I agree that Eisenhorn is probably the best choice, it could even continue with Ravenor and Bequin. Gaunt's Ghosts you'd need to cut some massive battles, and the first book is not that good for an introduction. My second choice would be the return of Gorillaman as Cavill cause his shock of what the Imperium turned into could also be an intro, tough that story would probably be very expensive.
Greylurker wrote:
I mean if a show is bad you just stop, but in this case I continued watching cause of the source material and invested funds, expecting at least something decent, and now it hurts my soul, this sacrilege. I remembered one similar show, Shannara, but there I could stop after a few episodes of cringe.
Possible, acording to the Illthiad it depends upon the presence of VITAL neurochemicals in the victim's brain; these neurochemicals act as essential chemical cues for the initiation of ceremorphosis. I remember from Ravenloft that vampires have no metabolism. Or it could be an elven vampire similar to a baelnorn. Only Ioulaum could transform into an undead elder brain. Anyway the game looks really promising, but I wish they change the UI, inventory and ablilties/spells a bit so they don't look almost like Divitity:OS.
I kinda expected from the books for Dany to turn evil, or at least morally neutral, as Martin rarely writes pure good or evil characters (except Euron and Ramsay in later books), but the show simplified her and it seemed she'd turn out good then they had to do their ''subverted expectations''. This is a minor problem, and the battle was way one-sided, but what about all other ruined characters, it's much worse with them, it started with Stannis, then Dorne, Arya's training was pathetic, Varys, Littlefinger, and Tyrion lost their intelligence which imo was the most interesting part of the show/books, Bran became boring which is quite an achievement for the most magical person in the world, Euron became a joke of a villain, not as intimidating as in the books, except when he had ballistae that could sink the Yamato. Jaime, in the end what's the point of him, what's the point of the Iron Bank, they've build up the Night King threat who doesn't even exist in the books, what for, etc. in the end most things don't make sense, the Dothraki and Unsullied resurrect themselves and King's Landing repairs itself when it's convenient. I liked the Clegane fight, and the build up to the battle of Winterfell, that's it.
The Faceless God is one of many avatars/masks of Nyarlathotep, it's very similar to the Many-Faced God the Faceless Men worship. I don't think they have a mortal boss, the Kindly Man or Jaqen, they are all ''no one''. The World of Ice and Fire book added a lot of Lovecraftian places and stories to Essos.
I watched this interesting podcast few days ago, Stamets explains how they created the mycellium drive About Sorek the EnlightenedMale Elan Path of War Psionic Monk Status:
HP 134/134 | AC 21 | T 21 | FF 17 |
F +13| R +17 | W +17| Init +10 | Perc +24 | Out of Combat Sorek is in the Eyes of the Crane Stance:
Once Combat Begins swift action into Stance of the Inner Eye +1d6 dam +3insight to hit, dam, ac, saves, CMB
Male Elan Soulknife 1 (Deadly Fist/WarSoul), Monk 1 (Unchained/Enlightened), Psychic Warrior 1 (PathWalker), Stalker 3, Psychic Fist 1, Awakened Blade 2 NG Medium Humanoid (Abberant) Perception +24 XP 9th --------------
with Stance of the Inner Eye
with Stance of the Inner Eye & Inertial Armor
swift action to activate Combat Precognition: opponents roll twice to attack me and take worse roll. Lasts 8 rounds, uses 1 Ki pt Standard action to activate Force Screen 1pp: +4 Shield AC -------------
Ranged Mind Arrows as w/Longbow from Discipline Blade Shapes +17/+12 (1d8+1d6+11) critx3 110 ft range
Languages Common, Celestial
Mundane Equipment Tent, Blanket, Kit Gear maintenance, Kit Grooming, Kit Monks, Kit Deluxe Dungeoneering
Magical Gear
Total spent 33,010
Resistance (Su) Elans can use psionic energy to increase their resistance to various forms of attack. As an immediate action, an elan can spend 1 power point to gain a +4 racial bonus on saving throws until the beginning of her next action Resilience (Su) When an elan takes damage, he can spend power points to reduce its severity. As an immediate action, he can reduce the damage he is about to take by 2 hit points for every 1 power point he spends Repletion (Su) An elan can sustain his body without need of food or water. If he spends 1 power point, an elan does not need to eat or drink for 24 hours. --------------------
Soulknife 1 Deadly Fist, Warsoul
