Fantasy Grounds is working on an official ruleset for release. In the meantime, games are being run using the existing pfrpg ruleset as described here er-in-FG-Basics-Video-Tutorial Also if your are interested in trying it out, there are several Starfinder Society games being run the middle of October at FG Con. You can check out the tables at
Thurston Hillman wrote:
Sorry to be a dullard, but if they complete all 5 quests they will obtain a total of 2120 credits, 1 xp, 2 fame and 2 reputaion? And to clarify, if all they do is complete quests 4 and 5, they still get 1 xp and 2 fames/rep? Correct?
Fantasy Grounds does have the license for Starfinder support but official support will not be available at launch. Having said that, the existing pathfinder ruleset looks like it will work with a few manual rolls and tracking. I've converted the First Contact creatures and have a screenshot at y-Games. Im hoping to run a Stafinder Society Game August 20 if all goes well.
The subscription details page make reference to the following: As a bonus, when you sign up to four physical Starfinder subscriptions you'll qualify as a Starfinder Superscriber and gain access to Paizo Advantage, a discount program that grants you a 15% discount on most products available on More details about Paizo Advantage can be found here. Additionally, Starfinder Superscribers receive a free Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario subscription. Does the Guild Scenario subscription get added automatically, or must I manually add that subscription as well?
I know there are existing scenarios that fit the bill as far as theme, but I'd love to see official holiday scenarios (Halloween and Christmas at least) to get excited about each year. They generate a lot of interest in my area (more so after the Big Bang Christmas episodes. Anyway- just an expression of interest that I hope grows and results in something like a "First Steps" series for the holiday!
As a GM I hate attacks/buffs to ability scores because I'm uncomfortable parsing out and recalling their effect on the fly...for instance, how much did the con drain impact hp, saves, etc. Are their quick reference sheets to assist with that? An example of something that works well in that regard is the paizo buff deck and the babrbarian's rage card. The reference doc also helps alot... lity-Score-Damage. Anything else like those 2?
Uninvited Ghost wrote: PROTIP: The Vampire level includes a large metal figurine of Reaper's mascot Sophie... but if that isn't your cup of tea, you can exchange that for an extra $25 credit to spend on add-ons! I had read about making the exchange and that paizo was going to have a manager portal at some point, but I don't see either option at this point. Are the exchanges only starting after the funding deadline? I'd also like to look at the paint and case offerings, but don't see that either....any chance you have links?
An unabashed fantasy grounds fan here, but from my perspective, the ability to run ap's and Pfs games without the hassle of inputting at all is a godsend. 2 important considerations from my perspective. One- while seemingly trivial , fg's modeling of actual dice rolling is critical to the immersion in an online game. 2nd, I just don't see that "system agnostic" is a value add here. I am coming to the table TO PLAY PATHFINDER! The amount of time it would take me to input another system into the vtt means I will likely stay with another vtt for that system....sell me licensed product that makes running a game online a breeze and I'm there!
Gratz on the promotion Evan! When we exchanged emails this morning on the Queen City Conquest! con in Buffalo and you referenced your recent appointment - I didn't realize it was this recent! Congrats and looking forward to meeting everyone in central and upstate New York. Since Im working on the Pathfinder line for the Buffalo con - please count me in on those GM swapping ideas!
Hi all, for anyone looking for a Pathinder game to play in (or to GM if you're looking for players), please check out the Fantasy Grounds Pathfinder Society HERE. We currently have 3 games with open slots available over the next couple weeks. In case you're interested in the Society, here's a brief progress report of our First 30 Days. In our First 30 days we have: * Welcomed 41 new members
One milestone I'm hoping we can reach is to welcome in 100 new member before the end of the year. If you have any questions about our group, feel free to ask.
When I am reporting for a game I have run, I usually save and exit and assume I am finished. It appears I need to go back into the event and select edit to be able to select "complete reporting" to close the event out. Having said that - what does this actually do? If I don't close the event out, it appears my players are still getting credit and PP. It appears Im also getting credit for having run the game. Is it merely a question of being able to go back in and edit the reporting?
Michael Brock wrote:
I hope you didnt misunderstand me - I dont think money was a motivation (and I wouldnt be offended it it was). I think these are a great idea.
Nickademus42 wrote: I understand...I was wondering how the Chronicle would tie in. Actually, I think this is a nice idea, expecially when coupled with Holiday Boons like Jestercap. It's a great way to make the game come to life and make it more of a living/breathing thing and generate some excitement. Something along the lines of "I read about this in the book and experienced a taste of it -now I can play it and deepen the connection." I cant imagine this generates all that much money so Im not offended by it as a blatant cash grab - but I do think it helps make the world more "real".
