Mathus Mordrinacht

Ulfhedinn's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


Dark Archive

Spirit Ally feat in the Haunted Heroes Handbook. Prerequisite: Caster level 8t, this acts as a constant unseen servant spell

Dark Archive

Thanael wrote:

Probably retrained as a Raging Cannibal.

As a former Linnorm King he should be high level, say 14+

Maybe the first cannibal of Kalva

Dark Archive

Too bad :(

Thanks anyway!

Dark Archive

Hello everyone, I am looking for more information on Fjarn, but I find no other source than this one :

"Fjarn is a burly, corpse-grey undead creature in the service of the Pallid Princess, Urgathoa. Once an Ulfen Linnorm King, Fjarn was forced to slaughter and consume his entire honor guard. After killing himself in shame he rose as a ghast, but still maintains all of his barbarian powers. Fjarn prefers to eat his defeated foes."

So, my questions are :

1- At what time does he live?

2- Why was he forced to eat his guard?

Dark Archive

The NPC wrote:
HeHateMe wrote:
Ulfhedinn wrote:

A divine bloodrager!!!

(who's saying rage prophet? :p )

Substitute sorcerer's abilities for oracle's ones (spell list, revelations instead of bloodlines,...)

Ooooh, this is an excellent idea, I fully endorse this! For whatever that's worth.
There is a 3PP like this. It's called the Incarnate and it fuses the oracle and barbarian.

Many thanks, i'll take a look

Dark Archive

Check Wayfinder 13 for lycanthropic bloodline ;)

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A divine bloodrager!!!

(who's saying rage prophet? :p )

Substitute sorcerer's abilities for oracle's ones (spell list, revelations instead of bloodlines,...)

Dark Archive

jedi8187 wrote:
What is so bad about the ursine wildsoul? It was probably my favorite. I don't have the book so I can only go off what's spoiled

At will in vigilante identity :

Claws at 2nd level
Bite at 6th level
+1 Natural armor at 12th level (+1 at 16th and 20th)
Bear form at 18th level

Dark Archive

Can I get more details on the Inquisitor Archetypes please?

Dark Archive

Hubaris wrote:
Aeron Solo wrote:
Can someone detail the new archetypes for the Inquisitor please ?

2 new Inquisitions, both available to Norgorber and Calistria.

One of the Inquisitors replaces Teamwork Feats and Solo Tactics with an ability to choose combat feats from an OKish pool (and swap them like the Inquisitor Teamwork Feat ability). Fairly decent actually.

Can't recall the others on mobile.

Thank you ;)

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Can someone detail the new archetypes for the Inquisitor please ?

Dark Archive