Daji the Fox

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It's not on the pathfinder site, but it appears to be on the stranger comics website. Overall the class is pretty decent, has some fun archetypes to work with too. The new blessed by a dragon feat is pretty fun to give mooks since they can swift action any cleric spell treating their level as their cleric level for the spells they can get.

It was "Knowing the process, I'm certain it was not intended for them to be unable to use the rage powers class feature. I recommend treating insightful contemplation as inspired rage for this purpose in your games."

They admitted their answer doesn't carry the same authority as those from the design team, but it worked for me.

Man I asked this quite a while ago. I actually went and emailed some people who worked on the book and got my answer, but I appreciate it nonetheless.

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I purchased this book and it's been pretty good so far. Although I do have a few questions.

Were the horse, lion, and wasp aspects supposed to recieve natural attacks before 8th level. If so, what are they? Also is the bonus to the Snapping Turtle's bite attack in addition to the bonus for it being the only natural attack possessed by that form?

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So I am making a sorcerer, and stumbled across this bloodline. Now the most interesting thing I saw was the Mutable Flesh ability.

Mutable Flesh wrote:
Mutable Flesh (Su): At 3rd level, once per day when you cast a transmutation spell with a duration of 1 minute per level that affects only you, you can increase its duration to 10 minutes per level. At 9th level, you can increase the duration to 1 hour per level.

Now this is pretty interesting. You can easily do stuff such as all day elemental body. But I went looking and saw Paragon Surge was Transmutation. Now the question is can I use paragon surge to grab a crafting feat at 9 (possible even using extend spell if necessary) and just flex into a crafting feat to make items? It looks like a yes at a cursory glance.

Paragon Surge for reference:


Paragon Surge

School transmutation (polymorph)
Target you
Duration 1 minute/level
For the duration of the spell, you receive a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and Intelligence and are treated as if you possessed any one feat for which you meet the prerequisites, chosen when you cast this spell.

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So I was looking through the book and saw the new Cherry Blossom spell. Right above it there is a section saying gathlains have access to the following feats, but Cherry Blossom doesn't have Gathlain as a pre-req for the feat. Is it open to everyone, or just Gathlain?

1) Does a hybridization funnel allow 2xint damage when thrown by an alchemist?
2) Can you use a focusing flask with a hybridization funnel?
3) Can a hybridization funnel combine items from a focusing flask?
4) Does a focusing flask allow 3xint damage when thrown by an alchemist?

Relevant focusing flask text:
If multiple types of alchemical items are poured in, all the contents are ruined. The flask can be thrown as a normal splash weapon, and when it breaks, it releases all of the contained splash weapons in the same space, and the focusing flask is destroyed.

Relevant hybridization funnel text:
Success means the two materials are safely mixed into one vial that is the same volume as a normal splash weapon vial; when thrown as a splash weapon, the mixture has the effects of both component substances and creatures are affected as if hit by both.

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The new Cerberus style feats look amazing at first glance. Although I noticed an issue with them.

Cerberus Style has the prerequisites of Cleave, Improved Unarmed Strike, and BAB 6 or monk 6. Cerberus Snare has the prerequisites of Cerberus Crush, BAB 9 or monk 9. Cerberus Crush has the prerequisites of Cerberus Snare, Cerberus Style, Vital Strike, and BAB 13 or monk 13.

The error here is pretty obvious, you are unable to take either feat in the Cerberus Style chain due to not, by the rules, meeting the prereqs. I personally believe Cerberus Snare is supposed to have Cerberus Style as a prereq instead of Cerberus Crush, but I could be wrong. I know they don't errata splatbooks often, but I doubt it was intended to never be able to take the feat chain.

P.S. on a side note, you can take Master of Many Styles 1 and grab Cerberus Style, and skip needing Cleave since it's not part of the prereqs of any later feat.

1.) You can use a focus component on a spell as long as an item says you can use it as a focus component. George gave a fine example of a time when you can add a component.

2.) You can use a focus as a free action, so yes you can use as many as you want. Keep in mind you still have to manipulate the focus though.

casting a spell wrote:
To cast a spell, you must be able to speak (if the spell has a verbal component), gesture (if it has a somatic component), and manipulate the material components or focus (if any). Additionally, you must concentrate to cast a spell.

3.) Yes you can as long as it says it can be used as a component. For example check out the varisian idols and how they can be used.

4.) Yes based on answer 2.

I believe that the DC of suggestion would increase as it's called out in the spell. Although this depends on how you use it. I don't think it would work for Hold X spells, but it would work for Daze as it's very similar to sleep.

Thank you for the replies. We went with the familiar using a readied action to hold the tarp in front of the player to break line of sight and line of effect so it can't be considered an attended item. This appeared to be the answer most in line with the rules as written and in the spirit of the game.

SlimGuage wrote:
1) What's the familiar's spellcraft ? Or is he just going to toss when any old spell is cast ?

I (the caster) spellcraft to determine the spell. It's a free action to speak to my familiar to tell it to tarp me if needed. The readied action for the familiar will be to throw a tarp on me when I say "tarp me".

SlimGuage wrote:
2) Even if the fam can tell that guy is casting feeblemind, he might not be able to tell who the target will be/is until it's too late

Correct it would not know who is the target, it's more a precaution to avoid single target spells.

SlimGuage wrote:
3) A mere tarp is not going to cut it if simply draped over the target. Otherwise, my cloak can do the same !

I apologize but this seems incorrect as by the rules. As per the rules a line of effect is blocked by a solid barrier.

The rules wrote:
A line of effect is a straight, unblocked path that indicates what a spell can affect. A line of effect is canceled by a solid barrier. It’s like line of sight for ranged weapons, except that it’s not blocked by fog, darkness, and other factors that limit normal sight.

