Virellius's page
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber. Organized Play Member. 429 posts (430 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.
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James Jacobs wrote: Virellius wrote: That's fascinating to learn, actually! There's so much depth and lore there it really does feel like a believable, actual place. More going on than one person could ever know in a lifetime, in-setting at least.
Viperwall is Thassilonian, right? I think I read that somewhere. I love that there are so many massive, unexplored regions and dungeons in the setting. Leaves so much for us GMs to work with. Although I don't think anyone would mind a other mega dungeon. Viperwall is not Thassilonian. Like Kaer Maga, it predates Thassilon. Oh! That's even more interesting. Kaer Maga has always been one of my favorite weird spots in Golarion; something about the ancient societies like the Thassilonian's also having stories about finding ancient ruins really drives home how old the world is.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
That's fascinating to learn, actually! There's so much depth and lore there it really does feel like a believable, actual place. More going on than one person could ever know in a lifetime, in-setting at least.
Viperwall is Thassilonian, right? I think I read that somewhere. I love that there are so many massive, unexplored regions and dungeons in the setting. Leaves so much for us GMs to work with. Although I don't think anyone would mind a other mega dungeon.
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This part of the region has so many interesting plot hooks, and I'm loving how little canon there is about the place (makes my home campaign very easy to run) but dang! There is a LOT going on in this part of the world!
Beyond the little snippets on the wiki and the mentioned books, there hasn't been anything super new happening in Viperwall or dealing with the Twilight Academy, right? These places both seem super interesting and have so little written about them! Also, to whoever decided to make a village full of werewolves pissed off at the oppressive rulers of the local government, I salute you. I wonder how they like Magnimar's new mayor?
Anyone ever used these locations for campaign stuff? Considering how popular Sandpoint is, I can't imagine people haven't used the area south of Ravenmoore (I hear they have a GREAT feast) for some adventuring.
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Cheliax is descended from Taldor, and Taldor did have primogeniture until , so if they kept the Old Laws then they absolutely would.
However, it's unclear how much they changed or made even more strict or confounding their laws.
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So, last Sunday, my elf player in our homebrew campaign decided they would do some more backstory work and decided to be from Riverspire, as a part of the Morgethai family.
Today, my .pdf drops into my files and I find out that Riverspire heavily features and the Morgethais have an entire plot point including art of the featured member.
From the time my fallen paladin who turned to Arazni, regained his power, and swore an 'Oath in Crimson' to her at the final battle of that AP, to the announcement of Shadows at Sundown a day after my table had a long chat about wanting to do a followup to our beloved CotCT campaign, to now this, I think perhaps we may have tapped into something or someone on the AP team is actually hiding in my walls.
Thank you once again for giving me exactly what I need when I need it.
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dirkdragonslayer wrote:
Mimics; The biggest loss of the remaster, no monster fills their story or combat niche. It's such a classic hazard that it's worked it's way into countless RPGs and video games. I'm very surprised Paizo didn't make up a new fey or abberation that shape-shifts into objects/treasure chests and prey on adventurers.
Mimics are so Generic Fantasy that I don't think WotC could defend their ideological ownership of them if they tried. Final Fantasy, Every Fantasy Anime, literally everything.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Brinebeast wrote: CorvusMask wrote: Isn't there minotaur warspawn going around in Isle of Kortos claiming to be Voradni Voon and recruiting harpies, minotaurs and etc? Yes! I didn't mention it because I didn't want to spoiler to much.
My personal hope is that a new minotaur is claiming the mantle of Voradni Voon, but is an animist so it's legit. And that a remorseful Voon spirit is providing guidance to lead the minotaurs, centaurs, and harpies back through the Brazen Gate to establish their lost homeland on Casmaron. Bonus points if they do a whole Anti-Moloch And Baphomet vibe and redeem the reputation of Cows That Hate You.
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... huh. That's actually a good idea.
What if we call them... habbots? That seems original.
