Jolis Raffles

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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 575 posts (670 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


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Sturm Brightblade receives a True Resurrection and becomes a Herald of Iomadae!

Please let me know the opinion of your GM, =)

For those whom like to see it all together (I am adding Rapid Attack and Fleet Footed, they were not originally a part of the archetype):


Source Pathfinder: Worldscape #1 pg. 27
Agile, vengeful, and deadly, a sword-devil fights with precision and grace, channeling the difficult lessons of a star-crossed life into unparalleled battle prowess. Favoring speed and evasive techniques over brute force, sword-devils choose precision over power and acrobatics over armor. Charismatic and carefree, a sword-devil makes fast friends and inspires her companions to greatness, even while vowing a swift death upon her enemies.

Class Skills: The sword-devil gains Acrobatics as a class skill as a replacement for Spellcraft.

Death Vow (Ex): At 1st level, a sword-devil may, as a swift action, focus all her fury and determination on a single foe she swears to slay. She may do this once per day, plus one additional time per day at 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter (7th, 10th, etc.). The sword-devil gains a bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against her sworn target equal to half her sword-devil level (minimum +1). The death vow effect remains until the target of the death vow is dead, or the next time the sword-devil rests and regains use of this ability.

This ability replaces favored enemy.

Slashing Fury (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, the sword-devil can use her Charisma score in place of her Intelligence score as a prerequisite for combat feats. Additionally, she selects one type of light or one- handed slashing melee weapon. When using this weapon, she may use her Dexterity modifier instead of her Strength modifier on melee attack rolls. At 8th level and every 5 levels thereafter (13th and 18th), the sword-devil may select an additional type of light or one-handed slashing weapon she may use with this ability. This ability counts as having the Weapon Finesse feat for the purpose of meeting feat prerequisites.

This ability replaces favored terrain.

Inspiring Example (Ex): At 4th level, the sword-devil forms a bond with her companions, inspiring them to greater zeal in combat by the example of her weapon craft. As a standard action, the sword-devil may grant half her death vow bonus against a single victim of her death vow to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear her. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the sword-devil's Charisma modifier (minimum 1). This bonus does not stack with any death vow bonuses possessed by the sword-devil‘s allies; they use whichever bonus is higher.

This ability replaces hunter's bond.

Untouchable (Ex): At 4th level the sword-devil's confidence and personality distract her foes in combat, making her more difficult to hit. When unarmored and unencumbered, the sword-devil may add her Charisma bonus (if any) to her AC and her CMD. In addition, the sword-devil gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC at 6th level, and every three sword-devil levels thereafter (9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th). She loses these bonuses when she wears any armor, when she carries a shield, or when she carriers a medium or heavy load.

This ability replaces spells.

Second Combat Style (Ex): At 11th level, the sword-devil chooses a second ranger combat style. When she receives a bonus combat feat, she may select any feat from either combat style's list.

This ability replaces quarry.

Rapid Attack (Ex): At 12th level, a sword-devil can combine a full attack action with a single move. She must forgo the attack at her highest bonus but may take the remaining attacks at any point during her movement. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.

This ability replaces Camouflage.

Fleet Footed (Ex): At 17th level, the she-devil’s speed increases by 10 feet. She can take 10 on Acrobatics checks even while distracted or threatened, and can take 20 on an Acrobatics check once per day for every five ranger levels she possesses.

This ability replaces Hide in Plain Sight.

Seething Fury (Ex): At 19th level, the sword-devil's countless battles harden her soul and make her lose touch with her humanity. Her growing lack of control over her wrath fuels the potency of her death vow. She adds her Charisma bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against targets of her death vow, and automatically confirms threatened critical hits against them.

This ability replaces improved quarry.

Avatar of Vengeance (Su): A sword-devil of 20th level becomes a living avatar of vengeance, infused with supernatural powers that push her beyond the mortal. Recognized for her battle prowess and unparalleled skill at killing by a potent otherworldly entity, the sword-devil becomes the living vessel of an immortal, intangible, and inscrutable being obsessed only with slaying her foes, meting out violent retribution to those who have wronged her, or simply dispatching her enemies in dazzling display of wanton destruction. As a standard action, the sword-devil allows herself to be infused with this killing spirit. She gains a fly speed of 60-feet (perfect), a +6 morale bonus to AC, and fire resistance 30-. This ability can be used for 10 minutes per day. but it must be used in 1-minute increments.

This ability replaces master hunter.


Extra Death Vow
Source Pathfinder: Worldscape #1 pg. 28.
Your fury and fighting prowess allow you to swear to slay more enemies per day.

Prerequisites: Death vow class feature.

Benefit: You gain two additional uses of death vow per day.

Vengeful Death Vow
Source Pathfinder: Worldscape #1 pg. 28.
Your death vow strikes terror into the hearts of your enemies, making them less likely to hit you in combat.

Prerequisites: Death vow class feature.

Benefit: Targets of your death vow take a -2 penalty on attacks made against you.

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I was looking to play a Sword-Devil ranger archetype in an upcoming campaign. Since the Sword-Devil gives up Favored Terrain but does not replace Camouflage or Hide in Plain Sight (which depends upon Favored terrain), I was looking at possible replacements (at least until official errata is published). What do you think of using these (from the Mobile Fighter archetype) in place of Camouflage and Hide in Plain Sight?

Rapid Attack (Ex): At 12th level, a sword-devil can combine a full attack action with a single move. She must forgo the attack at her highest bonus but may take the remaining attacks at any point during her movement. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. This ability replaces Camouflage.

Fleet Footed (Ex): At 17th level, the she-devil’s speed increases by 10 feet. She can take 10 on Acrobatics checks even while distracted or threatened, and can take 20 on an Acrobatics check once per day for every five ranger levels she possesses. This ability replaces Hide in Plain Sight.

I think these abilities will add some mobility and emphasis the archetypes use of "speed and evasive techniques".

What do you think?

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When you make a post in a thread, and later come back to the message board signed in under the account you made the post from, that thread shows a dot next to it.

When someone says dot in a thread, they are basically saying I have nothing to add right now, but I am interested in monitoring this thread later to read what has been said and what has happened. It allows you to find the thread easier.

Hope that helps, =)

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Subzero, in my opinion, would be a monk or ninja using the Marid Style Feat chain. You get the cold damage, the chance to freeze peeps in place plus all the ninja trickery, =)

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This is what we use:

Critical "Fumbles":
If you Roll a 1 on an Attack Roll in melee combat, make a level check (roll a 20-sided, if you roll less than your level you pass the check); if you fail the level check, you left yourself open and trigger an AoO.
In addition, a confirmed fumble ends your attack action.

If you Roll a 1 on an Attack Roll in ranged combat, make a level check (roll a 20-sided, if you roll less than your level you pass the check); if you fail the level check, you must roll as if a scatter. The attack can scatter up to a number of squares equal to the fired range increment. If another target is in one of the column of squares designated, make an Attack Roll against that target as normal.
In addition, a confirmed fumble ends your attack action.

A natural 1 on a skill check is considered a -2 to your skill modifier.

I think Unchained does this quite well with Background Skills, although it is an optional rule.

Each character gets an additional 2 Skill points per level, but only to be spent on Background Skills; the rules can be found here:

Background Skills

My copy just arrived yesterday afternoon and I love it!

Since the hardcover is out, are we now going to see some Hero Lab love with the archetypes, equipment, feats and NPC stat-blocks out as a pack update?

I am ready to pre-order it now, =)

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You may want to check this out (although 5e); it is a whole series featuring hags...

Fey Secrets

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That's what the Steal combat maneuver is for, =)

For Yaba, the Unchained summoner eidilon reads:

Unchained summoner:
Max. Attacks: This indicates the maximum number of attacks that the eidolon is allowed to possess at the given level. If the eidolon is at its maximum, it cannot take evolutions that grant additional attacks. Attacks made with weapons, including those granted by a high base attack bonus, are counted against this maximum.

Also, reading the difference between eidilons, the unchained summoner eidilon would not be able to do this since all weapon attacks count against their maximum attacks and they max out at 7? Since it includes iterative attacks from BAB I would think two-weapon (or multi-weapon) fighting additional attacks would also count?

So, it would be 6 punches at -2, one of which does full strength bonus damage, 5 of which do half strength bonus damage and 2 secondary attacks at -5, each of which do half strength bonus damage. Correct?

Like I said, I think this would be the result; I have never had anyone use multi-weapon fighting and secondary natural attacks in the same round at any table I have played at. Nor two-weapon fighting and secondary natural attacks thinking about it.

I think this would be the result:

The eidilon would get 6 attacks with his fists, all at -4; if he added natural weapon attacks as secondary, they would be at -9 (the -5 for attacking with natural attacks and weapons but you would still include the -4 for multiweapon fighting).

The Feat the op is talking about is a monster feat:

Multiweapon Fighting (Combat)
This multi-armed creature is skilled at making attacks with multiple weapons.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, three or more hands.
Benefit: Penalties for fighting with multiple weapons are reduced by –2 with the primary hand and by –6 with off hands.
Normal: A creature without this feat takes a –6 penalty on attacks made with its primary hand and a –10 penalty on attacks made with all of its off hands. (It has one primary hand, and all the others are off hands.) See Two-Weapon Fighting in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook.
Special: This feat replaces the Two-Weapon Fighting feat for creatures with more than two arms.

This replaces two-weapon fighting for those with more than one arm.

Since the eidolon has claws, i am not sure if he can make unarmed strikes with those arms instead (unless they are retractable).

Hmmm, considering he trusted a demon lord to give him power, how about something like...

The potion was actually part of a ritual that turns a volunteer into a near demi-god for their life span; when they are killed, their sacrifice completes the ritual, a gate opens from their corpse and a powerful dragon steps through the gate and is unleashed upon the world.

The power the individual gained was actually from the mythic power seeping through the gate the body keeps shut until their death, just a small trace amount compared to the actual mythic dragon.

Never trust a demon lord to give you power for nothing...

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There is a published answer, in the Bestiary 2 under grippli, just kind of hidden...

"Grippli hatchlings develop into adults in less than a year."

Hatchlings are definitely from eggs, =)

I have an interesting thing I do for backgrounds, using background skills from unchained with some extra bonuses. I give each player 3 choices, based on their campaign trait.

Here is an example, from the giant slayer ap (and a copy of the original e-mail)...

"These are Background Skills tied specifically to your class and Campaign Trait, so it will be different for each player. I will give you sets to choose from based on your class and possibly race.
After that, will be using Background Skills from Pathfinder Unchained. These take up your 1st level Background Skills. I am only giving the choices once your Campaign Trait is firm; after that, you may change Skills around if you feel the need to better match your set choice.

As an example, this is for xxxplayerxxx, Half-Elf Trunua Native Hunter...

Ok, you get to pick one set of these as a Trunua Native:

If you are militia:
PS (soldier) and Lore (Trunua Community & Residents). Lore is a class skill for all classes. The Lore acts as Knowledge (Local) and Knowledge (Geography), but just for Trunua and it's immediate area. If you have ranks in Knowledge (geography), you may take 10 within Trunua. If you have ranks in Knowledge (local), you may Take 10 for checks within Trunua. If you have ranks in Diplomacy, you may Take 10 to Gather Information within Trunua.

Second choice, if you are a militia scout;
PS (scout) and Lore (Trunua environs). This acts as Knowledge (Geography) within Trunua and its surrounding areas; if you have ranks in Knowledge (geography), you may Take 10 for Trunua. In addition, this may substitute for Stealth within Trunua and its environs; if you have ranks in Stealth, you may Take 10 within Trunua environs.

Final choice is you are a hunter for the community.
PS (hunter) and Lore (Trunua habitat). The Lore acts as Knowledge (geography) within Trunua environs; if you have ranks in Knowledge (geography), you may Take 10 within Trunua environs. It also acts as Knowledge (nature) within Trunua environs; if you have Ranks in Knowledge (nature), you may Take 10 within Trunua environs.

xxxPlayerxxx, please forward to player and player; I will send them choices once they have race, class and campaign traits selected.


Since we are in the homebrew area, I thought I would share what I do. I have two more examples for the same campaign, if you would like to see them...