This effect is similar to a mind blade, except the deadly fist cannot change the form of empowered strikes, although he can change the damage type of his attacks between bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing, just like a normal soulknife. This effect cannot be broken like a mind blade, and it is still considered to be unarmed attacks instead of a weapon." Flurry of Fists Blade SkillWhen making unarmed attacks and making a full attack, the soulknife can make one additional attack at her highest attack bonus, but all attacks in the full attack suffer a -2 penalty to the attack roll. This extra attack does not stack with abilities that grant additional attacks, such as Two-Weapon Fighting, Flurry of Blows, or other such effects. The soulknife must have the Improved Unarmed Strike feat in order to select this blade skill. Enhanced Strikes "The deadly fist's empowered strikes are improved like a standard soulknife's mind blade, except the enhancement bonus or weapon special abilities apply to the deadly fist's unarmed attacks, rather than to a weapon. This replaces the Enhanced Mind Blade class feature, but counts as Enhanced Mind Blade for prerequisites or requirements." Psychokinetic Discharge "A deadly fist of 1st level learns how to take the energy he has charged into his unarmed strikes and release it as a blast of energy at an opponent. As a ranged attack, the deadly fist can make an unarmed attack at an opponent. The attack deals damage as normal for the deadly fist's unarmed attacks. The range increment of the attack is 10', but is considered to be a projectile instead of a thrown weapon, so the attack has a maximum range of 10 increments instead of 5. Whether or not the attack hits, the deadly fist's unarmed attacks are no longer empowered and he must take the normal time to empower them. Unchained Monk, Enlightened Monk 1 Ult Psionics pg 292 Flurry, Unchained At 1st level, a monk can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action. When making a flurry of blows, the monk can make one additional attack at his highestbase attack bonus. This additional attack stacks with the bonus attacks fromhaste and other similar effects. When using this ability, the monk can make these attacks with any combination of his unarmed strikes and weapons that have the monk special weapon quality. He takes no penalty for using multiple weapons when making a flurry of blows, but he does not gain any additional attacks beyond what's already granted by the flurry for doing so. (He can still gain additional attacks from a high base attack bonus, from this ability, and fromhaste and similar effects). AC BonusWhen unarmored and unencumbered, the monk adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his AC and CMD. In addition, a monk gains a +1 bonus to AC and CMD at 4th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every four monk levels thereafter, up to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.
Psionic Training An enlightened monk unlocks his psionic power and learns to use it in combat. The enlightened monk gains the Wild Talent and Psionic Fist feats as bonus feats. This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 1st level. Stunning Fist When an enlightened monk uses hisStunning Fist ability, he can choose to expend his psionic focus to gain a +1 bonus to the save DC of that Stunning Fist attack. If the enlightened monk expends his psionic focus for thePsionic Fist feat as part of a Stunning Fist attack, he gains this bonus in addition to the bonus damage from Psionic Fist. Ki PsionicsAn enlightened monk can use his kipoints in place of power points for special abilities including manifesting powers (such as those that might be gained from multiclassing) or racial abilities like the elan’s resilience ability. In addition, the enlightened monk can spend 1 ki point to use catfall as a psi-like ability with a manifester level equal to his class level. This ability replaces the slow fall ability. Psychic Warrior 1 PathWalker Bonus Feat Warrior’s Path (Ex)At 1st level, a psychic warrior chooses a path to adhere to (listed below). When first taking a path, the psychic warrior gains one of the two powers associated with that path. Powers gained from a path do not count against his number of powers known. When manifesting this power, called a path power, the psychic warrior can either choose to manifest it for no cost by expending his psionic focus, in which case it cannot be augmented, or he can choose to manifest it normally, in which case his effective manifester level for this power is treated as one higher than normal. Maneuvers see maneuver section Stalker 3 Ki PoolAt 1st level, a stalker gains a pool of ki points,supernatural energy he can use to accomplish amazing feats. The number of points in the stalker's ki pool is equal to 1/2 her stalker level + his Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1).
