What concepts can Vigilante cover?

Ultimate Intrigue Playtest General Discussion

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This is a brainstorming thread meant to list ideas that this class would be perfect for representing (be they general concepts, characters in media, or simply a cool concept you feel worth mentioning). Please post your ideas and, if you've statted it out, your stats too! Let's see how much ground this class can cover!

Me? I made Batman. :D

Other ideas I think the class covers very well are as follows:

  • Assassin
  • Batman
  • Corrupt advisor to the king (who does horrible things in secret)
  • Cult Leader
  • Daredevil
  • Escaped Noble Scion looking for adventure
  • Executioner
  • He-Man
  • Jewel Thief
  • Pirate
  • Poacher, Illegal
  • Power Rangers
  • Rahadoumi Holy Evangelist
  • Razmiran Priest
  • Spy
  • Wonder Woman

I've come up with a whole bunch more, but some of them escape me at the moment, and I know I've seen dozens more that I never would have thought about scattered across these forums.

Please add to the list.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I managed to make the Hulk with the warlock class, use spells for enlarge person and other buffs.. than use magic bolt and elemental armor (acid) to make "gamma radiation"
If there was an option for sonic energy for magic bolt it would be better for a "thunder clap" but i guess arcane strike will have to do

The Hulk (Banner is his social aspect, he prefers the combat identity).

One I'm partially considering at the moment is the Repoman from Repo! The Genetic Opera. Seems like an excellent fit both thematically and mechanics-wise, especially when you pair it with some of the goodies that the vigilante talents bring. Another idea is a family butler that serves to discretely clean up any and all messes for the nobles he works for by any means necessary, so as not to besmirch their good names.

Also, while not as specific, I feel that Vigilante practically begs to make use of Hurtful and Cornugon Smash as well, and seems one of the best fits for an Intimidate combat style that I've seen (barring the Intimidate not being a class skill issue)

Of course, the iconic Zorro!

Swashbucklersdc wrote:
Of course, the iconic Blackjack!

Fixed that there for ya, friend. Yet another one that is practically begging for the Vigilante treatment.

Scarab Sages

Spider Man/Peter Parker
The Count of Monte Cristo/Edmond Dantès
The Punisher (spends all his time in vigilante mode)
007/James Bond
Jekyll/Hyde (at least if there is an alchemist archetype)
The Dread Pirate Roberts/Westley
Undercover Cop
The Man in the Suit/John Reese

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The first time I read the Warlock, I thought of Scar. When he was first introduced, before everyone knew who the serial killer was.

Scarab Sages

From the Inner Sea guide, a Grey Gardener from Galt. Regular citizen or council member by day, executioner at night. I'm thinking that's what I'd do in PFS if I make one.

Ooooh, I like that!

The only problem I see is if you want to take the actual PrC for Grey Gardener, the interaction between PrC spell advancement and how Vigilante spellcasting works. The need to repeatedly take Arcane/Divine training is......cumbersome.

Liberty's Edge

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Darkwing Duck.
Liver-eating kitsune serial killer.
Possessed character.
A retired adventurer laying low to avoid old enemies coming after them.

Scarab Sages

Samasboy1 wrote:

Ooooh, I like that!

The only problem I see is if you want to take the actual PrC for Grey Gardener, the interaction between PrC spell advancement and how Vigilante spellcasting works. The need to repeatedly take Arcane/Divine training is......cumbersome.

I was unaware of the prestige class for it! What book is that in? I figured I'd go Stalker or avenger for the militant Sans-culotte feel (why yes, I am on a bit of a French Revolution kick lately...). A modification on the idea could be a a fake Noble in social, hero of the Revolution in Vigilante. I might even do that and make the social be my Exiled Noble character I'm playing in PFS Core.

Other ideas:

Devil Worshiping Thrune supporter is the social, freedom fighter is Vigilante. Or a vice versa in Andoran.

Endless superhero ideas.

Maybe a secret supporter of an evil god (or good) hiding among the faithful of an opposed diety with the social. So, worship undead in Vigilante, but have the social be Phrasma as your cover (obviously not full worship).

A Sarenraean priest in Taldor could make good use of the class, if he or she is of great social status. And let's not forget the "demure, oft neglected servile creature secretly so much more capable than everyone else" concept: capable woman in a male-dominated socienty or vice versa, the slave who's really the master of the household or the child that saves the day while the adults are bumbling about.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Arokora Arokora - The Blackbird.

