Chelios |

Hi guys i want to build a tank.
A tank must have good saves (fortitude and willpower are the best for me), good Ac, good HP or at least the ability to heal himself, the ability to threaten a lot of enemies and the ability for positioning in the best way in oreder to protect allies.
(we start from level 13, and i can use all the book, no 3rd party allowed).

Wonderstell |

Primalist Bloodrager 13
Race: preferably anything without a Strength penalty. Human, Half-Elf/Orc, Variant Tiefling, Variant Aasimar to name a few good options.
Adopted (werebear)->Reviving Rest (increases HP healed from complete bed rest)
Signature Skill: Heal
+6 Feats, undecided
Power Attack (B)
Iron Will (B)
Combat Reflexes (B)
Arcane Bloodrage
Greater Arcane Bloodrage
Bloodline feats:
6: Power Attack
9: Iron Will
12: Combat Reflexes
+1, Mind Buttressing Mithral Chain Coat (Immune to possession and mental control, 0 ACP, 13.075 gp)
Band of the Stalwart Warrior ('Immune' to fear effects, 14.000 gp)
Cloak of Resistance +5
Lucky Horseshoe (6.800 gp)
Cracked Pearly White ioun Stone+Wayfinder (immunity to bleed effects, lost limbs regrow as the regeneration spell, 3.900 gp)
Bead of Newt Prevention (Consumable, prevents hostile polymorph effect, 1.000 gp)
Assuming standard wealth by level: 73.752 gp left
Uncanny Dodge + Improved Uncanny Dodge
Displacement (50% miss chance while raging)
Resist Energy 30 (choose one type when you enter your rage)
Immune to Frightened/Panicked
Immune to Possession/Mental control
Immune to bleed damage, and regrows lost limbs.
Healer's Hands, 13 times per day:
Heal 234 HP as a full-round action, and 12 damage in each ability score.
Bead of Newt Prevention:
Protects against one failed fortitude save against a polymorph effect.
Shared Evolution
+2 points worth of evolutions.
Your familiar can grant you any single 1,2-point evolution, and you can choose a different one each time it reappears. A short list of notable features would be:
1 point
Reach (+5 reach with one type of attack)
Skilled (+8 to a skill)
2 points
Flight (Ex, 40 speed, Good maneuverability)
Immunity (choose one energy type)
Limbs (two legs or arms)
Poison (1d4 str dmg, bite attack requires)
Rake (two primary attacks each time you make a grapple check)
Tremorsense 30 ft
I'd probably take flight, but you can always change your mind.
Knowledge Skills:
Int mod: +4
Bonus to Knowledge check: +6
Class skill Bonus: +3
Skill Ranks: 26+6
Knowledge bonus in all skills if points are spread evenly: +16
Knowledge bonus in (at most) two skills if specialized): +26
+8 +4 +4
Iron Will/Hedgehog:
+8 +4 +8
+11 +4 +11
+17 +10 +17
+2 competence vs Fear
To summarize.
40 ft fly speed, Displacement, Resist Energy (30), and can heal yourself for 234 HP as a full-round action.
Immunity to Frightened, Panicked, possession, mental control, and bleed damage.
Access to 4th-level spells, and can heal yourself back from death by hit points.

Darigaaz the Igniter |

race: half orc, sacred tattoo
class: inquisitor, travel domain
feats/traits: fate's favored, quick draw, power attack, furious focus
gear: quickdraw light shield, a one-handed weapon, mithral breastplate, 2 lesser rods of extend spell, rod of extend spell
buff spells to extend: 2nd level- resist energy, see invisibility
3rd level- arcane sight, heroism*, magic vestment*, greater magic weapon*, magic circle against evil
4th level- freedom of movement*
Other spells to consider: divine favor, divine power, cure critical wounds, invisibility, dimensional anchor, dispel magic
*primarily these spells, other can be taken as you see fit
40ft move plus the ability to teleport around the battlefield as a move action, have the ability to use your weapon two-handed on your turn, judgement shores up any weaknesses you have at any given time or boosts your attack and damage further. If you put skill ranks and/or the half-orc favored class bonus into it, you can get a crazy high intimidate modifier and combine that with blistering invective.

