Boost damage for a tiny rogue


I'm building a level 4 character, being a Rogue of Tiny size. While on the role-play side is awesome, I'm concerned about combat utility.
I have a great score of Dexterity but low Strength (10), and using Tiny weapons would mean having a small dice for dmg.

While I'm not interested in becoming a war machine, dealing tons of dmg, it would still be nice to do SOME dmg, especially when our enemies will become stronger (and eventually get some DR).

Any suggestion on how to boost a bit my dmg output without multi classing?

I'm open to weird ideas, my master is pretty openminded. So far I only thought about getting some kind of animal companion (just trained animals), or working with traps (which would only work in a controlled environment, where I could set the traps before engaging)..

Either you take an unchained rogue and get DEX for damage, or you go ranged combat.
Anyway you should aim to get sneak attack as often as possible, that is enough normaly. Being tiny, you should also be hard to hit, so you have a chance to survive melee.

Silver Crusade

You definitely want Dex to damage via unchained rogue.

Then possibly a dip into one of the barbarian archetypes that allows you to add to dex while raging. Combined with a furious weapon, of course.

Piranha strike.

Or (depending on your concept) switch to swashbuckler insteaad.

Since you don't have a threat range while being tiny, you'll have a hard time flanking to get sneak attacks (or rather impossible). I'd suggest that you get Unchianed Rogue DEX to damage and a finesse-able reach weapon (elven branched spear is one).

Dark Archive

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Bober wrote:


I'm building a level 4 character, being a Rogue of Tiny size. While on the role-play side is awesome, I'm concerned about combat utility.
I have a great score of Dexterity but low Strength (10), and using Tiny weapons would mean having a small dice for dmg.
Any suggestion on how to boost a bit my dmg output without multi classing?

Weapon size is less of an issue for Rogues than their sneak attack dice. A size Tiny longsword does 1d4, instead of 1d8, which is only an average of 2 less points of damage, but the sneak attack dice remain unaffected by weapon size, so, at the end of the day, it's not a huge loss for you.

Your size is going to give you an insane Stealth modifier, and if you have a way to reduce the light level in the area (and still get sneak attacks), or some other way of maximizing your ability to get sneak attacks, such as a ninja's vanish trick, or a feat or archetype ability that allows faster use of Bluff to feint, or good use of flanking / positioning, you should be good to go.

Focus on getting sneak attack on as many attacks as possible, and come up with some alternate tactics for when that isn't an option, like a tanglefoot bag or some alchemist's fire or something.

Things to consider;
Initiative may be key for getting into position for a sneak attack before foes can effectively respond by adjusting their own positioning (or attack of opportunity you while moving), as well as for throwing shuriken, daggers or other ranged weapons during the surprise round. A high Dex is great, but you may also want Improved Initiative (or at least one of the traits that gives you a +2 to initiative).

Bluff to feint. With the right feats, and a decent Charisma, this can help. At lower level it hardly matters if it's eating up your move action, since you might not see iterative attacks for awhile. (But see below!)

More attacks is more sneak attack dice. Two-Weapon Fighting and / or Rapid Shot are good feats to look at for these options. (Or the ninja talent that allows you to throw an extra shuriken.) Just bear in mind that your BAB isn't going to be great, so those -2's to attack rolls might make a difference, and there are times you may want to forgo an extra attack for a 10% better chance that one attack will land.

Mobility and / or Underfoot are handy feats to prevent attacks of opportunity provoked by movement from wrecking your day. You are going to be somewhat more dependent than most on getting into a good flanking position, and that can be tricky, particularly in a fight with multiple enemies , where getting into position to flank one, might result in you being flanked by two!

Check out some Rogue guides for more in-depth ideas on how to get reliable sneak (and what to do when you can't, or are facing foes that scoff at sneak attack).

Guides; e-eidolon-s-guide-to-rogues .html

Rub-Eta wrote:
Since you don't have a threat range while being tiny, you'll have a hard time flanking to get sneak attacks (or rather impossible).

Ooh, if that's true, that's going to be rough!

Nice, the Unchained Rogue really is a great idea! I totally forgot about it!

Set wrote:
Bober wrote:


I'm building a level 4 character, being a Rogue of Tiny size. While on the role-play side is awesome, I'm concerned about combat utility.
I have a great score of Dexterity but low Strength (10), and using Tiny weapons would mean having a small dice for dmg.
Any suggestion on how to boost a bit my dmg output without multi classing?

