Can Your PC breed with a dragon?


Grand Lodge

As a kobold i really wanted to know if this possible or not


If you conviced one, I guess so.

I mean, the half-dragon template exists.

But really...

In the world of magic, anything is possible. Gonna need a Potion of Cure Serious Wounds afterwards, though...might work better if you apply it to the general area.

Probably not in their natural form.

Grand Lodge

the kobold im playing is addicted to flying and kobolds see the dragons as holy servents so why not it would be in character

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So long as the dragon takes the form of a member of your species, and is at an age capable of producing young - yes. Many adult dragons have change shape as an ability, others are usually smart enough to use magic items to polymorph.

Now *why* a dragon with copulate with something as lowly as most kobolds begs a different set of questions. ;)

Well Half-Dragon is a template...

There's Half-Dragons via template, or the Wyvaran race for a kobold/wyvern hybrid.

Yes, but it might be painful.

Stock up on Advil

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Of course!

As a kobold fan I can think of a scenario where a dragon is leading a tribe, and you know, living for so many centuries sometimes you became bored... Also the best Chief to lead your tribal underlings could be someone of your own legacy.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Malwing wrote:
Well Half-Dragon is a template...

Breeding isn't neccessarily the only way to wind up with it. the combo of Draconic Sorcerer and Dragon Disciple gets you very close. With some minor extras.

Why do you assume it is that dargon that transforms?

LazarX wrote:
Malwing wrote:
Well Half-Dragon is a template...
Breeding isn't neccessarily the only way to wind up with it. the combo of Draconic Sorcerer and Dragon Disciple gets you very close. With some minor extras.

3.5's Dragon Disciple actually ended you as a Half-Dragon; I like that version better than the silly Form of the Dragon abilities.

But yes, it's very possible. Hot Skitty on Wailord action might be something to solve, but that's all logistics. The biology works.

kestral287 wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Malwing wrote:
Well Half-Dragon is a template...
Breeding isn't neccessarily the only way to wind up with it. the combo of Draconic Sorcerer and Dragon Disciple gets you very close. With some minor extras.

3.5's Dragon Disciple actually ended you as a Half-Dragon; I like that version better than the silly Form of the Dragon abilities.

But yes, it's very possible. Hot Skitty on Wailord action might be something to solve, but that's all logistics. The biology works.

Change Shape says hi.

Even alter self will do in a pinch.

Scarab Sages

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*blows off Al Green record*
*sets it on turntable*
You may now proceed.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Whelp. Thought I'd stumbled into /tg/ for a second, there.

Kaouse wrote:
Gonna need a Potion of Cure Serious Wounds afterwards, though...might work better if you apply it to the general area.

This presumes the Kobold is the female.

If the Kobold is male he may have to clamber in and out on a step ladder.
Going to such extremes for love is extremely romantic.

Of course they could be the same gender, and advice could be sought on the LGBT thread. Or not.

If they're the same sex, I think there might be certain logistical issues that would prohibit the creation of offspring (he asked about breeding, not just sexual gratification). Thought the Book of Erotic Fantasy might have some solutions.

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If you are contemplating breeding with a dragon be forewarned that the most difficuly part comes after the physical act. While dragons have no familial affection for their offspring, they have a very strong appreciation for child-support and custody battles often involve actual combat.

See this forum. Specifically the longer posts about in character experience

Also this.

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The answer to "can it breed with it" is always "yes" this is the internet after all.

The answer to "should it breed with it" is potentially rather different.

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This topic, I approve of it wholeheartedly.

According to gamer lore, if there is a human and a dragon within 10 miles of each other, you are going to end up with half-dragons. Why, because it seems humans have an endless need to lie with things that look nothing like them. Plus as others note, it seems that human casters can and do take dragon form to ahhh...experience how the other side...err..does things. Why do humans do this, we shall never know.

::realizes half-orc pic:: Guess I should go ask mom why she decided to couple with a human...maybe it is a sort of mental illness, though my mental stats thank her for her strange choice of mates ;)

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ShroudedInLight wrote:

The answer to "can it breed with it" is always "yes" this is the internet after all.

The answer to "should it breed with it" is potentially rather different.

"Why did you breed with that monster?"

"Because it was there."

Calistria--you'd think Lamashtu would be the one chiming in.

Love is not constrained to one form, you know.

Why am I suddenly reminded of "Will It Blend?"

If they are the same sex a girdle of opposite gender may help in this noble endeavor.

Give the Dragon a Greater Hat of Disguise (Alter Self-based) and let you fun begin.

Malwing wrote:
Well Half-Dragon is a template...

It can even apply to oozes!

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