Nohwear |
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^Wouldn't a reflavored Shield Champion Brawler do close to what you want?
Not really. I think that what I want is a Slayer archetype that gives you the ability to not need armor. Think of the Masai and the Aztec Jaguar Warriors.

Cruel Illusion |

I'd like more Occult Archetypes:
-An Unsummoner with psychic spellcasting and kinetic blasts + some infusions instead of arcane casting and an Eidolon
-A fey medium with access the Supernaturalist's spirit and the Hunter's spell list
-A vigilante with some of the psychic's divination spells, focused on finding, exploring and assaulting the minds of her foes.
-A Spiritualist with a poltergeist as a spirit

Squiggit |

UnArcaneElection wrote:Not really. I think that what I want is a Slayer archetype that gives you the ability to not need armor. Think of the Masai and the Aztec Jaguar Warriors.^Wouldn't a reflavored Shield Champion Brawler do close to what you want?
Agree completely, for a lot of these archetypes (both historical and fantastical) the shield is used instead of armor, while mostly in Pathfinder shields are used in addition to armor to pump AC even more.
In general I think there should be better options for strong characters to not rely on armor. The mighty warrior who eschews proper armor is a really common fantasy archetype but Pathfinder makes that kinda hard.

Vidmaster7 |

Nohwear wrote:UnArcaneElection wrote:Not really. I think that what I want is a Slayer archetype that gives you the ability to not need armor. Think of the Masai and the Aztec Jaguar Warriors.^Wouldn't a reflavored Shield Champion Brawler do close to what you want?
Agree completely, for a lot of these archetypes (both historical and fantastical) the shield is used instead of armor, while mostly in Pathfinder shields are used in addition to armor to pump AC even more.
In general I think there should be better options for strong characters to not rely on armor. The mighty warrior who eschews proper armor is a really common fantasy archetype but Pathfinder makes that kinda hard.
how about wearing bracers of armor and having a decent dex i guess it wouldn't work out as well at low level seems like ranger or figther could work.shield bearer brawler with bracers to make up for ac or maybe as a monk weapon master >.> yeah it is kind of tricky im thinking spartan myself (phalanx figther) I suspose bracers of armor aren't optimal but at least no ac penalties

The NPC |

Ulfhedinn wrote:Ooooh, this is an excellent idea, I fully endorse this! For whatever that's worth.A divine bloodrager!!!
(who's saying rage prophet? :p )
Substitute sorcerer's abilities for oracle's ones (spell list, revelations instead of bloodlines,...)
There is a 3PP like this. It's called the Incarnate and it fuses the oracle and barbarian.

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I would love to see a rogue archetype which is focused on shadow themed magical abilities. Shadowstrike, Shadow Step, darkness/darkvision, Umbral Gear, etc. There are ways to get most of that now, but it requires so many feats/talents and/or specific races or magic items that it is basically unplayable, or at least does not all come together until level 15+
I would also like to see a simplified Druid shapeshifter...instead of wildshaping into your choice of hundreds of specific animals have it be a couple of specific types, or even just a generic beast form which is just stat adjustments which you skin to fit your taste. A number of people have referenced World of Warcraft, the druids there are a good example...you get a tough tanky form, an agile damage dealer form, and a utility/movement form.
This would probably be more of a new class than an archetype, but how about a themed quasi-caster who gets a scaling set of spell like abilities all focused around a specific theme? Elements, or a specific school of magic to the exclusion of all others (necromancy only for example, or illusion only, etc) maybe have the different themes be archetypes around a central framework.

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HeHateMe wrote:There is a 3PP like this. It's called the Incarnate and it fuses the oracle and barbarian.Ulfhedinn wrote:Ooooh, this is an excellent idea, I fully endorse this! For whatever that's worth.A divine bloodrager!!!
(who's saying rage prophet? :p )
Substitute sorcerer's abilities for oracle's ones (spell list, revelations instead of bloodlines,...)
Many thanks, i'll take a look

JiCi |

A divine bloodrager!!!
(who's saying rage prophet? :p )
Substitute sorcerer's abilities for oracle's ones (spell list, revelations instead of bloodlines,...)
I could see it as a Warpriest archetype, with the rage replacing its other features.
My ideas:
Arcanist - archetypes that give Psychic spells
Vigilante - a Psychic-focus archetype, be like the Psychic or Mesmerist; I know that we have the Psychometrist (Occultist), but how about a Psychic version of the Zealot?
Druid, Ranger or Hunter - a Natural Attack specialist/partial shapeshifter

Plausible Pseudonym |

I would love to see a rogue archetype which is focused on shadow themed magical abilities. Shadowstrike, Shadow Step, darkness/darkvision, Umbral Gear, etc. There are ways to get most of that now, but it requires so many feats/talents and/or specific races or magic items that it is basically unplayable, or at least does not all come together until level 15+.
Is that with the archetype in Blood of Shadows or base rogue?

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The Archetype 'Shadow Walker' from the Blood of Shadows book fits thematically. But you give up a ton of functionality to gain darkvision, an 'illumination pool' which lets you control the light levels around you, and gain a favored light level which gives you a bonus to a couple skills in you favorite lighting. You have to give up trap finding, trap sense, your level 2 rogue talent, uncanny dodge, and improved uncanny dodge to basically turn yourself into a dimmer switch with darkvision.
There are 2 races with shadow themes, the Fetchling (Not PFS legal without a boon) and the Wayang (Weird little shadow goblin/imp guys). Each has a couple racial shadow related abilities.
Outside of that, you have to spend feats on things like Eldritch Heritage: Shadow Bloodline and Greater Eldritch Heritage: Shadow Bloodline, and rogue talents on Minor/Major Magic, Gloom Magic/Greater Gloom Magic, Umbral Gear, and Ki Pool/Vanishing Trick. So that is 2 or more feats and 7 talents. That does not leave much room for combat related feats, and you would not have most of your shadowy abilities until you are level 10+.

