![]() Sorry, I didn't explain appropriately. I'm already Oracle 4/paladin 4. I'm thinking of retraining my Oracle levels to paladin, so I'm paladin 8. I have a pretty standard oradin build. Mythic gives lots of options to heal very well and the amounts of damage taken make life link pretty paltry. I'm just wondering if I'm going to miss out on anything if I drop the 4 levels of Oracle. ![]()
![]() I haven't decided on a class yet, but I think it might be best for envoy. I'm planning on making an icon who is a hugely famous writer. The problem is he's famously stolen other peoples adventures. So now he is trying to live some adventures of his own, and there are good odds he'll run into fans or those who mean him harm. ![]()
![]() Still and silent spell never made magic not obvious in pathfinder, it just avoided components. Also, just because they're unfriendly doesn't mean they attack on site. Charm person always took some creativity. My bard used it on servants to get an escort through areas that you would have been shot for going into without one. Also on a sentry on a wall to get information about their defenses, since asking him to let us in went a bit beyond the spells scope. ![]()
![]() Sir BoomBoom wrote:
Depends on your goal, I personally tend to lean towards a heavy shield with a light weapon, I like the kukri, gkadius, or spiked gauntlet for this, again depending on what you're looking for. These aren't the most optimal choices, and by RAW your weapon would be your off hand, to avoid penalties, which may cause your gm to argue you have to use iterative attacks with your shield. ![]()
![]() Sir BoomBoom wrote:
Off the top of my head,I believe shield slam requires two weapon fighting. The straight bull rush build would not. ![]()
![]() What I would do for his build is grab combat reflexes and stand still at first level so you can pin the enemies in place, then build toward shield slam, or straight bull rush, so you can push them back on your turn. I'd prefer spells slam, since you could full attack with your main hand before hitting them with the shield to bull rush. ![]()
![]() GM Rednal wrote:
I don't think we'll be allowed third party material, even if we were I'd prefer to stick to paizo material anyway. Of the directions I'm looking at your advice would seem to lean toward stand still and/or eldritch heritage for some extra versatility. Is there anything else you'd recommend? ![]()
![]() dharkus wrote: mythic alignment channel to affect all evil creatures not just the subtype, mythic armour prof look good, mythic channel smite - you probably just wanna peruse this page to get some ideas I'm aware of what mythic feats exist, I'm looking for advice on the direction to take my character, because I have a few ideas and I'm having trouble deciding between them. ![]()
![]() I'm playing an oradin in wrath of the righteous, and I need some advice on where to go with my feats. I'm currently spirit guide Oracle 4/ hospitaler, oath against fiends paladin 3. I'm dex based with regular and mythic weapon finesse for dex to attack and damage, fey foundling, combat reflexes, bodyguard and in harms way. From here I'm going to grab power attack and it's mythic version, but I'm not sure where to go from there. I'm thinking two weapon fighting to hit with my shield also, potentially stand still, or celestial eldritch heritage and it's mythic version. Then fill in spare feats with more survivability from dodge, toughness, and shield focus. Which direction would you go? Any other ideas are welcome. ![]()
![]() Alchemist is a solid choice, that's what I would pick. They have talents to increase the DC of poisons as you allude to. I would probably take vivesectionist to add some sneak attack onto your stealthy poison attacks as well. Sticky poisons can make poison more practical in combat by sticking around for most of it, depending on your intelligence. ![]()
![]() To build this kind of character you have the basic options: Use a standard finesse weapon, rapier or kukri are your best bet, and not do much damage without spells. You would have an easy time fishing for crits, just keep a decent strength and get an agile weapon when you have the cash. Use a scimitar and set yourself up to get yourself set up for dervish dance at level 3, which costs two skill points. Dip three levels of unchained rogue for dex to damage. This would cost a bunch of spell casting progression, but might fit for your character. Personally I'm not a huge fan of the dervish dance fluff, unless it really fits the character. So, even though it's not ideal is probably go the full magus standard finesse weapon route, even though it's not the best damage wise. ![]()
![]() I'm going to be starting a new PFS character soon, and I was thinking of building a character focused on making my animal companion a real combat machine while my character would be built for casting. At first I figured it was a given that this character would be a druid, but now I'm thinking a nature Oracle might be viable, I don't have the book for lunar, which would be better. It seems the trade off is a very limited animal choice for far better buffs on the spell list, do you think this trade could be worth it? I'm currently looking at putting several of my characters feats into evolved companion. If you have any other advice on this kind of character I'd love to hear it. ![]()
![]() If I cast a spell with a casting time longer than one standard action, and had somatic components, in armor when does the spell fail?
