Mark Hoover 330 |
So my game is still in low-mid levels, at APL 6. This means that often a mixed group of CR 2 monsters will surround the party. How do you make them good at "hit-and-run" tactics?
First off there's sniping, but most ranged attackers of CR 2 or even CR 6 for that matter aren't really good at it. They suffer -10 to -20 on their checks and my PCs will just use a Held Action with the trigger being when the monster pops out to make its ranged attack so that they gain little benefit from Cover.
Then there's Dodge/Mobility/Spring Attack. In order to hit this combo however my monsters need to have at least 5 HD, so they're either CR 2 kobolds, CR 3 NPC-classed monsters, or they're even higher in CR which smashes my XP budget for the encounter. Then there's the hindrance of actual speed. Yeah, you can dart in, make an attack, then dart out, but even if you move at 50 this means that after you attack you only get 40' away from the PCs.
Finally, and here's the biggest thorn in my side, there's the rules around running away and AoO's. They are so prohibitive, so punitive against fleeing melee combat that you might as well just stay put. If you leap into melee on round one, with the intent of leaping out the next, you've got to eat an AoO (which, likely, kills the low CR monster), make a strategic retreat that gets you through the first 5', or else use an ability/spell/device which likely provokes also.
Help me make hit-and-run a possibility for my CR 2 - CR 6 monsters, please!
blahpers |
They generally don't. The most successful approximations of this tactic that I've seen involved liberal use of concealment and occasionally fighting defensively. But the action economy required to do hit and run under normal circumstances just isn't there. This isn't that strange--it's not a terribly realistic tactic to hit-and-run in melee, so it takes extraordinary abilities or circumstances to make it viable.
An alternative is mounted combat. You don't even need Ride-By Attack for that to work, though it certainly helps.
yukongil |
The Escape Routes teamwork feat can help in avoiding those attacks of opportunity. Outflank, Pack Attack and Precise Attack are also good. For snipers I like Stealth Synergy, have enough people rolling and you're sure to get a nat 20 eventually. Also, don't forget range penalties for perception checks. Seeing the sniper from 10 feet away is pretty easy, seeing him from 200 feet off is another matter entirely
Meirril |
First off there's sniping, but most ranged attackers of CR 2 or even CR 6 for that matter aren't really good at it. They suffer -10 to -20 on their checks and my PCs will just use a Held Action with the trigger being when the monster pops out to make its ranged attack so that they gain little benefit from Cover.
Umm...that doesn't work that way. If the PCs are aware there are snipers and they have a readied action to charge them, it becomes a contest of perception vs stealth. The sniper has his previous stealth until he moves or attacks. The natural rythem of this sort of thing is attack first, then stealth away. And realistically the stealth sniper needs to move for at least 1 extra round to set up a new sniper position.
If the readied action PC didn't spot the sniper before he attacks, he won't be able to use his readied action until AFTER the attack. He can get his readied action off between the snipers attack and move to stealth again. Typically successful snipers are out of charge range. Of course, as a GM you don't want to be successful, right? You want the players to struggle but ultimately to win, right? So the players coming up with a tactic to deal with this situation is not a bad thing.
The -10 to -20 is to maintain stealth while sniping. Having NPCs that can do that attack the do you think the party would beat them? You aren't planning encounters the party can't beat, right? You aren't trying to defeat the party, right? How does this support the story?
And if you want to do real hit and run it is a group of archerers at the -4 range (so 3 range increments out) attack from stealth ONCE, and then they all stealth away. An hour later they find a new position and do it again. That is hit and run tactics. The goal of such a group is to drive people away and weaken them. This is not a tactic to stop or kill a group. This can be combined with an ambush to kill the party off.
Mudfoot |
Your monsters need to attack while the PCs are busy doing something else. Like camping, disarming a trap, opening a stuck door or eating. Or fighting some other monster. Or failing that, they need a way to get away without being pursued, such as an area of fog or Darkness that the PCs won't be happy about charging into lest there's a pit or spikes or braced spears or something else there. Even a door with someone ready to slam it shut.
And if your PCs are Readying bows against that sniper over there, they can't be Readying against the monsters that charge them from behind (and neither can they use those bows to make AoOs as they run away).