And line of sight you need to actually see the target. If you cannot see the target you cannot select them with a spell that specifically targets creatures such as feeblemind.

The rules wrote:
A line of sight is the same as a Line of Effect but with the additional restriction that that it is blocked by fog, darkness, and other factors that limit normal sight (such as Concealment).

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So we had a question come up tonight in our session. Can a familiar ready an action to toss a tarp over its master to break both line of effect and line of sight for single target spells such as feeblemind?

Your shaman list is there it just doesn't have any spells, so RAW you can add spells to it. The issue is still the duration of the hex though.

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Doesn't seem like there is an FAQ needed, it seems pretty clear that it's just a useless feat for a witch.

I apologize for the typo, I wrote the question pretty late but that's no excuse. Thank you for the answers, and the creating scrolls section clarification.

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The Skald get's Spell Keening at level 5, and Scribe Scroll at level 1.

Spell Keening wrote:
At 5th level, a skald is learned in the magic of other spellcasters, and can use his own magic to duplicate those classes’ spells. Once per day, a skald can cast any spell on the bard, cleric, or sorcerer/wizard spell list as if it were one of his skald spells known, expending a skald spell slot of the same spell level to cast the desired spell.
Scribe Scroll wrote:
Benefit: You can create a scroll of any spell that you know. Scribing a scroll takes 2 hours if its base price is 250 gp or less, otherwise scribing a scroll takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To scribe a scroll, you must use up raw materials costing half of this base price.

Can we use spell keening in conjunction with scribe scroll due to the line in spell keening "as if it were one of his skald spells known"?

For the purpose of negative levels, what is a level-dependent variable?

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You sure could stack them if you don't actually read the rules on it.

Alchemical Power Components wrote:
Reagents do not stack with either themselves or one another, and are expended after use.

I agree that it's system abuse but he asked if it works, not about if it should. Just because you don't like that it works, doesn't mean that it doesn't work.

Mallecks wrote:
Why not grab Toxic Spell and have every (fort negate) spell you cast deliver a dose of Drow Poison or whatever without the need of acquiring the poison first?

Now it's a 2 feat investment, and still takes up a spell level higher. Likewise they need to fail 2 fort saves, and the poison dc will be low since only a select few things bump it.

Daggermark's Exchance with false focus already gets us free drow poison, although oil of taggit is better anyway.

It says material component, it doesn't care about optional or not. Did you even read alchemical components? An alchemical power component is an alchemical item used as a material component or focus for a spell in order to alter or augment the spell’s normal effects. The feat doesn't say "you can't use optional components". Adding a material component to a spell makes that spell have a material component, are material components not material components?

Likewise I already linked the definition for a material component, and I don't see where it differentiates between optional or not. The requires part you bolded is only in reference to if it's more than the value of the focus, which with a cap of 100g, the idols do not.

Nowhere does it say false focus only works with material components that are required for the spell only. It simply says material components, which optional material components still are. Alchemical Power Components adds material components to spells that normally don't have material components, which means we can use false focus on it. There might be some wiggle room on the idols, as they are additional components, but are still components none the less. And since it's a component, false focus lets use the components without paying the cost assuming you have a holy symbol that is at least the cost of the component.

You keep saying optional material components are different from optional material components, but you haven't provided how. If we add a material component to a spell via alchemical power component, it is now a requirement for the spell. In fact the only time the word requires comes up is for when the cost exceeds the cost of your focus. For reference here is the alchemical power component text:

Alchemical Power Component wrote wrote:
An alchemical power component is an alchemical item used as a material component or focus for a spell in order to alter or augment the spell’s normal effects.

When you add a power component to a spell, it adds a material component. I fail to see where this feat excludes optional components.

False Focus wrote wrote:
Benefit: By using a divine focus as part of casting, you can cast any spell with a material component costing the value of that divine focus (maximum 100 gp) or less without needing that component.

It says material component, which the varisian idols are. Optional doesn't matter as it's still a material component.

Varisian Idol wrote wrote:
If used as an additional material component when casting a spell the idol affects, a Varisian idol increases the effect of that spell.
Magic Chapter Wrote wrote:

Material (M)

A material component consists of one or more physical substances or objects that are annihilated by the spell energies in the casting process. Unless a cost is given for a material component, the cost is negligible. Don’t bother to keep track of material components with negligible cost. Assume you have all you need as long as you have your spell component pouch.

How would you rule the spell Pellet Blast then? As the type of metal is optional to the spell.

Alchemical Power Components Wrote wrote:
An alchemical power component is an alchemical item used as a material component or focus for a spell in order to alter or augment the spell’s normal effects.

It's used as a material component, and again false focus doesn't say it excludes optional components. Therefore as long as it's under 100g, it works.

It works, false focus notes no difference between optional material components and material components.


A while ago you said "A class ability is, basically, shorthand for "everything that taking levels in a class gives you" in this case.", and recently the question has come up if a the seducer witch uses charisma to determine their skill points per level. It's in reference to this line specifically "She uses her Charisma rather than her Intelligence score for the purpose of all class features and effects related to her witch class". Thoughts on if this is still the case?

I was looking over the Court Poet Skald, and saw that it has the Insightful Contemplation (SU) ability which replaces inspired rage. I see the court poet still gets rage powers, but has no way to activate them, since they lose inspired rage.

I noticed the original spell warrior archetype didn't allow skalds to give out rage powers due to the same issue, but was later errate'd to work. Was it intended for this archetype to never be able to use rage powers, or was there an errata/FAQ I missed?

Alright, I appreciate the answers. Sad to see the general consensus is Seducer Witch doesn't get charisma to rank, but glad to see that the Ashiftah can get more spells.

A couple questions came up while looking at some builds/archetypes. I'll keep them each separate for ease of readability.

