Peter Capaldi Leaving Doctor Who


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I just hope they don't try and add a romance thing with whoever the new companion(s) is.
Never liked romance between the Doctor and a Comapanion. Just never feels right to me

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She needs John Boyega to reprise his role as Moses from Attack The Block and be her first Companion.

The Meta would be incredible.

Sovereign Court

I am delighted. Thoroughly.

Scarab Sages

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jemstone wrote:

She needs John Boyega to reprise his role as Moses from Attack The Block and be her first Companion.

The Meta would be incredible.

Putting his trust in a Police Box AND peaceful dealings with aliens might make for a steep learning curve...

Right now I'm just happy we'll have a) a new/fresh blooded doctor and b) Jodie Whittaker looks to be awesome as the Doctor. :)

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
The BBC has officially announced (Twitter video clip) the new actor who'll be portraying the Doctor after he regenerates... ** spoiler omitted **

Oh hell yeah!

And it's about damn time. ^^

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
I have made no secret of my love for Moffat, which is close to Freehold's love of Joss Whedon (though not quite so unnuanced).

I will say that I too love Moffat, so there. NuWho didn't feel like real "Doctor Who" to me until Moffat's run. As much as I love David Tennant as the Doctor, I didn't feel like his run was very good because the universe itself felt wrong - it didn't feel like the same place as the classic setting. As soon as Matt Smith showed up, it started feeling like the classic show to me again. Yes, Moffat could be a bit too Companion-centric, but I didn't mind because the UNIVERSE felt right again.

Here's hoping that the new person can keep the that feel moving forward while addressing some of the valid criticisms of Moffat's run.

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Hey guys! Did you hear that the woman who fought all those blue-toothed space apes in Attack the Block with Finn is gonna be the next Doctor?

How awesome is that.

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feytharn wrote:
jemstone wrote:

She needs John Boyega to reprise his role as Moses from Attack The Block and be her first Companion.

The Meta would be incredible.

Putting his trust in a Police Box AND peaceful dealings with aliens might make for a steep learning curve...


And wouldn't it be AWESOME?

All good with me. The Doctor spends a lot of time running away. It's not a sense of weakness so the female Doctor should run away lots and not seen as weak

I think it will be an interesting change-up. add some new life to the show.

thenovalord wrote:
All good with me. The Doctor spends a lot of time running away. It's not a sense of weakness so the female Doctor should run away lots and not seen as weak

Yeah, the Doctor's always been real bad about that. The guy freaking abandoned his own granddaughter on a post-Dalek Invasion Earth.

Talk about commitment issues.

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Here's to hoping that the new female Doctor isn't like Missy or River Song personality-wise. They were fun characters but a bit to Maniac Pixish sometimes. Instead, I hope she's more like the Romana, who was the best female Time Lord the show ever produced in my eyes.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

While I'm sad every time the new regeneration isn't played by Mos Def, this is pretty cool.

Sovereign Court

Mos Def?

Sovereign Court

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I'd be back for Mos Def :)

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...still not ginger.


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Philo Pharynx wrote:


...still not ginger.

This is the real issue. Instead, I've been hearing people whining that "women are being shoehorned into everything" and "you're ruining my childhood". For real, people, the actual crime is that it took this long for a female Doctor and, most importantly, STILL NOT GINGER.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Here is how the BBC anounced the new doctor.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Hama wrote:

Mos Def?

Mos Def. His Ford Prefect performance was brilliant.

With that said, "that lady from Attack the Block" will do nicely. I might have to watch the stuff after Smith's first season* to catch up, but what the hell.

* I vastly preferred him to Tennant (who is probably my least favorite post-reboot Doctor- "I don't want to g-" "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out"), but I do not watch Doctor Who for insights into the Doctor's sex life, and that whole River Song business... fehhhhhhh.

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I'm going to miss Bill. She was just so refreshingly normal and down-to-earth than Clara ever was. The poor girl deserved better than being turned into a time-traveling pudd... OMG can't believe I almost finished that sentence, LOL.

Seriously, though, Bill should have had an opportunity to hook with the new female Doctor. Time Lady > Creepy Puddle Lady. Oh well.

