Starfinder Society Scenarios - First Wave Clarifications & Errata

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Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

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The following thread is dedicated to Clarifications and Errata for the first Gen Con release scenarios. These scenarios are scheduled for public release on August 17th, but I wanted to ensure that any questions raised by our Gen Con GMs were addressed and made public to everyone running at local events after the NDA period passed and the scenarios are live. Consider these official rulings for the scenarios. Products in this batch included here include:
Starfinder Roleplaying Guild Quest Pack: Into the Unknown
Starfinder Society Scenario #1-00: Claim to Salvation
Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario #1-01: The Commencement
Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario #1-02: Fugitive on the Red Planet
Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario #1-03: Yesteryear's Truth.

Each of these updates is covered by a Spoiler Tag due to the obvious appearance of some minor spoilers in the rulings.

Starfinder Roleplaying Guild Quest Pack: Into the Unknown:

Item #1 (Clarification): Several creatures in the adventure are listed as having 'Undead Immunities' which are not defined in the scenario. For purposes of these scenarios, use the following rule:

Undead Immunities (Ex) Undead have the following immunities:
• Bleed, death effects, disease, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, and stunning
• Ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, and nonlethal damage
• Any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect works on objects or is harmless)
• Death from massive damage

Item #2 (Errata): The statistics for the Loreseeker (primarily the AC / TL) are incorrect and use some old data that accidentally made it to publishing. To fix this, use the Tier 2 Pegasus stats as detailed on page 40 of the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide.

Item #3 (Clarification): Some encounters do not come with marked starting locations on maps. Use the following guidelines:

-Encounter A: The NPCs are in the foliage, as detailed in the encounter. Spread out the NPCs as you see fit.

-Encounter C: The PCs should be arriving from any of the halls along the southern end of the map. Place the undead along the northern end of the map, hidden between the connecting halls.

-Encounter D: The Skreebara should burst out from where the PCs are approaching. The X-Gen gun should be placed in the central area of the map, right on top of the 5-foot wide circular crater at—exactly at 3 squares south of the center +0 marking, and 2 squares to the east of that location.

Starfinder Society Scenario #1-00: Claim to Salvation:

Item #1 (Errata): The Tier of the Pegasus starship on page 6 is cut off. It should match the Pegasus presented in the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide. The correct Tier of this ship is Tier 4.

Item #2 (Errata): The correct number of Goblin Junkers in the starship combat encounter should be 3. The flavor text and Starship combat text denote this correctly, but the statblock incorrectly lists 4 ships. While removing a ship would make the encounter be less than a CR 5 encounter, the tractor beam hazard effectively acts as another ship to balance the CR.

Item #3 (Clarification): In the case of the Goblin Junkers, the listed AC/TL is correct. The math behind this appears incorrect (technically the ships should be AC 16), but as custom unique starships, the goblin junkers have an intentionally lower AC/TL than the calculation would generate. Assume the junkers have a special ability (Goblin Recklessness) that lowers their AC/TL by 2 to reach the correct AC/TL value of 14.

Item #4 (Clarification): The end reward for the PCs is higher than the value on the Chronicle Sheet. This is correct. While the PCs receive a healthy sum of 3,000 credits at the end of the scenario, this sum is just payment for a "job well done" and is not part of the actual Chronicle sheet rewards for the scenario.

Starfinder Society Scenario #1-02: Fugitive on the Red Planet:

Item #1 (Clarification): Maarbadvae's spell DC's appear to not match her statistics (which would indicate a DC 15 spell DC for both tiers). The values listed in the statblock are correct. One difference in Starfinder monster design is that DCs aren't as tied to underlying stats as they are to set values.

Starfinder Society Scenario #1-03: Yesteryear's Truth:

Item #1 (Clarification): For encounter B, the map positions aren't strictly called out. The sand brute should be located between the center and southern ends of the map, roughly along the center line. The PCs should enter the area from the north-west.

If additional clarifications or errata on any of these scenarios becomes necessary, I'll update this thread when I'm able—keep in mind that I'll be at Gen Con. Remember that these scenarios are not public until the 17th, so please don't post any questions or comments on the scenarios in this thread until that time. Anyone who currently possesses these scenarios is still under NDA and should direct their questions to me through the official channels set-up for those GMs.

