Compilation of Campaign Clarification requests

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Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

If I gain an animal companion through the feat Animal Ally, do all of my classes count as "a class that grants an animal companion" for the share spells ability?

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It looks as though the author(s) of this document lost track of the fact that the eidolon uses the quick rules rather than the rebuild rules from the simple class template.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 *** Venture-Agent, Nebraska—Omaha

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Thomas Hutchins wrote:

I have a question about the ancestor Eidolon.

"Instead of gaining a +4 bonus to a specific ability score at 4th level, an ancestor eidolon gain the ability increase evolution for that ability score at 4th level."

But it doesn't get an ability score increase.

"It gains the abilities noted under the template’s quick rules as if it were a creature with 1 Hit Die. "

"+2 on all rolls based on Str;"

So what are we doing here?

That is worded a bit odd. But, intent is pretty easy to identify.

Instead of +2 on Str-based rolls (equivalent to the bonus a +4 STR would provide), the eidolon gets ability score increase which is +2 to STR, (+1 on Str-based rolls).

This helps the rogue's Dex the most, but Str might be useful for CMD.

Grand Lodge 3/5

A dark tapestry shaman may use her alien summons hex once per day, plus one additional time at 8th level,and one additional time at 15th level.

That's a pretty big nerf to Dark Tapestry shaman.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Developer

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KingOfAnything wrote:
Thomas Hutchins wrote:

I have a question about the ancestor Eidolon.

"Instead of gaining a +4 bonus to a specific ability score at 4th level, an ancestor eidolon gain the ability increase evolution for that ability score at 4th level."

But it doesn't get an ability score increase.

"It gains the abilities noted under the template’s quick rules as if it were a creature with 1 Hit Die. "

"+2 on all rolls based on Str;"

So what are we doing here?

That is worded a bit odd. But, intent is pretty easy to identify.

Instead of +2 on Str-based rolls (equivalent to the bonus a +4 STR would provide), the eidolon gets ability score increase which is +2 to STR, (+1 on Str-based rolls).

This helps the rogue's Dex the most, but Str might be useful for CMD.

Yes, this is the intent.


so instead of the quick rules we use the rebuild rules using the gradual str increase, or instead of the bonus to rolls we get actual stat increases and otherwise use the quick rebuild?

Does this stat increase count as and follow the rules of the normal evolution? meaning if that is going to str does it count as 1 of the 2 increases I can do or is it separate from all the choices I make with the evo points?

Because the simple template being a bonus to the rolls means that I can still pick up the stat increase evolution as normal and stack them. Using the real rebuild rules lets me stack them. So I'm curious if these bonus evolutions count to the limit or are outside the limit.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 *** Venture-Agent, Nebraska—Omaha

You are getting the evolution like any other subtype that gives out evolutions. They count toward the limit on a single ability score.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Developer

Thomas Hutchins wrote:

so instead of the quick rules we use the rebuild rules using the gradual str increase, or instead of the bonus to rolls we get actual stat increases and otherwise use the quick rebuild?

Does this stat increase count as and follow the rules of the normal evolution? meaning if that is going to str does it count as 1 of the 2 increases I can do or is it separate from all the choices I make with the evo points?

Because the simple template being a bonus to the rolls means that I can still pick up the stat increase evolution as normal and stack them. Using the real rebuild rules lets me stack them. So I'm curious if these bonus evolutions count to the limit or are outside the limit.

They count as taking those evolutions for all purposes, including the limit.

Sovereign Court 5/5

Quote from above:
Linda Zayas-Palmer wrote:
Thomas Hutchins wrote:

so instead of the quick rules we use the rebuild rules using the gradual str increase, or instead of the bonus to rolls we get actual stat increases and otherwise use the quick rebuild?

Does this stat increase count as and follow the rules of the normal evolution? meaning if that is going to str does it count as 1 of the 2 increases I can do or is it separate from all the choices I make with the evo points?

Because the simple template being a bonus to the rolls means that I can still pick up the stat increase evolution as normal and stack them. Using the real rebuild rules lets me stack them. So I'm curious if these bonus evolutions count to the limit or are outside the limit.