Deadly Strike The stalker is capable of maximizing his deadliness whenever he lands a critical blow upon his opponent, opening his target up for future punishment as the stalker becomes attuned to his prey. The stalker's deadly strike activates whenever the stalker scores a successfulcritical hit against a target, and is active against that target for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdommodifier. Deadly strike inflicts extra damage, to only this target creature, on all of the stalker's attacks. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 for every four stalker levels thereafter. When the stalker scores a critical hit, this extra damage is not multiplied, it is simply added to the damage. If the stalker scores a successful critical hit during the time his deadly strike is active, the duration of this ability is extended by one round (no more than one extension can be made per round). Ranged attacks can count as deadly strikes only if the target is within 30-ft.. Deadly strike is more effective with weapons with higher critical multipliers, such as scythes and battle axes. Weapons with a x3 critical multiplier inflict damage with deadly strikes using a d8 instead of a d6, and weapons with a critical multiplier of x4 use d10's. Damage multipliers higher than x4 use d10's for deadly strikes damage.
Combat Insight At 2nd level, the keen senses and awareness of the stalker delivers him a sort of sixth sense. This insight performs as an intuitive alarm, alerting him of danger. Through his rigorous practice and learning to trust his instincts and intuition to an unearthly level, the senses of the stalker are unusually sharp.
Dodge Bonus The stalker's heightened perception of danger allows him to defend himself from attacks as they are made against him, anticipating the attacks as they come. A stalker gains a +1 dodge bonus to his Armor Class at 2nd level, which improves by an additional +1 every four stalker levels thereafter. When recovering maneuvers as a full round action, the character may add his Wisdommodifier to his AC as an additional dodge bonus; his defensive precognition being heightened by centering his ki through maneuver recovery. Stalker Arts x2 +1extra from feat
Evasion (Ex) A stalker can avoid damage from many area-effect attacks by channeling his ki into his reflexes. If a stalker makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful Reflex save he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a stalker is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless stalker does not gain the benefit of evasion. Rogue Talent (Trap Spotter) Benefit: Whenever a rogue with this talent comes within 10 feet of a trap, she receives an immediate Perceptionskill check to notice the trap. This check should be made in secret by the GM. Awakened Blade
Deep Focus
Path of the Warrior
Stance of the Inner Eye
. Feats:
Racial Feat (Elan): Psionic Talent Lvl 1 Improved Unarmed Strike (from Deadly Fist archetype replaces lvl 1 bonus feat)
Lvl 2 Enlightened Monk bonus feats: Psionic Talent, Psionic Fist ) Ult psionics pg292 Lvl 3 Chosen Feat: Extra Blade Skill(Focused Offense) wis to hit and dam
Lvl 4 GM extra feat Additional Trait Feat: Practiced Initiator +2 bonus to IL, from POW 2 Feats from playtest. POW Expanded Playtest material ok per GM. Wisdom in the Flesh (Acrobatics) Lvl 5 Chosen Feat: Psionic Meditation Lvl 7 Chosen Feat: Extra Stalker Art (Trap Spotter) automatic Perception check w/in 10ft of trap Lvl 8 Awakened Blade bonus feat: Deep Focus Lvl 9 Chosen Feat: Pummeling Style Skills:
Skills -----------
ACP -0 *ACP applies to these skills
TOTAL 23-1 Sorek starts every day using 1PP for Elan Repletion
1rst Inertial Armor
. Maneuvers:
------------------- ---------------
RH 1rst B Minute Hand Readied RH 1rst C Clock Watcher Readied BB 1rst B Brawlers Attitude Readied Stances
Broken Blade 1rst Pugilist Stance Recovery Method
ST 1rst B Princes Attitude READIED SG 1rst B Flash of Insight READIED SC 1rst B Crane Step READIED Stances
Silver Crane 1rst Eyes of the Crane Recovery Method
VM 2nd S Fading Strike RH 2nd C Stopwatch TD 2nd B Flash Kick BB 2nd B Bronze Knuckle READIED SC 2nd C Defensive Step 2nd exchanged for higher lvl maneuver RH 3rd B Time Skitter READIED SC 3rd S Silver Knights Blade READIED RH 4th C Temporal Body Adjustment READIED SC 5th S Argent Knights Banner READIED Stance: Distorted Clock 1rst (RH)
