Chyrone |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
102. At a museum/great hall:
GM: statues of huge dinosaurs (or something else scary and strong) decorate a hall.
[Insert # of statues]The team heads to another room to investigate.
PC: Right, now to investigate the other room.GM: Coming back to the hall with the [insert # -1] statues, you take a turn left to the other room.
PC: Wait, don't you mean [# statues]?
GM: I said [# -1]
Bold has happened recently, the room featured 4 statues of eldritch depictions, yet when they re-entered the room, and i said "3 statues"...not a reaction was given.
Youtube's cinemasins would give a big sin for PCs not being alert.
Heck, i'll do so right now.
(Sin counter +1)
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Zhayne wrote:I kind of love screwing with old-timer's assumptions.
"One kobold? Feh, I won't even break a sweat."
... one 12th level kobold sorcerer, that is ...1 15th level cavalier
50 1st level sorceror kobolds with surprise and magic missle
Buh bye Cavalier!
My current group's ex-DM once had 100 kobolds attack the party with 100 wands of magic missile with 1 charge each.
I did mention he was the ex-DM, right?
quibblemuch |
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quibblemuch wrote:Unless they use it to run away from you, denying you precious treasure and XP.Chyrone wrote:102. The monsters all know dimension door.See, that's just a convenience. Saves me the trouble of having to chase all over the complex to murderhobo them one at a time...
Oh f---.
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
Chyrone wrote:102. The monsters all know dimension door.See, that's just a convenience. Saves me the trouble of having to chase all over the complex to murderhobo them one at a time...
Plus Quicken Spell-like Ability and couple levels of fighter to get bonus feats on the Dimensional Agility feat chain....
Poldaran |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Inform them that when the new campaign starts you'll be using the Sanity Rules from "Horror Adventures".
My buddy is toying with using those for when he runs a Carrion Crown for us early next year.
Already at a 10 point buy, required drawback, 3 players(used to having 4 PCs), full encumbrance(none of our convenience house rules, really) and likely moderately limited access to gear customization. And he's a bit of a killer GM.
So I was so far past "OH F-" that it didn't even faze me at this point. :P
Magabeus |
Overconfident PCs ignore the warning on a red button.GM: After pushing the [Do not push] button, the room's door opens, and its interior is dark.
PC: I cast light.GM: You now see why this button was to be left alone.
Monster turns out to be a demi-lich.
What happend to GM: "it is still dark"?
Poldaran |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
What surprises me is that at this point, he hasn't yet crossed into being former DM...
This is the "hardcore" campaign experiment. He's normally not nearly this bad.
I mean, he let me build a fleet of helicopters to take on Hook Mountain, after all.
So, we're humoring him.
I'm just waiting for:
102)"Due to the effects of a certain previous PC, all the goblins attacking your doomed hometown have managed to acquire semtex."
Chyrone |
GM: This room of the castle is adorned with tapestries and a round table.
Standing at two of the chairs are two solid looking (sounds like) wite knights.
PC: Good day guys, we are here to help the castle.
*Walks up to them, hand stretched out for a handshake, and rolls epic diplomacy*
GM: They raise their swords at your approach and make motion to attack.
PC: Wait, what? Is my check not high enough or something?
GM: You assumed i was talking about their outfits. I'm talking Wight-Knights.
Azten |
GM: This room of the castle is adorned with tapestries and a round table.
Standing at two of the chairs are two solid looking (sounds like) wite knights.
PC: Good day guys, we are here to help the castle.
*Walks up to them, hand stretched out for a handshake, and rolls epic diplomacy*
GM: They raise their swords at your approach and make motion to attack.
PC: Wait, what? Is my check not high enough or something?
GM: You assumed i was talking about their outfits. I'm talking Wight-Knights.
Or worse, they shake his hand and then attack him.
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
Malefactor |
what's that latter one about?
Probably either Shining Children (of Thassilon), or possibly Lurkers in the Light. Pictures of them here, and here.
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
Loren Pechtel |
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GM: Blocking the entrance to the cave is a large roc.
PC: I move it aside! *goes to roll strength check*
GM: It wakes up and screeches angrily. Roll initiative.
PC: Wait, what? Was it an earth elemental or something?
GM: You assumed that there was a K at the end of "roc".
Why is this getting upvoted?
Deceiving the PCs is fair game. Deceiving the players like this is not. No PC would have proceeded to shove away a bird thinking it was a stone.
DungeonmasterCal |
In my opinion what the GM did was totally unfair to the players. Anyone could see the difference between a great big boulder and a bloody huge bird. I'm all about tricking the players when it MAKES SENSE to do so, but it has to be fair to the them and to enhance the story. But not describing the creature and just saying the word "roc" was pretty underhanded, IMHO.
The Mad Comrade |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
In my opinion what the GM did was totally unfair to the players. Anyone could see the difference between a great big boulder and a bloody huge bird. I'm all about tricking the players when it MAKES SENSE to do so, but it has to be fair to the them and to enhance the story. But not describing the creature and just saying the word "roc" was pretty underhanded, IMHO.
It would be unless they acted immediately, such as ....
(GM) "Blocking the entrance to the cave is a large roc ..."
(Player interjects) "I move it aside!" *grabs d20 to attempt a Strength check*
In this case, a version of KoDT's "Gazebo Effect".
In the posted example, a bit of a hosejob. :)