As a child he was kidnapped from his tribe, and his wings were clipped. Living in a cage as an oddity for his Chelish master. He eventually set himself free. Unable to fly home, he lived among the rooftops of Westcrown. Eventually eking out a humble living as a Chimney Sweep.

However the injustices that plague the city burn his heart, and at night he flies over the streets of the city as The Blackbird, the silent wings of justice will not bear tyranny, nor slavery.

When the shadow falls over criminals during the full moon, they flinch in fear from the feathered fury.

"Smoke and mirrors" friendly magician who's really an actual magic-user, stealing his targets' souls (or at least their rare components) once they've let their guard down. Think Facilier, or maybe Ursula.

Berserker from 8-Bit Theater.

mourge40k wrote:
... Another idea is a family butler that serves to discretely clean up any and all messes for the nobles he works for by any means necessary, so as not to besmirch their good names....


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Theres no rules saying your secret identity has to be the same creature type as you, so multiclassed with Druid (or anyone with a long lasting shapeshifting effect)...

"I'm just an ordinary spellcasting bear who mauls villains in the name of justice! I'm not affiliated with that nice elven lady whose house I frequently visit at all!"

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

Arokora Arokora - The Blackbird.

As a child he was kidnapped from his tribe, and his wings were clipped. Living in a cage as an oddity for his Chelish master. He eventually set himself free. Unable to fly home, he lived among the rooftops of Westcrown. Eventually eking out a humble living as a Chimney Sweep.

However the injustices that plague the city burn his heart, and at night he flies over the streets of the city as The Blackbird, the silent wings of justice will not bear tyranny, nor slavery.

When the shadow falls over criminals during the full moon, they flinch in fear from the feathered fury.

Thanks for that DM. Nice to see a "build" to get a sense of the power level at 6th level. I like that the traits and gear (combined with the specialisation's talents chosen) all work to build the theme of the Blackbird - I could easily envision the googles and vest as lo-punk style Batman equipment.

"Fear the Blackbird. Kaw Kaw!!!"

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Morgo aka Not Morgo.

Goblin born with fire brand
Name him Morgo - Chief's Right Hand
But Morgo's true love is the sun,
it burns so bright and it's so much fun.

So when Not Morgo wear red outfit,
his chopper is sharp and torch is lit!
Not Morgo prowl the streets til sunrise,
burn the bad dogs, fry the badguys!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

Arokora Arokora - The Blackbird.

As a child he was kidnapped from his tribe, and his wings were clipped. Living in a cage as an oddity for his Chelish master. He eventually set himself free. Unable to fly home, he lived among the rooftops of Westcrown. Eventually eking out a humble living as a Chimney Sweep.

However the injustices that plague the city burn his heart, and at night he flies over the streets of the city as The Blackbird, the silent wings of justice will not bear tyranny, nor slavery.

When the shadow falls over criminals during the full moon, they flinch in fear from the feathered fury.

Thanks for that DM. Nice to see a "build" to get a sense of the power level at 6th level. I like that the traits and gear (combined with the specialisation's talents chosen) all work to build the theme of the Blackbird - I could easily envision the googles and vest as lo-punk style Batman equipment.

"Fear the Blackbird. Kaw Kaw!!!"

Yeah, I'm putting together some pregens for a 6th level playtest game, and myself and my players tend to build towards theme over power.

I will be running with some house rules though:

  • Maximum Hit Points.
  • 3 Hero Points
  • 20 point buy

Blackbird, Phillip Fathom, Not Mogo, The Spider-Man.

If I end up with 6 players, I'll probably add an Investigator and a Bard, since those two are the classes that I see filling a similar design space.

Arya Stark after she begins her faceless training

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Juliet Fiammata Arst De Capulet (From the anime Romeo x Juliet)
Juliet Fiammata Arst De Capulet is the last member of the Capulet family. She disguises herself as a boy, Odin, in order to avoid being caught by the usurping House of Montague, who still actively look for the Capulets. An excellent swordsman, she also masquerades as a vigilante, the Red Whirlwind, in order to aid the people oppressed by the rival Montagues. She unwittingly falls in love with Romeo, which leads to several complications for her.

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

Arokora Arokora - The Blackbird.

