Sian Daemodus

Ysder's page

17 posts. Alias of BastianQuinn.


| HP 14/14 | AC 12 | Init:+1 | Perc:+7 | Spd:40' | CMB:+5 | CMD:16 | F:+4 R:+2 W:+3|


Claws(x2): +6/+6, 1d4+4 [20/x2] | Rage: 6

Special Abilities

About Ysder

Basic Info:
Gender Female, Race Oni-spawn Tiefling
Class Barbarian (Brutal Pugilist)
Alignment CN Size M Type Humanoid(Tiefling)
Init +1; Senses Perception+7, Darkvision(60’)

AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 11
HP] 14
Fort +4,Ref +2,Will +3
DR 5 cold; Immune none; SR none

Speed 40 ft (+10’ Charge, run, withdraw)
Melee Claws: +6/+6, 1d4+4, 20/x2

Spells Prepared:

Str 18(+4), Dex 13(+1), Con 14(+2), Int 8(-1), Wis 16(+3), Cha 6(-2)
BAB +1; CMB +5; CMD 16
Traits Deft Dodger, Magical Knack(druid)
Feats Weapon Focus(Claws)
Skills Climb(1)+8, Perception(1)+7, Survival(1)+7, Acrobatics(0)+1 (jump+5), Swim(0)+4, Heal(0)+3, Sense Motive(0)+3, Escape Artist(0)+1, Fly(0)+1, Ride(0)+1, Stealth(0)+1

Gear (54 / 100#):

Outfit (cold weather, 7#)
A bag of unsorted coin (47#)
- 1000 cp
- 1300 sp
- 50 gp


Claw (2x 1d4)
Fast Movement (+10’ movement while unladen)
Fiendish Language(abyssal)
Prehensile Tail
Resistance to Cold
Scaled Skin(cold)
Fiendish Sprinter

The small village which served as Ysder's old haunt still passes on the tale of the savage spirit of the forest: a seemingly immortal blood-stained mountain lion who had grown so bold as to walk through the village at night to kill and eat her pick of late night stragglers. Four generations of crofters lost their goats and sons to Ysder's clawed limbs. The poachers who caged her weren't the first fools lured to the icy heights by the promise of a bounty, but they were the first to cut away the layers of furs and discover the onispawn beneath.

In an odd turn of fate, Ysder learned civility in the fighting pits she was sold into. The lone beast of the north found companionship in Odiwyn Equinore, whose patience was one of the few things between Ysder and an ignominious death. The halfling was a longshot in the pits, disarmed as she was of her arcane focus, but through cunning and collusion the two were able to fight their way to freedom.

The luxuries of civilization, such as warm meals and soft beds, kept Ysder from regressing to the beast she once was. She’s developed a taste for those things which her winnings provided, and works now to maintain her lavish lifestyle. Still, she may never be more than a force of nature on a gilded leash. Bags of gold can only go so far to excuse the threat she poses to everyone around her.