Cavall |
Personally I'd go Yojimbo order of the warrior Samurai.
Ignore the worst status effects, including nausea and frightened, reroll will and fort saves, heavy armour with fighter class options to boost that, damage reduction, high HP and with a single feat gain your level in temp ho any time you use resolve to do any of that. Warrior DR would stack with fighter armour specialty DR.
Itll also get you body guard so on top of high ac you can pass ac out to allies if they aren't stuck on you. You can also use your resolve on allies near you. Aid another for +3 ac, which you can easily buff up to unreal amounts.
Dont forget chain challenge to challenge many in a single fight
So it's got
High will and fort saves
High hp AND self buff heals
High AC
Threaten enemies
Some positioning in the form of aid another and challenge, grab a reach weapon to keep that going.
Pretty much all you asked for.

Volkard Abendroth |

Something like this: Not only are you high defense, you give your opponents a good reason to attack you. By raising your allies defenses while debuffing and damaging your opponents.
Female tiefling magus (bladebound, kensai) 13 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 55, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 9, 47)
N Medium outsider (native)
Init +17; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +17
AC 40, touch 28, flat-footed 25 (+4 armor, +2 deflection, +7 Dex, +8 dodge, +1 insight, +4 natural, +4 shield)
hp 107 (13d8+39)
Fort +15, Ref +16, Will +13
Defensive Abilities canny defense +7; Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee black blade +21/+16 (1d6+13/18-20)
Special Attacks arcane pool (+4, 11 points), improved spell combat, magus arcana (flamboyant arcana, spell blending [2 spells of lower level][UM]), opportune parry and riposte, spellstrike
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 13th; concentration +12)
. . 1/day—darkness
Magus (Bladebound, Kensai) Spells Prepared (CL 13th; concentration +20)
. . 5th—elemental body II
. . 4th—black tentacles, ice storm, greater invisibility
. . 3rd—displacement, haste, rime ice slick (DC 19), communal resist energy[UC], vampiric touch
. . 2nd—bladed dash, blur, ice slick (2, DC 19), mirror image (2)
. . 1st—rime frostbite[UM] (2), long arm[ACG], mage armor, reduce person (DC 18), shield
. . 0 (at will)—arcane mark, detect magic, light, prestidigitation
Str 11, Dex 25, Con 14, Int 24, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +9; CMB +9; CMD 37
Feats Arcane Strike, Armor Of The Pit[ARG], Bodyguard[APG], Combat Reflexes, Dervish Dance[ISWG], Dodge, Rime Spell[UM], Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (scimitar), Weapon Specialization (scimitar)
Traits magical lineage, reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +10, Bluff +1, Climb +4, Diplomacy +12, Disable Device +22, Fly +15, Intimidate +15, Knowledge (arcana) +23, Knowledge (planes) +23, Perception +17, Perform (dance) +1, Sense Motive +2, Spellcraft +23, Stealth +9, Swim +4, Use Magic Device +15; Racial Modifiers +2 Bluff, +2 Stealth, derring-do
Languages Abyssal, Ancient Osiriani, Common, Draconic, Elven, Infernal, Orc, Sylvan, Undercommon
SQ black blade, black blade: arcane pool, black blade: energy attunement, black blade: strike, black blade: telepathy, black blade: teleport blade, black blade: transfer arcana, black blade: unbreakable, chosen weapon, critical perfection +7, iaijutsu, iaijutsu focus +7, perfect strike, prehensile tail[ARG], superior reflexes
Combat Gear lesser extend metamagic rod, pearl of power (1st level) (5), pearl of power (2nd level) (2); Other Gear amulet of natural armor +2, belt of incredible dexterity +6, cloak of resistance +5, cracked dusty rose prism ioun stone, dusty rose prism ioun stone, gloves of arcane striking[UE], headband of vast intelligence +6, ring of protection +2, magus starting spellbook, masterwork thieves' tools, 400 gp
Special Abilities
Arcane Pool +4 (11/day) (Su) Infuse own power into a held weapon, granting enhancement bonus or selected item powers.
Arcane Strike As a swift action, add +1 damage, +1 per 5 caster levels and your weapons are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Black Blade (Ex) You gain an intelligent bonded weapon whose power grows with your own.
Black Blade: Arcane Pool (4/day) (Su) The Black Blade has an Arcane Pool used to fuel its own abilities.
Black Blade: Energy Attunement (Su) Replace weapon dam with fire/cold/elec for 1 point, or sonic/force for 2 points.
Black Blade: Strike +4 (Sp) The Black Blade can grant itself a damage bonus for 1 min.
Black Blade: Telepathy (Su) The magus can telepathically communicate with his black blade if it is worn or held.
Black Blade: Teleport Blade (Sp) Spend 1 point from own or blades pool to teleport it into hand.
Black Blade: Transfer Arcana (Su) Siphon Arcane Pool from blade, gain 1 point for every 2 drained, but tiring (Will neg).
Black Blade: Unbreakable (Ex) The Black Blade is immune to the broken condition while the arcane pool is not empty.
Bodyguard Use an AoO to use aid another to improve an ally's AC.
Canny Defense +7 (Ex) +INT bonus to AC (max Kensai level).
Chosen Weapon (Scimitar) Kensai abilities only function when wielding a weapon of this type.
Combat Reflexes (8 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Critical Perfection +7 (Ex) Bonus to confirm threats & qualify early for critical feats with chosen weapon.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deed: Derring-Do (+7 extra dice) (Ex) Use 1 panache, +1d6 to Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, or Swim check. On a 6, roll another die.
Deed: Opportune Parry and Riposte (Ex) 1 panache and 1 AoO to attempt to parry a melee attack, then counterattack.
Dervish Dance Use Dex modifier instead of Str modifier with scimitar
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Flamboyant Arcana (Ex) Gain a selection of deeds, and can use arcane pool in place of panache for them.
Iaijutsu (Ex) May draw chosen weapon and make attacks of opportunity when flat footed.
Iaijutsu Focus +7 (Ex) Always act in surprise round, gain bonus to dam vs. flat footed foes.
Improved Spell Combat (Ex) Use weapon in one hand at -2 & cast a spell with the other. Gain additional +2 circumstance bonus on concentration checks when using spell combat.
Perfect Strike (Ex) Use 1 arcane pool to maximize weapon dam, or 2 for +1 to crit multiplier.
Prehensile Tail Your tail can retrieve small objects on your person as a swift action.
Rime Spell Spell with the cold descriptor also entangles creatures if the spell damages them
Spellstrike (Su) Deliver touch spells as part of a melee attack.
Superior Reflexes (Ex) Extra attacks of opportunity equal to Int mod (min 1). Combat reflexes stacks.