As a child he was kidnapped from his tribe, and his wings were clipped. Living in a cage as an oddity for his Chelish master. He eventually set himself free. Unable to fly home, he lived among the rooftops of Westcrown. Eventually eking out a humble living as a Chimney Sweep.

However the injustices that plague the city burn his heart, and at night he flies over the streets of the city as The Blackbird, the silent wings of justice will not bear tyranny, nor slavery.

When the shadow falls over criminals during the full moon, they flinch in fear from the feathered fury.

Thanks for that DM. Nice to see a "build" to get a sense of the power level at 6th level. I like that the traits and gear (combined with the specialisation's talents chosen) all work to build the theme of the Blackbird - I could easily envision the googles and vest as lo-punk style Batman equipment.

"Fear the Blackbird. Kaw Kaw!!!"

That is a very cool character! He looks like he may be a little overgeared for his level though.

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It occurs to me that Vigilante makes the perfect worshipper of Father Skinsaw. Hell, it could work for any aspect of Norgorber, really.

Liberty's Edge

I am your faithful cohort, my lord. You know I have nothing to do with this hated scoundrel who stirs up the peasants against your just rule.

You did buy me through Leadership after all :-))

Liberty's Edge

The Doctor ?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The black raven wrote:

I am your faithful cohort, my lord. You know I have nothing to do with this hated scoundrel who stirs up the peasants against your just rule.

You did buy me through Leadership after all :-))

Not sure how that works as the Player generally controls his own cohort without house rules.

Liberty's Edge

You are right, RD ;-)

Loki is a warlock I guess.

Which means we need a Don Blake / Thor. So, a Magus-like archetype for an item-based Vigilante ?

(Going to the archetype thread)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hannibal Lecter, from his early days (as portrayed by Mads Mikkelsen in Seasons 1 and 2 of the television series, Hannibal).

A parallel of this concept would make a fascinating Pathfinder character!

Liberty's Edge

I have to check, but I guess Arsene Lupin is a Stalker. Though it would be even better with an archetype / feat / talent that adds extra identities.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Trying to come up with ideas for this thread led me to think of possible archetypes for the Vigilante class:

1st would be an archetype that changes your appearance to another race. I was thinking of applying this class to an aasimar noblewoman who lost her position when she reached puberty and grew a very visible fox tail. Obviously, her vigilante identity would need to either lose or disguise that tail in some way -- and aasimars are sufficiently rare that the vigilante identity cannot obviously be an aasimar.

Another idea would be a vigilante identity that is more powerful than usual but which has a time or other limit as to how long it can be used. Examples of concepts that this archetype could apply to would be Ultraman (who has a time limit as to how long he can function in Earth's atmosphere) or Kekko Kamen (who has no time limit per se but who is for all practical purposes limited to combat situations since her costume leaves her indecently exposed).

Zauron13 wrote:
Samasboy1 wrote:

Ooooh, I like that!

The only problem I see is if you want to take the actual PrC for Grey Gardener, the interaction between PrC spell advancement and how Vigilante spellcasting works. The need to repeatedly take Arcane/Divine training is......cumbersome.

I was unaware of the prestige class for it! What book is that in? I figured I'd go Stalker or avenger for the militant Sans-culotte feel (why yes, I am on a bit of a French Revolution kick lately...). A modification on the idea could be a a fake Noble in social, hero of the Revolution in Vigilante. I might even do that and make the social be my Exiled Noble character I'm playing in PFS Core.

Other ideas:

Devil Worshiping Thrune supporter is the social, freedom fighter is Vigilante. Or a vice versa in Andoran.

Endless superhero ideas.

Maybe a secret supporter of an evil god (or good) hiding among the faithful of an opposed diety with the social. So, worship undead in Vigilante, but have the social be Phrasma as your cover (obviously not full worship).

Paths of Prestige, and you can read about it here.

Vigilante is great for any worshipper of Norgorber. Seriously, like every single one, no matter what flavor.

I can see Cheliax breeding a high number of Vigilantes of various kinds. Loyal Chelaxian by day, slave rescuer by night.

Liberty's Edge

Now I can use the Vigilante to play a Blue investigator masquerading as a Red investigator. So much fun to be had.

Even better when everyone realizes that all PCs and NPCs are actually Vigilantes of one stripe or another :-))

Scarab Sages

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Dexter Morgan / The Bay Harbor Butcher.

