Gay Male Characters in Pathfinder.

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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I know of the paladin and the bard from Sandpoint but other than them are their any other gay male characters in pathfinder products?

Silver Crusade

Sorry for the incoming vagueness, can't remember the names off the top of my head, but there's the couple in Hell's Rebels, one character in the first Mummy's Mask, and I believe in Curse of the Crimson Throne?

Mummy's Mask the first book (Half Dead City) a fully stat-ed and two-page backstory character, Azaz Arafe.

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also a couple in Wrath of the Righteous, one of which is a cleric of Shelyn IIRC.

I only know things from a player's perspective with a gay male DM, so I have no guarantees how many are canon or not, but I've ran into gay male NPCs in Crimson Throne, Council of Thieves, and Kingmaker, at a minimum.

Paizo Employee Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

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Aaqir al'Hakam is the leader of the Exchange, one of the playable factions in the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign. He's happily married, and he and his partner have three adopted daughters.

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MMCJawa wrote:
also a couple in Wrath of the Righteous, one of which is a cleric of Shelyn IIRC.

Sociel Vaenic (Cleric of Shelyn) and Aaron Kir (rogue) in Wrath of the Righteous.

Liberty's Edge

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Absalom's former Master of Blades, Vonran Vilk is he and his lover play a role in Scenario #3-16: The Midnight Mauler.

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Swordjockey wrote:
Absalom's former Master of Blades, Vonran Vilk is he and his lover play a role in Scenario #3-16: The Midnight Mauler.

The character I played that scenario with was a Cleric of Naderi with Couple's Counselor as a day job, and was able to help the couple reconcile.
Silver Crusade

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pH unbalanced wrote:
Swordjockey wrote:
Absalom's former Master of Blades, Vonran Vilk is he and his lover play a role in Scenario #3-16: The Midnight Mauler.
** spoiler omitted **


Irabeth the halforc Paladin from Wrath of Righteous who marries a trans partner.

Liberty's Edge

I forget the name but there's also a PFS scenario where the players have to protect an ambassador from assassin's, if I remember correctly the ambassador is also supposed be gay and married. Does anyone remember the name of that scenario?

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Isn't the iconic Magus gay?

Sovereign Court

There is a gay NPC in the first book of Carrion Crown, but he is a very minor NPC.

Swordjockey wrote:
I forget the name but there's also a PFS scenario where the players have to protect an ambassador from assassin's, if I remember correctly the ambassador is also supposed be gay and married. Does anyone remember the name of that scenario?

That is who John referred to above. Scenario is Merchant's Wake.

Pathfinder Tales has some - one in City of the Fallen Sky.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

In Falcon's Hollow in Andoran, there is a halfling, Vamros Harg, in a relationship with a dwarf, Tabrik Splint. This is from Towns of the Inner Sea.

Grand Lodge

The Obsidian Fold is a world spanning order that is composed of bonded pairs of male lovers.

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Sundakan wrote:
Isn't the iconic Magus gay?

Pretty sure he's bisexual or poly. His write says his sexuality is "mercenary" so take as you will.

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The PCs help a Chelish naval captain (Cassius Sargaeta) reunite with his lover (Marquel Aulorian) in Hell's Rebels #2 (Turn of the Torrent).

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Delightful wrote:
Sundakan wrote:
Isn't the iconic Magus gay?
Pretty sure he's bisexual or poly. His write says his sexuality is "mercenary" so take as you will.

Ah, he sleeps with whoever pays the most, I guess.

Is "mercenary" the male equivalent of "gold digger"?

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Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Irabeth the halforc Paladin from Wrath of Righteous who marries a trans partner.

Irabeth is female :)

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My understanding of Pathfinder is that most characters do not have a set sexuality. When it's brought up, it's usually a plot point of some kind (like if they're married). Otherwise, it's deliberately left vague so that it can be whatever a given group wants it to be.

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GM Rednal wrote:
My understanding of Pathfinder is that most characters do not have a set sexuality. When it's brought up, it's usually a plot point of some kind (like if they're married). Otherwise, it's deliberately left vague so that it can be whatever a given group wants it to be.

That's a good point; that also (potentially) adds Sandru Vhiski from Jade Regent to the list, as the NPCs are specifically able to be attracted to PCs of either gender.

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Alni wrote:
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Irabeth the halforc Paladin from Wrath of Righteous who marries a trans partner.
Irabeth is female :)

Yeah, they're both female NPCs, neither one applies here.

Silver Crusade

Glewistee I believe you are referring to the Iridian Fold.

Wait which NPC's in Crimson Throne?

I know of a gay female couple in the AP but I don't remember reading anything about a male couple.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The Redemption Engine has two gay characters in it and Skiver, a prominent character in Tim Pratt's books that aren't about Rodrick and Hrymm, is also gay.

Liberty's Edge

I know its not cannon, but one of my PFS characters, Streisand L' Amor, has turned out several members of the Pathfinder Society.

