garund.
Lost Omens World Guide p. 14 - Summary
Voradni Voon built the Brazen Gate.

Inner Sea World Guide p. 204 - Summary
Iblydos is a nation of islands.
Inner Sea World Guide p. 252 - Summary
Traveling trade routes to Iblydos is considered worth the risk.
Inner Sea World Guide p. 304 - Summary
Centaurs are thought to originate from Iblydos.

Bestiary 1 (2E) p. 68 - Summary
Cyclopes live in Iblydos.

Book of the Dead p. 107 - Summary
Grappling Spirits are more common in Iblydos.

Giants Revisited p. 11 - Summary
Mystery cults that practice “Adoration of the Eye” idolize Great Cyclopes. In Iblydos, even some cyclopes join these mystery cults.
Giants Revisited p. 13 - Summary
Long ago the cyclopes of Iblydos held more diverse territory.

Inner Sea Monster Codex p. 16 - Summary
The enlightened cyclopes of Iblydos are sometimes encountered traveling with their followers and servants.
Inner Sea Monster Codex p. 17 - Summary
A cyclops leader is often known as a “Grand-Eye” and they are often lorekeepers. Many “Grand-Eyes” come from Iblydos.
Inner Sea Monster Codex p. 40 - Summary
Minotaurs originate from Iblydos.

143. Borne by the Sun’s Grace p. 9 - Summary
After Xopatl established itself as an independent nation, they sent combatants to learn different wrestling techniques from the Hero-Gods of Iblydos.

144. Midwives to Death p. 49 - Summary
The medusa named Aeonte originates from Iblydos and is a direct descendant of one of the original medusas.
144. Midwives to Death p. 74-75 - Key Information
This is an article about Iblydan Hero-Gods, this entire article is relevant.
Brief information is provided for the following Hero-Gods: Aerekostes, Drokalion, Pharimia, and Upion & Warrik.
Larger writes are included for Chinostes, Iapholi, and Ongalte.
Reanpharos is the city where the Hero-God Chinostes originates.
Iapholi is thought to be the reincarnated Ekriathae. The mystery cult of Ekrian Revival believes that Ekriathae has reincarnated as six different Hero-Gods over the centuries, with Iapholi being the most recent.
Iapholi is a patron Hero-God of the city Dhuraxilis.
Ongalte is a cyclopes Hero-God of deicide and has killed three Hero-Gods thus far. Ongalte is originally from Hoimpeia.
Ongalte used her mythspeaking abilities to uplift Ytildos as her liutenent and planned to murder him last.
Ytildos defected and is now independent of Ongalte.

Mythical Monsters Revisited p. 8 - Summary
Chimeras originate from Iblydos.
Mythical Monsters Revisited p. 26 - Summary
Harpies originate from Iblydos.
Mythical Monsters Revisited p. 31 - Summary
Hydras are commonly depicted on Iblydan pottery.
Mythical Monsters Revisited p. 44 - Summary
Medusas originate from Iblydos.
Mythical Monsters Revisited p. 56 - Summary
The Sphinxes of Ancient Osirion worked closely with scholars from Ancient Iblydos.

Lost Treasures p. 28-29 - Summary
The Feathered Galley of Ataylos is a legendary merchant ship operated by the equally legendary merchant Ataylos. Hailing from Iblydos, the Feathered Galley of Ataylos and its crew were eventually lost as they attempted to fly the ship over an island to escape pirates and dragons.

94. Tomb of the Giant Queen p. 73 - Summary
While many cyclopes are content with their current society in Iblydos, some have left Iblydos to join the prophetic order known as The Resurgents. The Resurgents were first established in Iblydos, but the majority left to follow their leader to Iobaria.

Mythic Origins p. 23 - Summary
Iblydos is known to have mighty champions.

Lost Kingdoms p. 26 - Summary
Cyclopes first came to Iblydos as expatriates of Ghol-Gan.

