
Knoq Nixoy's page

327 posts. Alias of Kno.


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My favourite Cain is Duty Calls, The Emperor's Finest I don't even remember what happened

as for others I'm waiting for The End and the Death vol. 3, GW is really milking it, also Pandemonium by Abnett

not all are that forgettable, like Regill from Wrath of the Righteous or Arcanum gnomes

they also nerfed humans, I'll wait for a modded variant version

they probably changed the story over the years, similar to how they rewrote the companions, cause when I played early access at the beggining it did not seem to fit that well with the lore

as for ceremorphosis, I hope the implemented things like gnome resistance

it was 7 seconds in the trailer, when that nautiloid attacked Triboar (I think that was the city), for dramatic purposes

but in the game it will probably happen in act 3, at the end

I agree that Eisenhorn is probably the best choice, it could even continue with Ravenor and Bequin.

Gaunt's Ghosts you'd need to cut some massive battles, and the first book is not that good for an introduction.

My second choice would be the return of Gorillaman as Cavill cause his shock of what the Imperium turned into could also be an intro, tough that story would probably be very expensive.

Greylurker wrote:
Knoq Nixoy wrote:
I've never watched anything so bad

oh I've seen plenty worse things.

Adventures of Sinbad is one of the first things to come to mind if you want to talk about bad fantasy shows, but there are tons of shows worse than this

I mean if a show is bad you just stop, but in this case I continued watching cause of the source material and invested funds, expecting at least something decent, and now it hurts my soul, this sacrilege. I remembered one similar show, Shannara, but there I could stop after a few episodes of cringe.

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I've never watched anything so bad

my ending was really disappointing, that's what you get for trying to do good

and I was OK with Mass Effect 3 ending or Deus Ex, imagine if Deus Ex had all this time to develop

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I guess they released this movie to keep people out of theaters

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they are real apex predators

Planescape Torment remake, not just a remaster, but in a way they remade Resident Evil or Demon Souls

agreed, it seemed that Baldur's Gate is on the other side of the world to Amn

tough core FR is mostly city states

Possible, acording to the Illthiad it depends upon the presence of VITAL neurochemicals in the victim's brain; these neurochemicals act as essential chemical cues for the initiation of ceremorphosis. I remember from Ravenloft that vampires have no metabolism. Or it could be an elven vampire similar to a baelnorn. Only Ioulaum could transform into an undead elder brain.

Anyway the game looks really promising, but I wish they change the UI, inventory and ablilties/spells a bit so they don't look almost like Divitity:OS.

how can ceremorphosis affect vampires

Hazard is French in an another universe

if they adapt short stories from Magos there's one where they hunt a tyranid

small scale? imagine the cost of the Thracian Primaris triumph, but I guess they picked the best story to adapt

I kinda expected from the books for Dany to turn evil, or at least morally neutral, as Martin rarely writes pure good or evil characters (except Euron and Ramsay in later books), but the show simplified her and it seemed she'd turn out good then they had to do their ''subverted expectations''.

This is a minor problem, and the battle was way one-sided, but what about all other ruined characters, it's much worse with them, it started with Stannis, then Dorne, Arya's training was pathetic, Varys, Littlefinger, and Tyrion lost their intelligence which imo was the most interesting part of the show/books, Bran became boring which is quite an achievement for the most magical person in the world, Euron became a joke of a villain, not as intimidating as in the books, except when he had ballistae that could sink the Yamato. Jaime, in the end what's the point of him, what's the point of the Iron Bank, they've build up the Night King threat who doesn't even exist in the books, what for, etc. in the end most things don't make sense, the Dothraki and Unsullied resurrect themselves and King's Landing repairs itself when it's convenient. I liked the Clegane fight, and the build up to the battle of Winterfell, that's it.

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ever since Ramsay's ''20 good men'' scene HBO should have hired new writers

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I can't believe the story of ASoIaF ends like this

the writers turned it into some generic fantasy

The Faceless God is one of many avatars/masks of Nyarlathotep, it's very similar to the Many-Faced God the Faceless Men worship. I don't think they have a mortal boss, the Kindly Man or Jaqen, they are all ''no one''.

The World of Ice and Fire book added a lot of Lovecraftian places and stories to Essos.

that'd be interesting cause it's possible that the Faceless Boss is one of the forms of Nyarlathotep



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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)

best characters I've seen in a movie, fun, and cause of its music

this movie is not so bad compared to The Force Awakens and the prequels, even The Return of the Jedi

I watched this interesting podcast few days ago, Stamets explains how they created the mycellium drive

Luke's now like Jonny Marcone from Dresden Files

no, it's 13/25 episode


the show so far is great, it should last at least until


Earth's destroyed
after that I lost all interest

I liked it except the villain is ridiculous, even worse than Thanos the mad

cool, tough they shouldn't spoil so much in the trailer

he wrote more words on his blog than in TWOW

Archons are also from gnosticism, always wondered how are they connected

sort of post-human utopias or near utopias like the Culture, Jean le Flambeur series, the Golden Oecumene, the Commonwealth Saga

when the last adventure path is going to be announced?

from what I remember from the book it was obvious the author wanted it to be a film someday

Synthesist Summoner (something like this for a sorcerer or pact wizard)
Qinggong Monk
Monk of the Mantis
Halcyon Druid
Skirmisher ranger

I enjoyed reading Deadhouse Landing, mostly because of previous books, new stuff added on to that is not really impressive

I remember the first novel is different, noir-ish

I think it's the best Netflix show so far, only faults the fighting scenes aren't that interesting compared to Daredevil, and too bloody for my taste.