Dexter the csi is the social identity, LN blending in, making friends, helping the cops enforce the law.

The Butcher is a vigilante Stalker, a LE killer who take out other serial killers.

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Totally not Blitzcrank
Dr. Mundo Mundo

I can't believe nobodies mentioned This yet.

Warlock Vigilante for sure.

And this guy would be a Stalker with Deadly Dealer.

Perhaps a tad on the odd side, but... Warlock Vigilante that gets their powers from a possessing outsider of some sort. Helps with the whole Dual Identity thing and the like.

Batman doesn't fit entirely with any of the current Specializations, but the final product will probably have a few more as well as some Archetypes, and maybe an Hybrid or two.

Dark Archive

I made a bank robber character with the stalker archetype. That's about it.

Liberty's Edge

Ok, I'm looking at building a cult leader using the Zealot specialization, but it's just not grabbing me. I had envisioned a BBEG of maybe 9th, with his mook followers to challenge a party of 5th-6th level characters, but I can't seem to find anything unique to the Vigilante that actually makes it work.

Of course, there would be plenty of buildup using dual identity, but I could do that with disguise and/or a Hat of Disguise, and have a more powerful boss.



EldonG wrote:

Ok, I'm looking at building a cult leader using the Zealot specialization, but it's just not grabbing me. I had envisioned a BBEG of maybe 9th, with his mook followers to challenge a party of 5th-6th level characters, but I can't seem to find anything unique to the Vigilante that actually makes it work.

Of course, there would be plenty of buildup using dual identity, but I could do that with disguise and/or a Hat of Disguise, and have a more powerful boss.



Dood, that is why this is a playtest; create, test, back to the drawing board if neccessary.

Liberty's Edge

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Gars DarkLover wrote:
EldonG wrote:

Ok, I'm looking at building a cult leader using the Zealot specialization, but it's just not grabbing me. I had envisioned a BBEG of maybe 9th, with his mook followers to challenge a party of 5th-6th level characters, but I can't seem to find anything unique to the Vigilante that actually makes it work.

Of course, there would be plenty of buildup using dual identity, but I could do that with disguise and/or a Hat of Disguise, and have a more powerful boss.



Dood, that is why this is a playtest; create, test, back to the drawing board if neccessary.

Yes. I get that. I was starting into the *create* part, when I realized that my Zealot would have to use almost all of his talents to simply have sub-par casting, and was at a loss as to HOW to create anything viable.

So I came to ask if anybody had any ideas. This is a bad thing???

Yeah, I think Paizo is putting waaay too much weight into "I can switch identities!" here. The vigilante as an NPC antagonist is pretty much designed to be a badass leader, and as such needs to do well enough in combat that he can make a viable final boss. Currently it seems like you sacrifice too much for an identity switch that only really accomplishes one major thing: Divination blocking.

Also, on-topic, extremely minor Age of Worms spoilers that are barely even Age of Worms spoilers unless your GM decides to use a minor shopkeeper character for the "let's go shopping" portion of the adventure.

Seriously, These Basically Aren't Even Age of Worms:
The short, balding Meply Molabian (N male human sorcerer 6) is an alchemist with a clever rouse. When he arrived in the Free City a year ago, he struggled to make money as the competition constantly undercut him and slandered his trade. To combat this, he came up with a trick—he became his own competition. Meply lives two existences, running shops right next door to each other. The abuse Meply and “Din” heap on each other is so legendary in this area that it is assumed they are mortal enemies. The constant war ensures that both their names are never out of local gossip—which provides both shops plenty of free advertising.

Of course, he pulls this off with a simple hat.

EldonG wrote:
Gars DarkLover wrote:
EldonG wrote:

Ok, I'm looking at building a cult leader using the Zealot specialization, but it's just not grabbing me. I had envisioned a BBEG of maybe 9th, with his mook followers to challenge a party of 5th-6th level characters, but I can't seem to find anything unique to the Vigilante that actually makes it work.

Of course, there would be plenty of buildup using dual identity, but I could do that with disguise and/or a Hat of Disguise, and have a more powerful boss.



Dood, that is why this is a playtest; create, test, back to the drawing board if neccessary.

Yes. I get that. I was starting into the *create* part, when I realized that my Zealot would have to use almost all of his talents to simply have sub-par casting, and was at a loss as to HOW to create anything viable.

