
Sardonic Soul's page

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Wow, this is the saddest thread I've probably ever read on this site. The funny thing is the original post is misogynistic wether it's meant that way or not. Solely becuase it's MEN'S duty to solve the problems of women. I'll let you in on the secret answer...... if you don't like any game leave. That advice is haned out in every thread so why it isn't mentioned here is obvious, because it's easier just to shame men. So before this post gets deleted for censor.....um....derailing I'll make a few points and jet out:

- talking about privilege is a form shaming language on par with slut shaming. If you don't think so then let me ask you, what good does is serve your argument to put the ones you seek sympathy from on the defensive? None...

-paizo, what good is it to allow threads that may make 95% of your core demographic feel they are responsible for the misdeeds of others and that the should feel guilty for not solving every problem a person may encounter in life? All entertainment is about escapism. All political threads do is divide people into teams so the can duke it out. Not very welcoming if you ask me.

-lastly men, stop apologing , the vast,vast majority of you are not deviants and don't need to answer for the very few that are. I recomend going to youtube and searching for "MGTOW" videos be either stardusk or barbarosssa. It's time you were a least offered the "red pill". Thats all I have to say on the subject.

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I don't think I know of a single adventure that has used love as plot device or even created an opportunity for it to develop. Maybe they should do something with it in rpg superstar? Sure would beat reading another boring magic item!

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Well if this is stemming from your anxiety, then it's a problem that can only be solved by you, working on you. As for a fix may I suggest a couple gin and tonics?

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It depends on the game the GM is presenting. The player that isn't falling in line with the feel of the game is the one that needs to adapt.

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I'm glad I don't have to GM such entitled players. I would have to keep a mop by the table just to sop up the tears! Fumbles represent the element of luck just like crits do. If you have crits you should have at least some fumbles. Why do you ask? Because it's a game junior! If you play monopoly and land on "go the jail" do you just ignore it? No, you go to jail becuase it a game no a treatise on the laws of probability. Don't go crying about how wizards don't have to worry about fumbles. Fighters don't need to worry about spell resistance, nor do fish have to worry about dehydration.

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I am trying to build an old school feel game myself and I find half the work is in the mindset. The players can't be obsessed with builds and have to be adventure focused. Also I would just ditch all the wealth by level guidelines. Also build encounters based the current PC's abilities and strength and forget the CR system, the way we used to before 3E. I'd also restict access to magic items and crafting. But in the end it comes down to a meta conversation as a group that everyone should be trying for the same feel.

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How can you cast a female in a villain role?! Whats wrong with you?! All women are angelic figures of purity and chastity! Also where are the baby daddies? Are the paying child support? ......end whining voice.

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I have a whole family full of deadbeats and most of them have never worked ever. They even have smartphones! Then they wonder why I don't consort with them!
Heres a scam for you, I had an uncle that kept taking in foster kids and was getting hefty checks from the state so he didn't have to work. Sadly he didn't watch those kids either since almost all of them got in trouble with the law.
I think we should bring back the orphanage. If you can't take care of your children they should be taken away and the parent should pay the state child support! You would save alot of money since you wouldn't support the mother. She would be forced to pay for her kid. I bet you wouldn't see one kid that didn't know who their daddy was then!

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Chainmail bikinis rule so men don't ever apologize for liking them. If your hetero you should like the sight of female flesh. It's both normal and healthy to enjoy the female form so don't let anybody shame you into saying otherwise. Also nobody really cares how much protection it actually provides. It is there simply for your enjoyment good Sirs. Remember, you can never lose the argument you never have. NEVER APOLOGIZE it only shows weakness. Your apology will never be accepted and you've done nothing wrong. That said bring on the bikinis.

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I once had a two brothers in my game. When the younger one acted out of character his big bro would yank his nipple. I always got a chuckle because the younger brother was a slow learner.

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Can you really ignore caster level requirements with a spell craft check? I thought that was set in stone. The easy way to fix things is to give very little gold for treasure. Only give items up to their wealth by level. Its hard to craft without gold. I also don't believe anything good can come from the magic item compendium. Alot of that stuff is way under priced for what they do. I really hate what that book did to my 3.5 game. Way,way to many cheap 3 uses per day items which let the pc's go nova and added to the 5 minute work day.

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Mage Evolving wrote:
Sardonic Soul wrote:
I'm playing a touch caster right now that just became so uber I feel sorry for the GM. She is a sorceress with the fey bloodline (decended from quicklings). Took dodge, one of the bloodline feats is mobility, and at ninth I just qaulified for spring attack! 5he bloodline also gave me a laughing touch ability as well as fleeting glance(improved invisibility). Took a high dex, weapon finesse and fleet feats, and maxed out acrobatics with boots of elvenkind. Fight begins I cast expiditous retreat, a touch spell good for multiple touches (like calcific touch) and then spring attack at high speed while the warrior keeps the baddy busy. Use greater invisibility as needed. Easy touch AC's, good base chance to hit it, no saves or retaliation from the monsters. Tell your GM I said sorry.