I waited for this kind of book since Sigil

I wish I stopped with this series at the end of A Storm of Swords, the books and tv episodes after ruins it mostly

from this year

NieR: Automata
Torment: Tides of Numenera

the Animorphs?

what happened before the battle has nothing to do with the quality of battle scenes, not to mention how irrelevant those ''battles'' at Meereen and Griffin Roost are for the main story

what battle scenes, I don't remember any from the last book, just some cliffhangers, you are saying the Battle of the bastards is far worse than those?

Endless Space 2 soundtrack

they need to change Fury's weapon, to a spiked chain or something

Nicomo Cosca (Abercrombie)
Cugel the Clever (Vance)
Tehol (Erikson)
Rodrick and Hrym (Pratt)
Hoid (Sanderson)
Gully Foyle (Bester)
Jalan (Lawrence)
Jean le Flambeur (Rajaniemi)
Varys (Martin)

Full Name

Ewan Scribner


Fighter(Lore Warden/Learned Duelist)/2


HP: 12/20; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: 4, Ref: 4, Will: 0; Init +4; Perception +0









Strength 10
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 8

About Ewan Scribner

Ewan Scribner:

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden/Learned Duelist)
LN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +4; Senses: Perception +0,


AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 14 . . (+4 Dex +4 Armor +1 Dodge)
HP 20 (10+6+2+2)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0

mwrk Rapier +8, 1d6 (18/20)

Speed 30 ft. (Light Armour)

Str 10, Dex 18(16+2), Con 12, Int 14 , Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 16 (10 +0 Str +2 BAB +4 Dex)(+2 vs Disarm and Grapple)
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Rapier).
Magical Talent: Benefit: Choose a 0-level spell. You may cast that spell once per day as a spell-like ability. This spell-like ability is cast at your highest caster level gained; if you have no caster level, it functions at CL 1st. The spell-like ability‘s save DC is Charisma-based. → Mage Hand

Cautious Warrior: Benefit(s): You gain an additional +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class while you fight defensively or use the total defense action.

Self-doubting: Effect The first time each day that you fail a Will saving throw or skill check, you take a –2 penalty on the next Will saving throw or skill check of that kind.

Skills: 8 per level (2 from class 2 from class for int skills, +2 Int, +1 FCB, +1 Human)
Acrobatics 2 ranks (+6), Linguistics 2 ranks (+7), Knowledge Nature 2 ranks (+7), Knowledge Dungeoneering 2 ranks (+7), Profession Purser 2 rank (+5), Survival 1 rank (+4), Swim 1 rank (+4), Knowledge Engineering 2 rank (+7), Knowledge Arcana 2 ranks (+7)
Languages: Common,
Combat Gear: mwrk Rapier, mwrk Chain Shirt
Other Gear: 10sheets of Paper (4gp), 3x inkpen (3sp), 2 inkwells one ¼ full(16gp), 2x Journal book (One filled up (named Silent Stride) and one relatively unwritten)(20gp), Book of Puzzles (50gp) mwrk Backpack (50gp) Compass (10gp), Scrivener's Kit (2gp), Fighter's Kit (Without the Iron Pot and only two torches)(9 gp)
Encumbrance: lbs; Light Load (53lbs), (Light Load up to 76lbs, Medium up to 153lbs, Heavy up to 230)
Money Left: 126 gp 6 sp

FCB: +2 HP, +2 Skill +2 to CMD vs Grapple and Disarm

Racial Traits

Feat and Skill Racial Traits

Class Abilities

Scholastic (Ex)
A lore warden gains 2 additional skill ranks each level. These ranks must be spent on Intelligence-based skills. All Craft and Knowledge skills are class skills for lore wardens, as are Linguistics and Spellcraft.
This ability replaces the fighter’s proficiency with medium armor, heavy armor, and shields.
Skill Over Strength (Ex)
At 2nd level, a lore warden qualifies for feats and other abilities as though she had the Combat Expertise feat.
At 6th level, she gains Combat Expertise as a bonus feat, even if she would not normally qualify for the feat. If she already has Combat Expertise, she instead gains any one combat feat that includes Combat Expertise as a prerequisite (and for which she otherwise qualifies).
At 10th level, she can treat her base attack bonus as though it were 2 higher for the purpose of calculating the effects of Combat Expertise.
This ability replaces bravery and the fighter bonus feat gained at 2nd level.