167. Ready, Fight p. 16 - Summary
Hao Jin stole an indestructible shield that was created by a Centaur Hero-God. Hao Jin was unable to slay the villainous Hero-God, and the Hero-God seeks to reclaim the shield. It is unclear how long ago this occurred and if the Centaur Hero-God is still alive.

77. Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth p. 70 - Summary
Baphomet was born in Iblydos.
77. Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth p. 72 - Summary
Baphomet’s followers can be found in Iblydos, the land of his birth.
77. Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth p. 90-91 - Summary
The first minotaurs on Golarion appeared in mazes beneath Iblydos.

33. The Varnhold Vanishing p. 55 - Summary
Iblydan scholars call the ancient Cyclops empire of northern Casmaron, Koloran.
33. The Varnhold Vanishing p. 85 - Summary
Cyclops mystery cults can be found in Iblydos.

58. Island of Empty Eyes p. 69 - Summary
Some Cyclopes left Ghol-Gan, eventually settling in Iblydos.
58. Island of Empty Eyes p. 70 - Summary
Cyclopes found in Iblydos have little variation from those found in the areas of the former empires of Ghol-Gan and Koloran.

185. A Taste of Ashes p. 66 - Summary
Iblydos’ cities provide ports that offer trade, supplies, and safety for sea traveling merchants.

Dark Archive p. 51 - Summary
The name of a casefile stolen from the Dark Archive is “The Verdure of Iblydos”.
Dark Archive p. 75 - Summary
There is a secret society in Iblydos that requires members to provide their true name written in blood.
Dark Archive p. 138 - Summary
Shrines for the mystery cult The Sacred Truth of Love Above All have been found in the mountains of Iblydos.
Dark Archive p. 139 - Summary
Brief discussion on the cults of the Hero-Gods of Iblydos and the Isle of Thrasea, which is home to cyclopes that worship the ancient pantheon of Ghol-Gan. In particular, this includes two bonded ocean gods.
Dark Archive p. 145 - Summary
The Bacchanalia Ritual was first developed by the cult of the Hero-God Kelksiomides.
Dark Archive p. 148-153 - Summary
This adventure relates to the Dark Archive casefile The Verdure of Iblydos.
Ludovica is a Cyclops Hero-God, but she is illusive and withdrawn compared to other Hero-Gods.

Named City-State Nations:
Note: City-State Nations typically include at least one major city that serves as a capital but may include additional cities and towns.

Named Cities:
Aelyosos, Dhuraxilis, Hoimpeia, Reanpharos
Note: Presumably there is a city named Sylirica and a city named Ptirmeios.

Named Ruins:
Liachora, Yxinche

Named Islands of Iblydos:
Isle of Thrasea
Island of Verdure

Named Hero-Gods:
Kelksiomides - Living.
Psomeira - Living.
Diaphorea - Presumably Deceased
Aelyake - Presumably Deceased
Thonis - Deceased, cause of death not explicitly stated.
Zdokirae - Deceased, died in battle with thalassic behemoth.
Spalkis - Deceased, died of old age.
Aerekostes - Living
Ximakter - Possibly trapped. It is unclear if Ximakter was trapped in his own weapon becoming Aerekostes, see above, or if something else has happened to Ximakter and Aerekostes arose independently.
Drokalion - Living.
Pharimia - Living.
Upion & Warrik - Living. Upion & Warrik are a joint Hero-God and only gain Hero-God status when together.
Chinostes - Undead
Ekriathae - Deceased, died of old age.
Iapholi - Living.
Ongalte - Living.
Ytildos - Living.
Ludovica - Living.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Awesome. So helpful!

If you don't mind, can you also do a search for "Kardaji" and see if it turns up anything your Casmaron dragnet did not? Really appreciate it!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Happy to search! Didn't find much though. Result below:

Inner Sea World Guide p. 204 - Summary: Kardaji Bay is vast bay in the Obari Ocean. The Padishah Empire sprawls along Kardaji Bay.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I kinda feel inspired to check out books Brinebeast doesn't have/didn't check for Casmaron mentions, but those books aren't listed in alphabetical nor numerical order so feels bit hard to check which ones Brinbeast didn't already check x'D Let's see if I can get over my concentration problems to check rest of them

No mentions of it in either of the 1e Qadira books.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

For those who may want to know, my search content and procedures are as follows:

Content- I have every Pathfinder pdf except for Seasons 1 through 10 of Pathfinder Society 1st Edition. There may be a few obscure additional things out there, but if it is on the store, I most likely have it.

