Starfinder product request


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I realise I haven't seen the full six issues yet, but given the intention to include a starship with each AP instalment, I'd really like it if there were a "flipmat 3-pack" released at the conclusion of the AP featuring each of the six ships.

I'm presuming the format will follow that for the Sunrise Maiden - one page illustration/stats and one page map.

No doubt some of them won't be at miniatures scale (if you feature some of the larger ships possible, but still include a one-page map). Nonetheless, I would still find it useful, even if the squares were ten feet or even twenty feet to a side.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I just subscribed for the adventure path series dead Suns. I would love to purchase the corresponding flip mats in advance. PLEASE make them in advance. My group will be running through dead Suns immediately. If you release the maps at the end of the adventure path we will no longer be interested in them.

I purchased emerald spire super dungeon for this very reason, because it had a corresponding map pack available.

So make them now not later. PLEASE!!!

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

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Cool idea, folks. Thanks!

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I would like to see a "Ship Box" with some Example ships, Extended ship rules, deckplans and pawns of the ships, stations etc.

Liberty's Edge

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The obvious is a "Starships of the Pact Worlds" hardcover, providing:

● New themes, feats, and archetypes for pilots and engineers;

● Expanded role actions and optional additional roles for larger adventuring parties;

● New and expended optional rules for Starship combats and fleet engagements;

● New rules for use of Starships within atmosphere, gas giants, and below the sea;

● New weapons, components, computers and upgrades for Starships;

● New optional rules for commercial Starship construction

● New Codex and a crap ton of stat blocks and illustrations for military, commercial and scientific/exploratory ships of the present and the past eras of the Pact Worlds, including some ships of the Pre-Drift engine era.

THEN, base your Pawns off of that book for additional bang for the art buck.

Add a couple of flip-mats of the better ships. Bob's your uncle.

320 pages, $49.99 Coming Soon. Hugs and kisses.

Scarab Sages

If it were possible, it would be helpful for those running on VTT's to have the pdf versions of the flip mats (or any map product) without a gridline.

Especially the space those hex grids are a bear to line up!

Coming soon, so next year? Aliens in October, worlds after that, and the ap books go till June, it's just a long time to go without official books

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I would hope that they do not churn out gobs and gobs of feats. Themes, archetypes, sure ... but not feats.

racs333 wrote:
Coming soon, so next year? Aliens in October, worlds after that, and the ap books go till June, it's just a long time to go without official books

Paizo had a difficult balancing act when it came to planning out the release of Starfinder. They had to make decisions about how fast to release product, how many copies to print and what sort of topics to cover - all months before knowing how it would be received. They had to juggle company resources without damaging other product lines (or take the risk of hiring more people and perhaps overextending).

Even now, they're faced with planning out August 2018 onwards and they have to judge how the market is going to be then not how it appears now. Maybe we're all going to buy Starfinder, play it for a year and then go back to vanilla fantasy games - historically, SF games haven't done as well over the long term. Maybe the slower release rate of Pathfinder and new hardcovers there is going to drive changes in demand for Pathfinder support.

I really hope the Starfinder AP goes to a monthly release and that we begin to see some other support. However, I don't have any skin in the game and nobody's livelihood depends on me getting it right.

Steve Geddes wrote:
I really hope the Starfinder AP goes to a monthly release and that we begin to see some other support.

In terms of other support product ideas. I wonder if you've got any plans to experiment with a Starfinder module of slightly different format than Pathfinder?

I'm imagining a one-off sixty four page book: thirty two page adventure with thirty two pages of thematically appropriate backmatter articles - kind of like a standalone AP instalment.

The world doesn't have many Science Fantasy adventures, so a few one shots could potentially sell well. There also isn't the luxury of Pathfinder's AP, Campaign Setting line and occasional hardcover supplement - so producing campaign flavour material at the rate that we want it is going to be more difficult.

I'd love to see a one off module for low level characters. Perhaps an exploration/survey theme where they visit a few new systems (or one system with a few planets) relatively close to the pact worlds, but cut off from meaningful support. Backmatter articles could include a gazetteer of the system in question, rules for randomly generating new worlds and some "threats from the drift" ideas.

Perhaps it's easy to trial that sort of thing without having to commit to an ongoing product line until you see how it goes. Even if it's a slow seller, one would think it would sell eventually, so would hopefully be a minimal risk.

