Minor Magic items


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I need a bunch of Ideas of Items imbued with extremely minor magical effects and the like. I have a couple so far as examples:

Silver Brush, +1 diplomacy for an hour after 15 minutes brushing hair
Symbol of the royal family on the back

Cloak of Family, +1 to all saves for every person related to wearer within 30ft
A worn Red cloak, faintly warm

Silver Ring, Know condition of matching ring
Inscribed with "For my love, Elaina"

Gold Ring, Know condition of matching ring
Inscribed with "Forever yours, Theodore"


This is to fill a ruined city with more "Life" and things for the party to find, Thanks in advanced

A fireplace poker that can ignite easily flammable materials by touch.

Self heating teakettle.

An outfit of noble quality clothing for a child, and a pendant with a matching noble crest. The wearer of the pendant gains an empathic sense of the wearer of the clothing's location and well being.

A smoking pipe that neutrzlizes the aroma of whatever burns in it.

An enchanted workshop for carpentry, smithing, brewing or the like. Grants a +5 bonus to the appropriate craft skill, but requires the entire shop to funtion.

a misplaced item finder. Think to this of an item you had on your person within X hours and it shows you where you placed it.
Does nothing for you if someone else moved the item since then, but a fun item for the forgetful grandparent.

Cloak of Prestidigitation. +2 on perform(grand entrance checks). Always flaps in non existent breezes

Ring of Detect fire. Range touch

Forgotten Cookpot. Food left inside will never burn reguardless of how long it is left over the fire

Traveler's Robe. Self cleaning and repairing robe

Neverful Mug. Nonmagical liquids put in slowly disappear

A cash box which drops coins into a buried safe, then teleports them out at sundown each day.

A mirror which shows images reflected in it with a one minute delay.

Dolls which perform some preprogrammed behaviour on command.

A book which preserves flowers and leaves pressed in it perfectly.

An animated painting.

A glass which turns any alcoholic liquid in it into an identical-looking non-alcoholic drink.

A knife that toasts bread as it slices it.

Magical Royal's Outfit: Am enchanted Royal Outfit that uses a combination of 'mending' and 'prestidigitation' to keep the clothing clean, fixed, SIZED perfectly, and allows the wearer to change the colors of the outfit at will.

Ring of Prestidigitation: A magic Ring that allows the wearer to use Prestidigitation at will, no limitation of use through out the day.

Gloves of 'Wheres my Beer': A set of gloves enchanted with 'Mage's Hand', usually used by lazy people to grab small objects instead of walking.

Musicians Baton: A magical baton enchanted with 'Ghost Sound' that allows the user to create what ever sound(s) they wish, based on perform checks.

Goblet of Poison Detection: A magical goblet/cup that changes color when there is poison in the cup. What counts as a poison (is alcohol a poison?) is up to the GM.

Magic Detector: A magical 'Divining Rod' that glows when pointed towards magic items. Pointing towards an item and being closer will make the 'rod' glow with more or less intensity.

Magic Quill: a magic quill/pen/etc enchanted with 'arcane mark'. A writing tool that does not need INK!

Shovel of find traps

A salt shaker that changes the flavor of food to whatever you want it to taste like.

Everdamp Rag - this piece of cloth is continuously wet. As a standard action, it can be draped over an object or willing creature to soak it with water as the drench spell.

The Exchange

Dastis wrote:
Forgotten Cookpot. Food left inside will never burn reguardless of how long it is left over the fire.

Where can I get one of these?!

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Book of Many Topics
Book is blank on most of it's pages. Whenever the user would make a knowledge check, they may consult a blank page in the book for assistance. The page becomes filled with information about the topic and provides a +2 circumstance bonus to knowledge checks on that topic to all future readers. Many copies of this book exist, most of which are already filled cover-to-cover with an eclectic assortment topics. Finding a fresh copy could be quite valuable.

A tiny Coffee Golem.

A set of paint brushes that don't need paint, each having its own color, that will color an object touched as per Prestidigitation.

A cold stone used to keep food fresh in the inn.

A feast table that purifies any food or drink set upon it.

A podium or lectern that clearly amplifies the voice of whkever stands behind it to fill a large hall.

A pair of matched duelling swords that convert any damage inflicted on tbe wielder fo the other sword to nonlethal.

Shadow Lodge

Comb of Colours: If you visualize a colour while brushing hair with this comb, the lock of hair current brushed changes to match that colour. Extended brushing can colour the entire head of hair, or you can just add accents. Provides a +1 bonus to disguise checks.

Tidy Handkerchief: Perfectly cleans small messes without becoming dirty itself (as prestidigitation).

You might also check out the useless magic items thread - most of the responses there are silly but some are not entirely useless.

I'll be coming back to this thread for my own ruined town! How much would the bulk of these items be worth?

Gimme a minute and i'll give a rough estimate, need to do this anyway.

Most of them are based off cantrips, with the occasional 1st level spell and one of mine uses a 1/day 2nd level spell (apport object).

Shadow Lodge

There's a bit of range in usefulness in "based off cantrips," though. Something that duplicates a very specific function of prestidigitation like flavouring food is not as useful as actually casting prestidigitation, and not all cantrips are equally useful.

