Pathfinder Player Companion: Dirty Tactics Toolbox (PFRPG)

Sam Phelan's page

Organized Play Member. 2,724 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Customer Service Representative

Thanks for letting me know! I have updated those two links, as well as updated the listed products to remove the Alien Character Deck, which was moved up to release in February.

Customer Service Representative

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello folks!

We have given the warehouse the go-ahead to start shipping. This should be underway soon!

Customer Service Representative

I just realized that the Starfinder Alien Character Deck was not previously added to this list of releases. It is also a release for February for the Starfinder Accessories product line. It has now been added to the product list post.

Customer Service Representative

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YawarFiesta wrote:

If I subscribe to the Lost Omens line after the authorization date (say on the 5th), will my order carry to next authorization date?

For example, if I were to subscribe on the 5th to the Lost Omens, starting with the Pathfinder Society Guide, and Rulebook line, would my ship with the Bestiary 3?


Hello YawarFiesta,

If you subscribe to the Lost Omens or any other line after our order creation process it will behave as though placing a normal order for an available release - meaning it will either create an order to ship immediately, or it can go to the sidecart. You'll want to start the subscription, but make sure that the Ancestry Guide is put into your sidecart from checkout. Sidecarts are only generated during the order creation process. Since the next one that will be run after the one that is currently running will be the March one with the Bestiary 3 release, you'll just want to make sure that anything you order -- subscription or otherwise -- that you want to ship with Bestiary 3 must go into your sidecart.

Do make sure you wait until at least until the day after the current order generation. In some cases it takes more than a day to finish, so I'd say to play it safe aim for ordering on the 6th or after to make sure that the process has already hit your account so it won't after your orders are placed and generate your items too soon.

Customer Service Representative

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello folks!

We have begun the order generation process. Over the course of the next half-day or so, subscribers should receive their confirmation emails. Please email us or start a new thread in this forum for any questions or concerns with your order.

Customer Service Representative

3 people marked this as a favorite.

We have begin the order generation process. Folks may start receiving their confirmation emails. Please send an email to customer.service(at) or start a new thread in this forum if you have any questions or concerns regarding your order.

Customer Service Representative

3 people marked this as a favorite.


Please note that the order creation and begin shipping dates have been changed to Tuesday, January 12th and Thursday, January 14th respectively. That additional time will give the CS, Warehouse, and Tech teams time to ensure a smooth and accurate order creation rollout!

Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The following information, including dates and expected products, is what we currently estimate and may change.

New Physical Product Releases in March
•Paizo Subscription Products•

Pathfinder Products
•Pathfinder Adventure Path: #165: Eyes of Empty Death (Abomination Vaults 3 of 3)
•Pathfinder Maps: Flip-Tiles: Wilderness Perils Expansion
•Pathfinder Lost Omens: —
•Pathfinder Rulebooks: Bestiary 3
•Pathfinder Special Edition Rulebooks: Bestiary 3 Special Edition Hardcover
•Pathfinder Adventures: —
•Pathfinder Accessories: Magic Armaments Deck
•Pathfinder Pawns: Agents of Edgewatch Pawn Collection
•Adventure Card Game: —
•Adventure Card Game Class Decks: —

Starfinder Products
•Starfinder Adventure Path: #38: Crash & Burn (Fly Free or Die 5 of 6)
•Starfinder Roleplaying Game: —
•Starfinder Accessories: Alien Character Deck (moved to February)
•Starfinder Maps: Flip-Mat: Solar Temple

•Non-subscription Paizo Products•
• —
• —

•Subscription Products by other Publishers•
•Comics: —
•Battles: —
•Miniatures: —

•Non-subscription Products by other Publishers•
• —

•Authorization (Order Spawning) Date: Thursday, March 11th
•Begin Shipping Estimate: Monday, March 15th
•End Shipping Estimate: Friday, March 26th
•Street Date for Paizo Products: Wednesday, March 31st

Order advice:
↬If you need to make changes to the subscription details after the auth/order creation date, double check the changes applied to both the pending order and the subscription.
↬ If you have a licensed subscription you can choose to have it shipped as soon as possible, or with your monthly subscription shipment. This setting is available on a per subscription basis on your My Subscription page.
↬If you have questions about your individual order or subscriptions, please start a new thread.

Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The following information, including dates and expected products, is what we currently estimate and may change.