Paradozen |
So my game is still in low-mid levels, at APL 6. This means that often a mixed group of CR 2 monsters will surround the party. How do you make them good at "hit-and-run" tactics?
First off there's sniping, but most ranged attackers of CR 2 or even CR 6 for that matter aren't really good at it. They suffer -10 to -20 on their checks and my PCs will just use a Held Action with the trigger being when the monster pops out to make its ranged attack so that they gain little benefit from Cover.
Then there's Dodge/Mobility/Spring Attack. In order to hit this combo however my monsters need to have at least 5 HD, so they're either CR 2 kobolds, CR 3 NPC-classed monsters, or they're even higher in CR which smashes my XP budget for the encounter. Then there's the hindrance of actual speed. Yeah, you can dart in, make an attack, then dart out, but even if you move at 50 this means that after you attack you only get 40' away from the PCs.
Finally, and here's the biggest thorn in my side, there's the rules around running away and AoO's. They are so prohibitive, so punitive against fleeing melee combat that you might as well just stay put. If you leap into melee on round one, with the intent of leaping out the next, you've got to eat an AoO (which, likely, kills the low CR monster), make a strategic retreat that gets you through the first 5', or else use an ability/spell/device which likely provokes also.
Help me make hit-and-run a possibility for my CR 2 - CR 6 monsters, please!
Flyby attack works well. Give it to a strix or similar creature, make them an archer, have them fly into point-blank shot range, shoot, and fly away. Buff beforehand with entropic shield potion and now readied actions to return fire are less reliable, meaning they have to try and take you down.
Spring attack is less effective for hit and run than shot on the run because of how close you have to get. Get 2 4th level fighter NPCs with shot on the run, then give favorable terrain and you have a CR 6 encounter. Have them move from opposite sides and pepper the party with longbows. Alternately, mounted archery works pretty well for hit and run. Just make sure they have enough space to move.
If you want spring attack to work, combine it with a reach weapon. Maybe giving the creature ways of stacking reach on top of that as well. A 5th level bloodrager can have dodge, mobility, spring attack and with the abberant bloodline and a glaive can hit someone while still 15' away, then slink back away. It is a CR4 though, so probably only one of them.
If you want to try sniping, the -20 penalty isn't a problem as long as you leverage the reach of a composite longbow. A 3rd level NPC warrior (CR1) can have point-blank and far shot, meaning from 200ft away they can attack with only a -1 penalty for distance, and they balance out the stealth penalty with a distance modifier to the perception check. 3rd level NPC fighter is a CR2, but they also have more feats to play with, giving room for weapon focus and deadly aim.
Finally, getting an incorporeal creature with flyby attack is a really strong way to hit and run. Take an Allip (CR3) replace its Improved Initiative or Lightning Reflexes with Flyby Attack, have it dart up to the PCs, touch, and the dart back through a wall or into the ground. Really difficult to counter, especially if magic weapons aren't thoroughly distributed. Does have the AoO problem, but they take half damage at best, and sometimes no damage.
Remember, almost any useful solution does give a +1 CR for favorable terrain, because if the terrain isn't one-sided, it is rather tough to outmaneuver PCs. Also remember that it takes a feat to ready a charge, otherwise they need ranged attacks.
lemeres |
Hmmm... does it have to be 'monsters'?
I suggested burrowing and blasting before because I once played around with a group of earth elemental focused druids that acted as assassins.
Between decent attack/AC boosts from their form, earth glide for fleeing, and some light blast and healing spells, they could drag out a fight with guerrilla tactics. And lets never forget their spontaneous summoning spells for some diversion. This is what I imagine when I think "what if druids decided to go eco terrorist?"
Of course, this kind of hits the upper limit for the CR range you are working with here.
wraithstrike |
Hit and run is hard to pull off without amazing stealth modifiers, and/or being really fast. A CR 2 monster is not going to do this well against higher level PC's without one of the two conditions I mentioned or some special ability that I'm not thinking of.
PS: Flyby Attack does not prevent attack of opportunities, and spring attack is not available until much later in the game.
Adjoint |
Is there anything simple that has burrowing and some blast spell? (ie- something with those traits that doesn't need a template or class levels)
Some dragons have burrow speed, all of them have breath weapons, and if they are young enough they fit your CR range.
