Ninja Division Failed Out the Gate

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Silver Crusade

Apparently, Ninja Division has already failed to meet their mid-September estimate to deliver miniatures. Various websites are predicting Oct-Dec sometime. In addition, it looks like the miniatures are going to be expensive; $10 for a medium:(

The resin ones at GenCon were really, really nice. I'm glad I got the ones I wanted. I could not believe that prepainted ones were going to look anywhere near as nice.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

If they were like the demo models that were apparently distributed early at GenCon, they were... not inspiring.

Perhaps the delay is due to line rework?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

hard to say but 10 is not a bad price for a decent mini, ill decide once i can actually see the finished product

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I thought this was going to be about a group of all operative PC's and how they had trouble and got wiped out in the first game.

Grand Lodge

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Mark Carlson 255 wrote:

I thought this was going to be about a group of all operative PC's and how they had trouble and got wiped out in the first game.


Or that they are behind enemy lines and the scenario is to go save them?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Mark Carlson 255 wrote:

I thought this was going to be about a group of all operative PC's and how they had trouble and got wiped out in the first game.


I did too.

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GarnathFrostmantle wrote:
Mark Carlson 255 wrote:

I thought this was going to be about a group of all operative PC's and how they had trouble and got wiped out in the first game.

Or that they are behind enemy lines and the scenario is to go save them?

Could be but I think I just jumped to the worst case right off the bat. Not a good point for me I should say.


Edenwaith wrote:
Apparently, Ninja Division has already failed to meet their mid-September estimate to deliver miniatures. Various websites are predicting Oct-Dec sometime. In addition, it looks like the miniatures are going to be expensive; $10 for a medium:(

Not only have they not delivered anything yet, they've basically removed all references to Starfinder from their website aside from their press release back in March. Any links that you may find to product pages (like via a Google search or (purely hypothetically speaking) order information for an open order) goes to an error saying that the page doesn't exist. It's pretty frustrating.

Silver Crusade

Maybe Paizo realized the game wasn't going to do very well and won't commission NJD to make a minimum amount afraid they won't sell enough. Somebody may want to call Wizkids...

Grand Lodge

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Edenwaith wrote:
Maybe Paizo realized the game wasn't going to do very well and won't commission NJD to make a minimum amount afraid they won't sell enough. Somebody may want to call Wizkids...

Highly doubt that. According to Paizo the demand for Starfinder has actually exceeded their expectations.

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paizo: okay, we brought way more starfinder books to gencon than we could possibly sell...

Fans: Hold my mountain Dew...

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Jurassic Pratt wrote:
Edenwaith wrote:
Maybe Paizo realized the game wasn't going to do very well and won't commission NJD to make a minimum amount afraid they won't sell enough. Somebody may want to call Wizkids...
Highly doubt that. According to Paizo the demand for Starfinder has actually exceeded their expectations.

They. Were. Ordering. Reprints. For. Everything. While. Still. In. Preorder.

"Exceeded expectations" is an understatement :3

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After getting bit by the Relic Knights kickstarter from ND I've been pretty unoptimistic about them.

Jurassic Pratt wrote:
Edenwaith wrote:
Maybe Paizo realized the game wasn't going to do very well and won't commission NJD to make a minimum amount afraid they won't sell enough. Somebody may want to call Wizkids...
Highly doubt that. According to Paizo the demand for Starfinder has actually exceeded their expectations.

I suspect the exact opposite problem may have occurred. I don't think Ninja Division has ramped up their design and production for a new mini line enough to supply the demand that is obviously out there for Starfinder. I think they were planning a niche line, and somebody realized that they are gonna get a tiny, immediate sellout of the line, and a huge, angry crowd of pent-up demand.

Is it better to release a very, very small range of minis, sell out in minutes, and have nothing backed up, or not release anything but pawns until you have a genuine supply of minis? IDK.

Someone like Wizkids may not have done minis that were as nice and detailed as the planned NjD line, but they could have put out two dozen figs and resupplied them. Of course, WIzKids may not have been able to supply enough for the demand for the consistent Pathfinder mini line AND a new line, so Paizo may have decided not to screw up what was already working for Pathfinder.