1. The Ashiftah witch replaces their familiar with a veil. The veil has the ability to hold spells like a regular familiar, but can it learn spells like a familiar? Me and a few people had a disagreement about if it could learn new spells, reason being the text says it can only hold like a familiar.

2. The Seducer Witch says it uses charisma in place of intellect for all class features. We debated if the skills per level (not class skills) is a class feature or not. The line "Each level, your character gains a number of skill ranks dependent upon your class plus your Intelligence modifier." from page 86 of the CRB has led some people to say that it counts, since seducer witch has otherworldly allure which reads: "Otherworldly Allure: A seducer’s power comes from her allure. She uses her Charisma rather than her Intelligence score for the purpose of all class features and effects related to her witch class, such as bonus spells per day, the maximum spell level she can cast, and save DCs of her spells and hexes." Is there a concise answer?

3. The Enlightened Paladin at first level gains the confident defense class feature, allowing it to add its charisma to dexterity, then add it to AC. The scaled Fist Monk adds an untyped charisma bonus to AC, would these stack considering that one is a charisma bonus, and one is adding charisma to dex, then adding it to AC?
FAQ for reference.

This is a question that recently cropped up. Can we apply the spell Magic Vestment to the Ring of Force Shield?

There was argument about if it actually counts as a shield, since it says "can be wielded by the wearer as if it were a heavy shield (+2 AC)." The closest we found was this quote by Joshua Frost "Ring of force shield essentially grants you a +2 shield bonus to your AC as if you were wielding a heavy shield without needing to actually wield anything. It requires no hands to wield--just an open ring slot." From this thread (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2jq8b?Potions#14).

I'm leaning towards no, but we couldn't find a conclusive answer.

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As the title states. The question arose of Freedom of Movement beats Hold Person. The question arose from the second line of hold person, "It is aware and breathes normally but cannot take any actions, even speech.".

On one hand it can be seen as a explanation of the paralyzed condition, as the first line states it gives the paralyzed condition. And paralysis is a condition countered by FoM, so FoM allows you to act while under hold person.

The second interpretation is that while you have the paralyzed condition from the first line, the second line is a entirely different condition. So even though FoM beats the paralysis given by the first line, it fails to overcome the second line which is loss of actions.

I personally think it's the second interpretation, but we were curious to see if there was any definitive ruling made. Also we were curious to see everyone else's opinions on the question.

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Me and a few other people were having a discussion about various pathfinder topics, and this came up. The spell Ironskin gives the target a enhancement to natural armor bonus, and is a personal spell. We we're having a debate on whether it actually works on ghost, due to the incorporeal subtype. From the Incorporeal rules it states that "An incorporeal creature has no natural armor bonus but has a deflection bonus equal to its Charisma bonus (always at least +1, even if the creature’s Charisma score does not normally provide a bonus).".

The question is does the "no natural armor bonus" means that ironskin can't apply? It was read two different ways by the group, one way is that it's just a natural armor bonus of 0, and the other way was that a ghost can have no natural armor bonus at all.

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The Dweomer Essence is considered another material component, so it's drawn and used as you cast the spell. The invoker patron ability is activated as a swift action and lasts one minute. You don't have two swifts in a round, however you can invoke patron the round before and it'll work.

Edit: My ninja powers are strengthening.

The Blood Alchemist can stone shape all day at level 7. They have a lot of terrain altering spell-like abilities in their kit, and they can use them as long as they have a circle down.

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This item only complicates the question.

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Going all in on enchanting is tough, since as a mesmerist you don't have a ton of spells per day. I do, as many others recommend fox shape. Also consider getting the Cunning Caster feat to hide your spellcasting. Who would think of the fox as the source of magic?
Below is a list of ways to buff spell DC's. They may not all be PFS legal, but some of them aren't too tough to get.

On the topic of buffing spell DC's:

Eldritch Heritage Greater
Arcane Bloodline
Eldritch Heritage, Greater (Ultimate Magic) This can only be taken at character level 17 and you need charisma 17, but by selecting Arcane bloodline's 15th level ability, you can net +2 DC bonus to a school of magic. (Feat)

Bloody Tears and Jagged Smile
Bloody Tears and Jagged Smile (Rasputin Must Die!) Spells with the fear descriptor increase the dc by 4 (profane bonus). (Spell, wizard/cleric 2)

Arcane Concordance
Arcane Concordance (Advanced Player's Guide) 10ft emanation centered on you, gives arcane spells within the area a +1 enhancement to their DC, and allows a couple of free metamagics to be applied to it. (Spell, Bard 3)

Sharesister (Pathfinder Society Field Guide) Both targets have to be same gender, but allows you to give someone bonuses to CL and Spell DC's, at the cost of negative levels. A bit risky, best used if you like buffing people. (Spell, Cleric/witch 3)

Coward's Cowl
Coward's Cowl (Agent's of Evil) +1 to DC of readied spells aslong as you don't move closer to your enemies. (Spell, Alchemist/wizard/cleric/bard/mesmerist/shaman/psychic/witch 1)

Sacred Space
Sacred Space (Advanced Race Guide) Good spells, spell-like abilities, and channeled energy to damage evil outsiders, gain +2 to the DC. If the space contains an altar, shrine, or permanent fixture to your diety, it increases to +4. (Spell, Paladin/cleric 2)

Silver (Alchemy Manual) used as a material component will increase the DC of illusion spells by 1. (item)

Deific Obedience Mahathallah
Deific Obedience (Inner Sea Gods) Mahathallah grants +2 DC to illusion spells. (feat)

Dead Man's Headband
Dead Man's Headband (Ultimate Equipment) will increase the DC of any fear effect you create by 1. Note: it takes the headband slot, maybe see if you can combine it with a headband of int. (magic Item)

All-Seeing Eye
All-Seeing Eye (Giant's Revisited) +1 insight bonus to the DC of divination spells you cast. (magic item)