Thanks everyone, and I look forward to seeing people at Gen Con. To those unable to attend Gen Con, I look forward to hearing all about your respective launch events for Starfinder Society!

-Thurston Hillman
Starfinder Society Developer

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Awesome as always, Thursty! Thank you for staying on top of things like this.


The Exchange 1/5 5/5 ***

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So the 1530 is the correct amount they should receive not the 3000?

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

Marc Waschle wrote:
So the 1530 is the correct amount they should receive not the 3000?

Correct. As with any Organized Play scenario, the Chronicle Sheet is the final arbiter of rewards / credits garnered. In the case of this scenario, we wanted to end on a number that would be appealing to players who maybe weren't as familiar with Organized Play mechanics, or

for groups that might play this scenario without using the Organized Play campaign rules—thus the 3,000 value as a lump sum at the end.

The Exchange 1/5 5/5 ***

Thanks Thursty!

4/5 5/5


Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

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It's 3000 credits minus expenses

Liberty's Edge 4/5

I appear to have found the first typo!

1-00 Claim to Salvation:
On page 6 of 1-00 Claim to Salvation, the Pegasus' shields are listed as "light 60; forward 15, port 15, starboard 15, aft 1565/5." I take it that should read "forward 20," and "aft 10," instead, so it matches the one on page 40 of the RPGG?

Page 5 of "Into the Unknown" also has a pronoun error:

After learning that Exegara was bound for the sunken garden-turned-mortuary called the Vat Garden, the PCs discover her searching through the garden under the protection of his mercenaries.

Also, in "Into the Unknown," the names of the starships in the episode aren't italicized in the second paragraph of page 3.

All minor issues, just a few missed bits of editing.

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As I posted in the SFS Discord:

The "Into the Unknown" Chronicle sheet seems to indicate you only get one row of rewards on the table. There is no overriding information that advises that the boons stack. If you have a player that completes four, or five, of the quests, which boons, if any, would you say they have access to? RAW would indicate 3 = insignia, 4 = none, 5 = starship only since the rows are not cumulative.

Making the boons cumulative seems to give credence to a "cumulative XP/Fame" argument, which seems blatantly wrong.

5/5 *

Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario #1-01: The Commencement

pg 14: The map does not show the designated starting locations from table on same page.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Eruvanna wrote:

Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario #1-01: The Commencement

pg 14: The map does not show the designated starting locations from table on same page.

locations, spoiler warning, read at own risk if not GMing :):
(B) Inside pit would be the black hole in the upper middle, (C) on top of the crate-filled scaffolding would be anywhere on the top left, (D) on the catwalk near the vehicle would be there where the catwalk splits off (due to it's size). I'm personally guessing that (A) buried in the nest is the rubble in the middle?

I also had a question of my own:

Commencement question, spoiler warning, read at own risk if not GMing :):
Can the PCs use the rewards they get from mission 1 and 2 to buy a copy of the thing in mission 3? Otherwise I'd see quite a few players missing out on this because they'll likely not have that much free credits around

Dark Archive 1/5

What are the SPs for the enemies in into the unknown? HP are listed, SP seem to be missing.

Also, it says how to change the encounter for 4 pcs. For how many pcs is the adventure designed?

2/5 5/5

Glord Funkelhand wrote:

What are the SPs for the enemies in into the unknown? HP are listed, SP seem to be missing.

Also, it says how to change the encounter for 4 pcs. For how many pcs is the adventure designed?

Only PCs get Stamina; NPCs and monsters rely purely on hit points.

Scenarios are always designed for 5-6 characters, so that's why they give special rules for 4 characters.

Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario #1-03: Yesteryear's Truth

pg, 4: If the planet is completely deserted, search for some king of interesting flora, fauna, or mineral deposit.

Pretty sure this is supposed to be "kind". Gonna table rule it.

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

Yuki Hyou wrote:

As I posted in the SFS Discord:

The "Into the Unknown" Chronicle sheet seems to indicate you only get one row of rewards on the table. There is no overriding information that advises that the boons stack. If you have a player that completes four, or five, of the quests, which boons, if any, would you say they have access to? RAW would indicate 3 = insignia, 4 = none, 5 = starship only since the rows are not cumulative.

Making the boons cumulative seems to give credence to a "cumulative XP/Fame" argument, which seems blatantly wrong.