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I like to think that Bill, Puddle Lady, Ashildr, and Not-Dead-Yet Clara are off having adventures together, far beyond the reach of the Dread Moffat's Terrible Writing.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
I like to think that Bill, Puddle Lady, Ashildr, and Not-Dead-Yet Clara are off having adventures together, far beyond the reach of the Dread Moffat's Terrible Writing.

Still kind of wish the go-to ending for 12's companions wasn't so similar. There also all really dark. Clara is still doomed to die, Ashildr aka Not-Arya will eventually be alone again, and Bill has literally lost lost her humanity twice with no real consideration for what she really wanted both times. At least back in the Tennet years companions got different endings.

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Poor Doctor Donna.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Poor Doctor Donna.

At least she got marry someone she loved, be with her loving family, and still maintain something of a normal life that she seems to like. Bill's traveling the universe with a girl she kind of had a crush on. What about all her friends and family on Earth? S++%, what about finishing her education? I mean, I guess she could always go back to Earth but I still wish she had a better sendoff that didn't feel like such a clumsy narrative get out of jail free card. Puddle Ex Machina can only happen on Doctor Who.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
I like to think that Bill, Puddle Lady, Ashildr, and Not-Dead-Yet Clara are off having adventures together, far beyond the reach of the Dread Moffat's Terrible Writing.

Aren't they the result of Dread Moffat's Terrible Writing?

Frankly, apart from Bill they were pretty bad. Especially Clara and Áshild.

Delightful wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Poor Doctor Donna.
At least she got marry someone she loved, be with her loving family, and still maintain something of a normal life that she seems to like. Bill's traveling the universe with a girl she kind of had a crush on. What about all her friends and family on Earth? S%%%, what about finishing her education? I mean, I guess she could always go back to Earth but I still wish she had a better sendoff that didn't feel like such a clumsy narrative get out of jail free card. Puddle Ex Machina can only happen on Doctor Who.

Well she is a Time Travelling puddle, presumably she could pop home just after she left and sort things out, explain about the drippyness, finish her classes, etc...

Delightful wrote:
thenovalord wrote:
All good with me. The Doctor spends a lot of time running away. It's not a sense of weakness so the female Doctor should run away lots and not seen as weak

Yeah, the Doctor's always been real bad about that. The guy freaking abandoned his own granddaughter on a post-Dalek Invasion Earth.

Talk about commitment issues.

Well, let's be fair - he left her on Earth so that she could be with the man she loved, rather than continuing to "look after" him on the TARDIS, never living her own life. He left her so she could be her own person and have love and a family.

It's probably one of the most selfless things the Hartnell Doctor ever did.

10 people marked this as a favorite.
Greylurker wrote:
Delightful wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Poor Doctor Donna.
At least she got marry someone she loved, be with her loving family, and still maintain something of a normal life that she seems to like. Bill's traveling the universe with a girl she kind of had a crush on. What about all her friends and family on Earth? S%%%, what about finishing her education? I mean, I guess she could always go back to Earth but I still wish she had a better sendoff that didn't feel like such a clumsy narrative get out of jail free card. Puddle Ex Machina can only happen on Doctor Who.
Well she is a Time Travelling puddle, presumably she could pop home just after she left and sort things out, explain about the drippyness, finish her classes, etc...


Dennis the Space Peasant: "Listen. Strange women lying in ponds time-traveling through the universe is no basis for a satisfying character denouement. Supreme narrative power derives from a tight screenplay and believable, actualized characters, not from some farcical aquatic deux ex machina."
King Moffat: "Be quiet!"
Dennis: "You can't expect to wield supreme narrative power just 'cause you write in some watery tart that steps in the 11th hour to unfridge the character you lazily fridged in the first place."
Moffat: "Shut up!"

jemstone wrote:
Delightful wrote:
thenovalord wrote:
All good with me. The Doctor spends a lot of time running away. It's not a sense of weakness so the female Doctor should run away lots and not seen as weak

Yeah, the Doctor's always been real bad about that. The guy freaking abandoned his own granddaughter on a post-Dalek Invasion Earth.

Talk about commitment issues.

Well, let's be fair - he left her on Earth so that she could be with the man she loved, rather than continuing to "look after" him on the TARDIS, never living her own life. He left her so she could be her own person and have love and a family.

