The Undeclared.

Play-by-Post Discussion

Maps | Hero Points

Welcome to the recruitment page for Destiny’s Call. and the path of the (Undeclared.)

This recruitment is for a sandbox style pathfinder campaign that will be set in the world of Golarion. Ultimately, I have prepared multiple modules, scenarios, and adventures with different storyline hooks that will surface within the campaign in order to allow (you) the player to choose which adventure you will participate in. This is intended to create a nonlinear experience where the (PC) group can affect the dynamic of the world they live in by choosing their own path. That being said, this link is specifically for a character that the player doesn’t feel meets any specific role. A catch all you might say. There are no expectations of a character posted in this category. In addition, any type of character can be placed here, even if it might be suited for a different category. The reason for this is to allow for none stereotypical builds. An example of this would be the warrior who was built to be an archer, or the healer that prefers front line combat over healing, or the arcane caster who is better with a sword, etc. Only (1) character from this category will be accepted with 2 others selected as alternates. Only one charter submission per category will be allowed. Multiple character submissions within a single category will result in disqualification. Only characters with complete profiles will be considered.

Other strong considerations for selection include a robust background, which is completely open to the player, a solid personality concept, and a strong visual description.

The Crunch:

Content: I am open to virtually all Paizo content as long as the character makes sense and the background strongly supports the choices made by the player. Preferably, no third party content.

Expectations: I intend to review the game daily and expect that players will do the same. That being said, if someone is going to be absent, one of three things will happen. 1) The game will be placed on hold for a short break. 2) The character will be botted. 3) The character will be shadowed. This campaign is intended to be a long running campaign with a strong focus on depth and detail. I realize that sometimes too much detail can stagnate a game, but I feel confident that I can apply momentum when necessary.

Role play: Within the realm of role play, it is sometimes difficult to embrace a unique personality concept without stepping on other people’s toes. Ultimately, I intend this campaign to be approached with an adult mind set. On the other hand, I have little tolerance for someone who is set upon ruining the game for others. Simply put, don’t be a tool! If a players personality concept, role play, or posts become inappropriate, I will PM the player with the hopes that an adjustment can be made. If the problem persists, the player will be asked to leave.

Timeline: Cutoff date for submissions will be on All Hallows Eve (October 31st). After which I will make a selection and post in this thread as well as PM the player with a link to the game.

2nd addition Pathfinder: Upon the release of 2nd addition pathfinder, I will be tabling the option of converting the campaign over. That means if 2nd addition is any good and the group decides they would enjoy the new content, than I am willing to consider the possibility of conversion.

Maps] I will be using google for map content and icon display.

Stats: Use the (20) point buy with no stat lower than an 8 before racial adjustments.

Races: All pathfinder base races, which include Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-elf, Halfling, Half-orc, and Human, are acceptable.

Other races: Other races, which will include Aasimar, Catfolk, Fetchling, Ifrit, Oread, Ratfolk, Sylph Tengu, Tiefling, and Undine will be considered with a Strong and well put together background. Note: These races will be considered very unique in my game. As such, reactions of npc’s and other players could make replaying these races extremely difficult.

Racial traits: Are acceptable as long as they are not third party.

Starting Wealth All characters will begin play with a flat (200 GP).

Traits: Because the campaign path is undeclared, no background traits will be included. Two non-background traits are acceptable with a third trait (optional) upon the selection of a drawback.

Background skills: Background skills are acceptable and encouraged as long as they fall in line with the characters background.

Quick reference items: The (Race) category within the characters profile should list | HP | AC | Intuitive | Perception | Speed | CMB | CMD | Saving throws|. The Class/levels line should include | Primary weapon stats | Spell availability.