Hmmm, I would rule that the extra fast healing per round would come under the statement of: Activating a bardic performance or switching to a new effect still costs a round of your overall bardic performances per day.

So, while the spell is up, you and your allies get fast healing 1 at a free round of performance. If you want to increase the amount of fast healing gained each round, each extra fast healing 1 is subtracted from your daily amount of bardic performance amount and grants an extra fast healing 1 to all allies within 30 feet.

My reasoning is that, normally, you can change the amount of fast healing granted each round. The only consistent fast healing is 1, granted by the base ability, and that is what is maintained by the spell in question...

Thank you both! I actually want to keep the racial requirements as it was built specifically as a racial feat though, =)

oh, oh, check this post out:

Chopper was in James Jacobs the Shadows Under Sandpoint campaign...

Please review the below Feat and check for balance, etc..
Thank you for any advice you can give!

Giant Topple
Your great experience in using defensive tactics fighting giants proves the saying "the bigger they are, the harder they fall"...

Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +6, Dwarf or Gnome, Defensive Training ( vs. giants), Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip

Benefit: You are treated as being one size larger for the purposes of determining the maximum size of creatures you can trip and for determining your CMB and CMD for purposes of a trip combat maneuver.

Normal: You can only trip those opponents that are one size larger than you are and count as your size when doing so.

Combat Trick: When you trip a creature with the giant subtype, you can spend 3 stamina points to cause the creature to take 3d6 falling damage.


This brings the Feat on-line at 6th level, at the same time you would qualify for Greater Trip, which I feel is about the correct point to get it. I added the Combat Trick to specifically work against giant sub types, which triggers from the racial ability requirements and flavor...

Mind Mole Tiny:

Dr. Anthony Mentzmer, “Mind Mole”
Male gnome psychic 8 [hs 6, meganaut 1/hypernaut 1]
NG Tiny humanoid (gnome, hyper)
Init +10; Senses low light vision, dark vision 60’ (night vision goggles); Awareness +13;
Hero Points 2
AC 26 (20 melee), touch 26 (20), flat-footed 21 (15), firearms 32
(+6/+12 deflection, +4 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 hyper, +2 size)
hp 80 (8d6+46); Hyper Bonus +3
Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +13; +5 resistance bonus vs. sight/light-based,+2 vs. illusions
Defensive Abilities Deflection Field, Emotional Push +5 4/day, Force Field, Hyper Mortality, Illusion Resistance, Mind Shield (10 rounds), Warden of Nature (+2 dodge bonus to AC vs aberrations, oozes, vermin)
Hyper Flaw Hubris
Speed 15 ft.
Melee unarmed +7/+2/-3 (1+1) or Touch Attack +7
Ranged Touch Attack +13
Special Attacks phrenic amplifications (deflection field, focused force, force field, mindshield (10 rounds), phrenic pool (14 points), warden of nature (+1 to hit vs aberrations, oozes, vermin)
Hyper Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th, concentration +24)
6/combat—size decrease (hyper flaw: tiring)*
3/combat—modify memory (by touch only)
Psychic Spells Known (CL 14th; concentration +24)
4th (5/day)— lesser geas (DC 24), mind thrust IV (DC 24)
3rd (7/day)— coordinated effort, force punch (DC 23), telekinetic maneuver
2nd (9/day)— anticipate thoughts (DC 22), build trust (DC 22), bullet shield, enthrall (DC 22)
1st (9/day)— auditory hallucination (DC 21), break (DC 22), charm person (DC 21), expeditious retreat, heightened awareness, magic missile
0 (at will)— detect magic, detect psychic significance, mage hand, mending, open/close, prestidigitation, read magic, telekinetic projectile
Psychic Talents Rapport (emotional bond: 5 allies/status, emotional push +5 4/day, share memory: at will, team player: bonded mind)
Str 7, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 30, Wis 13, Cha 20, Luck 22, Rep 27
Hyper Charisma 1 (Hyper Confident: Bluff), Hyper Intelligence 2 (Hyper Analysis +2, 2/day, 6 rounds; Hyper Deduction);
Base Atk +4; CMB +9; CMD 18
Feats AlertnessB, Bonded Mind, Breadth of Experience, Deceitful, Dilettante, DodgeB, Go Unnoticed, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Skill Focus (Bluff), Taunt.
Hyper Feats Gadgeteer 3/day, Hyper Item: Psychokinetic Harness, Telepath;
Skills Acrobatics +15 (8), Appraise +13 (3), Athletics +4 (0), Awareness +13*(3), Bluff +20*(7), Diplomacy +15 (7), Disguise +8 (1), Fly +19 (8), Heal +10 (7), Intimidate +10 (2), Knowledges*: Arcana +21 (4), Dungeoneering +21 (4), Engineering +18 (1), Geography +18 (1), History +18 (1), Local +21 (4), Nature +21 (4), Nobility +18 (1), Planes +21 (4), Religion +18 (1), Technology +15 (4); Linguistics +15 (2), Profession: Psychiatrist +13 (7), Search +18*(3), Sense Motive +13*(7), Spell Craft +20 (7), Stealth +20 (5), Use Technology +15 (2);
Racial Modifiers Fey Magic (Favored Terrain: Underground; Flare, Know Direction, Light, Heightened Awareness 1/day), Fey Thoughts (Acrobatics, Stealth), Keen Senses, Utilitarian Magic (+1 DC Transformation spells; mage hand, open/close, prestidigitation, unseen servant 1/day), Warden of Nature.
Languages Aboleth, Aklo, Auran, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, English, French, Garuda, German, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan.
SQ hyper abilities, automatic writing (linguistics), emotional bond, faith healing (heal), fey magic, gatekeeper (knowledge [planes]), hero points, hypnotism (diplomacy), phrenology (knowledge [arcana]), prognostication (sense motive), psi-tech discovery (force field), psychometry (appraise), read aura (perception), utilitarian magic
Combat Gear boots of escape, metamagic gem (extending garnet) (2), potion clw (10), potion cmw (3), potion csw, potion of invisibility, potion of object reading (CL 5th) (2), snapleaf, healer's kit, magnetized paper OA (5);
Other Gear belt of incredible dexterity +4, cape of free will +2/+3, glarecutter goggles, greater talisman of arrow protection, handy haversack, headband of aerial agility (int +4) aura goggles, automatic writing planchette, commlink, hypnotist's pocket watch, medispray (5), medlance, nightvision goggles, phrenologist's kit, portable sweat lodge, prismatic crystal, prognostication manual, psychometrists gloves, standard gear (45 bt), talking board, 500 bt.

Mind Mole Diminutive:

Dr. Anthony Mentzmer, “Mind Mole”
Male gnome psychic 8 [hs 6, meganaut 1/hypernaut 1]
NG Diminutive humanoid (gnome, hyper)
Init +11; Senses low light vision, dark vision 60’ (night vision goggles); Awareness +13;
Hero Points 2
AC 29 (23 melee), touch 29 (23), flat-footed 23 (17), firearms 35
(+6/+12 deflection, +5 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 hyper, +4 size)
hp 80 (8d6+46); Hyper Bonus +3
Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +13; +5 resistance bonus vs. sight/light-based,+2 vs. illusions Defensive Abilities Deflection Field, Emotional Push +5 4/day, Force Field, Hyper Mortality, Illusion Resistance, Mind Shield (10 rounds), Warden of Nature (+2 dodge bonus to AC vs aberrations, oozes, vermin)
Hyper Flaw Hubris
Speed 10 ft.
Melee unarmed +8/+3/-2 (1 non-lethal) or Touch Attack +8
Ranged Touch Attack +15
Special Attacks phrenic amplifications (deflection field, focused force, force field, mindshield (10 rounds), phrenic pool (14 points), warden of nature (+1 to hit vs aberrations, oozes, vermin)
Hyper Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th, concentration +24)
6/combat—size decrease (hyper flaw: tiring)*
3/combat—modify memory (by touch only)
Psychic Spells Known (CL 14th; concentration +24)
4th (5/day)— lesser geas (DC 24), mind thrust IV (DC 24)
3rd (7/day)— coordinated effort, force punch (DC 23), telekinetic maneuver
2nd (9/day)— anticipate thoughts (DC 22), build trust (DC 22), bullet shield, enthrall (DC 22)
1st (9/day)— auditory hallucination (DC 21), break (DC 22), charm person (DC 21), expeditious retreat, heightened awareness, magic missile
0 (at will)— detect magic, detect psychic significance, mage hand, mending, open/close, prestidigitation, read magic, telekinetic projectile
Psychic Talents Rapport (emotional bond: 5 allies/status, emotional push +5 4/day, share memory: at will, team player: bonded mind)
Str 5, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 30, Wis 13, Cha 20, Luck 22, Rep 27
Hyper Charisma 1 (Hyper Confident: Bluff), Hyper Intelligence 2 (Hyper Analysis +2, 2/day, 6 rounds; Hyper Deduction);
Base Atk +4; CMB +8; CMD 16
Feats AlertnessB, Bonded Mind, Breadth of Experience, Deceitful, Dilettante, DodgeB, Go Unnoticed, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Skill Focus (Bluff), Taunt.
Hyper Feats Gadgeteer 3/day, Hyper Item: Psychokinetic Harness, Telepath;
Skills Acrobatics +16 (8), Appraise +13 (3), Athletics +5 (0), Awareness +13*(3), Bluff +20*(7), Diplomacy +15 (7), Disguise +8 (1), Fly +22 (8), Heal +10 (7), Intimidate +10 (2), Knowledges*: Arcana +21 (4), Dungeoneering +21 (4), Engineering +18 (1), Geography +18 (1), History +18 (1), Local +21 (4), Nature +21 (4), Nobility +18 (1), Planes +21 (4), Religion +18 (1), Technology +15 (4); Linguistics +15 (2), Profession: Psychiatrist +13 (7), Search +18*(3), Sense Motive +13*(7), Spell Craft +20 (7), Stealth +25 (5), Use Technology +15 (2);
Racial Modifiers Fey Magic (Favored Terrain: Underground; Flare, Know Direction, Light, Heightened Awareness 1/day), Fey Thoughts (Acrobatics, Stealth), Keen Senses, Utilitarian Magic (+1 DC Transformation spells; mage hand, open/close, prestidigitation, unseen servant 1/day), Warden of Nature.
Languages Aboleth, Aklo, Auran, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, English, French, Garuda, German, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan.
SQ hyper abilities, automatic writing (linguistics), emotional bond, faith healing (heal), fey magic, gatekeeper (knowledge [planes]), hero points, hypnotism (diplomacy), phrenology (knowledge [arcana]), prognostication (sense motive), psi-tech discovery (force field), psychometry (appraise), read aura (perception), utilitarian magic
Combat Gear boots of escape, metamagic gem (extending garnet) (2), potion clw (10), potion cmw (3), potion csw, potion of invisibility, potion of object reading (CL 5th) (2), snapleaf, healer's kit, magnetized paper OA (5);
Other Gear belt of incredible dexterity +4, cape of free will +2/+3, glarecutter goggles, greater talisman of arrow protection, handy haversack, headband of aerial agility (int +4) aura goggles, automatic writing planchette, commlink, hypnotist's pocket watch, medispray (5), medlance, nightvision goggles, phrenologist's kit, portable sweat lodge, prismatic crystal, prognostication manual, psychometrists gloves, standard gear (45 bt), talking board, 500 bt.