The non-XP & Fame rewards on this Chronicle are cumulative. The verbiage is a bit off on that, but I'll be sure to call it out in future scaling Chronicle sheets that I work on.

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

Oh, and just a request, folks.

Please avoid calling out any editing gremlins in this thread. I want to ensure the emphasis here is on clarifying mechanics and rules, rather than on punctuation and obvious pronoun errors. We certainly appreciate your diligence in finding these, but due to Organized Play timelines, I don't want to give anyone the impression that such errors will get corrected in the PDF.

This thread is here to address necessary errata and clarifications.


Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

Damanta wrote:

I also had a question of my own:
** spoiler omitted **

That's what I did at Gen Con - and PCs who bought the item got 50 credits less than the maximum on their chronicle sheets (and those that opted to not buy it got full credits).

A followup question for Thurston on #1-01 The Commencement - Should GM chronicle sheets reflect the same -50 credit adjustment in regards to that third boon? Thanks!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5

Mike Bramnik wrote:
Damanta wrote:

I also had a question of my own:
** spoiler omitted **

That's what I did at Gen Con - and PCs who bought the item got 50 credits less than the maximum on their chronicle sheets (and those that opted to not buy it got full credits).

A followup question for Thurston on #1-01 The Commencement - Should GM chronicle sheets reflect the same -50 credit adjustment in regards to that third boon? Thanks!

Is it available to gms? If it is as mike says but are we allowing gms to make purchases in adventures they run? But if Gms can not make purchases in scenarios ( as opposed to buying stuff on chronicle sheets after the adventure) then boon not available. See cultists kiss for Pfs equivalent

5/5 *

Damanta wrote:
Eruvanna wrote:

Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario #1-01: The Commencement

pg 14: The map does not show the designated starting locations from table on same page.

** spoiler omitted **

I also had a question of my own:
** spoiler omitted **

I played it straight, and allowed for use of funds garnered through the adventure. I just ensured the sheet they showed the money marked as "spent" So, it took away form their total money, but didn't change the award of the scenario.

5/5 5/55/5 *

1-03 Yesteryears Truth:

The 4 player Adjustment for encounter A says the Drone Launcher only releases 1 drone per round, but that is already its regular rate of fire.

I asked Thursty about it at Gencon and he suggested it be one drone launched every 2 rounds.

Posting this here so he can confirm and add it to the errata above.

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5

Thurston Hillman wrote:

The non-XP & Fame rewards on this Chronicle are cumulative. The verbiage is a bit off on that, but I'll be sure to call it out in future scaling Chronicle sheets that I work on.

Sorry to be a dullard, but if they complete all 5 quests they will obtain a total of 2120 credits, 1 xp, 2 fame and 2 reputaion?

And to clarify, if all they do is complete quests 4 and 5, they still get 1 xp and 2 fames/rep? Correct?

Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

Yes that is correct for quests 4 and 5. They receive 1 xp, 2 fame, and 560 credits for 4 quests. They receive 1 xp, 2 fame, and 720 credits for 5 quests. If they complete fewer quests before moving on with the character than they get less in rewards. It is just the same as the PFS quests.

However, the two boons listed are earned. One when the 3rd quest is completed and the other when the 5th quest is completed.

Seems very straight forward to me.

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

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Talwynor wrote:
Thurston Hillman wrote:

The non-XP & Fame rewards on this Chronicle are cumulative. The verbiage is a bit off on that, but I'll be sure to call it out in future scaling Chronicle sheets that I work on.

Sorry to be a dullard, but if they complete all 5 quests they will obtain a total of 2120 credits, 1 xp, 2 fame and 2 reputaion?

And to clarify, if all they do is complete quests 4 and 5, they still get 1 xp and 2 fames/rep? Correct?

Sorry, you're correct. I should have also mentioned credits in my post. Being at Gen Con and not having the document immediately in front of me probably contributed to that. :)

So a person completing all 5 quests should receive: 720 credits, 1 XP, 2 Fame/Reputation, Starfinder Insignia, and Hero of the Stars.

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5

Whats throwing me is the distinction Thurston made between the non xp and fame rewards vs everything else with the later being cumulative.

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

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Talwynor wrote:
Whats throwing me is the distinction Thurston made between the non xp and fame rewards vs everything else with the later being cumulative.

