Kelemvor187 |
Hi all,
i was thinking about a holy warrior who is very devout, likes to help people, heal, but also dishes out punishment for the guilty and protect friends and the innocent in a fight.
I know multiclassing is more painful in PF than in 3.5 but i was thinking about a tank with reach and lots of AoOs. To do this i might need the feats-galore of the fighter.
Can you give me some hints concerning feats and spells that would make this build viable (except combat reflexes) or better yet: Do you have ideas for an archetype that might be a better choice instead of multiclassing?
In one thread i read the following:
"The Plant Domain (Growth subdomain) offers Enlarge Person as a swift action. It gives Enlarge Person as a domain spell too.
The Animal Domain (Fur subdomain) gives +10 ft (and better) movement as a swift action. You'll also get a nice pet when you hit level 4 cleric."
Both domains seem to be good choices for such a character, wouldn't you agree?
Thank you in advance, all your comments and thoughts are appreciated, as always. :)

Kelemvor187 |
I've looked at the warpriest and i found the following negative points:
- less access to domain advantages
- less bonus feats than a multi-class cleric/fighter
- sacred weapon is rather useless when using a reach weapon, which are normally two handed weapons with greater damage than the sacred weapon damage
- worse saves than multi-class cleric / fighter
- channel energy comes very late
So i'm not really convinced that this mix-class is an equal to the multiclass cleric/fighter.

Lady-J |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
umm it would have more feats then a fighter/cleric 16 feats on a 50/50 split cleric fighter and 17 feats on a warpriest and better saves 12,6,12 base as opposed to the fighter/cleric 14,6,9, there are plenty of reach weapons that have lower base die especially with the whip that has a base of 1d4 and threaten both 5 feet and 10 feet away from you.

SheepishEidolon |
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Ok, you want many feats, so VMC is out of the question.
Fighter is strongest at level 1, in my opinion. If you take just this first level, you gain the following over a plain cleric:
1) Proficiency with heavy armor - tower shield is likely not relevant.
2) Proficiency with martial weapons, so you can pick (quite) freely from reach weapons and don't have to pick a deity with the 'right' favored weapon.
3) A bunch of new class skills: Climb, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (dungeoneering & engineering), Ride, Survival and Swim. Yes, you have only few ranks from both classes, but there are ways to increase the amount (Int, Cunning, FCB etc.) and 1 rank to unlock the +3 class skill bonus might be enough.
4) Roughly +1 hitpoint, if you take the fighter level as first one. You get a full d10 instead of a full d8 (+2 HP), but you will roll for one more d8 instead of a d10 afterwards (roughly -1 HP, depending on rolling rules).
5) A bonus feat. Can be traded for more with some archetypes, see Archives of Nethys for those who replace the 1st level bonus feat.
That's quite a bit for a dip. Further levels will still add things, but at a much lower rate - I'd rather go for full cleric afterwards.

avr |
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If you're doing this because you like the concept somehow, fine, but if you're doing this multiclass because of perceived mechanical advantages - don't. To get the animal domain power you mention you're looking at 4+ levels of cleric, to get significant numbers of feats you're looking at 4+ levels of fighter, and that sort of multiclassing in PF is terrible by the mechanics on classes which don't advance each others class features like cleric and fighter.
Some ideas which would work better:
Warpriest - it really does get as many feats as a single-classed fighter if you take a race which has an alternate favored class bonus of 1/6 of a combat feat. A multiclassed cleric/fighter is way behind. Their channel energy isn't good, but it's likely better than the multiclass due to not needing charisma for it. The swift action buffing via fervor is pretty good and makes up for blessings being less impressive than domains. If you want to use a big polearm the damage dice increase from sacred weapon is out, but you can still use that class feature to enchant your weapon as a swift action.
Crusader cleric - just one domain, but you get a few bonus feats and no delay on spellcasting or channeling, unlike a warpriest or multiclass.
Nature fang druid - again just one domain, but the slayer talents are like a lot of bonus feats, the studied target is a buff which makes up for the druid list being worse at buffing than a clerics', and having a few skill points is nice.
Spirit guide battle oracle - the revelations are outright better than feats, you can pick up channeling using the same stat that you use for spellcasting, and some people prefer the spontaneous spellcasting.

