BlueMagnusStormCrow's page

Organized Play Member. 20 posts. 5 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.


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ORC is a fantastic name.

Got my package today in Ireland.

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I guess you won't be playing the adventure then. O well.

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As somebody who was also expecting my delivery through Ulisses Spiele I would very much appreciate some clarity from Paizo as to what exactly is going on and if there is a problem how they intend to fix it.

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Paizo has said that they will not be offering the pdf free to subscribers as they usually do because it was a backer project. Nothing about not selling the pdf. VTT version is not going to be available until sometime next year last I heard though.

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They mentioned that there would be a players guide and that the players guide will be released sometime during September. Nothing more than that.

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Just got the email for my PDFs.

Shea Hoarfoot wrote:
Hmmm... with the release of VER10 today... I suspect your 11AM release time (wich was 3 hours ago) was revised... so what is the new projected release date?

A post just went up on Reddit to say that it is available now.

Have not even gotten any shipping updates yet from Ulisses Spiele. Never mind any information about the pdfs.

Currently getting sent to an error page any time I try to access my cart or the checkout so I am currently unable to purchase things. I have tried multiple browsers and clearing my cache but it has made no difference.

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I get that and it's a minor complaint at best. I can just change things slightly so that a non-lethal party can get the reward. It just seemed a little off that a special rule was added to the players guide that actively punishes the players for using it.

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The adventure looks like it will be a lot of fun to run so far but there is a weird disconnect between the players guide and the adventure. The special rules sidebar says that the players cannot deal lethal damage at all but the adventure lists treasures that can only be obtained by killing the creature such as the almiraj’s horn which is impossible by the extra rules of the adventure path. It seems very weird to list treasures that rules as written cannot be obtained by the party.

They are usually available in about 6 hours from now for me.

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I've only had a quick skim of the book so far but it seems pretty solid with one exception. Chapters 2, 3 and 4 seem to be in a weird order to me. Given that the Celestial Menagerie has just tried to ruin one of there shows I'm pretty sure every group i've DM'd for would jump straight to trying to getting revenge on the Celestial Menagerie rather than going on a dungeon crawl beneath the city for nebulous reasons. There doesn't seem to be much reason for the players to prioritize that over revenge on the group who just attacked them.

Are healing spells anathema to clerics of Zon-Kuthon?

Their anathema in the gods section says that provide comfort
to those who suffer is anathema. Healing somebodies wounds is
removing their suffering so it seems like it might be forbidden.
The same with helping to remove a damaging persistent condition
from somebody.

Thanks. I must have read that about 5 times and missed it every time.

In the instincts for the barbarian do they get access to the Specialization Ability at level 1? If not through which class feature/ability do you get access to it through. I'm not sure and could use a little clarification.

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I don't know why but when I read Help Hounds I immediately thought of a Hell Hound with human hands. That uses it's hands to assist you.

Wow there are certainly a loot more than I had expected.

I know of the paladin and the bard from Sandpoint but other than them are their any other gay male characters in pathfinder products?