Procedure- All my pdfs live in my Google drive. Google drive will search in all pdfs up to a certain size. Any pdf that exceeds that size limit I have split to allow searching.

I highly support other folks doing searches. While I try to be thorough, there is always the potential for error on my part. Also, researching Golarion is fun, so absolutely do your own searches as well!

A big thank you to those who are searching and learning.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Getting back to highlighting interesting lore bits about Casmaron.Touching upon Cosmic Horror themes:

Dungeon Denizens Revisited p. 44 - Summary: A large desert variety of purple worm is found in the deserts of Casmaron. In the central desert of Casmaron is a meteor impact crater forming a miles wide valley. Legends claim this meteorite brought with it the Star-Worm that then birthed the first purple worms on Golarion. Myths claim the Namzaruum the Sword and other heroes have encountered the Star-Worm, but the Star-Worm was never destroyed and is currently slumbering.

With the Remaster purple worms are out, cave worms are in but cave worms appear to originate in Orv. So what is the Star-Worm? Are its offspring death worms? Or are the worm creatures infesting the impact area something different?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Dungeon Denizens revisited was one of 3.5 books right?

Lot of those 3.5 books had cool gonzo lore that got later quietly retconned (most obviously with dragons revisited)

(not that pathfinder 1e revisited monster books didn't have cool lore that got quietly swept aside, I still remember when they said gremlins reproduce by budding ;P)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

LOL, for sure on those quiet retcons. It does seem like most locations have stuck around though. And if this meteor impact site does remain canon, I won't be sad to have another cosmic horror themed location on Casmaron.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Amazing job on that data gathering, Brinebeast!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
Brinebeast wrote:

Happy to search! Didn't find much though. Result below:

Inner Sea World Guide p. 204 - Summary: Kardaji Bay is vast bay in the Obari Ocean. The Padishah Empire sprawls along Kardaji Bay.

Ran my own search, and can confirm. The original Campaign Setting book also has a result, but it's almost the exact same sentence.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Thank you for the kind words vestofholding! And thank you for running a search, the more searches the better!!!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Ooooo, had not seen this thread before, but there are some very cool insights here, thank you Erik!
I'd definitely be in the crowd of people who'd love to see Iblydos and/or Vudra book if all of Casmaron is too much to tackle right away!

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Some fun new Iobaria tidbits arrived in Howl of the Wild! Vurnirn is the largest Centaur settlement there, while Roam is a potentially-mythic (as in nonexistent, not Mythic mechanically) home for Awakened Animals.

We also get a new Iblydan origin for minotaurs, as the descendants of a mason cursed for accidentally angering a hero-god.

Reading this thread makes me wonder, since the Tarrasque is likely no longer canon, which Spawn of Rovagug destroyed Ninshabur. One of the other 4? Or maybe another one we never heard of before?

Grand Lodge

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Probably the Tarasque.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

They'll probably call Tarrasque in future just "Armageddon Engine" and it never wakes up again so no need to show it on screen

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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AuriAU wrote:
Reading this thread makes me wonder, since the Tarrasque is likely no longer canon, which Spawn of Rovagug destroyed Ninshabur. One of the other 4? Or maybe another one we never heard of before?

Yeah, this is still Tarrasque and will remain so going forward. We can use that word without fear of the OGL since it's from mythology, and can call him the Armageddon Engine and refer to him as a spawn of Rovagug since that's flavor and lore we invented... we just won't be depicting Tarrasque as the Godzilla-adjacent monster that D&D interpreted him as, nor will we be presenting stats for Tarrasque in a remastered rulebook.