But for real, DO they have their own name for themselves?
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Jhaeren Embercrest wrote: Given how bad the original three-volume AP was, is anyone actually excited to re-purchase this in a single volume, while hoping that Paizo actually fixed it sufficiently that it no longer sucks? I'm on book 3 running this and I really don't get the hate. It's not the strongest AP of all time but it's also not as bad as I hear people say. My players are having fun, they are invested in dealing with the fallout of the missing moment, they all have a shared distrust of whales and bald men... Not sure what the major complaints are.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Jimmathy1 wrote: Is there an ethnicity or nation out already that represents east africa or is that something that may come in an expansion of Garund later? As an Urgathoa Profile Pic User, I approve of this thread necromancy.
I would check the Mwangi Expanse setting book as it is a whole several hundred pages of Mwangi Expanse lore which of course includes large swathes of Garund; I'm not personally extremely knowledgeable about African history but when it comes to the eastern portion, there is also Osirian as an Egypt analogue of course.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote: Virellius wrote: Morhek wrote: To the north of Sandpoint is Windsong Abbey, a theological neutral zone where doctrines from across the world come to debate, discuss and critique each other without violence, even representatives of "evil" gods. I'm not aware of an adventure path about it you could rework, but I've thought that a murder-mystery set there, with clerics and religious officials from multiple sects coming together to solve it, would be a nice little self-contained adventure. I'd been wondering about a good way to use Windsong. I need to read up more on the place itself outside of the Testaments. The fourth volume of Shattered Star, "Beyond the Doomsday Door", is the best place to go for that, since that whole adventure takes place at Windsong Abbey. Back into archives I go... has anything changed from then 'til now that would be significant? It's such a major landmark along the coast I'd be surprised if the party wasn't at least slightly curious.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Morhek wrote: To the north of Sandpoint is Windsong Abbey, a theological neutral zone where doctrines from across the world come to debate, discuss and critique each other without violence, even representatives of "evil" gods. I'm not aware of an adventure path about it you could rework, but I've thought that a murder-mystery set there, with clerics and religious officials from multiple sects coming together to solve it, would be a nice little self-contained adventure. I'd been wondering about a good way to use Windsong. I need to read up more on the place itself outside of the Testaments.
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote: I've already mentioned we have something in the works that'd be a great continuation for Seven Dooms for Sandpoint, but we haven't announced anything more about that yet... other than if your PCs play Seven Dooms, consider putting those characters in the vault for a bit so they're ready to go with this upcoming but unannounced thing, rather than continuing with them in another adventure.
There are no direct sequels planned for Rusthenge though. Seven Dooms for Sandpoint is it as far as that goes.
I am so excited about this new thing whatever it is. Part of me wishes I'd run Seven Dooms after Rusthenge now actually... I suppose it's not too late.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Right, right, I did forget the difference between the Region and the City name (Xin-Shalast vs Shalast, etc).
I'll keep making sure to be annoying about wanting more Varisia and Thassilon; I'm ESPECIALLY excited about how Paizo decides to do the Runelords mechanically given the new wizard schools plus the Necromancer becoming its own class.
Obviously you can't say anything specific, but do you think the Runelords will all still be wizards specifically, or is the branching out of necromancy perhaps a sign that Runelord may be something not simply tied to wizards exclusively? In theory, I could see Xanderghul and Sorshen being a Bard or Sorcerer instead for example.
Arkat wrote:
Sorshen employing an experienced diplomat (maybe a PC from the Return of the Runelords AP?) to deal with Edasseril could make all the difference in whether there's peace or war in NW Avistan.
This is actually exactly what I'm doing with my post-Rusthenge campaign! One of our Return players used the Sorshen Clone background, and we've furthered that by her taking the Reflection heritage when we swapped the campaign to 2e midway through. So, it simply makes sense that the high level Sorshen lookalike works fantastically as a mouthpiece for her.
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote: - I appreciate it!