I'd say about 100gp for the items that just make life slightly easier in very specific ways. Ones that do actually duplicate spells should be a bit more. Maybe 300 for the Everdamp Rag, 700 for the Goblet of Poison Detection, 1000 for the Ring of Prestidigitation.

Okay, this has gotten ridiculous...

So i used the magic item creation rules to find the costs of each Item, by finding what spell would best fit each, then running the numbers.

It gets stupidly expensive, and most items could probably be reduced by a factor of ten realistically. If someone could double-check me and find a more reasonable price, i would be happy. Keep in mind these are the MINIMUM and not including item cost, just magic cost

Silver Brush - (Skill bonus (competence) Bonus squared × 100 gp)
100 gp

Cloak of Family - (Save bonus (resistance) Bonus squared × 1,000 gp)
1000 gp

Matching Rings - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Status spell) 12000 gp

Fire Poker - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Spark spell) 1000 gp

Auto Kettle - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Heat Metal spell) 12000 gp

Watchers Pendant and Outfit - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Status spell) 12000 gp

No-smell Pipe - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Negate Aroma) 2000 gp

Crafting Station - (Skill bonus (competence) Bonus squared × 100 gp) 2500 gp

Memory Cube - (Command word Spell level × caster level × 1,800 gp) (Locate Object spell) 10500 gp

Special Effects Cloak - (Skill bonus (competence) Bonus squared × 100 gp) 400 gp

Ring of Fire Detect - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Detect Magic spell - Modified) 1000 gp

Extra Handed Pot - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Purify food and drink spell) 1000 gp

Quicke Robe - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Prestidigitation) 1000 gp

Neverful Mug - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Create Water spell - Modified) 1000 gp

Safe of Money Protection (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Secret Chest spell) 90000 gp

Mirror of Past Image - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Silent Image spell) 1000 gp

Talking Tina - (Command word Spell level × caster level × 1,800 gp) (Prestidigitation spell) 900 gp

Hobbyist's Book - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Gentle Repose + Prestidigitation spell) 13000 gp

Active Painting - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Silent Image) 1000g gp

Underage Glass - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Purify food and drink spell - Modified) 1000 gp

Toastin' Knife - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Heat Metal spell) 12000 gp

Suit of Looking Fly - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Prestidigitation spell) 1000 gp

Magician's Ring - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Prestidigitation spell) 1000 gp

Gloves of Sloth - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Mage's Hand spell) 2000 gp

Baton of the Maestro - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Ghost Sound spell) 2000 gp

Goblet of Meddling Kids - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Prestidigitation spell) 1000 gp

Blind Mage's cane - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Detect Magic spell) 1000 gp

Never-out quill - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Prestidigitation spell) 1000 gp

Dirty rat's spade - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Find traps spell) 12000 gp

Flavor shaker - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Prestidigitation spell) 1000 gp

Moist Towelette - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Drench spell) 1000 gp

Book of Trivial Facts - (Skill bonus (competence) Bonus squared × 100 gp) 400 gp

Kaffine construct - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Prestidigitation spell) 1000 gp

Rainbow Brushes - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Prestidigitation spell) 1000 gp

Ever-cool rock - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Chill Metal spell) 12000 gp

Table of Long feasts - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Purify food and water spell) 1000 gp

Podium of Auditory volume - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Ghost Sound) 1000 gp

Dueling Blades - Couldn't find something other that the "Merciful spell" metamagic feat so just make these both Merciful weapons and half the price?

Comb of Accessorizing - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Prestidigitation) 1000 gp

Bartender's Friend - (Use-activated or continuous Spell level × caster level × 2,000 gp) (Prestidigitation) 1000 gp

Total - 216800 gp + dueling sword cost

I'm actually kinda amazed at the mileage one can get for a level zero spell (Prestidigitation). But again, these prices seem ridiculous...

Any one else wanna take a crack at it?

Ahh, I already see some of the mistakes i made

Safe of Money Protection
Single use, spell completion Spell level × caster level × 25 gp
Charges per day Divide by (5 divided by charges per day)
No space limitation Multiply entire cost by 2


SL 2 x CL 3 x 25 = 150
150 / 5 = 30
30 x 2 = 60 gp

Much more managable

And if anyone could come up with a modifier for only using one possible spell effect (for using only the colour change of prestidigitation) that would be great, i'm thinking divide by 5

I think the safe's still more - a single use spell completion is a scroll, it's probably a command word or use-activated item instead, 1/day makes that 2160 or 2400 gp. Magic items are expensive.

Fun fact: when cantrips were first introduced in a Dragon mag for AD&D, a two-dimensional illusion was a cantrip. 500 gp for the painting?

Ah, thanks for pointing that out, but the price remains the same because i thought that Silent image was a cantrip when it's actually a level one

level one spells run through that particular function result in 2000 gp for caster level one. cantrips are 1000 gp

Shadow Lodge

The magic item cost formulae are only a starting point, and this is why.

A pipe that prevents the stuff within the pipe from smelling is not granting the benefits of Negate Aroma, which prevents an entire creature from being perceived by scent or negate scent-based attacks.

