Pendagast |

Pendagast wrote:Suggested rebel party:
Skald as skill monkey, arcanist, healer.
Blood Rager as second arcanist/combat gestalt
There wont be anything left of Cheliax but smouldering ruins by the end of the AP!
AM BARBARIAN would approve.
Although one of those barbarians should go oracle and rage prophet also. ;)
i did think about that :)

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Michael Talley 759 wrote:Gray maidens were chaotic...but it WOULD be a really cool characterIdeas for characters so far for this AP depending on who in my group decides to run it.
(Myself): All the NPC's :-)
(2nd Most XP'd GM): Likely will play a Gray Maiden build, after seeing Cheliaxian politics cause problems else where and having moved and learn from her own mother how to fight with the best of them. She decides to turn her budding skills against the systems (Still though, LN maybe Good depending on other players)
(least XP'd GM): Either an Enchantment Based Wizard or a Cross-Blooded Sorcerer of Abyssal/Infernal with Enchantment being there fun area, built to be a dominator by 3.5 ideas for it. If the wizard Prohibited schools would be Conjuration & Evocation and build for Illusion & Enchantment.
with Fast Learner and Improvisation (Either case Human)(2nd Least XP'd GM): Arcane Healer (Bard Archetype) False Focus is your friend along with Disguise. Make oneself appear to be members of certain...churches
[edit]: and after checking phone messages, it might be me after all running it XD
Always got a Lawful Evil from their order but cruelty (even the charmed and/or brainwashed ones)
But yeah the build is a nice solid character concept and has proven to be effective against most creatures and NPC's in the past when I go fighter :-)

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Started the adventure last night officially.
Group Consists of -
1)- Fallen Paladin of Cayden Cailen (and no, he wasn't too drunk to ride the high horse this time)[also known as a fighter]
2)- Tengu Cleric of The Mother of Monsters (and also almost died in the first minute of the game with the opening gambit of Channeling Negative Energy after being hit by the Thugs, did not make many friends starting off)
3)- Strix Wizard, Found at a young age by her adoptive parents and raised along side her human sibling, the young Strix is constantly getting into trouble with friend/human sibling (and an NPC that I might use to get her further involved with their death as he is a lesser no named noble by my choice, [insert evil laughter here]
4)- Human Rogue, The boss of the Human Fallen Paladin, and all around money making schemer and kinda likes the new Lord-Mayor, he keeps getting good places to steal money with all the new laws.
5)- Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist Archetype) Medical doctors are always in need in tough situations, and finding new organs from those who don't need them anymore is helpful to the cause of healing others. Only one that was happy at the Negative Energy at the start (just not for the loss of half his -OWN- life force)
and this is my Group right now. All some varient of Chaotic.... one CE that likely is not long for this world

UnArcaneElection |

UnArcaneElection wrote:^Ooo, that wuld be awesome in a late-entry Arcane Trickster build. Most of the recent Arcane Trickster builds have been trying to do stuff with a combination of Snakebite Striker Brawler followed by Wizard 3 or Sorcerer 4 and picking up Accomplished Sneak Attacker as soon as possible to qualify for Arcane Trickster as soon as possible, and sometimes using VMC Rogue to get more Sneak Attack and using retraining to convert the Snakebite Striker Brawler level into a Wizard (or Sorcerer) level after reaching character level 7 (where VMC Rogue starts awarding Sneak Attack). But you actually want the Arcanist class features up to Arcanist level 8 before starting Arcane Trickster, so depending upon how much Sneak Attack you want, you could save yourself the level of Snakebite Striker or the Accomplished Sneak Attacker feat, or even keep both if you really want the extra Sneak Attack (which will admittedly be spread a bit thin in a late-entry Arcane Trickster build).
Though I like the idea of getting sneak attack, particularly with fireballs, I see myself as covering the sneaky aspects of being a rogue. Finding and disabling traps, picking locks, getting into places unseen... that sort.
Because arcanist gains new spell levels like a sorcerer, I already feel 1 level behind spell progression.
You do bring up some interesting ideas, now that Accomplished Sneak Attacker exists. I'd probably go for a 1 level dip in unchained rogue to snag a pile of skill ranks and Weapon Finesse. Hrm... decisions decisions.
For some real cheese, add in Dazing Spell and/or Quicken Spell Metamagic, with one of these preferably being on a Metamagic Rod. Depending upon how well you can sneak in to position yourself, even Burning Hands would be fine to use for this (especially since Fireball in a confined area is usually a bad idea).