Mind Mole Fine:

Dr. Anthony Mentzmer, “Mind Mole”
Male gnome psychic 8 [hs 6, meganaut 1/hypernaut 1]
NG Fine humanoid (gnome, hyper)
Init +12; Senses low light vision, dark vision 60’ (night vision goggles); Awareness +13;
Hero Points 2
AC 34 (28 melee), touch 34 (28), flat-footed 27 (21), firearms 40
(+6/+12 deflection, +6 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 hyper, +8 size)
hp 80 (8d6+46); Hyper Bonus +3
Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +13; +5 resistance bonus vs. sight/light-based,+2 vs. illusions
Defensive Abilities Deflection Field, Emotional Push +5 4/day, Force Field, Hyper Mortality, Illusion Resistance, Mind Shield (10 rounds), Warden of Nature (+2 dodge bonus to AC vs aberrations, oozes, vermin)
Hyper Flaw Hubris
Speed 5 ft.
Melee Touch Attack +11
Ranged Touch Attack +17
Special Attacks phrenic amplifications (deflection field, focused force, force field, mindshield (10 rounds), phrenic pool (14 points), warden of nature (+1 to hit vs aberrations, oozes, vermin)
Hyper Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th, concentration +24)
6/combat—size decrease (hyper flaw: tiring)*
3/combat—modify memory (by touch only)
Psychic Spells Known (CL 14th; concentration +24)
4th (5/day)— lesser geas (DC 24), mind thrust IV (DC 24)
3rd (7/day)— coordinated effort, force punch (DC 23), telekinetic maneuver
2nd (9/day)— anticipate thoughts (DC 22), build trust (DC 22), bullet shield, enthrall (DC 22)
1st (9/day)— auditory hallucination (DC 21), break (DC 22), charm person (DC 21), expeditious retreat, heightened awareness, magic missile
0 (at will)— detect magic, detect psychic significance, mage hand, mending, open/close, prestidigitation, read magic, telekinetic projectile
Psychic Talents Rapport (emotional bond: 5 allies/status, emotional push +5 4/day, share memory: at will, team player: bonded mind)
Str 3, Dex 23, Con 16, Int 30, Wis 13, Cha 20, Luck 22, Rep 27
Hyper Charisma 1 (Hyper Confident: Bluff), Hyper Intelligence 2 (Hyper Analysis +2, 2/day, 6 rounds; Hyper Deduction);
Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 12
Feats AlertnessB, Bonded Mind, Breadth of Experience, Deceitful, Dilettante, DodgeB, Go Unnoticed, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Skill Focus (Bluff), Taunt.
Hyper Feats Gadgeteer 3/day, Hyper Item: Psychokinetic Harness, Telepath;
Skills Acrobatics +17 (8), Appraise +13 (3), Athletics +6 (0), Awareness +13*(3), Bluff +20*(7), Diplomacy +15 (7), Disguise +8 (1), Fly +25 (8), Heal +10 (7), Intimidate +10 (2), Knowledges*: Arcana +21 (4), Dungeoneering +21 (4), Engineering +18 (1), Geography +18 (1), History +18 (1), Local +21 (4), Nature +21 (4), Nobility +18 (1), Planes +21 (4), Religion +18 (1), Technology +15 (4); Linguistics +15 (2), Profession: Psychiatrist +13 (7), Search +18*(3), Sense Motive +13*(7), Spell Craft +20 (7), Stealth +30 (5), Use Technology +15 (2);
Racial Modifiers Fey Magic (Favored Terrain: Underground; Flare, Know Direction, Light, Heightened Awareness 1/day), Fey Thoughts (Acrobatics, Stealth), Keen Senses, Utilitarian Magic (+1 DC Transformation spells; mage hand, open/close, prestidigitation, unseen servant 1/day), Warden of Nature.
Languages Aboleth, Aklo, Auran, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, English, French, Garuda, German, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan.
SQ hyper abilities, automatic writing (linguistics), emotional bond, faith healing (heal), fey magic, gatekeeper (knowledge [planes]), hero points, hypnotism (diplomacy), phrenology (knowledge [arcana]), prognostication (sense motive), psi-tech discovery (force field), psychometry (appraise), read aura (perception), utilitarian magic
Combat Gear boots of escape, metamagic gem (extending garnet) (2), potion clw (10), potion cmw (3), potion csw, potion of invisibility, potion of object reading (CL 5th) (2), snapleaf, healer's kit, magnetized paper OA (5);
Other Gear belt of incredible dexterity +4, cape of free will +2/+3, glarecutter goggles, greater talisman of arrow protection, handy haversack, headband of aerial agility (int +4) aura goggles, automatic writing planchette, commlink, hypnotist's pocket watch, medispray (5), medlance, nightvision goggles, phrenologist's kit, portable sweat lodge, prismatic crystal, prognostication manual, psychometrists gloves, standard gear (45 bt), talking board, 500 bt.

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Mind Mole

Dr. Anthony Mentzmer is a psychiatrist and psychic who used his skills as a psychic investigator; during one harrowing case, he investigated a coven of hags and was cursed to be shrunken into the size of a doll. However, with his control over psychic residue, he was able to control his size shifting himself and now uses his great skills as both a parapsychologist and psychic to confront occult menaces as the Mind Mole!

He was asked to join Task Force V as their occult and psychic advisor...

Mind Mole:

Dr. Anthony Mentzmer, “Mind Mole”
Male gnome psychic 8 [hs 6, meganaut 1/hypernaut 1]
NG Small humanoid (gnome, hyper)
Init +9; Senses low light vision, dark vision 60’ (night vision goggles); Awareness +13;
Hero Points 2
AC 24 (18 melee), touch 24 (18), flat-footed 20 (14), firearms 30 (+6/+12 deflection, +3 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 hyper, +1 size)
hp 80 (8d6+46); Hyper Bonus +3
Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +13; +5 resistance bonus vs. sight/light-based,+2 vs. illusions
Defensive Abilities Deflection Field, Emotional Push +5 4/day, Force Field, Hyper Mortality, Illusion Resistance, Mind Shield (10 rounds), Warden of Nature (+2 dodge bonus to AC vs aberrations, oozes, vermin)
Hyper Flaw Hubris
Speed 20 ft.
Melee unarmed +7/+2/-3 (1d2+2) or Touch Attack +7
Ranged Touch Attack +11
Special Attacks phrenic amplifications (deflection field, focused force, force field, mindshield (10 rounds), phrenic pool (14 points), warden of nature (+1 to hit vs aberrations, oozes, vermin)
Hyper Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th, concentration +24)
6/combat—size decrease (hyper flaw: tiring)*
3/combat—modify memory (by touch only)
Psychic Spells Known (CL 14th; concentration +24)
4th (5/day)— lesser geas (DC 24), mind thrust IV (DC 24)
3rd (7/day)— coordinated effort, force punch (DC 23), telekinetic maneuver
2nd (9/day)— anticipate thoughts (DC 22), build trust (DC 22), bullet shield, enthrall (DC 22)
1st (9/day)— auditory hallucination (DC 21), break (DC 22), charm person (DC 21), expeditious retreat, heightened awareness, magic missile
0 (at will)— detect magic, detect psychic significance, mage hand, mending, open/close, prestidigitation, read magic, telekinetic projectile
Psychic Talents Rapport (emotional bond: 5 allies/status, emotional push +5 4/day, share memory: at will, team player: bonded mind)
Str 9, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 30, Wis 13, Cha 20, Luck 22, Rep 27
Hyper Charisma 1 (Hyper Confident: Bluff), Hyper Intelligence 2 (Hyper Analysis +2, 2/day, 6 rounds; Hyper Deduction);
Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 19
Feats AlertnessB, Bonded Mind, Breadth of Experience, Deceitful, Dilettante, DodgeB, Go Unnoticed, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Skill Focus (Bluff), Taunt.
Hyper Feats Gadgeteer 3/day, Hyper Item: Psychokinetic Harness, Telepath;
Skills Acrobatics +14 (8), Appraise +13 (3), Athletics -1 (0), Awareness +13*(3), Bluff +20*(7), Diplomacy +15 (7), Disguise +8 (1), Fly +16 (8), Heal +10 (7), Intimidate +10 (2), Knowledges*: Arcana +21 (4), Dungeoneering +21 (4), Engineering +18 (1), Geography +18 (1), History +18 (1), Local +21 (4), Nature +21 (4), Nobility +18 (1), Planes +21 (4), Religion +18 (1), Technology +15 (4); Linguistics +15 (2), Profession: Psychiatrist +13 (7), Search +18*(3), Sense Motive +13*(7), Spell Craft +20 (7), Stealth +15 (5), Use Technology +15 (2);
Racial Modifiers Fey Magic (Favored Terrain: Underground; Flare, Know Direction, Light, Heightened Awareness 1/day), Fey Thoughts (Acrobatics, Stealth), Keen Senses, Utilitarian Magic (+1 DC Transformation spells; mage hand, open/close, prestidigitation, unseen servant 1/day), Warden of Nature.
Languages Aboleth, Aklo, Auran, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, English, French, Garuda, German, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan.
SQ hyper abilities, automatic writing (linguistics), emotional bond, faith healing (heal), fey magic, gatekeeper (knowledge [planes]), hero points, hypnotism (diplomacy), phrenology (knowledge [arcana]), prognostication (sense motive), psi-tech discovery (force field), psychometry (appraise), read aura (perception), utilitarian magic
Combat Gear boots of escape, metamagic gem (extending garnet) (2), potion clw (10), potion cmw (3), potion csw, potion of invisibility, potion of object reading (CL 5th) (2), snapleaf, healer's kit, magnetized paper OA (5);
Other Gear belt of incredible dexterity +4, cape of free will +2/+3, glarecutter goggles, greater talisman of arrow protection, handy haversack, headband of aerial agility (int +4) aura goggles, automatic writing planchette, commlink, hypnotist's pocket watch, medispray (5), medlance, nightvision goggles, phrenologist's kit, portable sweat lodge, prismatic crystal, prognostication manual, psychometrists gloves, standard gear (45 bt), talking board, 500 bt.

*size decrease: Mind Mole can use more than one use per swift action, but each additional level of size change expends an additional cumulative use. For instance, he may change from small (his normal size) to tiny for one use; to change from small to fine would cost six uses (1 to tiny, 2 to diminutive, 3 to fine). His stats change as each level of shrinking, see attached sheets…

Tactics and Notes:

Mind Mole is a straight forward psychic with the power to shrink and modify the memories of those he touches.

His shrinking actually reduces his size, not just as per Reduce Person; he has a different character sheet for each of his sizes that accounts for all skill modifier, size and combat differences. I will include his other size sheets in a second post.

Finally, he can modify memories by touch; however, he must touch the target throughout the whole time he is modifying memories, so if he wants to modify the full 5 minutes allowed by the ability, he must remain in contact with the target for 5 minutes.

When in combat, Mind Mole will shrink, hide and fly about the battle field, as he is pretty vulnerable otherwise and not being struck is his greatest defense. He will also activate his force field ability as soon as possible. He will use his Go Unnoticed Feat to make sure he can activate his defenses first and then enter into combat. He will also make great use of his Taunt Feat to set up targets to be targeted by his teammates.

Please let me know what you think of the team and/or individual characters!

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Sea Chorus

Princess Maarinna Del'ray of Lemuria was been sent out by her father as an emissary to the surface world. When Maarinna saw the world in conflict (via the rise of the Nazis and 3rd Reich), she could not stand idle, her upbringing demanded she act (she is LG)!

She took on the code name of Sea Chorus and joined the rest of these mystery men in facing the great evil let upon the world...