Dragon CraftingPerfume
Draconic Perfume (Dragonslayer's Handbook) increases charm subschool DC by 2 (Rosewood and Myrrh) or compulsion subschool by 2 (Sulfur and Honeycomb). (item)

Oakstewards' Favor
Oaksteward's Favor (People of the River) increases the DC of any enchantment spells the wearer casts against animals by 2. (magic Item)

Serpent Belt
Serpent Belt (Ultimate Equipment) increases poison by 4, whether your GM takes that to mean DC is up the them. (magic item)

Elemental Focus Greater
Elemental Focus/Greater (CRB) adds +1/+1 DC of spells with the energy type you select. (feat(s))

Outlander, Lore Seeker
The trait Lore seeker (campaign trait for ROTRL) lets you pick 3 spells to increase the DC and CL by 1 each. (trait)

Eastern Mysteries
The trait Eastern Mysteries (Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play) allows 1/day to increase a spell DC by 2. (trait)

Spell Focus Greater
Spell Focus/Greater (CRB) Increase the DC of a chosen school of magic by 1 (stacks with elemental focus). (feat(s))

Barbed Pentacle of Asmodeus
Barbed Pentacle of Asmodeus (Gods and Magic) Increase the DC of spells that are augmented by writing by 1. (Magic item)

Rod of the Wayang
Rod of the Wayang (Ultimate Equipment) +1 DC to spells of the shadow subschool. (Magic item, Rod)

Scarf of the Suggestive Dance
Scarf of the Suggestive Dance (Pathfinder Module: Murder's Mark) increases a bard's fascinate and suggestion bard performance DC's by 1. (Magic Item)

Perfect Golden Lute
Perfect Golden Lute (Ultimate Equipment) Increase all bardic performance DC's by 2 if using the lute. (Keep in mind this is an artifact, and up to GM territory if it's ever seen or owned) (Magic item, Artifact)

Player's Prize
Player's Prize (People of the River) Scribe it with a person's name and drop it into that person's pocket, they take a -2 (will save) against your bardic performances. (Very pricy option if you really can swing it) (Magic item)

Wizard Hook
Wizard Hook (The Price of Infamy; Skull and Shackles Book 5) is a +1 hook hand that gives +4 attack on touch spells and +1 to the DC of touch spells delivered via the hook. (Magic Item)

Hollywreath band
Hollywreath Band (Ultimate Equipment) +1 CL and DC to spells that affect plants.(Magic Item)

Robe of the Overmind
Robe of the Overmind (Psychic Anthology) +1 DC to spells with mind-affecting descriptor. (Magic Item)

Focused Spell Metamagic
Focused Spell (Advanced Player's Guide) adds +2 to the DC of a spell against 1 target, when the spell targets more than one creature. (feat, metamagic)

Gray Gambler's Hat
Gray Gambler's Hat (Inner Sea Gods) adds 1 to the DC of any enchantment (compulsion) spell you cast. (Magic Item)

Mouthpiece of the Dominion
Mouthpiece of the Dominion (Pathfinder #88: Valley of the Brain Collectors) gives a +1 DC to any sonic or language-dependent spell or spell-like ability, and +1 DC to audible bardic performances. It also increases your bite attack by 1 step. (Magic Item, Slotless (kinda))

Honorable mentions:
Below we have misc stuff that may not directly increase a spell's dc, but still worth noting.

Draconic Malice
Draconic Malice (Legacy of Dragons) Lets you cast fear spells on normally immune creatures. (Spell, Antipaladin/bard/wizard/bloodrager/cleric/inquisitor/mesmerist/psychic/sham an/witch 3)

Mesmerizing Tattoo
Mesmerizing Tattoo (Blood of Shadows) Whenever the bearer uses the hypnotism occult skill unlock, casts an enchantment spell that targets a single creature, or uses the hypnotic stare class feature, her target takes a –1 penalty on Will saving throws for the ability’s duration and the DC to affect the target with the hypnotism occult skill unlock is reduced by 1. (Magic Item)

Ability Focus
Ability Focus (RPG Beastiary) Increase a single special attack's DC by 2, check with your dm first. (Feat)

Sinner's Wage
Sinner's Wage (Champions of Corruption) If used as a focus component for a charm or compulsion spell below 5th level, the target takes a -2 penalty to resist acting against its nature. (Magic item)

Myrrh (Alchemy Manual) Spells of the abjuration school are cast at +1 CL for the purpose of CL checks and Dispel Checks. (item)

Genius Avaricious
Genius Avaricious (Pathfinder Adventure Path #30: The Twice-Damned Prince) Mammon's Mantle: grants up to a +5 untyped Charisma bonus which heightens DC's of charisma based casters and SLA's.

Bilious Talisman
Billious Talisman (Book of the Damned - Volume 1: Princes of Darkness) Grants a +4 to Charisma, but not too easy to get. (Magic Item)

Mystic Theurge can get pretty crazy if you use the Esoteric Training found in Inner Sea Magic. At 20 a Wizard 6 / Cleric 4 / Theurge 10 has spells as both a 17th level wizard and cleric if you apply the +3/+1 correctly (bumping wizard up by 1, and cleric up by 3).

However it should be noted those rules use the fame mechanic, and is very powerful for what it offers. I would personally make it 4 feats or so if a player of mine wanted to try it.

@Chromantic Durgon

Let's see. Sharesister, Eastern Mysteries trait, Coward's cowl, and Arcane Concordance?

So another +7 to the DC?