Weapon size is less of an issue for Rogues than their sneak attack dice. A size Tiny longsword does 1d4, instead of 1d8, which is only an average of 2 less points of damage, but the sneak attack dice remain unaffected by weapon size, so, at the end of the day, it's not a huge loss for you.

Your size is going to give you an insane Stealth modifier, and if you have a way to reduce the light level in the area (and still get sneak attacks), or some other way of maximizing your ability to get sneak attacks, such as a ninja's vanish trick, or a feat or archetype ability that allows faster use of Bluff to feint, or good use of flanking / positioning, you should be good to go.

Focus on getting sneak attack on as many attacks as possible, and come up with some alternate tactics for when that isn't an option, like a tanglefoot bag or some alchemist's fire or something.

Things to consider;
Initiative may be key for getting into position for a sneak attack before foes can effectively respond by adjusting their own positioning (or attack of opportunity you while moving), as well as for throwing shuriken, daggers or other ranged weapons during the surprise round. A high Dex is great, but you may also want Improved Initiative (or at least one of the traits that gives you a +2 to initiative).

Bluff to feint. With the right feats, and a decent Charisma, this can help. At lower level it hardly matters if it's eating up your move action, since you might not see iterative attacks for awhile. (But see below!)

More attacks is more sneak attack dice. Two-Weapon Fighting and / or Rapid Shot are good feats to look at for these options. (Or...

Thank you so much! This is going to help A LOT!

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Bober wrote:


I'm building a level 4 character, being a Rogue of Tiny size. While on the role-play side is awesome, I'm concerned about combat utility.
I have a great score of Dexterity but low Strength (10), and using Tiny weapons would mean having a small dice for dmg.

While I'm not interested in becoming a war machine, dealing tons of dmg, it would still be nice to do SOME dmg, especially when our enemies will become stronger (and eventually get some DR).

Any suggestion on how to boost a bit my dmg output without multi classing?

I'm open to weird ideas, my master is pretty openminded. So far I only thought about getting some kind of animal companion (just trained animals), or working with traps (which would only work in a controlled environment, where I could set the traps before engaging)..

10 Strength isn't that big of a deal, especially if you're Tiny size. If anything, that's actually a little much, because being Tiny size results in gear weighing only 1/4 of its normal weight (and having an average Strength is really only useful for carrying capacity). You could dump it down to 7, and still have plenty of carrying capacity to work with. The only downside would be for medium-sized items, like potions.

As others have said, Sneak Attack does a flat amount of damage, regardless of what weapon you use, so as long as you can maintain Sneak Attack bonuses (such as by having a Flank buddy, or denying the enemy their Dexterity to AC). There's also the matter of optimizing Dexterity to Damage by going UCRogue (better option, certain archetypes like Swashbuckler, Scout, or Sanctified will still work with the character), since being Tiny usually results in a higher Dexterity (and a higher AC/Touch AC). There's also the Debilitating Wound feature for UCRogues at 4th level, which debuffs an enemy's to-hit, AC, or speed, which scales to as high as +8, and is insanely awesome.

The biggest flaw in this is that dealing with any sort of Combat Maneuvers, such as optimizing in them, or defending against them, becomes significantly difficult, since you'll have penalties to your CMB and CMD, and it makes larger enemies who can perform such combat maneuvers much more powerful. The other flaws would include having 0 reach, and provoking AoOs just to move into their square and attack them.

There's also the matter of providing and receiving Flanking with a reach of 0, as that's a gray area entirely. From what I can tell though, as long as you're in their square (and an enemy is adjacent to them and able to attack), you'd be able to flank them.

As for attack methods, that's up to you. One of the most unique things with an UCRogue is being able to pick up an Elven Curved Blade, a two-handed finesse weapon that can deal 1.5x Dexterity, which is nice and consistent, and doesn't require many feats. But, to optimize Sneak Attack, you'll want to go the TWF route, as it gives you more attacks (and therefore more opportunities to apply Sneak Attack). In my opinion, though, TWF as a 3/4 BAB class isn't worth it.