Sea Chorus:

Princess Maarinna Del’ray, “Sea Chorus”
Female undine monk (flowing monk, monk of the four winds) 8 [hs 6, meganaut 1/parallel 1]
LG Medium outsider (aquatic, native, hyper)
Init +13; Senses Darkvision 60 ft. (Nightvision Goggles), Deepsight 120 ft.,
Water Sense (Blind Sense) 30 ft.; Awareness +15;
Hero Points 2
AC 30, touch 27, flat-footed 24, firearms 28 (+1 armor, +5 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 hyper, +3 monk, +2 natural, +5 Wis)
hp 96 (8d8+53); Hyper Bonus +3
Fort +15, Ref +15, Will +15; +2 vs. enchantments
Defensive Abilities Hyper Mortality, DR 2/-; Elusive Target, Evasion, Flowing Dodge
Resist Cold 18
Speed 30 ft., swim 50 ft.; slow fall 70 ft.
Melee unarmed +10/+5/+5/+0 (2d6+3) or Flurry +10/+10/+5/+5/+5/+0 (2d6+3)
Ranged Marid Coldsnap, 2d6+3 (blunt) +3d6+5 (cold), DC 22, 30 ft. line
Special Attacks hyper attack 2, hyper bonus +3, hyper focus 3/day; elemental fist: (16/day; 3d6 energy or 3d6+5 cold [+5 ft. reach, DC 22]), Ki Strike (cold iron/silver, lawful, magic), Redirection (16/day, DC 22), Unbalancing Counter (DC 22)
Hyper Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th, concentration +20)
4th—summon nature’s ally IV (summons 5 advanced dolphins, extended duration) 5/day
3rd—nixie’s lure 5/day
2nd—extended nereid’s grace 5/day
0th—create water at will
Str 10, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 13, Wis 20, Cha 20, Luck 22, Rep 27
Hyper Charisma, Hyper Constitution 1 (Hyper Resistant: Cold, Hyper Tough DR 2/-), Hyper Dexterity 1 (Dexterous Footwork: Swim), Hyper Wisdom 1 (Hyper Wise 1/day);
Base Atk +6; CMB +16/+18 trip; CMD 33 (35 trip)(41 grapple)
Feats Agile Maneuvers, AlertnessB, Aquatic Ancestry, Aquatic Combatant, DodgeB, Elemental Fist, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, Janni Rush, Janni Style, Janni Tempest, Marid Coldsnap, Marid Spirit, Marid Style, Monk Weapon Proficiency, Noble Scion of Lore, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike);
Hyper Feats Extra Attribute Trait (Constitution), Extra Hyper Attribute (Charisma), Hyper Peripheral (Create Water), Powerful Talent: Animal Domain Animal CompanionA
Skills Acrobatics +18*/+32*jump (7), Athletics +10/+20*swim (7), Awareness +15*(5), Craft: calligraphy +10*(4), Escape Artist +10 (2), Handle Animal +13 (5), Heal +5 (0), Knowledges*: History +8 (3), Nature +5 (3), Nobility +10 (3); Perform (dance) +18*(8), Perform (sing) +13 (5), Search +3*(0), Sense Motive +15*(5);
Racial Modifiers Amphibious, Deepsight, Hydrated Vitality (28 hp/day), Water Sense, Nereid Fascination (7 rounds, 1/day, DC 22)
Languages Aquan, Dolphin, English, Sylvan
SQ hyper abilities; Ki Pool (12), Monk Abilities, Wholeness of Body (14 hp)
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds x10, potion of cure moderate wounds x3, potion of cure serious wounds*, potion of slipstream x3; medi-spray x5, medlance c.10*.
Other Gear bracers of the depths (bracers of armor +1, evolving, 1/day), coral dolphins, ioun stone (pink rhomboid), pathfinder pouch, pauldrons of unflinching fortitude +1/+2, war-kilt of Sarenrae; commlink, nightvision goggles, standard gear, 150 bt; she also has mw artisan tools, craft calligraphy.


Sea Chorus Hyper SLA are all racial spells and abilities and as such are cast at +1 caster level (included)

Animal Companions (Hyper Flaw: Fetish, coral dolphins):
Sea Chorus has a special figurine of wondrous power given to her by her father and enchanted by the priests of her homeland of Lemuria. The coral dolphins figurine allows her to call a pair of sacred dolphin animal companions (she must split her druid level evenly between the two dolphins) that serve as her guardians, best friends and traveling companions. She is treated as having the Companion Figurine Feat for this Hyper Feat: Powerful Talent. She is able to release each dolphin for up to 4 hours per day; the time does not need to be consecutive and both dolphins do not need to be released together (although Sea Chorus normally does so).

Wave Runner and Sea Dance:
N Medium Animal (sacred)
Init +7; Senses blindsight 120 ft., darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision; Awareness +15
AC 28, touch 19, flat-footed 21, firearms 23 (+4 armor, +2 deflection, +7 Dex, +5 natural)
hp 60 (6d8+30) Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +4; Devotion +4; DR 5/-; Resis All 5
Speed air walk 10 ft., swim 90 ft.
Melee slam +12 (1d6+7)
Str 20, Dex 24, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 15
Base Atk +4; CMB +9; CMD 28
Feats Die Hard, Endurance, Power Attack, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (slam)
Skills Acrobatics +15, Athletics +10/+18 swim, Awareness +15, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +15, Survival +6;
Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics, Sense Motive, Stealth, Survival; +8 Awareness
SQ DR 5/-, energy resistance (all) 5, evasion, fast healing 5, hold breath, sacred saves, sacred strikes, sacred striking aura (DC 15), smite (+2 attack,+6 damage) 1/day;
SLA Constant: air walk, arcane sight, mage armor; 3/day CMW, Magic Missile; 1/day Greater Restoration

Tactics and Notes:

Sea Chorus, as an undine, is highly effective in the water, as you would expect.

She was brought up to be able to handle herself and has mastered many martial arts, concentrating on round movements to protect herself and move about the battlefield in her flowing, dancing style.
She is a monk with two martial styles (Janni and Marid); the Marid style is her main offense via Elemental Fist. When using cold damage from her elemental fist and marid style, she does greater damage and can freeze foes in place.

Her Hyper SLA's are all racial spells and abilities for Undines.
Her lineage includes nereid blood, and as such she can fascinate humanoids as a racial ability. In addition, one of her Hyper SLA is like a siren's call, further enhancing fascination type abilities. She can do some good crowd control in this manner.

Another of her SLA is using her nereid beauty (from the nixies) as protection; she gains AC up to her Charisma mod as a deflection bonus when this is active. Combined with her Flowing Dodge ability, she can reach upwards of a 40 AC (37 touch)!

In the water, she really shines.

She can summon dolphins to aid her and has a pair of sacred dolphin animal companions (using the sacred animal template, yay!) via Powerful Talent.
The sacred strike aura of Wave Runner and Sea Dance further buff her "normal" summoned dolphins even more.

She doesn't have a lot of range capability, but can use her Marid Coldsnap as a line attack to do her unarmed plus elemental fist damage to all within it, with a chance of freezing those in place as well, =)

She will be very fun as a niche character, =)

Next up is Mind Mole, the shrinking, memory altering psychic...

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Strike Force

Strike Force is a former Army Ranger that specialized in European wilderness excursions.

He served as a mercenary (although he has a code of honor i.e. CG alignment) for many years in the fields of Europe; during this time, he met and fell in love with a dryad (from which he gained his knowledge of Elven, Sylvan and was gifted his Black Blessing; she is now his strongest contact).

With the rise of the 3rd Reich, before WW2 started, Strike Force saw what was happening; he wanted to serve again and stave off the worst possibilities. He re-enlisted in the Rangers. He was given command of a Ranger Platoon due to his great experience.

During a highly classified mission (an excursion into a secret nazi weapons development base), his platoon ran afoul of a squad of Nazi Super Soldiers; the weapon being developed in this facility was a super soldier serum! A huge fire fight occurred; many of his men were killed in battle. Yet even more tragedy struck! At some point a stray bullet struck the vats of highly unstable super serum...

The resulting explosion killed the remaining members of his platoon; somehow, Strike Force survived. When he awoke, Strike Force gathered the dog tags of his men and went forward to complete his mission. The "weapon" i.e. serum was destroyed except for one vial which Strike Force took with him.

Upon attempting to leave the facility, Strike Force noticed tracks. Some of the super soldiers had survived...

That was his hyper event, =)

The serum was later used to make the first American Super Soldier, Major Victory; Strike Force was given a weaker version himself, enhancing his attributes.

After the mission, Strike Force took a sabbatical. He went home to his girlfriend and told her all that happened. She helped him focus his anger, hurt and other emotions. Strike Force wanted to bring the remaining Nazi Super Squad to justice. The dryad stated she would help him do so...she performed a ritual, granting him the boons of a forest wildstalker; his colt .45 ACP, military boots and cloak were now all enchanted and tied to his spirit and the spirit of nature, growing in power and helping him to track and eliminate those responsible for the death of his comrades; he was further granted longer life and immunity to poison and disease.

Strike Force returned to his unit, ready to avenge his fellows; he was quickly reassigned to Task Force V...

Strike Force:

Lieutenant John Claude Deveraux, “Strike Force”
Male human ranger (freebooter, nirmathi irregular, skirmisher) 8
[hs 6, meganaut 1/parallel 1]
CG Medium humanoid (human, hyper)
Init +13F; Senses Dark vision 60’ (night vision goggles); Awareness +15F;
Hero Points 2
AC 25, touch 21, flat-footed 19, firearms 21(+2 deflection, +4 armor, +5 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 hyper)
hp 100 (8d10+48); Hyper Bonus +3
Fort +13, Ref +15, Will +10;
Defensive Abilities Hyper Mortality;
Immunities Disease, Poison
Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed +15/+10/+10/+5 (1d3+6) or +1 machete +15/+10/+10/+5 (1d6+7, 19-20, x2)
Ranged Custom silenced +3 Colt .45 ACP +20/+15/+15/+10 (2d6+6, x4) or Custom silenced +3 Colt .45 ACP semi-auto +18/+18/+13/+13/+8;
Special Attacks hyper attack 2, hyper bonus +3, hyper focus 3/day; deeds (deadeye), freebooter’s bane +3, freebooter’s bond, grit (5), improved sniping, stalker +3d6.
Hyper Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th, concentration +20)
4th—summon soldiers IV; Hyper Flaws: Fetish (dog tags), Living Summons, 5/day
3rd—summon soldiers III, 10/day
Str 16, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 20, Cha 13, Luck 22, Rep 25
Hyper Constitution 1 (Hyper Age, Hyper Blooded), Hyper Dexterity 1 (Dexterous Action)
Hyper Strength 1, Hyper Wisdom 1 (Tactical Genius 1/day, 1 other);
Base Atk +8; CMB +14; CMD 32
Feats AlertnessB, Amateur Gunslinger, Armor Proficiency (Light)B, Cosmopolitan: Appraise & Linguistics, Deadly AimB, DodgeB, EnduranceB, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, Martial Weapon ProficiencyB, Point Blank Shot, Precise ShotB, Quick DrawB, Rapid Reload, Simple Weapon ProficiencyB, Skill Focus (Profession: Soldier), Skill Focus (Stealth), Weapon Focus (ACP), Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike);
Hyper Feats Extra Attribute Trait (Constitution), Extra Hyper Attribute (Strength), Hyper Item (custom silenced +3 Colt .45 ACP, Stalking, Improved Sniping, Reliquary), Parallel Access: summon soldier IV, Fetish (dog tags), Living summons;
Skills Acrobatics +20 (7), Appraise +10 (4), Athletics +13/+15*swim (7), Awareness +15FG*(5), Craft: Alchemy +10*(2), Craft: firearms +15*(7), Handle Animal +8 (4), Heal +15*(5), Intimidate +8 (4), Knowledges*: Dungeon +8 (4), Engineering +8 (2), Geography +10F(3), History +8 (2), Local +8 (2), Nature +8 (1), Religion +8 (2), Technology +8 (2); Linguistics +8 (2), Profession: Soldier +18*(7),Ride +10 (2), Search +5*(0), Sense Motive +10*(3), Stealth +18F*(7), Survival +15FGT(7), Use Technology +8 (2), Vehicular Control +13 (5);
Racial Modifiers Comprehensive Education; Focused Study.
Languages Elven, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Sylvan
SQ hyper abilities; Fast Swimmer, Favored Terrain (forests)F+4, Forest GhostG +7, Hunter’s Tricks (Quick Climb/Heal/Swim, Stag’s Leap, Uncanny Senses) 12/day, Swift Tracker;
Combat Gear oil of air bubble x2, oil of bless weapon, potions of: cure light wounds x5, cure moderate wounds x3, cure serious wounds*, hide from undead, protection vs evil; medi-spray x5, medlance c.10*, M1914 concussive grenades x8, M1914 fragmentation grenades x8;
Other Gear +1 mithral parade armor (distinctive costume/uniform), custom colt.45 ACP,+1 machete, bag of holding: minor, beneficial bandolier, black blessing, a matched set: boots and cloak of the elven spirit, quick runner’s shirt, ring of protection +2; more gear: mw backpack, commlink, diving suit, healer’s kit, mw tools: swim, nightvision goggles, rebreather w. spare filter, standard gear, 150 bt; stored within his bag of holding are an alchemist’s lab and his mw artisan tools, craft firearms; in his beneficial bandolier: 20 clips of ammunition (200 rounds) plus one clip of +1 ghost touch bullets (10 rounds).

