Min-Max Sunday:Highest spell DC?


Title says it all. One spell, everything paizo allowed. My best:
Sorcerer 20, fey bloodline on dominate monster.
10 +9 +13 Charisma (18 +2 race +5 levels +5 inherent +6 headband) +2 G. Spell focus(enchantment) +2 spell perfection +2 fey = 38. Enough to dominate a Balor 65% of the time. You any better?
By the way, I really miss minmax Mondays. Let's bring em back!


I don't know the highest but I know the Kitsune FCB raises that to 43

Where's the Kirsten from? I can't find him on d20pfsrd

That was my phone auto correcting Kitsune

Highest spell DC is any arbitrary high number done via a nature oracle using his capstone and awaken to get an arbitrarly high amount of charisma.

Lets go say DC 500 for charisma spells for kicks.

Can't we just ignore that combo for the sake of more interesting discussion. Cause it kinda brakes the whole min-max x idea.

Don't forget to add focused spell and tenebrous spell with metamagic reduction for +3 to save dc with another +3 from perfection. Also I would go blood arcanist and just dip a level in crossblooded sorcerer(fey+arcane). Change all of your cha stuff to int. Potent spells

Don't have a build for it but Resilient Illusions could potentially do some silly shenanigans

Maybe a build using Rage Prophet. Adding your Con modifier has to be a good thing

Dominate monster doesn't target more than one person so I don't think Focused spell works. Tenebrous should work though.

Potent Spells doesn't compete with the Sorc favored class bonus from Kitsune. With potent magic and Magical supremacy is a +4 to the DC, the FCB is a +5.

But an Arcanist casting a Icy Prison Mass might be pretty good.

10 +9 +13 Int +2 G. Spell focus(Evocation) +2 Greater Elemental Focus(Cold) +4 spell perfection +2 Potent Magic +2 Magical Supremacy +2 Focused Spell = DC46 I believe.

Magical supremacy doesn't stack with potent magic as you cannot boost the save dc by spending further points

Don't forget tenebrous to the prison. Also since it and focused spell are flat bonuses from feats, spell perfection does double them. Instead of vanilla arcanist we can use blood arcanist to add on arcane bloodline lv15 power and bloodline arcana

10+9spell lv+13 int+ 2 spell focuses + 2 elemental focuses + 1 tenebrous + 2 focused + 7 perfection + 2 potent + 3 arcane bloodline = 51

Adding Tenebrous and focused requires a rod and magical lineage.

Whilst I understand that the idea is to boost the DC as high as possible I think using the rod slot for persistent would be better for a DC49 roll twice and take the lowest :P

Given almost nothing makes that save unless it rolls a 20 anyway.

The point is not making them fail. Its making their jaw drop as your read out your massive dc.If you just want to make them fail go play a witch and make them roll 16 times :P

Thought of a slight increase. Change race to

Drum Roll:
Use their racial feat merciless magic. While you don't get the +2 int you do get a +1 to the save dc that is doubled by spell perfection. In addition since we don't need our capstone we can dip a level into sorcerer to get that delicious crossblood kobold bloodline for another +2 to save dc

54 save dc

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I've been saying for literally seconds that Kobolds are OP and need nerfing! WHY WON'T ANYONE LISTEN TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!

Geez durgon chillax lol. Anyway 49/51 on a mass icy prison seems really amazing.

54 for BROKEN kobolds

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Lets see, gnome casting Weird, sorcerer with Arcane Bloodline. Were gonna assume +13 ability modifier. Buffs/feats/material we use are: Coward's Cowl (+1 DC when cast as a readied action), Bloody Tears and Jagged Smile (+4 for fear DC), Deific Obedience (Mahathallah) for another +2 (Unsure if it stacks with spell perfection), +2 SF/GSF, +3 (from another caster using Sharesister spell), +1 (Rod of the Wayang), +1 (Silver as an alchemical component), +2 (Eastern Mysteries trait), +1 (Arcane Concordance), + 1 (Robe of the Overmind)

10 + 9 (Spell level) + 13 (Ability Mod) + 1 (race) + 2 (Spell Focus/Greater Spell Focus) + 2 (Deific Obedience Mahathallah) + 4 (Bloody Tears) + 2 (arcane Bloodline) + 2 (Spell Perfection Weird) +3 (Sharesister) + 1 (Rod) +1 (Cowards Cowl) + 1 (Silver) +2 (eastern Mysteries) + 1 (Robe of the Overmind)= 54 (56 with spell perfection)

We can get our Charisma higher but I figured +13 mod was in the spirit of the competition.