It's probably one of the most selfless things the Hartnell Doctor ever did.

He could have asked first if she wanted to stay instead of just assuming that she wouldn't unless he abandoned her. Also, actually visiting more enough would have been nice.

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There where two things about Moffat that made me bored with the doctor.

1. The Doctor was the center of the universe.
2. The Doctor made grand declarations.

The first is a serious problematic direction to take the character in. Everyone in Moffat's Who was obsessed with the Doctor, or irrelevant. We spent three seasons under the assumption that the simple utterance of his name was of universe shattering importance. The Doctor wasn't doing important things, he was the important thing. Everything else was irrelevant. It might work for a movie, but it's boring as a TV show for so many hours.

The Doctor was more about making grand speeches than he was about doing things. He'd prattle on about how he was so sad because he was the last Time-lord, and he was so lonely, but he had to continue because the universe was so lovely (Harkening back to his importance, it was almost like the universe existed so as to please the Doctor). It was a big case of "tell, don't show". Moffat wanted to make sure the Doctor TOLD us how he was feeling, but he didn't spend time SHOWING us how he felt. He'd make a grand speech, then flip a few switches and the Doctor would enforce his vision of how the universe should be.

The show needs to be about more than the Doctor. The Doctor needs to be our guide to the universe, not the universe itself.

The Doctor doesn't need to tell us why the universe is so special to him and needs to be saved. He should just show it to us, and let the universe itself convince us it should be saved.

Sovereign Court

yeap, that ^

After losing all enthusiasm for Doctor Who mid-way through the Smith era, two things I've been eagerly waiting for are happening at once! Moffat's going back into his Moffat-hole, and we have our first female Doctor.

Here's to hoping she gets to be the wise, adventurous and reliable character that the Doctor has always been, and the new writers don't feel obligated to make her different just because she's a woman.

Irontruth wrote:

There where two things about Moffat that made me bored with the doctor.

1. The Doctor was the center of the universe.
2. The Doctor made grand declarations.

Couldn't be more true...

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I hate to say it but Doctor was starting to feel like a Gary Stu in his own series. I was able to tolerate it for awhile given that Doctor should be feared and respected throughout the universe for everything he's (should I start using she now?) done but dialing it back a bit would be nice. The Doctor is at his best when he's the Coolest Best Friend Ever and not the Lonely God.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Delightful wrote:
The Doctor is at his best when he's the Coolest Best Friend Ever and not the Lonely God.

This is why I was only too happy to see Tennant go. Because "Lonely God" really began with him.

Unfortunately, it did not end with him.

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Apparently The Doctor, who isn't that good at controlling his regenerations in the first place, sometimes regenerates into a "familiar face." Previously, Capaldi was a Roman citizen in an episode of David Tennant's Doctor, and the Curator shows up wearing a familiar face in an episode of Matt Smith's Doctor. So what if The Master/Missy next appears having regenerated into the appearance of a previous Doctor? Could the next Master be played by David Tennant?

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Apparently The Doctor, who isn't that good at controlling his regenerations in the first place, sometimes regenerates into a "familiar face." Previously, Capaldi was a Roman citizen in an episode of David Tennant's Doctor, and the Curator shows up wearing a familiar face in an episode of Matt Smith's Doctor. So what if The Master/Missy next appears having regenerated into the appearance of a previous Doctor? Could the next Master be played by David Tennant?

The original in-canon explanation was that The Doctor was (of all the Time Lords) scrambled as punishment for his actions against the Time Lords and their plan to keep time, space, and reality stable (IE: the way they wanted it). All other Time Lords still retained perfect control over their regenerations.

Over time, this changed, so that by the time Tom Baker rolled around, we had Prydonians lamenting that Regeneration was a "bit of a dodgy process" and dreading whether or not they "might end up with this dreadful nose again" ("The Deadly Assassin").

Regeneration into a specific person's likeness was expressly forbidden by the Time Lords (as discussed when Romana changed from Mary Tamm to Lala Ward), but that didn't stop it from happening, both by The Master (into the likeness of Nyssa's father) and other Time Lords (the official Doctor Who comics by Marvel UK).