Although you said multi-classing is a bad idea, it's actually pretty good if you do, as there are several class options which give you Sneak Attack as a Rogue, and other interesting benefits. The Snakebite Brawler archetype gives you +1D6 Sneak Attack (which would stack with your current Sneak Attack progression, allowing you 11D6 Sneak Attack at max level), gives you Improved Unarmed Strike, so even if you're unarmed, you're still a very big threat. There's also the Mantis UCMonk archetype, which gives the same Sneak Attack progression as a Rogue with a 2 level dip. The Sneak Attack has its restrictions, but with adding Wisdom to AC (and forgoing that tedious Max Dexterity Bonus armor and picking up Bracers of Armor +8), and other interesting goodies, does offer a better defensive benefit.

Of course, these are just a few ideas. I have others, but they do drastically change the Rogue concept (such as by implementing Unarmed Strikes to deal ridiculous Non-Lethal and still-competent Lethal damage against Non-Lethal-Immune enemies, like Undead and Constructs), but it's ultimately up to you if you wish to learn more or pursue such subjects. I just hope the information I provided is of some help.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

A one level dip in swashbuckler mouser will do wonders for your combat ability.

I would go 3 levels unchained rogue for dex to damage and one level of swashbuckler mouser so you can flank from inside the opponents square. If they move out of your square, even if it is a 5 ft step, it provokes. The opponent takes a -4 on all attacks unless targeting you.

You get a lot from a 1 level dip in swashbuckler.

Bober wrote:


... using Tiny weapons would mean having a small dice for dmg.

I am sorry I cannot resist, but should you not use tiny dice for dmg and not small?

On the other hand, as people said above there seems to be some gray areas with flanking, etc so I would check with your GM to get his ruling's on such things before you jump right into your PC concept.
If this is an pet (which i do not think so do to your opening statement but just thought to point out) the GM may also rule in a different way or the same way. ie tiny pets that provide flanking or other such benefits are huge compared to their downsides IMHO so in general I do not allow such in my games (no matter what the rules state).

Bober wrote:


I'm building a level 4 character, being a Rogue of Tiny size. While on the role-play side is awesome, I'm concerned about combat utility.
I have a great score of Dexterity but low Strength (10), and using Tiny weapons would mean having a small dice for dmg.

While I'm not interested in becoming a war machine, dealing tons of dmg, it would still be nice to do SOME dmg, especially when our enemies will become stronger (and eventually get some DR).

Any suggestion on how to boost a bit my dmg output without multi classing?

I'm open to weird ideas, my master is pretty openminded. So far I only thought about getting some kind of animal companion (just trained animals), or working with traps (which would only work in a controlled environment, where I could set the traps before engaging)..

As a tiny creature, you can't attack unless you are in the enemies square.

How do you plan on handling that?

Scarab Sages

You might also talk with your party members if you should take some teamwork feats that could make it easier for you to flank and so sneak attack.
not sure how this work for tiny creatures

yeah, the damage dice isnt the worry with this, its the threat range

Dark Archive

Rogues can use simple weapons, so the longspear, which has Reach, could be an option for allowing a Tiny Rogue to attack from an adjacent square, instead of having to enter a creature's space (and, with a Reach weapon, he'd threaten adjacent squares like a Small/Medium creature, and that should could for flanking).

One level dip into warpriest? Gets you sacred weapons and weapon focus. So even with tiny weapons your damage dice becomes 1d6. I'm guessing your wisdom isn't all that hot...but...

lvl 0 spell enhanced diplomacy (+2 diplomacy)

Simple lvl1 spells and blessings that can be used to up your damage (such as adding 1d4 of a chosen elemental damage to your weapon while moving into combat).

Seems like it could be a nice damage boost for you.

Actually small warpriests get lower damage dice, so probably tiny get even lower ones.

The 1 level dip mouser swashbuckler is a very good idea.
So is taking exotic weapon proficiency and using an elven bramble spear.
Probably you want to take dodge and mobility as well, that really helps you getting in place and avoid AoOs.

A Swordmaster's Flair: Blue Scarf will also do the trick with a rapier or other qualifying weapon. You just need Amateur Swashbuckler to use it.

Other options (depending on your willingness to spend feats/gold and wait for the build to come together) are getting weapons with the agile enchantment (a +1 enchant that uses dex to damage) but that would have to wait until you can afford a +2 weapon. You could also get the dervish dance feat, which gives you dex to damage while using a scimitar.

Thank you all for your help! I see a lot of great ideas, and I have to admit I didn't really think this through.

Dumping STR down to 8 might help a bit. I guess I'll have to look into multi classing, even if it's something I usually avoid at such low levels.