avr |

By level 13 I'd think a real spellcaster a better idea than a martial-only class or a 4-level caster. A cleric perhaps - 7th level buffs, or quickened 3rd level ones, make a solid argument IMO. Put some of those bonus feats towards overrun to improve mobility & back that up with spells like righteous might and grace. Clerics of Gorum can get armor training via the ironbound master feat for a little more mobility too. With the rage subdomain they might get strength surge to make absolutely sure of overrunning someone.
Putting that together the feats might go
1: Combat reflexes
Human: Stand still
3: Power attack
5: Improved overrun
7: Ironbound master
9: Greater overrun
11: Quicken spell
13: Charge through
Alternately a nature fang druid gets five slayer talents (~feats) by level 13. Their buff spells generally aren't as good but hey, form of the dragon has things to be said for it.

![]() |

Hm, something I've looked at in theory but haven't ever seen in practice- this would be good against a campaign where the enemies are predominantly evil:
Halfling Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist) 2/Paladin Oath of Vengeance x 20 point buy
Traits: Helpful Halfling, Aldori Caution
Str 9-2
Dex 14+2
Con 14
Int 7
Wis 8
Cha 18+2, +1 at Lv4, 8, 12
(Monk) 1: Weapon Finesse, Combat Reflexes
(Monk) 2: Dodge
(Paladin+) 3: Bodyguard
5: Crane Style
7: Cautious Fighter
9: Osyluth Guile
11: Blundering Defense
13: Crane Wing
Equipment: +1 Allying Gauntlet, Agile AoMF, +1 longspear
Skills required: 3 ranks Acrobatics, 8 ranks Bluff
The goal of this build is to gain charisma as three different bonuses to AC: With scaled fist you get an untyped Cha bonus. With fighting defensively+Osyluth Guile you gain your Cha as a dodge bonus(to one target). With Smite Evil you gain your Cha as a deflection bonus to AC. You can get AC into the mid to high 50s fairly easily vs a valid smite target. In addition you have amazing saves as a monk/paladin, and evasion!
Your damage suffers fairly significantly, but as a tank your role is to keep others safe. This is where bodyguard and blundering defense come into play. You'll want the Longspear to have the extra reach with bodyguard, and thanks to your primary weapon being unarmed strike, you dont really care if you have your hands full. At level 13, the various dodge bonuses you get from fighting defensively are as such:
Acrobatics 3+ ranks: +1
Aldori Caution: +1
Crane Style: +1
Cautious Fighter: +2
Osyluth Guile: +9
Crane Wing: +4 (if attack is melee)
Having a total of +16 (20 if it's a melee attack) dodge bonus from fighting defensively, any ally adjacent to you automatically gains a +8 (or 10) luck bonus to their AC. If they get attacked, you can use Bodyguard for an additional +4 dodge AC on top of that. If you do somehow get damaged enough (most likely via spells) you have more lay on hands than you know what to do with.
That build (at least on paper) is rather ridiculous and really shuts down BBEG encounters, but is significantly weaker if you're facing hordes of enemies rather than one big baddie and a couple of mooks. Or if the GM is clever and manages to separate you from your allies. You also don't really have any way to help allies from attacks that target their saving throws.
You can pick up extra damage lost by going into a different martial class like fighter rather than paladin (You're getting a 1d4+1+Dex on a non-smite target), with the extra bonus feats you can snag Iron Will, Armed Bravery advanced weapon training, etc, and still have room for Piranha Strike and/or Weapon Specialization. Gloves of Dueling will be a huge help. Your AC wont be so stupidly high against a single target, but AC into the high 40s is still pretty sweet at level 13.