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IIRC Tarrasque is still trapped in a cave somewhere, and we can safely keep it there forever.

But that didn't mean it didn't do stuff before being trapped in said cave. Nor are the descriptions of people who saw it back then necessarily correct.

Like it's possible that it will metamorphose into something that looks completely different, like the world's grossest and most dangerous butterfly.

James Jacobs wrote:
AuriAU wrote:
Reading this thread makes me wonder, since the Tarrasque is likely no longer canon, which Spawn of Rovagug destroyed Ninshabur. One of the other 4? Or maybe another one we never heard of before?
Yeah, this is still Tarrasque and will remain so going forward. We can use that word without fear of the OGL since it's from mythology, and can call him the Armageddon Engine and refer to him as a spawn of Rovagug since that's flavor and lore we invented... we just won't be depicting Tarrasque as the Godzilla-adjacent monster that D&D interpreted him as, nor will we be presenting stats for Tarrasque in a remastered rulebook.

A shame we won't be getting stats, but a different visual interpretation more in line with the other spawn is honestly much cooler than the original d&d one in my opinion. The End-Singer comes to mind as one of the coolest designs for a monster I've seen.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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AuriAU wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
AuriAU wrote:
Reading this thread makes me wonder, since the Tarrasque is likely no longer canon, which Spawn of Rovagug destroyed Ninshabur. One of the other 4? Or maybe another one we never heard of before?
Yeah, this is still Tarrasque and will remain so going forward. We can use that word without fear of the OGL since it's from mythology, and can call him the Armageddon Engine and refer to him as a spawn of Rovagug since that's flavor and lore we invented... we just won't be depicting Tarrasque as the Godzilla-adjacent monster that D&D interpreted him as, nor will we be presenting stats for Tarrasque in a remastered rulebook.
A shame we won't be getting stats, but a different visual interpretation more in line with the other spawn is honestly much cooler than the original d&d one in my opinion. The End-Singer comes to mind as one of the coolest designs for a monster I've seen.

We published stats for Tarrasque years ago; check our page 80 of the 6th book of Age of Ashes. Those 2E stats will work just fine if you wanna use them in a game. And the fact that we won't be doing anything more with Tarrasque in print as a result of the OGL is as close as you can get to a guarantee that whatever you do in your game won't end up getting "challenged" by new canon we print in the future. ;-)

keftiu wrote:
We also get a new Iblydan origin for minotaurs, as the descendants of a mason cursed for accidentally angering a hero-god.

It's interesting that we now have two highly differing origins for minotaurs. I wonder, then, if that implies there are two different types of minotaur, one from Iblydos and the other from the Azlanti settlement of Tulo from Mythic Monsters Revisited.

It could go to explain how there are the more bestial and bloodthirsty minotaurs that were created/influenced by Lamashtu and follow Baphomet, and the more intellectual and sociable ones from Iblydos.

To make things even more confusing though, Baphomet is specifically called out as being the first of the minotaurs, and was born in Iblydos because of Lamashtu. Maybe Tulo was an Azlanti colony in Iblydos? But with that in mind, how does that tie into the origins of minotaurs from Howl of the Wild?

Man, this is starting to feel like a Pepe Silvia moment.

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keftiu wrote:

Some fun new Iobaria tidbits arrived in Howl of the Wild! Vurnirn is the largest Centaur settlement there, while Roam is a potentially-mythic (as in nonexistent, not Mythic mechanically) home for Awakened Animals.

We also get a new Iblydan origin for minotaurs, as the descendants of a mason cursed for accidentally angering a hero-god.

Making the original minotaur (according to legend anyway) equate to both Daedalus and the Minotaur himself in the original story was a pretty neat twist.

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Simeon wrote:


To make things even more confusing though, Baphomet is specifically called out as being the first of the minotaurs, and was born in Iblydos because of Lamashtu. Maybe Tulo was an Azlanti colony in Iblydos? But with that in mind, how does that tie into the origins of minotaurs from Howl of the Wild?