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Lets see, gnome casting Weird, sorcerer with Arcane Bloodline. Were gonna assume +13 ability modifier. Buffs/feats/material we use are: Coward's Cowl (+1 DC when cast as a readied action), Bloody Tears and Jagged Smile (+4 for fear DC), Deific Obedience (Mahathallah) for another +2 (Unsure if it stacks with spell perfection), +2 SF/GSF, +3 (from another caster using Sharesister spell), +1 (Rod of the Wayang), +1 (Silver as an alchemical component), +2 (Eastern Mysteries trait), +1 (Arcane Concordance), + 1 (Robe of the Overmind)

10 + 9 (Spell level) + 13 (Ability Mod) + 1 (race) + 2 (Spell Focus/Greater Spell Focus) + 2 (Deific Obedience Mahathallah) + 4 (Bloody Tears) + 2 (arcane Bloodline) + 2 (Spell Perfection Weird) +3 (Sharesister) + 1 (Rod) +1 (Cowards Cowl) + 1 (Silver) +2 (eastern Mysteries) + 1 (Robe of the Overmind)= 54 (56 with spell perfection)

We can get our Charisma higher but I figured +13 mod was in the spirit of the competition.


On the topic of buffing spell DC's:

Eldritch Heritage Greater
Arcane Bloodline
Eldritch Heritage, Greater (Ultimate Magic) This can only be taken at character level 17 and you need charisma 17, but by selecting Arcane bloodline's 15th level ability, you can net +2 DC bonus to a school of magic. (Feat)

Bloody Tears and Jagged Smile
Bloody Tears and Jagged Smile (Rasputin Must Die!) Spells with the fear descriptor increase the dc by 4 (profane bonus). (Spell, wizard/cleric 2)

Arcane Concordance
Arcane Concordance (Advanced Player's Guide) 10ft emanation centered on you, gives arcane spells within the area a +1 enhancement to their DC, and allows a couple of free metamagics to be applied to it. (Spell, Bard 3)

Sharesister (Pathfinder Society Field Guide) Both targets have to be same gender, but allows you to give someone bonuses to CL and Spell DC's, at the cost of negative levels. A bit risky, best used if you like buffing people. (Spell, Cleric/witch 3)

Coward's Cowl
Coward's Cowl (Agent's of Evil) +1 to DC of readied spells aslong as you don't move closer to your enemies. (Spell, Alchemist/wizard/cleric/bard/mesmerist/shaman/psychic/witch 1)

Sacred Space
Sacred Space (Advanced Race Guide) Good spells, spell-like abilities, and channeled energy to damage evil outsiders, gain +2 to the DC. If the space contains an altar, shrine, or permanent fixture to your diety, it increases to +4. (Spell, Paladin/cleric 2)

Silver (Alchemy Manual) used as a material component will increase the DC of illusion spells by 1. (item)

Deific Obedience Mahathallah
Deific Obedience (Inner Sea Gods) Mahathallah grants +2 DC to illusion spells. (feat)

Dead Man's Headband
Dead Man's Headband (Ultimate Equipment) will increase the DC of any fear effect you create by 1. Note: it takes the headband slot, maybe see if you can combine it with a headband of int. (magic Item)

All-Seeing Eye
All-Seeing Eye (Giant's Revisited) +1 insight bonus to the DC of divination spells you cast. (magic item)

Dragon CraftingPerfume
Draconic Perfume (Dragonslayer's Handbook) increases charm subschool DC by 2 (Rosewood and Myrrh) or compulsion subschool by 2 (Sulfur and Honeycomb). (item)

Oakstewards' Favor
Oaksteward's Favor (People of the River) increases the DC of any enchantment spells the wearer casts against animals by 2. (magic Item)

Serpent Belt
Serpent Belt (Ultimate Equipment) increases poison by 4, whether your GM takes that to mean DC is up the them. (magic item)

Elemental Focus Greater
Elemental Focus/Greater (CRB) adds +1/+1 DC of spells with the energy type you select. (feat(s))

Outlander, Lore Seeker
The trait Lore seeker (campaign trait for ROTRL) lets you pick 3 spells to increase the DC and CL by 1 each. (trait)

Eastern Mysteries
The trait Eastern Mysteries (Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play) allows 1/day to increase a spell DC by 2. (trait)

Spell Focus Greater
Spell Focus/Greater (CRB) Increase the DC of a chosen school of magic by 1 (stacks with elemental focus). (feat(s))

Barbed Pentacle of Asmodeus
Barbed Pentacle of Asmodeus (Gods and Magic) Increase the DC of spells that are augmented by writing by 1. (Magic item)

Rod of the Wayang
Rod of the Wayang (Ultimate Equipment) +1 DC to spells of the shadow subschool. (Magic item, Rod)

Scarf of the Suggestive Dance
Scarf of the Suggestive Dance (Pathfinder Module: Murder's Mark) increases a bard's fascinate and suggestion bard performance DC's by 1. (Magic Item)

Perfect Golden Lute
Perfect Golden Lute (Ultimate Equipment) Increase all bardic performance DC's by 2 if using the lute. (Keep in mind this is an artifact, and up to GM territory if it's ever seen or owned) (Magic item, Artifact)

Player's Prize
Player's Prize (People of the River) Scribe it with a person's name and drop it into that person's pocket, they take a -2 (will save) against your bardic performances. (Very pricy option if you really can swing it) (Magic item)

Honorable mentions:
Below we have misc stuff that may not directly increase a spell's dc, but still worth noting.

Draconic Malice
Draconic Malice (Legacy of Dragons) Lets you cast fear spells on normally immune creatures. (Spell, Antipaladin/bard/wizard/bloodrager/cleric/inquisitor/mesmerist/psychic/sham an/witch 3)

Mesmerizing Tattoo
Mesmerizing Tattoo (Blood of Shadows) Whenever the bearer uses the hypnotism occult skill unlock, casts an enchantment spell that targets a single creature, or uses the hypnotic stare class feature, her target takes a –1 penalty on Will saving throws for the ability’s duration and the DC to affect the target with the hypnotism occult skill unlock is reduced by 1. (Magic Item)

Ability Focus
Ability Focus (RPG Beastiary) Increase a single special attack's DC by 2, check with your dm first. (Feat)

Sinner's Wage
Sinner's Wage (Champions of Corruption) If used as a focus component for a charm or compulsion spell below 5th level, the target takes a -2 penalty to resist acting against its nature. (Magic item)

Myrrh (Alchemy Manual) Spells of the abjuration school are cast at +1 CL for the purpose of CL checks and Dispel Checks. (item)

Genius Avaricious
Genius Avaricious (Pathfinder Adventure Path #30: The Twice-Damned Prince) Mammon's Mantle: grants up to a +5 untyped Charisma bonus which heightens DC's.