Knowledge, Item identification, and appraise: I personally believe these skills belong independently to the character that has vested points into advancing them. That being the case, I intend to pass information onto the player through (PM) whenever possible and allow them to decide how much of their skill they wish to share with the group. (Optional) A player may state up front that they intend to share everything with the group. In this case I will post via spoiler any information that is not time sensitive. Other information, such as creature identification, will be specifically passed on as a (PM)

Combat Communication: While in combat, I will allow a single brief statement (one sentence or less) to be posted out of turn without affecting a character’s economy. This will allow some creature identification information to be passed on during critical combat moments. Alternatively: A player may forgo a move action and state whatever they like.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Monk (Unchained) 1/Investigator (Lepidstadt Inspector) 1
Extracts and Consumables:
[Prepared: Heightened Awareness 1/1 | Longarm 1/1] [Wand of Cure Light Wounds 48/50][Inspiration Pool 2/3]
Combat Statistics:
[HP: 16/16] [AC 16 | T 16 | FF 13] [BAB +1 | CMB +1 | CMD 17] [F +2 | R +4 | W +3] [Init +2 | Per +7 | Spd 30ft]

You have properly ensnared me. Good work!

I offer Rogan J. Grath, gunslinger, bounty hunter, and future vigilante/shadowdancer for your consideration. He will be a very heavily stealth-based character later down the line. Would this merit moving him to the "Rogue" category, or is he suitably off-type for this category?

Also, based on your statement, it appears while we can't offer multiple entries in one category, we can apply with a character concept once in each category. Am I reading that correctly?

Submissions in multiple categories is okay though, correct?

Uh, hmm. Coulda sworn his post didn't ask that. Strange.

Well, this is the strange thread, kobolds aren't even allowed. Very strange.

This'll definitely be my second submission category if multiple categories are indeed allowed.

Nice recruitment gimmick by the way. I love the whole multiple choice links thing. :)

Maps | Hero Points
GM DarkLightHitomi wrote:

Submissions in multiple categories is okay though, correct?

Well, this is the strange thread, kobolds aren't even allowed. Very strange.

Yes, 1 character pr. category is acceptable. 2 characters in a single category is not.

I am OK with submitting a Kobold if you feel you are up to the task of creating a background strong enough to support it and you feel you are up to the extreme challenge of its interaction with others. The later applies more or less if the character is selected of course.

As fare as this being a strange thread, I say to the man who want's to play a Kobold, dare to be different. Yes this is a strange recruitment thread. )

True Neutral Female Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 14 (T11/FF13) | Init +1 | Perception +5 | Speed 30' | CMB +3 | CMD 14 | F+3 R+3 W+1 | M: Dagger +3 (1d4+3) 19/20x2; Longspear +3 (1d8+4) 20/x3 | R: Dagger +1 (1d4+3) 19/20x2 | Extract Slots Remaining 1/2 | Extracts Prepared: None | Mutagen (+4STR/-2INT/+2NA) 1/1

Best recruitment concept ever. This seems like a perfect place for a character build I've wanted to do for a while, so I present Caro.

Caro is an alchemist with both the chirurgeon and vivisectionist archetypes. She's fascinated by the physical form and function of all creatures and uses her knowledge to both heal or kill as needed. That makes her a decent melee hitter as well as a healer (through potions and skills) and she doesn't make bombs at all. Probably fits best into this category vs the others. This will be my only submission for now, but I really want to give this concept a try. I might submit others later if they are not selected for campaigns they're submitted for at the moment.

She also is an avid hands-on researcher, always trying to collect parts, samples, measurements, or information (from things willing to talk to her) of any unusual creature that she runs into, and is very offputting to most people she speaks to.

The basic crunch output from HeroLab is in the profile. I'll update over the next couple days with more detail and a background/personality.

Well, the formatting was quick. Still pending background, appearance, personality, and gear. I'll post again once they are done, that won't be as quick

True Neutral Female Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 14 (T11/FF13) | Init +1 | Perception +5 | Speed 30' | CMB +3 | CMD 14 | F+3 R+3 W+1 | M: Dagger +3 (1d4+3) 19/20x2; Longspear +3 (1d8+4) 20/x3 | R: Dagger +1 (1d4+3) 19/20x2 | Extract Slots Remaining 1/2 | Extracts Prepared: None | Mutagen (+4STR/-2INT/+2NA) 1/1

OK I guess I got too excited about this character. Crunch is done. Background is done. Personality and appearance are done. They are all in the profile, but I'll post them here in spoilers for easier referencing.