So Im finally using my pogs and one thing Id love to see if these were ever released as a separate line is making them wet&dry eraseable. Adding numbers for gangs and the ability to quickly mark conditions would be very useful. I tried to use my current dry erase and while the color came off for the most part - it does bleed through a little. I'd understand if using the same material as the flip mats was cost prohibitive, but it would be a nice valude add if feasible.
The box bash event on the 29th is supposed to run 4 short adventures which will provide the pc's with a chronicle sheet upon completion. Details are still forthcoming, but sounds like a great bridge to the society. I'm hoping they make the adventures generally available thereafter as I'd love to use them as a hook to bring more players in online as well. uriel222 wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote: I recommend connecting with the folks at the Pathfinder Society Online Collective. They're not restricted to a single VTT, but they are likely to be able to offer suggestions or resources for you, and may even help grow the number of people using FG for PFS gaming. They currently have a membership of almost 400 members! I'm a member there as well and they offer alot of games. There doesn't seem to be alot of activity with fantasy grounds however so this was designed to address that specific segment. Thanks for the heads up.
Mark Moreland wrote:
Mark, thank you for the direction. I'll keep everyone posted on our continued development. Ill also continue to think about developing additional controls to adhere to the spirit of the cup ( adding some sort of password protection immediately comes to mind). I'm hoping once we get our structure in place we'll be able to grow the fantasy grounds VTT society and approach what we did with another living campaign where we had over 600 players at its high point.
Mark Moreland wrote:
Ok, think I'm about there so let me restate to make sure I understand correctly - in essence I have to make sure I don't send the maps and artwork in the VTT file. I also need to include the community use policy statement in the file and register with the website. Also, because this falls under the community use policy, it does not appear I need to limit their availability to games I have organized and reported. If that lets me provide stat blocks and everything else to GMs in our online society, while not ideal, will definitely work.
Thank you for the clarification on the physical copies -that part is crystal clear to me now. However, Im still unclear on how to handle online gaming events. What can I provide as a vtt file to the GM to run (understanding I definitely cannot send him the pdf)? The conversion of the scenario into a vtt fle is very time consuming and a barrier to getting new GM's. I'd like to be able to do that work and send the file to the GM to run the game...but Im getting the sense that that would not be permitted...Im hoping Im wrong.
I'm hoping to get official confirmation to my question so that I do not run afoul of Paizo's Community Use Policy and continue to respect their IP. If there is a more appropriate vehicle to pose the question, I'd appreciate the direction. If I organize a face-to-face event with multiple tables, can I buy the Scenario one time and provide to each of the GM's? Similarly, if I organize an online event and convert the Scenario into a vtt format, can I share the vtt scenario with each of my vtt GM's?
Nevynxxx wrote:
One benefit that would convince me to join would be to offer the subscription in vtt formats. As someone who has just started a Pathfinder Society for Fantasy Grounds, the conversion time from pdf to FG is higher than I would like. I'm sure Paizo could find volunteers to assist with the conversion process so there is not a hard cost to them in offering it as part of the subscription. I'd love to see this explored more.
If you're interested in looking at a fantasy grounds video, I put together a video tutorial series for new pathfinder society players using the vtt. Part 1 on the character sheet is at:
Part 2 on combat is at:
Part 3 on map/chat/library use is at:
Brian Turner 355 wrote: I was wondering if there was a group or website that coordinates pathfinder games online. If you're interested in trying fantasy grounds, I've started running pfs games. Give a shout if you 're interested. The one down side is that fg is not free, however, I do highly Recommend it if that is not a deal breaker. I have a screen shot posted in the forums at fantasy grounds.
I was having problems with the export as well. The 2 keys are: 1. you need to use a separate campaign importer utility stickied in the fg laboratory forum. It's very small and easy to use. 2. When you export and save in fg format from within hero lab, you need to rename the file extension from .hlfg to .xml. After renaming, just import into your campaign using the utility. As far as fg support for pathfinder goes, paizo does not support with official supplements, however, fg has incorporated the pathfinder reference document so there are modules for spells, powers and the bestiary1. They've also created a pathfinder ruleset and character sheet. The ruleset coupled with the hero lab export and prd modules make running the game fairly easy. I'll post some screenshots this week.
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sheet found at mediafire This is a sheet I cobbled together. It works well for single-classed characters, but I can't get it to work right for multi-class. Is there a better sheet out there, or does someone know how to beat this one into line? Thanks in advance! |