New Physical Product Releases in February
•Paizo Subscription Products•

Pathfinder Products
•Pathfinder Adventure Path: #164: Hands of the Devil (Abomination Vaults 2 of 3)
•Pathfinder Maps: —
•Pathfinder Lost Omens: Ancestry Guide
•Pathfinder Rulebooks: —
•Pathfinder Special Edition Rulebooks: —
•Pathfinder Adventures: —
•Pathfinder Accessories: —
•Pathfinder Pawns: —
•Adventure Card Game: —
•Adventure Card Game Class Decks: —

Starfinder Products
•Starfinder Adventure Path: #37: The White Glove Affair (Fly Free or Die 4 of 6)
•Starfinder Roleplaying Game: —
•Starfinder Accessories: Pawns: The Devastation Ark Pawn Collection and Starfinder Alien Character Deck
•Starfinder Maps: Flip-Tiles: Alien Planet Starter Set

•Non-subscription Paizo Products•
Flip-Mat Classics: Red Light District
Advanced Player's Guide Pocket Edition

•Subscription Products by other Publishers•
•Comics: —
•Battles: —
•Miniatures: —

•Non-subscription Products by other Publishers•
• —

•Authorization (Order Spawning) Date: Thursday, February 4th
•Begin Shipping Estimate: Monday, February 8th
•End Shipping Estimate: Friday, February 19th
•Street Date for Paizo Products: Wednesday, February 24th

Order advice:
↬If you need to make changes to the subscription details after the auth/order creation date, double check the changes applied to both the pending order and the subscription.
↬ If you have a licensed subscription you can choose to have it shipped as soon as possible, or with your monthly subscription shipment. This setting is available on a per subscription basis on your My Subscription page.
↬If you have questions about your individual order or subscriptions, please start a new thread.

Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The following information, including dates and expected products, is what we currently estimate and may change.

New Physical Product Releases in January
•Paizo Subscription Products•

Pathfinder Products
•Pathfinder Adventure Path: #163: Ruins of Gauntlight (Abomination Vaults 1 of 3)
•Pathfinder Maps: Flip-Mat: City Sites Multi-Pack
•Pathfinder Lost Omens: —
•Pathfinder Rulebooks: —
•Pathfinder Special Edition Rulebooks: —
•Pathfinder Adventures: —
•Pathfinder Accessories: Pathfinder Spell Cards: Advanced Player's Guide
•Pathfinder Pawns: —
•Adventure Card Game: —
•Adventure Card Game Class Decks: —

Starfinder Products
•Starfinder Adventure Path: #36: Professional Courtesy (Fly Free or Die 3 of 6)
•Starfinder Roleplaying Game: —
•Starfinder Accessories: Starship Operations Manual Pawn Collection
•Starfinder Maps: Flip-Mat: Planetary Atmosphere

•Non-subscription Paizo Products•
Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide Pocket Edition
Pathfinder Bestiary 2 Pocket Edition

•Subscription Products by other Publishers•
•Comics: —
•Battles: Darklands Rising and Darklands Rising Premium Figure Mengkare, Great Wyrm
•Miniatures: —

•Non-subscription Products by other Publishers•
• —

•Authorization (Order Spawning) Date: Thursday, January 7th Tuesday, January 12th
•Begin Shipping Estimate: Monday, January 11th Thursday, January 14th
•End Shipping Estimate: Friday, January 22nd
•Street Date for Paizo Products: Wednesday, January 27th

Order advice:
↬If you need to make changes to the subscription details after the auth/order creation date, double check the changes applied to both the pending order and the subscription.
↬ If you have a licensed subscription you can choose to have it shipped as soon as possible, or with your monthly subscription shipment. This setting is available on a per subscription basis on your My Subscription page.
↬If you have questions about your individual order or subscriptions, please start a new thread.

Customer Service Representative

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Removed posts and their replies.

It is not appropriate to attack personal traits of individuals or groups. Posting content for the purpose of inciting a strong reaction is trolling, and is against our community guidelines. Please avoid returning to hostile tangents and ensure you maintain a tone of respect toward fellow community members.

Thread is unlocked.

Customer Service Representative

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Thread locked while in review.

Customer Service Representative

Removed posts and their replies.

Do not personally attack others and keep your posts with a tone of respect for other thread participants. Avoid derailing threads with tangents. Do not use profanity, even using it in a way that works around the filter. When a post is removed, all replies or posts that rely on that post for context are removed. Please flag and ignore guideline breaking posts to limit content removal.