Liberty's Edge

Steve Geddes wrote:

In terms of other support product ideas. I wonder if you've got any plans to experiment with a Starfinder module of slightly different format than Pathfinder?

I'm imagining a one-off sixty four page book: thirty two page adventure with thirty two pages of thematically appropriate backmatter articles - kind of like a standalone AP instalment.

Well these are good points and it scratches the surface of expectations - and why Pathfinder AP is the way that it is.

Remember, Pathfinder AP didn't come from nowhere. And it wasn't designed to do what it does simply so that it could do what it does. That was only party of why it was a 96 page book.

Pathfinder AP was designed so that it would replace the content in two magazines that Paizo had existing subscriptions to fill. They had customers who had subscribed to Dragon -- and an enthusiastic number who had subscribed to Dungeon. Pathfinder AP was designed within the operating parameters of the OGL to service those customers to provide value and fulfill their expectations in terms of product length.

So that was one of the main reasons why Pathfinder AP was 96 pages. The subscribers were expecting a roughly 100 page book to replace the material they were losing from the cancellation of Dungeon and Dragon.

Now, as it turned out, there were benefits to that design which Paizo made work. We know that a max length of 48-50 pages was the most a developer could develop in one month. The balance of an issue of Pathfinder AP had to be something other than the adventure that the developer and author were creating. So it all came together premised upon that base. And Paizo found the formula that worked early on, but they have tweaked it here and there (extra adventure side-treks, in some). And now fiction is gone.

Still, it turns out that 96 pages has a lot of strengths for other reasons that might not have been obvious at the time. That format also supported two APs a year, not just the one that Dungeon had featured, which prompted people to stay subscribed even if the current AP wasn't their cup of tea. Paizo considered that a significant strength at the time. I expect they still do.

For a lot of reasons, mainly cost and uncertainty, Paizo went with a 64 page format for Dead Suns. I've been unhappy with the decision, mainly as it has adversely impacted on the length of the adventure. It seems too short to me; much too short.

But there is a possibility that my sense is wrong headed and is chiefly based on "this is the way it was; this should be the way it continues to be".

For one thing, more than a few people have remarked that they don't finish the current APs that Paizo publishes, or at least, that it takes them much too long to do so. They may have a point.

Dungeon's original format of an AP hoped that a group who played weekly with a 4-6 hour session (maybe leaning towards the 6) could play along with the monthly release schedule and essentially keep up. I am sure that some did, but we all know that most did not.

Fast forward 12 years, and we know that some people still play an AP, beginning to end in a single year. That has to be clear minority of players though. For most of us, it's a lot longer than that. Maybe closer to ~two years. Sessions aren't always every week (many groups play every other week) and what a "session" is varies from group to group, too. The devil is often in that detail. Three hour sessions are not the same as six hours sessions; not even close. Layer on real life and cancellations getting in the way...

Suddenly, we are taking 2 years+ to finish an AP of Pathfinder to level 17. Is that too much time? Yeah, tbh, I think it probably is. Something's wrong here.

So maybe there is something to be said for shorter APs? It's not what my knee-twitch is saying, but I admit the possibility that perhaps my knee-twitch is wrong.

Or maybe what I would rather play (in Pathfinder terms) is a story arc then ended at level 10-12 or so, across 4 x 96 page books with a satisfying conclusion in 12 to 15 months. Instead of one that plays 6 x 96 pages and ends at level 17 in 2 years+.

Maybe they aren't wrong about this after all. Still bugs me though.

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I'm definitely a fan of shorter APs. My players generally get bored by book 3 or 4 with Pathfinder APs (and we have no interest in high level play).

The main reason for suggesting this 50/50 product is as a way to kind of 'test the waters' without launching a whole new line.

What I love about paizo is flavor but we really need adventures. As such, I can imagine adventure material being prioritized in the first few years. Perhaps this is a way to fill both needs in a way that two separate markets will find useful.

Dark Archive

My guess is that the single most valuable data point for the Starfinder team is the sales figures for the second volume of the adventure path. Clearly all of the initial sales have been off the charts of their expectations, which is probably quite influential. However it is hard to completely separate that from general curiosity and interest in the shiny new thing. On the other hand I'm guessing that they have a pretty good idea on how to project sales of an entire AP based on the drop-off from volume 1 to volume 2. I'm sure they would love to wait longer, but by time volume 3 rolls around in December time would be getting fairly short to make any radical development changes in time for Gencon next year.