On the topic of buffing spell DC's:

Eldritch Heritage Greater
Arcane Bloodline
Eldritch Heritage, Greater (Ultimate Magic) This can only be taken at character level 17 and you need charisma 17, but by selecting Arcane bloodline's 15th level ability, you can net +2 DC bonus to a school of magic. (Feat)

Bloody Tears and Jagged Smile
Bloody Tears and Jagged Smile (Rasputin Must Die!) Spells with the fear descriptor increase the dc by 4 (profane bonus). (Spell, wizard/cleric 2)

Arcane Concordance
Arcane Concordance (Advanced Player's Guide) 10ft emanation centered on you, gives arcane spells within the area a +1 enhancement to their DC, and allows a couple of free metamagics to be applied to it. (Spell, Bard 3)

Sharesister (Pathfinder Society Field Guide) Both targets have to be same gender, but allows you to give someone bonuses to CL and Spell DC's, at the cost of negative levels. A bit risky, best used if you like buffing people. (Spell, Cleric/witch 3)

Coward's Cowl
Coward's Cowl (Agent's of Evil) +1 to DC of readied spells aslong as you don't move closer to your enemies. (Spell, Alchemist/wizard/cleric/bard/mesmerist/shaman/psychic/witch 1)

Sacred Space
Sacred Space (Advanced Race Guide) Good spells, spell-like abilities, and channeled energy to damage evil outsiders, gain +2 to the DC. If the space contains an altar, shrine, or permanent fixture to your diety, it increases to +4. (Spell, Paladin/cleric 2)

Silver (Alchemy Manual) used as a material component will increase the DC of illusion spells by 1. (item)

Deific Obedience Mahathallah
Deific Obedience (Inner Sea Gods) Mahathallah grants +2 DC to illusion spells. (feat)

Dead Man's Headband
Dead Man's Headband (Ultimate Equipment) will increase the DC of any fear effect you create by 1. Note: it takes the headband slot, maybe see if you can combine it with a headband of int. (magic Item)

All-Seeing Eye
All-Seeing Eye (Giant's Revisited) +1 insight bonus to the DC of divination spells you cast. (magic item)

Dragon CraftingPerfume
Draconic Perfume (Dragonslayer's Handbook) increases charm subschool DC by 2 (Rosewood and Myrrh) or compulsion subschool by 2 (Sulfur and Honeycomb). (item)

Oakstewards' Favor
Oaksteward's Favor (People of the River) increases the DC of any enchantment spells the wearer casts against animals by 2. (magic Item)

Serpent Belt
Serpent Belt (Ultimate Equipment) increases poison by 4, whether your GM takes that to mean DC is up the them. (magic item)

Elemental Focus Greater
Elemental Focus/Greater (CRB) adds +1/+1 DC of spells with the energy type you select. (feat(s))

Outlander, Lore Seeker
The trait Lore seeker (campaign trait for ROTRL) lets you pick 3 spells to increase the DC and CL by 1 each. (trait)

Eastern Mysteries
The trait Eastern Mysteries (Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play) allows 1/day to increase a spell DC by 2. (trait)

Spell Focus Greater
Spell Focus/Greater (CRB) Increase the DC of a chosen school of magic by 1 (stacks with elemental focus). (feat(s))

Barbed Pentacle of Asmodeus
Barbed Pentacle of Asmodeus (Gods and Magic) Increase the DC of spells that are augmented by writing by 1. (Magic item)

Rod of the Wayang
Rod of the Wayang (Ultimate Equipment) +1 DC to spells of the shadow subschool. (Magic item, Rod)

Scarf of the Suggestive Dance
Scarf of the Suggestive Dance (Pathfinder Module: Murder's Mark) increases a bard's fascinate and suggestion bard performance DC's by 1. (Magic Item)

Perfect Golden Lute
Perfect Golden Lute (Ultimate Equipment) Increase all bardic performance DC's by 2 if using the lute. (Keep in mind this is an artifact, and up to GM territory if it's ever seen or owned) (Magic item, Artifact)

Player's Prize
Player's Prize (People of the River) Scribe it with a person's name and drop it into that person's pocket, they take a -2 (will save) against your bardic performances. (Very pricy option if you really can swing it) (Magic item)

Honorable mentions:
Below we have misc stuff that may not directly increase a spell's dc, but still worth noting.