Slim Jim |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A tank must have good saves (fortitude and willpower are the best for me), good Ac, good HP or at least the ability to heal himself, the ability to threaten a lot of enemies and the ability for positioning in the best way in oreder to protect allies. (we start from level 13, and i can use all the book, no 3rd party allowed).
Well, assuming you don't want to play an unkillable Fey Foundling/Greater Mercy supercork paladin, or something out of the Occult splat that makes both and you and your GM tear your hair out....
--This might not be be the strongest thing on the list, and I'm only going to build the first half of it (as a chassis), but you'll have fun:
Str: 15 (+ 3 bumps for an 18 at 12th, not counting belt)
Dex: 14
Con+ 16 (dwarf, 15,14,14,14,12,7 20pt array)
Int: 12
Wis+ 16
Cha- 5
Traits: Glory of Old (racial), Magical Knack (cleric)
01 barbarian1 [Savage Technologist][Drunken Brute], Steel Soul
02 cleric1 [Kurgess(Community+Travel domains)]
03 fighter1 [Weapon Master(Fauchard)][feat:Combat Reflexes], Extra Rage
04 fighter2 [feat:Power Attack], Dex>16
05 brawler1 [martial flexibility], Extra Martial Flexibility
06 fighter3 [Weapon Training(fauchard)+1]
07 fighter4 (two feats w/BAB6 requirements, and off to the races....etc)
08 ....
(*option: swap Magical Knack for Accelerated Drinker, and drop Drunken Brute archetype from the barbarian stack. Result is +10 move full-time, but only 10m as opposed to 30m duration of longstrider and losing out on extra points of healing when casting CLW w/caster-level 1 instead of 3. Given the high-level play, hard-coded move is arguably more valuable.)
- +1/Fortuitous/Furious/Leveraging fauchard
- opalescent white pyramid ioun (fauchard) kept in Wayfinder (resonates Weapon Focus: fauchard)
- mithral breastplate + armored kilt (medium armor)
- Commander's Helm (with the teamwork feat Paired Opportunists)
- some means of flight (probably boots, as a 10x10 carpet is a stiff 60K out of 130WBL @ 13th)
Raging saves at 2nd(!) vs spells/SLA/poison: F+12, R+9, W+12
* Darkvision
* divine item use
* saving throws better than most paladins
* 6 daily uses of ignoring difficult terrain, canceling fatigue & other -2 nerfs
* Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Diplomacy, and Perception are all class skills
* gain AC+1 from Armored Kilt for 20gp without being slowed in medium armor
* AoO-fishing with 20' Enlarged reach using an 18-20 threat weapon
Tactics: get swole (Enlarge) and command a huge 50' diameter sphere worth of area-denial while flying.
Higher levels: more fighter, or branch off into yet another class at 8th. (Cavalier seems dull, but you'd have the Expert Trainer class feature by 11th, enabling Horse Master feat for a full-level animal companion -- which is nice if you're permitted a bitter-than-stock critter. A Daikyu of Commanding Presence will let you reach out and touch someone, and Vambraces of the Tactician will stack with both Gloves of Dueling, spring-loaded wrist-sheaths, and a buckler too...because why not have four things on your left forearm?). If you stay fighter to 5th and higher level, other weapon training archetypes open up, but do note that Weapon Master gets a really nice bennie at 5th (a reroll). So two more levels of fighter (for 6 total if you dip four into another class).
Further feats: Critter-protecting feats, obviously, if you get one. Improved Critical and Critical Focus are good drops for a 15-20 threat-range weapon juicing a ton of numeric bonuses. Weapon Versatility lets you poke, slash, or bash (and apparently keep the threat-range, since it doesn't say you lose it); I'm not sure if a Wayfinder-resonated Weapon Focus counts as "always on" like a belt does for meeting feat prerequisites, but will assume your GM won't get bent over it. Maybe Extra Rage a 2nd time if your GM runs pure hack & slash. (Remember that you'd have Martial Versatility with this build; useful for corner-case situations needing Blind Fight, Aquatic Combatant, etc).