In the range CR 2-6 there are:
white (wyrmling, very young, young), crystal (wyrmling, very young, young), brass (wyrmling, very young), underworld (wyrmling, very young), blue (wyrmling), forest (wyrmling), lunar (wyrmling)
There are also pixies: CR 4, constant greater invisibility, and ranged attack.
Darigaaz the Igniter |
Just have a lot of wolves (or whatever critter fits). Wave 1 charges. Next round, wave 1 Withdraws and wave 2 charges. Third round, wave 2 Withdraws and wave 1 charges again. Etc etc.
My gm in our short-lived attempt at Kingmaker used this on us during one random encounter at night, I think there were at least 8 wolves at the start.
JulianW |
Have the monsters stealth up, trying to get a surprise round.
They launch a volley of missiles in the surprise round, firing from further away than the PCs can cover in a round. Those doing well on initiative get a second shot off, then they all move / run / withdraw away in different directions as the PCs start to close.
Difficult terrain is perfect for this - gives cover for the sneak up, stops charges.
Perhaps they have prepared a few trapped squares to slow pursuers - tripwires or even just caltrops.
Alternatively, in open terrain, have mounted opponents with ride by attack & lances. A level 1 fighter could have mounted combat + ride by.
lemeres |
Oh, I just found something good- Crysmals.
They are basically an earth elemental scorpion made of crystals, and they view all gems as their babies (they can turn the gems into babies).
They are CR 3 (4 hd) and have a burrow speed, a natural ranged attack (1/day, but hey- 3d6 with a slight AoE on that CR), dimensional door as a 3/day SLA, and they have at will use of silent image, ghost sound, and mage hand. Oh, and DR/bludgeoning that could mess with first response archers that forgot to bring their blunt arrows.
So they have a nice, low CR and a nice array of things that can make them a pain. Get a handful of them, and have them attack the party after the party loots a stash of gems. I could see them harassing the party for days through hit and runs, traps (the illusion stuff), and theft attempts during the night.
rainzax |
Utilize architecture or natural terrain.
Have your PCs end up is a large open location that is surrounded by many obstacles of different distances, shapes, and heights. Then choose a creature with a ranged attack and a bonus to both Perception and Stealth, and have them snipe. If a PC closes in, have them use Stealth to change locations. Track their locations separately using your DM screen.
If you use a single creature, make sure it's Perception and Stealth are at the upper end of what your PCs are capable of. If you use multiple creatures, make sure their Perception and Stealth are at the median end of what your PCs are capable of. Give your creature Spring Attack if you want to do more than just snipe.
Most importantly, be fair. Be clear about how you will adjudicate Perception vs Stealth (the CRB gives more guidelines than hard rules), and let that cut both ways across the table. Make sure your PCs are familiar with the Ready Action rules.
You will know if you are doing it right if your PCs are paranoid but engaged.
Mark Hoover 330 |
So first off, thank you to everyone's suggestions so far! I have tried to utilize terrain and environment as much as possible in my encounters but the challenge there is... I have very experienced players.
One of the PCs is a Druid 6 with the Swamp Druid archetype. Another PC has Boots of the Mire. A third has a custom Wondrous Figurine that turns into a Medium sized Dire Rat that has been augmented with a Climb and Swim speed. Finally one of the PCs is Crocodile-kin that can change form and gain a Swim speed. Couple that with the druid having MANY scrolls with druidic utility spells and the party can tackle a lot of different terrains.
The one environment they're bad in? Dungeons. The one place that, in 6 levels I've almost never been able to lead them to? Dungeons.
Still we all keep trying, like fools, eh? - D. Lo Pan
Anyway, I will take all your advice and continue to try and maximize the synergy between my villains and environment. Also thank you for helping me understand the action economy of Sniping! I thought that, AS the foe is making their attack the PC would spot them and thus be able to interrupt the attack with their own held action (which, BTW, they usually choose a Ranged weapon/spell to use on said Held action, not a Charge) but if their held action goes in the space AFTER the attack but BEFORE the next stealth check, that would deliver at least some usefulness to the tactic.