An item that can change the flavour of food, an item that can change the colour of something, and an item that can clean something, are not each granting the benefits of Prestidigitation, which can do any of those things and more.

A knife that makes toast is not giving you the same benefits as heating up someone's armour sufficiently to deal them 8d4 points of damage over 42 seconds.

For comparison, see the Sleeves of Many Garments. They are based on Disguise Self, but because they can only disguise clothes they cost 200gp instead of 2,000gp.

I created this as a joke many, many years ago, but it actually came in handy. The fish whistle. Take the whistle, dunk your head in a stream, and blow the whistle. 2d10 fish will appear and you can make a delicious meal for the party.

Okay, so i crunched the numbers (divided most items by 10) and the new total price is...


15405 gp for the lot

Considering how well that worked out for this I have a new Homebrew Rule for Magic Item creation

"If Item mimics only one of several possible effects or a heavily reduced version of the original effect, then divide final cost by 10"

Loremaster Howlin wrote:

Magic item:

When rolled, this barrel gives off a Ghost Sound of drums being rapidly beaten until it stops. After which, a cymbal is heard. After one use, the barrel becomes mundane.

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A brass statuette of a humanoid with needles in various points of the body. Even if you don't know acupuncture, piercing a living creature with a needle causes stabilize, three times a day max.

Have some more examples, this time weapons.

Gorm Long-spear, +1 dmg against magical beasts during the night
"Hunter of the Red Plains."

Quiver of Plenty, magically creates one arrow once a day
"May our arrows blot out the sun, so we may have shade to fight in."

Khorn Shield, +1 will saves when the target of a Smite
"As i walk, i fear not the fell magic of the twisted fallen."

Holy sword of Nolwir, Produces Light as a torch for 10 min once per day
"Hold aloft the blade that drives away the black, this I declare."

Warrior's Friend - This relatively plain looking magical hoop is easily attached to a belt. When a light or one-handed weapon is pushed through the hoop, it transforms into a holster or sheath that perfectly fits the weapon. Weapons stored in the Warrior's Friend are cleaned as if they had prestidigitation cast upon them and cannot be targeted with spells that would harm them or make them difficult to use so long as they are in the sheath. If a damaging spell targets the weapon, it strikes the sheath instead.

*This basically exists so that when you sheathe your sword and forget to clean the blood off first it doesn't ruin the blade.

Symbol of Light - This holy symbol is made from pure silver. On command, it casts light like a bullseye lantern, but only when held in the user's hand.

Handy Handkerchief - This handkerchief never stains or gets dirty, no matter how hard one tries. Yes, that means it's completely clean after you blow your nose into it, and you can share it without spreading diseases. Hygienic!

The Dramatic Clasp - A clasp that can be attached to a cloak or belt, this magical item makes the wearer's entrances more dramatic. It times musical notes with their entrance, it creates dramatic lighting and wind, and it makes the sounds of their sword swings more pronounced. It adds a +2 circumstance bonus to Intimidate and Perform checks, but also adds a -2 penalty to stealth checks. Finally, it might make you seem silly.

Minor weapons, huh?

The Last Resort, a dagger which numbs the wielder enough to perform a coup de grace on themselves without difficulty.
One use only, use-activated, Delay Pain (2nd level), limited effect about *0.5 IMO, so 2*3*50*0.5 = 150 gp value + the cost of the dagger (which might be ornamented or masterwork)

Varlet's Bane, a walking stick which can act as a masterwork club on command once, for 1 hour, after which it breaks.
One use only, use-activated, Refine Improvised Weapon (1st level) 1*1*50 = 50 gp value plus the cost of the walking stick. Something similar could be made with other improvised weapons, e.g. letter opener to masterwork dagger.

Shadowspike, a dagger which can be thrown to pin an enemies shadow to the ground for 1 round as Shadow Trap. Will DC 11 negates.
One use only, use-activated, Shadow Trap (1st level) 1*1*50 = 50 gp value plus the cost of the dagger.

I stupidly went and created another thread for pricing my Hat of Moving Eyes. This is a hat (head-slot) with a pair of animated eyes on the front of the hat band. At random, the eyes will close; wink; look straight ahead; look far left or right; or look cross-eyed. The wearer gets no material benefit.

I calculated the price for a true Hat of Silent Image (with full user control over the image) as 4,000 gp plus the cost of the item. It's a 1st-level spell, but continuous use. (I'm assuming that a spell with a duration of "Concentration" makes it cost double rather than quadruple.)

So yes, we're saying that it should cost 400 gp market, due to how limited the spell is. In other words (and I really want to check this), will making the item will cost 200 gp in magic ingredients over and above the cost of the hat????

Update: Someone there has suggested that I use Prestidigitation as the base spell. As a cantrip, that cuts the costs in half. So now I think I'm down to 100 gp in materials to make a joke -- much more reasonable!

A self playing harpsichord. Place sheet music on the holder and it will play it decently, equivalent of a dc 20 perform check.

An eternal lamp with adjustable wick, can be turned down as low as candle light. Shutters will completely block the light.

A perfect shaving razor, leaves no stubble and never nicks the skin.

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