As I stated above, credits should NOT be cumulative, same with XP and Fame/Reputation. I forgot to include credits in my earlier clarification, in part because I was at Gen Con and making updates off an tablet in the few minutes of quiet I had in my room.

Consider this an official update.

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5

Got it! Missed the not clarification.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Agent, Georgia—Atlanta


Thurston Hillman wrote:

Sorry for the delayed response here folks, I just got in yesterday and needed to decompress and spend some time with the ladyfriend. Let me address some concerns here.

1) The reasoning for disallowing boons in the Quest was to ensure that new players don't end up at a table where someone has several special convention boons and promo boons that they can slot and cause potential confusion for new players.

2) Race boons are something of an exception to this, given their unique nature.

Official Errata: On page 6, replace the Boon Slots text with the following: "No boon slots, except a Personal boon that grants access to a new playable race, are available for Into the Unknown, but the GM should explain that PCs acquire boons as they play adventures, and this is where they would normally be asked to review and select their boons for this adventure, based on their mission briefing."

The Faction Boon was caught in the verbiage on the Chronicle, which lets you select a boon based on any Champion boon you possess. This is intentional future-proofing if we ever find a reason to create a non-Champion Faction boon in the future.

I'll probably sit down with the team, after the Gen Con wrap-up, to discuss some kind of terminology we can create to define "essential" boons like races or (possibly in the future) arcehtype/class access.

Silver Crusade 4/5 ***

Question about undead: Are they destroyed when reaching 0 hp like in Pathfinder? This may make a difference for the first quest.

1/5 **

Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
Question about undead: Are they destroyed when reaching 0 hp like in Pathfinder? This may make a difference for the first quest.

We bumped into that as well. Ultimately I don't think it mattered in our case, but a clarification would be helpful.

Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
Question about undead: Are they destroyed when reaching 0 hp like in Pathfinder? This may make a difference for the first quest.

I treated them as being destroyed at 0 hp when I was running the quest.

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
Question about undead: Are they destroyed when reaching 0 hp like in Pathfinder? This may make a difference for the first quest.

There's a section on "Monster and NPC Death" (see page 250 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook) that describes this. Undead have no special rules in regards to being destroyed when reduced to 0 HP.

1/5 **

Thurston Hillman wrote:
There's a section on "Monster and NPC Death" (see page 250 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook) that describes this. Undead have no special rules in regards to being destroyed when reduced to 0 HP.

As indisputably correct as those statements are, you should probably expect to get this question a lot.

Scarab Sages

Isn't it true that all NPCs and monsters die at zero, unless the GM decides to let them linger for three turns in the case where taking them alive matters?

Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

The scenario I was running stated something along the lines of "once the [Redated] is destroyed..." So that is why I ran it the way I did.

but thanks for clarify.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

It is in the Free RPG day supplement First Contact

Unliving (Ex): A construct or undead has no Constitution
modifier and is immediately destroyed when it reaches 0 Hit
Points. An unliving creature doesn’t recover from damage
naturally, but a construct can be repaired with the right
tools. Spells like make whole can heal constructs, and negative
energy can heal undead. An unliving creature with fast
healing benefits from that ability. Unliving creatures don’t
breathe, eat, or sleep. They can’t be raised or resurrected.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

One of my players, Eric Collins, noticed errors with the Level 4 pregen, Quig. I know that there was a comment about pregen errors at the GM Feedback Session at GenCon. Will we be seeing new versions soon?

Eric's summary:

Here are the problems seen in Quig's Level 4 (Iconic Mechanic) sheet:

So, the level 4 Iconic - Quig Drexel & his drone Scout...
...have a few typos or mistakes:
- A - for QUIG
- page 1 -
Fort +3; Ref +1; WIll +3
[should it not be Fort +5; Ref +6; WIll +2 - From Mechanic lvl 4 being +4 +4 +1, adding Con +1 Dex +2 WIs +1]

Tactical semi-auto pistol +4 to Hit
[should it not be +5 - From +3 BAB +2 DEX]

Int 16 (+0) Cha 11 (+1)
[should it not be Int 16 (+3) Cha 11 (+0)]

Acrobatics +6 (+10 to tumble through the space of a creature of Medium or larger size)
[should it not be (+11 to tumble…) since Moxie - under Ysoki racial - gives “a +5 racial bonus”]

- page 2 -
under Explosives: “these have the some”, should it not be: “these have the same”

- A - for SCOUT
(mainly questions)
+7 to attack
[How does Scout get this +7? He does not have Weapon Profiency Small Arms, which is listed as a Feat Drones can take. Thus Scout should have -4 to attacks for not being proficient, thus +3]
1d6+2 damage
[How does Scout get +2 damage? No Weapon Specialization taken, so?]