Chelios |

Primalist Bloodrager 13
Race: preferably anything without a Strength penalty. Human, Half-Elf/Orc, Variant Tiefling, Variant Aasimar to name a few good options.** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **...
this seems pretty fun.
Something like this: Not only are you high defense, you give your opponents a good reason to attack you. By raising your allies defenses while debuffing and damaging your opponents.
Female tiefling magus (bladebound, kensai) 13 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 55, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 9, 47)...
i think a phantom blade spirtualist works better.
By level 13 I'd think a real spellcaster a better idea than a martial-only class or a 4-level caster. A cleric perhaps - 7th level buffs, or quickened 3rd level ones, make a solid argument IMO. Put some of those bonus feats towards overrun to improve mobility & back that up with spells like righteous might and grace. Clerics of Gorum can get armor training via the ironbound master feat for a little more mobility too. With the rage subdomain they might get strength surge to make absolutely sure of overrunning someone.
Already played this character, and usually i play wizard and/or druid so no full casters
Chelios wrote:A tank must have good saves (fortitude and willpower are the best for me), good Ac, good HP or at least the ability to heal himself, the ability to threaten a lot of enemies and the ability for positioning in the best way in oreder to protect allies. (we start from level 13, and i can use all the book, no 3rd party allowed).Well, assuming you don't want to play an unkillable Fey Foundling/Greater Mercy supercork paladin, or something out of the Occult splat that makes both and you and your GM tear your hair out....
Already played the immortal paladin, what do you means with Occult splat?

Meirril |
Ok, so playing around with the idea of an old fashioned Quiggon Drunken Master Monk (old style, not unchained!)
Race: Dwarf with Wanderer racial trait. +Endurance Feat, -Hardy.
Class: 13th Quiggon/Drunken Master Monk.
(Assuming 20 pt buy)
Stats: Str 10 Dex 20+6(belt) Con 16 Int 10 Wis 16+6(headband) Cha 6
HP: 143
AC: 41 (5 armor, 8 dex, 6 wis, 3 monk, 5 natural armor, 1 dodge, 2 deflection)
Saves: fort 18 (8 base + 5 resistance, +3 con, +2 alchemical), Ref 19 (8 base, 5 resistance, 8 dex, -2 alchemical), Will: 21 (8 base, 6 wis, 5 resistance, 2 alchemical)
Mods: +2 vs Mind Effecting, Immune: Fear, Poison (including alcohol so no addiction)
Traits: Fortified Drinker (+2 vs mind effecting for 1 hr), Caretaker (+1 trait bonus to heal, class skill)
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Combat Reflexes, Endurance, Dodge, Fast Drinker, Drunken Brawler, Deflect Arrows, Healer's Hand, Signature Skill: heal, mobility, Improved Trip, Combat Patrol.
Class Abilities: Flurry of Blows, Stunning Fist, Unarmed Strikes, Improved Evasion, Fast Movement (60'), Drunken Ki (6 temp ki), Ki Pool (12pts), Drunken Strength, Drunken Courage, Drunken Resistance (DR 1/-).
Quiggon Powers: Scorching Ray (3 rays, 2 ki), Barkskin (+5 natural armor, 1 ki), Gaseous Form (1 ki), Remove Disease (2 ki), Dragon's Breath (2 ki), Restoration (2 ki), Abundant Step (2 ki), Diamond Body (constant, 0 ki).
Concentration: 19 (level 13 + 6 wis mod)
skills: Heal 23, Perception 19, KS: Planes 13, Swim 18.
Preferred Class Bonus: -13 hardness from clay/stone/metal items with unarmed attacks
Melee: Flurry of Blows +19/19/14/14/9(2d6) Honestly, not a melee character. For AoO always trip. CMB 20 (+2 to trip) CMD: 39 (+2 vs trip)
Ranged: Dragon's Breath (2 ki) 12d6 (Fire, Acid, Electricity, Cold)DC: 20 or Scorching Ray (2ki, 3 ranged touch +17, 4d6 fire)
Equipment: Belt of Incredible Dexterity +6, Bracers of Armor +5, Headband of Inspired Wisdom +6, Ring of Protection +2, Cloak of Resistance +5, Handy Haversack, Flask of Endless Sake, 50 wine bottles (2gp each, 100gp total), 3900gp remaining.
So the general idea of the character is to move to the nearest choke point, take a drink (swift action, gives 2 drunken ki and 13 temp HP each round), then Dragons Breath with whichever breath shape and damage type works best for 12d6 DC 20. Combat Patrol lets our Monk get AoO as far away as 30'. AoO should be Trip attempts when it isn't too difficult. On later turns you'll use the occasional move action to get a new bottle of sake from the handy haversack to continue drinking every round. There is no reason for this guy to stop drinking during combat, and every hour he should have at least 1 drink. Between combats he gathers discarded bottles and refills them with the Endless Flask of Sake.
Also threw in the Healer's Hand trick because the build has extra feat slots. If you want the 2 feats back go ahead but its kind of funny making this a semi-cleric who heals HP and cures diseases. Too bad he can only restoration himself.
If possible talk the GM into letting you pay for Polymorph Any Object to be cast on you to make you into a Angazhani which will give you +20 move, climb 30', low light vision, scent, resist elect 20, acid/cold/fire 10, a rend attack, 4 arms!, +6 str, -2 dex, +2 con, +6 natural armor which would improve your AC to 46. Also your monk base damage would go up to 3d6 thanks to size increase. Oh, and you'd still be able to talk as a large 4 armed gorilla-man. You could also do 5 secondary natural weapon attacks at +12 if you decide to punch things. That is kick primary, 4 claws secondary and bite secondary. If you decide to make melee attacks important buy a Amulet of Mighty Fists.

