Malwing wrote:
The Starjammer SF version has some fun things in it. It has 3 planets and 4 races. A few feats and archetypes. I think it was worth the PDF price. I also am looking at running Crisis in SF.
Kiern wrote:
1: No, i would modify it to be 1/3 of +1. Every 3 levels you get a +1. 2: I would allow either or, but you have to have the higher ground. Melee would be more fun as a player. Jumping off tree limbs, or scaling a wall and getting the "drop" on the enemy. Sneak attack for the win! 3: Hold person, or hold monster. Get to higher ground. There are never really trees in the city when you need them. You are scaling a building, someone opens their window and yells for the city guards. Bow and Arrow. 4: As a GM i would not say a Mount, is "higher" ground. I would argue that you are mounted, not at a higher elevation. I could be mounted on a dire wolf, I'm still not taller than a troll. This raises the argument that humans have higher "elevation" on halflings. Does your bonus apply then? Can i ask the source of the favored class?
Yo, I preview an upcoming article for our Xeno File series on symboites.
If you have a topic you want me to cover there or something you want to be seen in a Xeno File. Let me know.
Let's do this here (copy paste from PF thread) This is a thread for third-party publishers to post open calls searching for freelancers of all kinds: writers, artists, editors, layout, cartography, developers, etc. Please use the following format: Publisher Name looking for [[position]]
MODS, can I get this as a sticky?
To me this is like saying D&D or Pathfinder. Two different rule sets. But in regards to SJ or SF, it depends on what type of game I am playing. If I want fantasy in my Sci-Fi I'll use SJ, but I'd use spelljammer ships.
If I want Sci-Fi, I'll use another system.
Chemlak wrote: The problem is with the Pathfinder Compatibility License, rather than any OGL stuff, which is why they're very carefully not claiming it's Pathfinder compatible (though this forum thread is cutting it a bit fine, I suspect). PCL says no "adult themes" and this book is absolutely "adult themed", but I'm also pretty sure that being indirect about it is okay as long as they never (EVER) directly indicate Pathfinder Compatible or display the Pathfinder Compatibility logo. And I get that part. But can a publisher use the rule set and not have the PFC licenses associated with the book (regardless of the theme)?I'm curious how they are going to list the OGL.
By claiming it's "3.75e" indirectly refers to Pathfinder. Given the idea that it's suppose to be compatible with it, how is this going to work with the PF Compatible OGL licenses? Or is this going to be closer to a True20 OGL licenses or just regular OGL.
Let me rephrase, Can you publish a book that is an extension of and implies that it uses the rules of pathfinder without using the compatibility licenses? Not be a stickler, but this is in the Pathfinder compatible section, even though I know it quote "is" using the ruleset, but won't make it past the agreement.
*not trying to rustle feathers, just want the project to be compliant and legal with OGL standards since it can't technically be PF Comp
Ssalarn wrote: There's a ton of awesome material queued up for this release, with several new martial classes like the Armiger, Blacksmith, Commander, and Conscript, as well as, obviously, tons of new spheres and talents. Okay, Devil's advocate time; How are these going to be any different from classes that are already out or are they just rehashing concepts from other classes to use the sphere system? Specially with the talent involved, how is the Commander going to be different from the Battle Lord, or the other (two)Commander classes out there? Is it just a rebuild with spheres? Armiger by definition sounds like a knight or caviler class. How is it special? Blacksmith - So it's the artisan rebuild for sphere's? Why would we have an interest to invest in a class that's already out there. Conscript - are we looking at a solider or sidekick? If sidekick, is this just a rehash of a lackey or cohort concept? How are you rebuilding martials classes so they won't seem like feat trees, and how is this going to interact with the PF system? Spheres of Power was a replacement to the magic system, what is this replacing? Is it replacing the "optional" stamina system? Is this just going to be a Drop Dead Studios version of Dreamscarred Press's Path of War? Is this just an expansion Sphere's of Power that will let you focus on martial vs magic? How will they interact?
Alexander Augunas wrote:
So there are two Sentai like classes that I have come across. 1.Black Flame Studios - Sentai2. Little Red Goblin Games - Gonzo 2 (can't remember the class name) There is another one I ran into that was....not good, but its really not worth mentioning. On Topic:
And video games: Any type of Final Fantasy or even the old game Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, really set up a good world. The original introduction for me to "fantasy" was the Dragon Lance books, and The Rose Sea which is more swashbuckler style fantasy.