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Davor Firetusk wrote:
My guess is that the single most valuable data point for the Starfinder team is the sales figures for the second volume of the adventure path.

I think Paizo's fan base is loyal enough that AP7 is going to be the key datapoint.

I think you're right that there's likely to be a drop off at issue two and that this will provide some crucial information about the newcomers to Paizo. However, I think there's a strong enough core group of supporters who are used to signing up for subscriptions and evaluating a product over the longer term that this drop off will be mitigated somewhat as we give it year to see the accessories, AP, bestiary, campaign book...

The second AP provides a very natural breaking point for subscribers who decide Starfinder isn't for them. To me, that will be the moment that marks a shift from short term success (undeniable already) to medium term success.

Dark Archive

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I agree with your sentiment Steve, I was thinking strictly from a business and modeling perspective. I anticipate that there has been enough demand already that they are strongly considering increasing the number of SFS scenarios for next year, and thinking about increasing the AP speed and maybe some other product lines. Those are pretty important decisions, and they have to make them long before AP volume 7.

Maybe a Starfinder Gamemaster's Guide?

Not sure what exactly it would do, but I think it could help with the more tricky parts of the rules.

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Legacy Handbook: a source that goes in details about converting the Pathfinder stuff for Starfinder, especially the classes.

Give me a 4-page long description with Starfinder rules for the Fighter, Rogue, Wizard and Cleric, for instance. Give me SF archetypes. Give me SF feats.

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Patrick Newcarry wrote:

Maybe a Starfinder Gamemaster's Guide?

Not sure what exactly it would do, but I think it could help with the more tricky parts of the rules.

I think this would be useful and could include race creation/culture creation/world creation guidelines.

It seems to me that one strong theme of Starfinder is exploration - as DM you need to be able to create the feel of a crowded universe with something everywhere your players decide to look.

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One importened thing:
Please do not bloat the system, just for the sake of putting out a new book. Quality over Quantity.
Also it would be a nice new step if you put in some extra maps (or similar stuff) to the books (e.g. a "Planet Book" could contain the book itself and a complete map of the planet)

Tryn wrote:
Also it would be a nice new step if you put in some extra maps (or similar stuff) to the books (e.g. a "Planet Book" could contain the book itself and a complete map of the planet)

This would be great.

A good proposal for the Pathfinder Campaign Setting line too, to be honest.

My wish is to have an entire campaign or even simple adventures, for one player and one GM. Because Solo adventures lacks so much in a futurist settings.

If it gets out, you can be sure I'll buy it!

Dark Archive

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1) I want flip-mats made off maps actually appearing inside APs, not "generic dungeon XXV".
The only flip-mats like that, which exist are the Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Town Square created for the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition,
the Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Thornkeep Dungeons 2-Pack made for "Pathfinder Online: Thornkeep"
and the Pathfinder Flip-Mat: The Emerald Spire Superdungeon Multi-Pack for the module of the same name.
The first one sold out and was re-published as a flip-mat classic.
The second one is still available (we all know why).
The last one is in it´s second backorder (third printing).

2) I would like shorter APs (from level 1-12) for Pathfinder, because that system is a mess to play with at high levels and low level adventures are a lot more fun.
That being said, i agree on the Starfinder AP #1 being too short.
As a GM you have to fill in a lot (the 12-page Absdalom station article is nice, but helps only so far, i´m looking forward to Starfinder Pact Worlds fleshing it out in more detail with maps).
So i hope that starting with Starfinder AP #7, it either goes monthly OR stays bi-monthly and becomes a 96 page volume.

3) There is too few material out (yet) for Starfinder, especially a lot of "Hardware" is missing.
In the CRB, weapons get only three pages of illustrations, armors get only two. Technological items get 4 pages, as do magic items.
The worst are vehicles: there are nine sample types on 2 pages!
Where are drop-pods, jets, mecha, tanks...?
Also only 15 starships on 10 pages.
With one 160 pages "Alien Archive" planned per year and 2018s first hardcover being "Pact Worlds" in march, i fear that it will take years before Starfinder is playable well.

