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Again, thank you all for your input.
Sounds fun AND scary! ;) EDIT: How can i rectify the problem, that the whip does not threaten its reach? For a tank this is rather problematic. Improved whip mastery requires BAB +5. In addition, if using a warpriest / multiclass cleric/fighter the necessary trip feats also have a rather "high" BAB prerequisite, making this kind of combat style viable not before level 8. My line of thinking was:
Anything else that would it make even more effective? :) ![]()
Hi, we never played beyond level 12, so i never calculate the expected advantage on anything beyond level 12. The calculation up to level 20 may be favorable for the warpriest, but this is something that will not happen ;) Sorry for omitting that. We are at level 5 in the curent campaign and purely from a direct comparison level 5, 3 levels cleric, 2 levels fighter, will and fort were near the 10-mark as an example. Lady-J wrote: umm it would have more feats then a fighter/cleric 16 feats on a 50/50 split cleric fighter and 17 feats on a warpriest and better saves 12,6,12 base as opposed to the fighter/cleric 14,6,9, there are plenty of reach weapons that have lower base die especially with the whip that has a base of 1d4 and threaten both 5 feet and 10 feet away from you. Omnius wrote:
Hi Omnius, ehm...the warpriest has a slower progression as well. He gets access to level 2 spells on level 5. With a level 3 cleric / level 2 fighter, it is virtually the same progression ;) Lady-J wrote: umm it would have more feats then a fighter/cleric 16 feats on a 50/50 split cleric fighter and 17 feats on a warpriest and better saves 12,6,12 base as opposed to the fighter/cleric 14,6,9, there are plenty of reach weapons that have lower base die especially with the whip that has a base of 1d4 and threaten both 5 feet and 10 feet away from you. Hmm..the whip with sacred weapon is not a bad idea..especially for the tank i had in mind...hmmm... ![]()
I've looked at the warpriest and i found the following negative points: - less access to domain advantages
So i'm not really convinced that this mix-class is an equal to the multiclass cleric/fighter. ![]()
Hi all, i was thinking about a holy warrior who is very devout, likes to help people, heal, but also dishes out punishment for the guilty and protect friends and the innocent in a fight. I know multiclassing is more painful in PF than in 3.5 but i was thinking about a tank with reach and lots of AoOs. To do this i might need the feats-galore of the fighter. Can you give me some hints concerning feats and spells that would make this build viable (except combat reflexes) or better yet: Do you have ideas for an archetype that might be a better choice instead of multiclassing? In one thread i read the following: "The Plant Domain (Growth subdomain) offers Enlarge Person as a swift action. It gives Enlarge Person as a domain spell too. The Animal Domain (Fur subdomain) gives +10 ft (and better) movement as a swift action. You'll also get a nice pet when you hit level 4 cleric." Both domains seem to be good choices for such a character, wouldn't you agree? Thank you in advance, all your comments and thoughts are appreciated, as always. :) ![]()
Hi folks, i was just wondering if you would allow "gaming" a contact that would share spells with you? (as a DM)
So i was thinking:
And: Would you allow to "befriend" a wizard (NPC), share spells with him, talk about magical theory and maybe even do some footwork for him? How would you handle such an approach as DM? Thank you in advance for your insights. ![]()
Hi Davor, i looked at the archetype but i could not see why this would be a good choice for the char i had in mind.
How does this help? :) Davor wrote:
Hi, i need a melee character that can protect the party and control the battlefield before him?
Problem is: The char is level 4, so feats and other resources are limlited.
Is it possible to pull something off in that general direction at level 4? Thanks for your help. ![]()
Hi, i need your input on the following item: Amulet of natural armor +1, +1 AC insight, +1 AC sacred The amulet of NA+1 would cost 2000 GP, insight and sacred cost bonus squared * 2500, plus 50% for additional ability. This would come up to 9500 GP (2000+3750+3750), which seems not sooo unreasonable at first glance (compared to 9000 GP for bracers of armor +3). BUT: Armor is a "low" power magic effect, because you can aquire armor bonus through mundane armor. This is harder for insight and sacred bonus.