![]() There is all kinds of information on this in the down time rules in ultimate campaign. specifically in the managers section. It appears manager salaries range from 2 to 5gp per day. A steward is only listed at 2gp, but I think that is more along the lines of the head servant rather than in charge while you're away. A master smith is listed as 4gp/day, so maybe bump him up to 5 or 6 to entice him to take on more responsibilities. ![]()
![]() An archetype to consider would be Lore Warden fighter.
Edit: Missed that he's sticking with ranger, hope he likes it! ![]()
![]() Claxon wrote:
Is the loss of the three rogue talents the real loss for melee efficiency? Admittedly I haven't gotten above level 8, but I can't imagine BAB reduced by three being make or break. ![]()
![]() A wizard with the conjuration school or teleportation focus school gets a spell like ability to use dimension door as well as the spell itself to move allies around the battle field, and there are lots of non-damaging extremely useful spells. You could also take the spell with a sorcerer for the charisma based character, but you lose out on the teleportation hijinks a teleportation school wizard can pull. ![]()
![]() I'm a big fan of the combination of lingering performance and saving finale. It lets you stop your performance to give your allies a new save, while they still get the benefits of your performance. I also like to keep my intimidation up it's a great way to lower the saves of enemies to stick your spells, and it makes blistering invective better, I'm not sure what the versatile performance is for fiddle, so you may have that covered. I'd also pick up a whip, at low levels you'll be able to land trips with it and that will help you debuff enemies with out using spells. ![]()
![]() Melkiador wrote: I would say you aren't intended to be able to prepare it with reach. You could try to get overly pedantic with it though. "A brown-fur transmuter can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to change any transmutation spell with a range of personal to a range of touch." So, that doesn't list a duration or mention casting, so someone could argue that the spell is changed in your spell book forever. I don't think that's a probable interpretation though. I also don't find this probable, especially considering this is essentially an arcane exploit. I'd consider spending the arcane reservoir point as exploiting a magical loophole in the spell, rather than altering the fundamentals of the spell. ![]()
![]() Melkiador wrote:
That's a really good point, just to clarify, since changing it to touch is on the spot preparing it with reach would not work, correct? ![]()
![]() Melkiador wrote: My assumption is that you drink it as normal and the magic of share transmutation handles transferring the effects to the target. I doubt you'll find a hard rule for this though. I doubt it also, but I wanted to to see what others thought, and the rules forum seemed the right place for it. I'm hoping someone knows some obscure passage somewhere. ![]()
![]() Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
I know Brown-Fur Transmuter wrote: Share Transmutation (Su): At 9th level, the brown-fur transmuter can target others with her transmutation spells. A brown-fur transmuter can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to change any transmutation spell with a range of personal to a range of touch. Such a spell automatically fails on unwilling creatures. This ability replaces the arcanist exploit gained at 9th level.
![]() Transformation has a material component of a potion of bulls strength, which you drink as part of the casting and it's effects are subsumed by the spell. This is all well and good when you are casting it on yourself as it was designed, but who has to drink the potion when a brownfur transmuter casts this on the fighter? If the fighter has to drink it does one of you have to ready an action to drink the potion and cast at the same time? ![]()
![]() Wind_Paladin wrote:
1)This is really up to you, Dragonchess player does have a good idea though. 2)I like amateur gunslinger because you can quick clear as many times per day as you like without using limited spell slots, if you really need to you can spend grit to clear it as a move action, but it could block you from using the deed again. 3)Probably, but I can't help on this one. 4)I lean towards pistol because you can reload it as a free action with alchemical cartriges. 5)I guess you can, seems like a plain old wizard can get a gun this way, since there is no restriction on the type of weapon. I probably wouldn't allow this if I were GMing, because getting two free guns seems over the top to me.