Kelemvor187 |
we never played beyond level 12, so i never calculate the expected advantage on anything beyond level 12. The calculation up to level 20 may be favorable for the warpriest, but this is something that will not happen ;)
Sorry for omitting that.
We are at level 5 in the curent campaign and purely from a direct comparison level 5, 3 levels cleric, 2 levels fighter, will and fort were near the 10-mark as an example.
umm it would have more feats then a fighter/cleric 16 feats on a 50/50 split cleric fighter and 17 feats on a warpriest and better saves 12,6,12 base as opposed to the fighter/cleric 14,6,9, there are plenty of reach weapons that have lower base die especially with the whip that has a base of 1d4 and threaten both 5 feet and 10 feet away from you.
Honestly, while feats are nice, lost casting progression is almost never worth it.
That said? The Warpriest class is literally a hybrid of Cleric and Fighter in a single class, built to be a spell-slinging holy tank in a single package. Probably your best bet.
Hi Omnius,
ehm...the warpriest has a slower progression as well. He gets access to level 2 spells on level 5. With a level 3 cleric / level 2 fighter, it is virtually the same progression ;)
umm it would have more feats then a fighter/cleric 16 feats on a 50/50 split cleric fighter and 17 feats on a warpriest and better saves 12,6,12 base as opposed to the fighter/cleric 14,6,9, there are plenty of reach weapons that have lower base die especially with the whip that has a base of 1d4 and threaten both 5 feet and 10 feet away from you.
Hmm..the whip with sacred weapon is not a bad idea..especially for the tank i had in mind...hmmm...

Decimus Drake |

Would a sacred weapon whip deal lethal or non-lethal damage?
I'd strongly suggest you reconsider the warpriest as an option.
- While the domains you're considering add a nice little bonus I don't think they're worth giving up on the warpriest for; there's a lot of very nice warpriest blessings to choose from.
- As Lady-J explained you have more feats then a multi-class fighter/cleric.
- You say sacred weapon is useless but I fail to see how being able to enhance your weapon with brilliant energy, defending, disruption, flaming, frost, keen, or shock is 'useless'.
- As for saves, once again see Lady-J's reply.
-While level 4 might be considered very late in your campaign, with the warpriest you get Fervor at level 2. This allows you to heal which helps offset the later acquisition of Channel energy; more importantly it allows you to buff yourself with spells as a swift action, while ignoring somatic components and without provoking attacks of opportunity.

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I'm going to join the chorus of people suggesting warpriest unless you have a very specific domain power that you want to build around.
Swift actions to get your buffs up is huge.
It is also a LOT simpler to build. With sufficient system mastery and sufficient time you can doubtless build some multiclassed monstrosity that is more powerful (a level of cavalier here, a level of unchained monk there, etc :-)) but
a) it won't be significantly more powerful
b) it will be fiddly, both to play and build
c) The GM will hate you as he has to figure out your fiddly play and build :-)
Simple is good :-).

Porridge |

As usual, avr’s advice is spot on. Straight Crusader Cleric or straight Warpriest seems to be the way to go.
One further suggestion regarding the Warpriest: if you take the Arsenal Chaplain archetype, you exchange the sacred weapon damage scaling for some abilities which are even better. That would get around your sacred weapon damage die worries.

SheepishEidolon |

You can pick up blessings as a cleric - via the feat War Blessing:
Choose two warpriest blessings when you take this feat. Each of these blessings must be tied to a domain granted by your deity or to one of the two domains that represent your spiritual inclination and abilities. Twice per day, you can call upon the minor blessing from one or the other of your chosen blessings. This ability otherwise acts like the warpriest blessings class feature. Your effective warpriest level is the highest level that you have in the class that has the mystery or domain class feature.
Warpriest might be the mechanically better choice (it's developed to be a crossbreed of fighter and cleric, after all), but if you want to stick with traditional multiclassing, there are ways to enhance this, too.

Wolin |

Saw this earlier today which is probably what you're after: Reach Cleric Guide. Although haven't read it myself.
Off-hand though, plain human cleric with a longspear will probably get you what you're after without any need for multiclassing. Combat Reflexes, dirty fighting/combat expertise and improved trip is a common solid choice that's online by 3rd. Take the fighter dip if you really want it to start with, but since you'll be wanting at least reasonable dex the heavy armour probably isn't worth the dip (unless you're going really long term and getting mithral full plate or you're after a better weapon). Bodyguard's a good follow-up feat.
As far as domains, it's pretty hard to argue with travel. Personally like liberation and trickery on general principle, and darkness for the free Blind-Fight is nice for a melee cleric.