Do you have any guidelines or lines of thinking, how such an item could be priced fairly / adequately? Thanks! ![]()
Hi, my search for a similar thread was unsuccessfull, so i thought i ask away. What is the formular for calculating the costs for the following item: Goggles or an amulet which provides a diplomacy and sense motive bonus? What is a "similar" ability? And what are the costs for slotted items with multiple, similar abilities? Multiple Similar Abilities: For items with multiple similar abilities that don't take up space on a character's body, use the following formula: Calculate the price of the single most costly ability, then add 75% of the value of the next most costly ability, plus 1/2 the value of any other abilities. Multiple Different Abilities: Abilities such as an attack roll bonus or saving throw bonus and a spell-like function are not similar, and their values are simply added together to determine the cost. For items that take up a space on a character's body, each additional power not only has no discount but instead has a 50% increase in price. After reading these two paragraphs my interpretation would be, that two skill bonus are "similar" abilities. Does the last bold sentence mean, that it is of no consequence if an ability is similar or not, if the item fills a slot? Your opinions and rule knowledge is, as always, most appreciated :) Thanks! ![]()
Hi, I've been playing for over 20 years now and i was wondering if you have noticed relations between players and the base characters they like to play? What i mean is, have you ever had a player who always played the cheerful good guy, like a Lathander cleric on drugs, or players / playergroups who always played nasty people or gloomy / distant ones etc. and have you ever noticed if certain kind of people gravitate toward certain base character types? And have you also developed an affinity for certain basic characters or even a dislike for other type of characters? I mean it is only natural. Some roles/characters can be good for party cohesion while others can be disruptive. In some campaigns, certain types of characters collide with the overall mood of the campaign, others reinforce it. For example: We played a campaign a while back and the general mood of the campaign was about working together, building something, relying on each other etc. Most of the characters were fine and integrated well, others were very emotionless, did not care about any of the other characters and that somehow diminished the whole experience. I've noticed, that a lot of the players who play moroose and cut-off characters are very troubled in real life as well. In another instant, we played a selfmade campaign and the SL, while giving us a good time at first, always gravitated the campaigns toward doom and despair, with the full intent of ending the world, while we struggled to prevent it, which was never a possibility in the first place. So while he was a good SL, we barely played his campaigns in the future because we knew, our effords would be in vain eventually and that kinda took out the fun in playing. His behavior was also some kind of mirror to his feelings in real life and the bad situation he was in for a long time. One more positive example was a former friend of mine. He was a very positive and in times inspirational guy and he also played his characters that way. It was fun and he always made the sessions special. I really liked playing with him until he got funny ideas, blasting me with climate change research, trying to convince of this and that and i didn't have the time to dive into it all. His participation became sporadic and his characters also began to get wierd. Strange combinations that were hardly consistant or even explainable. From this moment on it went downhill and we stopped playing. I would like to hear about your experiences: Correlations between kinds of people and basic characters you noticed and basic characters that kinda derailed a campaign or diminished the experience. Thank you. ![]()
Hi, the problem is that this may come up very soon in our game.
Having multiple wayfinders with different spells in it, dramatically increase their flexibility to react to certain situations. The first cracked stone i created had a resonant power (25% chance) so i "hope" that the next stones i create don't have a resonant power ;) This combination is even reasonably priced. 1250 GP crafting costs for a wayfinder + spell storing stone. (Hint: the custom magic item rules are not permitted in our game, for good reason) ![]()
Hi, i don't own Seeker of Secrets, so thank you very much for the clarification. So a wayfinder with an ioun stone that has no resonate power, is not "augmenting", therefor will not interfere with another wayfinder. So while my collection of "facts" is inaccurate, my intepretation is supported by you correction. Interesting. ![]()
Hi folks, i was just researching the whole thing about ioun stones, wayfinders, resonate powers etc.