Perception +8
[I imagine this is correct. Just wondering: Scout gets +2 Insight bonus to Perception from Enhanced Senses, so I imagine that Scout alone should have +1 Perception from his -1 WIS and +2 Insight, or else Quig looks through camera and gets/gives +8 to Perception (Quig's score) but then Quig does not benefit from Enhanced Senses for +10 Perception?]

Languages: Common, Ysoki
[the Drone can speak?! Quig's background even explains that Quig pretends to speak to a silent drone...

4/5 5/5

Thurston Hillman wrote:
Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
Question about undead: Are they destroyed when reaching 0 hp like in Pathfinder? This may make a difference for the first quest.
There's a section on "Monster and NPC Death" (see page 250 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook) that describes this. Undead have no special rules in regards to being destroyed when reduced to 0 HP.

What about this line from Starfinder First Contact " A construct or undead has no Constitution modifier and is immediately destroyed when it reaches 0 Hit Points."

Has this changed since First Contact was printed? There will be many Starfinder quests ran at Dragoncon in a week's time so clarity would be helpful.

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

The line is likely a holdover from the Pathfinder original source, I expect; the dead/destroyed at 0 hit points a more-or-less standard rule. (It may be this line is still valid because a GM can let an NPC 'hang on for a bit' in case someone is trying to capture/save/revive someone for plot or RP reasons, and this note may be to designate these two types of creatues don't 'benefit' from that discretion.)

If Thursty doesn't get to comment on his own in time, I would run with the 'you can't capture undead or constructs' via this particular line, as you can actual living enemies, and go from there.

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Question about rewards in "Into the Unknown".

Do players receive the items listed at the bottom of the chronicle sheet after the scenario is completed? If so, does everyone receive the same reward?

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

They receive access to buy the items at the bottom, not the items themselves. How Paizo's organized plays work is instead of 'splitting the loot' amongst characters, they gain a certain amount of currency representing their 'share' of the take, and then have special access to the items that appeared in the adventure. Now, often it means you will see items on the Chronicle Sheet that the usual rules of acquisition let you buy anyway, but some of them might not be within your reach otherwise.

For Starfinder play, you normally can buy things with an item level equal to or below your character level, your level +1 if it is in the Core Rulebook, or your level +2 if it is on your chronicle sheet.

I would read the full rules about this in the Organized Play guide, but that's the thumbnail version.

Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Indianapolis

Hey, Thurston, a question regarding Boarding:


Where are the locations of the generators? The map isn't labeled, and the description isn't at all clear (to me, anyway). I know others have had the same question.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Is the Starfinder quests replayable? or is only 1-01 replayable/

Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Indianapolis

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Tim Statler wrote:


Is the Starfinder quests replayable? or is only 1-01 replayable/

The quests are repeatable, with a new level 1 character each time.

EDIT: Obviously, I'm not Thurston, but the quests are no different for SFS than they are for PFS. And, if you look at the first page of the quests, it will show the "Repeatable" tag.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks, Not Thurston.

I haven't gotten the quests yet. I did not run them at Gencon, so haven't read them.

Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Indianapolis

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tim Statler wrote:

Thanks, Not Thurston.

I haven't gotten the quests yet. I did not run them at Gencon, so haven't read them.

Ah. Well, Starfinder scenarios/quests will make use of tags, and they will appear on the first page. Tags like "Starship" (indicates the scenario has starship combat) or "Repeatable" means it's replayable, etc.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

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The walls are the generators. So each disconnected area of wall (not counting the two bitty bits at the bottom) is a generator (for a total of 4 generators) and all the spaces next to them are affected.

Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Indianapolis

Jared Thaler wrote:

The walls are the generators. So each disconnected area of wall (not counting the two bitty bits at the bottom) is a generator (for a total of 4 generators) and all the spaces next to them are affected.

Thanks, Jared. I didn't get that from the text - thanks!

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