There simply isn´t enough printed material available yet to maintain the setting, especially adventure modules.
Starfinder PDFs sessions won´t satisfy the demand for pre-developed material which can be run without doing large prep-work.

Where there is too much pathfinder stuff to run, there is not enough Starfinder material, nor will there be for the foreseeable future, if publication rates stay the same. ;-(

The Mad Comrade wrote:
I would hope that they do not churn out gobs and gobs of feats. Themes, archetypes, sure ... but not feats.

I think that Paizo should do the exact opposite. I want way more feats. My second biggest complaint about the CRB is the lack of feats. My biggest complaint is the missing level 2-5 weapons. Looking through the equipment, there are barely any!

That said, I love Starfinder already!

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CactusUnicorn wrote:
My biggest complaint is the missing level 2-5 weapons. Looking through the equipment, there are barely any!

I wouldn't say they're missing, Bob. The intent seems to be that you get a big (usually double) increase after a few levels, rather than a tiny boost every level or two.

CactusUnicorn wrote:
The Mad Comrade wrote:
I would hope that they do not churn out gobs and gobs of feats. Themes, archetypes, sure ... but not feats.

I think that Paizo should do the exact opposite. I want way more feats. My second biggest complaint about the CRB is the lack of feats. My biggest complaint is the missing level 2-5 weapons. Looking through the equipment, there are barely any!

That said, I love Starfinder already!

Love Starfinder too - to the point where I'm converting Pathfinder APs to Starfinder if I think it's at all feasible.

There's enough feats in the CRB for two entire campaigns' worth of 4-player groups to have no overlapping feat selections. I can wait on more feats for a while.

If there are more feats I would like them to be substantial and worthwhile of consideration for characters' precious ten feats.

Less, to the tune of a mere six general feats (7 for humans) if the trend continues towards not supporting higher-level Starfinder play which is what I suspect we will be seeing for the first 2 years from Paizo unless they're willing to actually write AP #2 as a follow-up sequel to Dead Suns.

Liberty's Edge

CactusUnicorn wrote:
The Mad Comrade wrote:
I would hope that they do not churn out gobs and gobs of feats. Themes, archetypes, sure ... but not feats.

I think that Paizo should do the exact opposite. I want way more feats. My second biggest complaint about the CRB is the lack of feats. My biggest complaint is the missing level 2-5 weapons. Looking through the equipment, there are barely any!

That said, I love Starfinder already!

If past practice is any guide to future performance, I am sure there will be lots of all of these in the fullness of time.

More generally, I find it very interesting to see the diversity of opinion among Starfinder customers over what flavor they want, what they want more of (Fantasy or SciFi) and in terms of rules. Sometimes the opinions are so varied, it must seem like herding cats to Paizo in order to make sense of it all.

It will be fascinating to see what Paizo does going forward to balance these divergent interests and manage to keep most of their customer base (or even all of their customer base) content, if not happy with Starfinder as it unfolds.

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My group is interested in vehicle chases and crafting. Maybe some kind of vehicle and weapon/armor crafting tables similar to the starship building tables? I know it's not for everybody, but I think there might be enough players out there that would like to see a "craft all the things" book.

Xenocrat wrote:
CactusUnicorn wrote:
My biggest complaint is the missing level 2-5 weapons. Looking through the equipment, there are barely any!
I wouldn't say they're missing, Bob. The intent seems to be that you get a big (usually double) increase after a few levels, rather than a tiny boost every level or two.

Just looking at longarms (because it's easier than the whole thing) there are 5 level 1s, which makes sense, there should be more of those, 5 level 2s, still going strong, NO level 3s, 1 level 4, 1 level 5, 3 level 6s, 3 level 7s, and 3 level 8s. I'm stopping there because it was getting boring, not because my point falls apart.

Looking at it, there is an obvious dip from 3-5 where we get 0-1 weapons instead of the usual 3. This isn't a, there's a weapon every 2 levels, it's a, there's always 3, excepts for the lower levels

CactusUnicorn wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:
CactusUnicorn wrote:
My biggest complaint is the missing level 2-5 weapons. Looking through the equipment, there are barely any!
I wouldn't say they're missing, Bob. The intent seems to be that you get a big (usually double) increase after a few levels, rather than a tiny boost every level or two.