So this is what i've learned and i would like you to tell me what your deductions / opinions on this matter are: 1. In their normal state, you can have multiple ioun stones orbiting your head on different orbits. All abilities will be granted. 2. A wayfinder removes the necessity to have the ioun stones in plain sight, BUT an ioun stone in a wayfinder will suppress the wayfinders own ability, for standard wayfinders this is the "light" ability. 3. There are wayfinders with multiple slots for ioun stones and each slot used, will suppress one ability of the wayfinder. 4. Multiple wayfinders will interfere with one another and seize to function properly. Their abilities will no longer work. 5. While in a wayfinder, an ioun stone may resonate with the wayfinder, thereby manifesting a "resonate power" 6. Resonate powers, manifested by multiple ioun stones with resonate powers used in one or multiple wayfinders will cancel each other out. The effect of two resonate powers at the same time is not possible. So..these are the "facts" i was able to gather. Now a question: Is there any indication, that the powers / abilities (NOT resonate powers) of ioun stones, used in multiple wayfinders will stop functioning? For example: I have 2 standard wayfinders on me. Both have an ioun stone. One of those has a resonate power, the other does not. I expect both stones to be working normally including the resonate power. I know that the abilities of the wayfinders (light) will not work, as long as there are multiple wayfinders in proximity to one another. But there is not word about the abilities granted by the slotted ioun stones. As far as i understand it, i can use X different wayfinders with ioun stones, ONE with a resonate power, and all of the abilities granted by the ioun stones would still work. What are your thoughts concerning this topic?
Thank you in advance. ![]()
Yeah renting is always a possibility.
@Peachbottom I'm playing a wizard so maybe tours between the city and the adventure can be explained via phantom steed / teleport at some point. Thank you both for your thoughts, i think i will invest i gear for the time being. ![]()
blahpers wrote: Unless you have a use for the house during the adventure, it's probably a good idea to wait until your character stops adventuring before investing the proceeds in real estate. Most published campaigns don't involve the PCs spending a great deal of time at home, and your house doesn't do much good when you're not in it--especially if you manage to make enemies and they, e.g., go burn down your house. Hmm..good point (burn the house down). But my char is living in the Citadel at the moment, with no real home.I can probably find something not quite so expensive ;) ![]()
We had an elaborate plan to get Trinia from her house to the Citadel but we really didn't need it. But we really struggled with the pursuit on the roof...we nearly lost her until our wizard used create pit to stop her. After we convinced her to come with us, remembering Crofts warning about the new not-so-loyal-guards, we used a cart to hide her and then used invisibility before entering the citadel. As it turned out, that was the right call. The sable marines and hellknights were already in Crofts office pressuring her to present results. I imagine Trinia was close to fainting (while "hiding" behind my character) as we were interrogated by the sable marine lts. and hellknights, "admitting" that we were unable to catch her. We suffered through the blame game from the sable marines and the hellknights, left the office and hid Trinia in our room in the citadel (with 60 seconds of invisibility left).
After Croft interrogated her, she asked her old friend (forgot his name, but it was the master fighter guy who was involved in the business with Grau) to hide Trinia in the city, because getting her out was impossible at the time. So while it does not sound very exiting, we were sweating quite a bit during the whole sable marine and hellknight-thing in Crofts office. One failed bluff check, one wrong move by invisible Trinia or taking too long (6 minutes invisibility)...and the whole thing would have blown up in our faces... ![]()
Greetings! I'm playing the CotCT-AP at the moment and my char (Exploiter Wizard level 4) still believes this "adventure"-business is only temporary and after that he will go back to his life as a teacher (he has been a teacher for over 15 years now) ;) We are at 4k gold per character at the moment (more money than he has every seen before) and the character is saving up to buy a house in the "South shore" district. I took Craft Wonderous Items and i have planned to take CA&A next level, but more for the fluff, my mates and the guard, not so much for myself. Finally, my question: As i don't know the AP, is it possible or lets say "enjoyable" to play without lots of magic items until a certain level?