By the time we got to Sylvester McCoy, we have Regeneration as a sort of meta-agent, enabling him to have the skills and personality he needs in order to handle tasks that will challenge him - possibly (never really discussed in the show but addressed in writer-meta, books, and the like) due to his previous interactions with the Black and White Guardians and the Key To Time.

You also have some indication that The Doctor was actually there with Rassilon and Omega during their trip through the black hole (The Eye of Harmony), but that's never confirmed.

As the show has evolved, so too has Regeneration - it's gone from a punishment forced upon The Doctor to something that all Time Lords both love and fear.

Which is all a long-winded way of saying that Regeneration is whatever it needs to be and Tenant as The Master would be AMAZING.

I've never seen Jodie Whittaker before. Is she a good actress? I really hope they don't revolve the whole show around the Doctor now being a woman. I liked how they did it with Missy. "Hey, the Master's a woman now. Still evil, still crazy. No big deal."

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She's a fantastic performer. Check her out in Broadchurch or Attack The Block.

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jemstone wrote:
Which is all a long-winded way of saying that Regeneration is whatever it needs to be and Tenant as The Master would be AMAZING.

I was just thinking about The Doctor being the Marty Stu of his own show, acting as if the universe was his own special playground... and bam, Tennant as The Master shows up to show the Doctor how full of himself she's been. I mean yeah, I think it could work with Eccleston or Smith too, but I think Tennant of all of them might actually do it. And he was damn menacing and creepy as Kilgrave on Jessica Jones. I think he might enjoy return and eating all the scenery.

Heather 540 wrote:
I've never seen Jodie Whittaker before. Is she a good actress? I really hope they don't revolve the whole show around the Doctor now being a woman. I liked how they did it with Missy. "Hey, the Master's a woman now. Still evil, still crazy. No big deal."

Yeah, she was great in Broadchurch and Attack the Block, and she was in the Black Mirror TV series too (but I haven't seen any of it yet). I think she's a great pick. I'm only really concerned with Chibnall, who has done good writing, but he also has done terrible writing (the "Cyberwoman" episode of Torchwood is unforgettably cringy).

I was worried about Michelle Gomez at first, but damn, I'll miss her. She has charisma to burn. It's too bad she said she's not coming back to the role; it'd be great to see bonkers Missy meeting the 13th Doctor.

jemstone wrote:
some good stuff...

..but the Master didn't regenerate into the likeness of Tremas (corny anagram alert) but stole his body. Antony Ainley was always Nyssa's father, it's just that for 99.9% of his tenure he was possessed by the Master.

And legends of the Old Time... if you're going to treat the tv series, the novels (especially the Virgin books) and the comic strips all as canon you're going to get in a right old mess. I mean, forget UNIT dating....

The Virgin book writer's guide specifically stated that the Doctor was not 'The Other'.

Next you'll be telling me he's 'more than just a Time Lord'....

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
jemstone wrote:
Which is all a long-winded way of saying that Regeneration is whatever it needs to be and Tenant as The Master would be AMAZING.

I was just thinking about The Doctor being the Marty Stu of his own show, acting as if the universe was his own special playground... and bam, Tennant as The Master shows up to show the Doctor how full of himself she's been. I mean yeah, I think it could work with Eccleston or Smith too, but I think Tennant of all of them might actually do it. And he was damn menacing and creepy as Kilgrave on Jessica Jones. I think he might enjoy return and eating all the scenery.

Heather 540 wrote:
I've never seen Jodie Whittaker before. Is she a good actress? I really hope they don't revolve the whole show around the Doctor now being a woman. I liked how they did it with Missy. "Hey, the Master's a woman now. Still evil, still crazy. No big deal."

Yeah, she was great in Broadchurch and Attack the Block, and she was in the Black Mirror TV series too (but I haven't seen any of it yet). I think she's a great pick. I'm only really concerned with Chibnall, who has done good writing, but he also has done terrible writing (the "Cyberwoman" episode of Torchwood is unforgettably cringy).

I was worried about Michelle Gomez at first, but damn, I'll miss her. She has charisma to burn. It's too bad she said she's not coming back to the role; it'd be great to see bonkers Missy meeting the 13th Doctor.

I misread this as "missy bonking the 13th doctor".