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I'd love to see a Cleric Archetype that dumps Spontaneous Cure Spells and Channel Energy to Heal the Living for more interesting Class Features. Maybe an option for a pet, more Skill Points, Bonus Feats, or something like that.
I'd love to see an Archetype that nullifies all of the atheist/Rahadoumi themed options, maybe that alters the aura so that within 5ft per 2 levels, Godless Healing simply fails, and options that only affect Divine either do not work at all or default to a lesser version of the generic, (so Divine Spell Resistance 15 suddenly becomes just Spell Resistance 10).
I'd like a Cleric Archetype that dips I a little into the Warpriest, (and Inquisitor, and Oracle, and Witch, and Spiritualist) little unique options like Fervor or Hex or Bane.
I'd also like a Cleric (and Paladin, and maybe even an Oracle, but in that order) Archetype that specializes in Positive and Negative Energy offensively.

Secret Wizard |

Grey Lensman wrote:Yeah, all of the spellless investigators are pretty cringey. Which is a shame because I like the idea behind some of them.
I imagine it's much easier to remove spells from a Paladin or Ranger than it is from a Bard - 6 level spellcasting is much more difficult to replace without granting a whole host of abilities that would probably be considered game-breaking.
I think the spell-less Hunter archetype I created for my book came out pretty well.
I'd like to see more smart divine caster archetypes - something good but still with a decent number of skill points, maybe even Int-based spellcasting.
I also have one of those! The Studied Theosophist not only has INT-based casting but a pretty neat feature replacing Channel Energy...

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I would really really like an Ustalavic Duelist Archetype re-tailored for the Swashbuckler class.

Alchemist 23 |

A would love an archetype that grants sorcerer bloodline powers to the kineticist. You can choose to give up a wild talent for a sorcerer bloodline power of your chosen bloodline. The 20th cap ability of the kineticist is replaced by the final bloodline power of your chosen bloodline. Maybe you can take burn to cast your bloodline spells.
I would like to see other classes get kineticist abilities especially the vigilante, sorcerer, psychic, monk, and rouge.
I would like a monk(normal and unchained) archetype that changes alignment to any chaotic, uses cha instead of wis for AC, ki powers, ets. Also has ki powers focused on chaos, wild magic, mischief, etc.
An archetype for sorcerers that grant them more skill points and class skills.
Vigilante archetypes that grant them bombs, sorcerer bloodline powers, wild shape, ki powers, phantom, eidolon, etc.
I would love something that gave you a small eidolon as some kind of front liner
The other big one I would like to see would be a soul forger Arcanist. Something like a toned down Soul Drinker but much more item / crafting focused, kind of like a wizard occultist mix instead of Wiz Sorc.
Another one I would do would be more of a prestige class but a spell assassin would rock. Sort of like the red mantis but grants just plain +1 to existing spell class instead of a whole knew spell list. Also one of the requirements has to be spell focus illusion.
The last thing I would really like would be a gunslinger that had bombs and some (Like 5) discoveries. In exchange he could lost most of his grit powers and all of his nibble stuff.

Dragon78 |

A fighter archetype(and samurai) that grants them supernatural powers with their weapons like causing shock waves when they strike the ground, fire blades/waves of energy/air at range, etc.
Elemental themed archetypes of each element(air, earth, fire, and water and maybe wood, and void,) for brawlers, fighters, rogues, bards, swashbucklers, ninja, samurai, rangers, cavaliers, and monks.

Diachronos |
Brawler archetypes in general for me. It has the 5th fewest archetypes overall right now, only beaten by Psychic, Ninja, Antipaladin, and Unchained Monk.
I'd also love to see either new Monk archetypes that are actually compatible with Unchained Monk (I'm looking at you, Legacy of the First World!) or updated versions of old Monk archetypes that are compatible.

Mbertorch |

I never got the arcane anthology book plus I would prefer a spontaneous caster version of each magic type. But thanks for the information.
Ah. Okay. And yes, Spontaneous would be cooler.
Arcane Anthology also answered your question about what fighters' have to give up to get 4th level casting, and the general concensus is "too much." At least in this instance.

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I want to see an archetype that is focused on taking down Rakshasa's. Or an organization, item, spell, feat, deity, anything. At the moment, the only way you can specialize in them (sort of) is ranger's favored enemy as Native Outsiders.
Slayer or Ranger seem the most likely for an archetype of it, but I can see it in other classes too.

Dragon78 |

-One with a monk like AC(wisdom) and ki powers.
-One were your katana has a kami bound to it.
-A dragon related/infusion one.
-One with smite chaos(like paladin's smite evil but vs chaos), and other law based powers, must be lawful.
-A holy based one with 4th level cleric spell casting.
-Psychic based one that infuses blade with psychic powers.
-One that gets favored enemy and is focused on defeating monsters.
-One that was granted powers by an oni.
-One with a monk like AC(charisma) and additional ki powers.
-One that is possessed by a nekomata/bakeneko.
-One that is cursed(maybe like an oracle curse) and has cursed powers(hexes maybe).
-One that creates shadow blades and uses shadow magic.
-One that gains spell casting(6th arcane) and a familiar.
-A psychic based one with telepathy and empathic abilities.

Dragon78 |

An Investigator archetype that focuses on aliens and technology.
A Slayer archetype devoted to slaying vampires.
A Skald archetype that grants dragon themed abilities instead of rage.
A Skald archetype that grants dragon slaying bonuses instead of rage.
A Brawler archetype that grants primal powers to partially and/or completely change into an animal.
An Occultist archetype that focuses on crystals, rune stones, and/or gem stones.