A house in the South Shore district is about 20k gold, but loot tends to increase per "encounter" or phase of the AP as you progress in the story. So what do you think? Invest the gold now and wait for the increase in loot as we advance or keep saving up the money? As this differs from AP to AP i would be very interested in the opinions of people who already played the AP. Maybe some information about the char will help: Samsaran Exploiter Wizard Int 20, Con 12, Dex 14, Wis 12, STR/CHA 7
Thank you and have a nice day. ![]()
Greetings, just one question for which i could not find the answer via search: By using a ring of sustenance, can i create more that the 1000 GP limit per day of magic items? If the answer is no, why not? I only need 2 hours of sleep, thereby nearly doubling the time i can create magic items. Or just for balance reasons? Thanks! ![]()
I'm sorry i brought up the HP-discussion :)
I have to admit that i'm not really fond of the HP system. I prefer the realism of GURPS (fixed low amount of HP that does not change significantly), but it's hard to find a group that appreciates this level of consistancy and complexity, so Pathfinder it is :) So back to the topic: DR-based armor for Pathfinder will be hard to accomplish. I wish the OP luck! ![]()
Can'tFindthePath wrote:
True, but i think this is how it should be. 20 soldiers fire at you with longbows in Pathfinder and because you have 120 HP you will survive at least 10-20 normal hits with full combat readiness intact which is pretty unrealistic ;)With 20 arrors stuck in your body, you would look like a pincushion. This would be difficult to accomplish in GURPS with hitpoints. BUT: Pathfinder is more a gamistic system, while GURPS strongly leans towards consistancy and realism. So these systems are hard to compare, because the approach is totally different. ![]()
Cevah wrote:
Thank you for the Grammar Ninja (really!) and the formular. I will ask the GM.![]()
Claxon wrote:
I've to agree with Claxon here. Pathfinder is not designed to integrate a DR based armor system. You need a complex system to make it work, and Pathfinder, while rules heavy, is by no means detailed enough to handle such an adaptation.You not only have to find the right balance between DR vs. damage but also make it possible to use hit locations and other means to reduce the protection (for example damage types and armor that provides different protection values against different kinds of damage). If you look up RPG-systems that uses DR in that fashion you will see that they are either extremly simple (DR vs. damage no matter what damage type) or extremly detailed (hit locations, DR that protects well vs. some kinds of damage and not so well vs. other kinds etc.). There is little in between. Due to the fact that Pathfinder is rules heavy, a simple system won't do. You need a complex one, which is a lot of work. Again, i refer you to GURPS, which uses, in my opinion, a very well designed DR-armor system. ![]()
This mechanic is not new and IIRC is part of the variant rules for 3.5.
As you are dealing with a totally other kind of armor system, i like to refer you to GURPS for example, which uses a DR armor system. BUT: Armor there is a lot higher than it is in Pathfinder or D&D. This is due to the fact, that damage dealt scales upwards faster than hit chances. So you are not scaling AC vs. to hit, but DR vs. damage dealt. This fact would need to be applied to Pathfinder as well. A +2 full plate armor made from Adamantium should have an armor rating of 20 or 25..not 12 like in the AC system, to provide ample protection vs. a hit from a very strong barbarian, causing 20 or more damage per hit. So one possible solution would be, to reorganize the armor system, separating armor bonus that prevents being hit (dodge, deflection, insight etc.) and armor bonus that just reduces damage (armor, shield, NA etc.).
Of course, you can try both to create a "mixed" class. Good dodge but also some protection in case you get hit. It is an interesting idea, but it needs a lot of work to provide a functonal , non-game breaking system for Pathfinder. ![]()
My plan is to invest the money in real estate.
My char has only saved up 4000 GP until now, so i was looking for a save place to store the money until then (my char is a squishy lvl 4 wizard). Problem is, the studio where my char was living has been destroyed and he has been living in the Citadel of Velshynek (City Watch) for the past 3 weeks. So i left my letters of credit to the quartermaster for safekeeping.