One thing that I admit I'm terrible at is Feat combos. I've tried optimizing Spring Attack and Feats that modify Flanking (Outflank, Gang Up, and so on) but with little affect to the outcome of the fights. @Meirril: yes, ultimately I want the party to win, but it's the whole "challenging them" part I'm having trouble with.
My fights usually begin at a distance that I think the foes could reasonably spot the party, usually about 80 - 100 feet. The environments are generally wilderness; swamps and marshes, hills and moorland, forests. The enemy has cover and is hiding but the druid is built for this: the player is savvy and uses utility spells to know what's ahead of the party most of the time; she's got Skill Focus: Perception, high Wisdom, and 6 ranks in a Class skill; the druid PC has Low Light vision and the party routinely sends out Dancing Lights in areas of Dim Light or Natural Darkness.
Often the villains are glimpsed before the party meets them. Even on a rare Surprise round there's not a lot of effect unless the monsters target and focus on the party's weakest link, the Ratfolk Investigator. After the fight begins, between previously cast movement-based utility spells and their own Class/Racial abilities, the PCs can frequently ignore terrain obstacles, or suffer the 2 square penalties of some spaces, and either surround their foes, use Entangle to ensure they don't flee, or pepper the villains with Point Blank ranged attacks/spells.
The reason I asked about hit-and-run tactics then was to try and develop strategies to deliver the appropriate challenge to my players that these monsters/foes/villains should engender, without encounters just boiling down to the rote actions of the PCs and the foregone conclusion of the enemy's demise.
Haladir |
Use a combination of missile-fire, stealth, and tough terrain that makes pursuit difficult. If the bad guys had time to prep, they could also use traps to slow down pursuit: caltrops, snares, deadfalls, etc. Magic, such as entangle would also work.
In other words, the bad guys set an ambush, and then fall back as soon as the PCs counter-attack.
If the bad guys have magic, they can use that to distract the PCs, perhaps sending them off chasing in the wrong direction. (E.g. ghost sound, dancing lights, silent image.)
Hit-and-run with melee combatants doesn't really work. However, the bad guys could send in trained animals or release an expendable monster to fight the PCs while they run. E.g.: the bad guys throw a wasp nest into the party's campsite. Summon monster works too.
Ssalarn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
When I was working on Spheres of Might I wrote up a tactics section that described how to run different kinds of monsters, including hit-and-run opponents. While it's mostly geared towards campaigns using Spheres of Might, it does have some advice that is generally applicable to running different kinds of combats with different kinds of monsters, and that advice is actually free on the Spheres wiki if you''re interested.
SheepishEidolon |
A rogue can pick up the fast getaway talent at level 2. Meaning they can sneak attack (for example after flanking) and withdraw in the same round. For a low level NPC respective monster that might be quite helpful.
And if players have some success with prepared actions and reach weapons against such tactics, that's a fair reward for them thinking and spending precious combat actions.
First off there's sniping, but most ranged attackers of CR 2 or even CR 6 for that matter aren't really good at it. They suffer -10 to -20 on their checks
Well, there is the Expert Sniper feat for a penalty reduction of -10. Beyond that:
Halfling alternate racial trait swift as shadows: Reduce penalty by 10
Rogue (guerrilla) 4: Set penalty to -10
Slayer (guerilla) 1: Reduce penalty by class level/2
Further, you can look for significant bonuses to Stealth in general, to make sniping work. Getting them from race (such as being Small) is usually cheaper than from feats, at that low level.
Kayerloth |
And don't just use the terrain, particularly in an ambush, alter the terrain to their advantage. Traps or obstacles between ranged attackers and the PC's. Moving rapidly and not cautiously will make spotting even "low level" traps harder for the PCs. Something as simple as a rope/wire to trip or small holes dug in the ground can slow them down. It would be a good place for a covered camouflaged pit. Have them similarly prepare the terrain for where they will retreat further hampering any pursuit.
Don't attack with the whole force. Lure them into pursuit where a larger second force can attack, possibly with even more advantageous terrain. If nothing else it'll make them more cautious burning more time off the relatively short-lived spells/buffs (or those levels) as they watch for further ambushes.
You don't even have to have the initial force attack, merely spot the PCs and or be well prepped to simply retreat immediately on contact if they happen to be spotted by the PCs first. Their job is only to trigger things and lure the PCs on into a nastier ambush encounter.