The Baphomet-Minotaur connection is no more.


Baphomet: His association with minotaurs and him looking like a minotaur is OGL content, so those elements aren't part of the remaster. We've already gone with a different appearance for him based on mythology, so it's just losing the minotaur stuff in the remaster.

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I made this point in another thread, but the greatest magical education institutions in Golarion probably lie in Kelesh, and it would be nice to know about them. Qadira has its own arcane, bardic and alchemical colleges, as capable and prestigious as anything else in the Inner Sea, yet it has always been stressed that Qadira is nothing more than a quaint, impoverished and rambunctous backwater compared to the other satrapies and the Keleshite heartland. If Qadira has magical universities, it is likely that Kelesh does too, and that its schools are far older, far larger, far more capable and more prestigious than Qadira's.

Given that Kelesh is abutted in the south-west by the magically-potent Impossible Kingdoms of Vudra, in the north by what used to be Ninshabur and the occasional Spawn of Rovagug that clambers out of the pit of Gormuz and needs to be fended off, and has an archipelago of Hero-Gods just off its southern shore, having such magical academies would be a useful way of enforcing its regional hegemony. From Qadira, we know keleshites have a long history of working with (or binding) Genies, are extremely experienced with desert warfare with their Ashiftah witches, and have strong connections to the elemental planes, and have at times send armies to reinforce their planar allies. That is a really cool box of tools that you could lean in on for fleshing out Kelesh.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

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Bumping this because folks are starting to get War of Immortals, which contains more information on Casmaron than we have published in a long time...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ye, I was glad to hear this thread was indeed useful x'D

My interest goes Inner Sea > Impossible Lands > Elemental Planes > Tian Xia > Casmaron > Arcadia > Mwangi Expanse > Other planets

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Well, my interest: Golden Road, Shining Kingdoms, Old Cheliax > Casmaron > other Avistan > Tian Xia > Garund > Arcadia.

I am very interested in what the society and cultures of the Padishah Empire might be like. For example, it could easily have a satrapy of civilized harpies.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

War of Immortals - Casmaron Recap

Keyword Searches: Casmaron

Divine beings supply their blood to Bloodragers in Casmaron for wars involving hidden threats. - War of Immortals page 60
Warriors of Legend have become more common across Golarion to include places like Casmaron. - War of Immortals pg. 66
Page 96-98 Casmaron subsection (So many goodies here!)
Outside of the Inner Sea, no place was as deeply affected by the Godsrain as Casmaron. - War of Immortals pg. 96
Without getting into much detail other major subsections include: Chaos in Kelesh, The Bride of Ydersius, Thunder on the Plains, Echoes of the Ancient Past, and Numbering the Anointed. - War of Immortals pg. 98-98. I will highlight one thing from each section.
Chaos in Kelesh - The rains of the Godsrain hit Kelesh on the eve of the Padishah Emperor’s centenary. (This gives us a pretty good idea of when the current Padishah Emperor took charge of the Empire).
The Bride of Ydersius - Hidden for 59 centuries, an ancient Aishmayar city was revealed when the Daszij Damworks broke causing devastation. But with the unusually preserved city revealed, the goddess Etaris, Bride of Ydersius was resurrected. (I need to know a lot more about Etaris and the city that was flooded).
Thunder on the Plains - The hilt of Gorum’s Sundered Sword fell on the Grass Sea and landed at the base of Conqueror’s Stand, an ancient crumbling statue of Voradni Voon. (Is a reborn Voradni Voon going to return to central Casmaron and establish a new minotaur kingdom? Yes please!)
Echoes of the Ancient Past - Lamentations is the name given to a phenomenon that occurs where thousands of spirits return to a site on the anniversary of the site's destruction. The astrologers of the city Na-Gursir see the increase and unpredictability of the Lamentations as a sign that the Pit of Gormuz will soon birth a new Spawn. (Wait, will we see another Spawn besides Verex That Was?)
Numbering the Anointed - Yaril, Prince of the Padishah Empire has been collecting individuals blessed with power by the Godsrain for “training”. (That doesn’t sound healthy.)
Namzaruum is prophesied to awaken and lead a new Azlanti Empire. - War of Immortals pg. 134