Name: Caro Martisova
Race and Class: Human Alchemist (chirurgeon, vivisectionist)
Level: 1 XP: 0
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Languages: Common (3 more TBD)
Diety: None. Caro is a scientist and atheist

Initiative: +1
Senses: Perception +1
Speed: 30'

Max HP: 13
AC: 14 Touch: 11 Flat: 13
CMD: 14
Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will: +1

Melee: Dagger +3 (1d4+3) 19/20x2
Ranged: Dagger (thrown) +1 )1d4+3 19/20x2
CMB: +3
BAB: +0
Special Attacks: Sneak Attack +1d6

Special Abilities
Alchemy: +1/lvl to craft(alchemy) to create alchemical items; can ID potions by touch (hold in hand for 1 round)
Brew Potion: brew potions of any formulae known (up to 3rd level), using alchemist level as his caster level. The spell must be one that can be made into a potion.
Mutagen: (DC13) adds +4/-2 to physical/mental attributes and +2 natural armor for 10 minutes
Sneak Attack: Attacks deal extra damage if target is flanked or flat-footed
Throw Anything: Proficient with improvised ranged weapons; +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.

Traits and Feats
Anatomist +1 trait bonus on all rolls made to confirm critical hits
Bruising Intellect use INT instead of CHA for Intimidate checks
Omen +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks; Intimidate is a class skill; demoralize an opponent as a swift action once per day.
Pragmatic Activator use INT instead of CHA for Use Magic Device checks
Toughness: +3 HP; for every HD past 3 gain 1 additional HP.
Extra Traits: Gain 2 additional traits

Ability Scores and Skills
Strength 16 (+3)
Dexterity 12 (+1)
Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 16 (+3)
Wisdom 12 (+1)
Charisma 9 (-1)
Acrobatics +1
Appraise +3
Bluff -1
Climb +3
Diplomacy -1
Disable Device +3
Disguise -1
Escape Artist +1
Fly +1
Heal +5 (1 rank, 3 class, 1 WIS)
Intimidate +8 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 INT, 1 trait)
Knowledge(nature) +7 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 INT)
Perception +5 (1 rank, 3 class, 1 WIS)
Ride +1
Sense Motive +1
Spellcraft +7 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 INT)
Stealth +1
Survival +5 (1 rank, 3 class, 1 INT)
Swim +3
Use Magic Device +7 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 INT)
Background Skills:
Craft(alchemy) +7 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 INT); +8 to create alchemical item
Profession(mortician) +5 (1 rank, 3 class, 1 WIS)

Formula Book
(Choices are tentative)
2 per day
01 - Cure Light Wounds
01 - Enlarge Person
01 - Long Arm
01 - Scarify
01 - Shield

Combat Gear:
Studded Leather Armor
Dagger (4)
Other Gear:
Alchemist's Formula Book
Alchemy Crafting Kit
Belt Pouch
Healer's Kit (10/10)
Ink and Inkpen
Surgeon's Tools
Currency: 22g 7s 0c


Caro Martisova was born to a poor family on the outskirts of Thrushmoor, in Ustalav. Her father Derek Martisova was an alchemist, and her mother Iona was a healer. They made their living making healing potions and alchemical items to sell in their shop in the Thrushmoor market. Her parents were both of very high intellect and did not trust the quality of the local schools, especially those few that they could afford. Due to this, Caro was homeschooled in the evenings and spent the days with her parents at their shop, learning their work and listening to the fascinating stories of the unusual and aberrant creatures that continued to wander Ustalav since the fall of the Whispering Tyrant.