Have the forces leap frog each other. Group A engages then pulls out going past Group B who attacks and then falls back and just keep going. Retreat before, well before, they need to. Don't overstay their welcome.
Note that taking time to use something like Detect Snares and Pits is much like using Detect Magic to spot magic. It takes time/concentration to use it to precisely locate hazards.
lemeres |
Clever use of maze like corridors and silent image can also help out- the enemies know the area better than the players do, and you don't get to save vs. silent image until you interact with it. So adding a wall that blocks off a hallway is a rather good method for providing quick hidy holes for enemies.
They just need to have someone waiting at the safe spot with the image up. This works best if it is after a blind corner- that lets the enemy escape the party's sight for a second which gives the time to get behind the illusionary wall.
The monsters can also set up an ambush from such a hidey hole (which is a good way to tip off the party that illusions are at play, on the off chance that the party doesn't get suspicious after the first disappearance or two).
ShroudedInLight |
Hit and run can be very frustrating to handle as a player, especially if done well. With that word of warning out of the way, lets talk how to do it properly.
1: Scouting -> The enemy group should have scouts that are on the lookout to catch the PCs before the ambush and figure out where they are going. Once they know that, they can begin to plan their ambush.
2: Location -> The location of the fight is important to decide upon, if the enemy is laying an ambush they will probably try to find terrain that works best for them. Once you have a good starting terrain, they can alter it to better fit their particular fighting style. Rough terrain, traps, caltrops, and other tools of area denial are a good start. Remember, traps are hard to disarm mid-combat so they function as area denail. Even if the PCs spot them (especially if the PCs spot them), those tiles will be unusable, allowing you to force them through choke points or into specific spots during the combat. This is great for AoE attacks.
3: The Ambush -> Before the fight starts, the ambushing group can use their surprise round to pre-buff before the fight. I'd suggest potions of Expedious Retreat as they are quite cheap at 50gp per use and maximise their ability to get in close and then get back out. Once the fight is going, its a good idea to have a pre-planned escape tactic such as a Fog Cloud, Obscuring Mists, Black Tentacles, Entangle, or other battle field control spell that can lock down the enemy and allow your companions to escape. Since the combat will be far under 10 rounds, the Expedious Retreat potion will still be active allowing the other party to escape at 2x movement compared to the party that is currently gummed up. If some folks make their saves, that is ok, since they will then be trying to catch up verses very fast folks and be a numbers disadvantage which can lead to you turning the tables if they try to chase you down.
4: The Get Away -> Once you've broken off combat from your prepared ambush spot, lead the PCs into a second area that you have prepared. Setting up fake tracks before hand can lead them into traps, or if your group is agile enough they can make it through the trapped zone themselves. Regardless, the PCs will break off pursuit upon hitting a second wave of traps and redouble their guard. This will make luring them into a second ambush harder, but the whole goal is to have made the PCs use resources in a fight that was non-conclusive.
5: The Reengage -> A hit and run fight only counts as a win under two conditions. One, you've weakened the PCs enough to finish them with a second attack. Two, you've driven them away. If you have not accomplished goal B and the PCs are still coming, then you are aiming for A so you need to plan a reengage. The PCs will be paranoid, so you'll need to find a new way to get the jump on them as opposed to your first ambush. Additionally, you need to do this on the same day as if the party can rest they'll regain all their expended resources. The PCs will exhaust their most resources during the first encounter as they will not be expecting the fight or their opponents to run. Once they know an opponent will run away, they will be conservative on their resources (Or use all their resources to try and nuke the runners before they can run). If you can't exhaust the PCs resources before your encounter's resources are empty then the monsters have not gained anything from these encounters, because the Hit and Run group will never gain a chance to finish off the players. Without that, their only chance of being effective is in pissing off your players so much they decide to abandon their current route or objective in order to avoid further encounters.
The most effective hit and run group I've ever used were a tribe of natives who would engage the PCs, grapple one of them, tie them up, and book it out with a hostage. After two players disappeared they had to track down the native village and save folks from ending up in the soup.