Bilious Talisman
Billious Talisman (Book of the Damned - Volume 1: Princes of Darkness) Grants a +4 to Charisma, but not too easy to get. (Magic Item)

Hollywreath band
Hollywreath Band (Ultimate Equipment) +1 CL and DC to spells that affect plants. (Magic Item)

Robe of the Overmind
Robe of the Overmind (Psychic Anthology) +1 DC to spells with mind-affecting descriptor. (Magic Item)

The nice thing about psychic magic is the lack of verbal and somatic components. A Kitsune with the Keen and Superior Shapeshifter racial traits, combined with the Deceitful and Cunning Caster, is pretty fun. Lets you cast in the presence of people as a fox.

A spell slot, probably not. If you are a prepared caster keep it in your book, never know when it's gonna be useful. Likewise it's a very broken spell if your DM allows Blood Money.

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The Genius Avaricious spell is up to a +5 bonus.

This nice lady can give up to a +6 profane bonus to charisma. Of course the removal penalty is a bit steep.

Luthier's Rapier can grant a +4 sacred bonus to Charisma for 10 minutes.

Silver will boost the DC of color spray by 1, although I guess that isn't charisma but worth considering.

This Drug and this one can both increase Charisma and are untyped! Although your GM might rule that it's alchemical.

Since you're considering color spray as your main attack method,Deific Obedience Mahathallah
Deific Obedience Mahathallah grants +2 DC to illusion spells.

Some of the below may have been posted up above, but reposting the list for ease.

On the topic of buffing spell DC's:

Eldritch Heritage Greater
Arcane Bloodline
Eldritch Heritage, Greater (Ultimate Magic) This can only be taken at character level 17 and you need charisma 17, but by selecting Arcane bloodline's 15th level ability, you can net +2 DC bonus to a school of magic. (Feat)

Bloody Tears and Jagged Smile
Bloody Tears and Jagged Smile (Rasputin Must Die!) Spells with the fear descriptor increase the dc by 4 (profane bonus). (Spell, wizard/cleric 2)

Arcane Concordance
Arcane Concordance (Advanced Player's Guide) 10ft emanation centered on you, gives arcane spells within the area a +1 enhancement to their DC, and allows a couple of free metamagics to be applied to it. (Spell, Bard 3)

Sharesister (Pathfinder Society Field Guide) Both targets have to be same gender, but allows you to give someone bonuses to CL and Spell DC's, at the cost of negative levels. A bit risky, best used if you like buffing people. (Spell, Cleric/witch 3)

Coward's Cowl
Coward's Cowl (Agent's of Evil) +1 to DC of readied spells aslong as you don't move closer to your enemies. (Spell, Alchemist/wizard/cleric/bard/mesmerist/shaman/psychic/witch 1)

Sacred Space
Sacred Space (Advanced Race Guide) Good spells, spell-like abilities, and channeled energy to damage evil outsiders, gain +2 to the DC. If the space contains an altar, shrine, or permanent fixture to your diety, it increases to +4. (Spell, Paladin/cleric 2)

Silver (Alchemy Manual) used as a material component will increase the DC of illusion spells by 1. (item)

Deific Obedience Mahathallah
Deific Obedience (Inner Sea Gods) Mahathallah grants +2 DC to illusion spells. (feat)

Dead Man's Headband
Dead Man's Headband (Ultimate Equipment) will increase the DC of any fear effect you create by 1. Note: it takes the headband slot, maybe see if you can combine it with a headband of int. (magic Item)

All-Seeing Eye
All-Seeing Eye (Giant's Revisited) +1 insight bonus to the DC of divination spells you cast. (magic item)

Dragon CraftingPerfume
Draconic Perfume (Dragonslayer's Handbook) increases charm subschool DC by 2 (Rosewood and Myrrh) or compulsion subschool by 2 (Sulfur and Honeycomb). (item)

Oakstewards' Favor
Oaksteward's Favor (People of the River) increases the DC of any enchantment spells the wearer casts against animals by 2. (magic Item)

Serpent Belt
Serpent Belt (Ultimate Equipment) increases poison by 4, whether your GM takes that to mean DC is up the them. (magic item)

Elemental Focus Greater
Elemental Focus/Greater (CRB) adds +1/+1 DC of spells with the energy type you select. (feat(s))

Outlander, Lore Seeker
The trait Lore seeker (campaign trait for ROTRL) lets you pick 3 spells to increase the DC and CL by 1 each. (trait)

Eastern Mysteries
The trait Eastern Mysteries (Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play) allows 1/day to increase a spell DC by 2. (trait)

Spell Focus Greater
Spell Focus/Greater (CRB) Increase the DC of a chosen school of magic by 1 (stacks with elemental focus). (feat(s))

Barbed Pentacle of Asmodeus
Barbed Pentacle of Asmodeus (Gods and Magic) Increase the DC of spells that are augmented by writing by 1. (Magic item)

Rod of the Wayang
Rod of the Wayang (Ultimate Equipment) +1 DC to spells of the shadow subschool. (Magic item, Rod)

Scarf of the Suggestive Dance
Scarf of the Suggestive Dance (Pathfinder Module: Murder's Mark) increases a bard's fascinate and suggestion bard performance DC's by 1. (Magic Item)

Perfect Golden Lute
Perfect Golden Lute (Ultimate Equipment) Increase all bardic performance DC's by 2 if using the lute. (Keep in mind this is an artifact, and up to GM territory if it's ever seen or owned) (Magic item, Artifact)

Player's Prize
Player's Prize (People of the River) Scribe it with a person's name and drop it into that person's pocket, they take a -2 (will save) against your bardic performances. (Very pricy option if you really can swing it) (Magic item)

Honorable mentions:
Below we have misc stuff that may not directly increase a spell's dc, but still worth noting.