I believe that there will be a tremor in the force, and (or wherever people go nowadays) will explode with activity.

Silver Crusade

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Freehold DM wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
jemstone wrote:
Which is all a long-winded way of saying that Regeneration is whatever it needs to be and Tenant as The Master would be AMAZING.

I was just thinking about The Doctor being the Marty Stu of his own show, acting as if the universe was his own special playground... and bam, Tennant as The Master shows up to show the Doctor how full of himself she's been. I mean yeah, I think it could work with Eccleston or Smith too, but I think Tennant of all of them might actually do it. And he was damn menacing and creepy as Kilgrave on Jessica Jones. I think he might enjoy return and eating all the scenery.

Heather 540 wrote:
I've never seen Jodie Whittaker before. Is she a good actress? I really hope they don't revolve the whole show around the Doctor now being a woman. I liked how they did it with Missy. "Hey, the Master's a woman now. Still evil, still crazy. No big deal."

Yeah, she was great in Broadchurch and Attack the Block, and she was in the Black Mirror TV series too (but I haven't seen any of it yet). I think she's a great pick. I'm only really concerned with Chibnall, who has done good writing, but he also has done terrible writing (the "Cyberwoman" episode of Torchwood is unforgettably cringy).

I was worried about Michelle Gomez at first, but damn, I'll miss her. She has charisma to burn. It's too bad she said she's not coming back to the role; it'd be great to see bonkers Missy meeting the 13th Doctor.

I misread this as "missy bonking the 13th doctor".

I believe that there will be a tremor in the force, and (or wherever people go nowadays) will explode with activity.

That's already happening.

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jemstone wrote:
She's a fantastic performer. Check her out in Broadchurch or Attack The Block.

Both things are excellent for different reasons too.

Attack the Block is a fun B-movie about aliens. It also stars John Boyega (Finn from Star Wars). It's really fun and well written. A good movie to watch with a group too.

Broadchurch stars David Tennant. It's a depressing and sad show, but it is very well written, acted and directed. I'd put it at the top 5 of TV shows ever for how well first two seasons were made. You have to be able to watch a show about a young boy who was abused and murdered. It's not about epic confrontations, but rather about the small, ordinary, horrifying things that happen all the time around us. Seriously though, the acting/writing/directing is all first class.

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y'all go to sites for fanfic on purpose?

Mark Norfolk wrote:
jemstone wrote:
some good stuff...
..but the Master didn't regenerate into the likeness of Tremas (corny anagram alert) but stole his body. Antony Ainley was always Nyssa's father, it's just that for 99.9% of his tenure he was possessed by the Master.

Possessed and/or used Tremas' body as a template, either way, he was breaking a big ol' Time Rule.

And legends of the Old Time... if you're going to treat the tv series, the novels (especially the Virgin books) and the comic strips all as canon you're going to get in a right old mess. I mean, forget UNIT dating....

Weren't everything except the radio plays declared apocrypha and essentially chucked? I thought I'd read that somewhere.

The Virgin book writer's guide specifically stated that the Doctor was not 'The Other'.

I never said he was, although Morgan Le Fay all but outright said it.

No, I could make a case that he was the Ship's Doctor, or possibly a contemporary of Rassilon and Omega, based on his intimate knowledge of Rassilon's psychological profile and temperament, as well as his knowledge of All Things Gallifrey, that not even the Keepers Of The Matrix possessed. There are things that The Doctor simply shouldn't know about Gallifrey's secrets, but does.

And remember, once he figured out that Omega was Omega, he knew rather a lot about him and what his motivations were, and Omega seemed to recognize him as more than just a fellow Gallifreyan.

Next you'll be telling me he's 'more than just a Time Lord'....

No comment.

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Same software, different case.

I'm looking forward to the new Doctor. I'm going to miss Bill and Nardole though. Here's hoping they get 13 a worthy companion.

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Nardole needs to just be the companion for ever and ever and ever and ever.


Orville Redenbacher wrote:
y'all go to sites for fanfic on purpose?

Gotta get wank material somehow.

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Orville Redenbacher wrote:
y'all go to sites for fanfic on purpose? don't?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The moment I knew I wasn't a sadist was when I decided not to take up fanfic :)

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