They count as taking those evolutions for all purposes, including the limit.

I do not understand the need for a clarification. If you leave the archetype alone not change anything, you get to the same place. So, my question is why the change?


man, a big double nerf for the ancestor eidolon in the clarification.

No stat adjustment from race selected, and changing the untyped bonus into an evo so you can't double up on it.

Welp, at least I'm clear on how it's working. Now to decide if I still want one or not. :)

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

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What is the duration of the heroism/greater heroism benefit from the karyukai tea set? Is it the normal duration of the spell based on the item's caster level (110 minutes for heroism and 11 minutes for greater heroism), or is it twelve hours as indicated in the lowest tier effect to which all later tiers refer?

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

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These witch hexes have no range listed, and there is no general rule for the range of a hex.

EDIT: Removed Ice Tomb from the list as it has been answered in a FAQ.


Peacebond, Champions of Purity p. 27:
A witch can use this hex on a creature to prevent it from drawing a weapon for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s level. This hex has no effect on natural weapons or weapons already in a creature’s hands, but does prevent an archer from drawing arrows. A Will save negates this effect, and whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.

Unnerve Beasts, Ultimate Magic p. 82:
The target becomes offensive to animals (Will negates). Animals become distraught and aggressive in the victim’s presence—horses buck, dogs snap and bark, bulls charge, and so on. The hex lasts a number of hours equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. A creature that saves against the hex cannot be affected by the hex for 1 day. The reaction of the animals is a mind-affecting charm effect, but the hex on the target is not.

Ward, Advanced Player's Guide p. 67:
A witch can use this hex to place a protective ward over one creature. The warded creature receives a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws. This ward lasts until the warded creature is hit or fails a saving throw. A witch knows when a warded creature is no longer protected. A witch can have only one ward active at a time. If the witch uses this ability again, the previous ward immediately ends. A witch cannot use this ability on herself. At 8th level and 16th level, the bonuses provided by this ward increase by +1.

Water Lung, Ultimate Magic p. 82:
An air-breathing target can breathe water or an aquatic target can breathe air. This lasts 1 minute. If the witch uses this hex on herself, she can maintain it while she sleeps, allowing her to safely sleep underwater.


Hoarfrost, Ultimate Magic p. 82:
The target is rimed with a shell of frost needles that slowly work their way into its flesh (Fortitude negates). The target turns pale and blue, and takes 1 point of Constitution damage per minute until it dies, saves (once per minute), or is cured. Break enchantment, dispel magic, remove curse, and similar spells end the effect. If the target saves, it is immune to this hex for 1 day. This is a cold effect.

Infected Wounds, Ultimate Magic p. 82:
The target’s wounds become infected (Fortitude negates). The target takes 1 point of Constitution damage per day. After the first day, the target may save once per day to cure the infection. This is a disease effect.


Curse of Nonviolence, Champions of Purity p. 27:
The witch can curse a creature to prevent it from attacking innocents. If the target fails its Will save, it cannot take violent actions or do anything destructive against any creature with fewer Hit Dice than itself. If another creature takes hostile action against the cursed creature, the cursed creature can act normally in regard to that creature only. This is an abjuration effect. The curse is permanent but can be removed with a break enchantment, miracle, or wish spell. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.

Dire Prophecy, Ultimate Magic p. 82:
The witch curses the target so he is doomed to die (Will negates). As long as the curse persists, the target takes a –4 penalty to his Armor Class and on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks. While the curse persists, the witch may end it by bringing its full force upon her victim all at once. Doing so gives the victim a penalty equal to the witch’s caster level to his Armor Class or on any single attack roll, combat maneuver check, opposed ability or skill check, or saving throw. The witch must decide to apply this penalty before the roll to be modified is made. If the witch does not have line of sight to the target, the full force of the curse occurs when the GM considers it most appropriate, such as when the target is in mortal danger. A target can only have one dire prophecy upon him at a time. Whether or not the target’s save against the hex is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex for 1 day. This is a curse effect.