Caro had always been fascinated with the mechanical intricacies of life, and the combination of her father's alchemy, mother's healing, and the adventurer's stories did much to keep her interest in that area. As soon as she was old enough to be out by herself, she began collecting insects and small animals, experimenting on them and then dissecting them in order to see how they worked. To help her family support themselves she began to teach herself taxidermy, both making realistic poses and grotesque creatures that were a mixture of different animals. They did not sell very well, but that did not dissuade her. As time went on, she began to become fascinated by the concept that through a mixture of alchemy and surgery living hybrids could be created that would survive and even thrive. When she came of age, as opposed to continuing in the footsteps of either her of her parents, she set off to Lepidstadt, famed for its study of medicine and science, to try and see if she could be accepted despite her humble upbringing.

She could not afford to pay the admission fees, but she remained in the city attempting to speak to the professors in order to obtain a scholarship. Her lack of social skills and her ragged appearance kept her from success until she was overheard talking with a student about her concept of alchemical grafting to improve existing species. This brought her to the attention of Professor Boerscu, who was involved in the study of natural hybrids such as half-orcs and tieflings, as well as the unnatural such as the manticore and sphinx. He was working in secret to try and create new humanoid hybrids, combining man and beast in ways that most would consider blasphemous. He approached Caro and after a long discussion agreed to sponsor her in the Univeristy if she would be his research assistant. During this time she had an experience that would scar her for life.

Professor Boerscu's research had moved into that of protean beings, as he felt that their ability to constantly morph their physical forms could be somehow extracted and used to assist in keeping their hybrid experiments more stable. After receiving a shipment of materials and creatures from adventurers, they found that one of the subjects was a Pelagastr, a much more intelligent and malevolent protean than they had previously experienced. In addition to the normal protean abilities of morphing, the Pelagastr had the ability to merge with other creatures in a form of possession. It merged with the Professor, who then attempted to kill Caro. She managed to escape, but the Pelagastr caused the Professor to go on a rampage, destroying their lab and killing several other students and faculty members. The creature was eventually put down by the University guards, but in the process all the details of their research were obtained by the University Council, and Caro was summarily expelled from the University for dangerous and unsanctioned experimentation. Since that day she has had an almost paralyzing fear of protean beings, and is very nervous around and highly suspicious of anything that utilizes a form of possession or mind control.

Since that event, Caro has been travelling from city to city, attempting to gather samples and continue her research as she can, while supporting herself by selling healing potions and extracts and signing on with adventuring parties to supplement her income. She has discovered that her knowledge of anatomy and ability to create extracts and mutagens has much use outside of just the research world, but her goal is to find a place where she can establish a new lab and continue her research in order to ultimately create a new hybrid humanoid vastly superior to the existing races.

Personality and Appearance:

Caro is a rather plain woman, with mousy brown hair that she can never keep orderly, glasses, and a forgettable face. Her only real distinguishing feature is her eyes which are piercing and intelligent, always studying the creatures around her carefully. She dresses in plain travelling clothes, but always wears a long coat and gloves to protect her hands and armor from any damage due to her experiments.

She is meticulous and calculating, using logic in all situations and is hyper-focused on anything that is related to her research. She has no patience for superstition, uneducated guesses, or faith, as she feels that they are all traps that lead people away from the truth. Over time she has learned to temper her speech around the uneducated or devout in order to avoid unnecessary conflict, but when excited she will sometimes slip up and voice her true thoughts on those subjects. She has a tendency to lecture on medical or biological subjects if they come up, but in all other matters will remain more introverted, letting others take the lead in conversation. Although initially very anti-social with a new group of people, once she forms a bond with someone it is extremely strong, and she will do anything to support her few friends. She is often seen as off-putting by those who do not know her, or who are not used to people that are as logical or blunt as she is.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Monk (Unchained) 1/Investigator (Lepidstadt Inspector) 1
Extracts and Consumables:
[Prepared: Heightened Awareness 1/1 | Longarm 1/1] [Wand of Cure Light Wounds 48/50][Inspiration Pool 2/3]
Combat Statistics:
[HP: 16/16] [AC 16 | T 16 | FF 13] [BAB +1 | CMB +1 | CMD 17] [F +2 | R +4 | W +3] [Init +2 | Per +7 | Spd 30ft]

Ooh, I've always wanted to play that archetype combo. Good call!