Pendagast |

I don't see that Skald as being useful. His Rage Song doesn't help the Barbarians when they are raging. Now if he was just a Bard then his buffs would still help them, and he could still be a skill monkey (moreso as Skalds have only 2 skill points per level compared to 6 with a bard).
the barbarians can use their own rage stats while under the skalds rage, or they can use the skalds... skald rage doesnt tire the barbarian... sl the skald can double the amount of rage a barbarian has access to daily. the skald can also give the barbarians access to rage power that they otherwise wouldnt have.

Quentin Coldwater |
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I'll be playing in a campaign next month. I've got a Cleric of Kelinahat, Empyreal Lord of spies, intelligence, and stealth. Roaming Exorcist archetype more for the 4 skill points than for flavour, Knowledge domain, and the Noble Scion feat. I'll probably be the font of knowledge of the party, and I'm going for a spymaster vibe. It'd be great to have a rebel on the inside.

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I'm GMing a group of 5 teenagers (including my daughter) plus my wife.
Daniel Vance - human cleric of Milani
Flint - halfling wolf druid, former slave
Dirt Nap - half-orc skulking slayer (racial rogue archetype)
Splinter - ratfolk monk (and yes, he is)
Benigna - halfling rogue, former slave
Hawk - human bard, modeled after Han Solo
The entire party is CN or CG with the exception of the monk. The half-orc, ratfolk, and bard, started a rat breeding scheme after the proclamations came out.