Recovery Method
Trap Finder-
Psionic Knack +2ML for Psychic Fist manifesting Additional Trait Feat:
At 5'8, 150lbs Sorek has the build of an itinerant beggar that no one would give a second glance, not that of a highly capable warrior. He has deeply tanned skin from long hours of mountaintop meditation with dark hair(currently shaved) with kind brown eyes. He wears simple functional clothing allowing for ease of movement. He travels light. His only obvious possessions other than clothing are a small backpack and a beltpouch Background:
Sorek came to consciousness in the wilderness for the first time as a young man with no possessions other than his clothes. He did not even have a name to call himself. He began wandering for several days always heading west for that seemed like as good a direction as any. His lack of food and water was not a problem for him as he had no need of such things. He found that with a moment of concentration his body’s needs were taken care of (Elan Repletion). Sorek did not question this as this is all he knew. After 2 weeks of wandering he came upon a small group of men who were hiding by a road. Natural curiosity should have made him reveal himself to these men as the words of the Common Tongue were boiling up through his subconscious. But something held his tongue and he remained hidden and watched.
A wagon with a single man and pulled by two mules appeared on the road coming towards the hidden men. A deep sense of unease welled from with him as he began to sense what was about to happen as the hidden men began to unsheathe weapons. Without warning 3 of the men began charging the wagon and the 4th began firing arrows at the man on the wagon. Sorek was unarmed and through his 2 weeks of travel knew that he was not a strong man. What was he to do against armed men who were clearly out to kill but that did not cause him to hesitate. He knew this was WRONG and he had to act. As he began sprinting towards the bowman his whole body shimmered momentarily with energy welling from his mind/soul (Deadly fist’s Empowered Strikes). This felt Right. A flying kick took the archer unawares and knocked him out of the fight. Sorek continued his charge towards the rest of the men surrounding the wagon and noticed that the wagon driver a man appearing to be in his 60’s seemed quite calm for the situation and had remained seated on the wagon. The bandits did not perceive this man as a threat and turned their attention to Sorek who had now adopted a fighting stance the likes of which they had never seen. While in this Stance (Pugilist Stance, Broken Blade lvl 1) Sorek felt his body fill with more destructive power and he unleashed it upon the Bandits. Sorek felt his body guided and propelled to land devastating strikes guided by the power of his Will (Focused Offense Blade Skill). But as devastating as Soreks unarmed strikes were he had not yet learned to Focus his will in a defensive manner and was soon over-matched. The last thing Sorek saw as his vision turned black was the wagon driver hop down from the wagon and when he landed a wave of energy roiled along the ground knocking the assailants off their feet (Stomp) Sorek awoke in the Jade Winds Monastery where learned the Psionic Arts as a Psychic Warrior and furthered his training in the Path of War. The Monastery was devoted to searching for talented orphans and training them in various Psionic Arts (depending where there talents lie) and the Path of War including the Riven Hourglass and Silver Crane disciplines. Sisters of the Golden Erinyes are the natural enemies of this temple and once trained adepts are set loose in the region to be a force for good. Of course this is after the location of the Jade Winds Monastery has been wiped from their minds. -------------------