Draconic Malice
Draconic Malice (Legacy of Dragons) Lets you cast fear spells on normally immune creatures. (Spell, Antipaladin/bard/wizard/bloodrager/cleric/inquisitor/mesmerist/psychic/sham an/witch 3)

Mesmerizing Tattoo
Mesmerizing Tattoo (Blood of Shadows) Whenever the bearer uses the hypnotism occult skill unlock, casts an enchantment spell that targets a single creature, or uses the hypnotic stare class feature, her target takes a –1 penalty on Will saving throws for the ability’s duration and the DC to affect the target with the hypnotism occult skill unlock is reduced by 1. (Magic Item)

Ability Focus
Ability Focus (RPG Beastiary) Increase a single special attack's DC by 2, check with your dm first. (Feat)

Sinner's Wage
Sinner's Wage (Champions of Corruption) If used as a focus component for a charm or compulsion spell below 5th level, the target takes a -2 penalty to resist acting against its nature. (Magic item)

Myrrh (Alchemy Manual) Spells of the abjuration school are cast at +1 CL for the purpose of CL checks and Dispel Checks. (item)

Genius Avaricious
Genius Avaricious (Pathfinder Adventure Path #30: The Twice-Damned Prince) Mammon's Mantle: grants up to a +5 untyped Charisma bonus which heightens DC's.

Bilious Talisman
Billious Talisman (Book of the Damned - Volume 1: Princes of Darkness) Grants a +4 to Charisma, but not too easy to get. (Magic Item)

Hollywreath band
Hollywreath Band (Ultimate Equipment) +1 CL and DC to spells that affect plants. (Magic Item)

Robe of the Overmind
Robe of the Overmind (Psychic Anthology) +1 DC to spells with mind-affecting descriptor. (Magic Item)

My Cleric Rage Prophet (Level 20) Build goes up to DC 60 Dominate Monster.
But the Cleric needs to be polymorphed into a Huge Dragon.

@Mister Socks

how many of those tricks you used could be applied to the mine and Dastis' Mass Icy Prison?

@Chromantic Durgon

Let's see. Sharesister, Eastern Mysteries trait, Coward's cowl, and Arcane Concordance?

So another +7 to the DC?

Sooo 61 lol
pretty sure nothing has a 42 Dex save in any bestiary so thats pretty nice.

Grand Lodge

Here is the base for the rage profit.

You can start as a human (dual talented) with 20s in Cha and Con. Oracle 9 (occult mystery for free metamagic feat), Ulfen Guard 1, 10 Rage profit.

Prestigious Caster x3 so you are only missing 1 level of spell casting, but can cast 9th level spells

Cha mod +5 start, +3 headband, +2.5 level, +2.5 tome of leadership +2 wish = 15

Con +5 start, +3 belt, +2.5 manual, +2.5 wish +3 rage = 16

...so Far 10+15+16+9 = 50

Mad magic +1, +2 spell focuses, 53.

I know a lot of the spells above will add to this I will try to go through them later. I think the +7 from mister socks work 60. If you Spend your remaining 4 feats on 3 meta magics and spell perfection that adds an additional +3 for 63. Thats any spell in one school or 59 for any spell. This is not perfectly optimized for DCs but I did not want to give up 9th level spells.

Well look it over. I hope I did that right.

Angry Durgon wrote:
I've been saying for literally seconds that Kobolds are OP and need nerfing! WHY WON'T ANYONE LISTEN TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!

*low growl*

Grandlounge wrote:

Here is the base for the rage profit.

You can start as a human (dual talented) with 20s in Cha and Con. Oracle 9 (occult mystery for free metamagic feat), Ulfen Guard 1, 10 Rage profit.

Prestigious Caster x3 so you are only missing 1 level of spell casting, but can cast 9th level spells

Cha mod +5 start, +3 headband, +2.5 level, +2.5 tome of leadership +2 wish = 15

Con +5 start, +3 belt, +2.5 manual, +2.5 wish +3 rage = 16

...so Far 10+15+16+9 = 50

Mad magic +1, +2 spell focuses, 53.

I know a lot of the spells above will add to this I will try to go through them later. I think the +7 from mister socks work 60. If you Spend your remaining 4 feats on 3 meta magics and spell perfection that adds an additional +3 for 63. Thats any spell in one school or 59 for any spell. This is not perfectly optimized for DCs but I did not want to give up 9th level spells.

Well look it over. I hope I did that right.

yeah tomes and wishes don't stack. So it's 14 Cha and 15 Con, 51 DC.

Anywhere you can sneak in persistent spell.

Grand Lodge

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Thanks potato. There are few other things I missed greater rage is an additional +1, righteous might for +2.

+1 propane from succubus.

Grandlounge wrote:
+1 propane from succubus.

Man, I did not know that succubi were involved with the fossil fuel industry. That makes a looooooooooooot of sense, actually. My eyes have been opened!


Grand Lodge

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New type of bonus from the blood of the oil player companion.

Succubi have a lot on interest in the petroleum industry. :P

Careful, that's a slippery slope you're heading down there.

Grand Lodge

Don't worry I'm slick.

Leadership + coven of witches for the witch Death Star?

My new dad joke is officially now "I once met a succbus so hot she gave me a propane bonus". No one's safe.

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