Just looking at longarms (because it's easier than the whole thing) there are 5 level 1s, which makes sense, there should be more of those, 5 level 2s, still going strong, NO level 3s, 1 level 4, 1 level 5, 3 level 6s, 3 level 7s, and 3 level 8s. I'm stopping there because it was getting boring, not because my point falls apart.

Looking at it, there is an obvious dip from 3-5 where we get 0-1 weapons instead of the usual 3. This isn't a, there's a weapon every 2 levels, it's a, there's always 3, excepts for the lower levels

More examples!

Basic melee weapons have nothing after 2nd level until 7th. Then they have 1-2 things until 20th.

Advanced melee have no 3s,1 4, 2 5s, 1 6, and 7 7s! After that hey have about 3 all the way up.

Also, why am I Bob?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'd love to see more variable-level spells!

In particular: It would be nice to have more spells for players to choose from. But it would also be nice to avoid the kind of spell-choice paralysis that players face in Pathfinder which comes with way too many spells. One natural way to balance these two desiderata against one another is to focus on adding variable-level spells.

(Indeed, if some spells were added to fill in the level-gaps between some spells, some of the current spells in the CRB could naturally be incorporated into variable-level spells. Which would be awesome.)

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I feel like I'm virtually alone in this, but I'm pretty happy with the number of weapons and armor choices in the book.

Don't get me wrong -- I'd be happy with more! But there are already *way* more meaningful weapon choices in Starfinder than in Pathfinder. Consider: you can choose from burst or automatic fire or explode or line weapons for AOE (all very tempting), there are different kinds of energy damage vs physical damage kinds to choose from, there are weapons with various kinds of interesting special abilities to choose among, and so on.

What really feels thin are the "special" item sections -- like the powered armor section, the magic/hybrid items sections, the drug and poisons sections, and the vehicles section. And I would love to see more of those kinds of things!

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CactusUnicorn wrote:

Also, why am I Bob?

You've been missing a lot of quotes lately, Bob.

Sovereign Court

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I'll add on that I wish the AP maps were front-loaded to better coincide with the AP release schedule. My group (and I must admit myself as well) really wanted to get into Starfinder, and I couldn't hold off any longer, especially not until March, to get the loading dock map. I'm now wishing I had a map for a certain nightclub since that's up next. I was going to try to repurpose the cantina map, but the session ended before that scene, so now I might as well draw it out. But in general (for Starfinder and Pathfinder) I wish more of the maps were the ones used in adventures/APs.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Runnetib wrote:
I'll add on that I wish the AP maps were front-loaded to better coincide with the AP release schedule. My group (and I must admit myself as well) really wanted to get into Starfinder, and I couldn't hold off any longer, especially not until March, to get the loading dock map. I'm now wishing I had a map for a certain nightclub since that's up next. I was going to try to repurpose the cantina map, but the session ended before that scene, so now I might as well draw it out. But in general (for Starfinder and Pathfinder) I wish more of the maps were the ones used in adventures/APs.

I second this!!!

Grand Lodge

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I want more AP flipmats for Starfinder too!


Hmm wrote:

I want more AP flipmats for Starfinder too!


Me too.

Never understood why PF doesn't do this more often. Cheaper to produce as no new art order. AP customers are practically guaranteed to buy and homebrew customers will buy because they don't care that it's actually a map of a dungeon under Sandpoint (or wherever) since they don't use the setting. Everybody wins surely?

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[Insert planet's name] world guide: basically more info about each planet/station/star with more cities, adventure ideas, places of interest, items, monsters and more.

I don't think that each planet will ever be as detailled as Golarion's regions, but it would be a good start.

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I'd like to see a rules expansion regarding merchant trading, resource exploring, and a general economic engine. Coming in to SF with no experience in PF, perhaps I'm barking up the wrong tree, but I'm looking to have a sandbox, Traveller-like game in the SF universe/ruleset, aside from my own homebrewing of old Traveller and/or Traveller20 books.

Ben Warrick wrote:
I'd like to see a rules expansion regarding merchant trading, resource exploring, and a general economic engine. Coming in to SF with no experience in PF, perhaps I'm barking up the wrong tree, but I'm looking to have a sandbox, Traveller-like game in the SF universe/ruleset, aside from my own homebrewing of old Traveller and/or Traveller20 books.