Ryze Kuja |

Human Paladin 13
Ability Scores: 25 pt buy
Str 22 (Base 15, +1 lvl4, +6Belt) -36,000gp
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 26 (Base 16, +2human, +2 lvl8/12, +6Headband) - 36,000gp
Init: +10 (+8Scion, +2Reactionary)
Fort: +18 (2Con + 8Class + 8Cha)
Ref: +13 (1dex + 4Class + 8Cha)
Will: +15 (-1Will + 8Class + 8Cha)
+3 Cruel Greatsword - 32,000gp
Omen - You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you. Once per day, you may attempt to demoralize an opponent as a swift action.
Reactionary - +2 Initiative
1 Noble Scion: Scion of War (+8 Initiative), Human bonus: Fey Foundling
3 Power Attack, Mercy: Fatigue
4 +1 Str
5 Cleave
6 Mercy: Targetted (DC: 10 + 1/2lvl + 8Cha = 24 Will DC)
7 Vital Strike
8 +1 Cha
9 Cornugon Smash, Mercy: Exhausted
11 Improved Vital Strike
12 Mercy: Ensorcelled, +1 Cha
13 Cleaving Smash
15 Furious Focus (if you're having a problem hitting)
17 Greater Vital Strike
Intimidate (Max) -- 1d20 + 13skillranks + 1Omen + 3ClassSkill + 8Cha = 1d20+25 to Intimidate vs. DC: 10 + Target's BAB + Target's Wis Mod
Cruel (+1)
When the wielder strikes a creature that is frightened, shaken, or panicked with a cruel weapon, that creature becomes sickened for 1 round. When the wielder uses the weapon to knock unconscious or kill a creature, he gains 5 temporary hit points that last for 10 minutes.
Divine Bond
Take your Divine Bond in your weapon for additional enhancement bonuses or to add ability enhancements like Holy, Brilliant Energy (attack Touch AC), or Keen.
Or you can take Agathion bond for lots of additional healing.
1st (5 per day) - Divine Favor (3), Cure Light Wounds, Lesser Restoration
2nd (4 per day) - Shield Other (2), Ironskin (2)
3rd (3 per day) - Greater Stunning Barrier, Magic Circle Against Evil, Remove Curse
4th (2 per day) - Break Enchantment, Neutralize Poison
Items (assuming 140,000gp average lvl 13 starting wealth)
Headband of Alluring Charisma +6 -36,000
Belt of Giant's Strength +6 -36,000
+3 Cruel Greatsword -32,000gp
+3 Plate - 9,000gp
+3 Buckler -9,000gp
Boots of Speed (Haste 10/day) - 12,000gp
= 134,000gp, so 6,000gp left
Get some Potions of Enlarge Person, Fly, etc.
Build Highlights
13BAB + 6Str + 3Str(2h Bonus) + 3Enhancement - 4PA = +22 Hit (Becomes +26 with Divine Favor, and +34 vs. Smite targets)
2d6Greatsword + 4d6Vital Strike + 6Str + 3Str (2h bonus) + 8PA + 4PA (2h Bonus) + 3Enhancement = 6d6+24 dmg (becomes 9d6+29 while Enlarged/Divine Favor, becomes 9d6+42 vs Smite targets)
Your AC is: 10 + 1dex + 12Plate + 4Buckler = 27 (becomes 33 with Ironskin, and 41 vs. Smite)
Lay on Hands 14/day for 6d6 (+12 healing on yourself); Your LoH removes Fatigue/Exhaust and Dispels Magic.
After you attack in a round, you can use a Swift Action to Lay on Hands yourself to heal yourself and gain Sanctuary (Will DC 24), any enemy attempting to target you with an attack or spell who doesn't make the Will DC loses the attack or spell until you attack again on the following round.
You can Vital Strike and Shaken/Sicken while Cleaving and threaten 10ft while Enlarged.
You get a Free Intimidate (1d20+25) vs. any target you Power Attack, if successful, they become Shaken/Sickened (-4att/skills/saves/abilchecks & -2 dmg) <-- this is really big for group survivability and offensive casting because Att/Saves are reduced by 4– which also makes Sanctuary harder to Save as well.
With high Charisma, you have quite a few extra spells per day that other Str-based Paladins wouldn't normally have.
If you deal a killing blow to any enemy, you gain 5 temp HP for 10min.
Your Smite is +8 Att/AC and +13 damage. Aura of Justice gives your Smite bonuses to everyone in your party. (BEST BUFF IN THE GAME)
You really only need to beef up your AC/Saves with Amulet of NA (ironskin stacks with this) and a Ring of Protection and Cloak of Resistance at this point. Keep boosting Cha with level bonuses and Wish once your party is lvl17. Basically you're a Boss-killer and a damage sponge with Shield Other and LoH/Sanctuary. If a BBEG is evil? Pfft, get off the map BBEG you're dead in two rounds (because you'll probably be Hasted, and everyone in your party will have Smite). If you're surrounded by mooks, you can Smite as a swift action on round 1, smite again round 2, and Cleave/Vital Strike two Smited enemies for 9d6+42 every round thereafter. You can Smite 5x per day, so in a BBEG fight, Aura of Justice your whole party and they're going to wreck faces. You have really solid debuffing too, which is an offensive form of "tanking" because it makes your whole party's effects more difficult to resist and it's harder for them to land any attacks.
You're going to be an absolute monster.