Toirin |
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Warpriests are great. I think the biggest thing you are undervaluing there is the swift action buffs.
But! I would fully support a 1 lvl dip into fighter and the rest cleric. The domains you commented on are great, though I would also recommend the liberation or travel domains. Freedom of Movement is extremely helpful at getting to the right spot and not being grappled.
For a reach build I would recommend the fighter dip in Lore Warden. A few additional skill points + the ability to bypass the 13 Int requirement for combat expertise = easier access to improved trip / disarm. You do give up heavy armor, but with a decent dex to get more AoOs anyway this becomes less of a factor.

David knott 242 |

For a reach build I would recommend the fighter dip in Lore Warden. A few additional skill points + the ability to bypass the 13 Int requirement for combat expertise = easier access to improved trip / disarm. You do give up heavy armor, but with a decent dex to get more AoOs anyway this becomes less of a factor.
For that to work, you would have to use the older version of the Lore Warden, not the update given in the Adventurer's Guide. The new version lets you skip over Combat Expertise but not ignore the Int 13 requirement.

Chess Pwn |

Toirin wrote:For a reach build I would recommend the fighter dip in Lore Warden. A few additional skill points + the ability to bypass the 13 Int requirement for combat expertise = easier access to improved trip / disarm. You do give up heavy armor, but with a decent dex to get more AoOs anyway this becomes less of a factor.For that to work, you would have to use the older version of the Lore Warden, not the update given in the Adventurer's Guide. The new version lets you skip over Combat Expertise but not ignore the Int 13 requirement.
I'm not seeing on either version the ability to ignore the int 13 for stuff that needs combat expertise.

David knott 242 |

David knott 242 wrote:I'm not seeing on either version the ability to ignore the int 13 for stuff that needs combat expertise.Toirin wrote:For a reach build I would recommend the fighter dip in Lore Warden. A few additional skill points + the ability to bypass the 13 Int requirement for combat expertise = easier access to improved trip / disarm. You do give up heavy armor, but with a decent dex to get more AoOs anyway this becomes less of a factor.For that to work, you would have to use the older version of the Lore Warden, not the update given in the Adventurer's Guide. The new version lets you skip over Combat Expertise but not ignore the Int 13 requirement.
Good catch. I assumed that the original post about ignoring Int for Combat Expertise was correct, but now I see that it wasn't. The only advantage you would gain with an old style Lore Warden is that at 2nd level you would actually have the Combat Expertise feat -- with the newer version, a Lore Warden with low intelligence would get nothing at 2nd level.

Louise Bishop |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I've looked at the warpriest and i found the following negative points:
- less access to domain advantages
- less bonus feats than a multi-class cleric/fighter
- sacred weapon is rather useless when using a reach weapon, which are normally two handed weapons with greater damage than the sacred weapon damage
- worse saves than multi-class cleric / fighter
- channel energy comes very lateSo i'm not really convinced that this mix-class is an equal to the multiclass cleric/fighter.
Channels have to be built around and are pretty crappy even on a pure cleric. Leave channeling to CHA based classes like Oracle and Hospitialar paladin. Don't waste feats on it or even your point buy.
As for Cleric Domains, they are nice...but many abilities are hardly used after 10th level. It is more about that sweet spell list.
Sacred Weapon damage only comes online when the Scaling damage is better than the weapon...if not you use the highest damage dice. However, unless you are a vital strike build the base weapon damage is negligible. Most your damage will be the tag on damage via Buffs, STR, Power Attack, Weapon Specialization, ext.
A warpreist will have better saves than a Multiclass
A Warpriest gets a LOT of feats...more than the Cleric and only a few behind a pure fighter.
The only valid thing about your arguement is the Domain "Advantages" but this should not be your ONLY deciding factor.
Best Choices for you:
Hospitalier Paladin - Can have both good Combat abilities and healing/removal. Less spellcasting to have to deal with.
Straight Cleric with a Reach weapon- You only need Combat Reflexes and Power attack. Everything else is pretty open to you.
Warpriest- A good medium ground between fighter and Cleric. I think it is an amazing class...especially Levels 1-13 when Fervor gives you swift action buffs. A Pure Cleric has to wait till Quicken spell for this kind of action economy. This alone sets the class out ahead in the early game.
Battle Spirit Shaman- This is actually a really good class that the power is hidden. The battle hex Battlemaster is basically giving you 2.5 Feats over the course of the character. You can take Evil Eye as your first hex and give things -2 AC or -2 to hit you and as long as they are not immune, it will at least work for 1 round. Later this can be increased to -4 at level 8. Then just Chant to keep it up. But what really set this class apart is the Utility of picking a wandering hex and spirit every day. You can be the guy casting a Fireball and wading into battle grabbing AoOs with a reach weapon. You can pick up the Lore spirit and cherry pick arcane spells and cast them in medium/heavy armors. You can grab spirit abilities that really help out like the slum spirits Doors Everywhere or Heavens Stardust to outline invisible critters OR to cancel blur/displacement effects. The Cherry ontop of this awesome pie is you are a 9th level caster as well.

