RoboPorthos's page
47 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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Show your D.M. a copy of Dead Rising 2 and wiggle your eyebrows?
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Master summoner and a loaded d20.
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Duke Baron wrote: I was once a Kobold paladin. I think that speaks for itself. #KoboldPride
Kobold sorcerers can be boss! Pick up Kobold confidence at some point, check out your alternate favored class bonus for fun blasty times ( Even though it's been faqed into the ground it's still fun) and mess around with the glut of alternate traits that are fun and flavorful.
Went back and googled it. Now I feel silly.
Covent wrote: Spring Heeled Jack I just wanted you to know I caught your Oblivion reference and enjoyed it. Good day to you, sir.
I've seen it done and work before. As long as you're not trashing WBL there's no reason a gm wouldn't be fine with it. It's actually a really good idea.
Ceaser Slaad wrote: RoboPorthos wrote: Haters gonna hate
#koboldpride #contradictioninterms Gentlemen, they said it could not be done. I payed no heed. They said it was a waste of time and resources, that I was spitting in the face of order and God. I made my own order, indeed, my own god. I Today I have made history in using a hashtag on the paizo messageboards and getting away with it.
Haters gonna hate
Looks like it would depend on the class package. So if you were a barbarian and wanted to swap out your berserker package you would start by giving up rage at level one in exchange for "improved cloak proficiency" and go sequentially from there.
Hefty price, but worth it for six seasons and a movie.
"Laser Cannon Deth Sentence" by Dethklok. Lyrics? Sure, but odds are you can't understand them so I'd call it a net gain.
The party ninja shelled out the money for fireworks during RotRL. He proceeded to tie one to a rope, light it, hold on to the rope and we decided the firework would spin around in a circle, making trip attacks on everyone in the room. It was super hard to pull off and mechanically probably more trouble than it was worth, but fun as hell.

Aight, here's what I'm taking from this.
1) The experiences of myself and my friends are not necessarily the norm. I can accept that.
2) Games with people you are friends with tend to work better than games with people that you don't know very well, picked up at at a comic book shop, etc. This makes sense and correlates with my experience. I think part of the trouble comes when to have a functioning game you need to bring people in from the outside.
3) People do tend to grate on each other over time. My two cp would be that it's exacerbated slightly by the long consecutive hours typical in tabletop gaming.
4) That said, some of you guys haven't ever had problems of that caliber that I experienced recently. I'm really happy to hear that.
5) The "gamer" stereotype is a more sensitive issue than I anticipated with some people. It's fair to assume that some of you have been negatively affected by said stereotype in your time and any reinforcement of it could be hurtful or come off as condescending or douchey. Please accept my sincere apologies if that is the case. If it matters, that is not my intent.
I will stand by my personal observation and experience as well as the observation and experience of others who I respect that there is a trend in gamers of the qualities previously mentioned. I will also add that they are in no way universal among us. People do not fit into cookie cutter shapes no matter what, and gamers are no exception. While I have met plenty of people in my time gaming who defy any or all of the traits mentioned and several who (independently of said traits) are spectacular people that I am better off for knowing, I don't think that lessens the trend.
Thanks for your voices. SOme good points were made.
That's a hell of a leap. I'm not talking about neckbearded teenagers downing orange soda and taping their glasses together, I'm talking about real, measurable trends in the people I see gaming inside and outside my group. Nor am I excluding myself from this trend. What I've noticed is people with strong personalities that often don't mix well, and as I was not the only one to come to the same question, I posted here to see if the general population had the same issues.
If you guys tend to have more functional relationships within your gaming group, then truly, the more power to you. But if everyone else sees a similar trend of in-group conflict over pointless garbage that ends up being as destructive as it was last night (two grown-ass men almost brought to tears) then I might lose faith in the hobby.
This is a weird hobby we participate. As such (and I hope I'm not losing anyone here) it tends to attract weird people, who are commonly
1) Intelligent
2) Creative
3) Lacking in social skills
As well as often having pretty powerful (or at least loud) personalities.
Tonight the group I'm in had a very volatile personality clash over something very stupid and made the regular host of the game not want to play any more. When another player and I were talking about it, we couldn't think of any game we had participated in where clashes like these to greater or lesser extents did not occur, outside of the really early years.