Lay to Rest, Champions of Purity p. 27:
The witch may target a single undead creature with this hex as if with an undeath to death spell. A Will save negates this effect. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.

Silver Crusade

Ice Tomb was FAQed, so for the other Major Hexes it's probably 60ft.


Rysky wrote:
Ice Tomb was FAQed, so for the other Major Hexes it's probably 60ft.

Probably. Unfortunately, "probably" isn't really enough for PFS, where consistency is vital.

Silver Crusade

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GM Tyrant Princess wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Ice Tomb was FAQed, so for the other Major Hexes it's probably 60ft.
Probably. Unfortunately, "probably" isn't really enough for PFS, where consistency is vital.

True-true -_-

3/5 5/5

Can you use preferred spell (linked) to use non-domain spells to spontaneously cast domain spells? (E.g. a fire domain druid or cleric using "preferred spell-fireball" to use his prepared cure moderate wounds spell to spontaneously cast fireball.)

Will note that Mark Seifter has mentioned an inclination towards 'no'(linked).

3/5 5/5

Campaign Clarifications wrote:
Page 8—Any time a feysworn is targeted by an effect that would restore her to life (e.g. raise dead or breath of life), she must immediately expend 4 Prestige Points or the effect fails. This expediture covers the drawback of feymarked.
Feysworn wrote:
Upon death, a feysworn is immediately resurrected and transported to a location on the first world.

Am I understanding this correctly?

1. Feysworn dies.
2. Feysworn gets immediately targeted by a resurrected spell, but it fails unless the feysworn pays 4pp.
3. If the feysworn paid 4pp in step 2, the feysworn is now alive, bodily (with his/her gear) on the first world and still needs to find his/her way back from the first world.
4. If the feysworn chooses, he/she can refuse to pay the 4pp in step 2, which leaves the body where it is and available for being the target of a breath of life spell.

Grand Lodge 2/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Planes of Power adds Scorching Ash Form [ARG] to the fire school of magic. Does this remove the racial lock?


Darrell Impey UK wrote:
Planes of Power adds Scorching Ash Form [ARG] to the fire school of magic. Does this remove the racial lock?

Speaking more from authorial experience than PFS expertise here (so don't take this as a proclamation of certainty): in my experience, the racial lock for ARG spells overrides everything else, including stuff that plays with spell lists.

Given that a PFS character can't even copy those spells from other spellbooks and such, I doubt a tweaked spell school will do it. ^_^

5/5 *****

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Darrell Impey UK wrote:
Planes of Power adds Scorching Ash Form [ARG] to the fire school of magic. Does this remove the racial lock?

I doubt it, compare to the new sub-domain which gives paragon surge, that is specifically called out as overriding the racial lock.


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It's like how there are mythic spells on the spell lists of the occult classes. That doesn't mean they can cast them without being mythic; it just means that the classes came out after Mythic Adventures and so they needed to have the appropriate spells on their lists in case they were mythic. Similarly, the new classes have racial spells on their spell lists not because they ignore the racial restriction but instead because otherwise, if you played a character of that race, you would never be able to use your racial spells with new classes that came out after Advanced Race Guide since they wouldn't be on the new classes' lists. Does that make sense?

1/5 5/5

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

There has been discussion about Magic Intelligent Items.


How many Magic Intelligent Items may a given PFS character have in total?

4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Minnesota—Minneapolis

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

There has been discussion about Magic Intelligent Items.


How many Magic Intelligent Items may a given PFS character have in total?

Resolved. A PC may own and use more than one intelligent magic item at a time.

Read the full post for how intelligent items are to be handled in PFS.

Silver Crusade 4/5

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What's the intelligence of an improved familiar? Do they use the int stat from the Bestiary (or whatever book they come from) or from the wizard familiar chart in the Core Rulebook?

Silver Crusade 2/5

Fromper wrote:
What's the intelligence of an improved familiar? Do they use the int stat from the Bestiary (or whatever book they come from) or from the wizard familiar chart in the Core Rulebook?

I second the question!

Also, if they start as they are in the bestiary, do they progress with leveling as they would from the chart? Or do they wait for the chart to catch up with them?