Devlin of House Jarvis |
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Devlin of House Jarvis
Devlin was a cousin of Edwin, the Lord in waiting of House Jarvis. His mother Viviana was the Lady in waiting to the Baroness and his father Tayvor was the master of the hounds. Devlin's sister Karabel was a beautiful young lady that showed promise to cement a relationship with neighboring house Jhaltero, though her personal interests mirrored her father's.
While Devlin had the natural knack the whole family exhibited towards architecture, his talents seemed more predisposed to find odd corners, echo chambers that allowed someone to listen to distant conversations, and back passageways used by halfling slaves. His aunt saw in him a wild streak, prone to mischief with a rowdy demeanor, often dragging the young lord Edwin into trouble. She first sent Devlin to the stables, where he learned the duties of the marshalsea, then onto a local college at arms. Her intent was that Devlin was to be the House Marshal when Edwin assumed the Barony, hoping that she could temper Devlin’s talents to the benefit of the family.
While at college Devlin encountered Raktavi. Raktavi seemed to know everyone, had a friend in every crowd. While you were with him you never wanted for anything. Raktavi would often invite Devlin out drinking at the Thrashing Badger and lifted the veil for Devlin. He showcased the corruption of the Church of Asmodeus, he titillated Devlin with the subjugation of the nation in the hands of House Thrune, and finally inspired the faith of Cayden Cailean. Devlin was enamored with a religion where no one was slave to another, where a person was free to develop and mature as an individual instead of being given directions by someone else within their life. Devlin did not feel bound to blood or contract and began a life where he often stayed out, associating with individuals that could be called the underworld of Kintargo. He learned the skills of climbing and movement from one gentleman who claimed he had visited all the noble houses without invitation. Another compatriot educated Devlin on how to charm coins from the citizenry with a kind word and light touch. Legerdemain was taught by a young lady who had practiced games a plenty on street corners. Devlin blended this into his martial training and his knowledge of Kintargo’s people. Devlin walked proud, his finger finding the pulse that beat beneath the city streets and within the citizens that called Kintargo home.
As Devlin developed his skills and personality so did Kintargo develop, though as Devlin flourished, the city withered. The rot that gnawed at the roots of the city, Barzillia was appointed Lord-Mayor by house Thrune. Devlin and his maligned associates chaffed at the control, the hated edicts that Barzillia brought with him. Many of his friends, including Raktavi, went missing when martial law was called down. No more could he visit the young lady with her games of guided chance, no more could he learn how to pray to a priest instead of the god the priest served. The few of Devlin's companions who remained met every evening at Clenchjaw's to discuss the changes within the city and the end game of house Thrune. Then, on the Night of Ashes, house Jarvis fell. Delvin’s mother Viviana and father Tayvor are purported to be missing. When his sister Karabel disappeared from the boarding school for young girls, Devlin began to seethe. He has found temporary shelter among the students of the city, other individuals who have taken up the torch of his missing comrades. Devlin is beginning to think the chaos that is fomenting is a wonderful time to take to the streets, showing exactly how great his displeasure with Barzillia is. Thus he finds himself in Aria Park with few friends but many acquaintances.
Devlin carries himself like a predator, fully aware and present in his surroundings. His hand is casually hooked through the basket of his estoc, the thin fingers eagerly dancing across the polished surface. Each step is measured and weighed, taking energy expenditure into account against how to twist or turn as need dictates. As the light strikes his eyes, a deep amethyst glow focuses on each person, assessing the threat they present. His signet ring and clothes wait for him in a stash, hidden within a small hollow, avoiding association with his disgraced house not for shame, but so he can strike while his foes look elsewhere. His black hair is cut short, a spiked mess since he lost access to his grooming kit. Well-crafted leathers gird him, leaving him free to move when the time comes. This night, he is not the hunted, but a lean wolf hungry for prey.

captain yesterday |

So wouldn't you know it, the gunslinger and Pyrokineticist were scrapped, instead we get these cats.
Eleanor Nightingale, NG human Inquisitor of Shelyn (vampire hunter archetype) for the record I told her player Buffy was an unacceptable name, yup.
Casparo Sarini, NG human Inquisitor of Sarenrae (vampire hunter archetype) I don't care what they say I'm calling these two the Frog Siblings.
Now off to find a copy of The Lost Boys :-)

Tangent101 |
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I'll be running HR for the two tabletop players from my former Reign of Winter game - I told them that I won't be recruiting any new players unless I end up getting married and any future wife would want to be in the game. Seeing the schedule is much more flexible, we should be able to play more often rather than try to get everyone together. (I figure we could even do a couple hours on a weekday evening over Skype.)
It'll be an interesting group - two PCs and an NPC to provide support:
Each of the PCs is built off of 30 points to make up for the lack of a fourth and the fact they're not THAT experienced in Pathfinder. The NPC is built off of 25 points.
Here's what we've got:
A Kitsune Swashbuckler (who took the Feat for a second tail)
A Tiefling Arcanist
I plan on running an NPC Bard (possibly a Fetchling) who will provide support and healing.


The Party I am GMing
Human Bard
Half Elf Unchained Rogue
Drow Sorcerer
Half Elf Swashbuckler
Human Witch
Human Unchained Monk
Lost a few players so far due to work and other crazy things
Human Cleric
Human Bard
Drow Unchained Rogue
On session 5 later today as they tackle The wasps nest then get into the rebel mechanics
Should be fun

Tangent101 |

Sadly the tabletop HR game I was going to run vanished as the players decided it's too close to politics.
However, my Runelords game is now about to go into the Runeforge (assuming they survive a certain buffed up enemy who attacked them from surprise when they weren't buffed and has refused to land and allow them to swarm-attack him...) and one of those players has already come up with a character concept - a Fetchling Unchained Rogue with investigator archetype (along the lines of Sherlock Holmes).