Toirin |

Chess Pwn wrote:David knott 242 wrote:I'm not seeing on either version the ability to ignore the int 13 for stuff that needs combat expertise.Toirin wrote:For a reach build I would recommend the fighter dip in Lore Warden. A few additional skill points + the ability to bypass the 13 Int requirement for combat expertise = easier access to improved trip / disarm. You do give up heavy armor, but with a decent dex to get more AoOs anyway this becomes less of a factor.For that to work, you would have to use the older version of the Lore Warden, not the update given in the Adventurer's Guide. The new version lets you skip over Combat Expertise but not ignore the Int 13 requirement.
Good catch. I assumed that the original post about ignoring Int for Combat Expertise was correct, but now I see that it wasn't. The only advantage you would gain with an old style Lore Warden is that at 2nd level you would actually have the Combat Expertise feat -- with the newer version, a Lore Warden with low intelligence would get nothing at 2nd level.
Well, guess that goes to show I shouldn't rely on my memory. Good catch guys.

Zolanoteph |

I kind of resent the fact that multiclassing is so weak because this limits creativity somewhat, but there are very good single class options. The warpriest and other hybrids are basically the consolation prizes for multiclassing sucking.
By the way warpriest VMC barbarian would be utterly hilarious. Double buff with fervor then go into rage

Chess Pwn |

I kind of resent the fact that multiclassing is so weak because this limits creativity somewhat, but there are very good single class options. The warpriest and other hybrids are basically the consolation prizes for multiclassing sucking.
By the way warpriest VMC barbarian would be utterly hilarious. Double buff with fervor then go into rage
That's whey in PFS(where variant multiclass isn't allowed) I have a barb 1 warpriest. Buff and rage. Works really nice.

Zolanoteph |

Exactly. You can't cast in rage which adds a cool dynamic. You have level headed casting mode which can fight decently and rage mode which makes you a beast. And both modes can capitalize on those armor/weapon buffing abilities. Extra feats as a feature of the class make up somewhat for the feat poverty of VMC characters. You can go full ham with STR or up your wis ans get spell focus. The former is an uncopromosing caster brute and the latter can alternate between hold person and fighting competently.
Theoretically one of the more interesting build ideas I've had. And utilizing three sources of per day abilities (spells, rage, warpriest abilities) it'll take forever to run our of stem.

Baba Ganoush |

Fighter/Cleric is very viable. I wouldn't go 1/2 and 1/2 I'd either go mostly fighter w/ a dip into cleric - or go mostly cleric with enough fighter or barbarian to get a bit extra BAB & HP. Describe yourself as a fighter with some tricks you've picked up on the way.
A reach weapon and combat reflexes (esp. with enlarge & growth) is a classic AOO build. You could instead consider (w/ fighter bonus feats) Upsetting Shield Style with either a one-handed weapon or something like Unhindering Shield with shield brace or bladed brush (but that's more feat intensive.
You might also consider Brawler instead of fighter - Improved Unarmed strike sets you up for Domain Strike, Martial Flex gives you access to a lot of feats on an as needed basis, and either get a bonus feat at 2nd or take the wild child archetype to stack with your animal domain animal companion.

Slim Jim |

If all you're looking for is a toe-wetting martial dip, don't overlook the possibility of Ranger rather than Fighter.
For some, a +2 Reflex save and making all those dreamy skills class is well-worth trading out a bonus fighter feat.
Other choices include Swashbuckler or Bloodrager[Conduit] for high-charisma types, and Cavalier[Emissary] for Animal-domain types that are going to ride their buddy.
Fighter is clearly the best choice only if you need Heavy Armor Proficiency in a smashmouth campaign.