Duelist Stance (Ex)
At 1st level, a Learned duelist gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC as long as he is wearing no armor or light armor, wields a melee weapon in one hand, and his other hand is empty. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 levels the duelist possesses to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.
This ability replaces the fighter’s 1st-level bonus feat.

Ewan has aspired to become a mage or wizard, wanting to be able to study in the famed academy of the Black Tower and be granted access to the wizard's guild: The Sagacious Masters of the Eldritch Nexus. An high honour to be sure. It is something Ewan and his parents, Linus and Keera Scribner, have worked towards all of his life.

Ewan had always been a promising student, achieving good grades and praise from his teachers for his letters, numbers and able to grasp many a subject like geography, engineering and botany. As a son of two scribes, these talents were not too surprising. Even basic wizardry he grasped pretty quickly. Alas, Ewan was born with a bad case of stuttering that pops up when he feels under pressure or stressed. What happens to be, in his case, almost every moment as his stutter has made him very aware of himself.

During his entrance test, Ewan passed the initial tests to separate the wheat from the chaff, the good from the average. He could have made one of the best students of his year, though when the basic spell trial was held, to demonstrate the initial grasp of easy to use spells. Ewan easily picked up the words and gestures, but knowing and pronouncing the words were two very different things. A simple attack spell fizzled, a message spell came in like almost a different language, A light spell didn't produce even the faintest of candle light.

Ever since, in his eyes, this failure, Ewan had after a year or two, taken his study to be more economically focused. Working as an accountant first and then eventually wanting to leave Languard and Ashlar behind him for a while. He had chosen to work as an apprentice purser upon several merchant vessels that had docked in Languard and were sea-bound shortly thereafter.
It is on such a vessel, The Silent Stride, he met a new tutor: Lyria, an auburn-haired woman in her late thirties with a quick mind and an even quicker blade. She taught him a version of light-footed swordplay that was more fitting on the ever-moving and ever-shifting deck of a ship. It has helped him through several difficult challenges like a pirate attack, fellow new crewmembers thinking him easy to bully due to his soft-spoken mannerisms, even helping him sometimes get over his stutter.

It is now after several years that Ewan finds himself back in the port of Languard, having just completed his most recent trip.

Ewan is a soft-spoken individual, not necessarily unsocial or quiet, but trying to be careful in speaking his mind before he knows what to say. His stutter isn't helping him in that regard as it hinders him in social gatherings. He's actually quite social when he lets new people inside his inner circle.

He is quite self-aware of himself and what he's able to and what he can't do. New things and situations do give him trouble though, as he's unfamiliar as to what to do.
Violence isn't his first resort, if he can avoid a fight he will try to, though if cornered, he's quite a difficult opponent to beat, even if he might not look like it.
During combat one could hear him mutter to himself the steps, parries and observations he makes. It keeps his mind focused and even drowns out his stutter in the heat of the moment.

Lyria has called Ewan, 'Little Inkhand' as a nickname for him, due to most of the time he could be found with his nose in the ledgers and books. She has been the only one who has called him that.

Ewan's training session:

Ewan was going through the motions of the previous sessions, practising the motions, the steps, the bladework. Lyria was sitting on a barrel of salted fish looking at her new pupil, sharpening her own blade again.

Step out, dodge, lean sideways, parry, parry, lunge His thoughts raced through his mind.

”You're doing well enough for only having three lessons so far.” His auburn-haired mentor called out from her perch.
”Tha' what you call a sailor?!” a shout came from the other side of the deck. ”Tha boy can't even speak proper, let alone beat a man in a fight.”

Lyria pointed her blade towards the black-bearded man and leered over her blade. ”Ah so you think you could best me is that it?” The man quickly held up his hands shaking his head. ”Meant no disrespec' to yus, Lyria. Tha boy is a liability though.”

Ewan had stopped practising for a moment as the shouts kept him unfocused.
”I c-ca-can f-fight if I h-h-have to. My s-s-peech h-has nothing to do w-with it.” Ewan's face became red from being the sudden focus of the attention and also from a little anger welling up.

Lyria jumped off from her seat at the barrel, still pointing at the bearded man. ”If it is proper fighting they want to see and proper words let's give em that. Ewan? Just follow my lead. Speak your mind as you go through the motions. Follow the steps and let your voice guide you.”

She stood next to him and the pair of tutor en pupil followed the same set. The words becoming louder and louder as they both shouted the moves.
”St-step ou-out. D-d-dodge. Wait for the f-fol-follow-up. P-parry. Str-Strike. St-trike. L-lunge. P-parry! Dodge. S-sidestep! Dodge! Step out! Step in! Strike! Strike! PARRY!”
