Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Am I the only one who's fuzzy on how it all works? Do I need to add the products I don't "start with" to my cart? Where will the option be to pick everything up at GenCon? I'll always just be charged whenever a product is released? Is there a schedule that will let me know when that will happen? I did read the FAQ, but don't feel it answered these questions. EDIT: Also, why are all the SFS materials PDF? ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Just so you know, Archmage, you've saved my free RPG day! Sample character sheets! I had no idea! ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Torbyne wrote:
Excellent advice. I'd actually enjoy that quite a bit. Thanks! ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() wyliepalmer wrote:
Exactly. I'm afraid I'm a bit disappointed. Not to judge Paizo or their workload, or how complete things were at the time the content of First Encounter was decided, but I have no idea what to do with it. I don't have the time to convert the monsters to PF and become familiar enough with a module to make them work, but I've volunteered to "run" SF at my local store's FRPGD event. (That may sound like a cop out, but I'm 38 years old with 5 kids, working full time and taking 4 credit college classes. I don't have the time). I was really hoping for something to run with, but all I can do is show interested and excited folks some monsters, one of which is a space goblin? They're going to be more disappointed than I am. Maybe I should try to pass the gauntlet. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() My first character's background includes a deep hatred of the Ysoki, as he was embroiled in conflict with a Ysoki gang which ended very badly for him and his best/only friend. Can't wait to see how that gets handled ;) Not quite the same as simple disgust with rats in general, though. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() W E Ray wrote: I have an event that conflicts with this seminar but I'm excited to hear about it. I'll just have to get it second-hand. Same here, dangit! I'm agonizing over whether to go to the seminar (which is now scheduled for Saturday at 4PM) or to the Gamers premier. Anywho, if you haven't checked out the Kingmaker Kickstarter, you should! ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Fardragon wrote:
"Computer, is there a replacement beryllium sphere on board?" ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() TL being Target Lock would make sense in the defensive block if it's the DC for acquiring a lock on it. (Duh on me if this was obvious to everyone else...) Critical Threshold does make sense and was indeed in the playtest video, as was shield function. DT I don't recall, but Damage Threshold also makes sense. It could represent the hull strength of larger vessels, sort of like a DR rating. But then what good is "mk 2 armor" if it provides none? I also wonder if the "Modifiers" are the ship's innate skill ratings, perhaps for an auto-pilot or some such. For the "CREW" stats, could that mean that the pilot gets a +7 to computers if they have at least one rank in it already, and +11 to Piloting if they have one rank in it? That makes sense to me given the maneuverability rating and the ship's write-up. And the Pilot gets +5 to their gunnery skill with no prereq's... ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() :o Holy crap I'm shaking in my space-boots! Ship stats! Geek Dad wrote:
OKokok does anyone know what TL, DT or CT are? What's the significance of the PCU rating? How is power consumed? How are the "Modifiers" applied? What do the "CREW" stats (and X ranks) mean? Does "perfect (turn 0)" mean the ship can turn with every hex it moves through? IS IT AUGUST YET?! How 'bout now?... ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Vic Wertz wrote:
Thanks for the warm fuzzy! This will be my first time, and my wish list is currently slotted almost exclusively with SF events! Partly because I'm a little overwhelmed with all the other options and figure it's a good focus, but mostly because I CAN'T FREAKING WAIT FOR THIS GAME!!! ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() This'll be my first GenCon as well, but I'm not awesome enough to attempt volunteering. You guys are crazy and awesome! I'll be there Thurs-Sat. Here's my wish list so far. Things are redundant to ensure I get a spot. Starfinder Society: Quest Pack #1:Into the Unknown Thursday 8:00 AM 5 hrs
Starfinder Society: #1-00: Claim to Salvation Friday 8:00 AM 5 hrs
Hickman's Killer Breakfast Saturday 9:00 AM 2 hrs
Mostly SF, obviously, with some Shadowrun and board gaming for variety and finishing off the trip with a comedy Saturday. By the way, if you haven't seen The Gamers or their related series, you are missing out! ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Jason Mosher wrote: So do the "Into the Unknown" events include all the scenarios listed as "1-0X?" Or is it something distinct? So that's a "no, they do not?" And as a follow-up, then, is that five hour time frame realistic, or exaggerated? That's a hell of a lot of time to commit to SF for a first-time GenCon'er. Not that I mind, I suppose, it just seems excessive. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() LEPLEY wrote: I agree, as someone who plays all the PACGs, having an STARFINDER card game at launch or close to it would do wonders. It would give people a change to get in on the ground floor, open up new territory for new mechanics, and it could be a crossover if it was like IORN GODS adventure path. You would get the new starfinder fans on board AND those that do the current adventure paths or play the current fantasy themed PACGs. Agreed. I've been poking away at the Runelords card game for a couple years now, and don't know if I'll get into the other sets, being so behind. It's the same for me with Android: Netrunner. I got the core deck and love it, but there are so many expansions it's rediculous and I'm never going to buy any. Lo and behold, Terminal Directive was just released this month, which introduces a campaign to the game and works with just the core deck. I'm all in. A Starfinder card game could have the same effect with Pathfinder card game fans. It certainly would with me, just as with StarFinder itself. I'm never going to expand my Pathfinder source collection past the three or four books I have now, but getting in on the ground floor of StarFinder and looking forward to its much more managable release schedule ensures I'll be a subscriber. Do that with the card game and you'll hook all the others like me. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() JakBlitz wrote:
[sheepish]Well, there is that.[/sheepish] It does still seem that the more info is released the more differences come to light, and the correlation of rules, classes, and mechanics becomes more removed. Yet attempts at direct comparison thereof persist. Again, no offense to the OP, but no, it appears we cannot "just shove [Pathfinder mechanics/classes/creatures/whatever] into this game," (even though yes, the PF core races and some conversion methods are included), or even make relatively direct comparisons between them and SF's. Some things are just completely different; even though the two are related historically, they are not necessarily mechanically. I hope that makes more sense. The Starfinder flavor text is just that. It's a sales pitch meant to attract us PF fans, not to indicate that SF is a direct port of PF "in space." I'll repeat, it seems that the sooner one gets that idea, the better off they'll be in accepting those differences. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Mr Jade wrote:
There are an awful lot of people here who are having a very hard time coming to grips with the fact that Starfinder =/= Pathfinder. The sooner you do so, the better off you'll be. At least that's what I'm getting from what little Paizo is actually saying, and more so as more information about the game is released. SF is not PF, is not meant to "expand" PF, or even be an eventual continuation of PF. It is an entirely separate, unique game that just happens to be set in the same universe as PF, with little to no correlation to PF otherwise. That's the very reason for "The Gap;" to maintain absolute isolation between the two games while preventing the one from invalidating or overtly influencing the other. In other words, to isolate SF from PF as much as possible. That's how I'm approaching it in the meta, as it were. Edit: What I mean by "what little Paizo is saying" is that I wish someone from Paizo would come out and say what I just said. I wish people would stop making speculative comparisons and treat the two as mostly unrelated. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() I feel like this was overlooked in the Elf conversation...
I wrote:
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() orphicblue wrote:
Andrew Mullen wrote:
Where were you guys in the Navasi thread debacle?! Awesome. Archmage Variel wrote: If the problem is that there has been a change to elves being more isolationist, I would argue that this is not the case. The elves in Pathfinder have largely been described as traditionally adopting an "isolationist" policy. However, in Pathfinder this policy is described as having had negitive impacts on the Elven communities, leading some Elven enclaves to break from their long held isolationist traditions. This reasoning helped to establish reasoning for elves existing as a prominent and core race, while retaining the flavor of elves as holding slight biases and high opinions of Elven tradition and superiority. The only break from this was the forlorn. The forlorn allowed Elven players to break from the Elven archetype of the haughty and naive mage/archer trope to that of a more solem and worldly adventurer. One who understands death and the consequences of time as they apply to the shorter lived races. Forlorn have known true loss. They have formed attachments as most elves would loathe to do, and they have payed the price for their experiences. In this way, Pathfinder was able to both maintain the trope, while allowing for a diverse range of character options. The elves of Starfinder need reason to no longer apply as such a core race to the Starfinder setting, but need to have been made so in such a way that a player can still feel that an elf in the wider setting of Starfinder can feel attached to the setting. I believe the forlorn of Starfinder fill that niche perfectly. They give the opportunity to represent a facet of Elven role play that plays off of their own personal perceptions of the wider universe, as well as the perceptions that their own race holds for them. How does a native Castrovelian elf see a forlorn adventurer. If such an adventurer can beat the solem knowledge that they will inevitably see their party die, would that be a success, or a willful acceptance ones of fate? I think Starfinder forlorn especially seem to be a brilliant race to role play off of. Think of the implications of the Forlorn on what will eventually become Elven culture. It seems likely that if they are the rebellious youth of the native, enclaved, xenophobic Castrovelian Elves then they may eventually outnumber those predecessors. What's more, they will likely become the SF universes representation of the Elves. They will not be xenophobic or isolationist, or likely even so superior, given how much they will have needed to depend on all the other, more numerous races that have comprised the crews they've worked with. They'd be the Chewbacca's of the SF universe. The isolated Elves on Castrovel will become their backwards, antediluvian ancestors. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() I've seen this mentioned elsewhere, and the short answer is no, you need not be concerned. I'm going too and plan to be there Thursday morning. Seems like that'd be the best time to be absolutely certain, but again it's ostensibly unnecessary. The question of picking up preorders at GenCon is as of yet unresolved, but also another discussion somewhere around here. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() thecursor wrote: The point is: Alien Archive entries need to double as both a bestiary as well as an Advanced Race Guide because it's very much a Science Fiction/Fantasy trope that there's a huge diverse universe out there. Thank you for getting this thread back on track. Good Lord. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Bill Dunn wrote:
Another argument for separate tech skills, this time directly applied to the thread topic. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Odraude wrote:
I can't disagree. Perhaps there could be room for something like the "etiquette" mechanic in Shadowrun to deal with that particular issue, where a character specializes in particular social/cultural/academic areas. It's used in Shadowrun for social interactions, but it could be applied to reflect the kind of refined knowledge required as it pertains here. It'd be more of a feat than a skill, which in our conversation also seems to make sense. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() I agree with the obsolescence of knowledge skills in any setting in or post-information age. What should be abstracted for stealth should also be abstracted for knowledge, but the use of tech should be more rationalized. As I posted elsewhere, technology-based skills should replace knowledge skills IMHO. Each character in any space opera or sci-fi story had their areas of technical expertise, and that should be translated into SF. Instead of the generic "computers" checks we saw in the playtest video, there should be "Computers: Security; Engineering; Science; Communications; Databases; AI; etc." Again, IMO, this should be the impact of technology on game mechanics. Hell, if this isn't the case I may house rule it. It just makes sense. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() How much does tech hurt stealth in Traveller? SWRPG? Shadowrun? Hell, how much did tech hurt stealth in Star Wars? Stargate? The Fifth Element? Ghost in the Shell? All had their caveats, and all could be eviscerated from this perspective. All of your points would be valid in the realities of any sci-fi universe, but fortunately for Sneaky McSneak, neither Star Finder nor any of the other universes just mentioned are reality, and the arguments of reality don't need to apply. I would assume stealth still functions as stealth, just as it would in any other sci-fi setting. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Anyone but me love poking around the web for screensaver images? Have any that you think could inspire a SF character or setting? I came across this one today:
And this one has inspired what I'd like to be my first character:
Don't suppose there's a way to insert images in the forum? I don't see anything on how to do so...Image preview extensions work, at least... ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() MMCJawa wrote:
I am a complete n00b here, and this made me laugh. It seems to be the MO of a significant percentage of this community. Throw in the propensity to compare every piece of information released to how it compares to PF and that percentage triples. Jawa just made the most sense I've seen here to date. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() I instantly thought of this thread when I saw this! ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Torbyne wrote: Wouldnt a ship's life support going down still leave you with several hours of breathable air before CO2/O2 balance got bad enough to affect crew? As for power while i would expect a lot of power is being used in combat, are there any batteries or capacitors in use or is the full power draw coming straight from a generator to the guns? (Or if you want to get Trekkie with it, straight from the generator to the navigator's console and then out to circuit breakers and sub systems) In that case, and to make this a circular argument, what's the point of having critical hits damage critical systems? Crits should have consequences. Why am I apparently the only one who thinks this is so? ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Torbyne wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:
Those both make a heck of a lot of sense. Torbyne wrote: As a means of making exploration more exciting and dangerous though I would actually like it if FTL between systems was more difficult or not even possible. Indeed. I don't imagine it would be a stretch for a ship's communications suite to become damaged enough to achieve this. Speaking of which, I couldn't help but notice the GM's dismissal of critical damage to ship subsystems in the space combat demo video. Things like power and life support systems "glitching" seemed to have no effect whatsoever on subsequent rounds. It seems to me that the impact of such damage could be quite significant. It'd be easy to roll %'s for the resulting effects based on how many times a system has been affected by critical damage, but are there going to be rules for this? Say one critical multiplier = "Glitching:" 25% chance of inoperability/round; two multipliers = "Damaged:" 50% chance of failure lasting d4 rounds; three = "Failing:" 75% of permanent failure; four = "Destroyed." Every step would increase the repair check DC by say 2, and every successful repair could restore the system's operation and lower the multiplier effects by 1. Except for "destroyed," of course. For anyone who missed it, here's the demo.