deathbydice |

Deep inside Book 1 and having great fun. Small party of three
Aasimar Inquisitor (Zeal Domain) of Cayden, Mr. Handsome Guy out to save the world..
female Elf Investigator (think "Sherlock on Elf") who lacks any sense of humour. Yes, basically a Cumberbatch
female Kitsune Cartomancer Witch with a strongly Desnan attitude of making dreams come true (and sowing Chaos in the process).
What could possibly go wrong.... Yes, they really try to stay under the Thrune radar

DM Crustypeanut |

I'm prepping to run a group of test PCs through the campaign right now prior to when I get an actual game started - the group's members are relatively bland and nothing special. Human Swashbuckler, Human Hidden Priest Cleric of Milani, Human Unchained Rogue, and Human Sorcerer (Arcane).
I'm modifiying the campaign to work with an Automatic Bonus Progression system so we'll see how that goes.
Lets see if anyone survives! Last time I did this, back with Iron Gods, I had 11 deaths in the first book and a few more in the 2nd book including a TPK at the end.

SCKnightHero1 |

Right now our party consists of:
Male human swashbuckler (mysterious avenger) who is a bastard son of the House Thrune
A male halfling unchained rogue who is a former slave
A male human urban ranger who is a secret agent from Andoran
A male human fighter (tactician) who is a member of the Vashnarstill family and once worked for Barzillai Thrune and now seeks to stop him
A female half elf/half shoanti bard diva of Shelyn who seeks to stop the evils being committed by Thrune and also seeks to spread the love of Shelyn in the hopes of restoring peace to Kintargo

Cole Deschain |
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Oh hey, missed this...
Giovanni Cantemir, Male Human Slayer, Neutral, ex-Amodean from Westcrown who refuses to die until he has killed five agents of Thrune for every innocent he harmed while in their service. Amusingly, a different player than the one who's going to be running a male human Slayer in Hell's Vengeance- I've already told them that if their guys end up too much alike, I'm going to rule that they're split personalities of the same guy with an as-yet unrevealed Disguise Self ability. Not actually that worried. Dour, grim, not much fun, but currently playing as having a sort of doomed crush on Shensen which he's at a loss to properly articulate.
Ariel Morne, Female Human Fighter, Tactician Archetype, neutral good, Shelynite from Kintargo. Jokingly referred to as our resident "Polearm dancer," because she does terrible, terrible things with her glaive. When she isn't plotting things out or spitting enemies on her sharp piece of metal on the end of a stick, she sings and carves scrimshaw for her friends.
Mimdel Boom, Female Goblin Alchemist from Isger(!), Chaotic Good. Raised by an itinerant Desnan priest. Worships Milani is a somewhat abstract way, tries to tell people she's a halfling with birth defects. Nobody really believes her, but since she has an absurdly high Intelligence score and a raft of languages, most people aren't really sure what to make of her. Combines an erudite love of knowledge with gleeful, bomb-chucking pyromania. Likes to ride around on Ariel's shoulders, singing (badly) at the top of her lungs.
Pascal Ionescu, Male Human Cleric of Pharasma, Neutral Good. Another Kintargo local. Downright chipper and upbeat, he has Craft- Confectionary, and gives out little sugar skulls to kids, a la Dia De Los Muertos. Also has a ludicrously high body count thanks to some absurdly good rolls in early combats.

Porridge |
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My players are nearing the end of book 3:
1. Valeria Jhaltero, Female Half-Elf Slayer (Cleaner archetype), Chaotic Neutral worshiper of Calistra.
2. Kiah Ambusta, Female Half-Orc Inquisitor (Infiltrator archetype), Chaotic Good worshiper of Milani.
3. Nevani Silverdream, Male Gnomish Mesmerist, Chaotic Neutral.
4. Shazeer Hykothatri, Female Wayang Arcanist (Blood Arcanist: Psychic Bloodline), Chaotic Neutral.
They've managed to either talk their way out of or sneak past half of the combat encounters in the first three books...