I wasn't sure if she'd have wanted to clearly delineate her region from Belimarius'; makes sense though.
Would Sorshen be aware of Mhar the entity? Extremely unlikely to come up, more of a curiosity.
I do hope we get a New Thassilon book eventually! I'm a sucker for Varisia/Thassilon/et al.
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Is Jorgenfist still relatively friendly after the death of Mokmurian and his minions? I imagine the heroes from Rise probably have good relations with Conna if she's still alive (unless I'm forgetting something from Return which is very possible) so maybe one of them could be asked to write a letter of introduction.
Also, is the region commonly known now as Xin-Eurythnia? I wasn't sure if she'd changed it... I like to imagine she's sandblasted a certain wizards sculpture off the side of Mhar Massif. On that note, is she holding court as it were from inside the former Pinnacle of Avarice?
Sorry for all the questions, I feel like I ask a lot. Pathfinder lore is sort of my special interest and I get a bit hyperfixated.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Due to a twist of fate, my Post-Rusthenge party has decided that they want to go and bring word of previous involvement in Rusthenge's functionality, and they want to go tell Queen Sorshen about it. Obviously, that's a long journey for a group of level 5 PCs but they want to remain incognito and travel in mundane methods to avoid the notice of any powerful entities.
They stopped by Sandpoint due to its history and all the heroes who have come through there, and now I am in the very interesting position of Re-Tracing the Rise of the Runelords pathway up to Xin-Shalast. However, obviously, things are different these days. I'm not SUPER aware of what Shalast looks like under Sorshen's rule; anyone have any fun ideas for adventures on the road? Keeping things level-appropriate but also hopefully getting them enough side adventures and things that they'll gain a couple of levels on the trek.
I'm planning on potentially scaling Feast of Ravenmoor to their level and porting it to 2e, but I'm hoping some other people may have some more knowledge about some interesting places of interest along the way that could make for some fun adventures? Jorgenfist comes to mind, although I'm not sure how the Stone Giants are doing these days.
This would be... just pre-Godsrain, too. I have plans for that. :)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Awesome! Glad to hear it; I love the art for the elves in AV and was hoping to use it as inspo going forward; happy that works for now anyway!
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote: Virellius wrote: zimmerwald1915 wrote: CorvusMask wrote: Habit, company policy, same thing when I try to be concise and lose the nuance in progress xD But yeah, I do add that technically the adventurer's guide also mentioned it since it had version of Council of Thieves post the ap, but sadly we haven'ts seen the new phantom thief esque thieves guild (instead of blue collar noble mafia) after that book yet despite it being cool new retooling of the faction Nor shall we. At least one of its members cannot exist any longer. haven't played CoT; who has been erased and why? One of them is a drow, and if we do more with this in the remastered rules, we'll need to chagne that since drow aren't part of the remastered rules.
By and large, ayindilar elves (aka Cavern Elves) are the go-to remastered replacement for individual drow, with the larger Darklands presence of drow being handled by a mix of serpentfolk and other stuff. We haven't yet announced a product that takes a deep dive into exploring this beyond the first short article I wrote for the last Sky King's Tomb volume... but at some point we will. oooh, right okay yeah. I've been doing the same with Ayindilar and honestly it's such a seamless fix it just -works-. I'm not sure if it's been stated, but do they have the Pathfinder 'drow' light lavender skin tones? I know at the start of 2e there was a push to make them less 'dark skin tone is evil' if I remember right?
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
zimmerwald1915 wrote: CorvusMask wrote: Habit, company policy, same thing when I try to be concise and lose the nuance in progress xD But yeah, I do add that technically the adventurer's guide also mentioned it since it had version of Council of Thieves post the ap, but sadly we haven'ts seen the new phantom thief esque thieves guild (instead of blue collar noble mafia) after that book yet despite it being cool new retooling of the faction Nor shall we. At least one of its members cannot exist any longer. haven't played CoT; who has been erased and why?