A Lyrakien Azata has INT 14 in the bestiary 2. What happens?

Silver Crusade 4/5

DesolateHarmony wrote:
Fromper wrote:
What's the intelligence of an improved familiar? Do they use the int stat from the Bestiary (or whatever book they come from) or from the wizard familiar chart in the Core Rulebook?

I second the question!

Also, if they start as they are in the bestiary, do they progress with leveling as they would from the chart? Or do they wait for the chart to catch up with them?

A Lyrakien Azata has INT 14 in the bestiary 2. What happens?

I wouldn't expect them to progress beyond their base until the chart hits their base level. I'd assume the answer is to use whichever is higher. But despite showing up on the rules forum regularly for years, and having been FAQed early and often, nobody at Paizo has ever answered this.

4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Minnesota—Minneapolis

Advanced Class Origins, pg. 7.

First-World Face Thief (Su): The arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to assume an illusory disguise as disguise self. If she expends 2 points from her arcane reservoir instead of 1, the duration of the effect increases to 10 minutes per level.

The duration of Disguise Self is 10 minutes / level. So what do you get if you spend two points?

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Question: about the Elemental Ally Druid archetype from the Monster Summoner's Handbook.


[The four elemental eidolons] never gain an evolution pool. Abilities and spells that grant additional evolution points to eidolons do not function for elemental eidolons, though any ability that would grant evolution points to an animal companion does work.

I've seen some who interpret the Evolved Companion feat as not being available to the Elemental Ally because, strictly speaking, the Elemental Ally doesn't have an animal companion, and that is a prerequisite for the feat. However, clearly the quoted section above is intended to mean that it should work. Can I get confirmation that in fact an Elemental Ally can take this feat to grant his eidolons an evolution point.

Second question: assuming the feat is legal, does the druid get one evolution point for just one eidolon, or one evolution point for each eidolon? I would argue that it should be the latter. If a regular druid takes this, the animal companion is always "out" and always has that evolution point. The Elemental Ally can only have one elemental out at a time, so it's no more powerful of each one of them gets the single evolution point. And, a feat in exchange for a single evolution point is hardly overpowered -- it's pretty costly, really. And having to spend four feats to have your currently-out companion always have an evolution point clearly is way too expensive.

I am very clear on what I would rule as GM on both of these. However, I can see where others might disagree. This is why I'd like to have an official clarification, so that I'll be able to back it up if I make a PC of this archetype.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 *** Venture-Agent, Nebraska—Omaha

rknop wrote:

Question: about the Elemental Ally Druid archetype from the Monster Summoner's Handbook.


[The four elemental eidolons] never gain an evolution pool. Abilities and spells that grant additional evolution points to eidolons do not function for elemental eidolons, though any ability that would grant evolution points to an animal companion does work.
I've seen some who interpret the Evolved Companion feat as not being available to the Elemental Ally because, strictly speaking, the Elemental Ally doesn't have an animal companion, and that is a prerequisite for the feat. However, clearly the quoted section above is intended to mean that it should work. Can I get confirmation that in fact an Elemental Ally can take this feat to grant his eidolons an evolution point.

The question is moot, the Evolved Companion feat is not legal for play:

Additional Resources wrote:

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide

Feats: all feats on pages 136-159 are legal for play, except Evolved Companion, Evolved Summon Monster. Animal Soul, Divine Protection, Pummeling Charge, and Spirit's Gift are now legal for play.

Edit: headshot

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Evolved Companion is not legal for PFS.

Additional Resources wrote:

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide

Feats: all feats on pages 136-159 are legal for play, except Evolved Companion, Evolved Summon Monster. Animal Soul, Divine Protection, Pummeling Charge, and Spirit's Gift are now legal for play.

Edit: Doh! I was beating to the punch!

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Heh, OK, I should have checked that.


Fromper wrote:
What's the intelligence of an improved familiar? Do they use the int stat from the Bestiary (or whatever book they come from) or from the wizard familiar chart in the Core Rulebook?