I would loooove this. Traveller campaigns were always small-time merchant/trader games when we were growing up.

I haven't been to this thread in a while but I pretty much want everything everyone else has said. :)

Hopefully the slowdown in Pathfinder output over the next year will mean Starfinder product lines can get a decent push.

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I'm rezzing this bad boy because I'm bummed out by the endless negativity related to the Ninja Division thing.

What I want is as follows:

An Akiton AP- Something that combines the wild west/Mad Max theme of the planet

A Starknight Guide or a Starknight heavy AP- Come on, guys in armor travelling the galaxy hunting stuff?

A Nyarlathotep Ap- I like the Velstrac, I do but we need to get Lovecraftian up in the hizzy.

A Ship Registry- Or something similar, just a hardcover full of ships!

The Veskarium- You did the Pact Worlds, now we need a Vesk Hardcover. We can't not have it.

Near Space- And a third Hardcover, dealing with the Near Space worlds. The hundreds of regional powers and colonies not covered under the two biggest factions.

Armory 2- Good start, NEEDS TO BE BIGGER! Gimme more legendary items and fusions, the kind of thing I'd scour the galaxy for! Gimmie giant mech suit vehicles!

Alien Archive 3- Get weird with it.

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I would like to see a book about urban adventures.
Most people likely know how to do dungeon crawls and wilderness adventures which are also the main type of adventures in the APs, but for people coming from Pathfinder and other fantasy games, adventures in modern and scifi cities where facial scanners could be everywhere and law enforcement might have response times measured in minutes would be something new and based on the equipment published so far is also something not covered much by Starfinder.

You can combine this with a description of how cities and the society on the different planets actually look like. Even the Pact Worlds book only gives a high level overview of that.
So how do triaxan or verces cities look like and work? How is the day to day live on Absolom and how do you adventure in places where cameras coupled with facial recognition and real time database queries track you everywhere and where having anything bigger than a small nonlethal weapon provokes a law enforcement response (in force if you try to walk around in heavy armor with a heavy weapon)?
How do you deal with fingerprints, dna evidence and whatever mystical forensics that exist?
And how keep players of charcters which rely on obvious equipment like some mechanics and soldiers engaged in a urban adventures where carrying around their class features only causes trouble?

What equipment is there for social adventures like remote hacking devices, heavy armor that can be disassembled to make it more easy to hide, more option for socially acceptable armor and what kind of drones are common in cities and how can the PCs interact with them?

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Where is the option to remove the grids on the battle maps, flip mats ect? I play on Fantasy Grounds and I know Pathfinder had some options to turn the grids on and off but the basic starfield and many others dont and it makes it impossible to align hex maps in the program and you end up with grids not overlaying properly. Starfinder needs this option in their map packs. I'm afraid to buy anymore without this option because I wont be able to use them. Please consider adding the gridless feature to turn them on and off.

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An accessory that I'd like to see would be player-aid cards for starship combat - especially if they can be treated for dry-erase markers.

I'm visioning role cards where we can note the various DCs we need for the encounter and space for notes like weapon damage or conditional modifiers granted by other crew.

We've been using some fan-made cards but I'd shell out for laminated cards printed on good cardstock.

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The biggest thing I find missing are pawns for the Drake and Pegasus style starships from the Roleplaying Guide. My group often chooses one of these for a scenario that needs it, and we don't have any equivalent out of the available pawns or miniatures.

Hold on, this I need to know.

Does Paizo have plans for a comic book based on the Starfinder Iconics, like they did for Pathfinder?

JiCi wrote:

Hold on, this I need to know.

Does Paizo have plans for a comic book based on the Starfinder Iconics, like they did for Pathfinder?

There was a Starfinder miniseries in the back of the most recent Pathfinder comics series (Spiral of Bones) but I haven't heard word of a standalone line yet.

I've heard some "we'd love to!" comments from staffmembers, but nothing to indicate it was imminent.

Customer Service Representative

Removed an off topic post.

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Ever since Starfinder came out I have been hoping to see SF comics and novels - something to enhance my knowledge of the setting that I can use when game mastering/StarLord storytelling. Isn’t there enough interest for this? I enjoy the setting so much, I want more!

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