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote: - My table, having played both of those APs, was SO amused when they saw Norgorber on the cover of one of the Curtain Call books. One of them actually said 'I swear to god if I get to have a THIRD PC slap down the Stabbing Beast my life will be complete.'
I think if we get around to running it, I may have to make him make an appearance. I know he gets mindwiped in between each defeat but just the feeling of deja vu when another spunky group of four people wipes the floor with him has GOT to take a toll.
Thank you for this AP. I have a player who really has an affection for our Prince of Thieves and getting this close to him is going to make them very happy indeed.
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keftiu wrote: I'm honestly crossing my fingers real hard for LO: Iadara alongside an 11-20 Treerazer plot. It's just too perfect. This aged well.
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Additional bit of fun lore: Blood Veil is the disease, and Blood Vale is the home of Achaekek. I bet those Mantis fellas did that on purpose.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Is this not somethging that happens in Council of Thieves a bit? I haven't played it but I know Hell is involved pretty heavily and it is indeed about a council made up of thieves. Might be a good place to look for inspo!
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
So, party today stopped through Sandpoint on the way for their journey and it just so happened I have a player who loved ReturnOTRL, so I thought why not throw in a cameo? Audrahni was there visiting the cathedral and talked a bit to the party, and they got into the topic of her goddess and lore tied to Lady Rushlight, the first will-o'-wisp. One of the party members rolled a nat20 on a recall knowledge for wisps and I mentioned Nhimbaloth as an entity associated with them and then it hit me: Nhimbaloth is said to be the progenitor of all will-o'-wisps; Lady Rushlight is said to be the first.
Did Nhimbaloth create Lady Rushlight and is Ashava, without really having it mentioned as part of her history or lore, fighting against Nhimbaloth directly? As far as I remember, she wasn't mentioned in Abomination Vaults in any way connected to The Empty Death but this just seems too good.
Am I overthinking it? Was this just a coincidence or is there an intended connection here?
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Thank you both so much! I somehow missed that Faiths mention on the wiki.
Great information, ty!
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I've got a player who is a Vindicator of Ketephys and there is surprisingly little info on him. I want to help incorporate their deity more but... he's sparsely attested. There's some in Elves of Golarion and little snippets here and there; running up into Spore War I wondered if we'd get some more info on him due to his connection to hunting demons, but I haven't seen word of that.
Anyone got any secret stores of Ketephys lore?
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James Jacobs wrote: For step 3, it would need to be someone more powerful; someone who if the PCs fought them would be at least a Moderate challenge.
** spoiler omitted **
This is great, thank you! Will absolutely be considering this. They're currently still very early in finding out what even constitutes 'step one of the process' and my extremely proactive and lovably foolish players are currently discussing a safe way to pay a visit to speak with
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote: Some idle ruminations from the guy who developed said adventure...
** spoiler omitted **...
Oh this is all so very good! I had planned on making the entire process be a loooong form adventure, so this is really good. I'd considered the Plane of Metal briefly but hadn't even thought of Elysium. One of my players is a Vindicator of Ketephys so that's actually VERY fitting and good. The chance to potentially meet her deity or at least a herald of him would be a fantastic plotline... but then again we also have a Talos Metal Kineticist. Perhaps they travel to Elysium and bargain for the location of the pool which is kept on the Plane of Metal? Get both of them very personally invested. This is a great lead, thank you so much!
On that note,
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PossibleCabbage wrote: Laclale♪ wrote: Virellius wrote: 20th Century Fox Now 20th century studio, A part of The Walt Disney Company Well, I think it's 1929 on the Earth that corresponds to Golarion, and Fox Pictures doesn't merge with Twentieth Century Pictures until 1935. William Fox is right about to lose control of the company he founded. Reign of Mickey: Donald Must Die would be an insane AP volume.
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Archpaladin Zousha wrote: Might I suggest the Five Kings Mountains? Plenty of metal deposits and volcanoes (and/or dragons)! Highhelm was the thought, yeah. Time to review my Highhelm source book! :D
Maybe I can just rip a battlemap from the Dwarf AP too, hmm...