"You are ready. .. Take what we have taught you and go with our blessing. You have been given a gift, an opportunity to be a force for Good in the world. . Use it wisely. " Sorek bowed in respect and thanks to these men and women who had taught him about the Psionic Arts, the Path of War and so much more. Master Quon approached and handed him a bag. ." Here are some things to help with your start into the world " as he handed Sorek the bag He took his other hand and placed it on Sorek's chest. Sorek felt a rush as all of the sweat, and weariness from the Test was washed away. All of the other Masters had gathered about him in a circle. Now it was Old Master Liel who stood in front of Sorek. With a comforting smile she placed her hands onto his head and said Don't worry this will not hurt A flash went through his mind erasing the Location and Surroundings of the Jade Wind Monastery and then the Temple and the Masters began to fade away..... When disciples of the Jade Winds Monastery are teleported back into the world the choice of location is based on where the Masters think the greatest need is providing that they believe the disciples skill set is up to the challenge. Rappan Athuk has begun to concern them and as a result Sorek is being sent into the area. After 5 years of training Sorek is no longer a blank slate. His education is complete but he has never had any experience outside of the temple. He is nervous and excited to begin his path outside of the temple but the nervousness is tempered by his training and the deep reserves of Will (Wisdom) that he was created with. Think of David Carradine from the TV Series Kung Fu. Sorek is a stranger in a strange land. His only experience in this world is 2 weeks wandering in the wilderness before he was taken into the Monastery. But he is not naive and is able to take the long view of things but is always guided by his strong moral compass. He has a deep abhorrence of slavery but is intelligent enough to realize that he cannot just go through every town killing the masters and freeing the slaves. As he gains experience in the world Sorek's tactics will tend to be exemplified by the Lords of the Wheel Spring Sect with whom he has trained. "Spring is responsible for promoting growth in places that have been gripped by despair and suffering, and claims good-aligned Lords as its soldiers. Spring’s servants normally solve the immediate problem first, murdering gang lords, corrupt politicians, diabolic cults, and other sources of evil, and then back up the removal of evil by bolstering the area’s hope. It is not uncommon to find Spring soldiers (covertly, of course) bolstering local economies by introducing fresh money, volunteering at hospitals, providing magical items or services at cost, or training militia" Sorek barely escaped Rappan Athuk with his life. All other members in his party were killed. Since then he has wandered Golarion learning more about the world outside the Monastery and righting injustices as he encounters them. From time to time the Masters of the Jade Winds Monastery contact him through Psionic means giving him a mission. Usually this involves infiltrating & rescuing a promising child from the orphanages of the [spoiler=Sisters of the Golden Eryines]Sisters of the Golden Erinyes Sisters of the Golden Erinyes (Organization)
Source: Campaign Setting, pg(s). 83
Frontline and/or Skilled spots
1.Fills Frontline Unarmed Warrior spot 2.Provides some in combat healing to allies within 30ft with Silver Crane POW Strikes 3.With Trap Finder Trait, Stalker Art (Trap Spotter), max ranks in Disable Device and Stealth fills the Rogue slot. If another rogue is chosen and these abilities are not needed will replace with combat focused abilities. Personality:
Sorek is somewhat reserved around new acquaintances. He uses his Detect Evil at-will ability from Eyes of the Crane Stance making sure that he surrounds himself with trustworthy allies. He also uses this ability to make sure that he only attacks those deserving it and by deserving it he means anyone who pings his detect evil radar. Having said that he is not going to go through an Asmodeus worshipping town killing everyone. He travels light, enjoying the open road. Never has to worry about water or food due to Elan Repletion. While very comfortable working alone, he is willing to work with a team in pursuit of a common goal. A crack in his normally serene nature occurs whens he battles the Golden Sisters or those engaged in slavery. Originally LG he is now NG. The discipline and rigor of Monastery life has now met the practicality of the real world. He is no longer restrained by what he now views as overly restrictive codes of conduct when in pursuit of goals like freeing slaves or rescuing children.
Go to Riven Hourglass Discipline.. Go to Deadly Fist Archetype.. Go to WarSoul. Go to Unchained Monk.. Go to Enlightened Monk. Go to Pathwalker.. Go to Stalker.. Go to Psychic Fist. Go to Awakened Blade. Go to PoW Expanded systems and use. Go to Psionic Talents.. |