Historically you get the better of the two. So the Azata waits until the chart surpasses INT 14 to upgrade.

aka becoming a Familiar does not make you dumber.
Familiars... It retains the appearance, Hit Dice, base attack bonus, base save bonuses, skills, and feats of the normal animal it once was, but is now a magical beast for the purpose of effects that depend on its type. Only a normal, unmodified animal may become a familiar. An animal companion cannot also function as a familiar.
A familiar grants special abilities to its master, as given on the table below. These special abilities apply only when the master and familiar are within 1 mile of each other. ...

It's not spelled out just inferred by the text in the CRB (as most animals have INT <3 whereas an Improved Familiar may start out better). It would take a clarification to correct those GMs that dumb the critters down.

4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Minnesota—Minneapolis

Blood of the Beast, pg. 19, lists the Naga Shape spells as Bloodrager 4, Bloodrager 5 and Bloodrager 6. Bloodragers never get higher than 4th level spells. They get their first 4th level spell at 13th level.

Edit to add: I need to check more carefully next time.

Undead Slayer's Handbook, pg. 29, the Ring of Protected Life weighs 1 lb. Most rings have negligible weight. Was it really intended for a ring to weigh more than a dart or a piton? I can't find another example of a ring having a non-negligible weight.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

BretI wrote:
Blood of the Beast, pg. 19, lists the Naga Shape spells as Bloodrager 4, Bloodrager 5 and Bloodrager 6. Bloodragers never get higher than 4th level spells. They get their first 4th level spell at 13th level.

This is already in the clarifications.

Clarifications wrote:
Page 19—Remove the spells naga shape II and naga shape III from the bloodrager spell list.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Rival Guide p. 35 wrote:

Staggering Fall

School transmutation; Level cleric 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 immediate action
Components V, S
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target one falling creature
Duration 1 round/level (see below)
Saving Throw Fort. partial (see below); Spell Resistance yes
This spell must be cast on a creature as it falls, either from a height or after being knocked prone or tripped. The magic of this spell causes the creature to hit the ground particularly hard, knocking the wind from it. The creature takes an additional 1d6 points of damage from the fall. In addition, the creature becomes staggered for the duration of the spell unless it makes a Will save. Each round the spell’s effects persist, the creature may attempt a new Will save as a free action to end the staggered effect early. A creature under the effects of this spell must take a standard action to stand up.

The saving throw line says "Fort. partial (see below)" however the body of the spell refers only to Will saves. Which save does staggering fall use, Fortitude or Will?

There is also an outstanding FAQ request thread from 2012.

The Exchange 4/5 Owner - D20 Hobbies

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I'm normally a happy person. I love playing PF and PFS.

For some reason a particularly offensive rules interpretation has my feathers ruffled this morning.

Ultimate Equipment, Throwing Shield wrote:

This shield is designed for throwing and has specially designed straps that allow you to unclasp and throw it as a free action.

Add QuickDraw, Exotic Weapon Proficiency Throwing Shield, and magic item Blinkback Belt

There is at least one person who asserts this makes a combo of infinite attacks for infinite damage.

Can we at least get a campaign clarification that the free action is to take off the shield so it can be thrown? Not including the attack action as a free action.


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That infinite-attack combo sounds like the sort of situation in which this FAQ would come in handy, if you ask me.

I'd rule against the "throw as a free action" part, too, for the record. If they pitch a fit, well, that's what 0-XP Chronicles are for. (Assuming they weren't already far enough to earn a percentage, of course.)


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Every time I use this alias these days, I feel like Hrothdane's evil good twin.

Silver Crusade 4/5

It's pretty obvious that the RAI on that is that you can unclasp it from your arm for free as part of a throwing attack. It's that interpretation that it has to be attached to your arm (not the blinkback belt) that you can use to shoot them down in RAW, if necessary.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

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General / Scenarios:
When new items are introduced or listed in their entirety on chronicle sheets (#6-03 and #8-15 being two recent examples) but not listed in the item list for sub-tiers, are these considered to be items a PC with that chronicle sheet can purchase as if it was on the Additional Resources page, or is it a limit 1?

