I vote lots. Brag, brag, brag.
Hit dedicated. Time for bed.
I'm at somewhere in the 800s at this point and i still haven't seen mine.
And it's still on the list according to the thread so... good sign...?
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Stop the presses, I'm Marathon!
I don't know what I am.
I lost count. But I do know, my goal is dedicated voter.
Then I will have felt like I done my part.
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Managed to get dedicated. I think I'll take a break until the second coming of the cull.
After marathon what is the next title?
Champion, for those that run the Marathon five times.
KingOfAnything wrote: Managed to get dedicated. I think I'll take a break until the second coming of the cull. Hope you enjoyed that break. Back to work.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
...and Marathon at last. Going to take a break, eat something, write up a post for the New Viewers Thread on the new voting system, then back to it!
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Doubt I'll hit champ again but Marathon is in the bag...
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Hit Marathon and on my way to Champion
Anyway to tell how far from Champion you are?
Other than counting your votes or pestering the Paizo staff, I don't think so. Wish there was though.
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♪ ♫ "Keep Wolin', Wolin', Wolin',
My clicking finger's swollen,
Keep them voters voting, raw eyes!" ♩ ♬
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Aaaaaand there's Marathon. I think I'm gonna lay off until another cull or two. Champion is not a goal I ever intend to set for myself.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Well, since I now have five times as many votes as my goal (though less than either housemate) I'm content to wait for a cull.
Dang, I wish my job let me be online voting all day. I am going to be lucky getting Star Voter this year. :(
I "can" vote all day. I just wouldn't get anything done.
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I'll be content with just Star status. I think it *just* missed Dedicated in 2014, but not way I was close in 2015 or this year. I start strong and then get distracted for a few days.
Star is good enough. It means I did my part and contributed.
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When I first saw "Star Voter 1", I was wondering if there was going to be Star Voter 2, 3, 4 and the same for Marathon as a way of tracking how many votes were needed to the next step.
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I am sore all over and riddled with psychosis but I did it.
Maybe my Ma'll finally love me!
I'm trying to go for champion but it feels so far away.
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Epic Meepo wrote: Posting to confirm Marathon status... Not yet. Build more pylons.
Tripp Elliott wrote: Epic Meepo wrote: Posting to confirm Marathon status... Not yet. Build more pylons. Whew! It took longer to build those last few pylons than I thought it would.
Eric Morton wrote: Tripp Elliott wrote: Epic Meepo wrote: Posting to confirm Marathon status... Not yet. Build more pylons. Whew! It took longer to build those last few pylons than I thought it would. Try Zerg next time?
And congratulations!
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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I've been voting so much to achieve marathon rank that I didn't notice I did so already x-x;
just checking — don't think I have made dedicated yet.
Edit: nope still star.
Russ Brown wrote: just checking — don't think I have made dedicated yet.
Edit: nope still star.
Not yet. Build more pylons.
... Well, I have no idea how long ago it happened, but apparently I hit Marathon...
Looks bleary eyed at people with champion tag... then slaps self across face and walks away from computer.
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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I can't believe I'm still only Star. No way I'm getting to Marathon this year. I blame the wife for choosing now to come home for a week after four months overseas at med school. Curse you, wife!
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jacob W. Michaels wrote: I can't believe I'm still only Star. No way I'm getting to Marathon this year. I blame the wife for choosing now to come home for a week after four months overseas at med school. Curse you, wife! I guess that means you have enough points now to count as wife dedicated :P - I reckon you could push through to Superstar dedicated too - there's still time!
Then, like me, you can sit back with something long, cool and alcoholic with a paper brolly, a cocktail stick with a cherry - maybe making the wife her favorite mix too - and just vote for the sheer joy of finding some new delightful submission :)
Apple Schnapps and Lemonade shaken over ice,
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Anthony Adam wrote: a paper brolly Is that a UK thing? I just call them paper umbrellas.
Jacob W. Michaels wrote: I can't believe I'm still only Star. No way I'm getting to Marathon this year. I blame the wife for choosing now to come home for a week after four months overseas at med school. Curse you, wife! Me too, though I didn't start counting until Star, I feel like I have spent more than enough hours...
However, Bless your wife. She did come home after all :)
and, because, if Karma's a *b*, marital karma's a perpetual *b*
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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Azouth wrote: Anthony Adam wrote: a paper brolly Is that a UK thing? I just call them paper umbrellas. Yeah, the Londoner of my distant past is showing...
Time to go up the apples and pears to the land of nod methinks...
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Hmmm... I reached dedicated. I intentionally don't count every vote I make, but I seem to have reached it 150 votes ahead of my count :)
Hmmm, am I dedicated yet?
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To Me... YeSsSss... YoU aRe DeDiCaTeD To mE!
And I still haven't seen my item... must keep voting!
I had to vote over 500 times to see my item...soooo...go for dedicated voter! Now after what I assume to be 800 or so votes I have seen it twice and yet I have been subjected to some claw out your eyes items at least 30 times over that same span.
Mike Franke wrote: I had to vote over 500 times to see my item...soooo...go for dedicated voter! Now after what I assume to be 800 or so votes I have seen it twice and yet I have been subjected to some claw out your eyes items at least 30 times over that same span. Ugh, tell me about it.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Yea and somehow I get all the credit!
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Didn't think I'd do it but 4x Marathon!