Now I have a question that might or might not solve the reach issue: what if I play it ranged?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't found anything saying that I can't use a ranged weapon to sneak attack. As long as someone else keeps the target's attention, I should be able to move on the other side and flank him even if ranged.

In that case, using a crossbow would solve the reach issue, and also help with the damage.. with proficiency in double crossbow, with rapid shot, rapid reload. I could get a bonus feat with "Combat Trick" (rogue talent), to have both already. I should be able to fire 4 bolts (2 with the first attack, and 2 more thanks to rapid shot).
then, when I can get crossbow mastery, it would allow me to load both bolts with my move action, preventing me from losing a round to reload.

What do you guys think? Would it work?

Bober wrote:

Thank you all for your help! I see a lot of great ideas, and I have to admit I didn't really think this through.

Dumping STR down to 8 might help a bit. I guess I'll have to look into multi classing, even if it's something I usually avoid at such low levels.

Now I have a question that might or might not solve the reach issue: what if I play it ranged?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't found anything saying that I can't use a ranged weapon to sneak attack. As long as someone else keeps the target's attention, I should be able to move on the other side and flank him even if ranged.

In that case, using a crossbow would solve the reach issue, and also help with the damage.. with proficiency in double crossbow, with rapid shot, rapid reload. I could get a bonus feat with "Combat Trick" (rogue talent), to have both already. I should be able to fire 4 bolts (2 with the first attack, and 2 more thanks to rapid shot).
then, when I can get crossbow mastery, it would allow me to load both bolts with my move action, preventing me from losing a round to reload.

What do you guys think? Would it work?

You would need to threaten at range (such as by the snap shot line) in order to flank at range. Otherwise, go wild.

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You can sneak attack targets within 30 ft (if I'm not completely wrong) and there is a specific rule about ranged sneak attacks and stealth. The problem comes when you want to attack more than once a round. I'm pretty sure you're auto-detected unless you use the sniper rule, so your options are back to finding someone that can flank for you.

You could, if you hate your dm and aren't bound by morals, go for a cheese build. I think you get one level oracle with mist mystery (or something like that) where you end up with a fog cloud you can full round sneak attack from.

The Sniper archetype could help, even if just 10ft range isn't that much:

"Deadly Range (Ex)

At 3rd level, a sniper increases the range at which she can apply her sneak attack damage by 10 feet. This range increases by 10 feet for every 3 levels after 3rd."

Other than snap shot, is there any other way to increase my threat range?

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Greeeit wrote:

You can sneak attack targets within 30 ft (if I'm not completely wrong) and there is a specific rule about ranged sneak attacks and stealth. The problem comes when you want to attack more than once a round. I'm pretty sure you're auto-detected unless you use the sniper rule, so your options are back to finding someone that can flank for you.

You could, if you hate your dm and aren't bound by morals, go for a cheese build. I think you get one level oracle with mist mystery (or something like that) where you end up with a fog cloud you can full round sneak attack from.

You can sneak attack at range, but only if your target is denied his dex bonus. You won't be flanking unless you pile on some other feats (snapshot, improved snapshot).

Hmm, are you sure about it?

This is what it says about flanking:
"When in doubt about whether two characters flank an opponent in the middle, trace an imaginary line between the two attackers' centers. If the line passes through opposite borders of the opponent's space (including corners of those borders), then the opponent is flanked."

From what I understood, I should be considered flanking even if ranged, while my ally wouldn't (because while he threaten the enemy during my round, I don't during his).

Normally, you have to be in melee and threaten to flank.

When making a melee attack, you get a +2 flanking bonus if your opponent is threatened by another enemy character or creature on its opposite border or opposite corner.

_Ozy_ wrote:

Normally, you have to be in melee and threaten to flank.

When making a melee attack, you get a +2 flanking bonus if your opponent is threatened by another enemy character or creature on its opposite border or opposite corner.

Well, I wouldn't get the +2 bonus, but my attacks would still be flat footed, because he wouldn't be able to react normally, since I'm shooting him from behind.

I do like the idea of Oracle.. Seems kinda like cheating, but I do hate my DM, so....

No, there's been enough dev commentary to shut this down. You can only be considered 'flanking' if you are in melee combat.

There is no such thing as 'behind' in Pathfinder.