Customer Service Representative

Removed posts and their replies.

Personal attacks are the primary issue in this discussion. Personal attacks are any comment that attempts to use perceived traits of the individual to delegitimize them and especially when used to insult them, rather than focusing on their points or ideas in the discussion. All replies and conversation stemming from removed content are also removed, so please flag and ignore posts which contain personal attacks to limit content removal.

This thread is locked.

Customer Service Representative

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Removed Posts and their replies.

Please note it takes a little while for me to generate my moderation posts after removing content. I try to do this very thoughtfully. Referring to other poster's habits degradingly or insinuating bad faith on their side is a personal attack. To avoid personally attacking individuals, assess that your words are addressing their ideas and conversation contributions and not them as an individual, perceived personality traits, or make blanket statements about individuals to refute or disagree. Mocking presented ideas is also not appropriate for our forums. Posts containing a personal attack are removed in their entirety, as well as any replies quoting or referencing removed content. If you feel that a post contains inappropriate content for our forum, please flag and ignore the post in further discussion to limit extensive removal.

Customer Service Representative

Removed posts and their replies.

Personal attacks are not acceptable. Do not insult individuals regardless of your disagreements. Insinuating someone is unintelligent or dishonest because you do not agree is an attack on that individual. You are always able to discuss someone's ideas without attacking, insulting, or addressing the qualities of the person at all. Replies to removed content are removed as well, so please flag and ignore contributions that contain abusive or inflammatory language.

Customer Service Representative

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Removed posts and their replies. A chunk of tangential content was removed.

Please be conscious of the tone of your posts and avoid the use of personal attacks in discussion.

Thread is open.

Customer Service Representative

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Thread title modified and a post removed.

Content in the original title was not appropriate for our forums.

Customer Service Representative

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Removed posts and their replies.

Personal attacks are against forum guidelines. Accusing others of dishonest intentions is not a productive contribution and is a personal attack on the individual, not a discussion of the content of their contributions. Do not insult or berate individuals. Profanity, even caught in the filter, and especially weaponized against other individuals is not permissible on our forums.

Customer Service Representative

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Removed a post.

Personal attacks and name calling are not acceptable.

Customer Service Representative

Removed posts and their replies. Due to extensive conversation originating from removed posts, many replies were removed.

Please remember that this is a space for GMs to share resources for running the campaign. Some of the resources need may be advice on adjusting the reward structure or making decisions as a GM to help your players have a positive experience while playing. Ensuring everyone at your table is comfortable and having fun may look different for each group, and its important to recognize where other groups have had issues and get assistance for your own table. Let's avoid dichotomizing the discussion into camps of "you" and "people who disagree with you" because there's no need for opposition in this discussion and so GMs can have access to a community resource for this AP.

Customer Service Representative

10 people marked this as a favorite.

Removed some posts and their replies. Earlier portions of the thread are still in review.

Please refrain from personal attacks and charged arguments. Trying to delegitimize another poster with a "gotcha" statement, or weaponize your argument or theirs is not a productive way to add your ideas to the discussion. Mocking other participant's ideas because they do not align with your perception of what is best or right is not acceptable. Try not to dichotomize arguments. There's a trend to want to develop two sides and assume any contribution is meant to align with one side or the other, which allows for an unnecessarily confrontational structure. Ultimately, we are all working toward creating a better game, class, and community, so please treat other conversation participants with respect and avoid using terms like "dishonest" to berate individuals. This is a personal attack.

Customer Service Representative

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Removed posts and their responses. Due to conversation resulting from quoting removed posts, many replies were removed.

The meta discussion concerning the tone and state of the forums shows that our community has a lot of understanding of where issues reside in the culture of the community. Please remember to respect other posters, do not demean or name-call, and do not personally attack other posters. Every community member's actions impact the tone of our community, so think about how your contributions can uplift the tone of a thread and the forum as a whole. This might be flagging and ignoring guideline breaking content, or re-evaluating your approach to discussion.

This thread will remain locked.