Volkard Abendroth |

i think a phantom blade spirtualist works better.
I play a Phantom Blade as well. It is an interesting build with it's own pluses and minuses.
The phantom blade is better at party buffs and self healing, but only gets half the AoOs for Bodyguard and cannot buff their weapon up anywhere near as well.
Moving forward past 13th level, Elemental Body II becomes much more important. The +4 size bonus to DEX and +3 natural armor really start to make a difference, both on offense and defense.

Soulgear |

Played a Rage Prophet/Oracle to lvl 17 through RoTRL as a main tank and he flat out kicked ass. Here's a link to the build and the general ideas.
Funnest "melee" character I've ever played. Self-heals, great Fort and Will saves, huge HP pool, super self-sufficient.
http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2un3f?The-Oracle-of-Battle-The-Prophet-of-Rage- Is#1

Ryze Kuja |

What about a Druidzilla tank?
You could take the Goliath Druid Archetype and use Enlarge Person on your Deinonychus Animal Companion, and become Gargantuan (Huge + Enlarge Person) yourself.
Pick up feats like Powerful Shape (Your CMB/CMD would be calculated as if you were Colossal), Power Attack, Bull Rush/Overrun, etc.
You could get Rime Spell and cast Rimed Frostbites for lots of decent nuking and crowd control. For only a 2nd level spell slot, you can prepare lots of these per day (probably 3-4 per day). Each one would cause 1d6+13 Cold damage and would last for 13 charges, so that's 13 hits with Natural Attacks before you'd have to cast it again. Each Frostbite would Entangle and Fatigue the target too, and with No save.
You could cast level 7 spells, heal, cast while Wild Shaped, crowd control with Entangle and Sickening Entangle (You may want to pick up Heighten Spell so your DC's don't suck). And trash any prepared spell you have for SNA if you want.
Basically you're an all-around versatile caster but you can also become Druidzilla when the group needs it.