Cole Deschain |

We had a bard for a while, but he was pretty bland... so his player went for a re-roll, and that's where our goblin came from.
Might be pushing a little too hard in the opposite direction, but whatever. Go big or go home.

DM Crustypeanut |

My own campaign here on the forums that just started:
Avrora Vikta, Human Liberty's Blade Warpriest of Milani
Darian Aulomaxa, Human Arcane Duelist Bard
Galen Mistbringer, Human Psychic
Isabel Rhelian, Half-Elf Mesmerist
Phineas Aceron, Human Negotatior Bard
Varian Tanessen, Human Hidden Priest Cleric of Milani

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I am starting a campaign tomorrow, here are my PCs.
Male Human Snakebite strike Brawler (eventually slayer/brawler)
A player who previously GMed a council of thieves game that (according to him) went terribly. The PCs got The NPC female rebel leader killed, and set a devil free in their town, and so he is playing her widowed husband. After the town was destroyed, he headed north and settled in Kintargo, only to find the order of the rack (the hellknights that briefly imprisoned him) and the world repeating himself. Kicking himself for not helping his wife before, he reluctantly joins the fight.
Male Human Investigator (infiltrator)(Noble Scion child of Kintargo)
A second son of the current generation of the Jhaltero family, he has all the brains in the family. His dunderheaded older brother is set to inheret the family estate, but he is being counted on to keep the information network going. However, he's starting to realize that he needs to do more than just GATHER information or his hometown could be ruined.
Female Human Medium (spirit dancer)
A brash youth from Galt fascinated with rebellions and the history of them, she worships Milani and dreams of fulfiling her godess's wish by being a revolutionary one day. She has the spirits of revolutionaries past to aid her.
Female Human Cleric of Shelyn
As a child, her father (an import/export guy) was robbed, and thus couldn't complete an important courier mission for the church. So they took his daughter as a slave instead. Later she was slated to be executed, but managed to escape and fled to Kintargo, and was adopted by the church.
The Player doesn't know this, but I'm thinking that she escaped one of Barzalai Thrune's secret sacrifices he did to appease his dark master, giving her a connection to him.
Male half-elf Magus

Rennaivx |

We're waiting until we finish Rise of the Runelords to run Hell's Rebels with my IRL group, which is still probably nine months or so out. But because I have a problem when it comes to character creation (I can quit anytime I want! *twitch*), I already have three ideas kicking around in my head, and my husband has his character just about set conceptually.
(Valeria was a cleric in our RotRL campaign - her story was made up before we even knew about Hell's Rebels, so having her brother be involved in Rebels was too perfect.)

Devastation Bob |
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We're waiting until we finish Rise of the Runelords to run Hell's Rebels with my IRL group, which is still probably nine months or so out. But because I have a problem when it comes to character creation (I can quit anytime I want! *twitch*), I already have three ideas kicking around in my head, and my husband has his character just about set conceptually.
Altoholics Anonymous meetings are Sunday in the gym.

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I decided to go with something ive never done, so I choose gunslinger. (mysterious stranger) originally. I pictured sort of a wild western lawman sort of trope at first. But then When the rest of the group started figuring out what they sort of wanting it changed ...it all changed and epically better i think.
My HR charector is now a dhampir gunslinger going into alchemist, and she went from being a western style sheriff figure to a mix of Carl from the Movie Van Helsing, Tank girl from... well Tank girl and the half mad genius of River Tam from The Firefly series.
What little we have played has been a blast so far.