Could you give me an idea what your build looks like?

Human sorcerer lv. 9 fey bloodline

Feats: (Human bonus)Fleet, Lv1 Improved Initiative, Lv 3 weapon finesse, Lv 5 dodge, (Lv 7 bloodline bonus feat) Mobility, Lv. 7 intesified spell(not needed for the build but can boost low level touch spells,)Lv. 9 spring attack. I plan on taking quicken spell when I hit 11th

I did take some good old stand by spells like lighnting bolt and magic missile for when close quarters isn't an option. I kind of have a lightning/speed them for the character. I also plan on getting some spells like fire shield to dicourage grappling me. The fey bloodline also grant alot of bonus spells that like deep slumber to take of the small potatoes monsters.

Also take any dex, con or cha boosting items you can get. AC items aren't that useful when your spring attacking.

One pleasant side effect I've noticed is that if you use calcific touch or any touch speel that causes ability damage it makes the monsters AC and CMD plummet making it food for your party warriors. They love me for this. Hope this is useful.

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I second the idea that blackblades can't be further enhanced beyond the class ability. Giving up a couple of points of arcane pool isn't that much of a sacrafice for a free magic weapon. You still an arcane pool. I hadc a player that was interested in playing a blackblade and wanted a blade of a special material. I said no citing that at his level he couldn't afford it before he got the blackblade class feature. I also noted the rules were way too gray and vague on tha matter. He then asked about upgrading and stacking the upgrade with gold purchased ones. Once again it's grey so I said no.

But then again the guy that asked about this was the group munchkin. He always looks for obscure or grey area rules to exploit. Not suprisingly he opted to play a synthesist summoner instead. Another class/archtype with alot of "creative interpretaion" It took four hours to figure out what his character can and can't do by rules. I still had to adjucate some gey areas.

Moral of the story: if the group munchkin is all about it go over it with a finetooth comb. Know how it works and tell them your interpretation before it ever reaches the table.

On a side note there are better ways to make a blackblade magus AND be well within the rules no matter how they are interpreted. Its called two weapon fighting and spending your gold on the secondary weapon. That said I'm outa here ,no more questions....

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I'm playing a touch caster right now that just became so uber I feel sorry for the GM. She is a sorceress with the fey bloodline (decended from quicklings). Took dodge, one of the bloodline feats is mobility, and at ninth I just qaulified for spring attack! 5he bloodline also gave me a laughing touch ability as well as fleeting glance(improved invisibility). Took a high dex, weapon finesse and fleet feats, and maxed out acrobatics with boots of elvenkind. Fight begins I cast expiditous retreat, a touch spell good for multiple touches (like calcific touch) and then spring attack at high speed while the warrior keeps the baddy busy. Use greater invisibility as needed. Easy touch AC's, good base chance to hit it, no saves or retaliation from the monsters. Tell your GM I said sorry.

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GeraintElberion wrote:
Sardonic Soul wrote:
There is a fine line between feminism and misandry and as a male I'm offened when any male is called a misogynist because he finds females attractive. Their are women all around the world with real issues. In saudi arabia they can't even drive! I believe our mothers and grandmothers the real feminists would saddened to see what their effort has devolved into. A pointless gender war on daytime tv where mothers teach their daughters to hate their brothers. Real empowered women are too busy at being successful. Ask our secretary of state if she would be where she is today if she was on rpg forum complaining about this dumb crap.

Let me unpick this.

A: Women in other countries have it worse
B: Women in your country in the past had it worse
Women should no longer express any concern about remaining gender discrimination and/or inequality.

Is that what you're saying?

What I mean is playing the victim is NEVER EVER empowering. If a fictional idealized character makes you feel insecure then you need to look within for the souce of your troubles. Its just plain misandry to blame men for liking the female form. And for the record I don't see PETA on here complaining about the fictional enslavement of familiars. Maybe because they have REAL animals being abused? That and people would think they were mental...

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This thread went on way to long. None of the things listed are realy "dick" moves. The bad guys are "dicks" by thier very nature! Why would a villain sunder your sword? Becuase he is a dick! Why would they steal a spell book? Becuase the villain is a dick! If you don't like night time encounters then you can cross off half the bestiary becuase half the monsters are nocturnal! And at this point if you can't figure your alignment out then it isn't worth explaining again...

If all of the above sounds "dickish" to you then turn in you hero card. "Mom! the DM/Villain broke my sword, make him stop! Mom!"