Are we the exception? Are the rest of you gents all functional social butterflies? And if not, if this sort of stupid conflict is unavoidable, is it really worth putting up with?
Arbane the Terrible wrote: RoboPorthos wrote: Lawful good android gunslinger who dumped dex and maxed con. His pistol must be high level magic due to the fact that it shoots three round bursts and never seems to run out of bullets. Robocop? Yessir!
Lawful good android gunslinger who dumped dex and maxed con. His pistol must be high level magic due to the fact that it shoots three round bursts and never seems to run out of bullets.
Lemmy wrote: Halfling Ronnie James Dio, no contest! Whaaaaaaaa- where?
It gets weirder when you start looking at penalties. How many with a drop in dex?
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(For greatsword)
+5 vorpal, +5 keen corrosive burst and flaming burst, +5 keen merciful flaming corrosive burst.
If there's a possibility it was low light vision and not dark vision it might have been a kitsune
Rhedyn wrote: I actually like Bleeding Attack. In my RotRL's group, my rogue had the highest kill count because of it. I know that is a pointless stat, but it still feels nice. Also a lot of foes don't have access to healing, so a bleeding effect basically kills them and prevents them from running away to regroup. It helped eliminate delaying tactics that monsters seem to be so fond of. I've been meaning to build a two weapon rogue around bleed damage for some time now. Shame it's up for a serious nerfing.
Thank you kindly. I suppose that that gives g.m. licence to not run it as written but R.A.W. it's a hell of a thing, and even nerfed it's a nice way to help keep from being mulched by a big ugly you just stabbed in the tummy.
Abraham spalding wrote: bomber discovery, minor and major magic, the gillman archetype extenders on those, and the familiar talent.
Favorite, not best of course.
Sounds fun, what was the character concept?
Unless there has been an official ruling that I've missed (and there very well may have been)by R.A.W. it does stack with itself, dodge bonuses always stack. There isn't any specification on the s.r.d. page as to applying to one target only either. If anyone has a link to a ruling or different wording in the a.p.g. proper that would be most helpful.
Pretty self explanatory. I'm a pretty big fan of offensive defense, as it is an absolutely stackable, substantial bonus to AC that can potentially turn your "squishy" rogue into a legit tank that draws fire and takes it equally well. What are yours?
Note: Not interested in rogue bashing here, just talents you've enjoyed exploit I mean using. It seems like if you say "rogue" three times in a thread a swarm of angry gamers pops up like Beetlejuice and derails the conversation.
JonathonWilder wrote: You have three characters with the young template who become Elemental Knights of the elements Fire, Air, and Water, chosen protectors of the land not their own.
They face off against a Winter Witch, a Master Summoner, a Lotus Geisha, with the second to final boss being a powerful fallen Champion of the Faith (Warpriest) threatening the stability of the land to have and be with the woman he love.
Last airbender
Witch.A+ combination of mechanics and flavor.
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Alchemist. Glass cannon is covered off the bat with bombs, buff monsters are criminally easy to make for tanks, extracts can be played with to great effect for getting around obstacles, skills are abundant, and everyone is self sufficient for healing if the worst happens.
Are you guys friends outside of the game?

Bluephenix wrote: Taking into account that there are no women on the internet... I'd be interested to know if its just mine and surrounding groups that have female players never to hardly ever roll-up stereotypically male classes. E.g. fighter, wizard, paladin, etc.
I've been through a couple of groups and frankly, all I ever saw were archery focused rangers, life oracle and witches.
As for myself, I personally was a wizard junkie for a very long time until recently when building a few NPCs for the game I'm currently running and have now gained a very high appreciation for Cleric and inquisitor.
My groups often lack a cleric, but thats usually to do with a misconception that clerics are only heal bots.
I don't usually find it a particularly harsh burden to prep my spells because I waste a retarded amount of money in making scrolls at early levels before I get the hang of predicting the DM.
I didn't realize it was a stereotypically male class, but we had a girl who pretty exclusively played wizards for a while.
Interesting thoughts, thanks guys!