So I came to ask if anybody had any ideas. This is a bad thing???

I meant for the designers, hence why they make the playtest and ask for feedbacks.

Liberty's Edge

Gars DarkLover wrote:
EldonG wrote:
Gars DarkLover wrote:
EldonG wrote:

Ok, I'm looking at building a cult leader using the Zealot specialization, but it's just not grabbing me. I had envisioned a BBEG of maybe 9th, with his mook followers to challenge a party of 5th-6th level characters, but I can't seem to find anything unique to the Vigilante that actually makes it work.

Of course, there would be plenty of buildup using dual identity, but I could do that with disguise and/or a Hat of Disguise, and have a more powerful boss.



Dood, that is why this is a playtest; create, test, back to the drawing board if neccessary.

Yes. I get that. I was starting into the *create* part, when I realized that my Zealot would have to use almost all of his talents to simply have sub-par casting, and was at a loss as to HOW to create anything viable.

So I came to ask if anybody had any ideas. This is a bad thing???

I meant for the designers, hence why they make the playtest and ask for feedbacks.

Feedback: I have to work twice as hard to come up with anything, and anything I come up with can be stomped flat by an inquisitor.

How's that?

EldonG wrote:
Gars DarkLover wrote:
EldonG wrote:
Gars DarkLover wrote:
Dood, that is why this is a playtest; create, test, back to the drawing board if neccessary.

Yes. I get that. I was starting into the *create* part, when I realized that my Zealot would have to use almost all of his talents to simply have sub-par casting, and was at a loss as to HOW to create anything viable.

So I came to ask if anybody had any ideas. This is a bad thing???

I meant for the designers, hence why they make the playtest and ask for feedbacks.

Feedback: I have to work twice as hard to come up with anything, and anything I come up with can be stomped flat by an inquisitor.

How's that?

1) Calm down would you.

2) Playtests and Feedbacks help the developers/designers say "OK, this doesn't work as intended, back to the drawing board!", so don't feel bad for something that isn't your fault.

3) Since this is the Playtest and Feedbacks phase, feel free to suggest things that should be changed, adjusted, etc , and do so in a constructive manner.

Liberty's Edge

Gars DarkLover wrote:
EldonG wrote:
Gars DarkLover wrote:
EldonG wrote:
Gars DarkLover wrote:
Dood, that is why this is a playtest; create, test, back to the drawing board if neccessary.

Yes. I get that. I was starting into the *create* part, when I realized that my Zealot would have to use almost all of his talents to simply have sub-par casting, and was at a loss as to HOW to create anything viable.

So I came to ask if anybody had any ideas. This is a bad thing???

I meant for the designers, hence why they make the playtest and ask for feedbacks.

Feedback: I have to work twice as hard to come up with anything, and anything I come up with can be stomped flat by an inquisitor.

How's that?

1) Calm down would you.

2) Playtests and Feedbacks help the developers/designers say "OK, this doesn't work as intended, back to the drawing board!", so don't feel bad for something that isn't your fault.

3) Since this is the Playtest and Feedbacks phase, feel free to suggest things that should be changed, adjusted, etc , and do so in a constructive manner.

So far, the only constructive thing I could possibly come up with is that buying the 'special abilities' with special talents while every other class in the game gets their special abilities anyhow makes the special talents virtually useless.

Spellcasters need to get their spellcasting as something integral, or they're pure fail to start with - but anybody that's played at all gets that.

Oh, and I'm totally calm, if thoroughly disappointed.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I did just stumble into one thing that I think might be of value, though - why not open up all the special talents to any Vigilante? Why compartmentalize so much when you could build so many more concepts if it was just more open?

EldonG wrote:

So far, the only constructive thing I could possibly come up with is that buying the 'special abilities' with special talents while every other class in the game gets their special abilities anyhow makes the special talents virtually useless.

Spellcasters need to get their spellcasting as something integral, or they're pure fail to start with - but anybody that's played at all gets that.

Oh, and I'm totally calm, if thoroughly disappointed.

I did just stumble into one thing that I think might be of value, though - why not open up all the special talents to any Vigilante? Why compartmentalize so much when you could build so many more concepts if it was just more open?

Personally, I would say these are good observations and suggestion (the dev might think otherwise, but, that's another story).

As for the Talents to All, maybe some of the Specializations should have bonuses to some Talents.

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