Bober wrote:
I do like the idea of Oracle.. Seems kinda like cheating, but I do hate my DM, so....

Nono, not "like" cheating. This is up there with synthesist summoners on the list of things that get straight up banned by more or less any Gm.

Grand Lodge

A level dip or two into Warpriest may help-
A Warpriest's Sacred Weapon bonus ups the damage dice; they get free Weapon Focus so they have a better chance to hit, then they also get access to a spell called Divine Favor- +1 Att/DMG.

biggest downside is, it's a 3/4 BaB class.
If you plan on doing multiple classes, it's going to hinder you.

also, Core Rogue Archetypes are still applicable to Unchained Rogues. There's the Knife Master archetype that increases your Sneak Attack damage- from d6 to d8.

Liberty's Edge

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Various ideas;

Mount - You could ride around on something like a small dog and be able to go just about anywhere. While mounted you could also make full attacks with a bow. Mounted melee is more complicated, but also viable.

Sniping - Being tiny provides a bonus to hiding and allows you to get total concealment behind a large leaf. There are various options (Greater Sniping weapon, Expert Sniper feat, Stealthy Sniper rogue talent, etc) to reduce or eliminate sniping penalties and the Master Sniper feat allows firing twice while remaining hidden. Slow attack speed is less of a problem if enemies can't find you at all.

Retaliatory attacks - If you go with melee look in to Counterpunch, Panther Style, Snake Style, and other options which allow you to attack people who attack you. Since size makes you hard to hit you can potentially get a lot of extra attacks off of opponents missing you.

Performance Combat - Mocking Dance + Performing Combatant + Master Combat Performer allows you to use performance feats in regular combat and get a 5' step or move away from enemies every time you trigger a performance combat check... which can easily allow two or three moves per round at higher level. Can allow a ranged attacker to full attack while kiting away from enemies.

Sacred Weapon damage on a tiny creature would be pretty ineffective, unless we're talking about a really high level.

That being said, four levels of Warpriest with the right traits can get +3 attack and damage Divine Favor with a swift action, and gets 3BAB for 4 levels. It also gets other assorted bonuses and free feats, or some Sneak Attack with Cult Leader. It's a very useful 4 levels. You could even go Sacred Fist 4/ Unchained Rogue to use Flurry of Blows on a rapier with Finesse Training by taking Crusader's Flurry.

Is there a rule that adjust the sneak attack with ranged weapons from 30' to something less for small creatures?
I as a GM might use the size mods to reduce this range by the factors provided based on the creatures size.

As a side note I think as a kick sometime I might require players to use the same size dice as their PC's, and if they have some growth or shrink ability then they have to use the appropriate dice to roll with.
I love dice so I guess I might be promoting some dice buying among'st players.

Liberty's Edge

Mark Carlson 255 wrote:
Is there a rule that adjust the sneak attack with ranged weapons from 30' to something less for small creatures?

No... and there are various abilities/options which extend or completely remove the 30' limit. Greater Sniper Goggles being my favorite.

Bober wrote:
I'm building a level 4 character,

So, non PFS? What rules are you allowed? By what mechanism are you playing a Tiny Character? Is this a Tiny Race, or are you somehow Polymorphing into a Tiny Creature?

You are getting a lot of good advice and from people I often disagree with profoundly.

johnlocke90 wrote:

As a tiny creature, you can't attack unless you are in the enemies square.

How do you plan on handling that?

That's a problem.

Bober wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't found anything saying that I can't use a ranged weapon to sneak attack.
The Sideromancer wrote:
You would need to threaten at range (such as by the snap shot line) in order to flank at range. Otherwise, go wild.

Snap Shot Feats totally fix this problem. You will be able to Threaten all squares within 10', so Flanking is back on the table,

CBDunkerson wrote:
Retaliatory attacks - If you go with melee look in to Counterpunch, Panther Style, Snake Style, and other options which allow you to attack people who attack you. Since size makes you hard to hit you can potentially get a lot of extra attacks off of opponents missing you.

and so are Feats such as Snake Fang and Panther Claw, which would otherwise be totally stymied by everyone having Reach on you: I've had this problem.

Snake Fang and Panther Claw only work with Unarmed Strikes, but if you also take Ascetic Style Feats, you can apply them to your Chosen Weapon. Ascetic Style Feats are not PFS legal, but I don't think you are playing PFS. There are obstacles to choosing just the weapon you want, though, depending on which weapon that would turn out to be.