mardaddy |

Settled on a Ratfolk Urban Druid.
Ninmoq was away on the outskirts of Kintargo when the Night of Ashes occurred. He returned to find his family framed for a crime, complete with corrupt Asmodean priest "witnesses."
Like most who disappeared that night, his family was arrested, tried, and whisked away under a death sentence never to be seen again. While the rest of his clan resigned to escape deeper into the sewers and tunnels, Ninmoq will have his vengeance.

taks |

I only managed to get 3 people to play, so I'm giving them a Wizard that they can control during battles/encounters. Anyway...
human male Unchained Rogue 1/Shaman X. I think he's planning on taking Evangelist at some point. I intend to make him brew us all tea every time we meet (I have a Keurig) once he does (Evangelist requires daily obedience).
human male Unchained Rogue 1/Inquisitor X. His player concept is in flux, however, and I have not seen what he plans to do with this character.
halfling male Unchained Rogue X. This one is an acquaintance of the Shaman, though they haven't had a chance to work out their relationship face to face (in real life) so I'm not sure what they have planned.
human male Transmuter X, with a fondness for Illusion as well. I'm letting them deal with the Wizard not unlike a cohort: I control the personality, they control the actions as long as they are reasonable. If they suddenly want Mr. Wizard to be the human bridge across the chasm of death, he may react poorly. ;)
I've had the first 2 over a few times already and I think we are starting tomorrow. The first hour or so will be character introductions, working out friendships, etc. Maybe they are all at some pre-party in a bar somewhere... dunno. I've also given them all some flavor knowledge of the town such as contacts, more information regarding their favorite hangouts, etc. Should be fun.

Shaun |
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Reynaldo Abana (NG human alchemist-chirurgeon) Reynaldo is a doctor just starting out his own practice. His father, Dr. Aerodus Abana, is a wealthy (though not nobility-level) doctor who lives in Villegre with his family. Through his practice, Reynaldo does community service frequently at the Cloven Hoof Society, which is basically a social service for destitute tieflings run by Strea Vestori. His family are worshippers of Iomadae, his mother Quinta ardently so. His brother Alexite is 18 and an armiger in the Order of the Torrent. His brother Rutilus is 15 and leaving to be a midshipman on a merchant ship. He has two sisters, Ileosa and Pontia who are 10 and 8. They also have two emancipated halfling servants, Antal, a butler and Eireen, a maid, who are married to each other.
Ignacio Batista (CG human warpriest of Milani) is a recent immigrant from Pezzack, fleeing after his parents were killed in the fighting there. He is a gardner, worshipper of Milani and very interested in social betterment for all people. He also commonly works with the Cloven Hoof Society and became good friends with Reynaldo through it. He wants to see social progress in Kintargo, but has a deep seated fear that it could turn out like the chaos that swallowed Pezzack.
Marcellano Crispin (CG human ranger-urban) is a discharged former Dottari and current dock warehouse guard who is estranged form his well-off family, the Crispins (about equal in standing to Reynaldo's family but wealthy through insuring cargo ships) after his father, Morvius Crispin, sacrificed Marcellano's sister to Asmodeus for the protection of a particular cargo ship traveling through the Shackles. This was successful and made the Crispins very wealthy, but destroyed Marcellano's faith. He rejected his family who still live in Villegre (just outside the wall around the Greens) and became a Dottari to help people but couldn't fit in and was eventually discharged for a reason he keeps secret. He is rather agnostic about most things but became friends with Reynaldo and Ignacio because he sees goodness in their idealism.
Fenyr (CN half-elf wizard with plans to work towards arcane trickster) is a disinherited bastard of House Sarini, one of the noble houses of Cheliax. His family once ruled Ravounel (the archduchy where Kintargo is). During the Chelish civil war, Sarini betrayed House Davian to House Thrune insuring the Thrune victory. They are ardently pro-Thrune and have a manor in the Greens. Fenyr has been expelled from House Sarini and told to stay away under threat of death. His family name is not common knowledge and a closely guarded secret no one else knows in character. He makes his way as a gambler and swindler, enlisting street kids to help him in his capers. While he does instruct them in larceny, he also keeps them safe from predators, away from drugs and pays Reynaldo to look after them when they are ill. For this, the other three men have become his friends, although possibly somewhat warily.
Rini Joyu (NG half-elf bard) Her father is an elf opera singer, her mother a human painter. Zirul Joyu is not a star, but he is a skilled singer and few performances happen at the Opera House without him playing a strong supporting role. Valeria Joyu helps create nearly every set used at the opera. They send Rini to Mistress Docur's School for Girls to learn elvish courtly arts. Her parents are close friends of the half-elf opera diva, Shensen. Unbeknownst to Rini, her parents are converts to Sarenrae through Shensen and are disappeared on the Night of Ashes. She is the girlfriend of Rutilus, Reynaldo's younger brother. When Rutilus leaves on his voyage, he asks his older brothers to watch out for Rini. When it turns out that she has been made an orphan and may even be wanted by the Dottari, the older men take her under their wing to help her.