Mark Hoover 330 |
Many folks have suggested traps in the midst of the fight. My current party is APL 6, meaning I'd like to keep fights between, say, a CR 5 to a CR 10. Adding a CR 1 or 2 trap shouldn't break the fight too badly I suppose, but then I look at some of those low level traps you might find in a wilderness environment. For example, the Spiked Snare trap:
This trap consists of a cleverly hidden vine set as a trip line strung across a pathway. As soon as the trip line is triggered (by the first person to cross it), a snare whips around the target’s leg and yanks him upwards against a set of sharpened stakes. In addition to possibly taking damage from the stakes, the snare suspends the victim upside down 10 feet off the ground. A caught PC can escape this snare on his own by making a DC 22 Strength or Escape Artist check, or automatically if he has a slashing weapon with which he can cut the snare line (although this action results in a 10 foot fall).
Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 15
Trigger touch; Reset manual
Effects CMB +10 (vs. target’s CMD; target gains grappled condition and is yanked 10 feet into the air); Atk +8 melee (2 spikes for 1d6+2 damage each)
So I'm looking at something with a Detect DC of 20. Even if the PCs are double moving to pursue, their Perception checks are generally between a +8 (for the Barbarian) to a +22 (for the Druid). Even with a -5 penalty from being Distracted and perhaps -1 for every 10' of distance there is a strong chance that someone in the party spots this trap before it affects them.
Then taking a look at the effects, a +10 CMB versus these PCs is ok, but nothing really earth-shattering. The front line generally consists of a Barbarian and a Bloodrager so hitting them with a +10 CMB is about a 45% chance, and less so to hit them with the spikes.
Finally there is the environment itself. If these folks were hacking dungeons, a quick trap in their way will be a deterrent. See, if they are stymied by a tripwire they have to find a way over it mid-stride or slow to step over it because walls, floor and ceiling prevent them from doing anything else. In a forest however, as one player reminded me, its a 360 degree environment so if there's a wire stretched between two shrubs... take the penalty from Difficult Terrain and hack around the shrubs.
I'm not saying I don't value the idea of peppering in traps and in the upcoming dungeon hack I'll definitely have a couple hit-and-run monsters who will be capable of using this tactic. I think however what's frustrated me is the mechanics of melee fighting which are prohibitive to such combatants.
Paradozen |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Might help to use animal companions to increase action economy without CD bloat. Mounted archers on Giant Owls can pepper the PCs from above, fly away, and return pretty quickly. If course, it depends on how thick the forest canopy is. Alternatively, sending a pack of animal companions to fight in melee while archers stay out about 100 ft away might give better odds, having the archers retreat when the companions start dropping.
Paradozen |
Building off of the mounted archer idea above:
Make the NPCs 3rd level druids with the nature's fang archetype, mounted combat and archery, and a small race. What the race is should probably depend on the campaign. Have them pre-buff. Longstrider, Ant Haul, Greensight, and if they have a 14 or higher wisdom, barkskin, can go up before heading out on a 'patrol' of the forest. Barkskin and Ant Haul are for Giant Owl animal companions, Greensight and Longstrider are for the archers. When they first see the PCs, have them cast Glide which will work if they have to leave their animal companion in a hurry. With greensight they can see through the forest canopy, removing concealment (though I'd probably still give soft cover for the branches, depending on how thick the overhead is). Just before attacking, feed the mounts potions of entropic shield and study the PCs. Double move each round with the owls, making long broad circles overhead while the archers attack. The owls should last a few rounds, considering any concealment or cover from the canopy or entropic shield as well as barkskin and mounted combat, but will likely die still as they won't have too many HP. After the owls start dropping, the druids can glide to safety in the trees where they can't be tracked (trackless step) and can regroup for later assaults. 3 of these is a CR6 encounter, and they can be added to other encounters with any forest-dwelling cults as well.
Kayerloth |
I think however what's frustrated me is the mechanics of melee fighting which are prohibitive to such combatants.
Could you elaborate, I'm not sure I follow what you mean?