Summon Soldiers:
Summons human soldiers (actually native outsiders) at +1 caster level due to limited choice of summons. The 1st level list summoned soldiers are seasoned soldiers:
fighter (trench fighter) 1; the 2nd level list summoned soldiers are veteran soldiers: fighter (trench fighter) 2; the 3rd level list summoned soldiers are Special Forces:
fighter (trench fighter) 2/ranger (skirmisher) 1; finally, the 4th level list are veteran Special Forces: fighter (trench fighter) 2/ranger (skirmisher) 3.

The following refers to Strike Force’s summon soldiers IV SLA:

Strike Force’s summon soldiers IV is slightly different due to Parallel Access and the two Hyper Flaws assigned to it. The Fetish Hyper Flaw requires Strike Force to hold the dog tags of his former comrades in life and remember their heroic deeds. Strike Force then summons them as normal per the spell. Those summoned, although they appear completely human, are actually living summoned beings of the native outsider type; if they take damage and then are dismissed, they recover the damage as if under complete rest and long term care. If summoned back before being fully healed, they come back wounded. If a summoned soldier is killed, Strike Force cannot call that individual back until he either gains a level or an advance in Hyper Score.

Strike Force has a pool of HD equal to his caster level for each list level. Thus, at CL 15, he has 15 1st, 7 2nd, 5 3rd and 3 5th level individuals he is able to call. Finally, if using his summon soldiers IV to summon 1st level individuals, the duration those individuals can stay is doubled as if under the Extended Metamagic Feat.

Tactics and Notes:

Strike Force is a very straight forward Pathfinder character who can also summon soldiers to fight for him (the rules for which are spelled out in his character sheet above). Below, in another spoiler, are the stats of his summoned soldiers.

Of note:

Strike Force has learned he could summon soldier "duplicates" of himself; this is his summon soldiers III SLA (which he has taken twice). He further found, that upon concentrating on his unit members while holding their dog tags, he could summon his comrades to fight for him. The emotional connection allows him to actually summon their individual spirits from their final rest into physical form. Strike Force is fully aware these men and women are living representations of his comrades and will not use them for tasks that will guarantee their deaths.

Summoned Soldiers:

Soldier CR 1/2
“Human” native outsider fighter (trench fighter) 1; LN Medium outsider (human, native)
Init +2; Senses Awareness +1
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee socket bayonet (M1 Carbine) +3 (1d6+3) or dagger +3 (1d4+2/19-20)
Ranged grenade +3 (4d6) or Colt .45 ACP +3 (2d6/×4) or M1 Carbine +4 (1d10/×4)
Str 14, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Athletic, Combat Stamina, Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (M1 Carbine)
Skills Acrobatics +0 (-4 to jump), Athletics +6, Craft (firearms) +4, Intimidate +3, Profession (soldier) +5, Survival +5
Languages English
SQ point-blank shot, weapon focus
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds;
Other Gear armored coat, dagger, grenades (6), metal cartridge (100), M1 Carbine, Colt .45 ACP, socket bayonet (M1 Carbine)
Special Abilities
Combat Tricks: Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Focus

Veteran Soldier CR 1
“Human” native outsider fighter (trench fighter) 2; LN Medium outsider (human, native)
Init +2; Senses Awareness +1
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 23 (2d10+7)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1 (+1 vs. fear)
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee socket bayonet (M1 Carbine) +4 (1d6+3) or dagger +4 (1d4+2/19-20)
Ranged grenade +4 (4d6) or Colt .45 ACP +4 (2d6/×4) or M1 Carbine +5 (1d10/×4)
Str 14, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Athletic, Combat Stamina, Covering Fire, Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (M1 Carbine)
Skills Acrobatics +0 (-4 to jump), Athletics +7, Craft (firearms) +5, Heal +2, Intimidate +3, Profession (soldier) +6, Stealth +1, Survival +5
Languages English
SQ point-blank shot, weapon focus
Combat Gear oil of magic weapon, potions: barkskin +2, clw, protection from arrows 10/magic, shield of faith +2 (3);
Other Gear armored coat, dagger, grenades (6), metal cartridge (100),M1 Carbine, Colt .45 ACP, socket bayonet (M1 Carbine)
Special Abilities
Combat Tricks: Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Focus

Special Forces CR 2
“Human” native outsider fighter (trench fighter) 2/ranger (nirmathi irregular, skirmisher) 1;
LN Medium outsider (human, native)
Init +2; Senses Awareness +7
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 30 (3d10+8)
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +1 (+1 vs. fear)
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee socket bayonet (M1 Carbine) +5 (1d6+3) or dagger +5 (1d4+2/19-20) or machete +5 (1d6+2/19-20)
Ranged grenade +5 (4d6) or Colt .45 ACP +5 (2d6/×4) or M1 Carbine +6 (1d10/×4)
Special Attacks favored enemy (humans +2)
Str 14, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Athletic, Careful Sneak, Combat Stamina, Covering Fire, Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (M1 Carbine)
Skills Acrobatics +1 (-3 to jump), Athletics +10, Awareness +7, Craft (firearms) +8, Heal +8, Intimidate +3, Profession (soldier) +7, Stealth +8, Survival +6;
Racial Modifiers forest ghost +0
Languages English
SQ point-blank shot, track +1, weapon focus
Combat Gear oil of magic weapon (3), potions: barkskin +2, clw (3), protection from arrows 10/magic, protection from evil, shield of faith +2 (3), healer's kit.
Other Gear mwk armored coat, dagger, grenades (6), machete, metal cartridge (200),M1 Carbine, Colt .45 ACP, socket bayonet (M1 Carbine), climber's kit, diving suit,mw artisan's tools (craft firearms), mw snorkel, mw tool (swim), swim fins
Special Abilities
Combat Tricks: Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Focus
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.

Veteran Special Forces CR 4
XP 1,200
“Human” native outsider fighter (trench fighter) 2/ranger (nirmathi irregular, skirmisher) 3;
LN Medium outsider (human, native)
Init +2; Senses Awareness +8
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 50 (5d10+16)
Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2 (+1 vs. fear)
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee mw socket bayonet (M1 Carbine) +8 (1d6+3) or mw dagger +8 (1d4+2/19-20) or mw machete +8 (1d6+2/19-20)
Ranged grenade +7 (4d6) or mw Colt .45 ACP +8 (2d6/×4) or mw M1 Carbine +9 (1d10/×4)
Special Attacks combat style (crossbow), favored enemy (humans +2)
Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 19
Feats Athletic, Careful Sneak, Combat Stamina, Covering Fire, Deadly Aim, Endurance, Point-Blank Shot, Toughness, Weapon Focus (M1 Carbine)
Skills Acrobatics +1 (-3 to jump), Athletics +13, Awareness +8, Craft (firearms) +10, Heal +10, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (engineering) +5, Knowledge (geography) +5, Profession (Guide) +5, Profession (soldier) +8, Stealth +10, Survival +8;
Racial Modifiers forest ghost +1
Languages English
SQ deadly aim, favored terrain (forest +2), point-blank shot, track +1, weapon focus
Combat Gear oil of magic weapon (3), potions; barkskin +2, clw (5), protection from arrows 10/magic, protection from evil, shield of faith +5; healer's kit.
Other Gear mwk armored coat, grenades (6), metal cartridge (200), mw Colt .45 ACP, mw dagger, mw M1 Carbine, mw machete, mw socket bayonet (M1 Carbine), climber's kit, diving suit, mw artisan's tools (craft firearms), mw snorkel, mw tool (swim), swim fins.
Special Abilities
Combat Tricks: Deadly Aim, Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Focus
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.

Next up will be Sea Chorus, Princess and Envoy of Lemuria...

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Intern Jonathan Quick was working the night shift when a local superhero, Relampago (a veloces with additional electrical abilities), was brought into the ER. Relampago was critically wounded and needed blood quickly, but was of a rare blood type; Jonathan had, luckily, the same rare blood type. During the transfusion, Relampago went into seizures, causing her to discharge some of her electrical energies directly into Jonathan.

Jonathan absorbed the energies and was forever changed as he ascended into a hyper being. With his new healing abilities, he was able to speed up Relampago's natural healing and stabilize her.

Jonathan quickly contacted and joined Task Force V as their newest Lieutenant and field medic...


Lieutenant Jonathan Quick, “Minuteman”
Male human veloces 8 [hs 6, meganaut 1/parallel 1]
CG Medium humanoid (human, hyper)
Init +22; Senses Dark vision 60’ (night vision goggles); Awareness +10;
Hero Points 2
AC 27, touch 25, flat-footed 16, firearms 27 (+2 armor, +10 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 hyper, +1 deflection)
hp 80 (8d10+37); Hyper Bonus +3
Fort +13, Ref +21, Will +8;
Defensive Abilities Evasion, Hyper Mortality, Swift Dodge +7 (Move 60 ft.)
Speed 110 ft.
Melee unarmed +13/+8/+8/+3 (1d3+7) or unarmed +11/+11/+6/+6/+1 (1d3+7, +6 off) or
starknife of doubling +14/+9/+9/+4 (1d4+8, crit. x3) or +12/+12/+7/+7/+2 (1d4+8, +7 off)
Ranged starknife of doubling +23/+18/+18/+13 (1d4+8, crit. x3) or starknife of doubling +21/+21/+16/+16/+11 (1d6+8, crit. x3) or grenades.
Special Attacks hyper attack 2, hyper bonus +3, hyper focus 3/day, dash 32 rounds/day, free action (+4 Dex, +2 dodge AC/Reflex, avoid AoO);
Hyper Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th, concentration +24)
4th—persistent vigor; Hyper Flaw: Tiring, 10/day
2nd—cure moderate wounds, lesser vigor (as extended celestial healing) 10/day
Str 13, Dex 30*, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 10, Luck 22, Rep 22
Hyper Dexterity 3 (Dexterous Action, Dexterous Footwork, Dexterous Strikes, Dexterous Warrior);
Base Atk +6; CMB +13; CMD +32;
Feats AlertnessB, Armor Proficiency (Light), DodgeB, EnduranceB, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, MobilityB, Point Blank Shot, Prodigy (Craft Alchemy and Profession: Doctor),Quick DrawB, Shield Proficiency, Shot on the RunB, Skill Focus: Heal, Skill Focus: Knowledge (Nature), Spring Attack, Two Weapon Fighting, Veloces Weapon Prof, Wall Run;
Hyper Feats Extra Attribute Trait (Dexterity), Hyper Coordination, Hyper Peripheral: Prestidigitation (super speed tricks) w. Hyper Flaw: Personal Problem (food intake: must have a full days rations after 1 hour use), Parallel Access: Persistent Vigor, Hyper Flaw: Tiring (5 rounds outside combat);
Skills Acrobatics +18 (5), Athletics +5 (1), Awareness +10*(4), Craft: Alchemy +15*(6), Diplomacy +5 (2), Heal +20*(6), Know: Nature +15*(7), Profession: Doctor +18*(8), Profession: Soldier +8 (5), Sense Motive +10*(4), Stealth +18 (5), Survival +5 (1),Use Magical Device +10 (7), Use Technology +8 (6);
Racial Modifiers Focused Study, Heart of the Fields (Profession: doctor) +4, may also ignore fatigue or exhaustion, 1/day;
Languages English, French, German
SQ careen 5/day (+20 ft.), hyper initiative, impart swiftness, kip up, marathon runner, rapid drinker, rapid wondrous activation, touch of speed 5/day, veloces enigma (cloud walker, quickness field)
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds x10*, potion of cure moderate wounds x3, potion of cure serious wounds, medi-spray x5, medlance c.10*, grenades:
M1914 concussive grenades x6, M1914 fragmentation grenades x6;
Other Gear bracer of armor +2, ring of protection +1, cloak of resistance +2, starknife of doubling, handy haversack, healer’s gloves, quickrunner’s shirt, commlink, nightvision goggles,150 bt; in his handy haversack, he carries: standard soldier gear, healer’s kit (w. 20 refills), antiplague x5, antitoxin x5, bloodblock x10, soothe syrup x5,alchemist’s lab, surgeon’s tools. He also has a reskinned fruitful sash, which is now a prototype medical bag w. advanced pharmaceuticals.