Divine Anthology
The Legend Subdomain (pages 23-24) gives access to a feat from Mythic Adventures, which does not appear on the Additional Resources page as a legal source for PFS. Would recommend this for clarification.


Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Developer

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 3 people marked this as a favorite.
Mike Bramnik wrote:

General / Scenarios:

When new items are introduced or listed in their entirety on chronicle sheets (#6-03 and #8-15 being two recent examples) but not listed in the item list for sub-tiers, are these considered to be items a PC with that chronicle sheet can purchase as if it was on the Additional Resources page, or is it a limit 1?

We try to list everything in the subtiers, but sometimes those non-standard items slip by.

Generally, these special items would be limit 1.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

The Cloud Gazer feat has this proviso.

Cloud Gazer wrote:
Benefit: You can see through fog, mist, and clouds, without penalty, ignoring any cover or concealment bonuses from such effects. If the effect is created by magic, this feat instead triples the distance you can see without penalty.

Spells like obscuring mist and fog cloud (on which most magical cloud effects are based) have no part into which you can see without penalty. Adjacent squares in those effects have concealment. Does this mean that Cloud Gazer effectively doesn't work for magical cloud effects?

The tactics in a recent scenario certainly imply that at least the author and developer thought that it does at least work for obscuring mist.

Tyranny of Winds, Part 2

Silver Crusade 4/5

Michael Eshleman wrote:

The Cloud Gazer feat has this proviso.

Cloud Gazer wrote:
Benefit: You can see through fog, mist, and clouds, without penalty, ignoring any cover or concealment bonuses from such effects. If the effect is created by magic, this feat instead triples the distance you can see without penalty.

Spells like obscuring mist and fog cloud (on which most magical cloud effects are based) have no part into which you can see without penalty. Adjacent squares in those effects have concealment. Does this mean that Cloud Gazer effectively doesn't work for magical cloud effects?

The tactics in a recent scenario certainly imply that at least the author and developer thought that it does at least work for obscuring mist.

** spoiler omitted **

I read that as tripling the distance you can see before the penalty kicks in. But I agree that the wording could use clarification. Especially since I have a sylph with that feat and the Weather domain (Obscuring Mist and Fog Cloud as my first two domain spells) who totally reversed that on the enemy in your spoiler and made it backfire on him.

5/5 *****

I ran it as tripling the distance before the penalty kicked in. Any other reading renders the whole section on magical fog irrelevant. If it wasn't intended to work at all with magical effects it would simply have said so.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

andreww wrote:
I ran it as tripling the distance before the penalty kicked in. Any other reading renders the whole section on magical fog irrelevant. If it wasn't intended to work at all with magical effects it would simply have said so.

Tripling what distance? Zero feet (which is the distance you can normally see with no penalty)? I agree that 15' is reasonable, but that is not at all what the feat says.

Grand Lodge 4/5

If we're arguing that, then there actually isn't a penalty. Just a miss chance.

But if you want an actual parsing of the rule, "The vapor obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet" means that you can see 15ft, but you take the 20% miss chance regardless.

I'd prefer it to be clarified that the feat removes the miss chance as well, but my sylph has Improved Precise Shot so I don't care.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
If we're arguing that, then there actually isn't a penalty. Just a miss chance.

I agree in general, but the feat itself defines concealment from such effects as a penalty.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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No, it says you can see without penalty, and that you ignore cover and concealment. It does not define cover and concealment as a penalty.

This is the kind of argument you get when you are pedantic about parsing the rules.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Tripling what distance? Zero feet

I read it as tripling 5', the distance to adjacent squares. Creatures at 0' are in your square, and don't have concealment.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Martinsville

I have read (and used it) that the concealment is 15' away with the feat. When someone is shooting a lazer gun at you from 15 feet up, and you use Obscuring mist, this is quite the advantage.

Basically, it pushes the sight back to have the edge of the magical effect be triple the amount normally used, and it is a limitation that is imposed only on magical effects, the character able to see just fine in thick fog or other natural effects. (Still wished it worked with smoke)

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