Cutest Monster in Pathfinder

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Silver Crusade

Queen of Leshys wrote:
Rysky wrote:
donato wrote:


Forgive me, Leshies ;_;

You are forgiven :)

Also, I approve of this thread.



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Gisher wrote:

thats what they're called! thankyou xD

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The godling looks around in stunned disbelief at the gathered group.
"Uh. Gerbies. You know. Gerbies. From Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The First World - Realm of the Fey?! GERBIES!!"

Silver Crusade

Yep, they're adorable :3

The Ximtal Sahkil is actually the cutest. Those whiskers are adoooooorable!!!

Nixie, brownie, leshies, flumph, faerie dragon, pipefox, and catfolk(B3) come to mind.

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It's like a snek but fluffy.

Clockwork Spy.

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Klorox wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Flumphs, Pipefoxes, Gerbie, Goblins, those are just the ones off the top of my head.
I can't believe fluphs made it into the PF bestiaries... never understood how they made it into the original Fiend Folio either, that book should have reprinted the scenarios where the monsters appeared... give them context and significance.

You should check out Misfit Monsters Revisited.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


And faerie dragons, which I am currently partial to thanks to Hell's Rebels. A faerie dragon in a tiny masquerade mask and suit is probably one of the cutest things you'll ever see.

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The Drakainia is cute in a kind of maternal way. I just want to hug her.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Goblins (psychotic little menaces that they are)
Ysoki/Ratfolk (I like rats.)
Cacodaemons (what can I say, they remind me a bit of my dog)

Aurumvorax needs a mention somewhere. It gives you the best (and probably last) hug of your life!

Reckless wrote:

Baby Owlbears*, as in YOL(b)O(You Obviously Love (baby) Owlbears)

*As featured in Talented Bestiary

Also featured in the Baby Bestiary Volume 1.

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My vote's for baby chimeras.

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Soulbound doll

Sangudaemon. So shiny! It's like a cherry red kid's fire truck for sucking souls down to be devoured and denied their eternal fate.

Also soulbound doll, carbuncle, coral capuchin, apallie, ovinnik, and, ramidreju

Silver Crusade

Plausible Pseudonym wrote:
Sangudaemon. So shiny! It's like a cherry red kid's fire truck for sucking souls down to be devoured and denied their eternal fate.

The Sangudaemon in one of the Tales got pretty adorable when it got drunk.

"I just hated you 5 seconds ago, why you gotta go and be all cute now?"

Dark Archive

Domovoi- tiny old man fey that love food.
Pyrausta- bless them and their little fire hearts.
Apallie-he's just a little ooze that wants to be loved by his creator.
the leshys-nuff said
Slithering pits-I'm probably just weird for this one, but I want to hug one. No idea how I might do that, though.

Apallie are kewl
Also what are those little fey guys that do farming and carry corn around?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I gotta go fey mount all the way.


Dark Archive

@chromatic dragon- fastachee.

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Goblins. Definitely goblins.

For certain values of "cute", of course.

The Al-Miraz.


I would say leshies and the pipefox

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The mini-dragons - pseudo-, faerie etc. I may have been exposed to a number of Anne McCaffrey's books at an impressionable age.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The Dandy Lion wrote:

Ironfang Book 5 has Corgi mounts, so that's pretty up there.

Most Fey are, for me. Mockingfey in particular because tiny imitations of players making rude gestures is wonderful.

Gotta go with the leshys, poppets, and fey mounts.

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Ankheg. Just look at me!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Seriously, just listen to the little guy go "I'm a monster! Rawr!"


Shadow Lodge

The Dandy Lion wrote:
Ironfang Book 5 has Corgi mounts, so that's pretty up there.

They make for a very plush ride.


We are the real monsters.

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