Jondera |

Currently in the planning stages, and not sure when we'll actually start, but so far, our party is looking something like:
A human Mastermind Investigator, Noble Scion of one of the generally neutral noble houses. Raised a noble and very much interested in organizing & leading people, as well as gathering and handling information/spy networks type stuff. Probably going to be the party leader, as such.
My character, a human Chiurgeon Alchemist. Also a Noble Scion of one of the Thrune Loyalist noble families; affianced to the Investigator at a young age, broke with her family over social issues when her boyfriend started getting involved with political dissidence.
An Aasimar Paladin of Iomedae (I think), who has been sheltering with the Investigator's family as a retainer; unhappy about the political situation but worried that there is little he can personally do.
A Changeling Unchained Monk (not sure about background)
An Infernal bloodline Sorcerer (not sure about race or background)
Some kind of rogue or trapmonkey
I'm more familiar with the first three characters mostly because we intentionally tied our three characters' backgrounds together. In fact, the assumption is that at the start of the game, we three are all living in a wing of the Investigator's family's estates.

illyume |

I'm playing a... uh... druid. Name's Yak Tik. A mooncaller druid, onispawn (of kobold+demon parentage, rather than the standard human+demon stock) tiefling, five charisma... oh, and he's neutral-evil aligned.
He's in Kintargo because some jerks from Cheliax cut/burned down his forest and drained his swamp. You know, the usual angry druid stuff. And well, now he wants to cut down some Chelaxian noblemen to express his anger!
He sort of depends on the rest of his party to keep him in line... (he's basically not allowed to speak around strangers, or do just about any of the things he tries to start). The rest of the party are:
Onispawn tiefling spiritualist, a "friend" of sorts from out east where forestyswamp used to be. She's got some scary ghost following her around, some guy who got murdered on orders from some dude in Kintargo apparently. She's the one who usually has to talk sense into my druid.
"Human" (actually changeling) witch. She's pretty, and doesn't seem to be very strong or anything. Yak Tik feels a bit protective of her, because he doesn't trust she can look after herself. She thinks he's an idiot.
Halfling ("baby man") ninja. Very sneaky. Tough to find. Shoots at people from the shadows. He's like a cute little baby. Yak Tik doesn't get to eat him, though. He's apparently got family in town and responsibilities at his parents' tavern, and he has a bedtime and has to go home every night and stuff. Yak Tik feels like the party's babysitting him or something!
"Human" (actually a kitsune) rogue. The face of the party, and more -or-less leader and strategist and everything together. He's better at talking to people than most of the group (although most everyone except the two tieflings do reasonably well with it, at least). He changes disguises quicker than Yak Tik can blink, so Yak Tik's pretty sure something weird is going on with him. One of his alternate selfs (one the rest of the group doesn't know about) runs the inn where most of the group was staying at the start of the adventure.