CBDunkerson wrote:
you could also make full attacks with a bow.

Take a look at the Archer Fighter Archetype. With 3 levels in Archer, you can Feint with your bow.

CBDunkerson wrote:

I like the Ninja Vanishing Trick: turn Invisible as a Swift Action. After 10 levels in Ninja, you get Greater Invisibility which will let you fight while Invisible for a long time. I was thinking 3 levels in Monk Drunken Master would let you replenish Ki as fast as you can drink, and you can drink as a Swift Action if you take the Potion Glutton Feat. Take a 4th level in Monk, and be a Quinngong Drunken Ninja Master. Take Scorching Ray, a Ranged Touch Attack that does 4d6 regardless of Size vs Flatfooted AC while you are Vanished, and lock in your Sneak Attack Damage. That idea makes me smile. That would normally only allow 1 attack/round, since you become Visible with your Attack. But, as

CBDunkerson wrote:
Being tiny provides a bonus to hiding and allows you to get total concealment behind a large leaf.

My favorite way to achieve Flanking--forgive me if it was mentioned, and I didn't see it--is Dimensional Slide, a tactical teleport that can be done as part of your Move and does not disorient you. Even 1 level in Arcanist lets you teleport 10'.

Another thing I saw mentioned is the Dirty Trick Combat Maneuver. I like Dirty Tricks to make opponents Blind and lock in your Sneak Attack Damage. Tiny creatures are usually terrible at Combat Maneuvers, though. The Agile Maneuvers Feat lets you use your Dex instead of Strength. If you take 1 or more levels in Alchemist, you can use Extracts of True Strike. If your levels in Alchemist are in the Vivisectionist Archetype, you get more Sneak Attack instead of Bombs. If you take Potion Glutton, you technically should be able to take Extracts as Swift Actions, but you should vet this with your GM.

Snap Shot Feats totally fix this problem. You will be able to Threaten all squares within 10', so Flanking is back on the table,

Doubtful. Devs have weighed in that flanking is for melee only, and RAW seems to agree.

Liberty's Edge

There is no such thing as ranged flanking in Pathfinder.

Thus, your best bet for ranged sneak attack is instead to set up situations where you can see the target, but they cannot see you; sniping, invisibility, Tiny Hut spell, darkness + see in darkness, fog cloud + mist sight, et cetera.

I have a build for a Small goblin Rogue if you are interested. Very much the sneak attack king.

_Ozy_ wrote:
Snap Shot Feats totally fix this problem. You will be able to Threaten all squares within 10', so Flanking is back on the table,
Doubtful. Devs have weighed in that flanking is for melee only, and RAW seems to agree.

I guess I did overspeak. With Snapshot, you are Threatening, but you still are not technically making a melee attack. The fact that you are Threatening opens the door for Sneak Attack for others. Meanwhile, it is worth vetting that with the OP's GM.

Meanwhile, I concede that Snap Shot Feats--technically, per RAW--only fix most of the problems with being Tiny.

You should be able to achieve Flanking with Snapshot via the Overwhelm and Pack Flanking teamwork feats.

Liberty's Edge

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
You should be able to achieve Flanking with Snapshot via the Overwhelm and Pack Flanking teamwork feats.


You cannot receive flanking bonuses with a ranged weapon in Pathfinder.

Pathfinder Design Team wrote:
James Risner wrote:
Can a Rogue gain Sneak Attack damage dice using a Ranged Longbow attack while in flanking position with an ally?
No FAQ Required: As per the Gang Up FAQ "flanking specifically refers to melee attacks," so no, the rogue can't do so. As an aside, though it isn't the question asked here, someone threatening with a ranged weapon can provide a flank to an ally who is using a melee weapon.

"Scout" archtype, using ""Scout's Charge" and "Skirmisher" to get sneak attacks (no flank needed)....add the teamwork feat "Gang Up" and you should be covered for sneak attacks in most situations

Shadow Lodge

Items will also help you. Getting Amulet of the Blooded (Fey) gives you 9 rounds of Greater Invisibility per day, for 10,000 gp. That can ensure a fight's worth of sneak attacks.

If you have crafting, make a ring of Longarm. If not, just get a wand of it. Gives you an extra 5' reach.

You won't need to worry about dealing damage at all as long as you can get into position for your sneak attacks. With weapon finesse you should be able to hit consistently because you should be getting that flanking bonus as well.