Tactics and Notes:

Superspeed field medic at your service. He is a Lieutenant in Task Force V, serving under Major Victory and Bombshell.

He carries his starknife of doubling (plus a few grenades, just in case) for offense in both melee and ranged combat. He will duplicate it as a free action, due to quickdraw, and normally use Spring Attack or Shot on the Run, in conjunction with Hyper Coordination, to make two attacks and move away to safety.

He can run across any surface (cloud walker and wall run) and is quite fast at 110 ft. movement! While dashing he is immune to fire damage (great for working with Bombshell, for sure).

His parallel abilities are all healing based, which work by his speeding up of the body's healing factor. His persistent vigor ability is quite taxing to his body and he has to watch out he doesn't over charge his body's metabolism (tiring hyper flaw).

I also gave him Hyper Peripheral, with the ability to use Prestidigitation at will. This simulates the high speed tricks (like cleaning a whole room very quickly) of speedsters. Since, with one cast, you can do tricks for an hour; I gave him the hyper flaw personal problem food intake. The super speed tricks take up huge energy reserves, so he must make his hyper save or needs to consume a full days rations after using it, =)

He is a very skilled doctor/surgeon. His heal skill of +20 includes his healing gloves and healer's kit bonus, but not the bonuses from bloodblock or surgeon's tools. With both of those, he can get a +28!!!

I gave him enough heal and knowledge nature ranks that he is on the verge of taking technologist and then Craft Pharmaceuticals. That, combine with Craft Alchemy, keeps him on the edge of advances in medical technology.

I also gave him a re-skinned fruitful sash. It is a medical bag with advanced pharmaceuticals and vitamin packs, etc that simulate that magic item. It will grow as he levels, simuating his new discoveries in pharmaceuticals.

Next up is Strike Force, the one man army...

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They sure did! I played Bombshell and both Major Victory and Minuteman were played by others (Gun Monkey was also played by one other and myself)...

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Christine Maybelle-Sinclaire was born into a family of engineers, so it was no surprise when she followed the same path. Blessed with a brilliant mind, she was a gifted engineer and chemist; her doctoral thesis on plasma constraints led to her recruitment into a classified government project on a theoretical plasma cannon design (needed to offset the power of the Nazi super-science weaponry being developed within Europe).

During a live testing demonstration of the plasma cannon (being shown to many top ranking military officers and members of the congressional sub-committee on weapons development), a Nazi 5th columnist saboteur struck. The cannon, during it's warm-up phase of the firing sequence, went into meltdown as the plasma coil was damaged by the saboteur's gadgetry explosive.

Christine quickly calculated the blast radius and knew there wasn't enough time to diffuse the plasma coil for anyone to escape; she rushed in, hoping to delay the meltdown long enough for those present to escape. With no time to don a radiation suit, and with the protective barriers damaged by secondary explosions, she was irradiated by the coil's emissions. However, she wasn't damaged by them...those who stayed behind watched as Christine, going through the emergency shutdown sequence, absorbed the plasma into her form, her body lifting from the ground as it became sheathed in flames...she had transcended!

She soon joined and trained with a hyper team of operators under a special task force of the U.S. Army, specifically convened to battle Axis Hyper Squads both abroad and at home. She quickly adapted to the life of a soldier and worked her way up to Captain. She is now second in command as the Executive Officer of Task Force V under the command of Major Victory.


Captain Christine Maybelle-Sinclaire, “Bombshell”
Female human kineticist (overwhelming soul) 8 [hs 6, meganaut 1/parallel 1]
NG Medium humanoid (human, hyper)
Init +8; Senses Dark vision 60’ (night vision goggles); Awareness +8;
Hero Points 2
AC 31 (25 melee), touch 26 (20), flat-footed 28/29 (22), firearms 32 (+6/+12 deflection, +5 armor, +4 Shield, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 hyper)
hp 80 (8d8+37); Hyper Bonus +3
Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +8;
Defensive Abilities Basic Aero kinesis +2, Hyper Mortality, Searing Flesh 3; Cold Resistance 10; Fire Resistance 10; rallying; battle cry 8/day
Speed 30 ft. (60 ft. fly, flame jet, hover)
Melee unarmed +10/+5/+5/+0 (1d3+4)
Ranged Fire Blast +15 (touch) (7d6+11) [1d6+11]; Air Blast +15 (7d6+22) [1d6+16]; Plasma Blast +15 (14d6+29); Flurry of Blasts [+15/+15/+15/+10/+5]
Special Attacks hyper attack 2, hyper bonus +3, hyper focus 3/day, burn 5;
Infusions (extended range, explosion dc: 19, flurry of blasts)
Hyper Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th, concentration +22)
4th—intensified fireball; Hyper Flaw: Furious Rage, 8/day
2nd—bullet shield, tactical acumen; 8/day each
Wild Talents basic aerokinesis, basic pyrokinesis, cold adaptation, heat adaptation, flame jet, greater flame jet, gather power, infusion specialization 4,
mental prowess 3/day, metakinesis 3;
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 23, Wis 13, Cha 26, Luck 22, Rep 30
Hyper Charisma 3 (Hyper Following: Task Force personnel, Hyper Merit 3/day), Hyper Intelligence 2 (Hyper Analysis +2, 2/day, 6 rounds);
Base Atk +6; CMB +10; CMD 23
Feats AlertnessB, Armor Proficiency (Light), Battle CryACG, Dilettante, DodgeB, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, Prodigy (Craft: siege engines, Profession: siege engineer), Siege Engineer, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Skill Focus (Fly);
Hyper Feats Extra Hyper Attribute (Charisma), Extra Hyper Attribute (Intelligence), Gadgeteer 3/day (tiring), Parallel Access: intensified fireball;
Skills Acrobatics +10 (5), Athletics +1 (0), Awareness +8*(2), Bluff +13 (2), Craft: Alchemy +18*(7), Craft: Mechanical +18*(7), Craft: Siege Engines +20*(7), Diplomacy +23*(4), Fly +10*(5), Heal +5 (1), Intimidate +18*(2), Knowledges*: Arcana +15 (4), Engineering +15 (4), Geography +15 (4), History +15 (4), Local +15 (4), Nature +15 (3), Nobility (4), Technology +15 (4); Perform (oratory) +20*(4), Professions: Engineer +8 (4), Siege Engineer +13*(7), Soldier +8 (4); Search +8*(0), Sense Motive +5*(2), Use Magic Device +15 (4), Use Technology +15 (6);
Racial Modifiers +1 Knowledge Nature; Comprehensive Education; Focused Study.
Languages Auran, Dwarven, English, French, German, Gnome, Ignan
SQ hyper abilities, wild talents
Combat Gear wand of cure light wounds (c. 50), wand of shield (c. 50), medi-spray x5
Other Gear +1 rallying mithral chain shirt (distinctive costumed uniform), apprentice cheating gloves, belt of mighty constitution +2, cloak of resistance +2, glorious gorget, handy haversack, knight’s pennon of battle (unit standard), commlink, nightvision goggles, smartlight, 150 bt; stored within her handy haversack are her tools:
artisan tools, masterwork: mechanical, siege engines; chronicler’s kit; alchemist’s lab.

Tactics and Notes:

Bombshell is a Pyrokineticist (secondary aerokinesis abilities) with the overwhelming soul archetype (uses Charisma instead of Constitution for her abilities). She can do an air blast (physical blast), fire blast (energy blast, attacks touch AC) or, with limits, her big plasma blast (counts as a physical blast that does half fire, half bludgeoning damage). She can use flame jet and greater flame jet to basically fly. She can augment her air and fire blasts to cause explosions (which are DC 19, reflex for half) or can do lesser flurry of blasts to fire smaller individual attacks.
She cannot spend Burn because of her archetype, so if she needs to use her big plasma blast, she must use Gather Power and/or Mental Prowess to do so. She can make it explode though, just like her other blasts. Her metakinesis ability augments her blasts further but also cost burn, so she needs to Gather Power and/or use Mental Prowess again for that.

She is a meganaut 1/parallel 1 with Hyper Intelligence and Charisma; she has Hyper Analysis, Hyper Following (the military members of her Task Force, very loyal to her) and Hyper Merit for talents.

I gave her Gadgeteer as her Hyper Flawed Hyper Feat at HS 4; it has the Tiring Flaw. Every time she uses it, she has some doubts about her designs (if she had reinforced that plasma coil better, would the saboteurs explosive still have caused meltdown). It can cause such mental anguish that it triggers her adrenal gland and can cause physical harm as her body goes into overdrive).

Her Parallel Access gives her access (hehe) to Intensified Fireball (a level 4 spell); it's Hyper Flaw is Furious Rage. If she takes a grievous wound (i.e. critical hit), her adrenal gland again reacts, hyping her body to great levels but overriding her reasoning. She will lash out for the duration (which would be for 1d4+6 rounds for HS 6) with no thought to tactics, etc. She has a fiery temper!

In addition to her big fireball (which I reconfigured as a ball of plasma, doing the same type of damage as her class ability: half fire, half bludgeoning; I see it as that she has mastered it's use, and can, a limited amount of times per day, augment it without using Gather Power and Mental Prowess), her Hyper Intelligence allows her to stage the battle field to great tactical advantage (Tactical Acumen).

Finally, she has mastered her flaming sheathe to the point she can burn up projectiles as a reflexive action, granting her Bullet Shield (as this is specific vs. firearms, it gains double the bonus against firearm attacks under that specific paragraph of magic vs. bullets, normal against other ranged attacks). She basically can, with a CL 14, have that running 24 hours a day, =). I wanted to give her a nice set of SLA's, so she has an offensive, defensive and utility powers.

Additional abilities:

She is a brilliant engineer, specializing in artillery (siege weaponry). She is also skilled in using the same weaponry. In the future, she will take a Savant grade so she can gain, easily, the rest of the Siege Engineer Feat chain, =)

She also is skilled in rallying her men! She leads from the front, taking point with the unit standard (flag) and using the Battle Cry Feat. Those, combined with her rallying armor costume, grants her lesser bard like abilities. I gave her the Glorious Gorget scaling item to augment her buffs of her men further, although, at level 8, it only grants the basic powers; however, as a concept, that item is awesome for a character to buff others as they gain levels. It also augments her Hyper Charisma and fits quite well into her character concept...

I gave her a couple of pieces of hyper equipment from the book. I payed twice the cost, as hyper equipment is supposed to be rare in this era. So, her commlink, smartlight, nightvison goggles and medispray all cost double, =)
I figured with her skill as an engineer, Craft (mechanical), Craft (alchemy) and Knowledge (technology), she is on the cutting edge of technology and these items are now prototypes she or other gadgeteers she knows could have invented.

That is it for the fiery Bombshell, up next will be the healing speedster Minuteman...

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Major Victory

Major Victor Standley Proud, operator name Major Victory, was a graduate of VMI and commissioned in the Army soon afterwards. He served proudly with a distinguished record, leading he to be chosen as an applicant for the Super Soldier Test Program during the advent of World War II; then Captain Proud was chosen from the best of the best to be administered the newly developed super soldier serum. After extensive testing and training is his new abilities, Victor was promoted to Major and given command of Task Force V.