Draconic Malice
Draconic Malice (Legacy of Dragons) Lets you cast fear spells on normally immune creatures. (Spell, Antipaladin/bard/wizard/bloodrager/cleric/inquisitor/mesmerist/psychic/sham an/witch 3)

Mesmerizing Tattoo
Mesmerizing Tattoo (Blood of Shadows) Whenever the bearer uses the hypnotism occult skill unlock, casts an enchantment spell that targets a single creature, or uses the hypnotic stare class feature, her target takes a –1 penalty on Will saving throws for the ability’s duration and the DC to affect the target with the hypnotism occult skill unlock is reduced by 1. (Magic Item)

Ability Focus
Ability Focus (RPG Beastiary) Increase a single special attack's DC by 2, check with your dm first. (Feat)

Sinner's Wage
Sinner's Wage (Champions of Corruption) If used as a focus component for a charm or compulsion spell below 5th level, the target takes a -2 penalty to resist acting against its nature. (Magic item)

Myrrh (Alchemy Manual) Spells of the abjuration school are cast at +1 CL for the purpose of CL checks and Dispel Checks. (item)

Genius Avaricious
Genius Avaricious (Pathfinder Adventure Path #30: The Twice-Damned Prince) Mammon's Mantle: grants up to a +5 untyped Charisma bonus which heightens DC's.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

On the topic of buffing spell DC's:

Eldritch Heritage Greater
Arcane Bloodline
Eldritch Heritage, Greater (Ultimate Magic) This can only be taken at character level 17 and you need charisma 17, but by selecting Arcane bloodline's 15th level ability, you can net +2 DC bonus to a school of magic. (Feat)

Bloody Tears and Jagged Smile
Bloody Tears and Jagged Smile (Rasputin Must Die!) Spells with the fear descriptor increase the dc by 4 (profane bonus). (Spell, wizard/cleric 2)

Arcane Concordance
Arcane Concordance (Advanced Player's Guide) 10ft emanation centered on you, gives arcane spells within the area a +1 enhancement to their DC, and allows a couple of free metamagics to be applied to it. (Spell, Bard 3)

Sharesister (Pathfinder Society Field Guide) Both targets have to be same gender, but allows you to give someone bonuses to CL and Spell DC's, at the cost of negative levels. A bit risky, best used if you like buffing people. (Spell, Cleric/witch 3)

Coward's Cowl
Coward's Cowl (Agent's of Evil) +1 to DC of readied spells aslong as you don't move closer to your enemies. (Spell, Alchemist/wizard/cleric/bard/mesmerist/shaman/psychic/witch 1)

Sacred Space
Sacred Space (Advanced Race Guide) Good spells, spell-like abilities, and channeled energy to damage evil outsiders, gain +2 to the DC. If the space contains an altar, shrine, or permanent fixture to your diety, it increases to +4. (Spell, Paladin/cleric 2)

Silver (Alchemy Manual) used as a material component will increase the DC of illusion spells by 1. (item)

Deific Obedience Mahathallah
Deific Obedience (Inner Sea Gods) Mahathallah grants +2 DC to illusion spells. (feat)

Dead Man's Headband
Dead Man's Headband (Ultimate Equipment) will increase the DC of any fear effect you create by 1. Note: it takes the headband slot, maybe see if you can combine it with a headband of int. (magic Item)

All-Seeing Eye
All-Seeing Eye (Giant's Revisited) +1 insight bonus to the DC of divination spells you cast. (magic item)

Dragon CraftingPerfume
Draconic Perfume (Dragonslayer's Handbook) increases charm subschool DC by 2 (Rosewood and Myrrh) or compulsion subschool by 2 (Sulfur and Honeycomb). (item)

Oakstewards' Favor
Oaksteward's Favor (People of the River) increases the DC of any enchantment spells the wearer casts against animals by 2. (magic Item)

Serpent Belt
Serpent Belt (Ultimate Equipment) increases poison by 4, whether your GM takes that to mean DC is up the them. (magic item)

Elemental Focus Greater
Elemental Focus/Greater (CRB) adds +1/+1 DC of spells with the energy type you select. (feat(s))

Outlander, Lore Seeker
The trait Lore seeker (campaign trait for ROTRL) lets you pick 3 spells to increase the DC and CL by 1 each. (trait)

Eastern Mysteries
The trait Eastern Mysteries (Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play) allows 1/day to increase a spell DC by 2. (trait)

Spell Focus Greater
Spell Focus/Greater (CRB) Increase the DC of a chosen school of magic by 1 (stacks with elemental focus). (feat(s))

Barbed Pentacle of Asmodeus
Barbed Pentacle of Asmodeus (Gods and Magic) Increase the DC of spells that are augmented by writing by 1. (Magic item)

Rod of the Wayang
Rod of the Wayang (Ultimate Equipment) +1 DC to spells of the shadow subschool. (Magic item, Rod)

Scarf of the Suggestive Dance
Scarf of the Suggestive Dance (Pathfinder Module: Murder's Mark) increases a bard's fascinate and suggestion bard performance DC's by 1. (Magic Item)

Perfect Golden Lute
Perfect Golden Lute (Ultimate Equipment) Increase all bardic performance DC's by 2 if using the lute. (Keep in mind this is an artifact, and up to GM territory if it's ever seen or owned) (Magic item, Artifact)

Player's Prize
Player's Prize (People of the River) Scribe it with a person's name and drop it into that person's pocket, they take a -2 (will save) against your bardic performances. (Very pricy option if you really can swing it) (Magic item)

Honorable mentions:
Below we have misc stuff that may not directly increase a spell's dc, but still worth noting.