I'm pretty sure I've seem that Caro character submitted once or twice before.

True Neutral Female Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 14 (T11/FF13) | Init +1 | Perception +5 | Speed 30' | CMB +3 | CMD 14 | F+3 R+3 W+1 | M: Dagger +3 (1d4+3) 19/20x2; Longspear +3 (1d8+4) 20/x3 | R: Dagger +1 (1d4+3) 19/20x2 | Extract Slots Remaining 1/2 | Extracts Prepared: None | Mutagen (+4STR/-2INT/+2NA) 1/1

You might have seen someone else with a similar character but she's actually new to me. First thing I've submitted her for.

Maps | Hero Points
Rogan J. Grath wrote:

You have properly ensnared me. Good work!

I offer Rogan J. Grath, gunslinger, bounty hunter, and future vigilante/shadowdancer for your consideration. He will be a very heavily stealth-based character later down the line. Would this merit moving him to the "Rogue" category, or is he suitably off-type for this category?

Also, based on your statement, it appears while we can't offer multiple entries in one category, we can apply with a character concept once in each category. Am I reading that correctly?

I have reviewed Rogan. His build and background look good. You now have three acceptable submissions.

Maps | Hero Points
Caro Martisova wrote:

OK I guess I got too excited about this character. Crunch is done. Background is done. Personality and appearance are done. They are all in the profile, but I'll post them here in spoilers for easier referencing.

** spoiler omitted **...

Thrushmore on All Hallows Eve? Tell me you didn’t dare! I loved Caro’s background and the build looks solid as well. In her backstory you stated that she is currently traveling from city to city. Am I correct in presuming that this traveling is mostly taking place in Ustalav?

True Neutral Female Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 14 (T11/FF13) | Init +1 | Perception +5 | Speed 30' | CMB +3 | CMD 14 | F+3 R+3 W+1 | M: Dagger +3 (1d4+3) 19/20x2; Longspear +3 (1d8+4) 20/x3 | R: Dagger +1 (1d4+3) 19/20x2 | Extract Slots Remaining 1/2 | Extracts Prepared: None | Mutagen (+4STR/-2INT/+2NA) 1/1

Yes, she is primarily in Ustalav and the immediate neighboring regions since that is where she feels most comfortable, and because there are a lot of unusual aberrations and hybrids still in the area from the time of the Whispering Tyrant. If she gets wind of a possibility of continuing her research at any other location, however, she will jump at it and travel as far as she needs to.

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

I love this introduction. So any cool possibilities, think I might have an inquisitive idea. Thinking of trying my hand at a Ratfolk scavenger,who collects odds and ends to build little machines or devices to perform interesting things. Its an archtype of the Investigator I have been wanting to try and think this could be a great opportunity to try it out!!.

Male Dwarf Nerd 15/Engineer 5

This was a very enriching challenge, and I am extremely proud of the result. I present Nareth I'grada, cleric of Zon-Kuthon for consideration. Everything is in the profile and he should be ready for review.

Mechanically Nareth will be a battle cleric who prefers using offensive spells and wading into melee. He will also function as a secondary face and healer, having high intimidate and sense motive checks as well as more healing than a typical negative-energy cleric due to his Death's Kiss ability.

I realize that while Nareth is LN, he is still a worshipper of an evil deity. I hope that the background and personality can help explain why he will be able to play nice with a good party (and indeed would prefer working with them as opposed to an evil party), but I am happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

P.S. Since you like having certain daily resources in the header I added his domain abilities and channel energy there since he is heavily dependent on them for combat (as well as healing). Let me know if you'd rather not have them there.

| HP 14/14 | AC 12 | Init:+1 | Perc:+7 | Spd:40' | CMB:+5 | CMD:16 | F:+4 R:+2 W:+3| Claws(x2): +6/+6, 1d4+4 [20/x2] | Rage: 6

Hello, this is Bastian, submitter of Bevin in the Healer prompt. I have another character adapted from a campaign that never got off the ground. I think the only significant build differences are that Ysder is not a base race, and she was not given any starting gold. That's okay though, because she's going to spend it all on food and the tolerance of others.