Customer Service Representative

Hello Yerdiss,

I have fixed up this issue for you. You should now find those scenarios on your account. I'm not sure what technical issue caused it originally since we are a long time past that, but so long as the scenarios are hitting your account now, it should be fixed going forward. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hello Odnia,

It looks like one of my coworkers already got you set up with a replacement for Extinction Curse 2 of 6. However, as part of taking a look I noticed you had some orders stuck in pending. I combined all pending items into one order and gave you a discount on shipping that would equate the discount you would have received had they all shipped separately. It appears we may need an updated payment method to get the shipped out however. I have sent you a payment failure email alert. If you need any help updating the payment method, please just let me know. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hiya Steve!

Thanks for the poke on this. I was rather haphazardly trying to catch up. This should be taken care of for you. If there's anything else we can help with please let us know. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hello Yoshua,

Katina let us know that she got back to you elsewhere, but for posterity stake the site will not display the Pathfinder Battles subscriber discount on the product pages, but will reflect this price in your cart.

Customer Service Representative

Hello Aaron,

It looks like a technical issue was causing the delay with both of those books for you. I have fixed it up and sent you a confirmation email for an order that is going to ship you both books promptly. I gave you free shipping on the order for the delay! Thank you for your patience and if you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hello Alex,

I have canceled the requested order. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hello vagrant-poet,

I have canceled the requested subscription. You should soon receive an email confirming this change to your account. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hello MetalVictini,

I have canceled the requested subscription. This will also cancel the most recently generated item from the subscription. You should soon receive an email confirming this change to your account. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hello DeadOrc,

I have canceled the requested subscription. This will also cancel the most recently generated item for the subscription. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hello Haladir,

I have canceled the requested subscriptions. You should soon receive an email confirming this change to your account. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hello Lysanders,

I have canceled your subscriptions. This will also cancel the recently generated pending items. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello th3razzer,

I have canceled all of your subscriptions. Those are totally understandable issues with the current system. I hope that the PDFs work for everything you need to keep playing and enjoying the content. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hello wlsmith,

I'm sorry that we didn't get to canceling this order in time for you. It looks like your order shipped and the PDF should be on your account. I took a look for an additional PDF purchase I could refund for you, but I couldn't find one. If you did purchase the PDF separately and have that order number, we'd of course help you reverse that so you don't pay for your free PDF.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hello malnourish,

It looks like the SE rulebook got sent out before the cancelation. I hope this is okay. If not, please let us know if we can help you process a return. It certainly looks like we had a technical issue holding up the Agents of Edgewatch books. I have canceled teh two subscriptions and you will not be charged or ship the pending volumes. You should be good to get the PDFs if that is your plan now.

if you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hello Olwen,

I have canceled the Core Rulebook that did get put in your sidecart. In case you were still curious and didn't see, the shipping price looks like it would be $54.54 to ship the core rulebook. If you do want it reinstated for any reason, please let us know. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hello MofoMojo,

It looks like we took care of canceling this last week. If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hello WarlordMace,

That item has been canceled for you. Any authorizations placed on the funds should be released. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hello TheGMSource,

I have canceled the requested subscriptions. You should soon receive an email confirming this change to your account. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hello Anunnaki,

I'm sorry about that! I have canceled your subscriptions. You should soon receive an email confirming this change to your account. I noticed you still have some items pending in order 7791542. Are you still interested in receiving the remaining items, of should I cancel the remaining items as well? Please let us know! Thank you.

Customer Service Representative

Hello PiP_,

It looks like we got this order canceled for you on the 6th! If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hello arcaneArtist,

I have canceled the requested order. You will not be charged for the physical book. You can purchase the PDF version in a new order. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hello Terminalmancer,

I have canceled the requested subscriptions. You should soon receive an email confirming this change to your account. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hello superhorse,

I have removed the requested item from your sidecart. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hello Creasy Bear,

I know I would personally love to have accommodations for accessibility for all players! I know many of us at Paizo have that same passion. While I personally don't have any knowledge on what this would take or an action plan to pass on, I will certainly pass on this feedback to the channels that are more effective! Thank you so much for your support and consideration for the game and its players.

Customer Service Representative

Hello Mikal,

It looks like Joan got this fixed up for you but it still hasn't shipped yet. I got in contact with our warehouse so they know to prioritize it since this has been a long wait for you. It should ship very soon! Thank you!

Customer Service Representative

Hello DM Swan,

Based on what I'm seeing form the shipping data, that appears to be the cheapest way we could ship that combination of items. It seems like a situation where the addition of the GM Screen in the package would have pushed the weight into a more expensive category, making it about $2 cheaper overall to ship it separately. I hope everything reached you successfully. If you have any ongoing questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

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