Sundakan wrote:
Isn't the iconic Magus gay?

by default if it isn't spelled out otherwise, I think every iconic can walk both sides of the street.

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Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Sundakan wrote:
Isn't the iconic Magus gay?
by default if it isn't spelled out otherwise, I think every iconic can walk both sides of the street.

I think the comics, if they can be considered "canon," kind of challenge that assumption with Merishel being definitely bi or poly, Kyra being a lesbian and Valeros being likely straight.

But, hey, if someone wants to make the Iconics whatever sexuality they need in their games, I don't think Paizo's going to come after anyone, so go crazy.

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The Rival's Guide has a group with a partnered male couple.

Silver Crusade

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Delightful wrote:
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Sundakan wrote:
Isn't the iconic Magus gay?
by default if it isn't spelled out otherwise, I think every iconic can walk both sides of the street.

I think the comics, if they can be considered "canon," kind of challenge that assumption with Merishel being definitely bi or poly, Kyra being a lesbian and Valeros being likely straight.

But, hey, if someone wants to make the Iconics whatever sexuality they need in their games, I don't think Paizo's going to come after anyone, so go crazy.

The point Drahl was saying was that unless Paizo says otherwise (which they have in the comics, which are canon) they are whatever sexuality you want them to be.

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Rysky wrote:
Delightful wrote:
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Sundakan wrote:
Isn't the iconic Magus gay?
by default if it isn't spelled out otherwise, I think every iconic can walk both sides of the street.

I think the comics, if they can be considered "canon," kind of challenge that assumption with Merishel being definitely bi or poly, Kyra being a lesbian and Valeros being likely straight.

But, hey, if someone wants to make the Iconics whatever sexuality they need in their games, I don't think Paizo's going to come after anyone, so go crazy.

The point Drahl was saying was that unless Paizo says otherwise (which they have in the comics, which are canon) they are whatever sexuality you want them to be.

But to flip it back, even in those cases, if you're using them in a home game or even playing them in PFS, do as you please.

Silver Crusade

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thejeff wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Delightful wrote:
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Sundakan wrote:
Isn't the iconic Magus gay?
by default if it isn't spelled out otherwise, I think every iconic can walk both sides of the street.

I think the comics, if they can be considered "canon," kind of challenge that assumption with Merishel being definitely bi or poly, Kyra being a lesbian and Valeros being likely straight.

But, hey, if someone wants to make the Iconics whatever sexuality they need in their games, I don't think Paizo's going to come after anyone, so go crazy.

The point Drahl was saying was that unless Paizo says otherwise (which they have in the comics, which are canon) they are whatever sexuality you want them to be.
But to flip it back, even in those cases, if you're using them in a home game or even playing them in PFS, do as you please.


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Skiver from Reign of Stars And City of the Fallen Sky.

Bors Kaskyrbai and Roshad from the Redemption engine.

I'l report on more when I get through more.

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Wes's Tumblr has all the answers :)

Wow there are certainly a loot more than I had expected.

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Any male character not specifically motioned as heterosexual could very well be?

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Dahab from the Whisper Out of Time.

Scarab Sages

I was expecting this was one of those "concern about how to portray/how they are portrayed" threads, and with that in mind, I was going to say that to date, I have thus far only witnessed one encounter in the game where sexuality mattered, and given that it was a tryst between a female Dwarf NPC and a male werecrocodile-Skinwalker PC, I'd say there were bigger issues in play than anything about plain old gay men.

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
... I'd say there were bigger issues in play than anything about plain old gay men.

When I read this, I heard the voice of Dennis from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" say "I'm 37, I'm not OLD !"

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Delightful wrote:
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Sundakan wrote:
Isn't the iconic Magus gay?
by default if it isn't spelled out otherwise, I think every iconic can walk both sides of the street.
I think the comics, if they can be considered "canon," kind of challenge that assumption with Merishel being definitely bi or poly, Kyra being a lesbian and Valeros being likely straight.

I believe Crystal Frasier confirmed Valeros' sexuality as "Yes, Please!" in that the majority of his previous partners have been women but if Chris Hemsworth offered him a good time you'd be an idiot to pass that up!

Community & Digital Content Director

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Removed a handful of posts. If you want to have a discussion about how various races (real world or otherwise) are portrayed in Paizo's products, please take it to another thread.

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Delightful wrote:
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Sundakan wrote:
Isn't the iconic Magus gay?
by default if it isn't spelled out otherwise, I think every iconic can walk both sides of the street.
I think the comics, if they can be considered "canon," kind of challenge that assumption with Merishel being definitely bi or poly, Kyra being a lesbian and Valeros being likely straight.
I believe Crystal Frasier confirmed Valeros' sexuality as "Yes, Please!" in that the majority of his previous partners have been women but if Chris Hemsworth offered him a good time you'd be an idiot to pass that up!

And now Valeros is officially my favorite Iconic. Thanks for the info Zousha.

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Did someone mention the captain and the poet from Hell´s Rebels? I do not have the books at present and don´t remember the names.

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