That is the reason i started this thread, because i could not believe it. ![]()
Greetings, i just read the following FAQ-answer about swapped attributes as base for skills (for example Student of Philosophy switches CHA for INT): So obviously using the trait to base CHA-based skills on, renders the usage of a Circlet of Persuasion mute. Is it possible to create a "Circlet of logical reasoning" instead of the Circlet of Persuasion with the same or reduced power, but applicable to INT based skills? ![]()
Hi again, i've changed the approach to the following description.
Hehe..it is nice to see that this topic doesn't seem to be so uninteresting after all :) Out session is tonight, so i will suggest a few changes to the bank of Abadar. I will create an EPK process chart to show the different tasks and decision points. I hope the DM is open enough to support the ideas. I don't want to overdoe it, but my idea was to introduce an Arcane Mark (thank you to all posters for this idea, this cantrip was not on my radar), a password and a second password in case the bill has been stolen etc. So first process would be: Produce bill, clerk 1 asks for password, client hands over password in envelope, clerk 1 transports envelope to clerk 2, clerk 2 opens and checks password, and provides signed approval to clerk 1. Additional security measures i would offer for clients able to cast spells: Clerk 1 asks for Arcane Mark, client casts Arcane Mark and provides Arcane Mark in an envelope. Clerk 1 transports envelope to clerk 2, clerk 2 checks with Arcane Mark in the deposit box. Clerk 2 provides signed approval to clerk 1. Then and only then will deposits or withdrawals be executed. If you loose the bill (for whatever reason), you can still access the deposit box and your funds, but you will be asked for all the above and a drop of blood, that will be stored in a special safe only opened if such a situation arises. Another idea i had was to deposit a drop of blood and use a divination spell to identify the client. While helpful, this would require a rather high level spell from the divination school. ![]()
Hi, how do you keep money save in Golarion?
In a world with magic and complex gnome contraptions, there are no more advanced identification methods available to prevent unauthorized people to withdraw funds? I'm having a hard time to believe that. Keeping the money at a bank just adds another step before you get the money, thats all. It does not prevent unauthorized access. Steal bill, go to bank, get money. Great. I would have added multiple password layers, magical blood tests and recorded visual informations (illusion magic, image of the account owner). How do you deal with this problem in your campaigns? ![]()
Greetings, we are playing the CotCT-AP at the moment and my char is kinda saving up to buy a house.
My first thought: WTF? No security whatsoever? No password, no magical identification gimmicks, nothing? I get robbed or my room gets robbed, and poof the money is gone? Is there an article or something describing the inner workings /securitity measures taken by banks in Golarion? I would at least suggest to integrate two layers of passwords and magical identification of some kind. Any thoughts? ![]()
Hi Matthew, so what would be your suggestion concerning a price? :) Thanks! Matthew Downie wrote: In a world where the cold-weather rules are so harsh that (by a literal interpretation) a fully dressed man (or polar bear) will freeze to death after walking in the snow for a few hours, a magic electric blanket that doesn't need to be plugged in would be a very precious commodity.
Ok, maybe it would be best to tell you why i wanted to create such an item in the first place. I plan to use it to keep eggs warm for the hatching process. This item can be used for other purposes as well, but this was my initial reason for creating it.
Hmm..the "hot" feature is not really required, so that could work. BUT: Two points i like to make: 1. The effect is limited to warmth, ignoring all other effects that prestidigitation could accomplish. 2. The Campfire Bead for example is even cheaper, while more powerful. So i'm not really sure if the costs should be that high. Thoughts? ![]()
Greetings travelers! I created a small magic item and i would like to know, if the stats (CL, price etc.) are adequate or need adjusting. I made it really cheap, because it cannot be used to harm anyone and the effect is not "powerful" in any way. Your feedback is most appreciated.