
ℂalistria's page

6 posts. Alias of Dieben.


This topic, I approve of it wholeheartedly.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

The governor of Indiana is now an enemy of my church.
He shall never be serviced again.

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Zon-Kuthon wrote:
deuxhero wrote:
What makes a god in Golarion?

what breaks a god

what remakes a god

what awakes a god

these things i may share

these things i may do

Could you say that again? Though this time, with a smile?


"Only good can come of this."

Fixed that for you, love. ;)

Chyrone wrote:
Calistria wrote:
It is a touch spell after all, what else were they supposed to do?
No your highness-of-revenge-and-pleasure, she'd be groping without the need for healing.

Practice makes perfect.

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Chyrone wrote:

One that pops to mind, a GM asked about advice on crafting rules.

Seems one of the party wanted to craft an object, which was meant as a preventive measure for the party's healer, who was regularly groping the others.

It is a touch spell after all, what else were they supposed to do?

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Had a player want a Rod of Rulership Over Women shaped like a dildo. I didn't let him have it.

I will let him have it, if you catch my drift.