Major Victory:

Major Victor Standley Proud, “Major Victory”
Male human brawler 8 [hs 6, meganaut 2]
LG Medium humanoid (human, hyper)
Init +8; Senses Dark vision 60’ (night vision goggles); Awareness +13;
Hero Points 2
AC 23, touch 19, flat-footed 17, firearms 19 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +4 dodge, +3 hyper)
hp 169 (8d10+117); Hyper Bonus +3
Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +11; +4 Morale vs fear (hubris)
Defensive Abilities Hyper Mortality; DR 6/-; Fortification 85%; Brawler AC Bonus;
Resist Cold 18, Electricity 18, Fire 18;
Hyper Flaw hubris
Speed 30 ft. (Jumps: +30 ft. length, +15 ft. height)
Melee unarmed +25 (2d6+18) or Brawler’s Flurry +23/+23/+18/+18/+18/+13 (2d6+18)
Ranged Thrown object, 500 lbs. +13 touch (5d8+33) or grenades +13 (1d8+18 plus 3d6 b explosion, 20 ft. or 4d6 b/p/s explosion,15 ft.; dc 15)
Special Attacks hyper attack 2, hyper bonus +3, hyper focus 3/day, Brawler’s Flurry, Brawler’s Strike (magic, cold iron/silver, good), Knockout 2/day, Maneuver Training:
Grapple +3, Bull Rush +2, Sunder +1
Brawler Abilities Martial Flexibility (Immediate Action, Swift Action: 3 Feats) 10/day
Str 30*, Dex 14, Con 30*, Int 14, Wis 18*, Cha 12, Luck 22, Rep 23
Hyper Strength 3 (Strong Hurl, Strong Leap, Strong Warrior), Hyper Constitution 3 (Hyper Fortification, Hyper Resistant, Hyper Tough), Hyper Wisdom 1 (Tactical Genius, 1/day, 1 other);
Base Atk +8; CMB +24, add Maneuver Training; CMD 37, add Maneuver Training;
Feats AlertnessB, Armor Proficiency (Light), Cosmopolitan (Knowledge: Geography, Knowledge: History), DodgeB, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, Intimidating Prowess,
Power Attack, Pummeling Charge, Pummeling Style, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Toughness, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike) B,
Weapon Specialization (Unarmed Strike);
Hyper Feats Extra Attribute Trait (Strength), Extra Hyper Attribute (Strength), Extra Attribute Trait (Constitution: Hyper Resistant, Hyper Flaw: Dependency, keros oil),
Extra Hyper Attribute (Constitution);
Skills Acrobatics +13 (8), Athletics +20 (7), Awareness +15*(6), Craft: Firearms +10 (3), Heal +5 (1), Intimidate +20*(6), Know: Geography +8 (3), History +8 (3), Local +10 (5); Profession: Soldier +15 (8), Search +5*(1), Sense Motive +15*(6), Stealth +3 (1), Use Tech +5 (3), Vehicular Control +10 (5);
Racial Modifiers Versatile Human
Languages Dwarven, English, French, German, Russian
SQ hyper abilities, brawler abilities, feather fall 1/day
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds x5, potion of cure moderate wounds x3, potion of cure serious wounds, potion of haste, potion of heroism, potion of remove fear x3, potion of shield of faith +5, medi-spray x5, M1914 concussive grenades x12, M1914 fragmentation grenades x12, experimental masterwork posicharge grenade;
Other Gear +1 light fortification parade armor (distinctive costumed uniform), belt of physical might +2, cloak of resistance +2, headband of inspired wisdom +2, greater talisman of beneficial winds, elixir of truth, commlink, nightvision goggles, rebreather w. spare filter, 50 bt; standard soldier gear; mw artisan tools, craft firearms; kyros oil (10 uses each) x10.

Tactics and Notes:

A very straight forward character, he is a brick/tank type; he hits stuff, hard!

Major Victor Standley Proud, operator name Major Victory, Commander of Task Force V (the V is the number of the unit, but many believe it to stand for Task Force Victory, especially considering the hubris of Major Victory). It is a common joke that Major Victory stands proud, given his name and hyper flaw.

Major Victory is a straight forward brawler. He uses his Strong Leap ability to get into the fray, jumping (without needing to roll) up to 50 ft. in length (at a height of 20 ft.). By Taking 10 (unless there are reasons to roll, like clearing a cliff side or something) he can do a 60 ft. jump (which is his max, since you cannot go above your maximum move in the round). Although this is a charge attack, his Pummeling Charge Feat allows him to do so and still do a full attack! With Pummeling Style, an opponent only subtracts their DR once from his unarmed attacks! His unarmed damage is extensive, with Pummeling Style, Weapon Specialization, Power Attack and Strong Warrior.

He also is quite skilled at picking up and throwing objects across the battlefield. He carries a multitude of grenades for situations when needed, which he will target as a thrown attack against an individual target and then watch it explode.

He knows hundreds of styles of combat, and can mix and match his combat techniques to match any situation or adversary (Martial Flexibility feature).

He is very durable with DR 6/- and Fortification, from his Hyper trait and armor, of 85%.

He also has Hyper Resistant, granting Resistance to Cold, Electricity, Fire 18; however, he must drink a swallow of karos oil each day or his resistance fades away. He found this power after bragging (damn that hubris) he could drink anyone under the table, no matter what the drink. A dwarven alchemist took him up on the challenge, and, after finding out that several alcoholic concoctions couldn't bring Victor down, had him drink a flaming dwarven stout mixed with kyros oil. Not only did Victor down the drink with no problems, the concoction merged with his Hyper Constitution and granted him a new power! The dwarven alchemist is now a contact of Victor, making him kyros oil at cost (although Victor always buys plenty of alcohol as gifts for his good buddy and drinking companion, basically paying the normal cost but having a good supply point).

Major Victory is well versed in military history, including military tactics and maneuvers (his knowledge skills); he has mastered (via Hyper Wisdom) tactics to the point he can launch into battle plans he has formatted with individuals at a moments notice (Tactical Genius).

I gave him multiple grenades (makes sense for an army guy), including an experimental masterwork posicharge grenade (1000 bt for it, since hyper equipment costs double in this era). He also has some other hyper equipment, like a commlink, rebreather and nightvision goggles (also at double cost). Finally, for interrogation when his Intimidation skill, or Bombshells Diplomacy, doesn't work, he carries an Elixir of Truth...

Let me know what you think!

Next up will be Bombshell, the flying, flaming energy projector...

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Howdy all,
I am posting my WWII superhero team made with the Hypercorps ruleset (here on the Paizo website Hypercorps 2099, and here for the author's website Mike Myler) for your review.

Task Force V is a government formed military superhero group backed by the finest soldiers the U.S. has to offer. The task force was specifically chartered to act as a visible presence to combat Axis superhero influence in the same vein as the Liberty Corps.

The core team consists of Task Force Commander Major Victory, his executive officer Bombshell, lieutenants Minuteman and Strike Force with two civilian liaisons, Sea Chorus and Mind Mole, attached.

Each post will show one character, his/her background plus tactics and any additional rules information required to represent them.

Please let me know what you think...

Dotting to follow this one, very intriguing...

Belefauntes, how is your campaign progressing? I would like to hear how it all has merged together, =)

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I love the idea of a Pathfinder Superhero campaign and actually did one myself; I devised a system to build superhero characters also (after testing with conversions of our actual Champions/Hero System characters in Golarion as a short campaign).

Here are links to posts I made about the system if interested:

First, showing completed stat blocks of street level Wolverine and Nightcrawler...



then, the actual basic system...

Superpath System

There they are if you want to review to brainstorm ideas for your campaign; the system is basic but works for my group, =)

However, if you want a professional developer look at superheroes, I would recommend (endorsement fully intended):


You could easily ignore the technological parts of the system and just use the Hyper Score System to grant abilities (kind of like the Mythic Tiered System) to your players. I played in a complete Kickstarter reward for the game and had a blast with the system!

Please keep us updated on how the campaign pans out no matter what way you implement the superhero system, =)

Pledged! Looking forward to this being funded!

I am really hoping to see these superheroes posted at some point, especially since I built a system for my home game to basically do the same,=)

The Kickstarter kicks off (hehe) in September according to the posters and the designers at the con, =) It is part of Rusted Portal Games and also on their facebook, twitter, etc

I did the Sunday session, and all I can say was this game was a blast! I am sorry I had to leave early for another event, but the system, folks playing and role-playing was fantastic! I had a great time.

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It was very fun! Seven players made for a really great game. Those robots needed some electric sleep.

It was a blast! Even having your hyper flaw trigger during the adventure is awesome, =)

I was not able to get into this on the Lottery, but would love to see the pre-gens and scenario as well! I love superhero/pathfinder cross-overs =)

I will be playing Gun-Monkey for this one actually, =)

Why not just play an alchemist and ask your GM to let your "extracts" become "gadgets" instead? Only you can use them (they are too complicated for others to use) unless you simplify their use (via the Infusion Discovery).

There would be no need to look for anything, just a little re-skinning the flavor of your class abilities...

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Man, if I wasn't already designing my own characters for this, Ghost Shot would be it! How can you go wrong with a hyper pale stranger! He just needs a ghostly horse now...

I also was lucky and got this event for Sunday =)
Is there a short description for each pre-generated character, like class, role, etc we could see in order to choose before hand?
Thus should be great fun, looking forward to it!

Thank you Sara Marie, we all appreciate everything you do for us, =)

Doh, I hope open event sign up is still today, I used vacation time to be here when it starts, =)

I will be in early Thursday as well, probably before check-in time, so would love to get in a pick-up game!

Come on lottery...
Rolls dice, prays to Desna for luck!

Silver Crusade

Anyone on here playing some Destiny 2? If so, what platform?

Silver Crusade 5/5

Hey Everybody!

Once more, we are going to be running Pathfinder Society at Nuke-Con 2017 on October 6-8 in Omaha, Nebraska! We are featuring scenarios from late Season Eight and the beginning of Season Nine, including The Solstice Scar, 8-99! In addition, we will be running Starfinder Society quests all weekend and Season of the Goblins from the ACG! Check out the schedule for Nuke-Con here! General information about Nuke-Con can be obtained here! If you're in the area or just passing through, come check us out!

We are also looking for GM's for PFS and SFS! If you're interested kick me a PM and I'll work with you to get you set up!

Silver Crusade 5/5

Hi everybody!

The Omaha Pathfinder Society team is throwing ourselves a con! Our con, Boys and Girls Con 2017, starts just one month from today and will run from February 16th to the 19th.

We are featuring all levels of play from levels one all the way up to level 13! We have one table of Eyes of the Ten already scheduled and are prepared to schedule another if the demand is there.

Since we are renting a place of our own we are going to be taking donations to help cover the costs of operations, we are requesting a minimum donation of $25. Once we have raised enough to pay for the con, we are going to be donating everything else raised to the Boys and Girls Club of the Midlands, which will be matched by myself and another party.

Here is the website for Boys and Girls Con 2017, along with the link for donations for the con!

And here is the Warhorn page for Boys and Girls Con 2017!

On behalf of the Omaha Pathfinder Society, thank you for your support and time. I hope to see you at the convention!

Silver Crusade 5/5

Congrats to all of our new 5-star GM's!

Silver Crusade

Currently full!

Silver Crusade

Coming soon to a predetermined group near you!

Silver Crusade 5/5

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Since Painlord hasn't kicked this off (not sure if he is coming this year) I figured somebody should kick this off, and in these uncertain times a gugs gotta do what a gugs gotta do.

I'm writing this from the hotel room at the Westin right now. My day started at 6pm on Tuesday and I'm looking forward to some sleep and seeing familiar faces tomorrow. The drive in from Omaha was pretty painless and received some big news from my best friends as we arrived in Indy and had breakfast at Cafe Patachou. It was good, both the news and the breakfast. I then wandered around Indy with Will, the VA in Lincoln, NE and fourth member of the car ride from NE. Had lunch at Scotty's afterwards after meeting back up with my car mates. Had the pizza it was good, but the leftovers I had not too long ago are making me nervous.

After lunch we all headed back to the ICC and the Sagamore. After helping Walt Sheppard sort out a giant vox of boons I saw Todd "the Red Menace" Morgan and collected my GM packet and book and checked in at the Westin and met my two roommates (the final roommate is currently a no-show).

All-in-all, a really good day.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Omaha Pathfinder Society will be running PFS at O Comic Con 2016 for the first time July 8-10. Since this will be our first time at the convention we will be focusing our offerings mainly towards lower level scenarios. We will be running the We Be Goblins series as well as select scenarios dealing with the Blackros Museum and Family.

For a full list of games offered at O Comic Con 2016 click HERE.

For more information about O Comic Con 2016 click HERE.

Silver Crusade 5/5

So, it seems to me like the forums are getting awfully heavy currently, so I figured it might be good to put some of that energy towards a more creative purpose. So, anyone got any good ideas for things they'd like to see in a scenario, or ideas for scenarios?