Draconic Malice
Draconic Malice (Legacy of Dragons) Lets you cast fear spells on normally immune creatures. (Spell, Antipaladin/bard/wizard/bloodrager/cleric/inquisitor/mesmerist/psychic/sham an/witch 3)

Mesmerizing Tattoo
Mesmerizing Tattoo (Blood of Shadows) Whenever the bearer uses the hypnotism occult skill unlock, casts an enchantment spell that targets a single creature, or uses the hypnotic stare class feature, her target takes a –1 penalty on Will saving throws for the ability’s duration and the DC to affect the target with the hypnotism occult skill unlock is reduced by 1. (Magic Item)

Ability Focus
Ability Focus (RPG Beastiary) Increase a single special attack's DC by 2, check with your dm first. (Feat)

Sinner's Wage
Sinner's Wage (Champions of Corruption) If used as a focus component for a charm or compulsion spell below 5th level, the target takes a -2 penalty to resist acting against its nature. (Magic item)

Myrrh (Alchemy Manual) Spells of the abjuration school are cast at +1 CL for the purpose of CL checks and Dispel Checks. (item)

Genius Avaricious
Genius Avaricious (Pathfinder Adventure Path #30: The Twice-Damned Prince) Mammon's Mantle: grants up to a +5 untyped Charisma bonus which heightens DC's.

If you guys see any I missed, please let me know. (Don't include anything class specific, like Arcanist resivour/potent magic. Trying to keep it a general list)

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The neat thing about flying blade is that it can make a good range or melee build. The charisma to starknife is a good feat but requires worshiping a specific god. The issue with a range character, especially one who uses thrown weapons is that all your feats are taken. That's not too big an issue since you get bonus feats though.

I prefer it as a counter melee build myself.

Counter Melee Build:

If you really want CHA to damage and attk, grab Divine Fighting Technique at level 1 and Weapon Focus at 3.

1: Weapon Focus (Starknife)
3: Starry Grace
4: Combat Reflexes
5: Weapon Trick (One handed weapon trick)
7: Stylish Riposte (Not sure if Weapon Trick opens up the feat, or lets you select when you have pre-reqs, if someone could clarify for me I would appreciate it.)
11: Signature Deed (Disrupting Counter)

Grab a Fortuitous and hack away at your enemies before they can even touch you. Bonus points for picking up Swordmaster's Flair (Blue Ribbon) and really dicing up enemies. My GM hated this character =/

If you plan on going with any fear spells, take a look at Draconic Malice
It requires you to be a little close, but removes immunities to fear.

Well the issue is he asked what a sorc/wiz/arcanist can do. And silence is not available to those classes.

How varied are the point builds in your game? A 52 point buy is very powerful, considering the game, as you stated, is meant for 15. I let my players do 20, which is still more than the game is tuned for. I personally prefer point buy, and if we do rolling we try to make it an array after everything is rolled, so that way someone doesn't get a 10 point buy, and someone walks away with 48.

As for the summoner make sure they are following the rules for the eidolon correctly. It has a limit on the number of attacks in can have. If it is a problem, just talk to him about switching to unchained summoner, although it is a bit weaker than base summoner.

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Re-posted from a previous post of mine.

Bloody Tears and Jagged Smile (Pathfinder #71: Rasputin Must Die! pg. 75) increases the dc of spells with the fear descriptor by 4.

Silver (Alchemy Manual) used as a material component will increase the DC of illusion spells by 1.

Deific Obedience (Inner Sea Gods) Mahathallah grants +2 DC to illusion spells.

Dead Man's Headband (Ultimate Equipment) will increase the DC of any fear effect you create by 1. Note: it takes the headband slot, maybe see if you can combine it with a headband of int.

Draconic Perfume (Dragonslayer's Handbook) increases charm subschool DC by 2 (Rosewood and Myrrh) or compulsion subschool by 2 (Sulfur and Honeycomb).

Serpent Belt (Ultimate Equipment) increases poison by 4, whether your GM takes that to mean DC is up the them.

Elemental Focus/Greater (CRB) adds +1/+1 DC of spells with the energy type you select.

Sinner's Wage (Champions of Corruption) If used as a focus component for a charm or compulsion spell below 5th level, the target takes a -2 penalty to resist acting against its nature.

The trait(s) Lore seeker (campaign trait for ROTRL) lets you pick 3 spells to increase the DC by 1 each. The trait Eastern Mysteries (Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play) allows 1/day to increase a spell DC by 2.

Barbed Pentacle of Asmodeus (Gods and Magic) Increase the DC of spells that are augmented by writing by 1.

Rod of the Wayang (Ultimate Equipment) +1 DC to spells of the shadow subschool.

avr said wrote:
Buy and fire a hushing arrow since you're an elf and have proficiency with bows.

Likewise if you fear you'll miss stick yourself with the arrow, choose to fail the will save, and run up to the caster.

Or shoot it into an ally and ask them to fail the will save.
That last idea isn't actually too terrible now that I am thinking about it.

There is always the lipstitch spell

And the weaker version Steal Breath

Hythlodeus wrote:
what exactly happened? how did your encounter go?

I am not sure about his encounter, but I remember mine. The breath of madness got half the group on the first go, and one of the players flew over to a nearby building to get range attacks on it. They neglected to realize how big the monsters threatened range was. So 1 full attack later left the player on the roof unconscious. I was really tempted to awesome blow them into the water, but decided against it.

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