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My players with relevant plot details spoilered. Players should likely avoid...
Viviera Vashnarstill - Human Investigator (Infiltrator)
Imperia - Half - Elf Swashbuckler
Beniago - Halfling Unchained Rogue (Rake)
Theodore - Gnome Bard
Georg - Human Cleric of Abadar
Georg’s son will be one of the zombies at Hocum’s.
Isyx - Gnome Shadow Bloodline Sorcerer
I got the idea from Shensen’s background that Isyx is actually a reincarnated hatchling of the umbral dragon from the Trapsillion. After the dragon was driven off the Nidalese reincarnated the corpse for some dark ritual and through misadventure she was lost / found by Kintargan nobles.
During the haunting of Kintargo the dragon will (instead of gold) demand that she promise to return to his tutelage once all of the foolish nonsense is complete.

Rune |
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We're only two sessions into the campaign but I really like our line-up (even if we could use another player):
Magnus Corvus Augustus, human brawler (shield champion): Former paladin of Aroden gone to fight in the Everwar, he was trapped in a stasis field in a Thassilonic ruin around Fort Korvosa. Finally freed after 300 hundred years only to find his god dead and his nation corrupted. Found his hometown Kintargo as one of the last places in Cheliax not doomed by diabolism and works to keep it that way. Seeing as he's bound to and simultaneously abhorred by the idea of fighting his "fellow Chelish countrymen", he's vowed to never lift a blade to take a Chelish life. The shield, adorned with the winged eye of Aroden, he kept, using it as a symbol of protection for his fellows and lofty ideals of the greater good for mankind.
Zataria, tiefling ex-Asmodean inquisitor: Taken from squalor by a Asmodean priest, raised to believe her existence was cursed and service to the Dark Prince was her only path available. She infiltrated the cult of Shelyn to destroy them from the inside but found unconditional love and acceptance. Withholding information from the Inquisition she allowed the shelynites to survive, but lost her divine powers in the process. After the Night of Ashes and an enormous guilt-trip at seeing the Thrashing Badger burned to the ground, she found a single red rose in the ruins. With burning purpose in her eyes and the divine backing of Shelyn, she started herself on the path of redemption. Knows she got red on her ledger and seeks to fight against her previous superiors in order to clean it.
Adonatius Tanessen, human bard (arcane duelist): Blacksmith, bon vivant, public orator and free spirit, Adonatius was a public nuissance to his family before Barzillai, and when he vocally questioned their wisdom in allying with the dictator, they publicly shunned him to distance themselves. Wants to see a free Kintargo and reunite with his friend, the bard Shensen.
Egeria, middle-aged human witch: A member of a big family of humble means, Egeria cared for her elders, their children and her chicken coop. Battling bouts of depression due to the many losses of her life (and the declining political and economic status of the city), she was contemplating suicide while observing the black herons fish in the river. One of them sat by her side, and convinced her that a better future was possible and it would provide her with the means to bring it to life. Shen-shen, the black heron, then proceeded to teach her spells of healing and subduing those who would threaten her family. Egeria today fights to make the city a better place for the lower strata of the society, providing a valuable point of view from the streets.

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Zataria, tiefling ex-Asmodean inquisitor: Taken from squalor by a Asmodean priest, raised to believe her existence was cursed and service to the Dark Prince was her only path available. She infiltrated the cult of Shelyn to destroy them from the inside but found unconditional love and acceptance. Withholding information from the Inquisition she allowed the shelynites to survive, but lost her divine powers in the process. After the Night of Ashes and an enormous guilt-trip at seeing the Thrashing Badger burned to the ground, she found a single red rose in the ruins. With burning purpose in her eyes and the divine backing of Shelyn, she started herself on the path of redemption. Knows she got red on her ledger and seeks to fight against her previous superiors in order to clean it.
I must admit, that was one hell of a cool backstory. Kudos to the player.