Silver Crusade

Butch A. wrote:
Jurassic Pratt wrote:
Edenwaith wrote:
Maybe Paizo realized the game wasn't going to do very well and won't commission NJD to make a minimum amount afraid they won't sell enough. Somebody may want to call Wizkids...
Highly doubt that. According to Paizo the demand for Starfinder has actually exceeded their expectations.

I suspect the exact opposite problem may have occurred. I don't think Ninja Division has ramped up their design and production for a new mini line enough to supply the demand that is obviously out there for Starfinder. I think they were planning a niche line, and somebody realized that they are gonna get a tiny, immediate sellout of the line, and a huge, angry crowd of pent-up demand.

Is it better to release a very, very small range of minis, sell out in minutes, and have nothing backed up, or not release anything but pawns until you have a genuine supply of minis? IDK.

Someone like Wizkids may not have done minis that were as nice and detailed as the planned NjD line, but they could have put out two dozen figs and resupplied them. Of course, WIzKids may not have been able to supply enough for the demand for the consistent Pathfinder mini line AND a new line, so Paizo may have decided not to screw up what was already working for Pathfinder.

Removing all information and updates from their site must be the secret operative plan to quell an "angry crowd of pent-up demand". Would of been my strategy.

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Edenwaith wrote:
Maybe Paizo realized the game wasn't going to do very well and won't commission NJD to make a minimum amount afraid they won't sell enough. Somebody may want to call Wizkids...

I don't think that how licensing works. Paizo don't commission minis from them. Ninja Division Studios pay Paizo for the right to make minis. Beyond that that, decisions about the line it's up to NJD (within the constraints of the agreement, which could well have other limiting terms beyond just the fees such as art approval, etcetera).

Grand Lodge

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Anyone got any suggestions for other good Sci-fi minis to use until Ninja Division gets their act together?

A few of the Reaper Chronoscope minis might work, and Warhammer 40k (if you don't mind the price)...other than that I don't really know any good Sci-Fi/Space related minis.

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I'm going to stick with the pawns. I'm not willing to invest huge money in what I hope will be a temporary solution.

We've found pawns and minis mix pretty well, so I can "phase in" minis as (if?) they become available.

Grand Lodge

I'm mostly interested in minis for player characters. Pawns are perfectly adequate for npcs/monsters.

The Exchange

Check out Infinity the game, by Corvus belli. Awesome minis in that range but they'll cost you.

Beyond the gates of Antares.

Warzone resurrection

Dead zone

Those are all sci fi based skirmish games with miniature ranges that will work for Starfinder.

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Hot Wheels now makes die cast star ships for Guardians of the Galaxy, and Star Wars, they even come with clear plastic bases to put them on.

All for about a dollar each.

Easily found at Toys R Us.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Hot Wheels now makes die cast star ships for Guardians of the Galaxy, and Star Wars, they even come with clear plastic bases to put them on.

All for about a dollar each.

Easily found at Toys R Us.

It's a shame Toys R Us is going bankrupt and closing stores, then.

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They aren't closed yet, so my original point stands.

And bankruptcy doesn't mean it's the end. :-)

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Mark Carlson 255 wrote:

I thought this was going to be about a group of all operative PC's and how they had trouble and got wiped out in the first game.


But how could you tell?

"Sir, the Ninja Division has been wiped out."
"Or, possibly, they succeeded. Or they might be taking comp time."
"Well? Which is it?"
"We don't know. We can't find them."
"Dammit! I told the brass this was a bad idea."

Grand Lodge

Any painted scifi miniature ranges you guys can point me to? :)

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quibblemuch wrote:
Mark Carlson 255 wrote:

I thought this was going to be about a group of all operative PC's and how they had trouble and got wiped out in the first game.


But how could you tell?

"Sir, the Ninja Division has been wiped out."
"Or, possibly, they succeeded. Or they might be taking comp time."
"Well? Which is it?"
"We don't know. We can't find them."
"Dammit! I told the brass this was a bad idea."

I was looking at the title while thinking about a group of all operatives and the possibility of them having trouble.

Now I agree everyone does not roll dice like me, last game it was 3 nat 20's and 5 nat 1's but my dice rolling has been known to fail me spectacularly when needed or expected.
Why well most of the people I know at 1st level are taking the laser pistol, which does d4 and can have trouble going through smoke and other obstructions. Also most of them are not taking a melee weapon thinking to pick one up later and or staying out of combat. Which might/could be a problem if the adventure is very melee based and not suited to range combat.
That was the possible story that went through my head when I read the title as it has been sometime since I bought mini's. I have been lucky enough to buy quite a few from a game store that was going out of business back in the 90's as well as some good sales in the early 2000's.


Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
Varun Creed wrote:
Any painted scifi miniature ranges you guys can point me to? :)

The obvious one is the Star Wars miniatures from Wizards. They are out of production now, but still found occasionally on the second hand market.

Any official word on this from the Paizo peeps?

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From Paizo twitter, there's going to be an announcement on the 27th

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Rampant speculation: they are doing a kickstarter

They are, but that's already been announced a couple of times.

Granted this could be the "official" announcement.

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Yep, Kickstarter!

Dat Drow....


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Complete BS. Why can't we get some minis without having to pay upfront and wait a year?

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my love for the ysoki mystic might have gotten me into this, but not at 100 bucks and not after my weekend with sculpy.

BigNorseWolf wrote:

my love for the ysoki mystic might have gotten me into this, but not at 100 bucks and not after my weekend with sculpy.

You don't have to get the tier, you can just do $1 pledge and then increase for additional slots as needed.

Ysoki Mystic would be $10

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only a gaming company could do a kickstarter with this many rules...

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I was kinda hoping they were going to do painted minis that they were talking about.

Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

my love for the ysoki mystic might have gotten me into this, but not at 100 bucks and not after my weekend with sculpy.

You don't have to get the tier, you can just do $1 pledge and then increase for additional slots as needed.

Ysoki Mystic would be $10

that would be a lot for a metal mini. Much less resin.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Edenwaith wrote:
Butch A. wrote:
Jurassic Pratt wrote:
Edenwaith wrote:
Maybe Paizo realized the game wasn't going to do very well and won't commission NJD to make a minimum amount afraid they won't sell enough. Somebody may want to call Wizkids...
Highly doubt that. According to Paizo the demand for Starfinder has actually exceeded their expectations.

I suspect the exact opposite problem may have occurred. I don't think Ninja Division has ramped up their design and production for a new mini line enough to supply the demand that is obviously out there for Starfinder. I think they were planning a niche line, and somebody realized that they are gonna get a tiny, immediate sellout of the line, and a huge, angry crowd of pent-up demand.

Is it better to release a very, very small range of minis, sell out in minutes, and have nothing backed up, or not release anything but pawns until you have a genuine supply of minis? IDK.

Someone like Wizkids may not have done minis that were as nice and detailed as the planned NjD line, but they could have put out two dozen figs and resupplied them. Of course, WIzKids may not have been able to supply enough for the demand for the consistent Pathfinder mini line AND a new line, so Paizo may have decided not to screw up what was already working for Pathfinder.

Removing all information and updates from their site must be the secret operative plan to quell an "angry crowd of pent-up demand". Would of been my strategy.

i am pretty surprised they did not go with reaper honestly

The quality on the bones has been.. meh. If they're going plastic I can see why they wouldn't.

I wouldn't mind another Kingdom Death teamup.

But those are even more expensive.

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The minimum to get any minis out of that kick starter is 100 smackers. Uh, no

No, they have the $1 pledge and then you can get additional slots starting at $10.

Basically the "I don't want the tiers I want the addons" Kickstarter approach.

Post on the Paizo Blog on the Ninja Division team up.

Jeff Alvarez wrote:
All, I've been speaking with the guys from Ninja Division and they believe that a shipment of the Starfinder resin minis will be coming in next week. If they do, we should have ours the week after so stay tuned.

Scarab Sages

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If you guys are interested, I've taken a few reaperminis and modded them with the help of a friend (actually, he did most of the modding) and I'm painting them up. There is a small local convention that I'm going to demo Starfinder at, so I figured it's be nice to have some minis that kinda looked like the people on the iconic's character sheet.

I'm not a great painter, and they don't look perfectly like the iconics, but I can post pictures and tell you what we did to them, if you guys want.

Sure, if you had fun doing them :3

Grand Lodge

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I'd be interested in hearing from someone at Paizo about Ninja Division/Soda Pop's less than stellar impression that has been left by it's previous Kickstarters. e-legends/comments

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bites the link

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