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keftiu wrote: Jinin feels like a likely bet! Well, since they're doing Tian Xia for the first step I was trying to maybe avoid the general region for the second... Hrm.
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So, my party completed Rusthenge. Everybody loved it and they want to keep going! So: bringing them to Magnimar to meet with Sheila Heidmarch about what the hell they have in their possession, they will discover via some rituals or some such how it must be destroyed. Step one is washing it in nectar from a peach plucked from an immortal arboreal (we're going to Tian Xia, baby!).
Step two is dipping it into a pool of molten dawnsilver. Now, the easy option is just 'melt a bunch of it' but that's boring. Where in Golarion do we think would have reason to have a pool of molten mithral? First thought is Highhelm, but is that too obvious?
My goals are to show off a lot of Golarion if I can. I thought perhaps Kyonin, since elves have an association with dawnsilver as well, but is there anywhere more fitting or more interesting?
I had also considered Nex, since perhaps the alchemists there have something going on that needs liquid metal. Anyone got any better ideas?
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote: The current official map of Heidmarch Manor
I am insanely impressed with your ability to remember all this info and also thankful! I didn't even think to check a player's guide. Thank you so much! I would absolutely pay for a massive comprehensive book of maps of important buildings, btw. 'Lost Omens: A Bunch of Significant Houses' would be an instant purchase.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote: Virellius wrote: Thanks so much! While you're here and we're on the topic; I don't remember if it's mentiond anywhere for sure, but did any old clockwork or the like from Xin make it's way into Magnimar/Varisia proper? Is there perhaps a burgeoning Thassilonian Clockwork black market? Yes. There were some that showed up at the end of Return of the Runelords, in fact, and Xin (the island) is still out there. It's a super high-level place, but... there is a stronger clockwork presence in Magnimar these days as a result. Okay, I do remember that I think... Time to fish out my old PDFs!
Thanks for the info, always love an excuse to get my party back to Varisia. Now to see if I can also get them to run Seven Dooms too...
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Oooh okay perfect! My RotRL group actually didn't manage to finish before The Plague hit and since roll20 didn't have the modules for the second half we never got back into it online!
Looks like I'll keep it nebulous for now; we've been itching to finish that AP at some point. Maybe I'll imply their old PCs still have it secreted away somewhere without being too specific.
Thanks so much! While you're here and we're on the topic; I don't remember if it's mention d anywhere for sure, but did any old clockwork or the like from Xin make it's way into Magnimar/Varisia proper? Is there perhaps a burgeoning Thassilonian Clockwork black market?
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(Sorry to make two threads in one day, but what are you gonna do?)
Anyway, do we know where the Sihedron is/what it's doing/who has it as of current day Golarion? I imagine the Sihedron Council still exists in some form; perhaps the heroes of Shattered Star have it kept locked away?
Sorry if this info is easily found somewhere and I'm blindly missing it!
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pixierose wrote: Yeah Golems were already changed and I do recall them hiring a sensitivity reader/consultant for things such as Nephelllim. Now it's ok to disagree with them making the choice but the choice wasn't done haphazardly or without consideration, and as you said no group is a monolith so it makes sense that there are people like yourself who will disagree with it. This one surprised me, as it is a pretty common thing in almost all forms of fantasy media and never once have I seen or heard any Jewish person upset by the term; in fact even googling it there isn't much beyond people also asking the question and getting replies of 'no it isn't problematic or appropriative'.
I'm obviously not the right person to speak on it, but it did confuse me quite a bit. Is it a more recent push to remove the use of the term? If it's offensive, I'm glad it's gone, mind you, just not sure where the claims that it -is- come from.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
shepsquared wrote: Supposedly there's going to be a supplemental god table released sometime soon, for gods that didn't make it into the book. Some subscribers got an old version of it with the main pdf. Do we have a source for this?