xSaber0022 |

An Order of the Shield Cavalier would do quite nicely for a tank.
The order alone lets you convert lethal damage to nonlethal damage, gives Stand Still as a bonus feat and lets you do damage with it, and lets you reposition yourself as an immediate action in case of an emergency.
Heck, your edicts basically just require you to protect people, so if you're trying to play a tank this is a fitting story for them.
Then from being a Cavalier you get the mobility of being mounted, d10's for hit die, good Fort saves, and Heavy armor proficiency. Sadly will saves will still be a problem, but a cloak of resistance should be able to make up for it.
Also, the Cavalier's class skills and often high Charisma promote the usage of feats like Call Out or Antagonize, which are some of the few feats that make opponents directly attack you.
Pair all of this with a reach weapon (a Horsechopper is my personal favorite), and feats like Combat Reflexes, Lunge, Whirlwind Attack, and Combat Patrol should make you rather formidable.

LordKailas |

Primalist Bloodrager 13
Race: preferably anything without a Strength penalty. Human, Half-Elf/Orc, Variant Tiefling, Variant Aasimar to name a few good options.
I'm trying to understand the math on healer's hands. I also am wondering how the following would modify it
Feats: Additional Traits(Sun Blessed, Rest for the Wicked)
Fast Healer
Rest for the wicked
I understand how Sun Blessed changes things, but I list it only so that people don't think that I missed that the additional traits feat gives you 2 traits not just one.
A normal day of full rest (w/o the healing skill) is 2 hp/lvl and 2 points per ability score.
At 5th level (assuming a 20 con) I'm seeing
Healer's Hands + Sig Skill -> 1 full day of rest +5 HP
Modified by traits and Fast Healer this becomes
(3x3) hp/lvl+5+3 and (3x3) points per ability score. or +9 hp/lvl +7 and 9 points ability damage per stat, ergo 52 hp and 6 points of ability damage.
Long term care seems to over-ride both the rest for the wicked and reviving traits. So at 10th level you are at
(4x3) hp/lvl+10+3 and (4x3) points per ability score. or +8 hp/lvl +12 and 8 points ability damage per stat, ergo 132 hp and 12 points of ability damage. At 13th level(and a 30 con) this is 175 and 12 points of ability damage.
Is there an FAQ that states that the bonuses from Rest for the Wicked and Reviving Rest are additive instead of simply overwriting the normal benefits?

Wonderstell |

Long term care seems to over-ride both the rest for the wicked and reviving traits.(1)
Is there an FAQ that states that the bonuses from Rest for the Wicked and Reviving Rest are additive instead of simply overwriting the normal benefits?(2)
1. It doesn't over-ride them. The description of Long-Term Care simply states the general case.
2. I'd be really surprised if there was a FAQ, but it's pretty clear from the text of Rest for the Wicked that it overwrites the normal benefit of 2 point per day of complete bed rests.
As for Reviving Rest, the trait would be too strong if it was added to the total, since that would result in 5 HP per hit dice healed for normal adventurers.
A normal day of full rest (w/o the healing skill) is 2 hp/lvl and 2 points per ability score.
At 5th level (assuming a 20 con) I'm seeing
Healer's Hands + Sig Skill -> 1 full day of rest +5 HP
Modified by traits and Fast Healer this becomes
(3x3) hp/lvl+5+3 and (3x3) points per ability score. or +9 hp/lvl +7 and 9 points ability damage per stat, ergo 52 hp and 6 points of ability damage.
Reviving Rest raises the normal HP gained from complete bed rest to three per hit dice, from two.
Rest for the Wicked raises the normal Ability Damage healed from complete bed rest to three, from two.
Hit points regained from spending one full day in bed: 3 x (Hit Dice), then tripled from Resilient Martyr.
Ability Score damage regained from spending one full day in bed: 3, then tripled from Resilient Martyr.
So a level 5 creature would heal 45 HP (3x5, tripled), and 9 ability score damage in each ability score.
If you have the Fast Healer feat, you add your Constitution Modifier to this amount.
A level 10 creature with Reviving Rest, Resilient Martyr and Rest for the Wicked would heal:
3 (Reviving Rest) x2 (Long-Term Care) x3 (Resilient Martyr) = 18 HP / Hit Dice.
3 (Rest for the Wicked) x2 (Long-Term Care) x3 (Resilient Martyr) = 18 Ability Score damage in each Ability Score.
If you have the Fast Healer feat, you'd add your Constitution modifier to the HP amount.
At level 13, that's 234 (+con) HP and 18 Ability score damage.