Slim Jim |

First of all, congratulations on sticking with cleric. The siren call of Warpriest (etc) is strong, but I see you're making the will save.
I know multiclassing is more painful in PF than in 3.5...Actually it's far better in Pathfinder by shear dint of the number of choices available (hundreds when considering archetypes), many of which are so front-loaded you get giddy thinking about it.
but i was thinking about a tank with reach and lots of AoOs. To do this i might need the feats-galore of the fighter.
In one thread i read the following: "The Plant Domain (Growth subdomain) offers Enlarge Person as a swift action. It gives Enlarge Person as a domain spell too.
My assumption now is that you're trying to make a "reach cleric", and I applaud you for that because they are really quite fun.
But don't take Plant, as the Growth domain has been nerf-hammered (its swift-enlarge ability only lasts a round now).
The Animal Domain (Fur subdomain) gives +10 ft (and better) movement as a swift action. You'll also get a nice pet when you hit level 4 cleric."
Try this:
Traits: Birthmark, Adopted[half-elf(Elven Reflexes)]
1. cavalier1 [Emissary(Mounted Combat)], Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative
2. cleric1 [Rowdrosh: Animal(Feather)/Travel]
3. cleric2 Additional Traits [Accelerated Drinker, Magical Knack(cleric)]
4. cleric3
5. cleric4 [animal companion EDL-3], Boon Companion
* +8 to Initiative by 2nd-level
* full move in medium armor (so you don't need mithral breastplate)
* ignore armor check penalties while mounted
* free horse (cavalier) in addition to sky's-the-limit animal companion 5th onward
* full-power cleric spells
* nice interleaving of feats and spell advancement means every level is interesting

Kelemvor187 |
Again, thank you all for your input.
I will take a look into the whip-thingy ;)
Sounds fun AND scary! ;)
How can i rectify the problem, that the whip does not threaten its reach? For a tank this is rather problematic. Improved whip mastery requires BAB +5.
In addition, if using a warpriest / multiclass cleric/fighter the necessary trip feats also have a rather "high" BAB prerequisite, making this kind of combat style viable not before level 8.
My line of thinking was:
Threaten 15ft, combat reflexes (AoO) and make a free attack after a successful trip attempt.
Anything else that would it make even more effective? :)

Slim Jim |

My line of thinking was: Threaten 15ft, combat reflexes (AoO) and make a free attack after a successful trip attempt.
Action-economy and feat-economy are very important for a reach-cleric:
* You're not going to have the feats or the BAB and CMD to successfully deploy Greater Trip that often. (You don't even qualify for it until you're 9th-level slot.)
* Accelerated Drinker gets that cheapo 50gp Enlarge potion down without interrupting a 1st-round spell or attack.
* Animals are an easy way to double or triple your movement in heavier armor; exploit them. (They very nicely fill in at low and early-mid levels before everybody has acquired flight gimmicks.) A lot of players moan that their critter doesn't do much damage, and spend a lot of money chasing the curve. Me? I'm just happy to not be slogging around at 20'/round as a cleric.

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Warpriests can count there level as bab for their bonus feats, they have extra feats, and with fcb they can have nearly anomaly feats as a fighter.
This give greater whips master at a more reasonable level. From the you can fervor righteous might when you get high enough, accelerated drinker works but you be to walk around with a potion in had, or buy Swordmaster’s Flair or two.

Lady-J |
Again, thank you all for your input.
I will take a look into the whip-thingy ;)Sounds fun AND scary! ;)
How can i rectify the problem, that the whip does not threaten its reach? For a tank this is rather problematic. Improved whip mastery requires BAB +5.
In addition, if using a warpriest / multiclass cleric/fighter the necessary trip feats also have a rather "high" BAB prerequisite, making this kind of combat style viable not before level 8.
My line of thinking was:
Threaten 15ft, combat reflexes (AoO) and make a free attack after a successful trip attempt.Anything else that would it make even more effective? :)
war priest bonus feats treat your character level as your bab so you can get it at level 6(or retrain your 3rd level bonus feat at level 5) i would also suggest using a different weapon until the build starts coming together so you aren't bogged down by what you can and cant do with x weapon at z point in time