Anyway, here is Ysder, beast of the north and Oni-spawn Tiefling Barbarian. She'll shower you in coveted discs for a taste of your culinary delights. No, the barn is fine. Your beds smell like weakness and disappointment.

If there is a smol character, they can ride Ysder. (for a nominal fee)

Maps | Hero Points
CampinCarl9127 wrote:

This was a very enriching challenge, and I am extremely proud of the result. I present Nareth I'grada, cleric of Zon-Kuthon for consideration. Everything is in the profile and he should be ready for review.

Mechanically Nareth will be a battle cleric who prefers using offensive spells and wading into melee. He will also function as a secondary face and healer, having high intimidate and sense motive checks as well as more healing than a typical negative-energy cleric due to his Death's Kiss ability.

I realize that while Nareth is LN, he is still a worshipper of an evil deity. I hope that the background and personality can help explain why he will be able to play nice with a good party (and indeed would prefer working with them as opposed to an evil party), but I am happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

P.S. Since you like having certain daily resources in the header I added his domain abilities and channel energy there since he is heavily dependent on them for combat (as well as healing). Let me know if you'd rather not have them there.

Having the domain and channel in the header is fine. The character concept looks solid with a complete background. Much like your arcane submission, I enjoyed reading it. You now have two solid entries.

I wanted to ask you gm about a truly unique concept, but it can't be done with the current classes (not even third party stuff can do it so far as I know). I was going to pm you about it, but I can't pm you. I can pm other people, but your profile page simply lacks the pm button, and even lacks the "add to address book" button.

Maps | Hero Points
GM DarkLightHitomi wrote:
I wanted to ask you gm about a truly unique concept, but it can't be done with the current classes (not even third party stuff can do it so far as I know). I was going to pm you about it, but I can't pm you. I can pm other people, but your profile page simply lacks the pm button, and even lacks the "add to address book" button.

Reply PM was sent.

Male Dwarf Nerd 15/Engineer 5

I have made a very slight modification to Nareth. I stumbled across the reincarnated trait and thought it was too perfect for Nareth to pass up. I have exchanged it for the demoralizing presence trait.

Maps | Hero Points
CampinCarl9127 wrote:
I have made a very slight modification to Nareth. I stumbled across the reincarnated trait and thought it was too perfect for Nareth to pass up. I have exchanged it for the demoralizing presence trait.

Sounds fine. I won't be doing any character audits until after selection is complete. Until that time, nothing is written in stone.

True Neutral Female Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 14 (T11/FF13) | Init +1 | Perception +5 | Speed 30' | CMB +3 | CMD 14 | F+3 R+3 W+1 | M: Dagger +3 (1d4+3) 19/20x2; Longspear +3 (1d8+4) 20/x3 | R: Dagger +1 (1d4+3) 19/20x2 | Extract Slots Remaining 1/2 | Extracts Prepared: None | Mutagen (+4STR/-2INT/+2NA) 1/1

OOOH it's getting close to selection time! Good luck everyone.

I figured I should at least post something here so you all knew I was still interested since it's been weeks since my submission :P

Maps | Hero Points

Recruitment is now Closed.

Well, it looks like the time has finally arrived. I would like to begin by thanking everyone for their submissions. I have read a lot of well thought out backstories and reviewed some unique character concepts. In all, I believe every character I have gone over has promise. That being said, only five selections can be made. I will maintain a list of alternates that will be contacted through PM in the event that someone bows out.

For this category, I would like to invite:

Playing: Caro Martisova

To join me on the Destiny’s Call discussion page.

The alternates for this category will be:
No Alts

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