After how popular J. Dacilane seemed to be (at least, I thought she was a pretty cool NPC) I'd like to see a 1-5 scenario where the PC's assist her with her Confirmation.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Finally! :)

Silver Crusade 5/5

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Tonya Woldridge wrote:

Over the past few months, much speculation and debate occurred on the legality of 6-98 & 6-99 in the CORE campaign.

Official Campaign Answer:

ALL scenarios with pregenerated characters are available in CORE mode - use the characters provided. This pertains to: WBG, WBG2, WBG3, 6-98, 6-99, and any future use of pregen characters in scenarios.

ALL scenarios without pregenerated characters are available in CORE mode - use CORE legal pregens if any are needed. This includes Risen from the Sands & Dawn of the Scarlet Sun, as the Free RPG day release had pregens, but after Free RPG day were opened to any character.

Regardless of CORE or RPG - no table of 6-98 or 6-99 should have more than 6 players. For these scenarios, 7 player tables are not legal.

Coordinators should work with their GMs running CORE to make sure they are comfortable running the content included in the scenarios. In the case of 6-98 & 6-99, being of the appropriate star level should mean familiarity with all Pathfinder classes. For the others, if the GM is not familiar with the content and comfortable running the non-CORE items, it may be better to change scenarios.

Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Figured it might be useful to have this over here as well as in the GM forums.

Silver Crusade 5/5

I'm looking forward to a picture of 7-08's BBEG, if it is what I think it is.

Silver Crusade

Ooh! I love the Cake cover of this song!

Silver Crusade 5/5

So, I posted this in another thread as an attempt to lighten the mood in a thread that was getting somewhat hostile, and am moving it to it's own thread. I am going to run a little mini contest that will end at some point the Monday before Gencon, the 27th. Reposting the relevant bits from a different thread:

UndeadMitch wrote:

The contest is on! Who can come up with the best Golarion Koan! Prize* to the winner! Pirate Rob is strongly in the lead!

*Pending my disposition at the end of the contest, which ends when I arbitrarily decide to end it, definitely before Gencon. Prize may range from a internet high-five to a drink at Gencon (if the lucky winner is attending) or something else! It's a secret to everyone, including me. Contest** is limited to inhabitants of the continental United States only!***

**Contest may be too strong of a word.

***Just kidding! Everyone can be a winner here!

There will be two prizes. One for the koan I think is best, and one for the koan that is my favorite. Depending on certain variables, prizes will either go out at Gencon or shortly after I get back from Gencon.

Silver Crusade 5/5

I'm setting up this thread so people can discuss the merits of GM'ing at conventions and regularly scheduled events. Additionally, this thread can serve as a platform to discuss possible incentives for regular GM'ing.

Silver Crusade

Have gunslinger, will travel.

Hey all!

I am looking at running a game that focuses on Bastardhall and am looking for some people that would be up for discussing the place. I would much rather discuss anything plot centric via PM, as a few of my players browse the boards regularly. I trust them, but would rather avoid having the game accidentally.

As for some safer questions, does anyone have any favorite monsters that they think would be particularly good for a game in Bastardhall? Aside from some obvious deity-specific ones.

I've read pretty much every scrap about Bastardhall I could from books and from the boards.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Player sign-ups for Pretzcon 2015 are up, and the con is drawing near! Pretzcon is a three-day local convention in Omaha, NE. There will be PFS at Pretzcon, we are going to have six slots of five tables each, starting Friday afternoon and ending on Sunday. We are going to be running the season two special Year of the Shadow Lodge on Friday night, with some season two scenarios featuring the Shadow Lodge subplot leading up to it. Whether you're in the Omaha area or just passing through that weekend, we'd love to see you there!

Information about Pretzcon

Full schedule of events, including PFS tables!

Silver Crusade 5/5

I recently finished running Wardens for some people in campaign mode and went to report the other day to notice that it was not in the system. My players and I all have our chronicles, so that's good, but I was hoping to get it in the system. It's not a huge deal, but I will be able to get my third star after Monday when I run my 60th table so I was hoping to find out when t mght get in the reporting system.

Silver Crusade 5/5

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I figured a discussion thread for GMs that have been prepping this might not be a bad idea. I've been looking over Wardens again to refresh myself now that it has been sanctioned, and have some things that it should be important to remember.

First and possibly most importantly, it should be noted that only half of Alkenstar proper is in a dead magic zone, and spellcasting services are available for up to ninth level spells. While less relevant if just running the PFS Sanctioned Content for each part, it could be very important for people running in home game mode or as a Seeker Arc.

After this, there will be spoilers, I'm not going to spoiler these next points, as this is in the GM Discussion portion of the boards. These observations are based off of running in campaign mode, but can apply just as well to parties just doing the sanctioned content or those running this as a seeker arc.

In part one, Habblegash can make for a powerful ally and a good source of RP in what is otherwise a pretty strightforward dungeon crawl. If your PC's are having a particularly tough time and haven't found him yet consider having an unwitting clockwork spy lead them back, or have an alchemical golem stumble into a fight and lend a hand against the gugs.

Don't be afraid to cut loose with the gugs, and remember that they do have the compression SQ. Gugs are pretty intelligent, at least compared to a good number of the martial characters I've encountered in PFS, so have fun with their tactics. Consider having the Purple Worm stalk the PC's and ambush them with it during another fight that might be otherwise unimpressive for your party, when I ran this in home game mode for fun earlier this year the worm got cut down before it got to take its second turn.

In the bottom level of the mines, the Ogres pretty much just served to spice up the other encounters, they weren't much of a challenge to the party when it was just three of them. For example, once combat starts in B4 the group from B5 should join in, and vice versa. The fight with Raughmir can be pretty brutal, with a +40 on his disguise check he should be able to get the drop on the party pretty reliably. If the party hasn't been particularly challenged yet him getting the drop on one of the less protected party members can be a pretty potent wakeup call, even more so if he gets his rend off. The fight with Murg-Nurk is pretty straightforward, but the close proximity to the conveyors can make things interesting.

Shyar Burkin can make for some good RP for parties that prefer to take the high road. If the party is having a hard time and needs to rest the slave quarters could make for a good spot, the slaves should be able to cover for the party, provided they are willing to help the plight of the slaves.

Metruni can make for a very interesting encounter for parties interested in RP. If the party is interested in RP I would give them the chance to duck into B18 without attacting Orixium's attention, provided they are trying to be sneaky or if they don't venture too far into B17. If the party decides to fight Metruni, this would be a good place to introduce primal magic if you haven't already, especially since Metruni's is geared toward's it. If you are running in home game mode and the PCs are possessed of somewhat looser morals Metruni could also be a possible ally, provided they could entice her with a better offer than what she currently has going on.

If you are running in home game or Seeker Arc mode make sure to remember all of the effects of the Mana Storm in part two and not just the primal magic. Inner Sea Magic does have additional rules concerning Primal Magic on pages 12-13. Of particular note: "A spellcaster casting a spell, using a spell-like ability, or activating a spell completion or spell trigger magic item can make a concentration check (DC = 15 + twice the spell’s level) to focus the magic and avoid triggering a primal magic effect." (ISM, pg 12)

In part three, be sure to remember the hazards in area D9. If the PC's aren't being particularly stealthy, consider having Hrugor pull a gnoll from another area or use a snail to help him reload the cannon while the other constructs make getting to Hrugor more difficult, allowing him to shell the party from range. Also, it seems like it should be hard to miss, but don't do what I did when I ran it for fun and forget that Hrugor is a Huge creature.

When the party deals with the mastermind behind the plot, if they decide to deal with him personally, consider playing up the fact that even with his bodyguards the mastermind is serious outclassed by the now 14-15th level party of PC's. Despite this being at the end, the fight with Hrugor is the actual final fight.

Silver Crusade

Hello! I placed an order during the Great Golem Sale that still hasn't shipped. I'm guessing that one or more of the items went out of stock in the time between me adding it/them into my cart and when I checked out. If that is the case, can I get any items that are out of stock or on back order removed from the transaction?

Thanks for your time!

Silver Crusade 5/5

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Is this something that is still going to happen? If so, is there any sort of timeline for it being released?

Silver Crusade

Hello! I have placed an order to take advantage of the October sale, but didn't notice that during the time that the order sat in my cart, one of the items went on back order and is now holding up the entire order. Seeing as how it is out-of-print, can I get the GameMastery Map Pack: Ancient Forest removed from my order, so my order can be completed?


Silver Crusade

It currently has the Skull and Shackles base set and Character Add-On deck in my Subscriptions, but I was charged for and picked those two both up at Gencon as part of my subscription already. I just want to make sure I don't get charged for them twice.

Also, I wasn't able to pick up my subscription at Gencon until Sunday, and only got two of the promos that I was supposed to. I got Goblin Keelaulin' and Goblin Weidling, but not the others. I was told that I would get them in the mail, but don't see them on the list of stuff in my subscription.


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Whoop! Thanks for the hard work, and thanks for making that awesome art available! Really looking forward to Emerald Spire.

Silver Crusade 5/5

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See topic. My friend wasn't able to pick up tickets when they went on sale, so I picked tickets for the Thurs. and Fri. night specials, since I wasn't sure which special he was going to be GMing. So I've got a ticket if someone wants it. No charge, just post here about the character you would play in the special, and I'll pick someone and arrange for them to pick up the ticket at Gencon.

Silver Crusade 5/5

After having a pretty interesting experience playing through Bonekeep level one this past weekend I thought it might be neat to have a place where people could share some of the neat parties and/or tactics they've seen people undertake the first level of Bonekeep with. Due to the more spoilery nature of the thread, it seemed to be a more appropriate thread for the GM discussion forum, so my apologies if this is mispaced.

This past weekend, I played through this with a pair of friends during a local convention with our trio of characters that were designed to work together from character creation. About ten minutes before the table was set to begin, the three of us and our fourth discovered that players five and six had crossed their names off at the last minute to do something else, so we were left to face the prospect of playing level one of Bonekeep in the high tier with only four people. Now, our trio of characters have a pretty unique schtick, where we get to turn one of the things that frustrate players the most and turn it against the scenario. Going in, we checked with our fourth about our use of this tactic, and he was cool with it if the situation demanded it.

The party composition is fighter, fighter of Tanagaar, sorcereress of Tanagaar, and bard/paladin of Tanagaar. We complete the first room pretty easily, some damaged weapons, but nothing terrible, it helped that I picked up an adamantine weapon because it seemed reasonable that we might encounter constructs. I loaned out my spare scimitars for our next fight, with the undead, during which we enacted our first try at our special tactic, successfully, after our fourth had to pull back to avoid going down to damage that his AC in the low 30's couldn't help him avoid. We do our thing and we get healed up and move into the next room, with the crystal and the mirror, we only have two gems, so we keep moving, and encounter the elementals. Our fourth, the fighter, bottlenecks the hallway from the previous room and we try to hold out until earth comes up, at which point we do our thing, they enter our room with the mirror, and we start making progress on them. Water eventually comes back up and our fourth dies hard to a lucky bull rush into the mirror by the elemental because he no longer has his dodge bonus to AC/CMD, and he dies hard. We eventually finish the fight, mainly because the bad guys can't hit us because of our tactic, and I'm using spring attack so they can't get a bearing on me. We encounter the Golem next, I come within a hair's breadth of death, but get lucky on concealment and don't take a crit that would have taken to about negative 30. We remember we got something useful in the previous room, wrap that fight up pretty quick, and run out of time as we encounter the BBEG. The scenario was super fun, especially since this was the first time we were actually able to put out Tiefling Deeper Darkness Murder Squad to use. Spring attacking in Deeper Darkness is super good, the fourth got some help with the raise dead, levelled and picked up Blindfight, so we inducted him as an honorary Tiefling.

Anyone else got any stories from runthroughs that they've seen/participated in?

Silver Crusade 5/5

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I haven't seen a thread like this for a good while, so I figured it would be neat to have a thread to share some memorable stories of our characters' deeds. This is mainly inspired by the session of The Waking Rune that I just played in today. There were many memorable moments, but my favorite was when my level 10 Rogue got to dispel Cloudkill with a wand, while blinded.

On a semi-related note, thank you to Kyle Baird for putting a high CL Dispel Magic wand in one of your scenarios, that probably saved some PC's today.

Anyone have any rad stories they'd like to share?