If you mean the turn based nature of combat, the PCs on their turn move and surround the foes before the foes can retreat then I'd probably either increase the encounter distance or increase the difficulty of closing somehow (or both). It's also why I emphasized retreating 'early' before the PCs are close enough to accomplish this particularly as a whole team. Smokesticks and Tanglefoot can also be employed to make breaking off easier. Perhaps one (or more) ambusher delays or readies an action to use those items after the ranged ambushers have attacked.If the PCs slow to disable the trap(s) or move around through more difficult terrain that's the effect the foes want, it enables them, hopefully, to increase the distance between them and the PCs pursuit (and burns time off buffs). Of course, both Barbarians with increased base speed and Druids with their class abilities make that more difficult in the terrain favored by the PCs. It can potentially be used against them to put some separation between the Barbarian and/or Druid and their companions which might get painful if a second ambush is sprung on them while their support has fallen behind(or for the slower party members if the second ambush hits the rear). Give them choices of who to go after by attacking from different directions and times. Maybe they'll mess up and divide themselves although they sound as if they aren't the sort to do this. Even one leader among the foes with greater mobility whether it's a worg rider or horseman etc., might catch one or two PCs partially isolated and give your PCs a scare/challenge you are looking for by rapidly shifting the force onto a more isolated PC. Use horns, drums, whistles, odd bird calls (odd to the Druid anyway :p) or whatever you feel is right to coordinate the ambushers (and perhaps worry the PCs that there are more foes than they can see).
The unknown is a fearsome weapon ...
Mudfoot |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Summoned monsters are great for hit and run, as they don't actually need to run. The caster (perhaps a druid) can stay well out of the way while dumping a host of animals on the party.
If your PCs' perception is so high that traps become trivial, apply night or fog. The PCs might not be moving, but if they charge off into the night to chase Monster Group A, then Monster Group B can come in from behind and ransack their camp while they're away.
Firebug |
So I'm looking at something with a Detect DC of 20. Even if the PCs are double moving to pursue, their Perception checks are generally between a +8 (for the Barbarian) to a +22 (for the Druid). Even with a -5 penalty from being Distracted and perhaps -1 for every 10' of distance there is a strong chance that someone in the party spots this trap before it affects them.
Sorry, do they have Trap Spotter? Did they tell you they were taking actions to look for traps? Then they auto-fail.
Mark Hoover 330 |
There is a PC with Trap Spotter. As for what I find prohibitive in the mechanics is specifically melee. Attacking from range and running away I can manage though I definitely have to increase encounter distance and add some of the other things folks have said. In melee though running away is next to impossible unless the villain has been built specifically for it. Moving more than a 5 foot step is an AoO; casting a spell is an AoO; there are many actions that provoke. Basic action economy gives the foes only one or two actions in a round so unless the villain has blown three feats or can fly with Flyby Attack, it seems like hit and run in melee is a terrible option.
Kayerloth |
Withdraw, the first 5ft of movement does not draw an AoO. Hit and Run melee is difficult, doubly so if you don't have a significant move speed advantage. But what if your 3ft tall foes (to pick a random height) use Withdraw to move under a bunch of limbs, fallen trees, etc. an obstacle they can easily move under while your PCs can't. Or to drop into a short tunnel. The tunnel can be short (60ft +/-) and open at both ends allow your ranged attackers to drop out of sight and pop up elsewhere. Make sure those tunnels are a (very) tight fit for the PCs.
Have some of your melee foes use Ready or Delay to let the PCs close first ... then they can get first swing. Make them stop against these foes after only 15 or 20ft of movement essentially forfeiting the rest of their move. Perhaps even have your PCs move up 15 ft only to have those foes simply Withdraw all while ranged attackers keep firing. Consider having your melee use Total Defense, the whole point is for the melee, along with any traps/obstacles/difficult terrain to slow the PCs while ranged attackers keep firing not for them to inflict damage.
Reach is another thing to use and can be more effective if the front foe withdraws while the rear foes use reach to help prevent pursuit.
Swamps/Marsh can have bog mats. Bog mats which might support lighter weight "S" foes while big Barbarians break right through and find themselves in several feet of water with a several more feet of mud beneath that. Even bog mats which support the PCs can be a lot like fighting on a water bed.
lemeres |
Stupid idea- goblins with the 'roll with it' feat.
This way, they can get out of the reach of the creature threatening it. Sure, it is staggered afterwards, but it can still use a move action in order to run away. You could also take advantage of the fact that the attacker has to waste time following the goblin around (the full attack centered nature of the game always puts the person approaching with a move action at a disadvantage).
