Now Starfinder hasn't officially been played yet. This gives a unique opportunity, since this means no PC's have died.
What is the first cause of a PC death going to be?
1. Messing up an Engineering Check for Ship Combat
Death by goblin... or if I'm feeling cynical, by GM fiat.
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3. Sadistic tar-monster on an otherwise-abandoned planet.
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I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote: 3. Sadistic tar-monster on an otherwise-abandoned planet. poor poor tasha
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4. "What does this button do?"
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Party caster's insistence on a crossbow as backup weapon proves inadequate.
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Going outside for a smoke - while in transit between planets.
The PCs themselves, or is it too broad?
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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Starship lands on top of the entire adventuring party...first 13 seconds of the game.
9. Parties used to fighting monstrous looking creatures start attacking Vesk on sight.
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MageHunter wrote: 9. Parties used to fighting monstrous looking creatures start attacking Vesk on sight. 10. Vesk used to fighting adventuring parties start attacking player characters on sight.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Enemy Teleport Room engineer teleports the PC's life support systems straight out into space. Not much good out there.
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I am happy to say that I have met the man who had the first ever Starfinder death in the playtest.
It was during a space battle, he charged a much larger ship in his fighter and was blown to bits.
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Choked to death because the Dark Lord found his lack of faith disturbing.
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Pet rust monsters on a spaceship are a bad idea? who knew.
"Gah! Smells like wet ratfolk in here. Let me open a window."
Leave spacedock without working tractor beam emitters on your first day as captain; you lose the most famous Admiral in fleet history.
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Friend Computer brings the party together for a briefing about a mission to hunt down mutants, members of secret societies, and other traitors. Before the briefing even begins, some of the party members figure out that their fellow party members are just the sort of traitors that they should be hunting down and they all kill one another in a bloody shootout.
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thecursor wrote: I am happy to say that I have met the man who had the first ever Starfinder death in the playtest.
It was during a space battle, he charged a much larger ship in his fighter and was blown to bits.
This is correct. It happened last GenCon. However, I believe the ship exploding and killing him had been in error, since it had only taken enough damage to disable it, not blow it up. Nonetheless, it's much more epic for him to be the first death of Starfinder, and it stood at the table!
Mark Seifter wrote:
This is correct. It happened last GenCon. However, I believe the ship exploding and killing him had been in error, since it had only taken enough damage to disable it, not blow it up. Nonetheless, it's much more epic for him to be the first death of Starfinder, and it stood at the table!
Well if I had the chance to be the first dead PC of an entire game system I would take it. His name hangs upon the memorial wall of spacefarers everywhere. He's actually our Venture Captain here in Baton Rouge.
kaid wrote: Pet rust monsters on a spaceship are a bad idea? who knew. "No! Bad Fifi! That's the life support system!"
Who cares? We'll never know. Whoever plays the first game I suppose.
thecursor wrote: I am happy to say that I have met the man who had the first ever Starfinder death in the playtest. I figured it must have happened already
Even greater will be the first Starfinder TPK
I foresee the cause being GM enraged by powergaming and rules-lawyering players
Planets fall. Everybody dies.
Obviously goblins. And fire. And explosive decompression.
But mostly goblins, which will be embarrassing.
Rocks fall and everyone dies will turn into:
You run out of fuel
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
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The Raven Black wrote: thecursor wrote: I am happy to say that I have met the man who had the first ever Starfinder death in the playtest. I figured it must have happened already
Even greater will be the first Starfinder TPK
I foresee the cause being GM enraged by powergaming and rules-lawyering players
Planets fall. Everybody dies. Decree a false vacuum meta-stability event. Everything in the universe explodes at the speed of light. Campaign over.
Stupidity. It's always the leading cause of death.
Asked Triune "Would you like to play a game?"
The pact worlds descended into nuclear war.
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JTD wrote: Starship lands on top of the entire adventuring party...first 13 seconds of the game. I want to use this as an adventure hook for a group and have them prepare 2 characters. First group goes out to adventure, maybe does a quick encounter or two and then BHAM! Starship lands on them, introducing their 2nd characters :P
Play Paranoia by any chance?
I love that the first death is a ship blowing up. There's something just... right about that lol
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I was kind of expecting the first death to look like this.
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