Make sure you and the tank are working together to set up flanks, and don't forget that you can get sneak attack damage on those who haven't yet acted because they will be flat footed.

No need to even bother getting dex to damage. Let the sneak attack dice do all the work and instead improve your accuracy and defense.

If you want to pursue more damage down the road, the two weapon fighting route can really boost your damage potential. Get menacing on your weapon to improve your flanking bonus. Enjoy wrecking things.

Two weapon fighting
Daggers (1d4 becomes 1d2, not a big loss)
River Rat Trait (+1 dagger damage)
Fate's Favored Trait (+1 luck bonuses)
Lvl 1 spell: Divine Favor (1min get +2 hit and dmg)
Sanctified Slayer Inquisitor Dip (Studied target, move action gets you +1 hit and dmg against one enemy for entire combat, immediate action when sneak attacking)
Chivalry Inquisition (gets you a mount as per the cavalier ability. You are tiny so you can ride the mount anywhere and it attacks for more damage)

Take this feat:

It lets your mount move and you get to make a full attack, overcoming the biggest weakness of two weapon fighting.

Then a 1 lvl dip in inspired swashbuckler or 3 lvls of unchained rogue for dex to hit and dmg.


Liberty's Edge

I also agree with the mouser dip. It really makes playing smaller characters very fun. Also, if you want really to crank that AC up (which tiny characters tend to be able to do) you can tank pretty well.

CBDunkerson wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:
You should be able to achieve Flanking with Snapshot via the Overwhelm and Pack Flanking teamwork feats.


You cannot receive flanking bonuses with a ranged weapon in Pathfinder.

Pathfinder Design Team wrote:
James Risner wrote:
Can a Rogue gain Sneak Attack damage dice using a Ranged Longbow attack while in flanking position with an ally?
No FAQ Required: As per the Gang Up FAQ "flanking specifically refers to melee attacks," so no, the rogue can't do so. As an aside, though it isn't the question asked here, someone threatening with a ranged weapon can provide a flank to an ally who is using a melee weapon.

The Official Rules Response trumps the text of the Gang Up Feat, which closely resembles the Overwhelm and Pack Flanking feats. You got that.

That being said, I don't like the tone of the Pathfinder Design Team: an official response was certainly required. Their response flatly contradicts and overrides the text of the rules.

That being said, I acknowledge this change in the rules. And thanks for setting me straight on that.

Dark Archive

Just throwing some things out there:
As a tiny character, unless you have reach you'll have to enter a foe's square to hit it. This always provokes an AoO unless you have an ability that says otherwise, ie: You cannot 5 foot step into a square without provoking. FAQ
Also, the rules for flanking when you're sharing a square with a foe you want to hit are nonexistent. Something to hash out with your GM.

Ectar wrote:

Just throwing some things out there:

As a tiny character, unless you have reach you'll have to enter a foe's square to hit it. This always provokes an AoO unless you have an ability that says otherwise, ie: You cannot 5 foot step into a square without provoking. FAQ
Also, the rules for flanking when you're sharing a square with a foe you want to hit are nonexistent. Something to hash out with your GM.

Generally, you can't participate in Flanking if you are in your opponent's square, but you there is a special ability you can get as a Swashbuckler with the Mouser Archetype: Underfoot Assault.

There is a thread on these forums, Songbird of Doom, that describes a build that combines Underfoot Assault, Monkey Style Feats, and Sneak Attacking.

Also, I mentioned a couple of Feats that allow you to Flank opponents regardless of positioning: the Overwhelm and Pack Flanking teamwork feats. CBD mentioned a third: Gang Up.

CBDunkerson wrote:

There is no such thing as ranged flanking in Pathfinder.

Thus, your best bet for ranged sneak attack is instead to set up situations where you can see the target, but they cannot see you; sniping, invisibility, Tiny Hut spell, darkness + see in darkness, fog cloud + mist sight, et cetera.

I mentioned one of those ways: Ninja Vanishing Trick, which I like to combine with Quinngong Drunken Master Monk, Scorching Ray, and the Potion Glutton Feat.

The Archer Fighter Archetype can Feint with a Bow. You can dip into that to lock in your Sneak Attack Damage. With Greater Feint, you can make the occaisional Full Attack Action with your bow with every arrow scorting Sneak Attack Damage.

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