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It seems like Casmaron is the perfect place now to set at least 1 mythic AP, as there are very large areas there that could remain set aside for mythic tier adventures and campaigns. So if the first Mythic AP does well, a follow up would be easy and not interfere with other parts of the setting where mythic play is not going to be prevalent.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber


"Nightmares riddled with Star-Worm bile," - War of Immortals pg. 136

They mentioned the Star-Worm!!!! Oh snap, that is some cosmic horror goodness!!!!!!!

Liberty's Edge

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Brinebeast wrote:

Echoes of the Ancient Past - Lamentations is the name given to a phenomenon that occurs where thousands of spirits return to a site on the anniversary of the site's destruction. The astrologers of the city Na-Gursir see the increase and unpredictability of the Lamentations as a sign that the Pit of Gormuz will soon birth a new Spawn. (Wait, will we see another Spawn besides Verex That Was?)

Sounds similar to the following hint from Stolen Fate :

6) They see countless spirits shrieking in agony.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Isn't there minotaur warspawn going around in Isle of Kortos claiming to be Voradni Voon and recruiting harpies, minotaurs and etc?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
CorvusMask wrote:
Isn't there minotaur warspawn going around in Isle of Kortos claiming to be Voradni Voon and recruiting harpies, minotaurs and etc?

Yes! I didn't mention it because I didn't want to spoiler to much.

My personal hope is that a new minotaur is claiming the mantle of Voradni Voon, but is an animist so it's legit. And that a remorseful Voon spirit is providing guidance to lead the minotaurs, centaurs, and harpies back through the Brazen Gate to establish their lost homeland on Casmaron.

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Resurrecting this thread, as we now know we're headed to Iblydos for an Adventure Path pretty soon! Myth-Speaker begins in the port polis of Bailax, but if we're *really* lucky, we might get a map of the whole region.

keftiu wrote:
Resurrecting this thread, as we now know we're headed to Iblydos for an Adventure Path pretty soon! Myth-Speaker begins in the port polis of Bailax, but if we're *really* lucky, we might get a map of the whole region.

Here is hoping this is a hint ot getting information on the region, as it feels like we don't have much if any info on the region.

vyshan wrote:
keftiu wrote:
Resurrecting this thread, as we now know we're headed to Iblydos for an Adventure Path pretty soon! Myth-Speaker begins in the port polis of Bailax, but if we're *really* lucky, we might get a map of the whole region.
Here is hoping this is a hint ot getting information on the region, as it feels like we don't have much if any info on the region.

Distant Shores and Tyrant's Grasp both have some really juicy info!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Brinebeast wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
Isn't there minotaur warspawn going around in Isle of Kortos claiming to be Voradni Voon and recruiting harpies, minotaurs and etc?

Yes! I didn't mention it because I didn't want to spoiler to much.

My personal hope is that a new minotaur is claiming the mantle of Voradni Voon, but is an animist so it's legit. And that a remorseful Voon spirit is providing guidance to lead the minotaurs, centaurs, and harpies back through the Brazen Gate to establish their lost homeland on Casmaron.

Bonus points if they do a whole Anti-Moloch And Baphomet vibe and redeem the reputation of Cows That Hate You.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Honestly, I'd love to see SOMEWHERE do one of my favourite little historical artefacts - the moving royal or imperial court, and I vaguely recall somewhere in central Asia historically having done that (not having any luck tracking down a citation, though). An itinerant court would make for an interesting justification for having such a widespread network of roads - even if any individual ruler is short-sighted and greedy, maintaining that public infrastructure is still gonna happen, just so that the ruler's travels aren't a colossal pain in the neck. Otherwise, love to see more about trade goods, Keleshite magical practices (are there spells and rituals limited by the fact that there's literally three mines on the planet for one of the required gemstones?), and any weird ancestries hanging around.

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