Hey guys, I'm starting a long-term campaign soon that requires a backup character present at all times (foreboding, I know) and as I thoroughly enjoy making characters I would like to have three or four, each more ridiculous than the last, because honestly if I die three times without acting like an idiot I deserve to mess with the D.M. by making him deal with something ludicrous. I was thinking of making a vanara bo-staff user for one of these, but I have very little experience making monks and would like some pointers.
tl;dr Any tips on making a vanara monk specializing in a bo-staff?
Scavion wrote: This mythic Bolt Ace fights the demons of hell wielding two repeating crossbows.
(Video Game)
Ooh. Heretic?
Nah, he'd be a rogue with max use magic device. Withdrawn.
Here's another one: we almost exclusively played sorcerers until a year or so ago when one of us brought wizard back with a necromancer in RotRL
I think when we started out it was healbot aversion, now it's more of an issue of everyone wanting to be the primary damage dealer.
This barbarian 10/ gunslinger 1 almost exclusively uses unarmed attacks and grapples, however he has been known to use a handaxe, razorwire and his firearm which he keeps at his moms place.
If it helps, he lives in the same village as a legendary dual-wielding samurai with maxed out acrobatics and stealth.
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Scavion wrote: Deck of Many Things as a boardgame. Jumanji!
What's always the "last guy's job" in your group? Mine tends to shirk the cleric entirely and I was wondering if that is common.
Snowblind wrote: DM_Blake wrote: Ipslore the Red wrote: Lucifer can fly. The Tarrasque cannot, and has no ability to allow him to jump and attack. Lucifer possesses ranged attacks. The Tarrasque does not.
Lucifer is therefore invulnerable and invincible if he is not stupid enough to get in melee range.
Not true, not true!
First, I can jump! About 100' so Lucy better not be using rays...
But even better, I can fire 6 ranged attacks each round with a range of 1200 feet! That's 6 chances for that Nat20!!! Yeah, the terrasque is a little less of a pushover in pathfinder.
Of course, an allip can wisdom drain it into a coma, so y'know, the more things change... Immune to ability drain
Arbane, my best guess is the Dawngaurd dlc in Skyrim, with Serana, an assasin dragonborn, and a quest essential Isran.
Aight, Human Paladin 3 Gunslinger 2 with some ranks in use magic device to use the totally o.p. staff he got from his 10th level Witch friend(?). Typically uses a rapier as his primary weapon and doesn't usually wear armor. High strength, dex, con and wisdom. Always seems to come back to the same part of the world.
Well, color me stumped. Try this on for size
This human fighter alternately wields a longsword and a plus one throwing returning chakram. She wears leather armor and travels with a bard of a much lower level.

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RoboPorthos wrote: Edymnion wrote: Okay, game I made up long, long ago on the WotC boards back in the 3.0-3.5 era, figured it might be fun to play here again.
Take a well known character or item, figure out how to build them in Pathfinder, post the general idea of the build up, and see if people can figure out what character/specific item you were building.
This Mounted Fury Barbarian wields an adamantine bastard sword that, on command word activation, casts Transformation on him and his mount, a Dire Tiger.
Answer: He-Man
Remember, its not about making intentionally difficult riddles out of the game, but you can provide nothing beyond how it is actually built in game mechanics.
I'll kick us off.
This Bladebound Magus's black blade takes the form of a lawful good longsword, and he wears both a Mirrored Mithril Buckler and a Spiked Gauntlet on the other hand. He makes frequent use of the Teleport Blade ability, and seems to cast Deadey's Arrow at least once per adventure. Elric? Re-read, feel stupid. This from one of yer ani-mays?
Edymnion wrote: Okay, game I made up long, long ago on the WotC boards back in the 3.0-3.5 era, figured it might be fun to play here again.
Take a well known character or item, figure out how to build them in Pathfinder, post the general idea of the build up, and see if people can figure out what character/specific item you were building.
This Mounted Fury Barbarian wields an adamantine bastard sword that, on command word activation, casts Transformation on him and his mount, a Dire Tiger.
Answer: He-Man
Remember, its not about making intentionally difficult riddles out of the game, but you can provide nothing beyond how it is actually built in game mechanics.
I'll kick us off.
This Bladebound Magus's black blade takes the form of a lawful good longsword, and he wears both a Mirrored Mithril Buckler and a Spiked Gauntlet on the other hand. He makes frequent use of the Teleport Blade ability, and seems to cast Deadey's Arrow at least once per adventure.