Talk to the artist you are interested in if you are looking at prices. What John pays for X doesn't mean Sally pays the same. People make friends and negotiate. Kickstarter is a fail for a 1st time publisher with no name if your goal is over $500. Unless you have something awesome. I'm going to keep this brief. A lot of publishers had to search for the information you are asking when we started. I'd suggest the google on how a publishing company can do physical. I will say print on demand. You can find the rest that way. Take a second and dig through this forum. There are several several several post of people asking the same questions you have that have been answered.
Kevin Mack wrote:
Ben, We do have lot of seeds for the AP in the ground. When/If this ever comes back around, let me know. I'm willing to jump back in on it.~Greg
Try this: Paranormal Adventures. It has the vessel is kind of a hybrid if I remember.
I will preface by saying I pay attention to the Paizo Blog and Store Front blog, and I get the weekly news letter. Sometimes I feel that I am missing some really neat things from other companies to buy from the Paizo site. Has the option been discussed to have a new release section added to the left side column of all the products that the Paizo warehouse/store stocks. Just a simple link, like the others ones, that leads to a product list page of what's new in stock? Just a thought. I would be curious to know if it's an option to program it into the website.
Alexander Augunas wrote:
Which is why I asked in the threads for an answer :-). I enjoy certain writer teams over others. Helps influence a blind pre-order or shelf browse.
Dragon78 wrote:
A ba-gillion 3rd party classes to choose from. if not i recommend looking at the Numeria products combined with an alchemist. Dragon78 wrote:
- besides the AC bonus, - are talking about the Hunter class? Defender/Protector- Paladin with Stalwart defender PrC.
Shard. has about 30 races. If you can find a PDF, they are all easily converted. They are pretty in depth. Like vultures, canaries, eagles. Each animal has 4 or 5 different versions.
If you are looking for a dedicated animal shapeshifter I recommend this shapeshifter. If you want an augment-able class like an eidolon, I also recommend the metamorph from this book.. Endzeitgeist Review: The Metamorph-class with d8, 4+Int skills per level, proficiency with simple and natural attacks, but no armor, good 3/4 BAB-progression, good fort- and ref-saves and begin play with a maximum number of 3 attacks and an evolution pool of 3 that scales up to 26 at 20th level. Metamorphs also have a built-in natural armor bonus that increases over the levels and ability-increases dispersed over the levels. 2nd level and every 4 levels thereafter see bonus feats. 1st level metamorphs may choose their genesis, determining the key-ability modifier for the class and modifying the class skill list. Now unlike some other takes on the evolution-based class framework, a list of phenotypes, which determine ultimately the evolutions that become available for the class - a total of 8 phenotypes are provided and a massive table helps the player determine which evolutions are eligible for the phenotype chosen. Only fey and undying may for example choose the basic magic evolution, whereas only bestial, monstrous or reconstructed metamorphs may learn the trample evolution. A metamorph has 2+class level evolution points, +1 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter. Evolutions can be reassigned upon gaining a level. The class also sports 3 archetypes - one that wilders amid sorceror bloodlines/eldritch heritages, while metamorphic abominations may wilder in racial heritages. Finally, the Transmogrifist may wilder in the alchemist's toolbox. We also get a sample level 13 character here. I honestly was NOT looking forward to yet another evolution-based class - after masquerade reveler, underterror and iron titan, I was simply burned out on them. However, Wojciech Gruchala's metamorph ultimately may be one of the most user-friendly and easy to balance takes on the concept - while I prefer the fluff of the masquerade reveler still, the metamorph may be the most user-friendly take on the concept - with the handy table and restrictions that prevent abuse as well as thanks to the cap of maximum attack and the lack of flexible changes of the basic evolutions chosen. All in all, a solid take on the concept I can't really complain about.
Scott_UAT wrote:
Just to quip. This is also a Paizo message board, and it might be fitting to link to the space you use :). But all points are valid.
Hey Folks, I'm Greg, I own Amora Game, and we are trying our hand at the 13th age system.
Well at the turn of the new year, Sasha Hall (another one of our freelacers) wanted to take a crack at converting it to 13th Age compatible. I let Sasha have free reign and I think it turned out really well. It is called Conduits of the Age. So in this light I am biased. What I would love to do is have a few other people look at it and review it. In this mind I am looking to give away 4 free copies for the purpose of honest reviews. There is a catch, you have to review it. If something doesn't work, you have to tell us why versus just saying "it sucked". I'll be checking this post later today, and if anyone is interested, post below. Thanks
rando1000 wrote:
That's the entire plot of Warhammer Fantasy..