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Squark wrote: I don't think Shiela's done anything beyond typical Venture Captain stuff in the last year or two. She handed out a few missions in season 5, but I don't think she'd see the need to bring them up. I guess you might mention increased security since Heidmarch Manor was burgled in season 5?
Hillary Murphy Moon did find and annotate this map of the lodge for the aforementioned break in scenario.
Yo, thank you so much! This is exactly what I needed.
Lifesaver there.
DO you know what module this was in?
EDIT: FOUND IT! It seems to originate from Pathfinder Chronicles - Seekers of Secrets: A Guide to the Pathfinder Society.
Has detailed descriptions of each area in that pdf too. Glad I kept so much of my ancient pf1e stuff!
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Xenocrat wrote: Having started to peruse Divine Mysteries, they desperately need to errata the art of Apsu on his entry. I'm trying to finish this book, not collapse laughing at how silly the poor chubby, sagging, whiskery dino-lizard looks. Did he pick his skin color because someone selling divinity insurance said it was the cheapest color to cover? No one that shade of green does anything interesting or gets in trouble. It was, uh, not what I would expect from the Father of All Dragons. Kinda gives like... catfish vibes? His legs don't look like they can support him and he kinda has a 'wet' look; not scaled but more newtlike?
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I suppose the coatls mentions slipped my notice; no insults intended there.
I do feel a bit miffed though that the book touted as the Remaster's Gods and Magic has sort of missed the mark when it comes to some pretty significant villainous divinities who could make for some great plothooks.
I'm not sure about the supplemental table; there is a small sort of indexed table before the index that does not include them either.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Simple question; party in my campaign is in Magnimar seeking the Pathfinders and are about to head to talk to Sheila.
I'm sure some PFS module has a map of the manor (I know it's briefly described in Return of the Runelords) but does a map/layout/detailed description exist somewhere that anyone is aware of?
Also, I am not up to date on PFS. Has Sheila done anything super important recently that would line up with around Rusthenge timeframe? I strive to keep my campaigns relatively canon to existing lore.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Where's our shadow pain friends? Not even a mention in the index/ending area but we do get two pages of random coatl gods instead? It's not that they're removed from lore, they're Mentioned, but for a full compilation of the divine it feels strange we'd be missing one entire pretty major species who has noted divinities.
Anyone find any info on them at all?
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The Mana Wastes comes to mind immediately.
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firelark01 wrote: Will the ashes and time oracles also be remastered, or will they stay forever stuck in the past? I'm playing a time oracle so I hope I does get some touchups lol.
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The Queen was going to set it at 1997 in reference to the release of the hit movie about herself but got hit with a DMCA by 20th Century Fox so decided against it.
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Elfteiroh wrote: Virellius wrote: Any word on when this will be updated for version 12? Considering there's still no word on when the PF2 system will be (it's still in beta), they can't really say when the modules will be converted. Oof. My other ones all work fine, Gatewalkers/Alkenstar, etc are all updated. This is the only module I have that isn't verified for v12. Ah well! Just bought it and was hoping to use it soon.
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Any word on when this will be updated for version 12?
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote: Leng's in the same place it always have been, in the Dreamlands. Hasn't gone anywhere. We just can't talk about every place all at once is all. The Elder Mythos are also still part of the setting, as well. We haven't abandoned the cosmic horror elements that popped in now and then in 1st edition (or in 2nd edition, as recently as in Seven Dooms for Sandpoint), but not every product is the right one to include Cthulhus in is all.
EDIT: That said, Nhimbaloth, one of the eldritch additions I invented and brought into the mythos alongside the rest, gets a name drop on page 349 of the Monster Core, so yeah... they're all there, lurking in the outer darkness, patient and potent, waiting for the right time (and story) to pop up in again.
While on the topic, is Ithaqua or something similar still a part of the canon? I always thought the idea of an eldritch entity of the cold and hunger and isolation was super creepy.