Of course, this strategy goes downhill quickly if the party has good ranged support. But if the party is melee heavy, then there could be a delay while they pull out their bows- time to run away. If the party has a blaster caster, then that also reduces the ability to survive, but hey- you can get them to eat through spells.
Mark Hoover 330 |
Once again, thanks everyone for helping me see these situations with fresh eyes! Another thing you've gotten me to realize, a shortcoming of mine as a GM is relying too heavily on the battle-mat in front of me at the table. I have stopped thinking of terrain as 3 dimensional.
When the party approached their last foes for example, they were moving through a channel in a swamp between two sedge mounds. These mounds were quite long: the mound to the left of the boat was 90' long and the one to the right was 70', but they were only about 10' to 25' deep. I also stated they were dotted with undergrowth and light trees save for a few squares the vegepygmies they were going to be fighting had cleared for their own ease of movement.
I forgot, however, that there might have been:
1. low branches/tall, overhanging shrubs the vegepygmies might have used to tunnel through and cover their escape
2. a Small sized tunnel through the hollow of a tree trunk leading down under the sedge
3. some kind of mud-covered slide, maybe with a patch of Russet Mold on it, that the monsters could use to zip down into the water
4. a hollow log, overturned and floating in the water, that the creatures could swim underneath to cover their escape
I have to re-train myself to take the battle-mat goggles off, think of terrain more organically.
I will still be challenged to actually make these tactics work w/out getting my monsters killed. Reach weapons will help, though the action economy is still in the favor of multiple PCs versus a single foe. Ironically I've employed Readied actions a few times on the side of the foes but my players are very tactical. If the foes freeze on their initiatives, then folks at lower initiatives stop and use ranged attacks or try to calculate where on the map they can put themselves to negate the most obvious escape routes.
One thing I will say, about the Withdraw action: this gives you the first 5' of movement unthreatened, but the remainder is still fair game. This came up in our last combat. A lone vegepygmy held its own for a couple rounds, buying its friend time to get into the water, but then it tried to flee as well. It used a Withdraw action but the PCs had placed themselves around the creature such that any obvious route it took would carry it past one of them after that first free 5' of movement. Needless to say, when a monster has 17 HP and the barbarian's AoO with a greataxe deals 24... Withdraw is kind of a moot point.
Ok, so my takeaways here are:
1. Engage from the longest possible range with Ranged attacking monsters
2. As PCs start to close, escape at once unless the villains would think they were guaranteed to win
3. Engage in waves; ranged attackers move back as the PCs move up, melee "expendables" move up to cover said PCs
4. Try to utilize builds that promote hit-and-run, like flying creatures with Fly By Attack
5. Once melee is joined consider tactics like Delaying/Readying and using Reach weapons to keep PCs at a slight distance
6. To escape melee on further turns, think about Tumbling or the Withdraw action; also consider the terrain in 3 dimensional terms, utilizing every inch of it to grant advantage to the foes' movement while hindering the PCs
7. Finally, if foes manage to "hit" and survive into the "run" stage on subsequent rounds, consider mundane obstacles, minor traps, low level spells or equipment to further stymie the PCs movements, such as caltrops, Obscuring Mist, or a CR 2 Spiked Pit Trap
You've all given me a lot to think about and again I very much appreciate everyone's feedback!
Evilserran |
One way to fix the 'freeze on their initiative" is to not let your players SEE your tracker. And if you have decided on the players turn, what they are doing, you can fluidly skip right past them, allowing them to trigger what they want, when they want. If that still doesn't work remind players, by "knowing an opponent hasn't acted this round" That's metagaming. The entire round is comprised of 6 seconds, and if a player has been watching everything an enemy did for those first few seconds to see if they are hesitating at all, then they are either skipping their turn just to watch, or metagaming, there's really no other reason
yukongil |
Expeditious Retreat and Vanish potions. Super cheap and useful in ambushes and hit and run encounters. Drink the ER potion first, ready Vanish potion, charge in and hit. Next turn, 5 ft step away, drink potion, next turn retreat. Rinse/repeat as necessary.
This is one reason I like using Trailblazer rules for reactions though. Allows groups to use Wolf Pack tactics using their reactions to aid each other, instead of blowing an entire round on a wasted +2 bonus.